Biography. Big Soviet Encyclopedia What is La Sal, which means and how to spell correctly

What is "la sall"? How the word is written correctly. Concept and interpretation.

La Sal La Sal Rene Robert Coverers (La Salle, Ren? Robert Cavelier) (1643-1687), French researcher North America. Born in Ruang on November 22, 1643. He studied at Jesuit College. The desire for the discovery of new lands, in 1666, after his brother, who was a member of the Congregation of St. Sulpia in Montreal, went to New France (Canada). Upon arrival, he received the status of landowner and land in Lashina (in the vicinity of Montreal). Having learned from the Indians about large river In the southwest, which, as believed, flows into the California Bay, La Sal decided to explore it. Having developed the plan of the expedition, presented it to the governor of the camp, who persuaded him to unite with two sulpicians - Dolie de Kasson and Galina. In 1668, they went up R.Sv.Loth and along southern Shore Ontario Lakes to Burlington Bay. Next, La Sal decided to follow his way to Ohio, and Dolie de Casson and Galina had other plans. During this trip, La Sal, probably reached R. Hayo, turning back in 1671. In 1672 Graph Frontenak, governor New FranceHe turned to La Salo with a proposal to discuss the plans to expand the colony. First of all, it was to build onto Lake Ontario Fort Frontenak - a base for future expeditions. In 1677 La Sal, she went to France, where he received a wide powers from the king of Louis Ludovik to the further development of land in the new world. Returning to a new France, La Sal, together with Lieutenant, Henri De Suntee in 1679 went to the West. Evriding at the mouth of R.Niagara Fort, followed to the place located near the modern Buffalo, where he built a "griffin", the first merchant sailing ship that was floating in great lakes. The detachment of La Sala kept the course on Oz.Michigan, crossed him and got to the island at the entrance to the Green Bay Bay, where the tribe of the friendly Potawatomy Indians lived. From here La Sal decided to send "Griffin" to the Niagaru with the carnal cargo, and he himself followed the canoe to the southern tip of Oz.Michigan and then to the mouth of R. Sent-Joseph, where he built another fort. Subsequently, La Sal decided to continue the research further south. Received additional funds, in 1681-1682 descended by R.amissiPipi to its imposition in the Gulf of Mexico. Has reached the mouth of Mississippi on April 9, 1682, announced the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ownership of Louis XIV and called him Louisiana. Upon returning to New France, La Sal was in disfavor of the governor. To restore the situation, La Sal again went to France and after appealing to the king returned his property selected from him. In 1684, went on four ships to create a colony at the mouth of Mississippi, but from the very beginning this expedition was pursued. The courts passed by the mouth of Mississippi and mistakenly landed in the bay of Matahda. The detachment forces were undermined by the shipwreck and the departure of the last ship in France. Then La Sal tried to reach Mississippi on land and, the victims and here fails, in January 1687 decided to return to a new France. On the way, the detachment rebelled, and La Sal was killed in the area R. Brazos (now in PC. Texas) March 19, 1687. Literature Warsaw A.S. The road leads to the south (Life, Travel and Adventures of La Sala). M., 1960.

La Sal Rene Robert Coverene de

French researcher North America. The first went down to Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico (1681-1682). Announced the entire basin of the Mississippi River by the French king Louis (Louis) XIV and called him Louisiana. Explored Ohio I. Large lakes. Killed one of his servants.

After a shamplane, the most notable researcher of North America was Rena Robert De La Salge, who came to Canada at the end of the sixties of the XVII century. "He was born in Ruang, - says his biographer Charlvois, - in a rich merchant family. For several years, he brought up at the school of Jesuits, was a man educated and gifted, ambitious and persistent. He had no deficiency in determination to venture into a risky enterprise, nor in constancy, to bring any business to the end or in the hardness of the spirit to resist obstacles, nor in the means to fulfill their ideas. However, he failed to decorate love and acquire the location of those people in whose services he most needed, and reaching power, he used it with cruelty and arrogance ... "

It was La Sal who did a discovery, which may not be inferior to the opening of Amazon Francisco de Orelyan in the XVI century and the discovery of Henry Morton Stanley Congo River in the XIX century.

Arriving in Canada, La Sal began to visit Indian villages, diligently study the native adverbs, get acquainted with the nravami and customs local residents. At the same time, he tried to collect the hunters as many information about rivers and lakes. La Sal dreamed of opening a short and convenient way from the Atlantic Pacific Ocean and committed a number of travel for this purpose.

In 1669, moving in the southwestern direction from Lake Ontario, he opened the Ohio River, a powerful left influx of Mississippi. Then he thought that Mississippi had either directly in the "West" (quiet) ocean, either in the extensive bay, which, on the fantastic representation of the XVII cartographers - the first half of the XVIII century (mainly French), deeply went into the mainland of North America in moderate latitudes or even in the "Crimson Bag" (California Bay).

By informing the schedule of his future research by the chart, he not only enlisted his support, but was also appointed head of one remote fort, built when the River of St. Lawrence from Lake Ontario. There La Sal met the "Forest Scout", the Pashnina Louis Square, who told him about his journey along with Pater Markett for Great Lakes and the Great Mississippi River. Zolte and Marquette personally made sure that the river continues to flow to the south, towards the Mexican Bay, and below the mouth of Arkansas.

La Sal immediately assessed the benefit of which it would be possible to learn from such an important way, especially if, as he assumed, Mississippi flows into the Mexican bay, and in his mind it immediately matured a travel plan from the sources to the mouth of Mississippi. "In this case," La Salus argued, "through the great lakes and the influx of Mississippi, Illinois, it will be possible to establish a message between the River of St. Lawrence and the Antilles Islands. What an invaluable benefit will extract France from this discovery!"

La Sal shared with the Graph Frontenak his grandiose intent of the study of Mississippi and expanding French possessions to the Gulf of Mexico and, having received recommendatory letters from him to the Maritime Minister and other influential persons, went to France to extend the royal patent for opening in the new world and monopolian trade buffalo skins. All-powerful Kolber presented La Sala King, who gave him a nobility, introduced into possession of lands in a new world and appointed the governor of those countries that he will open in the future.

La Sal built Fort from Niagara and equipped the vessel for swimming in the inner waters from Niagara to the mouth of Mississippi. For this, he entered debts, and lenders described its Canadian estates.

Contemporaries considered La Sala Gordy, a cold, merciless man. Fur merchants assumed that he wants to receive a monopoly on fur fishery in North America. Jesuits hated him and tried to even poison. Without recovering from the consequences of poisoning, the patient of La Sal was put on the road.

July 14, 1678 La Sal left La Rochelle to Canada. A man of thirty soldiers went with him, the Knight of Henri de Sttytie, who lost her hand in one of the battles, and the Franciscan monk Louis Annepen then accompanied La Sala in all travels. From France, anchors were captured, sails and tackle to build on Lake Erie River Ship.

While the ship was built, La Sal continued to explore the surrounding areas, studied the life of the Indians and scooped them from them, having arranged a big warehouse in the fortress founded on the shore of Niagara. At the same time, Henri De subtle was engaged in buying fur, but only in other districts, and Pater Annepen preached among the Indians the Christian faith and made the first description of the descriptions of Niagara Falls known to us.

By mid-August 1679, the ship "Griffon" was ready for sailing. La Sal, attaching another two Franciscan monks to the crew, went from Lake Erie to Lake Huron, and from there to Lake Michigan. On the road, "Griffin" endured a terrible storm, forced to postpone the journey through Mississippi. While the knight of subtle collar collected the crew, the lenders sold the property of La Sala in Quebec, and now he had all the hope of fur, folded in the Niagara Fortress. However, the "Griffon" sent there for the fur, on the way back disappeared without a trace; He stood or was looted by Indians - it was not possible to install. Despite all these troubles, La Sal still decided to start implementing his plan.

He moved with his squad, separating great lakes from the Mississippi pool, and reached Illinois. Here La Sal got into a very difficult position, since he could not rely on his people, and the Illinois Indians, who were the allies of the French, came to the side of the Iroquois and did not hide their hostile feelings.

La Sal was due to anything to return the confidence of the Indians. It was already nothing to lose, and he, with twenty soldiers, unexpectedly appeared to the Indian camp, in which there were more than three thousand warriors, and calmly drove through the whole village. Indians affected by such courage immediately changed their attitude towards La Salue and stopped the obstacles to him. Then La Sal, without losing time, built on the shores of Lake Peoria Fort Kurer (sadness), calling him so in memory of the transferred adversity. Fort Kurer should have served as a base for further research.

Leaving the subtle here at the head of a small garrison, La Sal, still hoping for the return of the "Griffin", went with three Indians and one Frenchman in the Fort Catalog, located from Kurer for five hundred and Lingerie. At the same time, he has equipped with Patera Annepena, entrusted to him to rise along the Mississippi River and, if he succeeds, walk to its origins. "Both travelers, - writes Charlvois, - we left Fort Kurer on February 28, 1680 and, having reached Mississippi, rose on the cake up the river to 46 ° C. Sh., until they were stopped by a big waterfall. Annepen gave him a name in honor of St. Anthony of Paduansky (Saint-Antoine). Then they pleased the Indians from the Siou tribe, who held them in captivity for a long time. "

Having overwhelmed on the shore of Illinois, La Sal with five satellites in early spring, in the dishthele, returned to Catalog.

In the catalois, he was waiting for the sad news: he fucked without a trace of "Griffin" with a carnal cargo for ten thousand ecu, crashed a ship, lucky La Salue from France a lot of valuable goods. The enemies, meanwhile, dissolved the rumor, as if he had long been alive for a long time. The only thing that was managed to make La Sal, - to refute the rumor about his imaginary death. With enormous difficulties, he did the way back to Fort Kurer, where, not a single Frenchman turned to his surprise. It turned out that people left in Kurex were rebuilt against the subtleties, melted the products and fled. Sunday, remaining with five soldiers among Illinois Indians, perturbed by the robbeles of the French, was forced to leave the fort on September 11, 1680. He headed for Lake Michigan, to the village of Makinian.

La Sal again occupied the dilapidated Fort Curecker and, having trusting him with a small garrison, went to search for subtle. La Sal was looking for him on the eastern shore of Michigan, and the subtleties at that time was on Western. Only in May 1681 they met in Makinako, in the place where Chicago now stands.

Having lost its funds, La Sal could no longer build a new vessel and acquired several ordinary pie. In December 1681, at the head of the detachment of fifty-four-person, he, having passed through the great lakes, descended on the sleigh with the cakes of Illinois attached to them and in February next year I got to Mississippi. Having reached Mississippi, he sent two people to the north to study the upper part of the river. The same, when the ice drift ended, floated down great Riverstopping for inspecting the shores and tributaries. La Sal explored the mouth of Missouri, the mouth of Ohio, where he built a small fort, penetrated into Arkansas and announced his possession of France, deepened to the country in the Indian, and concluded with them the Union; Finally, on April 9, walking on three hundred fifty-fifty pie, he reached the Gulf of Mexico. So La Sal has achieved his goal.

All the land open to them, irrigated Mississippi and her tributaries, La Sal declared the possession of the French king Louis (Louis) XIV, giving them the name of Louisiana.

Then he rose upstream of Mississippi and returned through the Great Lakes to the River of St. Lawrence.

Return to Canada was taken away from La Sala more than a year. There is nothing surprising in this if you consider that on the way back the travelers had to fight the rapid flow of Mississippi and suffer from hunger. But the disruptive energy and strong Will of La Sala helped him overcome all the difficulties.

Meanwhile, in Quebec, instead of the reconciled Frontenak, the post of the Governor took Lefevev de La Barr, who reacted to La Salue with prejudice and in his report Louis Xiv assessed his discovery: "This traveler with two dozen French and native vagrant reached the Gulf of Mexico, where he picked up the monarch and worked out all sorts of increasingness, covering violence against the peoples given to him by your Majesty to lead a monopoly trade in those countries that he would be able to open."

To justify the king and restore your reputation, La Sal went to France. He brought his king of the news about joining his possessions of a giant country, many times more France (However, he himself did not know the exact dimensions of Louisiana). King Louis XIV, of course, graciously accepted such a gift. La Sal was able to interest the maritime minister of study plan to the mouth of Mississippi by the sea, offering him to build a fortress there and establish a colony. The king, approved this proposal, appointed La Sala governor Louisiana. Under his power was to go through a huge territory from Lake Michigan to the Gulf of Mexico.

On June 24, 1684, La Sal walked from the port of La Rochelle on four ships with a crew from four hundred people. The commander of the flotilla was appointed Marine Officer Captain God. Nasphech's selected soldiers and artisans turned out to be disregarding in their business. Between both commanders, from the very beginning, disagreements arose, which soon moved to an implacable hostility.

After five months, Flotilla La Sala reached the Florida Peninsula and joined the Mexican bay following in the western direction along the coast, La Sal and God went, not noticing, the Mississippi Delta and began to argue where to swim further - to the West or East.

Finally, the travelers landed on the deserted Island of Matahda (off the coast of Texas), spread the camp and sent the detachments in search of Mississippi in both directions. But the Great River "disappeared" La Sal could not recognize the places familiar to him, as it was planted by a west of Mississippi, on the coast of Texas, in Galveston Bay.

In the spring of 1685, La Sal switched to the mainland to the Bay of Matahda and at the mouth of the Lavak River built fort.

After each hike, in the depths of La Sal, he returned to the camp is all the more gloomy and harsh, and it inspired even more anxiousness to his elastic satellites. And in fact, the situation was desperate. One ship sank, the second was captured by the Spaniards, and with the two latter God went back to France, throwing La Sala with a detachment to the arbitrary of fate. In order not to die the hungry death, the colonists plowed the plot and sowed bread, but the pouring rains wanted all sowing. Soon among the French, diseases broke out. The number of colonists began to disastrously decrease and a few months later reached thirty people. In the autumn of 1686, La Sal decided to return dryly to the Great Lakes - in other words, cross the mainland from the south-west to the northeast. He intended to reach Mississippi and then climb upstream - to the Indians, with whom he once signed the Union.

January 12, 1687 La Sal with a handful of exhausted, hungry people came out on boats in the sea. During the navigation, when the French were already not far from the village, sailors and soldiers decided to end them with their boss and a few days later killed him shooting from a musket. So died Rene Robert Revenge de la Sal, brave traveler who committed great geographical discoveryFor the first time researched by Mississippi, Central Water Artery of North America.

At the end of the XVII century, the French colony was founded at the mouth of Mississippi. But this village served as a folding point for merchants of furs and eventually came to bean. In 1718, the city of New Orleans arose in the Delta Mississippi, in which in the middle of the XVIII century there were only a few hundred inhabitants. In 1803, New Orleans, together with all Louisiana, was sold to the government of the United States, and thus France finally broke up with their possessions that were acquired by La Sala's energy.

Rene-Robert De La Salge was born in Ruang on November 22, 1643. He came from a rich merchant family. The student years have passed in Jesuit College. In 1658, he entered the Order as a novice, and two years later brought vows. Starting from 1665, the reserve twice filed petitions to send it to the missionary to China or North America, but they were rejected by the Order. After that, La Sal decided to leave the Order. On March 27, 1667, he was allowed from vows.

To begin " new life"Coveremen decided behind the ocean, in New France. It was in favor of this choice that Rouen has been focused on trade with Canada for many years, they were part of one diocese, and in 1666 his older brother Jean-Pierre moved there, a member of the congregation of St. Sulpia in Ville Marie (current montreal). This Order immediately allocated La Salue land in the vicinity of the city, at the Lashin thresholds. Arriving in Canada in 1667, the reserve began to visit Indian settlements, study the native adverbs, get acquainted with the businesses and customs of local residents. At the same time, he tried to learn as much as possible about rivers and lakes: the reserve, like many of his contemporaries, dreamed of discovering the shortest path from Atlantic Ocean In quiet. ABOUT large rivers South of the Great Lakes, Kavise, he learned from the Indians who delivered skins and fur to his estate: In addition to agriculture, the Frenchman slowed down the fur.

2 Journey to Lake Ontario

In January 1669, the reserve sold his plot (but left the house) the initial owners and gathered to explore the Earth in the south-west. Having funds and developing an expedition plan, the reserve presented him to the Governor of Montreal Core, who persuaded him to unite with Sulpician - father Dolie de Kasson. The Kasson recommended to include the Dyacon Briana de Galina in the expedition. On July 6, 1669, 24 French travelers went up the river St. Lawrence. They were joined as conductors and the Seineau Indians on two canoes. After many days of the journey, they reached Ontario lakes on August 2, and six days later - the borders of the land of the Indian Seinea (partitioned "five tribes", which the French called "Iroques"). Moving along the southern shores of Lake Ontario, the French reached the Western tip of his bay - Burlington Bay. Here the head of the expedition piled a fever.

On October 1, the expedition was divided. Sulpicians went to search for "uncontrolled" natives. Kovevela stated that "as a state of health" returns to Vil-Marie. Several of his people did, but he himself continued the wanderings in the company Indian Schayen Nick, conductor and translator. Where exactly they visited, unknown. It is believed that, moving in the southwestern direction from Lake Ontario, Kouvechal opened the Ohio River, a powerful left influx of Mississippi.

3 Journey to the Illinois River

In 1672 Count Fronteenk, Governor of New France, turned to La Salue with a proposal to discuss the expansion plans of the colony. First of all, the Fort Cataraki on Lake Ontario was to be built on Lake - far outpost to reflect the yard of the Indians and the base for future expeditions. Construction, which was led by the reserve, was completed in 1673.

The villages shared with the Graph Fronnenak with his grandiose intent to trace all the course of Mississippi and attach her pool to the possessions of the French king. He was able to interest the governor of Canada and received recommendatory letters from him to the sea minister and other influential persons. With them, he went to France to pass the royal patent for opening in the new world. Minister Kolbere presented him with a king, who focused on his Milosts: granted the shornism and introduced the strengthening constructed under his leadership.

Returning to Canada, the reserve again went to Fort Cataraki. In a short time, he was able to turn a non-zero structure into a powerful strengthening of the colonial standards. The updated Fort was named after the governor. Having driving his fort, La Sal Rader on the commerce trading, receiving up to 25,000 livres per year, but it did not coordinate his obsession with unknown lands.

In 1677, La Sal again went to meet with the "king of the Sun.". His report on the work done was adopted favorably. The village requested on permission to build two structures: one on Lake Erie, the other - at the tip of Lake Illinois (Michigan). He also requested permission to become the governor of those countries that he will open in the future. In May 1678, La Salo provided the right to explore the entire Western part of the North American continent within the limited by the Newest France itself and the then possessions of the Spanish Crown - Florida and Mexico, the construction permit at its own expense of log fortifications, as well as the monopoly right to trade buffelon skins, for five years.

July 14, 1678 La Sal walked from La Rochelle to Canada. A man of thirty soldiers went with him, the noblemen - Dominica de la Mott and Henri De Tonte and the Franciscan monk Louis Annepen, the former Priest Fort Fortenak and then accompanied by La Sala in all travels. From France, anchors were captured, sails and tackles for the construction of a river ship. Returning to the new France, La Sal first sent a small group led by the Niagara to the Niagara River to find a suitable place and prepare for the construction of a sailing vessel. Under Christmas of 1678, La Sal arrived at the construction site. By January, the ship was already on the races on Lake Erie in a place located near the modern Buffalo. Fort Conti, in the place of which the Fort Niagara subsequently appeared, was to become a transshipment point, its advantageous location made it possible to keep trading paths under control.

While the ship was built, La Sal continued to explore the surrounding areas, studied the life of the Indians and scooped the fur with them, setting up a large warehouse in Fort Connyi. At the same time, Henri De Utility was engaged in buying fur in other areas. During the absence of La Sala, it was built and equipped with a ship for swimming in great lakes and rivers of the Mississippi system: 18 × 4.8 meters, a displacement of 45 tons and armed with 7 guns. Returning to Lake Erie at the end of July, La Sal called him "Griffon".

On August 7, 1679, sails were first raised on the vessel, and a few days later La Sal and his satellites went from Lake Erie on the strait Detroit reached Lake Huron. After the twenty-day road, they went ashore to Makinako, near the mission of St. Ignatius. Here travelers were not detained and on September 12, 1679 were anchored at the island (now Washington Island) at the entrance to the Green Bay (Wisconsin state). Despite the prohibition of the king "to trade with the Indians, called Ottawa, and other who deliver beavers and other fur in Montreal," La Sal, it was about it. Then the French squad divided. A vessel with a fifth cargo and other goods La Sal Sell sent to Makinako (according to other sources, to the Niagar) to pay off creditors and stock provision. Thus, the "griffin" became the first trading sailing vessel fleeing the great lakes. But on the way back, he disappeared without a trace.

La Salo himself September 19, 1679 with 14 people on 4 canoe continued the trip along the western bank of Lake Michigan, where the tribe of friendly Potawotomy Indians lived. The French proceeded on the canoe to the southern tip of Lake Michigan and on November 1, they got to the mouth of the Miami River (now R. Saint-Joseph), where, appreciating the benefits of the location, La Sal was laid down the fort. On December 3, travelers went up the river to the current South Bend, (Indiana). Here, the French dragged the boats on the Kankaki River, for which I, Illinois River.

On January 5, 1680, the detachment of La Sala reached the Indian settlement Pimitou, near the current city of Peoria. On January 15, he laid on the lake in the 30 leagues (about 150 km) from Pimito Fort Kurer, who had to serve as a base for further research. He also began the construction of another ship, which was never completed. Having overwhelmed on the shore of Illinois, the squad divided. Leaving the subtle here at the head of a small garrison (10-15 people), La Sal instructed the father of Annepen with two satellites to continue the study of these edges and integrate the path to the top of Mississippi. He was able to go along the current of the Illinois River to the sign of her in the "Father of Water", but here on April 11, 1680, the detachment of the SIU Indians was captured, which took its prisoner into the territory of the current Minnesota state. However, in the autumn they let go of prisoners. By passing the waterfall, called Annepen (the area of \u200b\u200bthe current Minneapolis), they were in the Wisconsin River to the Green Bay Bay, and later the mission in Makinian, where they were overwhelmed.

La Salia himself is early in the spring, while the snow was still lying, went with three Indians and one Frenchman in the way back. Benefit began, and on March 18, they were forced to leave the canoe and walk. 6 days later, they went to the Fort Miami, where La Sal found the chapel and Lebedo sent to them earlier in Makinako, "they went around the Michigan Lake, but did not know anything. La Sal sent them to subtle and from here, in the Rasputle, moved with satellites to Lake Erie.

La Sal sent two people for a canoe forward, in Makinako, and with two remaining crossed on the raft "Strait" Detroit and went out to the shore of Lake Erie in Cape drank. They built another canoe and on April 21, 1680 reached Fort Connya. Here La Sala was waiting for "award" for testing: not only the "Griffin" disappeared without a trace, so still crashed a ship, lucky of La France from France a lot of valuable goods in the amount of 22,000 livres. Despite the sad news, La Sal continued the way, leaving his exhausted comrades, and with three others on May 6, on foot, returned to Fort Frontenak, who was from Kurer for 2,000 kilometers.

On July 22, the envoys of Henri De Sttyti arrived. They told that people left in Creker were rebuilt against the subtleties, the products were cleared and fled. The fugitives walked in the footsteps of La Sala: they loosened by Miami and Conti, and the twelve of them floated to the Fort Frontenak to be divided with him himself. Having revealed 9 reliable people, La Salh went to Lake Ontario. Here, in the Cataraku Bay, he arranged an ambush in which the deserters were pleased in early August.

On August 10, La Sal with 25 satellites, among which were carpenters, joiners, bricklayers, and even surgeon, went again to the Illinois River. They drove equipment for a unfinished ship. On the way, he learned from the Potawotomy Indians that "Griffon" apparently sank during a storm. La Sal went to Lake Michigan, in Makinian. From there, leaving in the mission part of its people with Lieutenant La Forest, he with 12 satellites through Fort Miami (where he left five people) December 1 reached the village of Pimitow. The village was burned by the people.

In search of subtle and his companions of La Sal, he descended by Illinois until his merger with Mississippi, everywhere finding tracks. The river his dreams lay in front of him, but the pioneer had to turn due to concerns for the fate of subtle. La Sal again took the dilapidated Fort Curecker and, having trusting him with a small garrison, returned to Fort Miami. On the way, he discovered a hut out of the bark, which only subtle and his people could build. Here he, comparing all the facts, came to the conclusion that in the canoe, which he saw near Makinako, was subtle (La Sal was looking for him on the eastern shore of Michigan, and the subtleties at that time was on Western). La Sal sent two people there with a letter, and on March 1, 1681 spoke out of the Fort Miami with the Forest and 19 satellites. They met the Indians Fox, from which travelers learned that subtle was overlooked in Potawotomy.

In late May, the French traveled from Fort Miami to Canada. La Sal and Sali met in the Mission of St. Ignatia on Makinako (in the place where Chicago is now).

4 Journey through the Mississippi River

In the summer of 1681, La Salus hurried to Montreal, where he called himself the governor to equip a new expedition. Despite all the troubles of the last expedition, La Sal decided to try again, because last time he was essentially restricted by the study of the Canadian water system, while going with his squad, separating the Great Lakes from the Mississippi basin, and reached Illinois. On December 19, La Sal met with subtle in Fort Miami, and a month later, the participants of the new expedition (23 French and 18 Indians) gathered in the Fort of Kurer.

Speaking from Fort Curecker, the squad of the French and the Indians, led by La Sala, descended on the ice of the frozen River Illinois very original way - on a sleigh with cakes tied to them. On February 6, 1682, travelers got to Mississippi: huge ice floes were swam on the river, and La Sal decided to wait for ice-growing, while he sent two people to the north to study the upper part of the river.

After a week, La Sal and his companions floated down the Great River and in the evening they reached the mouth of Missouri, and five days later felt the rapid flow of the Ohio River. So they sailed, stopping for inspecting the shores and tributaries. In the place of the current city of Memphis (Tennessee) they had to stay for ten days - the gunsmith Pierre Prude was gone and disappeared. I was afraid that he could capture: the French who were looking for his comrade for the sixth day they stumbled upon two Indians of the Chicaso tribe and transferred gifts to the leaders. La Sal took advantage of the delay to lay a small fort, named after the unlucky hunter. His most hungry and wet, later caught from the water: he sailed downstream, holding a log.

However, the adventure on it did not end. Travelers broke the camp of the Fifth Martha, and a week later, drums ran out from another shore. Fortunately, collisions with Indians Quapa managed to avoid: smoked the phone of the world and exchanged gifts. The natives brought them firewood and three days in a row treated Mais, beans and dried fruits. "In thanks for the hospitality", the French erected a pillar with the emblem of France on their land, thereby declaring it with the property of the French king. Taking two conductors, La Sal and his companions went on.

Blowing 15 leagues (85 km), they reached another influx of Mississippi - Arkansas River. On March 22, the French saw Tyintz Indians. They lived in sacred houses with dome-shaped cane roofs and had a poultry. The Indians staged a travelers a lush meeting, which "Ceremoniester" with six assistants prepared: the leader visited the travelers camp, dressed in white; Two accompanying carried white washed, and the third is a disk made of polished bronze, symbolized by the sun. Guest generously gave trinkets. The next day, I did not have a shake with natahs.

Then, on his way, the French met the Koroa Indians. They told travelers that those are ten days from the ocean. At Easter, the detachment left the village and April 6 reached the delta. La Sal swam on the western sleeve, Henri Sonte - in the central, and Bourdon d'Treé - on the East. All three safely reached the Mexican Bay.

The following two days of La Sal, Salta and D'news were investigated by the River Delta, and on April 9, a cross and a surpass of a record with an engraved inscription were erected on the shore: "Louis Great, King of France and Navarre, April 9, 1682". La Sal declared the pool with the River Hold by the French Crown and gave him the name "Louisiana", that is, Louisovikov.

The next day the travelers went on the way back. The lack of food was fatal. Already on April 29, the French were in the village of Koroa, and on May 3 - at Tyintza, where the food reserves were replenished. Then they rose upstream to the fort, where they were forced to make a stop: La Salus got sick. He sent subtle in Fort Senzozf (Miami), having ordered to write from there to the governor about the success of the expedition. June 15 La Salo became better, and he continued his way. A month later, he was in the forty Kurer. The rest of the way - through the Fort Saint-Joseph to Makinian - he did in Canoe. Here, in the mission of St. Ignatia, he met with subtle.

La Sal, Rene Robert Vale(La Salle, René Robert Cavelier) (1643-1687), French researcher North America. Born in Ruang on November 22, 1643. He studied at Jesuit College. The desire for the discovery of new lands, in 1666, after his brother, who was a member of the Congregation of St. Sulpia in Montreal, went to New France (Canada). Upon arrival, he received the status of landowner and land in Lashina (in the vicinity of Montreal). Having learned from Indians about a large river in the southwest, which, as believed, flows into the California Bay, La Sal decided to explore it. Having developed the plan of the expedition, presented it to the governor of the camp, who persuaded him to unite with two sulpicians - Dolie de Kasson and Galina. In 1668, they went up R.Sv.Lotario along the southern shores of Lake Ontario to Burlington Bay. Next, La Sal decided to follow his way to Ohio, and Dolie de Casson and Galina had other plans. During this journey La Sal, probably reached the R. Hyo, turning back in 1671.

In 1672 Count Fronteenk, Governor of New France, turned to La Salue with a proposal to discuss the expansion plans of the colony. First of all, it was to build onto Lake Ontario Fort Frontenak - a base for future expeditions. In 1677 La Sal, she went to France, where he received a wide powers from the king of Louis Ludovik to the further development of land in the new world. Returning to a new France, La Sal, together with Lieutenant, Henri De Suntee in 1679 went to the West. Evriding at the mouth of R.Niagara Fort, followed to the place located near the modern Buffalo, where he built a "griffin", the first merchant sailing ship that was floating in great lakes. The detachment of La Sala kept the course on Oz.Michigan, crossed him and got to the island at the entrance to the Green Bay Bay, where the tribe of the friendly Potawatomy Indians lived. From here La Sal decided to send "Griffin" to the Niagaru with the carnal cargo, and he himself followed the canoe to the southern tip of Oz.Michigan and then to the mouth of R. Sent-Joseph, where he built another fort.

Subsequently, La Sal decided to continue the research further south. Received additional funds, in 1681-1682 descended by R.amissiPipi to its imposition in the Gulf of Mexico. Has reached the mouth of Mississippi on April 9, 1682, announced the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ownership of Louis XIV and called him Louisiana. Upon returning to New France, La Sal was in disfavor of the governor. To restore the situation, La Sal again went to France and after appealing to the king returned his property selected from him. In 1684, went on four ships to create a colony at the mouth of Mississippi, but from the very beginning this expedition was pursued. The courts passed by the mouth of Mississippi and mistakenly landed in the bay of Matahda. The detachment forces were undermined by the shipwreck and the departure of the last ship in France. Then La Sal tried to reach Mississippi on land and, the victims and here fails, in January 1687 decided to return to a new France. On the way, the detachment rebelled, and La Sal was killed in the area of \u200b\u200bR. Brazos (now in pc. Texas) March 19, 1687.

"Our expedition ended without losses, no French, or Indian, or anyone else was not even wounded, to which we are obliged to protect the Musen of the Musen of the Mr. Sala, .

Russian Cossacks and industrialists over several decades have passed all the huge Siberia and by the middle of the XVII century. reached the shores of the Pacific Ocean. The development of North America by Europeans went much slower. There are a number of reasons for that. Ural is still not such a serious obstacle as the Atlantic. As for the Arctic seas, then here is the paradox: they were insurmountable for dozens of travelers who were looking for the northern way to India and China, but became a main road for Russian landlords who conquered Siberia. In general, the number of Russian first-settlements behind the Urals was much larger than European colonists in North America. And if the Russians in their promotion at the East met the resistance of only individual Siberian tribes, the British, the Dutch and the French, who have tested the opposition of numerous Indians, also competed with each other. First of all, they had to take care of the expansion of their own possessions, but on the restriction of the sphere of influence of competitors.

During the thirty-year war (1618-1648), the British left attempts to find the northwest passage and focused their efforts to strengthen their positions on the Atlantic Coast of the Neck. New England in the 1620s. actively expanded and settled, mainly puritans. The Dutch chose the land just north, around the mouth of Hudson. In 1625, they founded the settlement on the island of Manhattan and called him a new Amsterdam.

The French, thanks to Jacques Cartier, who took even more northern territories near the river of St. Lawrence, from this simultaneously lost, and won. Every winter, the estuary of the river was filled with ice, so maritime trade stopped. But the French ladders and "forest tramps" were able to move in search of the furs even further into the unexplored areas of the continent. The colonists threw settlements and went into the forest, agriculture did not develop. Even at the beginning of the XVI century. "Father of the New France" Samuel Shapelin, concluding an alliance with algonquins and gurons, thereby circumstances of the French colonists on the war with defects, which became a big mistake. After a semichange, French colonization was headed ... Monks: First, Recolets (Augustines), and then Jesuits. Based on all new missions, Jesuits spread their influence before Lake Huron.

Meanwhile, the British and the Dutch did not sleep. They also engaged in fur trade and sought to prevent the French domination on this profitable market. The conflict flared up and converts into the so-called beaver wars, which lasted from 1630 almost before the beginning of the XVIII century. Indians were actively involved in them. Iroquois, tested gurons, attacked Jesuit missions, tortured and killed priests, and then began to make raids on Montreal, the main center of the fur trade.

In 1672, the Governor of the New France became the Count Louis De Fronteenak, a talented organizer, who managed to restore control over previously lost territories and for a while to pacify the horses, many of which were even baptized. In 1673, on the shores of Ontario, where the Lavreene River flows out of the lake, Fort Frontenak was laid (now the city of Kingston). To command the Fort appointed the village de la Sala. In the meantime, French swabs went further into the maintenance of the continent, and the commercial trafficking gradually spread to the origins of Mississippi. Where this giant river falls, no one knew. What if in the Pacific Ocean? So I believed La Sal, dreamed of opening the way to Asia.

Rena Robert Verypes arrived in Canada at the end of the 1660s. (then he had no noble title). The son of a rich merchant from Rouen, he was brought up at the school of Jesuits for several years, but the monk did not want to become and went to a new France. He got there land plot, traded the fur and heard from the Indians about the big rivers to the west of the Great Lakes. In 1669, selling the land, the village went on a trip to the south-west of Ontario, opened the influx of Mississippi Ohio and passed on the river more than 1.5 thousand km. In the autumn of 1671, along with the traps, he proceeded on Erie and Huron to the West Bank of Michigan. Having reached the southern edge of the lake, the villages with satellites came out on the Illinois River and the boats reached Mississippi. He did not dare to go down on her, especially since the river, against his expectations, did not flow into the south-west, but southeast.

However, the reserve was not those who easily surrender: let Mississippi do not flow into the Pacific Ocean, but probably flows into the Gulf of Mexican. To find new way from Canada K. Antille Islands - It costs dear! The villages shared his plans with the front and found an ally in it. But his idea was met in the bayonets merchants from Montreal and Jesuita (the latter even tried to poison him). Then the reserve went to France, where she enlisted the support of the Louis XIV himself. At the same time, he received the noble title and began to be called the Senor of De La Salem (perhaps it happened during his second visit to his homeland). However, money on the journey La Salue had to be mined himself.

Having laid his own property in Quebec, he founded the fort at the mouth of the Niagara flowing into Ontario and began to build the ship "Griffon" for swimming in Lakes and the Americas Ramys. So far, construction, La Sal and his companions took up the study of the surroundings and the buying of the fur. When "Griffin" was completed, they went from Lake Erie to Huron, and from there to Michigan. After that, for some reason, the ship turned back - whether the rumors reached La Sala that lenders sell his property, and he decided to pay off with them, which were kept in the Niagara Forte, whether it was urgently needed provisions.

La Sal, without waiting for the return of the vessel, went to the River Illinois and on the shore of Peoria Lake, built Fort Kurember, that is, "deep chagrin". Title talking: Obviously, La Sala's plans broke out (although other explanations are also possible).

Leaving a small garrison, La Salon in the fort, by one way, went to Montreal and Quebec to settle things with creditors, and in others - took a journey to the upper reaches of Mississippi. He was waiting for new troubles. It turned out that the "Griffon", loaded on the fur, disappeared - whether she sank during a storm, or was captured by Indians or enemies of La Sala. In addition, the ship sank, walking from France to Canada with a cargo for him. And finally, the garrison of the curer rebelled. I had to negotiate the Indians to win the fort from the rebels.

At the end of 1681, La Sal led a detachment of several dozen people on Mississippi. On the sleigh, they got to the mouth of Illinois and began to wait for the ice freight. After the river was cleared of ice from ice, the detachment went to the distant path on the pogs. La Sal passed the mouth of Missouri, Ohio, at the place of failure of the fort, and April 9, 1682 reached the Gulf of Mexico. Announces the Earth around Mississippi and its tributaries property of the French crown, La Sal called them Louisiana in honor of the king.

Returning to Mississippi and the Great Lakes to Canada, the traveler discovered that Frontenak replaced another governor who fed to La Salue a frank hostility. Moreover, in his report Louis XIV new The governor painted an expedition to Mississippi with black paints, accusing La Sala in exceeding power, abuses, etc. So had to go to France and seek the audience from the king.

He reached his goal and, presented to the king a rich gift - Louisiana, who was several times more than France, managed to interest Louis and ministers by the plans of the maritime expedition to the mouth of Mississippi and the foundation of the colony on the bank of the Gulf of Mexico. The king appointed La Sala Governor Louisiana and ordered several expeditionary courts to equip. But the trouble: the Jesuites intervened, who had achieved that the command of the flotilla would instruct their promoter, the captain of God. And with this La Sal could not do anything.

In June 1684, four ships came out of La Rochelle. La Sal and God did not hide mutual dislike, although the case did not reach an open collision. In November, the ships were in the Gulf of Mexico. Following the coast, La Sal and God passed by the Mississippi delta, without noticing her that, in general, not wise, because the coastline is extremely cut here, with a lot of bays and straits, and the river itself goes into the bay not with a solid stream, and dozens Sleeveless hiding in thickets. Finally, travelers landed on the island of Matahda, located much west of the mouth of Mississippi, and the spring was built in the mouth of the Lavak River. But one of the ships sank, the other captured the Spaniards, and the remaining two led to France of God, throwing La Sala with a small detachment. The latter stubbornly was looking for Mississippi, sending scouts to the West and east. Unsuccessfully…

The colonists plowed and sowed the plot, but the shower and flows were washed off all sowing. And then there were diseases, and in a year there were only about 30 people in the detachment of La Sala. He decided to go east and, if lucky, to reach Mississippi, but to rise to the great lakes. Of course, great was the probability of getting captured to the Spaniards, but it is better than dying with hunger. In February 1687, La Sal with several exhausted and tangible people went down. And on March 19, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe River Brazos (now in the state of Texas), satellites killed him.

In the middle of the XVIII century. As a result of the Seven-year-old war, France gave way to the West Louisiana Spaniards, and the East - the British. After the formation of the United States, the western part of Louisiana again moved to France. And in 1803 Napoleon sold this huge territory of Americans for $ 15 million. He was too busy, getting ready to conquer Europe.

Figures and facts

The main character

Rene Robert Coverene de la Sal, French trader and researcher

Other actors

Louis XIV, King of France; Louis de Frontenak and Lefevr de la Barr, Governors of New France; God, captain

Time of action


Down to Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico; from France to the Mexican Bay


Expansion of French possessions in the new light, the base of the colony on the bank of the Gulf of Mexico


The first passage by Europeans Mississippi; Announcement by the property of France of a huge territory around the river and its tributaries

See also: