A decent alternative to Maldives - Belarus! Places similar to Maldives.

According to reliable statistical data, the majority of those sent on vacation wish to be in some kind of paradise tropical corner. Whoever wanted once in life would be sunbathe on a golden beach, plunge into crystal clear water. But what if the funds are missing for a distant journey? It turns out that it is quite possible to find a worthy substitute for the southern islands. Let's compare famous Maldives and... Belarusian Maldives.

Maldives - Where are you?
Maldives called a group of coral islands in indian Ocean. In addition to lovers to soak under the hot tropical sun, here you can find a lot of diving fans. The diversity of the underwater world, the beauty of coral reefs and the transparency of the water put this resort out of competition. Visiting excursions and fishing is also occupied by not recent places in the ranking of popular local entertainment.

Water Maldives

By the way, about purity Water of the Maldives Islands It is worth saying separately. Visibility under water over 50 meters! This is a record global indicator! average temperature Water +27 ⁰s. round year. Each coming here for the first time seeks to return again and again. And diving captures at first sight. And even if you never immersed to the depth - not trouble! Professional instructors will help you make the first (and, for sure, from now on, not the last) steps in this spectacular form of rest.

Belarusian Maldives

But if you are not very located to go for the trident lands, welcome to Belorussia! Namely, on Krasnoshel Cretaceous Careers. They are quite called gemini of the Maldives Islands. Crystal clear and transparent Belarusian chalk lakes Azure-blue color is not inferior to the waters of the distant ocean. Luxurious view The career from above makes you fall in love with this place at first sight.

Krasnoshel careers - where are
These magic lakes are located next to the village of Krasnoselsk under the city of Volkovysk in four hours drive from Minsk. They represent two groups of lakes of 5 quarries in each. This place has long been a favorite among the locals and tourists. Here come to relax with the whole family or with friends, and some even stay for several days, arranging tourist tents on the shores.

How did chalk lakes formed?

Origin of Krasnoshel Cretaceous Lakes Pretty prosaic. Nearby is the KrasnoselskstroyMaterial Plant. BELAZ dump trucks can be seen daily in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lakes. It is with their help and a career was dug.

Vacationers appreciate Belarusian careers for their delightful beauty. Plunge into a pleasant transparent water on a hot day - is it not pleasure?!

Choose recreation and travel sites !!!

Tuvalu (until 1975 - Islands of Ellis) - Pacific State in Polynesia. It borders in the north and northeast with the territorial waters of Kiribati, in the east - with the territorial waters of Tokelau, the southeast - with the waters of Samoa and the islands Wallis and Futun, in the south - with the waters of Fiji, in the south-west and west - with waters Solomon Islands. The length of the coastal strip is 21 km. Tuvalu is located on 5 atolls and 4 islands of the Tuvalu archipelago. The total area of \u200b\u200bSushi is 26 km². The population of the country is 12,177 people. (2008, evaluation). Capital - Funafuti.
From Russian citizens, a hundred people are unlikely to be and at least once conducted exotic holiday in Tuvalu.
On the largest atoll, called Funafuti, is the capital of this island state, besides, the only place on the island where you can change the currency somewhere to call or use the Internet.

Tuvalu Islands were opened by the Spanish Seavor Alvaro Mendani de Neuja in 1568. In 1892, the archipelago became the British Protectorate of the Island of Ellis, and in 1916, part of the British colony of Gilbert Island and Ellis. At the referendum of 1974, the Polynesian population of Ellis islands voted for the department from the Micronesian Islands of Gilbert (later Kiribati), and next year the archipelago became a separate British colony in Tuvalu. The independence of the island was obtained in 1978. Tuvalu is a member of the UN, the South-Piece Commission and the Pacific Islands Forum.

Isolated in the middle of Micronesia, Tuvalu is among the safest and most remote places in the world. This is the third least inhabited country on Earth, and the fourth smallest country. So, or otherwise, if you need peace and solitude - Tuvalu will be very good choice In order to live here for several months and restore sincere equilibrium.

At the tiny island state to Tuvalu, which is in Pacific Ocean, there is a big problem.
These are drinking water .. The islands on the islands there is some reserve of bottled water. Drinking water and desalination installations are also delivered from New Zealand and Samoa. But these measures are missing, in order to somehow correct the situation. The islanders suffering from the thirst hope that nature is worst over them and the long-awaited rain.

Tourists Exotic holiday in Tuvalu also attracts also because the population is responsive, friendly.
If you have some kind of request or need help, then local will always listen and necessarily help.
This little one exotic country It is also unique in that communication with officials does not cause any irritation, because administrative workers will have the most warm welcome, you will be supplied with everything necessary that the tours in Tuval have forgotten it to guests and they returned here back.
Interestingly also that local residents Have two beaches near their homes.
And all because the island is very narrow, so much that nothing but the road is not placed in his some parts.
The population here is poor, but poverty is not at all such as, for example, in Russian slums. They are not beggars, just the standard of living here is different.

The island of Kud is a worthy alternative to Maldives.When you say the word "Maldives", immediately before your eyes there is a turquoise smooth of the sea, snow-white sand and palm trees over the water - such a local paradise on Earth. Maldives have long become a symbol of carefree holiday alone with warm sea and beautiful nature. But this holiday is not only very expensive, but also does not suit everyone, because there is no dynamics and change of impressions. Each time, hearing is the magical word "Maldives", I asked myself a question: whether there is such a place on Earth, in which the beauty of the Maldives with democraticness, freedom of movement and not much burdensome for a wallet of the holiday price was combined. And so I found such a place for myself, but as far as I objective, judge for yourself.

So, Thai "Maldives" - the island of Kud.ko Kud - the fourth largest Thai island (after Phuket, Khanga and Koh Samui) with a length of about 20 kilometers lying in the Siamese bay near the border with Cambodia.

It may not be very simple here from Bangkok, but, as they say, there would be a desire. First you need to go to the city of spending or by bus (from the bus station Bangkok on the way about 5 hours), or by plane (about 50 minutes). The island go to the island and speedbots from the mainland purses of the city of spending (time on the road of one and a half hours, the cost of 350 baht) and from the island to Chang (a little more than an hour, the cost of 900 baht). The boats arrive at the Central Pier of the island, from where the holidays are then delivered along hotels on open pickups "Tuk Tuka", the shipping is included in the ticket price. Speedbots deliver tourists right on the hotel's pier. The coast of the island is a series of wonderful sandy beachesseparated by rocky ridges descending into the sea. The middle of the island is virgin, who are not yet spoiled by man impassable jungle. The beach is considered to be Clong Chao. It is located approximately in the middle of the west coast.

Snow-white sand, a gentle entrance to the sea, luxurious shaggy casuarins along the beach and almost imperceptible flows.

On the map

It is on this beach that focused best hotels Islands. True, they are not quite budgetary in cost. Over the line of hotels there is a number of shops and restaurants. But for the expensive and shopping area there are more hotels for budget tourists. Some of them are quite comfortable: stone or wooden bungalows with air conditioning and a private bathroom, and there are just a hut from palm leaves With "amenities" around the corner, but it is completely cheap.

Most of the soul, the more secluded and very small beach of Ngam Co., located about a couple of kilometers south of Klong Chao.

On the map

This is a narrow, but very extended yellow sand strip, amazing color is absolutely transparent fixed surface of the sea and high coconut palm trees along the coast.

Because of the abundance of Palm, the island is often called the "coconut lagoon". On this beach there are only a few very small bungal-type hotels located on a decent distance from each other.

Wishing to relax from noise and bustle big City You can always find a place where they will be absolutely alone with the sea and the sun.

On the map

In parallel, the shore lines are concrete road connecting the beaches. If you get tired of lying by the sea, you can study the island, and there is something to see. You can go deep into the island to the waterfall Clong Chao

On the map

or in a fishing village sea Gypsy, Or take renting kayak and swim on mangrove thickets. In some hotels, Kayak rental is included in the price.

On the map

And you can amal to large soms in the river clone Chao or go to marine fishing, or hire a long-tailed boat and go to the neighboring small islets. No island public transport And to be mobile, it is best to rent a motorbike. You can do this or at the reception of the hotel, or at the store. International rights Do not require, it is not necessary to conclude an agreement, the cost of 300 - 350 baht per day is not expensive. The road is the only and good quality, and almost always deserted. There are no problems with refueling. Bottles with fuel sell along the road and in stores.

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