Yalta at the end of May. We are going to Yalta in May: we dress on the weather

In May, Yalta invites everyone to enjoy warm, in spring and unique charm of flowering wisteria and roses. Walking at this time too early. Read on a tour calendar than you can please and surprise Yalta in May!

Weather in Yalta in May and May holidays

In May, Yalta is already so warmer. The average air temperature during the daytime is about + 18 ° C, on some days it can reach + 25 ° C. At night, so far cool - in the area + 12 ° C, so you need to take warm things with you. It is believed that spring in Yalta, in comparison with the steppe areas of the peninsula, later. By the end of the month, it becomes much warmer, both in the afternoon and at night. The sea temperature is +15 ° C, so it is too early to swim, but it's quite nice to sunbathe in a dirt. So, the weather in Yalta in May is usually solar and warm, but cloudy and even rainy days happen, however, this is possible even in the summer.

In May, in Yalta, there are still not so many vacationers, there is a pleasant weather, and the cost of housing is still low - an excellent option in order to enjoy the blooming spring city and warm by the sea.

Beach rest

The bathing season in May discovery early - the sea is still cold, although there are also sneakers that are not off and swelling.

But spending time on the coast, sunbathing or walking on the water in the dwelling days is quite pleasant. On the video one of the few windy days with the Storm Sea.

Entertainment and excursions

What does Yalta attract in May? Of course, the violet of paints, drunk flavors - real spring! After endlessly long Russian winter, I want to warm up in the sun, feel the breath of warm wind, carrying dizzying smells of flowering plants! In one of the warm May days, you can stroll through the famous Yalta embankment, because most of the tourists start with it and starts acquaintance with the city.

In addition to the embankment, the palaces are worthy of attention - right in the city there is an elegant Moorish Palace who belonged to Emir Bukhara. Three kilometers from Yalta, in Livadia, there is a white Livadia Palace. Vorontsov Palace, perhaps the most delightful of all is located in Alupka. When it is worth good weather, do not miss the opportunity to ride on the funicular and look at the city from the height. Small cabins slowly crawl past the cypresses on the Hill Darssan. In addition, a lot of excursions originate from the city - on the oldest wine plant "Massandra", for the "Study-Su" waterfall, in Nikitsky Botanical Garden, the Big Crimean Zoo "Fairy Tale", Dolphinarium, Crocodilearium and much more !

Holidays and festivals

In May, a number of interesting events take place in Yalta, one of them is the annual international jazz festival "Jaliton". Musicians of far and neighboring countries come to the event, concert participants are both beginners and famous jazz masters. Concerts pass on many open areas of the Skk. Fans of beauty and nature should go to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, where a truly spring holiday is being held - "Parade of Tulips"! Of course, the city of Victory Day celebration does not go away. The main official events are held on May 9 on the Hill of Fame.

What are the prices for rest in Yalta in May?

Summer excitement on holidays in Crimea has not yet come, so the cost of living in Yalta in May is significantly lower than in July and August. It is believed that it is best in the sanatoriums of the Crimea to relax at the end of spring - at prices and administration of air.

At the end of the spring, our compatriots in search of warmth are happy to go to the Crimean Peninsula in Sunny Yalta, where roses are already blooming and emitting the aroma of purple clauses. But, those who come with the intention to swim in the sea, waiting for disappointment - the water is still cool. Yalta in May will like those who crave sea air and walks.

Weather in Yalta in May and May holidays

The closer to the summer, the warmer becomes in Yalta. Although the daily air temperature fluctuates near +18 degrees, but the warming is already fixed to +25 degrees. However, this is only the day you can walk without outerwear, and with the onset of twilight with +12 in a T-shirt or shirt no longer be warm.

Many years of experience suggests that, in contrast to the Steppe terrain of the Crimea in Yalta, spring will be late. In the last days of May, the heat is not only in bright, but in the dark time.

It is not necessary to go to the sea to splash in the water, he dried up only to +15, and in a swimsuit to soak in the rays of a friendly sun. The May ultraviolet, unlike the summer sun, is much softer and more useful for the body in terms of strengthening immunity. On some days, it's still a sky, and rain rains from gray clouds.

Yalta in May: where to go

In the last spring month, a few holidaymakers rush to Yalta, so the excitement is not observed. Prices for rental housing Owners are still kept within reasonable limits. For these reasons, it makes sense to visit the fragrant blooming warm city on the Crimean Peninsula.

Beach rest

Yalta Cold Sea Water is the only restraining factor in the opening of the swimming season. Although it must be admitted not all this stops - the single bravers still do not refuse themselves the pleasure to plunge into the invigorating water and even swim on the envy of the other zooak.

Most holidaymakers staying along the shore to admire the "Laszhami" in the Storm Sea and shoot on the gadgets of the video of the extreme bathing. In their presentation, pleasant sunbathing, contributing to the development of vitamin D, is still preferable to invigorate marine baths.

Entertainment and excursions

What is attractive in the last weeks of Spring find the guests of Yalta? First of all, nature plays all the colors and fucks flavors. After the winter holidays, cold and frowning weather begins to act oppressing people. The body needs sunlight and warm. Where as not in the Crimea you can satisfy this need?

Tourist, who produced in Yalta in May, it is advisable to go to the famous city embankment and not hurry to go through it. And after that, you can go further to get acquainted with the rest of the city's attractions. This includes the Palace of Emir Bukhara.

Construction lasted from 1907 to 1911. Thanks to the delightful beauty, the tagged name was entrenched - "charming" (Dilkiso sounds in Turkic translation). On both sides of the main staircase frozen with a frightening view of two guards, golden lions. Snow-white columns are towering to the second floor. The upper part of each of the windows has a semicircular shape resembling horseshoe, which is characteristic of the Moorish style. When creating the master's domes, Turkish style adhered.

Just three kilometers are separated from Yalta, Livadia's village, which is obliged to the White Palace. In the very center resort town Alupka (17 km from Yalta) is the former Summer Residence of the Russian figure of the 18th century Count Vorontsov. For construction, two decades of the first half of the last century (1828-1848) took place. In general, the architects were combined together with English and neomavritarian styles. In addition, appearance Traced echoes of the era of the covering period from the 8th to the 16th century. During the Yalta Conference of 1945, a delegation from Great Britain lived here.

Cable car

The distance between them is only 600 meters, overcoming which takes no more than a quarter of an hour. Multicolored double cabins, moving without stopping, slowly climb, bypassing the alley of cypresses. From Darssan's dome-shaped hill in clear weather, a huge sea surface extends, stretching in a distance of 40 km away.

In Yalta, excursion trips are organized towards the famous Wine of Wine "Massandra", the highest on the peninsula of the waterfall (nearly 90 m) student (Turkic name "flying water"). You can travel to Nikitsky Botanical Garden route bus or trolleybus. Children are unlikely to refuse to offer View representatives wildlife In the Zoo "Tale", Terrible Reptiles in a crocodile farm, trained smart mammals in dolphinariums.

Holidays and festivals

Every year, following the tradition, in the early days of May, fans of jazz music from all over the world come to Yalta at the Jaliton Festival. In concerts at the open areas of the South Coast, the Crimea demonstrate their skills not only professional, but also beginners.

Every year on May 9 in Yalta, as in the whole huge country, Victory Day is celebrated. The celebration begins with a solemn rally at 10 o'clock on the Hill of Fame. Here are veterans, representatives of local authorities, the townspeople bring flowers to the eternal fire. Songs of the Songs of the Great Patriotic War, Poems are read. It is planned to recreate the camp of the soldiers' life, the dramatization, which displays the moment of taking with red-Armenians height.

In mid-April in Nikitsky botanical Garden The traditional "parade of tulips" started, which presents various varieties of beautiful plants of 80 thousand forms and shades. Yalta in May is good in his own way. At this time, rest is considered budget and enjoyable for those who do not tolerate the burning summer sun.

Decide on the place where to stay in Yalta may be a difficult task - about 150 resort and health facilities and hundreds of private sector objects are operating in the region. The resort will always be on the budget - there is both respectable hotels on the first coastline and in a small distance from the sea mini-hotels and the private sector. There is also a very budget option at all - guest HousesLocated on the mountainside - they are removed from the infrastructure, but also such objects are connoisseurs of complete silence and privacy.

You can travel quite inexpensively, if you correctly calculate the budget and select the object according to the main preferences - locations, the number requirement. You can choose our private sector, guest houses, boarding houses - Prices for holidays in Yalta are currently relevant as of 2020. Rest without intermediaries - conditions from the owners of objects.

How to get to Yalta

Yalta is located in the valley resembling an amphitheater. On three sides, the city is surrounded by the Girmie of the Crimean Mountains, with which two rivers go down to the valley - Derekoyk and Stude-Su, flowing into the Black Sea. City buildings lie on three hills - Darsan, Fame and Iographed, which cascade go down to the coastline. From the point of view of transport junction, the city is a major transport hub of the entire South Coast region.

The railway in Yalta is not. By railway, you need to go to Simferopol, and from there with trolleybus or bus already in the final destination. The same if you decide to fly to the Crimea by plane. Only operating airport Also only in Simferopol. The passenger ferry goes from the Russian Novorossiysk in Yalta.

general information

Yalta is the city of republican significance, which has the status of the resort. There is a concept Big Yaltawhich includes over 100 settlements. The population of the city is 78,000 people. The municipal infrastructure is pretty well developed here, but there are no large industrial facilities. In addition to servicing tourists who come to rest in Yalta, local residents Work in the agrarian sector. In the territory of the region, Massandra is located, providing the bulk of the production of Crimean wines and other alcoholic beverages. Also, the city is a major transport hub through which they are executed passenger Transportation between the capital of Crimea and settlements on the skirt.

The name has Turkish origin, and translates as "on the shore". The first references to the city are found at the Arab historian of Idrixia and date back to 1154. They say that in the XII century there was a settlement of Polovtsy, although people in this territory settled in the V century D.N.E. Intensively, the city began to develop since 1823, when the redistribution of local territories was performed.

What to do on vacation

Even coming to your holiday in Yalta every year, you will need not one vacation to explore all local attractions. Yalta is called a museum under open skySince the city itself is already a unique historical and architectural place. Without leaving the city feature, you can spend time with interest, looking:

  • Urban embankment - a business card of the city where you can feel a local unique flavor;
  • Swamp Ruff - architectural monumentin which at the end of the 1800s was first organized treatment with heated sea water;
  • Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is the main Orthodox Cathedral of the city, built in 1891-1902 in memory of Alexander II, killed by the people. The name Council received in honor of the Holy Warrior, who is considered by his patron;
  • Zoo "Fairy Tale" - one of the best Crimean zoos, besides, fully private.


Yalta climate is classified as subtropical Mediterranean. Summer, usually roast, with plenty of sunny days (according to statistics, even more than in Sochi). Autumn protracted and warm. Winter soft and rainy. The bathing season lasts from May and in mid-October. The water temperature at this time ranges from 18 to 24 degrees. Although there are damage winds that dramatically change the water off the coast, lowering its temperature to 12 degrees. In the city center, water is polluted, although it does not have a significant effect on the overall situation and the popularity of recreation in Yalta. The air is rich in coniferous flavors and is considered therapeutic.

The average monthly air temperature by months

Average monthly water temperature by months


Beaches in Yalta, mostly covered with large and medium pebbles. The relief of the bottom is rather steep, and the beaches are considered deeply. Bathing of children without supervision of parents is not recommended. Water, with the exception of the central regions of the city, quite clean. Beaches are well equipped and are officially free, although the board is still charged, but not for the entrance, but for the use of sun beds, canopies, etc. Really free is a seaside beach, which is in demand among holidaymakers. And the most comfortable and clean is officially considered the Massandrovsky Beach, who received even three times the Blue Flag Prize - a kind of Oscar for the beaches in the CIS.


Yalta - the largest climatic resort Southern Shore Crimea. Every year in the sanatoriums of the city (which is almost a hundred and a half hundreds) is a treatment of about 2 million people, and this process is year-round. Local sanatoriums have no one specialization. Treatment is carried out on any browning. Among the main procedures you can allocate widespread use medical beaches, including procedures such as night sleep by the sea, various types of baths (coniferous, marine, salt) and other methods of recovery. In winter, many sanatoriums provide the ability to use pools with heated sea water. Rest in Yalta is recommended for all age groups and has no tough restrictions.

Latest reviews about holidays in Yalta

We finished relaxing, have already arrived home.
We all really liked in Yalta!
The place where they lived, is luxurious, the alley to the sea and back in the shade, the restaurant, where it is delicious in the courtyard with a fountain, live music.
Administrator and maid, two Olga, very good, kind and responsive, tried in every way to please the rest, retracted in the rooms, changed the towel and linen bedding, adequately reacted promptly, did not have adequately))
There was one small minus with the windows opened at night sometimes noisy from vacationers under the window.
but these are little things.) The quality of repair corresponds to good tresh. Price too.
everything else is very decent!
Thank you so much!
We will advise friends and familiar place.

I want to express my gratitude to Anatoly. We liked everything. There are 10 people (7 adults and 3 children). Rested from 06/24/2019-01.07.2019. Everyone as told Anatoly about the house was real. Sea in a 3-minute walk. The Yalta Embankment is also near, 10 minutes. Shops with food and fruit along the way from the beach. Water in the sea was very clean. There are not a lot of people on the beach. I will definitely recommend to my friends and acquaintances. Thank you very much for our vacation !!!

Rested in June. Settlement passed quickly. By the way, if you arrived much earlier, you can leave things and walk, but there is a walk where. Near everything. Parks, beaches, restaurant, dining room, water entertainment, store, embankment and more. There is fishing, surfing, boat riding. Big plus it free parking. We lived on the first floor. The room is clean. The room had everything for a comfortable stay. There is a large sofa, a comfortable bed, a TV with a variety of channels, a large kitchen with a dining area, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, kitchenware. There is a washing machine. Everything is thoughtful to the smallest detail. The bath is clean with a big shower. The cottage has a beautiful terrace with a barbecue area and a large dining area. There is a little pond with fish. The terrace is drowning in greenery. There are lounge chairs and swing. There is also a gorgeous sauna. The owners of the Cottage Yana and Roma are very pleasant and responsive people. Everyone will tell, show and try to do everything for have a nice rest tourists. I advise everyone to visit this place. You definitely do not regret. We will rest now only here! Here you feel at home.

You can relax in Yalta not only in the summer, but also in the spring, but it is best to stay in Yalta in May 2020. This is the most comfortable month when it is already quite stable weather with middle temperatures air. Usually the temperature range varies between 18 and 25 degrees, although at night is still quite cool. Unfortunately, Yalta in May photo, does not allow resting to swim in the sea, which does not have time to warm up to normal temperature.

The only one, doctors advise to take sunny baths, as the sun allows you to get a smooth tan and improve the whole organism. A feature is also the fact that quite a few vacationers during this period in the city. Therefore, on Yalta, you can walk and observe how the nature comes to life and flourishes. Just begin to bloom roses, wisteria, field herbs.

Rest in Yalta in May: Housing reviews

An important nuance of the holidays are low prices At housing. Most sanatoriums, hotels and guesthouses work round yearUnlike coastal databases of recreation and mini-hotels. The cost of the room will be much lower than at the beginning or middle of the summer. Usually in Yalta at this time try to come wishing to combine rest with treatment. The flowering of herbs during this period fill the air to therapeutic properties that have a beneficial effect on the body.

Yalta in May: Attractions

May is the only spectal time when the embankment and beaches are empty. It is a great opportunity to walk on pebbles and sand, wander around the water or just sit on the shore. Rest in Yalta in May is the best opportunity to visit interesting placesWhen that fewer tourists. Getting acquainted with the city is best to start with the embankment, which is the attraction of Yalta.

Mandatory places that are worth visiting without interpreting include the Bukhara Palace (the era of the Mauritan Emir), the Livadian and Vorontsov Palace. After that, it is worth a ride on the funicular, from which stunning views of the city, the sea and mountains offer.

The advantage is the free visit (most often comprehensive) famous historical and natural seats. Rest in Yalta in April-May provides the opportunity to see mountain waterfalls, reserves, Yalta Zoo and Botsad.

Yalta in May: entertainment reviews

Most discos in May are closed, but from this evening and night life Yalta does not stop. Yalta, Crimea in May is the center of festivals and various holidays. Yalta was chosen by the musicians who organize the Jazz festival every year. According to the status, it is international, because Frontmen come here from Europe, Asia and America.

Another popular entertainment can be called a parade of tulips, which takes place in Nikitsky Botsad. The holiday is dedicated to the time of the heyday of these colors, which a huge number of varieties are displayed in the garden.

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