Is it worth going to rent a rent. How to rent an apartment: Basic rules

After renting an apartment, you can get stable payments, however, from the point of view of payback to investment, rent is a rather controversial tool. "The payback period of investments in this case is about 15-20 years, and therefore for rent most often, the apartment, which incense, for example, inherited," believes head of the Urban Real Estate Department of the NDV-Real Estate Company Svetlana Birina.

On the other hand, there are often cases when the apartment is bought in order to preserve funds, and not to accommodate. Such a purchase makes it possible not only to preserve the money (reliable investment in real estate has not yet been invented), but also earn money on price increases. In this case, the delivery of an apartment for rent is a way to obtain additional income, from which you should not refuse.

Time is money

The main mistake of future landlords is that they buy housing "for themselves." It should be borne in mind that the needs of tenants do not always coincide with yours. Remove the living space People who came to Moscow to work, and the most important for them is usually the location of housing. Most often, tenants seek to choose an apartment closer to the place of work, and therefore housing in a distant Moscow region, whatever it has advantages, it will be bad.

"I would recommend considering the territories within the third transport ring or directly adjacent to it. In this zone focused a large number of prestigious business complexes. Thus, the landlord is guaranteed a stable flow of platform customers, "believes Alexander Pieces, Director of Sales of KR Properties. The best apartments are located next to the metro stations or trains. Therefore, by investing in real estate, you need to refer with government plans for the construction of transport infrastructure.

Rules of profitable rent

It is important to immediately decide with those who are planned to take an apartment. If we are talking about students, immigrants or working by the Watch method, then the quality of housing and its area is rarely important. If it is assumed to be assumed to be a family with children, then there are other rules here. In this case, housing can not be one-room, it should be equipped with a washing machine and a minimum set of home appliances, located next to the school and kindergarten. In addition, a minimum redecoration must be made in such an apartment. The latter makes sense to do only if it can really improve the cost of renting housing. So, if the apartment is far from the subway, has a small area, you can also refrain from repair. When choosing materials, you need to follow the golden rule: not to invest in repairing funds that will not be able to "repel" for a month - two leases.

Secondary or primary market?

The cost of renting apartments in the secondary and primary market is approximately the same and more depends on the age of the house, but from the location and other common factors for any real estate. Most often in apartments on the secondary market there are already repairs, which means they can immediately start passing. In addition, this housing is located in the area with the current infrastructure, which increases the cost of renting. On the other hand, the apartment in the new building at the initial stage of construction costs 20-30% less than the finished housing, and therefore such a purchase can be profitable. In addition, fresh repairs will be important when renting an apartment.

"Panel" and apartments

The rental rate in the panel and monolithic house differs not much, but the construction time of the first is about 8-12 months, and the second is 1.5-3 years. It means that the apartment in the panel new building can be started to donate faster, and not waste time and money, waiting for the end of construction.

Also worth paying attention to the apartments. This housing is owned, but at the same time it is impossible to register in it. If for permanent residence the lack of registration can be a decisive factor, then it is not so important for tenants. It is also worth noting that the rental rate for the apartments is not very different from the rate when surrendering the apartment, and they cost 20-30% cheaper.

Exclusivity - Main Trump

Unusual apartments (loft, attic, housing in the mixer) are in high demand among rich tenants, in particular, in the so-called "expatoves" (foreign top managers working in Russia). Expat - an audience, which is extremely attractive for landlords: they are ready to pay an increased rate for attractive housing and very carefully refer to leased objects. In addition, real estate for expatures most often removes the company, that is, the contract is a legal entity. This may be useful in the event of controversial situations.


Rental rental is related to various risks that often forced owners to abandon her. First, rental is associated with risk of time loss: not everyone wants to spend a few days, and then weeks in search of a suitable tenant. Secondly, there is a danger associated with the damage by tenants of the property. To help avoid troubles will be able to a competently compiled Agreement, which includes inventory of property.

Anton Sveshnikov

The question is more profitable buy room in communal apartment In Moscow or an apartment-studio in the near Moscow region, investors Decide on the basis of many life circumstances. As a rule, the alternative set looks like this:

With or without neighbors?

The room in the communal apartment is bought if there is no possibility or what happens more often, the desire to take a mortgage loan; If accommodation (any) is needed here and now, and in the shortest possible time. Under these conditions, in potential investor there is no sufficient temporary lag so that invest money in housing under construction; Another argument - I do not want to pay two prices - for renting an apartment and for a mortgage.

New buildings have a lot of advantages over the secondary market, their main disadvantage - high price

"Bought a room in the hope of redeeming other rooms in the apartment afterwards. Because of the Moscow registration and the ability to use Moscow benefits. However, wishing to buy an apartmentin the area instead of the room in Moscow, it becomes more and more. According to our estimates, today's suggestions of the rooms in Moscow is about 5% of the total market volume, and the demand is even less - only 3%. The reasons for this are quite understandable - having in the budget the amount equal to the cost of the room in Moscow (and this is 2.5-4.6 million rubles), you can buy a separate apartment in a new, modern house with improved planning in the near Moscow region or on the territory of the new Moscow "Reasoning Irina Dobrokhotova, Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors "Best New Building".

Studio As an alternative to the room in a communal apartment, if the life in "his meters" is more important than conversations with neighbors in the common kitchen (agree, it even sounds archaic) and there is money that will be spent on renting housing, waiting for when it is complete house. Another common option - the family already has accommodation, and the studio is bought by the elderly parents or a child to a student, or for subsequent rental.

Where is the above risks?

"If we are talking about investments, The main risks of buying a studio in a new building are the standard risks of equity construction: closer, delayed object, "notes Pavel Lutsenko, General Director of the Federal Portal "The world of apartments."

According to Alexey Slenova, executive director "Miel-Network of Real Estate Offices"If the purchase is made on investment purposes, then the room in a communal service in Moscow will be preferable than the studio under construction in the suburbs. Finished apartments and rooms within the Moscow Ring Road are in sustainable demand and more in demand, rather than modern objects outside the capital.

According to the expert, after the end of the construction and registration of the studio in the property, its price will definitely grow, but the exposure period will be higher than the room not far from the center. Of course, this type of apartment has its own buyer. Since such options are most often found in residential complexes. increased comfort, they are equipped, including, as guest apartments. In addition, according to Slas, the studios are distributed in the rental market, they prefer foreign citizens for whom such a format is more accustomed. Such apartments acquire secured young people who are not burdened with family, as the first status housing. But an active interest in the studios, the representative of Miel not marks.

"Rooms in communal apartments have always been in demand. This is a good option for those who would like to live in Moscow, and not in the Moscow region, but has a limited budget. The demand for rooms in communal apartments is higher in Cao and prestigious areas of some other districts, for example, in the Western district, "says Alexey Slanen. As you remove from the center, the demand for rooms falls if the "price-quality" approach does not enter into force. All rooms in Moscow are in demand in the housing market, but the object is further from the center, the cheaper.

Where is the higher income?

There is also an alternative investment in the purchase of studios in the Moscow region. "In many projects for comparable money in Moscow, you do not buy a decent room, and in the suburbs you will get a small studio apartment in the microdistrict with convenient transport traffic, infrastructure facilities and a well-maintained territory, "- enters the dialogue Grigory Altukhov, Commercial Director FGC "Leader". Moreover, in his opinion, today the closest Moscow region confidently competes with the capital. Sometimes in some areas of the region you can get faster than in many sleeping areas of Moscow. But the apartment purchased in the near Moscow region is advantageous not only for this reason.

The room in Moscow is secondary housing, the investment attractiveness of secondary housing is unpredictable and very dependent on the market situation. According to the kind, "secondary" can even chef, if, for example, in front of the house suddenly "grown" shopping centerAccordingly, traffic jams and parking problems appeared, as a result, the secondary housing loses a number of past merities and is cheaper. Meanwhile, the attractiveness of new buildings is only growing - there was no case that the new building fell relative to the starting price. "So if you proceed from the purpose of investment, then a separate housing in a new house in the nearest Moscow region is still more preferable," Irina Dobrokhotova advises. Since with almost the same level of liquidity, the sale of the room in the future can be conjugate with considerable problems and hassle.

"Apartment near the Moscow Ring Road on the Eastern direction can be bought at the construction stage for 3.5 million rubles. For the same money you can buy a room, for example, in a communal apartment in an old house, both in the central part of Moscow and in a new house, but on the periphery of the capital. However, if after 1 year by the end of the construction and the moment of receipt of the keys, the apartment on the primary market can cost already 4.5 million rubles, then the room if it will rise in price during the same time, then a maximum of 1-2%, but in the case of the sale of the room Bargaining can shift the final price of the transaction for the previous level (the same money for which you bought a room), "says Altukhov.

However, Elena Valeeva is confident that with the purpose of investments, both options can be considered. On the one hand, the purchase of the studio at the initial stage will make money on the construction of the facility to 50%. On the other hand, purchasing the room, its owner gets the opportunity to immediately hand over the living space and receive dividends. But the price of the object of considerable profit will not give.

According to her, if there is a buyer, where to live, it is more profitable to buy a studio and wait for the end of its construction. If a person has nowhere to live, and there are no money for rental housing, it is definitely easier to buy a room.

Room or Studio? Pros and cons

Secondary market

New buildings

Room in the apartment
in Moscow*

In Moscow*

In Moscow*

In outskirts of Moscow


Low price

Good layout

Lack of JUR. restrictions upon subsequent rental

Good transport accessibility **

The price is lower than in Moscow

Lack of risks unfastened

The price of the object will grow

No neighbors


Legal restrictions on rental

Not the best planning

Standard risks: closer, delays with the object

The price of the object, if it will grow, then slowly

Poor transport accessibility **

Nearby can be built a shopping center and an object will cheaper

Availability of neighbors

* Meaning the territory of the "Old Moscow".

** In some case, transport accessibility in the towns of Moscow region is better than in the areas of Moscow

You thought about investments in real estateBut have a not too much amount of money? Or do you want the maximum return on the invested funds? Or are you a novice in this matter and want to start with a small one? In any of these cases, it is worth considering the possibility of investing by purchases of the room for rent. In this article, we will consider all the pros and cons of investment in the room, warn about the difficulties you may encounter, as well as compare this type of investment with a bank deposit.

Where to begin?

The first thing to start with, if you have a desire to become an investor in real estate - to evaluate the size of the necessary investments and available on this moment funds. The cost of rooms in St. Petersburg begins now from 800 thousand rubles and does not have the limit of value (no one can limit the desires of some sellers). There is a clear pattern: the lower the room is the cost, the more trouble will be with the purchase and possible further sale; At the same time, the cheaper the room, the higher the percentage of the rental income.

It is possible even if you have only part of the money - you can make a mortgage or consumer credit. The usual loan is good when you need a small amount for a short time and you do not want extra concerns about the design of mortgages, difficulties when buying a room and the further conclusion of the room from the pledge of the bank. But interest on consumer loans is approximately 1.5 times higher than in the mortgage. If the required amount is significant, or you plan to pay a debt for a long time, it is worth issuing a mortgage. At the moment, the mortgage on the rooms give Sberbank and Deltacredit, their conditions are about the same, and the interest rate is 13-14% per annum. Purchase of a room through a mortgage imposes some restrictions when choosing rooms, since the bank will not take a deposit of each room.

Buying a cheap rental room in a multico apartment

For the amount of 800 thousand rubles you can buy a room for rent A small metrah (about 10 m2) in multicorate apartments, as well as rooms in the apartments of former hostels. Most often, according to the documents, the room is some number of stakes from the apartment, and for the sale of such a room, the seller will need to get from the neighbors of the preferential right of purchase. When there are many such neighbors and they do not live in the apartment, it becomes troublesome and costly. If you cannot receive failures, it remains to disguise the sale under the contract of donation. For the seller, this is the easiest way, but then the buyer will have to pay a tax of 13% of the cadastral value of these shares (rooms). If the buyer has a mortgage, then such a transaction becomes impossible.

The income from the delivery of such a room for rent at the moment is about 8 tr. That is, your monthly income will be 12% per annum. Communal payments in this and the following examples are paying for themselves. The rise in price of the value of the room itself is proportional to the change in prices for all secondary real estate and depends on economic factors. In the long run, the rise in real estate prices are comparable to the size of real inflation. From point of view investing in real estateThis is the most profitable option, but at the same time the most troublesome. Here you still need to understand who will be your future tenants, because you have to contact them every month and interact on issues of issues. The cheapest rooms often remove the visiting from neighboring countries Or people with very small prosperity and possible personal difficulties. You must understand that such communication will have its own specifics.

Purchase of rooms for rent at high cost in 2-4 room apartment

Under the average cost we understand the room in the price range of 1200-1700 thousand rubles. As a rule, these are rooms are quite suitable for living, without any obvious deficiencies and problems. The cost of renting such rooms is 10-13 thousand rubles per month and depends on its location. The room in the center can be handed over a couple of thousand rubles more expensive than the room of the same price category, but being in a residential area. As a rule, such rooms are removed quite decent people (sometimes creative professions) with small incomes, as well as students and young girls. Revenue from the rental of such rooms will be 9-10% per annum.

Purchase for rent of an expensive room

Buying an expensive rental room - very bad investment in real estate. Sell \u200b\u200bsuch a room in the future will be extremely difficult, as there is no demand for such real estate. To rent it at a rate approximated to the cost of renting a one-room apartment is as very difficult, so the real income from the rent will be at the level of the bet for the good room of the average cost. The only possible justification for such a purchase is its prospect from the point of view of the resettlement and sale of the entire apartment, but there are practically no such options, since all decent apartments have long been reset.

Investment in the purchase of a room or a bank deposit

For comparison, take the situation when you have the amount of 1.3 million, and the investment period is 2 years. In the first case, you put money at the expense of an alpha bank with a monthly payment of interest under 9.2% per annum (Sberbank will not be considered due to excessively low rates), and in the second case, you spend this money on purchase of room rental average quality.

Deposit. You put your money in my pocket and first went to the nearest Sberbank office. There they were told that by opening a contribution to 1.3 million rubles, you will receive 5.97% per annum. You decide to compare to go to the next Alpha Bank, and there they were offered a percentage rate of 9.2% per annum. Since you are already tired of walking, and the bank is also known, then they have left money. Two years later, you have the same 1.3 million, and by interest you received 239 thousand rubles. Total your capital \u003d 1,539,000 rubles. It is worth noting that in the case of early termination of the deposit, you will receive 0.005% per annum. That is, 65 rubles.

You decide to buy a room and attracted as an assistant. Together with the realtor, you began to choose rooms for about 1.3 million, and when they found suitable optionYour real estate agent managed to bring down the price to 1.2 million rubles. The costs of a realtor at the same time amounted to 60 thousand rubles, and the accompanying costs for the design of the purchase are another 15 tr. The remaining 25 tr. You postponed on a black day. A month after you took up buying a room for rentYou got the keys from her, and the next day your real estate specialist found you a tenant. At the end of the biennium, the room brought income 10 tr. For 23 months, which amounted to 230 thousand rubles as a result. Inflation for this period was 7% and real estate prices grew at the same pace, so the cost of the room turned out to be 1.3 million + 7% + 7% \u003d 1,488,000 rubles. A black day to which you postpone 25 tr. So did not come, so the size of your assets eventually amounted to 1,743,000 rubles. As in the case of a deposit, there is a minus here - quickly translate the room in money will not work, as for sale it is usually required about 1-2 months.


On our example, which is as close as possible to real conditions, we have shown that investing in purchase of room rental It is much more profitable than the same reliable tool as a deposit. As a result of the purchase of a room, in two years our capital increased by 34%, while the income from the deposit amounted to 18.4%. At the same time, you should understand that the purchase of the room requires a little more concerns than the opening of the deposit in the bank. If you are ready for new opportunities thanks investing in real estateWe wish you success in this interesting business!

Are you the owner of several apartments and decided to take one of them? Or intend In order to subsequent surrender of it? Today the sterium will tell about how profitable in Moscow.

Reasonable investments pay off faster

Suppose you have accumulated money and you are readyinvest to the real estate market. But the question is about whether it is profitable to buy an apartment in Moscow and to take it to teners remains open.

To begin with, we will define that it is already a good idea in itself. This allows not only to preserve the means, but also, with a reasonable approach, increase them. Especially successful is to invest in residential premises located in the central part of the capital.

In the case of the apartment you intend to submit after the acquisition, it is important to remember several rules:

  1. it is advantageous to rent housing, subject to its competitiveness in the rental market
  2. buy an apartment not "for yourself", but for the needs of the potential tenant
  3. it is advisable to take into account the possible change in the cost of the lease (both in plus and in minus)

The last item is important, because today we do not see the trend towards a monthly increase rental. The real estate proposal market is wide, and solvent clients can easily find a more budget option. This concerns the cases when the landlord seeks to be unreasonably highrental rate And does it several times a year. Such behavior will not be better affected on the housing payback process. The apartment may simply be empty. Do not bring any income at all.

Such a situation can lead the owner to the thought of resale an apartment in order to make money for a savings account in the bank. Given the inflation expectations, as well as the instability of the market economy, it remains to conclude a greater feasibility of transferring the premises. Because this step, on the one hand, leaves youownership of real estate And on the other, it allows you to receive additional income.

In order to understand how profitable , imagine the common portrait of the tenant:

  • came to the capital to work
  • preference to the territorial location of the apartment
  • looking for maximum comfort for a smaller amount of money

Among the potential tenants can also be students, young couples who have decided to live separately from parents, people left without their own housing and forced to rent a living area.

Be sure to take into account your own expectations from future tenants. This is especially important, provided that you are planning to continue living in the apartment in the future. Decide for yourself whether you want a frequent shift of residents (option daily rent.), Or are configured for long-term cooperation.

Is it profitable to rent an apartment for rent?

Daily rent brings the owner noticeably rapid income. Provided that the apartment managed to find tenants and does not idle. In order to make it easy to rent an apartment, it should be universal, from the point of view of the rental supply. It is unlikely that you will succeed successfully donate housing that requires a serious cosmeticrepair . But this, sometimes, can compensate .

Subject to the step-by-step accessibility of the metro stations, transport stops, as well as the presence of good transport junction, road highways, the apartment automatically falls into the category of preferred. So, it will not be difficult to hand over it for rent. Quickly find tenants you will be able to possess .

To take your apartment or buy new housing for this?

Profitable real estate rental transactions in Moscow are everyday. The main condition for such operations is the fact that the landlord falls the housing has already existed. Here, the benefit from the transfer of residential premises is obvious. Besides the fact that the owner compensates rental board The amount of municipal payments, it also appears additional income.

The situation occurs when the future Novosel decides to takecredit On the purchase of a new apartment, which is later transmitted by VPEA. Here, it is often the main criterion for the success of the transaction is the ability to become the owner of housing paying monthly loan payments due to the receipt of the rent.

Due to personal circumstances, everyone decides, which option it becomes optimal for it. Today we told our readers about the fact that the benefit when renting from the Moscow real estate is obvious. And thanksour service You will be able to not only find a tenant, but also save, in the process of searching, a century of time.

How to pass an apartment without intermediaries? What are the features of renting an apartment for rent through the agency? How much do I earn if I rent an apartment or a room for a long time?

Hello everyone who looked at the light! In touch, the expert of the popular Internet journal "Khitirbobor" - Denis Kudarin.

Today we will talk about how competently, safely and profitably rent an apartment. The article will be useful for everyone who has additional property on which you want to make your small business.

At the end of the article you are waiting for a guaranteed bonus - an overview of the most reliable companies in the Russian Federation, which will help to rent housing on the most profitable conditions for its owner.

1. Rent apartment for rent as a business

If you have an apartment, besides the one in which you live, and this housing is idle, eating money for content, you can always turn it into an additional earnings source.

At the same time, you will have to work hard only at the initial stage - preparing the object to rent and search for residents. And then your task will be only timely receipt of the regular rent. The ideal example of passive income is "we sit down, and the money goes."

True, track the condition of the apartment, to eliminate problems and breakdowns in time, control the level of loyalty of tenants periodically still. But if desired, it is possible to delegate this part of the work of the real estate management company.

With this situation, you can rent an apartment and leave abroad, to the village to the grandfather or on south coast Crimea for permanent residence. All rental concerns will be transferred in this case to a trusted person, and you will only have to withdraw money from the account and spend them at your discretion.

About what is professional, read in a separate article.

The main thing in renting an apartment is to correctly assess the yield of this enterprise. Passing real estate in temporary use, it is necessary to take into account all the factors that may somehow affect the cost of the rent: only in this case you can designate an adequate market price for rent.

And still need to decide in advance, whether you will act independently or attract the procedure of professional realtors. Both options have their pros and cons.

The main rule is: if you need to rent an apartment right now - you are leaving you urgently need money - it is better to attract agents from a religious real estate company or with a flawless reputation. If time is tolerate, act on your own. The only condition - you should have at least minimal experience in real estate transactions.

And one more important nuance - you need to be able to deal with people. You will have to decide on our own, whether the selected tenant is relieved or worth searching for another candidate.

Errors can not be allowed: a dishonest tenant is untimely payments or complete absence, damage to the property, complaints of neighbors, floods and fires, perhaps even challenges to the police. Do you need it?

The table presents the main advantages and disadvantages of an independent surrender of the apartment and with the help of an intermediary:

Step 3. We are looking for tenants

Where to look for, I already told above. Here I note that although the search for candidates is the most important stage of the process, it is not worth loaning on it. Ideal per 100% tenants are rare.


One my friend got married and moved to the apartment to her husband. She decided to hand over her "odnushku" and it was thorough to search for tenants. Sequentially she was rejected by about 30 applicants.

Some had a cat, others were too young and cheerful, the third seemed to her not enough secured, etc. As a result, the search for tenants was dragged for many months, and the familiar has lost sleep, peace and almost quarreled with a new husband.

Universal Council - give preference to married couples in which both spouses work and have a stable salary.

Step 4. Agrees about the meeting and show the apartment

Before negotiating the show, spend a preliminary conversation, ask the applicant the control questions. If something is alarming you in the answers, do not risk - tell me right: "Sorry, but your candidacy does not suit me."

At the meeting, talk with a potential tenant secondary. If the impression is positive - lead and show.

Step 5. We collect documents

The tenants are also not flashed. They must be confident in the purity of the transaction and your decency. Therefore, collect documents in case the tenant will require them to present.

The required package includes:

  • passport (you can copy);
  • certificate of ownership of housing;
  • receipts confirming the lack of debts on housing and communal services.

If someone, besides you, you will also need the written consent of these people to rent an apartment.

Step 6. We conclude an agreement

You can take an apartment unofficially and officially. In the first case, you will get more (13% tax will be deducted), but you will not have any guarantees of the safety of your property.

Treaty - certificate of civil relations between the parties. It is your insurance in case conflicts, misunderstanding and disputes arise. The lack of an agreement can be a tool for pressure from the tenant - they say, you do not deduct from rental tax, it means that you can wait for payments.

The contract requires the conditions on which you rent an apartment, the date of making a monthly fee, the amount of the first advance, if there is a place. Separate items concern the safety of your property, the responsibility of the parties in the event of a violation of the agreement, the conditions for early termination of the contract.

For example, with the complaints of the neighbors, the owner has the right to evict tenants within 3 days or weeks without reimbursement of the rent.

Step 7. We get prepayment

The agreement suits both parties, everyone is satisfied and smiled. It remains only to get a prepayment - this will be the beginning of a long mutually beneficial partnership. All financial calculations are desirable to design documented. So that there was no: "And I paid you in that week, did you forget?", "As another 2000, I gave the full amount?"

If you doubt your abilities or some moments are not clear, it is better to clarify them in advance. Take advantage of modern digital technologies - get advice on online from professional lawyers on the Rovement resource.

Thousands of qualified specialists of all areas of law are collaborating with the resource, including legal entities. You can contact them through chat or by phone shown below.

You can get competent legal support right now - the site acts around the clock.

4. Professional assistance in renting an apartment for rent - Review Top 5 Real Estate Agencies

The promised bonus is an overview of the top of the most reliable agencies that will help to reach the apartment quickly and safely.

The oldest metropolitan real estate firm. It has an extensive network of representative offices - only in Moscow works according to a single standard of 120 branches. It is engaged in any real estate operations, including rental of private apartments.

Experienced agents guarantee to pass your object promptly, legally competent and profitable. Realtors with many years of experience will help realize any object - ranging from the room in a residential area and ending with an elite cottage in the suburbs. The legal purity of the contract is followed by regular lawyers of the company.

Specialized real estate agency with perennial work experience in the metropolitan market. The company has an extensive information base and a staffed staff of qualified employees. The main principle of the company is a responsible attitude to the implementation of each order.

Realtors are responsible for competent preparation of the rent and take into account, first of all, the interests of the owners of housing. Choosing "Alma", you can be sure of the safety of your property and timely payment.

3) Incom

One of the largest real estate firms in the Russian Federation. Work experience in the housing market is 25 years old. The leader of the Moscow region. It has branches in dozens of cities of the Russian Federation. The field of activity covers all areas of the real estate market. It will help to rent an apartment in a new building, in the suburbs, in the business center of the capital. The staff is only proven agents with a large number of successful contracts.

Moscow agency specializing in luxury real estate. The firm guarantees that your housing will not be handed over to the first oncoming: Each candidate staff will check in order to determine its solvency and decency.

At the same time, the company guarantees to pass your object for 1-2 days for the maximum market price. An hour later, after the call, a professional photographer will come to you, which will shoot an apartment, after which experts will evaluate housing and determine its rental cost.

A full range of services in the real estate market. Work experience since 1997. 8 branches in Moscow and dozens of representative offices in other cities of the Russian Federation. Additional services In the field of accommodation of housing, consulting and analytics.

You can rent an apartment through the agency 2 ways: call on the phone (calls are accepted from 9 to 21) or place an online application. The apartment will be handed over at a market price, and the final choice of tenants will make the owner of the object. As a gift to each client - insurance of property and civil liability.

5. What should be ready - 4 main risks for the landlord

Renting the apartment, be prepared for certain risks. People belong to someone else's property is not as thright as their own.

In addition, in the housing market, there are a huge number of fraudsters, ready to get started at your expense.

We list the main types of risks for apartment owners.

Risk 1. Damage to property

This is the most likely risk when renting property. As a rule, together with the housing, the owners will hand over furniture and household appliances. Sometimes it is very valuable property that you want to get back safe and safety. Yes, and the decoration of the apartment is often worth a lot of money.

See also: