Red Lake of South America. Most South America

South America is the richest continent in water resources. The river flow of the mainland is twice the average flow of rivers the globe... The main source of water for rivers is rainfall. Rivers only in the south of the Andes have glacial power. The role of snow supply is insignificant. The mainland is characterized by large river systems. Their formation is facilitated by the flat relief of the eastern part and the high mountain ridges of the mainland, large contrasts in heights, and a humid climate.

Rivers of South America

The Andes Mountains are the main watershed of the mainland. To the east of the Andes, there are large and deep rivers belonging to the basin Atlantic Ocean... They provide 90% of the river flow. Among them are Amazon, Orinoco, Parana. On the western slopes of the Andes, short rivers originate, which belong to the basin The Pacific... (Identify river basins from the map.) The area of ​​internal flow is insignificant (about 6%).

The longest and deepest river on Earth originates in the Andes mountains - Amazon and many of its major tributaries. The Amazon Basin is located in an abundantly and evenly watered area with 1500-3000 mm of rainfall. The Amazon River is 7100 km long (with the Apacheta source). The river collects numerous tributaries from the slopes of the Andes, Brazilian and Guiana highlands. The Amazon river basin is the largest in the world (about 7 million km2). In area, it is almost equal to Australia. The waters of the Amazon make up 1/5 of all the waters carried into the oceans by the rivers of our planet. The desalinating effect of the Amazon waters on the ocean is manifested 400 km from the river mouth. After the confluence of the Ucayali and Marañon rivers, the Amazon is 1–2 km wide. Downstream, the width increases to 5 km, and in the lower reaches up to 20 km. At the mouth, the width of the main channel is numerous islands reaches 80 km.

The Amazon is deep throughout the year as it feeds on thousands of tributaries. The largest tributaries are: the right one - Madeira and the left one - the Rio Negro. The highest water level in the Amazon occurs after the rainy season in the Southern Hemisphere (in May), when its right tributaries carry the bulk. The water level in the Manaus region rises by 12-15 meters. The lowest water level is in August and September.

Together with its tributaries, the Amazon forms the world's largest system of inland waterways with a length of more than 25 thousand km.

From the mouth to the city of Manaus, which is 4300 km, the Amazon is accessible for large ships. The river has enormous hydropower resources. 1/3 of the species of freshwater fish of our planet live in the waters of the Amazon. This is 6 times more than in the waters of all of Europe. The Amazon is recognized as one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

Parana("Silver River") - the second largest river in South America (4380 km). Like the Amazon, it has two sources (Rio Grande and Paranaiba) on the Brazilian Highlands. Parana, unlike the Amazon, crosses several climatic zones. This is why the amount of precipitation arriving in different parts of the river basin is not the same. In the upper reaches of the Parana, most of the rain falls in the summer, in the lower reaches - in the winter.

The river makes its course through the solid rocks of the platform foundation, therefore rapids and waterfalls are characteristic of it. The largest of them is the Iguazu Falls €. This is not just a waterfall, but a whole system of waterfalls stretching for almost three kilometers.

Located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, Iguazu Falls is one of the world's most majestic natural wonders. The waterfall falls into the gorge from two sheer basalt steps in 275 jets and streams, separated by rocky islands. The total height of the fall is 72 m, the width is 2700 m. The roar of the water can be heard for 20-25 kilometers.

The third largest river in South America - Orinok o (2730 km) originates on the Guiana Plateau. Orinoco floods in the summer thanks to the rains. Its tributaries are stormy, there are many rapids and waterfalls on them, so they are not suitable for navigation. The Orinoco River is the most important trade route.

The basins of the Parana and Orinoco rivers are located mainly in the subequatorial zones, therefore, they have a pronounced seasonality of flow - a stormy flood in summer and a sharp drop in water in winter.

On one of the tributaries of the Orinoco, there is the highest waterfall in the world - Angel (1054 m).

A huge column of water, foam and steam falls down with a mighty roar, as if from the clouds. The waterfall is included in the List of objects World heritage UNESCO.

Lakes of South America

South America is not very rich in lakes. By origin, they are divided into tectonic, glacial, volcanic, lagoon, oxbow. The largest glacial lakes concentrated in the west in the southern Andes. On the inner plateau of the Andes, on the Gran Chaco plain, the lakes are tectonic, closed, saline. Along the low shores of the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean there are large lagoons - shallow parts of the ocean, separated from it by land and connected to it by a channel.

The largest high Mountain Lake Titicaca is located in the Andes on the border of Peru and Bolivia. Its area is 8300 km2. The lake is located at an altitude of 3812 m, occupying a deep tectonic depression. The depth of the lake is 304 m. It is the largest mountain lake in the world in terms of fresh water reserves.

It is believed that the lake is the remnant of a sea bay. Balsa trees grow around the lake, from which the Indians make boat rafts.

In the north of the mainland, in Venezuela, there is the largest lake-lagoon Maracaibo with an area of ​​more than 16,000 km2. It is connected by a narrow channel with the Gulf of the Caribbean. The lake plays an important role in the fishing industry. The most valuable product of his craft is shrimp.

There are approximately 2,000 reservoirs in South America. The Parana River is a cascade of reservoirs.

Artesian waters are widely used in water supply to arid regions of South America (the Gran Chaco plain, intermontane basins). The most powerful glaciers in South America are located in the southern Andes of Chile and Argentina. There they descend to the sea and form vast ice fields.

Glaciation is developed in the Patagonian Andes. The largest glacier is Perito Moreno. The glacier area is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Its area is 250 km2, width is about 5 km.

South America is the richest continent in water resources with a dense river network. Most of the runoff is in the Atlantic Ocean. The longest and deepest river in the world, the Amazon, flows here, and there are two largest lakes - Titicaca and Maracaibo. The main source of water for rivers is precipitation. Rivers are used as sources of fresh water, they have large reserves of energy resources and are important transport routes.

In the mountains of Bolivia, in the southwestern part of the country, 10 km from the border with Chile, on the territory of the Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve (originally Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve) there is an amazing lake with red salt water. It is called Laguna Colorado or Red Lagoon (Laguna Colorado or Red Lagoon).

Lagoon Colorado on the map

  • Geographic coordinates (-22.201527, -67.780132)
  • Distance from the capital of Bolivia, Sucre, about 450 km
  • The nearest airport is Hoya Andina (originally Aeropuerto Joya Andina) about 270 km northeast. It is located in the northwestern part of the city of Uyuni, near the salt marsh of the same name

Why such a color?

As you understand, the water in the lagoon has many shades of red, shimmering from orange, burgundy to brown, and even purple.

The color of the water and its salinity are explained by the minerals of sedimentary rocks dissolved in it and the effect of colonies of certain types of bacteria. Moreover, the colors of the water of the Lagoon Colorado usually change depending on weather conditions, temperature and precipitation.

Red Lagoon is one of the most high-altitude salt lakes on the planet. It lies at an altitude of 4278 meters above sea level.
The dimensions of the reservoir are 10.5 by 9.5 kilometers. The surface area is about 60 km 2. But the depth is much more modest. The average depth of the reservoir is about 35 centimeters. The maximum does not exceed one and a half meters. So you can safely cross this lake on foot, if, of course, there is such a desire, and you want to spend several hours in salt water. It is highly discouraged to do this, since the water temperature is far from comfortable.

By the way, in Senegal there is a similar lake (although it is much deeper and warmer). They call him Retba. There, people still mine salt, being practically in a salty solution for several hours.

Also of interest are the numerous white islets throughout the lagoon. These are deposits of borax, a mineral officially called sodium tetraborate decahydrate. This mineral is used to obtain boron and its compounds. Its white color contrasts strongly with red water and blue skies, creating surreal landscapes similar to illustrations from other planets.

Red Lagoon - home of flamingos

Lagoon Colorado is home to a large population of James Flamingos. For a long time, scientists considered this species almost extinct, until they found a large concentration of them on this red lake. According to rough estimates, up to 30,000 individuals are gathered here. You can also observe related to this species, Andean and Chilean flamingos.

In addition to birds, in the vicinity of the lagoon you can see the Andean fox, chinchillas, llamas and other animals.
It is relatively warm in summer, but temperatures often drop below 0 o C at night (remember the altitude of the lagoon).
The average annual rainfall recorded in Lagoon Colorado is 75 mm.

Air temperature:

  • Average +8.9 o С
  • Maximum average value +10.7 o С
  • Absolute maximum +17.4 o С
  • Minimum average -8.9 o С
  • Absolute minimum -17.0 o С

As you can see, you have to take care of warm clothes and good shoes.

  1. Another salt lake is located about 240 kilometers to the north. This is the famous Uyuni Salt Flats - one of the most famous places on a planet where the sky merges with the earth. It is often difficult to determine where the horizon is
  2. 65 kilometers to the south there is an equally beautiful and amazing lake called Laguna Verde. There, too, you can see magnificent flamingos, and the water of an incredible, but already emerald, color.
  3. Lagoon Colorado has been part of the Las Sipa Wetlands and Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance since 1990
  4. In 2007, an international competition was held to determine the modern Seven Wonders of the World. Laguna Colorado was one of the candidates for a seat on this list, but did not receive the required number of votes.
  5. The exact data on the origin of the name was not found, but most likely, it came from the words color (in English "color"). That is, in general terms, you can call this place "Color Lagoon". Links with American state Colorado not found

Lagoon Colorado photo

In the heart of the continent of South America, surrounded by other countries and landlocked, Bolivia is one of the economically poorest countries. But all the same, this small mountainous state attracts tourists, because such bizarre creations of nature, like here, are difficult to find elsewhere. It is in Bolivia that the famous Lake Titicaca, the salt mines, the unique Colorado lagoon and the legacy of the Inca civilization - the city of Machu Picchu are located.

We fly to Bolivia!

The capital of Bolivia is Sucre, but all government agencies are located in the city of La Paz. When planning your flight, keep in mind that La Paz airport is the highest on the planet (more than four thousand meters above sea level), so tickets to it are sold with an extra charge “for the difficulty of landing”. Therefore, it is better to buy a ticket to Santa Cruz de la Sierra. In general, you will have to fly to Bolivia with a transfer, there are no direct flights from Russia.

The unique nature of Bolivia

This country is rich in artifacts: here you can find Inca cities of the pre-Columbian era, and Spanish colonial architecture, and natural attractions. Today you will find out what water attractions there are in Bolivia.

Lies in the Andes on the Altiplano plateau and belongs to two countries - Peru and Bolivia. It is interesting because:

  • it is the highest alpine navigable lake in the world (3812 meters above sea level);
  • the largest in terms of fresh water reserves in South America;
  • the second largest in South America after Maracaibo.

Scientists believe that Titicaca was part of the sea more than a hundred million years ago and the water in it was salty. This is evidenced by the sea inhabitants living in its depths, as well as the surf marks on the slopes of the surrounding mountains.

Lake area - 8300 sq. m, the maximum depth is 280 m, and the average is 140 m. The water temperature fluctuates between 10-12 degrees, that is, it is not comfortable to swim in it. The water in Titicaca is taken from 300 glacial rivers flowing into the lake, which flow out of the lake by the turbulent mountain river Desaguadero. This river flows after 300 km into the stagnant salt lake Poopo. Along the way, the river washes out entire salt layers from its banks, and when Desaguadero joins Poopo, it is no longer that freshwater river that burst out of Titicaca, but quite salty, by the way, the only one in the world. The Quechua and Aymara peoples live on the shores, including the reed floating islands.

Scientists also believe that about one and a half thousand years ago, there was a city on the site of the lake. In 2000, divers from Italy found a well-preserved pavement and stone statue at the bottom.

Since at the beginning of the article we were talking about reservoirs, so we will continue. Lagoon Colorado is a very shallow salt lake. Like Lake Titicaca, the lagoon is located on the Altiplano plateau. There you can also see the famous salt marshes of Bolivia, which will be discussed below.

Take a look at the photo of this truly Martian landscape. The water layer in the lagoon is not usual, but red, which, together with the pink flamingos living there, creates an enchanting, unreal picture. Where did such beauty come from? The red color of the salt water comes from the brown algae and sedimentary rocks at the bottom that live in it. The shallow, flat bottom attracts thousands of James' rare flamingos to this region.

In 2007, Colorado Lagoon was nominated as a candidate for the Seven New Wonders of the World, but did not receive the required number of votes.

Saline marshes Uyuni

So we got to the truly incredible wonders of Bolivia. Their name is the Uyuni salt marshes. In fact, this is a dried up huge salt lake, covering an area of ​​10 thousand square meters. kilometers and located at an altitude of 3 thousand meters. Uyuni is more likely not a lake, but a huge salt desert covered with a mirror layer of salt. The thickness of the salt layer in some places reaches eight meters! Moreover, as can be seen in the photo, the surface of the lake is evenly covered with the same salt cones.

But the most amazing thing happens in the rainy season: an even thin layer of water is poured over the entire area of ​​the lake and a stunning mirage arises that people walk on water, just like the boy in the Diamond Hand in the scene with Andrei Mironov. In addition, another extremely spectacular phenomenon can be observed during the rainy season. Standing water becomes a mirror in which the sky with clouds is reflected. And it is impossible to draw the line between heaven and earth, and it is impossible to take your eyes off this sight. Optical illusion makes one believe in the existence of other worlds.

The military uses this reflective feature of the salt marshes for their own purposes: on Uyuni, they calibrate the orbiting satellites.

In the nearby town of Uyuni, residents widely use free salt, making all kinds of souvenirs from it and even at home! The city has a hotel built entirely of salt blocks with salt furniture. They say that breathing the salty air is very beneficial, so there are always many people who want to spend the night in such a hotel.

  • Like most South American countries, Bolivia has street crime. Although in fairness it should be noted that this is not an unlimited crime, as in Mexico, but a simple extortion and theft of wallets. While walking along the evening streets, look after your belongings.
  • When photographing on the streets of the city or in the territory of any village, be careful not to hit the lens locals you may be in trouble (at least try not to let them see you filming them).
  • It is better to call a taxi by phone, rather than catch it on the street.
  • You cannot drink tap water, buy bottled water. Wash vegetables and fruits and wash yourself with water from a bottle.
  • When crossing the street, be especially careful - local drivers do not bother observing traffic rules and rarely use the brakes.

In the following articles I will tell you about other sights of the mysterious Bolivia. Until then, watch the movie and enjoy the wonders.

The largest lake in South America and one of the oldest lakes on our planet, located in Venezuela. The lake is surrounded by colorful and rich vegetation and animal world... Its coast and seabed are the place for oil and gas production. The economic center of the country, the city of Maracaibo, is located on the shore of the lake. Amazing happens over the lake a natural phenomenon- "Catatumbo lightning". Atmospheric discharges hit here 160 days a year for 10 hours a day.


In the history of Lake Maracaibo, the two most important dates are August 24, 1499, when it was discovered by the Spaniards, and 1914, when the first oil wells were drilled on its coast.

The basin-basin of Lake Maracaibo (or, in other words, the trough of the tectonic plate of the Northwestern Andes) was formed about 36-22 million years ago. This is one of the oldest lakes on Earth. Venezuelan archaeologists believe that people appeared on its shores about 15,000 years ago. The first European to bring caravels here along the Tablaso Strait was Alonso Ojeda, one of Columbus's officers, to whom he entrusted an independent expedition. It is known that along with Ojeda there was then Ameri-Go Vespucci, an Italian who lived in Spain, the same one by whose name New World became America. It is believed that when he saw the houses on the stilts of the Parauhano Indians, he exclaimed: "Oh, Venetsiola!" ("Oh, little Venice!"), And thus the name Venezuela was born. Several legends are associated with the name of the lake. The most stable of them includes the cacique (leader) of the Motilon Indians named Mara, who fought against the colonialists at the beginning of the 16th century. When Mara was hit by a bullet, his warriors shouted "Mara Kayo!" ("Mara has fallen!"). Some historians believe that the name Maracaibo appeared earlier and it comes from the name of the adjacent swamps - Maara-Ivo - "Serpentine place".

The city of Maracaibo was founded three times. In 1525, Emperor Charles V for 12 barrels of gold transferred the right to govern Venezuela to the German bankers Welser for 30 years. In 1529, on the site of the village of Villa de Maracaibo, Ambrozius Eichinger (Ambrosio Alfinger in the Spanish version) built a port. By 1535 life in the city had died out. Alonso Pacheco founded it anew in 1569, but the war with the Indians prevented him from continuing what he had begun. Only the third attempt succeeded, Petro Mal-donado, in 1571. In the 17th century. the port of Maracaibo was often attacked by pirates. The story of his capture by Henry Morgan is described in the novel by R. Sabatini "The Odyssey of Captain Blood". The transformation of a small town into an economic center began in 1918, when oil and gas production took on an industrial scale.

Lake Maracaibo is, strictly speaking, the lagoon of the Venezuelan Gulf of the Caribbean Sea, connected to it by a narrow shallow strait of Tablaso, whose width is 8-10 km, the natural depth was 2-4 m, in 1957 it was deepened to 10-14, 5 m, for the passage of ocean-going ships. The lake is located in the northwest of Venezuela in a tectonic depression between the ranges of the Northwest Andes Sierra de Perija in the west and the Cordillera de Merida in the south and east.


The world of this lake is rich, colorful and famous for one of the rarest natural phenomena.

The vegetation of the lake shores changes along the north-south axis. The shores of the Tablaso Strait are covered with typical savanna grasses, to the south, the relief of the shores rises, everything flows into the lake. more rivers, the water becomes more and more fresh, and on south coast lakes, above the swampy lagoons with mangroves, a dense tropical forest rises as a wall, in which many animals live. Howler monkeys scream far away. The drained areas are occupied by plantations of sugar cane and cocoa trees. An interesting testimony of 1806 by the French ambassador to Caracas François Poe about the Guajiro Indians: “They are brave warriors, skillfully manage their canoes, all as one are excellent swimmers and divers. At the same time, they fantasize a lot, and all the time they record something, obviously having a penchant for writing. Their women are no less artistic, but they have great common sense. " Creative talent in the guajiro and parauhano guises is still noticeable today. Women wear wide, bright and long dresses called manti. Men - wide shirts, decorated with many beads, sewn by their friends, big needlewomen; artfully crocheted snow-white napkins with the "Maracaibo Sun" pattern are the main souvenir of the lake.

A rare natural phenomenon called the "Lighthouse of Catatumbo" occurs over Maracaibo. The lighthouse is because the light from lightning that flashes at night over the place where this river flows into the lake is visible 400 km away. Lightning strikes in these places more than 160 days a year, 10 hours a day, about 300 times an hour. Lightning Catatumbo is considered the largest natural ozone generator on Earth. And this phenomenon arises when an atmospheric vortex from the warm air of the Caribbean Sea and cold air from the peaks of the Andes mixes with methane gas rising from the swamps.


■ The Yupa Indians believe that Katatumbo lightning occurs when fireflies collide with the souls of their ancestors.

■ Gaitassulianas is the name of the musical style of Venezuelan folk music, born on the shores of the Maracaibo. These melodies incorporate elements of salsa and meringue. She is popular throughout Latin America, performed most often during the Christmas holidays.


■ Rafael Urdanet Bridge (1962, length - 8769 m, maximum height- 45 m), named after the hero of the Venezuelan national liberation movement.
■ Maracaibo: Carabobo Street (colonial architecture), Palacio de Gobierno (Eagles Palace - according to the figures of four condors on the roof), Cathedral Maracaibo (XVI-XVII centuries), Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Rosario Chikinkira, or "La Chinita" (XIX century), Iglesia de Santa Barbara and Iglesia de Santa Lucia churches, Teatro Baralt (XIX century. ), "La Chinita" memorial, Los Bermudez art center, Vereda del Lago park on the shores of the lake. Maracaibo, Botanical Garden, Historical Museum, Military History Museum.
■ Fort of the 17th century. on about. San Carlos.
■ Chienagas del Catatumbo National Park (included in the preliminary list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites).

Atlas. The whole world in your hands number 146

And the Panama Canal separates these continents.

The mainland lies entirely in the western hemisphere. In the northern part it is crossed by the equator, and almost in the middle by the Southern Tropic. This continent is the wettest on Earth. Most of it has a warm climate. The shores are weakly indented, the mainland does not have large bays, islands and peninsulas. The nature of the mainland is full of contrasts and diversity. There are many natural records here and there are places that have not been touched by civilization. The natural world of the mainland amazes with its wealth, uniqueness and beauty. On this wettest continent, there are many rivers, mountains, plains, endemic living organisms, the smallest proportion of islands and peninsulas, many world and continental natural records. This continent has many world and continental records. Indigenous population the mainland is represented by Indian tribes.

South American nature records

The largest plain on the globe

The Amazonian Plain is the largest plain on earth in terms of size. The area is 5.2 million square kilometers. It is only inferior in size.

Lowest land elevation in South America the level of the Laguna del Carbon area is now considered.

It is located in the Argentine province of Santa Cruz, about 60 meters below the previously known lowest point of San Matias (-40 m). This mark is now considered a record not only for the mainland of South America, but also for the entire part of the world of America as a whole, its value (-105 meters).

The highest point of the mainland is Mount Aconkagu

Its value is 6962 meters. This point is the highest in the Western Hemisphere. The name of the mountain in Araucanian means "stone guard". The mountain is located in the central part of the Andes, in its main Cordillera. The mountain is located in national park Aconcagua. There are many at the top, the largest are Polsky and Vostochny. For the first time the Englishman E. Fitzgerald tried to make an ascent to this peak in January 1897.

The highest volcano on the mainland - Llullaillaca

It is located at an altitude of 6723 meters on the ridge of the Western Cordillera. It is located on the high plateau of the Atacama Desert region. There is a glacier at its top a. The last eruption of the volcano was in 1877.

The largest peninsula on the mainland is Guajira

Its area is 14 thousand square kilometers. The northernmost point of the mainland is located on this peninsula. On the Guajira Peninsula, the Guahiro Indians, who speak the Guahiro language, live.

The largest island of Isla - Grande Tierra del Fuego

It is part of the archipelago of the largest archipelago Tierra del Fuego... The area of ​​Isla is 48 thousand sq. Km. It is the largest in this archipelago.

Tierra del Fuego, the largest archipelago in South America

It is located at the southernmost tip of the mainland, and is separated from the mainland by the Strait of Magellan. It was opened in 1520 by F. Magellan. Seeing the lights on the shores of the islands, F. Magellan gave them a name. The area of ​​this archipelago is 72 thousand km². south of Tierra del Fuego is the widest strait on Earth -.

The terrain on the archipelago is hilly, with many glaciers. On the shores of the fiord islands. The highest elevation of the archipelago is Mount Shipton (2469 meters). The climate is humid and cold. The amount of precipitation is more than 5000 mm / year. Wednesday January temperature 10–11 ° С, July 0–2 ° С.

Beech and evergreen forests, meadows with steppe vegetation grow up to a height of 400-500 meters. Penguins live on the coasts. In some places of the archipelago, nature has been preserved in its original form. In order to preserve unique nature arch. Tierra del Fuego created national park Alberto - Agostini in Chile. People extract oil and gas, raise sheep, fish and serve ships that enter ports.

The largest and driest desert on the Atacama mainland

It is located in is not only the driest on the mainland, but also in the world. This is the highest desert in the world.

Precipitation does not fall here every year. Average annual precipitation is 0.1 mm. Precipitation often falls in the form of dew and fog. In some places of the desert there was no precipitation for about 400 years. This desert is ten times drier c.

The length of the desert from north to south is 1000 km. It covers an area of ​​150,000 sq. km. Average daily temperatures range from 0 to 25 C.

Despite the drought in the desert, there are 200 species of living creatures. The most common are cacti. There are 160 species here, and 90 of them are endemic. This desert is one of the oldest. It has existed for over 20 million years. People began to master it 10,000 years ago. Water is obtained in oases from great depths or from fog.

The famous Moon Valley is located in Atacama. The Atacama is considered an ideal place for astronomical observations.

The Atacama Desert is home to the world's largest saltpeter deposit. The desert is also interesting in that there is the only place on Earth that resembles a lunar landscape. This is the Valley of the Moon between Calama and San Pedro de Atacama.

The lowest mainland temperature (-39C) in Valle de los Superion

The highest mainland temperature (+ 49C) in Valle de Maria)

Lowest rainfall in the Atacama Desert

They drop 0.1 mm. In some places of the desert, precipitation did not fall for several centuries. Precipitation in the form of dew and fog.

Most precipitation occurs in Kibuyu in Colombia

Here the average annual precipitation is 7734 mm.

The largest lake Maracaibo

The area of ​​the lake is 14 350 sq. Km. It is a sea lagoon in the Gulf of Venezuela, in which a specially dug deep-water channel for entry into the lake of ocean tankers. The water in the lake is desalinated by the rivers flowing into it. Thunderstorms are very frequent here, 140-160 days a year. The Zulia state flag features lightning. The second place among the largest lakes of the continent is Lake Patus. This is also a lagoon lake, directly connected to the sea.

Largest freshwater lake - Titicaca

It is located on the border of Bolivia and Peru. Its name in the language of the Quechua Indians comes from two words. " Kaka ”is a mountain. rock and "titi" - puma, this is the sacred animal of the tribe. In the language of other tribes, the name is translated as the lake of the Pukino tribe. There is an explanation that the name means "lead mountain" and others.

Its area is 6900 sq. Km. It is located at an altitude of 8300 meters. The average depth of the lake is 140-280 meters. The water temperature is from +10 to +12 degrees. 300 rivers flow into the lake, which greatly freshen it.

At a depth of thirty meters at the bottom of the lake, a one-kilometer-long wall and a sculpture of a human head were found. The age of these finds is 1500 years. It can be assumed that the bottom was once dry land.

The largest closed lake on the continent, Mar Chiquita

Uyuni, the largest salt marsh on the mainland

It is located in Bolivia near the city of Uyuni. Its area is 10.6 thousand square kilometers. and it is located at an altitude of 3650 meters. Currently, Uyuni is not only a large salt marsh on the mainland, but it is the largest in the world. The thickness of the common salt layer is 2-10 meters. During the rainy season, the salt marsh turns into a salt lake with clear water.

About 40 thousand years ago, this area was part of big lake Minchin. After its gradual drying up, two small lakes that exist today appeared - these are Lake Poopo and Uru - Uru. In addition to them, two large salt marshes also appeared: Uyuni and Salar - de Coipasa. According to experts, the total salt reserves amount to 10 billion tons of table salt.

Flamingos arrive on the coast of the salt marsh every November. Due to the large flat surface, clear sky, dry air, satellite devices are being tested in the Uyuni region.

Tourism is developing in Uyuni. In order to create exotic things for tourists, locals make hotels from salt blocks. Tourists are invited to see the "steam locomotive cemetery". These locomotives used to work here, but now they are not needed.

The longest and deepest

Recently, it was reported that this river is longer than the Nile. The Brazilians call the length of the Amazon 6992 km, there is information that the length of the river is 6450 km. This river, despite the controversial figures about its length, has a great length. She happens to be great river the mainland and the world. It is the deepest on the mainland and in the world. On it all year round flood due to abundant rainfall and the brought waters of the right and left deep tributaries.

The Amazon ejects 200,000 cubic meters in one second. meters of water. This one has the largest pool on the mainland and in the world. Its basin is the Amazonian lowland. Its area is 7.2 million square kilometers. The Amazon has the largest delta in the world. Its area is 100,000 sq. Km. The mouth is 20 km wide.

The river is home to the largest 10-meter fish piraruka jumping out of the water.

second longest on the mainland

It is located in the southeast of the mainland and occupies the 14th place in the world in length, and its length is 4380 km. The river originates in the Brazilian Highlands and flows into the La Plata Bay. Its basin area is 2.6 million square kilometers. The depth of the river is from 12 to 48 meters. The river has a large delta, 130 km long and 18 to 65 km wide. The delta consists of 11 arms. Parana has great energy potential. It was used in the construction of the Itaipu hydroelectric power station, the largest on the mainland.

On the right tributary of its Iguazu River, there is the most abundant waterfall in the world - Iguazu.

The largest reservoir Guri

It is located in Venezuela on the Caroni River, which is a tributary of the Orinoco River. Official name named after Simon Bolivar. It was built in 1968.

The area of ​​the reservoir is 4.3 thousand square kilometers, the volume of water is 135 cubic kilometers, and the length is 70 kilometers. It was built next to the Guri HPP, which is considered the third largest in the world in terms of capacity after the Chinese "Sanxia" and the Brazilian "Itaipu".

The longest river inland flow Rio Dulcier

It is located in the northwest of Argentina. The Rio - Dulcier River originates in the Andes. Its source is called Sali. Further, the river flows along the arid plain of Gran - Chaco and splits into branches into Lake Mar - Chiquito. Local residents call it a “sweet” (fresh) river.

The length of the river is 812 km. The waters of the river are used to irrigate fields in the arid plain.

The Brazilian plateau is the largest on the mainland

It occupies the eastern part of the mainland. The plateau borders in the north with the Amazonian lowland, in the west with the Andes, in the southeast with the La Plata lowland.

Its area is about 4 million sq. Km. The length and width of the plateau is about 3200 km. Heights from 500 meters in the west and over 2000 meters in the east. The most high point Mount Bandeira 2897 meters. In its eastern part there are several mountain ranges, the largest are the Sierra do Mar and Sierra do Espinhas. The Atlantic coastline is dominated by separate mountains in the form of towers and cones. They are called "sugar loaves". The bowels of the plateau are rich in ore minerals.

On the plateau, nature is very diverse, its climate, soil, flora and fauna. Its territory is home to 95% of the population of South America.

La Plata lowland is the second largest on the mainland

It is located in the southeastern part of the mainland. On its territory are Paraguay and Uruguay, southeast Bolivia, southern Brazil, northern Argentina

Its area is more than 3 million sq. Km. This plain stretches from north to south for 2,400 km, and from west to east for 900 km.

The nature is diverse: steppes (pampa), forests, swamps. Agriculture is well developed on the plain.

The world's tallest Angel Falls- 979 meters

Animal world


Among the animals there are endemics: armadillos and anteaters, sloths and broad-nosed monkeys, llamas and chinchillas, ostriches rhea and tinamou birds, vultures and toucans, hummingbirds and some species of parrots.

The biggest

The largest turtles on land and in the ocean are found here.

The only marsupials

The only marsupial animals are possums.

The only equids

Equid-hoofed - tapirs


Ostrich Nandu

The nature of South America is full of diversity and contrasts, there are many world and continental natural, cultural and historical records.

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