Aboriginal Tasmania. Tasmanian: Technique and Material Culture, Economy, Public Story, Religion, Art


Tasmania's area is 68,401 km². The island is located in the "roaring fortieth" latitudes on the path of stable storm western winds. It is washed by the Indian and the Pacific Oceans and is separated from Australia by the Bass Strait.

The island is a structural continuation of the Great Water Consumer Range of Australia. The shores form numerous bays (McCori, Storm, Great Ouster, etc.).


It is believed that the island of Tasmania to the end of the last glacial era (approximately 10,000 years ago) was part of mainland Australia. Most of the island consists of the invasions of the diabase of the Jurassic period (magma exits) into other rocks, sometimes forming extensive columnar structures. Tasmania is the world's largest area of \u200b\u200bthe distribution of diabase that forms many peculiar mountains and rocks here. It is mostly compounded by the central plateau and the southeastern part of the island. Mount Wellington near Hobart with a diabase of unique columns, organ pipes is a characteristic example. In the southern part, approximately at the Hobart level, diabase passes through sandstone layers and similar sedimentary rocks. In the south-west, the Precambrian quartzites from very ancient marine sediments form a strikingly sharp ridges and mountains, such as Federey-Peak (Peak Federation) and Franchmans-CEP. In the North-East and East, you can see continental granites similar to the coastal granites of mainland Australia. For the North-West and West, volcanic breeds are characteristic of minerals. In the south and northwest, limestones are also found with magnificent caves.

Quartzite zones and functions in high mountains Welcome traces of glaciation, especially on the central plateau and in the south-west of the island. For example, Mount Craidl was previously a nunatak. Combinations of these different rocks give birth to stunning unique landscapes. On the extreme southwestern tip of the state of the breed almost completely consists of quartzite, which gives rise to a false impression of year-round snowy hats on the tops of the mountains.


Since there were no volcanic activity on the island in the last geological time, the relief prevails with a separate steeply plateau and highlands with a height of 600-1000 m, which makes Tasmania the most high-willed state of Australia. Lowland Midlands, located on the flow of the McKori River (flowing into South ESC, and then to Teimar), with a relatively flat relief and used mainly for agricultural needs, separates East Highlands (the most high Point - Mount Leg-Thor, 1572 m) from the central plateau (the highest point - Mountain Osse, 1617 m - higher Top Tasmania).



The absolute maximum temperature in Tasmania is 42.2 ° C was registered on January 30, 2009 in the village of Scamander. The minimum temperature of -13 ° C was registered on June 30, 1983 in the village of Tarralia.


Thanks to the mountainous relief in Tasmania there is a large number of rivers, many of which are overpriced by the dams of hydroelectric power plants that fully ensure the needs of the state in electricity. Most rivers originate on the central plateau and descends to the coast. On the shores of estuary rivers, as a rule, large settlements are located.

Flora and fauna

Animal I. vegetable world Tasmania is very original - a large number of representatives are endemics. Even those who arrived from Continental Australia, additional environmental control are undergoing on Tasmania, similar to that who arrived in Australia.

At Tasmania, 44% of the territory is covered with rain forests, and 21% occupy national parks. Such relations are rarely found. Foresting the lakes, rivers and waterfalls, replenish with rain and melt water, nourish the forests, where Eufory Tirukillilli, Eucalyptus of congestion and Gunn, Mirty, Notofagus Cunningham, Acacia Chernodrew, Sassafras, Ekriphia Brilliant, Fillocladus Asplenide, Dixony Antarctic and Dacridium Franklinia - and Environmental defenders are still "fighting" with mining, paper manufacturers and builders of hydropower plants. The naked desert of Quinstown, the Mining and Industrial City, harshly reminds about the consequences of thoughtless waste of natural resources.

The fauna of these places suffered, especially Tilacin, or a Summer Wolf, - an animal with gray-yellow painting, resembling a dog. For dark stripes on his back and the sacrum called him a tig. It is a sorry, but this is a drunken, a fellow carnivorous chant to carry a poultry and sheep. For killed tilacins, they gave remuneration, and by 1936 they disappeared.

Another unique Temple Tasmania, the Tasmanian Devil, the disappearance may be threatened due to a unique oncological disease - facial tumor. Currently, the scientists of Australia are intensive work to prevent the dissemination of this disease among the Tasmanian devils. Tasmania is also famous for the fine-frozen petrel. Starting flight in the Tasmanian Sea, and practically covered with a circle Pacific OceanThe petrel from year to year returns to his sandy nesting.

Not far from the nests of fine-frozen petrels, where they arrive only at night, the other bird lives, which "flies" under water, a small penguin - with a short beak and no more cat.


For 1991, the population of Tasmania was 359,383 people. Most of the inhabitants are Anglo-Australians (more than 80%). This nation formed mainly the descendants of immigrants from Great Britain and Ireland. They are accustomed to count their history since 1788, when the first colonists drove on the island. About 1% - aborigines, indigenous population Tasmania (Australoid Race). It is believed that they live on the island of about 40 thousand years. There are also Chinese, Indians and other nations.

The state language is English with a local accent. The prevailing majority of the population, including Aboriginal, - Christians (most of the Catholics, then protestants and the parishioners of the Anglican Church, after - Orthodox). About 4% - Buddhists and Muslims.


Etymology name

The aboriginal period

The photo of the last four purebred Tasmanians, the 1860s. Extreme right - the shrub, which is the last of them

Tasmania was originally populated by Tasmanian Aboriginal (Tasmanians). Finds testifying to their presence in this region, later thank you, at least 35 thousand years. The rise in the ocean level cut off Tasmania from Mainland Australia about 10 thousand years ago.

By contacting the Europeans, Tasmannians were divided into nine major ethnic groups. Estimated [ who?], during the appearance of British settlers in 1803, the local population ranged from 5 to 10 thousand people. Because of the European infectious diseases brought by Europeans to which the aborigines did not have immunity, war and persecution of the indigenous population of the island decreased by 1833 to 300 people. Almost all the aborigines were resettled by George August Robinson on Flinders Island.

A woman named Trugarini (-) is considered the last purebred Tasmanian. However, there is evidence that the latter was another woman, Fanny Cockrane Smith, born in Waibalne and the deceased in 1905.

The first Europeans

Tasmania at the end of the XIX century

The first European, who saw Tasmania, began on November 24, 1642 Dutch researcher Abel Tasman. Tasman landed in the Bay of Blackman. In 1773, Tobias Furino became the first Englishman, landed by Tasmania in the Gulf of Advent. The French expedition, headed by Mark Joseph Marion Dufren, landed on the island in Bay Blackman in 1772. Captain James Cook with Young William Blaem on board stayed in the Gulf of Advents in 1777. William Blya returned here in 1788 (on the ship Bounty) and in 1792 (on the ship Providence Together with the young Matthew Flinders). Many other Europeans visited the island, leaving behind the colorful array of topographic objects. Matthew Flinders and George Bass in 1798-1799 for the first time proved that Tasmania is an island.

The first settlement of Pindon Cove was founded by the British in 1803 on the eastern shore of the River Druenet. A small part of the settlers was directed from Sydney under the team of John Bowen in order to prevent French claims to the island. Alternative settlement Sullivans Cove was founded by Captain David Collins in 1804 in five kilometers south on the West Bank, where there were more sources of drinking water. Later, the settlement was named Hobart in honor of the then Secretary of State for the colonies of Lord Hobart. Radon settlement later was abandoned.

The first settlers were mainly convicts and their armed guards. They were given the task of development of agriculture and industry. A lot of settlements have arisen on the island, including the core prisons in Port Arthur in the south-east and in McKori Bay on west coast. For 50 years from 1803 to 1853, about 75,000 convicts were transported to Tasmania. The Land Wang Dimeme was separated from the new South Wales and was proclaimed independent colony with his own judicial system and the legislative council on December 3, 1825.

Colony Tasmania

The British Colony of Tasmania existed on the island from 1856 to 1901, when she together with five other Australian colonies entered the Australian Union. The possibility of self-government colony appeared in 1850, when the British Parliament adopted a law on Australian colonies, providing them with all the right of legislative power. The Legislative Council of the Land Van-Dimemet adopted the Constitution in 1854, which was authorized by the Queen Victoria in 1855. At the end of the same year, the Secret Council approved a change in the name of the colony with the "Land Wang Dimeme" on Tasmania. In 1856, the newly elected two-challenge parliament was gathered for the first time, thus approved by Tasmania as a self-friendly colony of the British Empire.

The economy of the colony was subject to cyclic oscillations, but throughout the main time has experienced steady growth.


The staff was significantly affected by the fires of 1967, which brought material damage and death of people. In the 1970s, the government announced plans to fill the water of Lake Pedder, which is of great importance to the environment. The destruction of Tasmanov's bridge, which in 1975 the dry cargo ship MV Lake Illwarra crashed, made almost impossible an intersection of the Deruen River in the Hobart area. The attention of the international community attracted a campaign against the Franklin dam construction project on the Gordon River in the early 1980s. This campaign contributed to the development of the motion of the green. On April 28, 1996, an incident occurred, known as the massacre in Port Arthur, when Martin Bryant shot 35 people (both locals and tourists) and wounded 22. After that, the rules for the use of firearms were immediately revised, new laws for the possession of weapons were accepted throughout the country, and the law of Tasmania became the most stringent in Australia. In April 2006, a small earthquake caused the collapse of the Bikonksfield mine. One person died, two remained sliced \u200b\u200bunder the ground for 14 days. Tasmanian society has been divided into supporters and opponents of the construction of the Cellulosic and Paper Plant Bell Bay. Supporters ratified for the creation of new jobs, while opponents indicated that environmental pollution would have a negative impact on both the fishing industry and the development of tourism.

Political device

The form of the political device of Tasmania is determined by the Constitution dated 1856, although many changes have been made in it. Tasmania is the state of the Australian Union, and its relationship with the Union and the distribution of powers between different levels of government is regulated by the Australian Constitution.

Parliament House in Hobart

In the elections to the Parliament of Tasmania 2002, the Labor Party received 14 out of 25 seats in the lower chamber. The number of votes submitted for the liberal batch has decreased significantly, and it was able to get only 7 seats. Green received 4 places, which is more than 18% of the votes of the population, the greatest representation of green in any of the parliaments of the world. February 23, 2004, after the diagnosis of lung cancer, Premier Jim Bacon resigned. During your last month In power, he deployed an energetic anti-fat campaign, which resulted in a ban on smoking in many public places, including pubs. He died four months later. At the post of Premiere Bacon changed Paul Lennon. After two years of their stay, the party who led the party won the 2006 elections. Lennon resigned in 2008. He was changed by David Barlett, who after the elections of 2010 formed together with the green coalition government. Barlett resigned in January 2011. His successor was Lara Dzhiddings, the first woman - Premier Tasmania.

Tasmania has several relatively unpolluted environmentally significant regions. In this regard, local economic projects must comply with strict environmental requirements, otherwise they are automatically rejected. The projects of construction of hydroelectric power plants that put forward at the end of the 20th century were controversial. In the 1970s, the public movement against the construction project of the dam on Lake Pedder resulted in the creation of the United Tasmanian Group - the world's first greenery party.

In the early 1980s, a hot debate turned around in the state around the construction of the Franklin dam. The arguments against the construction of the dam were divided by many Australians outside Tasmania, which became one of the factors of coming to power after the 1983 elections of the Labor Government Bob Hawk, which stopped the factor of the dam. After the 1980s, the attention of the ecologists switched to the deforestation of relic forests - the question that caused great differences. Public organizations recommended to terminate the solid logging of protected relict forests by January 2003.


Main mineral map of Western and Southwestern Tasmania 1865

The traditional industries of the Tasmania economy are mining (copper, zinc, tin and iron), agriculture, logging and tourism. An important export article is fish and seafood (Atlantic salmon, Galiotis, Langusti).

Over the past 15 years, the production of new products for the state of agricultural products has been actively developing in Tasmania: Wine, Saffron, Chamomile, Cherry).

During the 1990s, there was a decline in Tasmania in the industry, which led to the outflow on the mainland of some part of the qualified workers, mainly into large industrial centers, such as Melbourne and Sydney. However, since 2001, the situation in the Australian economy began to improve. The favorable economic climate in the whole of Australia, low air rates and commissioning of two new ferries created conditions for the tour desk on the island.

Today, the main part of the population of Tasmania works in state organizations. Among other major employers Federal group, owner of several hotels and two casinos, and Gunns LimetedThe largest logging company. In the late 1990s, after the introduction of broadband fiberglass with cheap access, many Australian companies transferred their call centers to Tasmania.

Due to underestimation in the early 2000s and the increased level of intraavraral and international immigration in Tasmania, the state's real estate market experienced a stormy growth in recent years even on the background of Australia's housing market. The lack of rental housing creates problems for many Tasmanians with low income.

It is believed that the Tasmanian business environment is quite difficult to survive small businesses. Nevertheless, there are a number of successful examples of the growth of private companies to large corporations, for example, Incat, Moorilla Estate, Tassal.


Communication with the mainland is provided by regular flights, as well as daily by the acting ferry crossing "Melbourne - Devonport".

international Airport Hobart

The main air carriers of Tasmania are Qantas with subsidiary JetStar Airways, as well as Virgin Blue, carrying out direct flights to Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide. Low-budget airline Tiger Airways started flights between Melbourne and Launceston in November 2007 and Hobart in January 2008. Main airports: Hobart International Airport (regular international flights are not carried out since the 1990s) and Launceston Airport. From the small airports of Bernie and the Devonport airport, flights to Melbourne are airlines by Regional Express Airlines and Qantaslink, respectively.

The coastal routes are served by TT-Line Bass Strait automotive-passenger ferries. Since 1986, the MS ABEL Tasman vessel made 6 night flights a week between Devonport and Melbourne. In 1993, he was replaced by a vessel MS Spirit of Tasmania, who worked on the same schedule. In 2002, he replaced two high-speed ferries, MS Spirit of Tasmania I and MS Spirit of Tasmania II, which made it possible to increase the number of night flights to 14 per week, plus one daytime flight to the peak period. In January 2004, the third, a little smaller ferry MS SPIRIT OF TASMANIA III began to rush on the Hobart - Sydney route. This line was closed by the Government of Tasmania in June 2006 due to insufficient passenger traffic. Ferry lines from BridPort on Flinders Island and Welshpool is also operated. Two container vessels belonging to Toll Shipping make daily flights between Bernie and Melbourne. Cruise liners also come to the port of Hobart.

Ferry Spirit Of Tasmania connects the island with mainland Australia

Incat is located in the state, a manufacturer of high-speed catamarans with an aluminum housing, on which a number of speed records have been set. The state government tried to use them for transportation through the Bass of the Strait, but ultimately had to abandon this idea due to doubt in the survivability and adaptability of these vessels for work in extreme weather conditions, sometimes arising in the Strait.

Tasmania, in particular, Hobart, serves as the main base for the Sea Communications of Australia with Antarctica. In Kingston, the Australian Antarctic Department is located. Hobart is a basic port for the French ship L'Astrolabe, which supplies the French Southern and Antarctic territories. Hobart is the second in the depth of the port of the world, yielding only Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

The main transport within the state is automotive. Since the 1980s, many highway roads have been upgraded. In particular, the southern trafficking of Hobart, the southern trafficking of Launceston were built, highways of Bass and Houon were reconstructed. Public transport is represented by bus buses Metro Tasmania.

Tasmania railway transport is represented by narrow-chain lines connecting 4 main cities and mining and logging enterprises on the west coast and in the North-West. The network operator is Tasrail, subsidiary Pacific National. Regular passenger transportation in the state was discontinued in 1977. Currently carried out only freight transportationThere are also tourist trains in certain areas, such as the tourist gear railway West Coast Wilderness Railway.



In the colonial period, typical English cuisine prevailed in the majority of Tasmania. The arrival of immigrants from other countries and the change in cultural patterns led to the fact that in Tasmania now there is a wide range of restaurants with kitchens of various nations. In Tasmania, there are many wineries located in various districts around the island. Tasmanian beer, in particular, brands Boag's. and Cascade. It is known and for sale on the mainland. King Island at the North-West Coast of Tasmania has a reputation as a boutique of cheeses and dairy products. Tasmanians also consume a large amount of seafood (lunguhist, largest, salmon).

Cultural events

In order to develop tourism, the Government of Tasmania encourages and supports the holding of a number of annual events on the island. Sydney's regatta - Hobart, starting in Sydney on the day of gifts and finishing in the Dock of the Constitution in Hobart after 3-4 days, during the annual Food and Wine Festival Tasmania taste.

The first season of the Australian version of the realistic show The Mole was removed mainly in Tasmania, and the final was held in a famous prison in Port Arthur.


The most famous films discontinued in Tasmania are History Ruby Rose, Last confession Alexander Pierce and a recent picture Land Wang Dimeman. In all of them, Tasmania's landscape is an important element, and the plots of the last two episodes were from the history of reliable settlements in Tasmania. In 2011, the film "The Hunter" came to the screens, which was also shot in Tasmania.

Visual art

Biennale Tasmanian Living ARTISTS "WEEK - The ten-day Tasmanian visual artists festival, conducted on various platforms throughout the state. In the fourth festival in 2007, more than 1000 artists participated. Two local artists became the owners of the prestigious Australian award for the portraiters of Archibald Prize: Jack Karington Smith in 1963 for the portrait of Professor James Makaueland and Jeffrey Dyer in 2003 for the portrait of the writer Richard Flanagan. Photographers Olegas Trucanas and Peter Dombrovskis are known to works that have been cultivated to move against dam construction projects on Lake Pedder and Dam Franklin. Born in England Artist John Glover is known for his scenery of Tasmania.


A television

In Tasmania, there are five television companies broadcasting through local TV channels:

  • ABC Tasmania. (digital and analog), daily release of local news in 19-00
  • SBS One. (digital and analog)
  • Win Television Tasmania. (digital and analog), network belongs Nine Network.
  • Tasmanian Digital Television (Digital only), network belongs Network Ten.

In addition to its own production, the television company is retransmitted by national channels.


Spectators at the stadium Bellerav oval

Sport is not only an important element of leisure of Tasmania residents. Several well-known professional athletes have grown in the state, a number of major competitions were held here. The Tasmanian Tigers cricket team successfully represents the state in the Sheffield Shield National Championship (Champion 2007 and 2011). At its home stadium, international matches are held in Belleriv. Among the famous local players David Bun and the current captain of the Australian national team Ricky Ponting. Australian football uses popularity, although the state's application for the participation of the Tasmanian team in the Australian football league is still not satisfied. Several matches of this league were held at the York Park Stadium in Launceston. In particular, since 2007, part of the games at this stadium holds Melbourne Hawthorn Football Club, who declared him as a backup home arena. In 2006, the stadium was held in the stadium a sadly famous match between the clubs St Kilda Football Club and Fremantle Football Club, ended in a draw after the judges did not hear the final siren and the last point was earned after the expiration of the game time.

see also



... Are we dealing with smart monkeys or with very low-time people?
Oldfield, 1865.
The only reasonable and logical solution for the lowest race is its destruction.
G. J. Wells, 1902

In the photo: the latest indigenous people of Tasmania

One of the disgraceful pages of the history of the English colonial expansion is the extermination of the native population about. Tasmania.,

British settlers in Australia, and especially in Tasmania, the sake of their own prosperity systematically destroyed the indigenous population and undermined the foundations of his life. The British "need" were all the land of the natives with favorable climatic conditions. "Europeans may hope for prosperity, because ... Black will soon disappear ...

If you shoot natives in the same way as crows are shooting in some countries, then the number of [the native] population should be strongly reduced with time, "Robert Knox wrote in his" philosophical study on the effect of race "." Alan Murhad described the fatal changes that Australia suffered: "In Sydney, wild tribes were frozen. In Tasmania, they were crowdedly destroyed ... settlers ... and convicts ... they all were eager to get the land, and none of them was going to allow black to prevent this.

However, those soft and kind of kind people who have visited Cook for half a century to visit, were not so submissive as on the mainland. " After the farmers took the land from the indigenous residents (first of all on Tasmania, where the climate was colder), the natives with spears in their hands tried to resist the impellers armed with firearms. In response, the British organized a real hunt for them. At Tasmania, such a hunt for people occurred with the sanctions of the British authorities: "The final extermination on a large scale could be carried out only with the help of justice and the armed forces ... Soldiers of the forties regiment were driven by natives between two stone blocks, shot

all men, and then pulled out women and children from rocks raft to embroil them brains "(ISSO). If the natives were "disliked [non-sladers]", the British did the conclusion that the only way out of the situation was to destroy them. On the natives "indifferently hunted, they were dried as lans." Those who managed to catch, touched. In 1835, the last local resident survived was taken out. Moreover, these measures were not secret, no one was ashamed of them, and the government supported this policy.

"So, a hunt for people began, and over time she became more and more fierce. In 1830, Tasmania was translated into martial law, a chain of armed people were built around the island, who tried to drive the aborigines in the Western. The indigenous people managed to drink through the Cordon, however, the will to life left the hearts of savages, the fear was stronger than despair ... "Felix Maynard, a French whale-walled vessel, recalled the systematic clients on the natives. "Tasmanians were useless and [now] everyone died," Hammond believed.
* Hammond John Lawrence Le Breton (1872-1949) - historian and journalist.

Europeans found the island quite tightly populated. R. Peh, it believes that the products of hunting and gathering on Tasmania could exist about 6,000 natives. Wars between the aborigines did not go further of small inter-barded strings. There was no hunger strike, which did not happen, at least the Europeans did not find the natives depleted.

The first Europeans were met by Tasmanians with the greatest friendliness. According to Cook, Tasmanians from all the "savages" were the most good-natured and gullible people. "They did not have a ferocious species, but seemed to be kind and fun without incredulsity to strangers."

When in 1803 The island was founded by the first English settlement, Tasmanians also reacted to the colonists without any hostility. Only the violence and cruelty of Europeans forced Tasmanians to change their attitude to white. In the sources we find numerous colorful examples of these violence and cruelty. "Someone, named Carrots," says H. Parker, "killed the native, who wanted to lead his wife, cut off his head, hung her like a toy, on the neck of the killed and forced the woman to follow him." The same author reports the exploits of one talencrameman who "captured 15 native women and raised them on the island of Bassum Strait so that they mined for him seal. If the woman did not have time to prepare the proper number of skins, he tied the perpetrators to the trees to the trees for 24-36 hours in a row, and from time to time by their rogues. "

In the early 1820s, Tasmanians make attempts to organized armed resistance to European violences and murderers. The so-called "Black War" begins ("Black War"), which soon turned into a simple hunt for the British for Tasmanians, absolutely defenseless against whitear weapons.

H. Hall directly says that "Black Hunt was a favorite sport of the colonists. Chose the day and invited the neighbors with their families on a picnic ... After lunch, the gentlemen took guns and dogs and, accompanied by 2-3 servants from exiles, went to the woods to look for Tasmanians. The hunters returned with the triumph if they managed to shoot a woman or 1-2 men.

"One European Colonist," says Ling Roth, "there was a bank in which he kept the ears of people as hunting trophies, whom he managed to kill."

"Many blacks with women and children gathered in a ravine near the city ... Men were sitting around a large fire, while women were busy cooking for food dinner. The natives were caught by surprise with a squad of soldiers who opened fire without warning, and then rushed to finish wounded. One soldier pushed a bayonet of a child who climbed around his killed mother, and threw him into the fire. " This soldier himself told himself about his "feat" traveler Hull, and when the last expressed his perturbation of his cruelty, he exclaimed with sincere surprise: "After all, it was only a child!"

In 1834, everything was completed. "December 28," says E. Recleu, "the last natives pursued as wild animals were driven by the tip of one sublime cape, and this event was celebrated with the triumph. Happy Hunter, Robinson, received a reward from the government to the estate of 400 hectares and a significant amount of money.

The prisoners were first translated from the island to the island, and then they concluded all Tasmanians among two hundreds in one swampy valley about. Finders. Within 10 years 3/4 exact moves.

In 1860, only eleven Tasmanians remained. In 1876, the last Tasmanian of the Tasmanni dies, the island turns out to be in the expression of English official documents, completely "purified" from the natives, except for the negligible amount of the erected margins of Anglo-Tasmanian origin.

"Charles Darwin visited Tasmania during the Holocaust. He wrote: "I'm afraid there is no doubt that evil, creating here, and his consequences are the result of the shameless behavior of some of our countrymen." It is still gently told. It was a monstrous, unforgivable crime ... Aborigines had only two alternatives: either resist and die, or to conquer and become a parody of themselves, "wrote Alan Murhad. Polish traveler Count Stshhetsky,

(* Stzheletsky Edmund Pavel (1796-1873) - Polish naturalist, geographer and geologist, researcher of America, Oceania and Australia) who came to Australia in the late 1830s, could not not express horror from what he saw: "humiliated, depressed, torphid ... Exhausted and covered with dirty rags, they - [once] the natural owners of this land - [now] the ghosts of the former people than living people; They are stiven here in their melancholic existence, expecting even more melancholic end. " Stzheletsky also mentioned about "the examination of one ram of the corpse of another - with the verdict:" Died overtook Kari God "". The extermination of the natives could be viewed as a hunt as a sport, because they have no souls.
True, Christian missionaries opposed the ideas about the "absence of the soul" from "Aboriginal" and saved the life of a considerable number of the last indigenous inhabitants of Australia. Nevertheless
Less, the Constitution of the Australian Union, operating already in the post-war years, prescribed (Article 127) "Do not take into account the aborigines" when calculating the population of individual states. Thus, the Constitution rejected their involvement in human genus. In the end, in 1865, Europeans, faced with indigenous people, were not sure if they were the case "with smart monkeys or with very low-width people."

Caring for "these beversions" is a "crime against our own blood", - reminded in 1943 by Henry Himmler, speaking of Russians, who should have subordinate to the Nordic race of the Lord.
The British, who committed in Australia, "unheard of in the case of colonization" (according to Adolf Hitler), did not need this kind of instructions. So, one message for 1885 says:
"To calm the niggres, they were given something stunning. The food [which they were distributed] half consisted of Strichnina - and no one escaped her fate ... The owner of Long-Lagun, with this trick, destroyed more than a hundred black. " "In former times, in the new South Wales, it was useless to seek those who invited black and gave them poisoned meat, suffered a deserved punishment." A Vincent Lesina still in 1901, said in an Australian parliament: "Nigger should disappear with the development of the white man" - so "is the law of evolution." "We did not realize that, killing black, violate the law ... Because before it was practiced everywhere," the chief argument of the British who killed in 1838 twenty-eight "friendly" (i.e. peaceful) natives. Before this massacre on Mayell Creek, all shares on the extermination of the indigenous people of Australia remained unpunished. Only in the second year of the kingdom of Queen Victoria for such a crime, in order of exception, seven of the British (from the lower layers) was heated.

Nevertheless, in Queensland (North Australia) at the end of the XIX century. An innocent fun was considered to drive a whole family of Niggners -Muja, wife and children - into the water to crocodiles ... During his stay in North Queensland in 1880-1884, Norwegez Karl Lumholz (* Lumholz Karl Sofus (1851-1922) - Norwegian Traveler, naturalist and ethnographer, researcher of Australia, Mexico, Indonesia) I heard such statements: "Black can only shoot - it is impossible to contact them in a different way." One of the colonists noticed that it was "hard ... but ... the necessary principle." He himself shot all the men who met on his pastures, "because they are the essence of the scott bikes, women - because they give rise to the scotties, and children - because they [more] will be the scotches. They do not want to work and therefore they are not suitable for anything but how to get a bullet, "the colonists of Lumholz complained.

This text was written by Stanislav Drobyshevsky specifically for the portal Anthropogenesis.ru.
Place of first publication: http: //antropogenez.ru/zveno-single/637/

Yours faithfully,
A. Sokolov
Portal Editor

Racial status and history of the origin of Tasmanian Aboriginalov are "gray spots" of anthropology. It is mainly due to the total destruction of the Aboriginal themselves in the middle of the XIX century by the British. In a less lesser extent, the destruction of paleoanthropological and craniological materials at the end of the 20th century.

Despite these difficulties, it is not so little about Tasmanians. V.R. Cabo gave an exhaustive and best of existing overview of all available materials (Cabo, 1975). Craniology of Tasmanian disassembled in detail in several monumental work (Macintosh et Barker, 1965; MORANT, 1927, 1939; Wunderly, 1939).

Tasmani skulls are characterized by a small volume, actually record on a global scale (perhaps less than Andamanians). The length of the skull is medium, width and height - small; Skull dolo-, ortho and metric. The nisching width of the skull is usually located high, although the side walls of the arch are almost or completely parallel with the rear view.

The forehead is medium wide, quite attached, with a flattened cerebral part. Absorpical relief of Tasmanians strong, emphasize the strong reducibility. The sagittal roller of the frontal bone is often expressed, albeit weaker than the Australians, he rarely reaches the dark bones, although the transverse profile of the vault is still the roof-shaped. The forehead will show moderately: stronger than Europeans, but less than the Australians. The temporal lines are located high, although not so close to the sagittal line, like the Australians. The occipital part of the skull is somewhat elongated, but not as much as Australians; The middle of the midwife, but relatively with the width of the entire skull is slightly expanded. The occipital relief is expressed quite weakly than Tasmanians differ sharply from Australians; The same can be said about other elements of muscle relief on the skull. The surface of the bones is generally very smooth, and all possible edges are rounded. The temporal fossa is expressed weakly, glorified. The scattering of the temporal bone is very elongated, low, with a hidden upper edge; Dumplings are quite poorly expressed.

Typical skull of a Tasmanian woman.
Source: MORANT G.M. Note On Dr. J. Wunderly "S Survey of Tasmanian Crania // Biometrika, 1939, V.30, №3 / 4, p.341.

The face is very low, but the medium-wide, eurienne, mesognatnaya, although alveolar prenatamism can be pronounced. Characteristic drawing of Tasmanians - sharp upper horizontal profiling. Skylty arcs are thin, unlike Australians. The sockets have smoothed edges, a rectangular shape, with parallel top and bottom edges, absolutely very low and medium wide, relatively - rigid. The nose is very low, but wide, hyperchargene, as a result

the relative width of the Tasmanian nose is one of the greatest in the world, surpasses Australian values.

Nasal bones concave and extremely short; The ratio of their width to the length is a record on a global scale. The width of the nasal bones is less than that of the Australians; In this case, the bones are often sharply narrowed by the end, and the transverse profile of them is very convex. The tray assistant is often developed extremely weakly, possibly weaker than in all other groups of people, and the edges of the nasal hole (and the side too) are rounded and smoothed; Like all equatorials, tray pits or boilers are often developed. The bones are very small than Tasmanians differ sharply from Australians. Unlike Australians, a small subprior space. Fang pits are often deep, although weaker are developed than the Australians. Lightweight cuttings are not very strong. The alveolar extension of the upper jaw is very low, usually sharply directed forward. The palate is long and medium wide, leptostafilin, small or moderate depths, never be deep, unlike the volume of the Australians. Often a sagittal roller is developed on the nose. Alveolar arc usually has parallel rows of climbing teeth and is hidden in front. At the lower jaw, the height of the symphima is usually higher than the height of the body in the rear. The chiner is developed average, the upward branch of moderate proportions, without excessive expansion.

The sizes of Tasmanian teeth are very large, close to the world record, although, apparently, smaller than the Australians. It is also connected with this and usually good development of third molars that are almost always in contact with antagonists. Teeth have a complicated structure of enamel.

From specific features, it is possible to note the absence of grooves over the supervised hole typical of other human races. In the lambdoid seam and asterion there are almost always inserted bones.

More uniquely comparatively frequent occurrence of fourth molar.

In general, the structure of the Tasmanian skull, although it has a certain specificity, quite reminds such southeastern Australians: so much that many of the largest republics considered it possible to combine them within the same type as local options (HRDLICKA, 1928, PP.81-90; Thorne, 1971, p.317). Still, the differences between Tasmanians from Australians exceed the difference between the latter groups (MORANT, 1927). One of the essential differences between Tasmanians from Australians is a difference in the latitudinal sizes of the skull: the first largest skull width is larger, and all other values, including facial - less (MORANT, 1927). It is clear that here we have not just a change in size, but a change in the form, and very significant. The same feature on the eye is perceived as a good severity of the frontal and dark bugs and, accordingly, the Skull Pentagonoid at the top of the Tasmanians and the lack of buggers from Australians during their arch (Wunderly, 1939). At the same time, the width of the forehead relative to the width of the skull in Tasmanians is noticeably less than that of Australians. In the facial skeleton draws attention to the sharp difference in the upper horizontal profiling: it is very large with Tasmanians and somewhat weakened by the Australians; Tasmannians Mesognatn, and Australians are progested.

Tasmania probably was already settled about 34 thousand tons. (For example: Jones, 1995), some testimonies that were found in the southwestern part of the island in Parking Freser Cave (Kiernan et al., 1983), Bloff Keive and Ors7 (Cosgrove, 1989). The existence of the population on the Islands of Bassov Strait can be definitely necessary to judge the guns on Hunter Islend - 23 thousand tons. (Bowdler, 1984) and Flinders Islend - 14 thousand tons. (SIM, 1990), but obviously, people lived here before.

With the greatest probability, people fell on Tasmania on land, located on the site of the current Bassow of the Strait during the times of the low sea level at the next glacier period, which came to the interval 37-29 thousand tons. (Cosgrove et al., 1990). After the formation of the Strait 12-13.5 thousand tn. (Chappell et Thom, 1977; Jennings, 1971) People were unlikely to crossed him many times, and perhaps - did not cross at all until the appearance of Europeans.

At least, judging by archaeological data, new or other elements of culture (Jones, 1977) did not appear on Tasmania (Jones, 1977); Rather, some old have disappeared.

Regarding the ancestors of Tasmanians, many hypotheses were put forward. The main can be considered "Australian" and "Melanezian".

Australian looks like a more reasonable geographically, archaeologically, ethnographically and linguistically (Cabo, 1975; Macintosh et Barker, 1965; Pardoe, 1991; Pietrusewsky, 1984). According to her, Tasmanians occurred from Australian Aboriginal, from which they differ very slightly, mainly curly hair shape.

The "Melanesian" hypothesis is based mainly on the crooking transmission of Tasmanians, atypical for Australian aborigines. Of all the diverse melanezoid groups in the ancestors of Tasmanians, Novokladletsians are often offered (Howells, 1976 ; Huxley, 1870; Pulleine, 1929; Jones, 1935; Macintosh, 1949). However, from New Caledonia to Tasmania, the path is not possible, and it remains completely unclear, why was the sea voyage more than two thousand kilometers, if it was possible to quietly go to Tasmania, or, in the worst case, to twist not so wide Bass of Strait? In addition, the fragmentary descriptions of living Tasmanians seem to indicate that there were wavy-binded individuals among them, and statistics inexorably records the curcken oil in all groups of Australians, and not in such a small percentage.

According to the intermediate version, Tasmanians are close to Barrine tribes, living in the raind forests of Queensland (Birdsell, 1949, 1967; Tindale et Birdsell, 1941-3). It is assumed that those and others are descendants of the first wave of migration to Australian mainland, preserved in the most difficult-to-reach areas. On the one hand, these ancestors obviously had relatives with Melanesians, on the other hand, the difference between Tasmanians from southeastern Australians is recognized by exaggerated. The version is beautiful, but not yet having special evidence, for for Barrines there are no craniological data, and in Tasmanians - somatometric; There are no genetic on both groups. The similarity comes down again to the gloomy and subjective external similarity. The argument against the capital difference in the growth of Roste - Pigmean at Barrynes and quite an average of Tasmanians; This sign, however, could obviously change over thousands of years in the course of adaptation to local environmental conditions.

It seems that the problem of Tasmanians to "Australian", "Melanesian" or the "barrinoid" versions are unlawful simplicity.

The complexity of itself, in the fact that at the time of the settlement of Tasmania, neither Australoids nor the meaneseoids in modern form were simply not. It can only be about common ancestors.

The decision of the question could be the study of Paleodunk or the characteristics of the genotype of European-Tasmanian methots, in a certain number of those living in Australia and on Tasmania, but there are no such works yet.

Paleoanthropology can give little to solve the issue. Indeed, the ancient finds were made only in three places.

Male skull, presumably Tasmano-Australian methis.
MORANT G.M. Note On Dr. J. Wunderly "S Survey of Tasmanian Crania // Biometrika, 1939, V.30, №3/4, p.346.

On the island of King in the Bass Strait, in the coastal cave (which, however, in antiquity was 20-25 km from the coast) in 1989. The skeleton of man was excavated (SIM ET Thorne, 1990; Thorne et Sim, 1994). Dating of the burial - 14,27 thousand L.N. However, the bones were buried back almost immediately, so the study was actually not exposed. Subsequent disputes about whether King Islend is a man or a woman (Brown, 1994a, 1995; SIM ET Thorne, 1995), do not make much sense in the absence of any additional information. It was noted that a person from King island is different from the Coisv Complex, but is similar to Cailor, and is also within the variations of the Southeastern Australian Aboriginal, why he was attributed to the "graceful" group. The arch is long, low, rounded, skull relief, including muscular - strong. In the literature, you can find a statement that Vesbriva does not come forward, but it follows from measurements that the bridge is indulge in almost a centimeter, so the development of the Visborna was obviously significant. The emergency length of the frontal bone in aggregate with a very low dumpling length pursues the thought that the skull was deformed; In the absence of published photos, check this fact is problematic. The face form is similar to the aborigine. The combination of a very large upper width of the face with a moderate medium is draws attention to Large face height. The face is noticeably flattened, but the cheeks do not come forward. Noted the absence of prenatamism. The inter-chain width is extreme, the nose width is very large. Huge length and very deep. The lower jaw, apparently, was large, at least, it is accurate in relation to the ascending branch. The skeleton is described as a grace, with a relatively short femoral bone having a large size of the head.

The above description more corresponds to the appearance of Australians than modern Tasmanians, but the problem is that we do not know as ancient Tasmanian skulls. Considering that during the life of a person King Aylend Bass, the Strait was landing, it can be assumed that he is a representative of the ancestors of Tasmanian. In this way, specific traits Tasmanians were to form after fourteen thousand years ago.

Only a few paleoanthropological finds were made on Tasmania itself. The oldest is the scales of the occipital bone from the cave Nanvoon in the Valley of the Florentine River, having age more than 16 thousand tons. (Jones et al., 1988). The bone has a rounded shape, a small thickness and a weak relief, that is, typical of Tasmanians. The form it is similar to those in people of Mango and Keilor (Webb, 1988), but it would be too risky on this basis about the foundation.

The fragmented skull was found on the small island of New Yir, located near the North-West shore of a much larger King Island in the Bass Strait (Murray et al., 1982). The find has an indefinite age - from the Late Plestocene until the middle of the XIX century, but stratigraphically most reliably dates from 12 to 6 thousand years ago. The skull of a small volume, very long, but very narrow and very low, with a very wide forehead and a wide population. The greatest skull width is high. The frontal bone is short, extremely attached, with a weak abrasion. The sale of its longitudinal circuit is most likely the posthumous or lifetime artificial deformation, which, it seems, is responsible for the exaggerated length of the entire skull and excessive depreciation of the forehead. Dark and occipital bones smoothly rounded, dumpy temperate ramps, the occipital relief is weak. The nose was wide; There is a tray boiled. Alveolar extension of the upper jaw small, which indirectly indicates a small height of the face. Harbo is wide and small. Picking protrusion moderate; The height of the lower jaw symptosis is higher than its body in the rear. Teeth are large.

The morphological complex most corresponds to the features of Tasmanians, differing in the form of the frontal bone. If the skull is really ancient, he can personify the transition from the "protoavraidoid type" to the actual Tasmanian.

The skull from Mount Cameron West or Primegan on the extreme northwestern tasmania tip was found surrounded by the charred residues of the Wigwam type design, known from ethnography as typical for Tasmanian funeral practice. The skull was dated 4.26 thousand tons. Skull is referred to as belonging to the "Tasmanian type" and at the same time entering the framework of the variability of Australian Aboriginal (Flood, 2004).

According to the good tradition of Australian science, the find was destroyed, so it is impossible to know its real features.

The cremated remains were found in West Point Midden, 60 km west of Rocky Cape (Jones, 1964a, b). Creams were dated from 1800 to 800 years ago. By virtue of fragmentation, these debris do nothing to solve the issue of the origin of Tasmanians.

Summing up, it is necessary to state once again, that the history of the addition of the Tasmanian race is covered with dense fog of antiquity. Nevertheless, the efforts of archaeologists, anthropologists, linguists, ethnographers, geologists and other specialists were not unsuccessful. It can be confidently to argue that Tasmania was settled about 34 thousand years ago or even a little earlier. Most likely, people came here from the southeastern tip of Australia on land, during the period when an extensive land extensive was stretched on the site of the current Bassum. At this time, the anthropological difference of the population of Australia and Tasmania, apparently was not; This population can be called "protoavravoidal". After twelve thousand years ago, when the strait was formed, the contacts of the Australians and the islanders stopped. Under the conditions of isolation, the biological features of Tasmanians are transformed by their catcher.

It is essential that, compared to the initial "protoavravids", Tasmanians changed much more than Australians.

Most likely, this is explained, first, adaptation to a new specific climate, secondly, the small number and isolation of the islanders in comparison with the mainland "superpopulation": in such conditions, genetically automatic processes lead to rapid changes.

Colonization of Australia and Tasmania has become a bright example of how the Anglo-Saxon Race, exterminating the aborigines, won the living space.

In 1803, a small party of settlers was sent to the island of Tasmania from Sydney under the command of John Bowen in order to prevent French claims to the island. They were faced with the task of development of agriculture and industry.

The aborigines met the colonists without hostility, but soon changed their attitude towards white. For the sake of his own prosperity, the British settlers took the land from the indigenous people who were killed, raped and paid to slavery. Attempts by aborigines in the early 1820s to resist resistance, called the "Black War", severely suppressed the colonial army:

The final extermination on a large scale could be carried out only with the help of justice and the armed forces ... Soldiers of the forties regiment trembled to the natives between the two stone blocks, shot all men, and then they pulled out women and children from rock cleft to embroider brains.

Tasmannians with spears in their hands were completely defenseless against Europeans armed with firearms, so very soon "Black War" turned into a real hunt for the Aboriginal, which occurred with the sanction of the British authorities.

In the testimony of those events, there are descriptions of this brutal and bloody entertainment of the British: inviting neighbors with families on a picnic and having learned, gentlemen took guns, dogs, 2-3 servants from exiles and went to the woods to look for black. Hunt was considered successful if you managed to shoot a woman or 1-2 men.

American biogeograph Jared Daimond leads other facts of the bloody fun of gallant and noble British:

One shepherd shot nineteen Tasmanians from falconed, charged with nails. Four others attacked indigenous inhabitants from ambush, thirty people killed and dropped their bodies from the mountain, now called Victorie Hill

The extermination of the natives colonizers was considered as a sport and were proud of their "achievements." One of the soldiers told about the "feat" traveler Hull:

A lot of black with women and children gathered in a ravine near the city ... Men were sitting around a large fire, while women were busy cooking for food dinner. The natives were caught by surprise with a squad of soldiers who opened fire without warning, and then rushed to finish wounded. One soldier pushed a bayonet of a child who climbed around his killed mother, and threw him into the fire.

In 1828, the Governor of Tasmania banned the indigenous people to appear in the part of the island, where Europeans lived. Any aboriginal who violated this ban was allowed to kill in place.

In addition, the Europeans were engaged in the "cattle of black" and selling them into slavery. French whaling vessel Felix Maynard so described the clouds on the natives:

So, the hunt for people began, and over time she became more and more fierce. In 1830, Tasmania was translated into martial law, the chain of armed people were built around the island, who tried to drive the aborigines in the Western. The indigenous people managed to drink through the cordon, however, the will of the sideways left the hearts, fear was stronger than despair ...

French geographer and historian Eliza Recleu wrote:

On December 28, the last natives pursued as wild animals were driven by the tip of one sublime cape, and this event was celebrated with Triumph. A happy Hunter Robinson received a reward from the government to the estate of 400 hectares and a significant amount of money.

As a result, by 1833, about three hundred Aboriginal out of five and six thousand, who lived there earlier before conquering British Tasmania remained on the entire island. Almost all of them were resettled to Flinders Island, where for 10 years three quarters of them died.

In 1876, the last representative of the indigenous people of Tasmania Tasmania, and the island, in the expression of English official documents, became completely "purified" from the natives, except for the void quantity of the erected marriages of Anglo-Tasmanian origin.

The result of Tasmanian genocide cynically failed the British historian and journalist Hammond John Lawrence Le Breton: "Tasmanians were useless and everyone died."

In Australia, the fun of English gentlemen was not much different from the entertainment of their neighbors on the island of Tasmania. The Astralian government, according to the punitive detachments of the Tasmanian government, created the division of the equestrian police - the so-called "police officers for the savages".

This unit carried out an order to "find and destroy": Aboriginals either killed, or drove off from the affected territories. Most often, the police surrounded the parking of the Aborigines at night, and at the dawn they were attacked and shot everyone.

The last mass murder of a peaceful tribe, which is confirmed by the documents, was committed by the police squad in 1928 in the North-West: residents captured, they built the heads in the back of the head, and then all, except for three women, were killed. After that, the police burned the corpses, and women took them to the camp. Leaving the camp, they also killed and burned.

White settlers were also widely used to destroy Aboriginal Poisoned foods. One of the colonizers in 1885 was beaten:

To calm Niggners, they were given something stunning. The food they distributed by half consisted of Strichnina, and no one escaped her fate ... The owner of Long-Lagun with this trick destroyed more than a hundred black.

Among the Anglo-Australian farmers, the trade in the native women, and the British settlers hunted them with whole groups. In one governmental report for 1900, it is noted that "these women were transferred from the farmer to the farmer, until, ultimately, they were not thrown away as garbage, leaving rot from venereal diseases."

At the end of the XIX century, the Anglo-Saxon racists have entertained and the fact that the whole families of the aborigines in water were driven into the crocodiles.

The colonists did not receive direct instructions from London on the destruction of the aborigines, but it cannot be said that none of the British thinkers "blessed" them. So, for example, Benjamin KIDD categorically argued that "slavery is the most natural and one of the most reasonable establishments."

The Constitution of the Australian Union, which already operated in the postwar years, prescribed (Article 127) "not to take into account the aborigines" when calculating the population of individual states. Thus, the constitutionally rejected their involvement in the human race.

Back in 1865, Europeans, faced with indigenous people, were not sure if they were the case "with smart monkeys or with very low-time people."

In 1901, a Labor politician from Queensland Vincent Yassin said the Australian parliament: "Nigger should disappear with the development of the white man" - so "is the law of evolution."

The British-colonists openly committed atrocities against Australia's aborigines and Tasmania not only because of the land or even racial hatred, but also for pleasure, showing their cruelty, moral abomination, greed and inner meanness.

Tasmania is impossible not to notice even on a fine-scale map. It looks like a medallion - a heart suspended in an invisible chain under the Australian mainland. Europeans learned about the existence of this island in 1642. Then he was not yet called Tasmania, but he wore the name of Van-Dimeman's land given to him in honor of the Dutch Governor-General Ost-India, who sent Abel Tasman to the opening of new lands in the southern Indian and Pacific Oceans. In those time, maritime travels in these waters were extremely dangerous. The legend states that Wang Diememan sent Tasman to the faithful death to prevent the marriage of the sailor and his daughter Mary. However, the brave sailor managed not only to die, but also perpetuate his own name, opening New earth. And the name of the governor's daughter has been preserved in the title of one of the northern Mestes of Tasmania.

Interestingly, during the swimming, the navigator walked around, that is, in fact did not notice, Australia and landed on the west coast of Tasmania. Abel Tasman on behalf of the Holland entered into the possession of the new land, but it was even smaller from it than (as thought at the time) from Australia: cold climate, wildlife. Gloomy rocks and no treasure. Local residents did not respond to silver or gold, which sailors generously demonstrated to the aborigines. These strange, in the view of the savages, the items did not have any value. What follows that there is nothing like this here, and there can be no, and local tribes stayed in a blissful primitive state, without having the slightest concept of ownership, and even more so about money.

After a short time, Abel Tasman went on. Surprisingly, Tasman was lucky again. He belongs to the honor of the discovery of another land, on which he, apparently, came across completely by chance, not noticing Australia once again! From the ship, he saw the Western shores of the southern island of New Zealand. This land was still not known to anyone. But its detailed study of the Dutchman did not work: the indigenous Polynesian population of the island, Maori, reacted to the aliens frankly hostile. Four crew members were killed. Tasman did not register a military campaign with a numerically superior opponent and went to Batavia, so called Jakarta, the Dutch starting point for the study of southern lands. Having done along the path of stopping on the Islands of Fiji and tone ha, Abel Tasman safely reached the base in East India. Two years later, he made a re-swim along northern coast New Holland, but I could not find anything significant this time. Interestingly, it is thanks to the expedition of Abel Tasman, 1642, when the European navigator visited the New Zealand Island South, this land to this day is called New Zealand. Tasman called her Staten Landt. This name was transformed with Dutch cardographs to Latin Nova Zee / Andia in honor of one of the provinces of the Netherlands - Zealand (Zee / and). Later, the British navigator James Cook used the British version of this name, New Zea / and, in his records, she became the official name of the country.

Tasmania Island is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe incessant Western winds of the southern hemisphere, the strength of which often reaches a storm. Once in the "old good time of wooden ships and iron people", these winds were crossed by "brave vessels", and their distribution area - between Z9 degrees and 4z degree southern latitude - "roaring forty". Tasmania is just located in these latitudes, so there one third of the year dominates the winds by force of 7-9 points, with the ocean rains with the ocean. Their flows, mixing with myriad splashes of the ocean surf, for many days, and sometimes the weeks, the rocky shores of the island of a impermeable habit of navigaters are walked. At times, "brave Vests" brings a fog: a thick gray-green wedge envelops him and the sea, and the shore on a lot of miles around. There are such days when the fog is the locals called the "pea soup", "there are no less than sixty a year. Tasmania's shores, incessantly peeled with furious shafts with "brave vessels" with the ocean, wreckage of icebergs and fogany, have long been the scourge of navigators.

Australia Tasmania Island is separated by the Bolsha Strait. So he was named after discovering his English captain George Bass. But for some reason, this name did not seem among the sailors, which are still called His Strait of Hazard. Although its width is 130 miles, and the depth is 500-600 meters, it is ranked with navigators to the cemeteries of ships. The danger is B. numerous islands Both rocks, underwater reefs and strong flow variables, not to mention the fogs and storm winds. On the path of vessels running from the West to the East, the islands of King, Hunter, three-hammes and Robbins stand up. The shores of these islands and the aisles between them are littered with underwater reefs and hulls of sunken ships. Study of shipwrecks on the island of King showed. What is on the coastal cliffs of the island whose length is about 50 and the width of about 15 miles, more than fifty ships died. During this study, a number of valuable information about currents, straits, underwater reefs and fellows were obtained. This data was later used by hydrographs for drawing up detailed marine maps of Tasmania.

But not submarine rocks and strong currents, it turns out, they wanted most of these ships. The Marine Chronicles of Tasmania testify that the cause of their death most often had pirates. They appeared in the Bass Strait at the very end of the XVIII century and began to rob the vigors of the wagons and hunters on the sea beaver and the maritime elephant here (they say that once these animals were found here in a great set). I "smoking" hunters and kitoboes, they switched to the robberry of merchant ships. And since the pirates did not have good armed ships and the boarding contractions they were not like her, they began to put false lighthouses on the Bassow Islands. Deceived captains changed the course, leading their ships to sharp reefs. The islanders of robbers remained only to forward the cargo of the deceased ship ashore.
Pirates Stelim Monroe and David Hope were particularly cruelty in relation to the victim shipwreck. In the middle of the XIX century they were called "non-protected kings of the Basso Strait." The first was the host of the eastern part of the Strait and controlled the islands of Flinders, Cape Barren, Swan, Guz, Condition and others. Monroe reign in these waters is exactly thirty years. David Hope founded his residence on the island of Robbins, where he lived in robbees and violence until 1854. Both the leader wore a golden earring in the ear, cafetan from the skins of a kangaroo and hats from the sea cat. Each of the leaders had a huge wine cellar, where the reserves of Roma and Gina seized by them.

Because of the fake beacons, Monroe and Houep in the area of \u200b\u200bBassum Strait killed a huge number of ships. So, for example, the English Corvette "Catarak" came out on a false Lighthouse Houep in August 1845. The ship broke on the reefs and sank, having carried out more than three hundred migrants from England. In the same way, King's reefs killed in 1853 Corvette "Sigi of Melbourne", in 1854 Bark "Woteruung" and Schuna "Braten". How many ships have died from the coast of Tasmania? The Australian Harry Hardist Harry Oh "was tried to answer this question. For ten years, he thoroughly studied archival affairs, referring to Australian maritime accident issues and Tasmania. He managed to establish the names of B03 vessels who died around the island from 1797 1950. About two hundred ships in the list about "Maja remained unnamed, although their places of their crash is known to him. The Australian historian believes that from the moment of discovery for our days around Tasmania, more than a thousand ships died, not counting fishing vessels. Several dozen ships from the ill-fated thousands took with them to the seabed valuable cargo, in particular gold. Of particular interest among underwater gold kits, the American clip of Water White, who died on the reefs of King island on August 13, 1855. It is reliably known that on board at the time of the death there was gold in the ingots, which is currently estimated by more than 5 million dollars.

Published on "Meem Information about the dead ships was summoned among the adventures of Tasmania and Australia a real excitement. But it was not so easy to get to these underwater treasures! Sharp reefs, indifferent to the ocean or ocean sink, reliably guard the shores on the shore. And all -Tak, despite the dangers, scuba diversion continue. Animal and vegetable world of Tasmania is very original - a large number of representatives are endemics - for example, the Tasmanian Devil). Even those who arrived from Continental Australia, there are additional environmental control, similar to that, in Tasmania. which is held arriving in Australia. In Tasmania, 44% of the territory is covered with rainforests, and 21% of this area are occupied by national parks. Such relations are rarely found. The rain forest of Tasmania is recognized natural Heritage mankind. This is one of the last districts of the virgin nature of a moderate belt in the southern hemisphere. And perhaps, Tasmania is one of the benchmarks of wildlife on our planet.

Touring the lakes, rivers and waterfalls, replenishing rain and melt water, nourish the forests, where Eufory Tirukillilli, the Eucalyptus of Regional and Gunn, Mirty, Notofagus Cunningham, Acacia Chernodrew, Sassafras, Ekriphia Brilliant, Fillocladus Asplaneyne, Dacronia Antarctic and Dacridium Franklinia. Environmental defenders are constantly "fighting" with mining, paper manufacturers and builders of hydroelectric power plants. The naked desert of Quinstown, the mining of the city, gloomy reminds of the consequences of thoughtless waste of natural resources. Sometime Tasmania, like Australia with New Zealand, together with Antarctica, South America, Africa and India entered the colossal southern continent of Gondwan, it was about 250 million years ago. A huge mainland occupied more than half of the globe, and a significant part of his covered rainforest of a moderate belt. A significant portion of this forest was preserved in the western part of Tasmania, in 1982, he, as a unique phenomenon, was entered into a list of UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Tasmania's nature is exceptional, she has no analogues in the world. Wild Tasmanian Nature Heart - National Park Wild rivers Franklin-Gordon. Here you can see the imaginative rock peaks, tropical forests, deep river valleys, picturesque gorges. And among all this magnificence, the protected rivers are looped. Almost a quarter of this island has not yet experienced the influence of a person. There are impaired forests and jungle, strange forest beasts, a huge amount of rare bird species, a wide variety of fish in mountain Lakes and rivers. One of the legendary inhabitants of Tasmania forests is the Tasmanian Devil. Recently, the number of this exotic wild animal has declined significantly. Although the disappearance does not threaten him at all. With its powerful jaws, this muscular, weighing from 6 to 8 kilograms, the collector fell entirely to eat a dead kangaroo - along with his head. Huge interest is also the cultural heritage of this region, which was the southernmost area of \u200b\u200bpeople living on our planet. There are more than 40 sacred natives of aborigines who have and still exceptional importance for the modern population of the indigenous peoples of Australia. Archaeological finds from this region amounted to invaluable exhibits stored in many museums not only Australia, but also around the world.

See also: