Satellite map of the Altai Territory detailed. Detailed map of the Altai Territory with settlements

Cities of the city of Altai Territory:
Barnaul | Aleysk | Belokurikha | Biysk | Miner | Zarinsk | Stone-on-Ob | Novoaltaysk | Rubtsovsk | Slavgorod | Yarovo

Map of the Altai Territory with settlements

One of the subjects of Russia is Altai region. It is formed at the beginning of the last century. Now the land is part of the Federal Siberian District. Main administrative city - Barnaul. On the territory of the region are located: 1, but Siberian, 60 municipal districts, 13 cities and urban districts. See more accurate information on the detailed map of the Altai Territory, there are accurate information.

The border takes place next to Kemerovo, Pavlodar, East Kazakhstan, Novosibirsk regions and the Republic of Altai. Located the region in the southeastern part of Siberia. Its length is more than 1000 kilometers. Detailed map Altai Territory S. settlements It can tell a lot, it reflects all socially significant objects.

The climate in the Altai Territory is formed as a result of quite frequent air shift. It is more suitable for a continental climate. In the summer, the temperature holds about 30 degrees. In winter, there is cold, often sweatmets, snow is. Soil at this time freezes about 3 meters.

Many travelers and tourists in this time Come to the Altai Territory to the resorts. It is not difficult to get to this environmentally friendly. Attractions there have been preserved since ancient times.

Altai Krai is famous for its unique nature and favorable climate. With the map of the Altai Territory from the satellite, it can be found on the territory of Western Siberia.

The map is a reliable companion in any journey, with its help you can learn exact distances. This area is extended from east west to a distance of more than 600 km. The map will help find a convenient way to the desired object.

The routes of the Altai Territory on the map reflect that from Moscow to this edge a little less than three thousand kilometers. This is if riding the train. On his car to overcome the distance of 3.6 thousand kilometers.

There are almost all natural zones in the region in the region. It is a taiga, mountains, as well as extensive steppes. In the foothill, there is a huge amount of caves.

Engineering and agriculture are considered to be the leading sectors of the region.

Central regions on the map of the Altai Territory

In search of regions on the map of the Altai Territory, it is worth highlighting the following objects:

  1. AT eastern region The edges are located Biysky District. The terrain is mostly hilly. In its territory, gravel and sand are mined. Numerous rivers flow through the area: Schubenka, Bia, Katun.
  2. Zarinsky district Not so long ago was called Sorokinsky. Its territory develops and mining materials for further creating cement and bricks. With the help of the map of the Altai Territory, more than 50 settlements in this area can be distinguished by districts.
  3. One of the central districts is considered Rubtsovsky. On this area plain relief and steppe vegetation. The most important areas of activity include agriculture. Also on the territory of the district there are motor transport enterprises, and produced a variety of ores. Through the area there are important tracks for Barnaul and Zmeinogorsk.
  4. In the northeast is located Pervomaisky district. This is one of the most developed and rich regions of the region. On its territory with a detailed map of the Altai Territory, you can find the organization of the woodworking industry, as well as agricultural farms. The area crosses the railway artery and highways R 374 m M 52. There are many attractions in the area. It is worth viewing the archaeological monuments belonging to the ancient Scythians.

The use of road map of the Altai Territory will allow finding all regions of the edge and its sights.

Variety of cities and villages of the Altai Territory on the map

Altai edge is saturated with many interesting cities. The most famous are the following:

  1. It is believed that the city was founded by the Almights of Demidov in the 18th century. After the war, the city acquired fame as an industrial center. Mooding enterprises are actively developing in the city, as well as retail and wholesale. To famous sights that the map of the Altai Territory displays details in detail, Lenin's prospectus with beautiful chapels and openwork lamps, as well as a building with a spire and a bridge, peroxide through OB.
  2. It is considered a city that opens the gate to the mountainous part of Altai. Many tourist routes Start with him. In this city there is a local history museum, more than 260 architectural, natural and archaeological monuments.
  3. Rose from the village of Sorokino, which appeared in the 18th century. The city is geographically located on the coast of the Chumysh river. This clearly demonstrates the map of the Altai Territory. An important enterprise of the entire settlement is Altai - Coke. Also in the city there is a construction company of multi-profile meanings, oil surgery and elevator.
  4. One of the main cities is considered. Production enterprises are easy to find with the map of the Altai Territory with cities in good quality.
  5. The center of Pervomaysky district is considered. It is located on the shore of the adjacent river, Ob. There is a major railway assembly in the city. This is a city with a developed industry. It has a large engineering enterprise, a plant of reinforced concrete products, as well as numerous catering and trade enterprises.

Economy and Industry of the Altai Territory

Taking advantage of the map of the Altai Territory with cities and villages, you can easily find the right thing in the city. The main component of the economic life of the city is considered mechanical engineering. Enterprises of this industry produce freight cars, drilling machines, as well as generators for cars and tractors.

Also, the large proportion of the region's industry is accounted for by the defense industry.

Yandex maps of the Altai Territory will allow finding food industry enterprises. These are the production of grain processing, as well as meat and dairy products.

Among large enterprises it is worth highlighting a motor, tractor and car-building factories.

The chemical organizations include a sulfate combine and steppe lake.

With the map of the Altai Territory with the villages, you can find enterprises involved in potatoes and various vegetable growing.

In the territory of the region has recently increased production of eggs, milk and meat.
The Altai Territory actively leads trade relations with Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.

Altai Krai has rich natural resources and a variety of industrial enterprises.

Satellite map of the Altai Territory

Map of the Altai Territory from the satellite. You can see the Altai Territory satellite map in the following modes: Map of the Altai Territory with object names, satellite map. Altai Territory, Geographical Map of the Altai Territory.

Altai region - region in Western Siberia. This is one of the most beautiful corners not only in Russia, but also on all the mainland. In the territory of the Altai Territory, several major rivers - Katun and Biya, which, merging, form a single river Ob.

Altai Territory, surrounded by mountain arrays, is a favorite place of ecological travelers and lovers extreme species Sports. Often Altai call the second Switzerland for beauty, but unlike Alpine Mountains, Altai Territory is cleaner and calm in terms of tourism.

This region is rich in its resort resources that include pure mountain air, the abundance of the sun, mineral springs With healing water and much more.

Going to the Altai Territory, each of the travelers can choose the most suitable tourist route and the type of tourism. One of the most popular and interesting tours, which offer numerous travel agencies - ascent to Mount Aktra. During this tour, tourists will be able to get acquainted with the nature of the region and plunge into his unique atmosphere.

In addition, the journey to the Altai Territory can be diversified by other classes: horse riding and camels, cycling tours, skiing and snowboarding, resting on hurry and sanatoriums near mineral springs, as well as alloys on raging rivers.

Altai Territory is a region located in the south-east of Western Siberia. The map of the Altai Territory shows that the region is bordered by the Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Altai. Area of \u200b\u200bthe region - 167 966 km 2.

The Altai Territory is divided into 59 rural areas, 12 cities and 1 closed territorial education. Largest cities Region - Barnaul (Administrative Center), Biysk, Rubtsovsk, Novoaltaisk and Zarinsk.

In the region there are unique deposits of granite, porphyres, marble and jasper. The economy of the Altai Territory is based on the work of machine-building enterprises, enterprises of the defense complex and the food industry. Agriculture plays a major role in the economy of the region.

Historical reference

The population began in the second half of the XVII century. Until the middle of the XIX century, the mining industry was well developed in the region. After 1861, plants and mining enterprises began to close. Agriculture has become actively developing.

In 1937, the Altai Territory was formed. During the Great Patriotic War Numerous factories and enterprises were evacuated to the region. In the mid-60-70s, the large-scale development of virgin lands begins.

Must Visit.

On the detailed map of the Altai Territory, you can see the natural sights of the region: Kulundy Lake, 33 natural reserves, charming mountains, blue and seven-seven, white lakes, moss and Aya. It is recommended to visit the cities - Barnaul, Biysk and Rubtsovsk.

We are required to visit the city resort of Belokurich, the rock "Four Brothers" near Belokurihi, the Tihyretic Reserve, a cascade of waterfalls on the River of the Shini, the cave "Lair", "Altai", "Geophysical", "terrible" and Tavdinsky caves.

Tourist on note

The mountain system, indicated on the map of the central south of Russia, called Altai formed the basis of the title of the region placed on the relief of the plain and mountain landscapes, with the administrative center in Barnaul.

The territorially Altai Territory is located in the northwestern part of the Russian Federation, in the south-east of Siberia and is limited:

  • south and Southeast - Altai Republic;
  • north - Novosibirsk region;
  • west and Southwest - with Kazakhstan;
  • east - Kemerovo region

The total territory of the region is 168 thousand square meters. km. The Altai Territory refers to the Krasnoyarsk belt in the time interval and ahead of Moscow for 4 hours.

List of Altai Territory

The Altai Territory on the map of Russia has 59 districts, general description which are shown in the table:

Name of the Area Number of settlements Administrative center Dettle of Barnaul, km Square,

sq. KM

The population of thousand people.
Aleis 43 g. Aleisk 120 3400 18,953
Altaic 24 with. Altai 250 3400 25,799
Baevsky 15 with. Baevo 230 2740 11,491
Bisy 37 biysk 160 2200 35,502
Blagoveshchensky 31 pGT Blagoveshchenka 275 3700 33,032
Bulinsky 25 with. Burla 450 2746 12,934
Fast Iron 12 with. Fast source 254 1804 10,815
Volchikhinsky 15 with. Wolf. 310 3593,7 20,447
Egorievsky 19 with. Novohereevskoye 303 2500 14,179
Yelatsovsky 19 with. Yelantsovka 313 2158 6,936
Zavyalovsky 20 with. Zavyalovo 250 2224 21,22
Zalevsky 23 with. Zalevovo 142 3274 16,935
Zarinsky 50 zarinsk 110 5214 20,769
Zmeinogorsky 25 zmeinogorsk 360 2802 22,074
Zonal 22 with. Zone 125 1717 19,84
Kalmansky 24 with. Kalmanca 45 1820 14,748
Kamensky 32 mr. Stone-on-Obi 197 3521 12,955
Klyuchevsky 21 with. Keys 383 3043 18,754
Kosichinsky 27 with. Kosiha 68 1877 18,634
Krasnogorsky 35 with. Krasnogorsk 233 3070 18,097
Krasnoshekovsky 28 with. Krasnoshekovo 316 3543 19,932
Krutikhinsky 17 with. Crudy 230 2051 11,981
Kulundinsky 35 with. Kulunda 343 1980 24,358
Currian 22 with. Kurya 279 2500 11,426
Kytmansky 33 with. Kytmanovo 170 2550 15,535
Loktevsky 26 gornyak 360 2940 31,247
Mamontovsky 23 with. Mammoth 191 2297 24,167
Mikhailovsky 11 with. Mikhailovskoye 360 3100 23,363
German national 16 with. Galbstadt 430 1450 19,577
Novichikhinsky 16 with. Novichiha 251 3100 10,163
Pavlovsky 34 with. Pavlovsk 59 2230 42,470
Pancrushinsky 30 with. Pankrushiha 300 2700 14,895
Pervomaysky 53 novoaltaisk 12 3616 50,053
Petropavlovsky 14 with. Petropavlovskoye 144 1618 12,981
Sospelikhinsky 24 with. Shopelika 211 2423 26,652
Rebrichinsky 28 with. Ribrich 113 2686 25,971
Morning 20 with. Motherland 320 3118 22,876
Romanovsky 16 with. Romanovo. 220 2082 13,984
Rubtsovsky 51 g. Rubtsovsk 283 3339 26,630
Smolensky 31 with. Smolenskoye 210 2033 25,893
Soviet 20 with. Soviet 195 1500 17,002
Solonezyshinsky 32 with. Salon 320 3529 11,358
Salton 24 with. Solton 260 3020 9,340
Sutesky 14 with. Top-but 296 1108 5,440
Tabunsky 25 with. Tabuny 370 1960 11,400
Talmensky 42 pos. Telmenka 84 3914 49,994
Togulsky 12 with. Togul 200 2000 9,158
Topchinsky 38 with. Topchikha 90 3300 25,758
Tretyakovsky 23 with. Staroaleskoye 354 1998 16,360
Troitsky 39 with. Troitskoe 97 1500 27,006
Tyumentsevsky 20 with. Tyumentsevo 167 2273 15,857
Anglovsky 24 with. Uglovskoe 370 4844 15,413
Ust-Kamensky 22 with. Ust-Kalmanca 193 2300 16,628
Ust-Prostansky 23 with. Ust-Chercesky-Pier 200 2700 14,656
Khabarsky 33 with. Khabara 360 2800 18,707
Virgin 22 with. Tselinny 171 2882 19,492
Charyshsky 32 with. Charysh 310 6910 13,213
Shelabolichinsky 21 with. Shelabolich 86 2510 14,722
Shipunovsky 50 with. Shipunovo 165 4130 34,204

Map of the Altai Territory with cities and villages

The Altai Territory, presented on the map of Russia, contains in its administrative composition of 12 settlements with urban status, 49 villages of the city type and 1 special scientific zone (but).

The greatest of them:

  • Aleisk - The city located at the Priobskoe plateau of 4387 hectares and the population of 29491 people. It was initially laid in 1913 as the railway station of the site of Turkestan-Siberian highway under construction. Until 1939 was considered a village. Its development in the first five-year plates of the USSR contributed to the economic growth of the processing and food industry, as the region was agricultural. Aleysk is located on a convenient transportation junction and is associated with other settlements of the Master of West Siberian railway. Station "Alaska" is a transport node of the Novosibirsk-Tashkent site. Developed social infrastructure contributes to the permanent increase in the population.
  • Barnaul - The Administrative Center for the Altai Territory since 1937, founded in 1730 at the mouth of the Barnaulka River by the famous industrialist Demidov for Silver smelting, is located at Priobskoe plateau, at a distance from Moscow at 3419 km, the population is 652.7 thousand people. In the city is developed transport systemincluding bus, trolleybus and tram messages. Intercity flights are carried out by iron and automotive highways, there is available airport that provides domestic and international flights.

The cultural sector is presented by the presence:

  1. museums
  2. entertainment centers,
  3. cinema
  4. theaters
  5. music Halls.

There are 9 institutes and universities in the city, 16 schools, technical schools and colleges. In Barnaul, the industry (109 enterprises) of petrochemical, engineering, textile and food orientation is strongly developed.

The resort can take 5,200 vacationers at the same time.

  • Biisk - The city was laid by Peter I in 1709, its area is 2917 hectares, acts as a district center with a population of 220 thousand people. and is located 160 km from Barnaul. Sometimes Biysk is called the gates of Altai, since all from this settlement starts all tourist routes Mountain areas, the Chuy tract begins, in honor of which there is a museum in the city - the only one in Russia, dedicated to the land road.

Since 1915, Biysk is the railway station of the Trans-Siberian Highway. In the city is developed transport infrastructure - All industrial enterprises have railway access roads.

The megapolis river located on the two shores of the river is connected to a single alone bridges. Public transport Posted by bus, tram and trolleybus messages. Water paths act with exits to Arctic Ocean.

Railway I. automobile transport It runs on the highways of international importance due to the close geographical location of Mongolia and China. The district center also has local airport.

Since 2005, Biysk has the status of the Naukograd, within the framework of which the national program of the latest chemical and energy technologies for the development and production of generics and synthesis of nanoalmazov was formed.

The cultural side of life is presented by:

  1. cinema
  2. libraries
  3. museums
  4. music Halls
  5. palaces of culture.
  • Novoaltaisk - Administrative center of the Pervomaisian district of the Altai Territory, arising in 1942 with a population of 70 thousand people, on an area of \u200b\u200b722 hectares. The settlement existed earlier in the form of a small village called garlic. The evacuation of enterprises with the territories captured in the Second World War of the territory was the impetus for the development of the industry and obtain the status of the city. Geographically Novoaltaysk is 12 km from Barnaul and is an industrial and transport attitance of the capital of the Altai Territory. The largest sorting railway station Altai is located here. Products manufactured by industrial enterprises is mainly intended for RZD objects. The city presents 4 branches of higher educational institutions.
  • Rubtsovsk - The city is 290 km from Barnaul, located on profitable trading paths, has long been considered a gate for trading with China, is a district center with a population of 146.9 thousand people. On the territory of 840 hectares, founded in 1886 by Russian migrants. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the development of Novonikolaevsk-Semipalatinsk was developed in the pre-revolutionary Russia.
    In the Soviet period, the evacuation of domestic enterprises "HTZ" and Odessa plant agricultural enterprises served to develop, which subsequently became the basis for the development of the machine-building industry on the basis of Altaiselmash and the Altai Tractor Plant. The city has a local history museum dedicated to the history of the region, the dramatic theater, the art gallery V. V. Tikhonov, cinema and recreation places for young people.
  • Miner - The city became part of the Listhevsky district as his administrative center. Founded in 1942, located near the Golden River in the south of the Kolyvan Range near the border with the Republic of Kazakhstan, the population is 13.9 thousand people. The name of the settlement takes from its primary functional industrial purpose - the mining of ore, its enrichment for the smelting of non-ferrous metals: copper, tin, lead, aluminum. The city is connected by rail with Ust-Kamenogorsk. Until today, the Altai Mining and Processing Plant is the main industrial enterprise of the district center. The local history museum is running, the main expositions of which are the history of mining and smelting case.
  • Zarinsk - a city with a population of 48.4 thousand people, founded in 1979 at the site of the former district center of the Sorokino and the railway station Zarinsky in the northern part of the Biysko-Shuman elevation near the influx of the Obysh River Chumysh, the administrative center of the Zarinsky district. The main industrial enterprise is the Altai Cockochemical Plant, which exports its products at 28 foreign countriesFirst of all, in China, the Czech Republic.
  • But Siberian - Military campus, created in 1980, located in the Pervomaisa district, on the square 330 hectares, 41 km from Barnaul. In fact, it is a closed military town of the 35th missile division, on the territory of which there are rules and regime, as in any military unit, due to the presence of rocket complexes of strategic appointment. The village has culture institutions that are associated with the history of the construction and operation of a special purpose missile division, the Museum of the Siberian History, the House of Officers, Children's Sports Military Club.
  • Zmeinogorsk - The city on the area of \u200b\u200b320 hectares with a population of 10.9 thousand people, the history of existence takes from 1736. The district center of the Zmeinogorsk district is located at the Kolyvan Range, near the Mountain of the snake, at the distance from Barnaul at 360 km. The settlement is made to call the cradle of the Ore Altai, since since the creation it was the main of the miners and suppliers in Russia of silver and gold.
    Here, for the first time in Russia, the Masters of the Mountain Affairs I. I. Polzunov was invented the steam machine used for the extraction of silver and gold ore. The entire history of the settlement is presented in the local history museum, which is located in the building of the former office of the Sereblivile Mine. There are 34 in the city historical monuments Cultures, to which the remnants of the combat guarding outpost of 1754 are attributed, the mechanized line of the ore feed and the cast-iron pitch of the driveway for the trolleys.
  • Stone-on-Obi - It was laid in 1751, until 1933, a stone was called, located a little higher than the Novosibirsk reservoir, 209 km from Barnaul, with a population of 44.5 thousand people, the district center of the Kamensky district. In the settlement there is a nodal railway station of the Meshnessism highway. The foundation of the economy is the food industry, since 2010, a forest and metallic plant operates. The local history museum tells the history of the city and the district.
  • Slavgorod It is 20 km from the border with Kazakhstan, founded in 1910, until 2012 he was a district center, after administrative reform - the city of regional subordination with a population of 32.3 thousand people. The basis of the economy is large enterprises - a plant of electrical equipment and a combine for the production of blacksmith-presses. There are 5 branches of universities in the educational sphere, there are 4 secondary educational institutions.


The Altai Territory on the map of Russia is represented by the West Siberian Low and the Altai Mountain System - Sayan.

In the West and in the central part, the area is flat, it includes:

The edge is rich in a diverse relief, passing from one species to another:

  • steppe,
  • forests,
  • forest-steppe
  • taiga,
  • tundra mountainous areas.

Climatic conditions

The climate of the region is customary to relate to contrasting-continental type. It is characterized by a long, cold, with a big abundance of snow in winter and short, occasionally hot summer. Air temperature drops throughout the year can reach from 90 to 110 ° C.

The average winter temperature is - 22 - 25 ° C, in frosty peaks it drops to - 55 - 58 °. The average summer temperature is +25 + 28 ° C, in some areas of the edge can be increased to +42 + 46 ° C.

The flat part in the west is low-voltage and hot, the precipitates are gradually starting to increase from point 220 mm to 600-750 mm per year. Accordingly, in winter, snow in 40-80 cm decreases with approaching to the western side of the Altai Territory to 20-30 cm.

Permanent snow falls in early December, and goes down in the middle of April. The average depth of the primer of the soil is 60-90 cm, and in some steppe housing areas can reach 2 m. Due to the presence in the relief in the Southern East mountain Massiva West oriental winds prevail.

Flora and fauna

Altai Krai on the map of Russia by 26% in its composition is represented by forest arrays. Starting from the influx of the Barnauli River and to the River Burli, are characteristic of the edges of pine forests and belt-type forests located near the shores of water arteries.

Configured tree breeds grow mainly in the forests, occasionally diluted with deciduous breeds of birch and aspen. The Black Taiga Taiga is represented by unique cedar, fir forests and armor. AT mountainous areas A rare representative of Flora is found - Siberian cedar, which is sometimes called the Siberian cedar pine, from her nuts mining therapeutic oil.

Forest shrub belt is widely represented in mountain transfer, richly diluted with fruit-berry rocks.

The steppe and forest-steppe part of the region is represented by 2300 species of plants, which is 70% of the diversity of the flora of the central part of Siberia, among which come across and very rare, listed in the Red Book:

  • ginseng;
  • red root;
  • peony is extraordinary;
  • licorice naked;
  • wild sunflower.

The animal world of the Altai Territory due to the terrain and diverse natural zones is represented by many wild animals.

Of the 89 mammalian species are especially allocated:

Among the 320 species of birds are many such as:

  • owl;
  • white wagtail;
  • falcon;
  • tETERS;
  • quail;
  • crawling crane;
  • hawk;
  • sandpiper;
  • gray crane;
  • swan;
  • owl.

The water world is replete with a multitude of fish from 33 species:


In early 2018, for the data of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, the population of the Altai Territory was 2.350080 million inhabitants, which took 1.6% of the total population of Russia, with a density of 13.99 people / km Quad. In this section of citizens - 56.44%, rural residents - 43.56%, at a time when a national indicator of the villagers is 25.6%.

Altai Krai on the map of Russia is represented by more than 100 peoples: 94% - Russians, Germans - 2%, as historically have compact areas of residence, Ukrainians - 1.4%, and the remaining 2.6% includes Caucasian nationalities, Mongols, Chinese , Kazakhs.


The executive branch of the government is the administration of the Region, headed by the Governor (Head of Administration). The administration includes departments, management and departments according to functional affiliation to the areas of livelihoods of the region.

Victor Tomenko - the current governor of the entire Altai Territory on the map of Russia

Legislative power is presented in the form of a meeting. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly are elected by a capable population on general regional elections for a period of 4 years in the amount of 68 delegates, half of which are on single-member districts, the rest according to party lists.

The chairman-dominant in the meeting is elected by deputies from their number at the first session of the new convening of the representative body.

Economic development

The growth of the GDP of the Altai Territory is the main indicator of the economic development of the region.


The Altai Territory refers to the agricultural region, where the main focus in agriculture is the production of meat and making products, as well as grain, legumes and industrial crops:

The augro sector's arable land includes 16.1 million hectares, 40% of which are occupied under agricultural land. Due to unfavorable natural conditions In the southern part of the region, the management of agrarian works is considered unprofitable.


In the Altai Territory of 2346 enterprises, of which the categories of large and medium are 385.

The larger share in the industry of the region is occupied by mechanical engineering and metalworking, focused on the release:

  • agricultural machinery;
  • rolling stock for the needs of the railway;
  • forging installations;
  • drilling machines;
  • defense products.

The presence of products and raw materials of the agricultural sector of the economy makes it possible to dynamically develop light and food sectors in the fields:

The chemical industry is represented in the region of several enterprises, the main the directivity of which is the release of related materials used in the metallurgical sphere:

  • sulphuric acid;
  • electrolyte;
  • sodium sulfuri;
  • additives for winter fuels;
  • concrete modifiers and plasticizers.

AT last years Resort and sanatorium recovery and tourism are actively developing.


Industrial electricity production capacity in the Altai Territory allows you to produce 52% of the amount consumed. The combined energy system of Siberia compensates for the necessary shortage.

The basis of energy generation is the heat-power plant of Rubtsovsk, Biysk, Barnaul. The total power of electricity produced in the region is 1654.8 MW.

Trade and services

Due to the increasing internal gross product, the turnover of export-import operations of the Altai Territory per year exceeds the equivalent of 2350.0 million dollars. USA. Affiliate relations in terms of foreign economic activity are established by more than 150 countries of the world.

The main exporting products is:

Local and federal trade networks work in the domestic market and retailers. There is a program to support small entrepreneurs.

With a raising and growth of the region's economy, resort and sanatorium recovery, tourism associated with the services of transfer and leisure, as a result of which the region has been operating yearly:

  • 42 resort and sanatorium institutions;
  • 437 hotels and hotels;
  • 16 tourist agents.

Especially protected natural territories

Specially protected natural territories are represented by reserves:

Architectural and Natural Attractions

For tourists, the following places are of interest:

Transport connection in the Altai Territory

The development of the land type of transport in the region contributes to the presence of tracks total length 15.6 thousand km. Through the territory of the region, the highways of national average, connecting the subjects of the federation with adjacent and related countries: Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan.

Railway transport He began to develop in the royal era, when the highways had 650 km of a gauze, today this figure has grown to 1803 km. The development of this type of transport contributes to the presence of more than 2000 industrial enterprises in the territory of the region, which in its composition have 866 km of access routes.

Nodal stations Alaska, Altai, Biysk, Barnaul, Rubtsovsk are transshipment bases for freight traffic An international nature exercised from the East of Russia to Central Asia and vice versa.

20% of the territory of the edge is serviced water species transport. The shipping lines of the routes are 650 km with the relevant infrastructure of the marins, loading berths, repair docks and train stations.

Air communication is carried out by forces international Airport them. Titova posted on the outskirts of Barnaul. To passenger modes of public transport in the largest cities (Barnaul, Biysk, Rubtsovsk) are attributed route taxi, trams, trolleybuses. The rest of the settlements are served by local route buses.

The dynamic development of the Altai Territory in all economic sectors and the livelihoods of the state, the constant growth of the inner gross product, the floating indicator of which in recent years has reached a value of 4.2-4.35%, allow it to hold a proper place on the map of Russia.

Article clearance: Mila Freidan

Video about the Altai Territory

A film about the Altai Territory:

See also: