Federated States of Micronesia. Micronesia

There are many amazing countries in the world. I can often hear about some of them, and some of them rarely fall into the field of view of most people. Of course, it is necessary to constantly increase your level of knowledge, get acquainted with other states and cultures. This article will talk about such a wonderful country as Federated States Micronesia. Indeed, this state is not so often audible, which is why it is worth telling about it in detail. This country is unique in many ways, coming there, tourists are often amazed how much it is not similar to other corners of the world. Now it is worth moving to a detailed story about this state, its history, population, culture and many other interesting things.

A little about the country itself

So, first you need to consider basic information about this country. The Federated States of Micronesia is a state, it is located in the Caroline Islands, which, in turn, are near New Guinea. It can also be said that it is located in Oceania. Of course, it is believed that this is an independent state. This status has been for a long time, since 1986. However, despite this, the country actually depends on the US economic assistance. A special agreement was concluded between these two states, according to which America undertakes to support the financial system of the Federated States of Micronesia, as well as if necessary, to ensure their defense.

A few words should be said about the part of the world where Micronesia is located, that is, oceania. You can hear this word DONAL often, but it is not always clear that it means. Oceania is a very unusual region, which consists of a large number of different islands. He is B. Pacific Ocean. This territory plays an important geopolitical role, it is also often distinguished as a separate geographical object.

How and at what time it was born

Now it is worth moving towards the story of the country's history. It is incredibly interesting, since rich in various events. According to many data, it is believed that the first residents appeared here in the 2nd millennium BC. e. On this basis, it can be said that the Federated States of Micronesia is a really ancient country. Even some monuments of that time, for example, the ruins of the ancient NAN-Madol, which appeared in time immemorial times are preserved.

Federated States of Micronesia: the history of the country

After a long time, colonization occurred. In those days it was completely no wonder. At that moment, when the process of colonization began, the local society was still only at the stage of primitive system, where communities existed.

The islands where the state is located, discovered in 1527. They were opened by Spanish navigators. After some time, the Spaniards said that Caroline Islands were in their possession, although in fact at that time control over the territory was not established. After a long time, Germany became interested in them. In 1885, she declared his rights to this state. However, Spain was opposed to such actions and declared this to arbitration, as a result of which the islands were left behind Spain. It would seem that the situation was solved. But this is not quite how Germany expressed a desire to purchase Islands in Spain. In 1899, such a deal was committed.

During the First World War, the island switched to other hands, since they were captured by Japan. At that time they were used to create sugar plantations. In second world War These territories switched to the United States. And already in 1986, as mentioned above, the country received the status of free, but is in factual dependence on the United States.

Federated States of Micronesia: detailed information about the population

Now it is worth talking about the population of this state. Of course, as a result of the colonization and permanent transition to various countries, FSM has a very unusual composition of the population. So, if we talk about the entire population, it is more than 102 thousand people. Such statistics exists in 2010, when a census was conducted in the country. Due to the low level of living, there is a fairly large outflow of people, so the level of emigration is also quite high. However, despite this, the indicators of the average life expectancy of the population here are quite high - 73 years for women and 69 years for men. The ethnic composition is very diverse here and is represented by various peoples. The biggest share is indigenous population Islands called "Chuch". It is slightly less than 50% of the number. The rest of the population is represented by other peoples, for example, ponap.

Interestingly, the official language of this country is English. It is also used to communicate between different peoples. In addition, there are few more languages \u200b\u200bfor communication between the locals. Basically, the population of this country is competent (about 90%).

What nations live in the state

Speaking about the country's population, it is necessary to separately say a few words about her ethnic composition. So, as already mentioned, nationality dominates in the country called Chuch. Sometimes you can also hear another name for this people - Truk. This is the indigenous population of the islands, which appeared here in time expanse. Representatives of this people are now no more than 50 thousand people. They have their own language, which has the name "Truk". Their main religion is Christianity, but some traditional destinations of faith are still preserved.

Another people, which constitutes a significant proportion of the country's population (about 25%) - Ponap. it ancient people Micronesia, which has long lived on the island of the same name. The number of it is only 28 thousand people. Religious views, mainly Catholicism and Protestant, however, as well as the people of Truk, traditional cults are preserved. Other people live here, but they are represented by a much smaller number of people.

So, a small overview of the peoples, which inhabit the Federated States of Micronesia. The detailed characteristics of these nationalities is necessary in order to better understand the history and culture of this country.

A country's economy

Now, when there are already much information about this wonderful country, it is worth moving to the consideration of the economy. Many are interested in what production activities are engaged and what the Federated States of Micronesia are produced. It is possible to hear about the country that it is mainly a manufacturer of agricultural products.

This is true, the economic activity of Micronesia is presented for the most part of the production of agricultural products and fishing. Thanks to the climate, here you can grow many different plants, such as coconut palms, vegetables and fruits of different types and varieties and much more. Also enjoys animal husbandry, most often breed pigs, goats and chickens.

Federated States of Micronesia also have their own industry. Mostly here are enterprises for the processing of agricultural products, plants for the production of soap and woodworking production.

What climate in the Federated States of Micronesia

It is also worth paying slightly attention to local climatic conditions. In these places, nature and weather can be very pleased. The country lies in the zones of the equatorial and subequatorial climate. The temperature here mainly keeps at level from 26 ° C to 33 ° C. Good weather most of the year boasts the Federated States of Micronesia. Photo of the wonderful nature of this country can be found in guidebooks and other materials, in particular in this article. It is especially interesting that this part of the ocean is considered a place where the birth of large typhoons occurs. Basically, their season lasts from August to December.

The vegetation world is quite diverse here, most often you can see coconut palms. Basically, tropical forests are dominated here, as well as savanna.

Sights of the country

One of the main attractions of this country is Nan-Madol. This is truly interesting ruins. ancient Citywhich existed in time immemorial. It was located on a large area, which included more than 90 islands in its composition. They were interconnected by a whole system of different channels.

Many cultural monuments, in addition to the ancient city, boast the Federated States of Micronesia. Capital - Palikir is also very interesting in terms of history. Here you can get acquainted with the culture and sights of this ancient country.

The Federated States of Micronesia are a country that is located in Oceania, not far from the Archipelago of the Caroline Islands. Its territory is the islands in the north of the Pacific, which are located near Hawaii and. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 702 sq. Km. The coastline is 6112 km.

The territory of the country is represented by the islands (high mountainous islands are replaced by low), coral atolls, volcanic outcrops. Four main island groups consist of 607 islands.

Map of Federated States Micronesia

The country has rich vegetation with various unique species. On the slopes above the volcanic islands, severe tropical vegetation is characteristic, including tropical deciduous rocks. Different types of tropical plants and colors grow in Micronesia forests. Coconut palm trees grow on coral atolls. Country flora represent: hibiscus, orchids, banana, eucalyptus, red tree, iron tree, papaya, plumeria. The fauna is represented by various types of birds, tropical volatile mice, rare species, lizards that can be found in various parts of the country. In the reservoirs of Micronesia lives several types of turtles and rods. In addition, other species, such as Marlin, Tuna, Barracuda, Sailboat dwell here. Representatives of the sea fauna live in the open sea, on reefs, in lagoon and coastal areas. Natural resources: Wood, deep-sea minerals, phosphate.

The climate of Micronesia is tropical. It is characterized by a large amount of precipitation round year, mainly in the east of the country. In the south there is a Typhoon belt, which sometimes leads to serious damage.

Federated States of Micronesia - the Constitutional Government in the Free Association with the United States. The head of state is the president, he is also the head of government. The Cabinet of Ministers includes vice president and chapters of eight executive departments.

Administrative and territorial division - 4 states. Capital - Palikir. Self big cities: Voine (Chuha), Colonia (PJ), Colony (PPEI), Tofol (Carae State).

The population of the country is 106104 people. On the territory of the country they live in the main Chuch (48.8%), ponap (24.2%), KOSPEE (6.2%), PP (5.2%), Yaps of external islands (4.5%), Asians ( 1.8%), Polynesians (1.5%). English - official language. Religion: Roman Catholics (52.7%), Protestants (41.7%), others (3.8%). Literacy - 91% of men, 88% of women. Urban population: 23%. Population density: 160.41 people / km². Middle Age: Men - 22.8 years old, in women - 24 years old. The average life expectancy: 70.09 years old - men, 74,16 years old - women.

The economic activity of the country is based on natural agriculture and fisheries. On the islands there are several well-known mineral deposits. There is a potential for the development of tourism. But this development is slowed down by isolation, lack of adequate objects, as well as restrictions in water connection, therefore, the majority of tourists in the federal states of Micronesia prefers other options, for example, a tour in Alanya. In accordance with the terms of the initial treaty, the United States provided $ 1.3 billion in grants and assistance in 1986-2001. The government is funded mainly due to the Free Association Agreement (Compact) and the assistance provided by the United States.

Exported goods: fish, clothes, bananas, black peppers, betel. Export partners: Thailand, Japan, USA, Hong Kong, China. Imported goods: Food, industrial goods, machinery and equipment, drinks. Import Partners: Thailand, United States, Japan,

The island state in the Pacific Ocean, including the Central and Eastern Caroline Islands and the Atoll of Kabyangamagagi.
Territory - 701.4 square meters. km. Capital - Palikir.
Population - 140 thousand people. (1998), mainly Micronesians.
Official language - English.
Religion is the majority of believers - Christians.
In the XVII-XIX centuries. Micronesia belonged to Spain, in 1898-1914. Germany, since 1920 - the sub-territory of Japan, since 1947, the UN Secretary Territory under the US Department of Management. Since 1986 - "Freely Associated" with the United States. This status means that the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) have full sovereignty, excluding the defense issues that remain the prerogative of the United States. In 1991, adopted in the UN.

State device

Micronesia is a federal state consisting of 4 states with its own governments: Chuhak (former. Truck), cospace, Ponepai (Ponap) and Yap. The states have a high degree of independence in almost all spheres of public life.
There is a constitution of 1979, compiled according to the US Constitution. Under the form of the Board of FSM - the republic of a special type. Political regime democratic. Political parties are absent.
The legislative power belongs to the Federal Single Parliament - the National Congress of FSM, consisting of 14 senators (4 senators are elected one by one of each state for a period of 4 years, 10 in single-member districts with approximately equal number of voters for a period of 2 years).
The head of state and government - the president elected by members of the National Congress of FSM from among the 4 senators from the state for a period of 4 years. At the same time, the vice president is elected.
The state structure of the states is established by their own constitutions and in general is similar to the federal.

Legal system

The legal system of Micronesia is based on US legislation. In some areas of relations (land, family, hereditary), the norms of local ordinary law also apply, the role of which is recognized by the Constitution.
The labor law of Micronesia did not receive significant development, since in the country a slight number of employees. The Constitution and legislation directly do not enshrine the right to unite into trade unions, strike and collective bargaining, do not limit the working time. By 2000, no trade union was formed in FSM.
The Federation and States continue to use the Criminal Code of the Ward Pacific Islandsintroduced by the US administration. Each uses its version of this act to which the amendments independently contributes. UP staff accepted the US Model Criminal Code. The main difference from the United States in the field of criminal law is the FSM established by the Constitution (St.IV Section 9), the ban on the death penalty.
FSM Bill on Rights contained in the Constitution includes procedural guarantees of the personal rights in the criminal process, closely repeating the relevant provisions of the US Constitution. The system borrowed by the United States contradicts the national traditions of Micronesians. Because of this, a large number of criminal cases does not fall into courts, and is allowed through conciliation procedures with the participation of family of the guilty and victim in accordance with local customs.

Judicial system. Control bodies

The judicial system is headed by the Supreme Court of FSM consisting of 3 judges, sitting in two branches: first instance and appeal. This is the only federal court. The judges of the Supreme Court appoint the President of FSM for life with approval of the Congress.
Each State FSM has its own supreme court with a similar structure. Only in the staff of the cosmier has no appeal separation - this function performs the Supreme Court. There is also a small number of local (municipal) courts on the islands.
The criminal prosecution system is headed by the Attorney General, which is simultaneously the head of the Justice Department (a member of the Cabinet) and the main legal adviser of the government. Since 1991, the overwhelming majority of cases are included in the state jurisdiction.
All states, except for the cospace, recognize the Institute for Traditional Leaders, which play a significant role in resolving various disputes.
The highest financial control authority is the public auditor appointed by the President on the Council and with the consent of the Congress for a period of 4 years.

The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) - the state at 607 islands in the largest ocean southeast of the Philippines, stretching north of the equator to 2,700 km. It occupies the central and eastern part of the Caroline Islands (the western part belongs to Palau), as well as Atoll Kapingamaranga.


Only 40 of the islands have significant sizes, others - small islands and coral atolls. Total 65 islands are populated. According to the islands area (702 km 2), the Federated States of Micronesia are one of the smallest states in the world.
FSM are represented by four states formed according to a single principle: each consists of one or more big Islands Volcanic origin and includes numerous atolls (the exception is only the staff of Kosrae, whose territory does not include the atol). Large islands (they are called "high" here in the coral reef ring. They are mountaineers, they cover forest thickets. Small islands are represented by atolls: ring-shaped coral islands with shallow lagoon.
The Equatorial climate prevails on FSM, and the temperature here is all year round about 30 ° C. In this part of the Pacific Ocean is the area of \u200b\u200bthe origin of Typhins: per year on FSM islands passes an average of 25 typhoons, sometimes catastrophic, with a destructive hurricane wind speed of 240 km / h.


Nature generously gave the islands of this part of Micronesia, unlike many neighboring tropical forests grow on fertile volcanic soil, part of the sushi are occupied by savanna, the coconut palm trees, pandanus, breadwinning and bananas are dominated by mangroves along the coast. Numerous rivers run from the slopes of the mountains, feeding with abundant rain rainfalls: on Poipei Island, for example, about 300 rainy days a year.


The ancestors of the current residents of the Federated States of Micronesia settled the islands of more than 4 thousand years ago. Before the appearance of Europeans, there was a special hierarchy with leaders and caste societies. Evidence of existence ancient civilization is an " dead city»NAN-MADOL, built on monumental coral platforms, lined with basalt plates. On the platforms stood residential buildings and temples. This civilization has declined even before the appearance of Europeans who have found a society in which there were walking in the form of large stone disks with a hole in the center.
The Portuguese were the first representatives of the Old World, which stepped on the islands in the XVI century. Following them, Spaniards appeared here - in the XVII century. They declared the islands with their possessions, but did not receive actual control over the territories. In 1898, after defeat in the war with the United States, Spain sold German Islands.
During World War I, in 1914, the islands were occupied by Japan, engaged in the violent assimilation of the islanders, which affected their appearance, language and names. After the war, the territory of the future states remained under the control of Japan.
During World War II, there were bloody fights between American and Japanese troops on the islands. In 1945, the Japanese were expelled from Micronesia, the archipelago passed under the US control.
For a long time, the island was managed by the US military administration, until the independent Federated States of Micronesia were proclaimed in 1986.
The Federated States of Micronesia are an archipelago, consisting of low coral islands and higher volcanic, with highly central parts. Volcanic islands Surrounded by lagunis separated from the ocean coral barrier Rifami Of dozens of small islands. In reefs there are passes through which the ocean vessels are suitable for major islands.
The population of the island republic is almost completely represented by the peoples of the Pacific Islands. A small proportion of the population is the descendants of those who were born from marriages between the Japanese and Micronesians during the occupation of the Islands of Japan. The Assymilation of the Islanders of the Japanese was held so designerously that many older people on the islands still speak Japanese.
The traditions and customs of the peoples of FSM are almost the same on all islands. Here, everything is also building houses of a local pillaby structure without walls, the function of which is performed by double roofs to the ground, covered palm leaves or mats. In addition, Micronesians retain the ancient technology for the manufacture of wooden boats without a single metal nail. The leaders play all the same important role in the life of the community, as in the old days. The villages have surrendered in the villages, and in some islands even the custom of wearing loose dressings and skirts of plant fibers remained.
Intensive contacts S. western world In recent decades, the mentality of the young generation of citizens of FSMs has changed, which are no longer focused on traditional values, and strive to join the achievements of Western civilization.
Despite the fact that the Federated States of Micronesia formally gained independence back in 1986, they retained the status of the "Free Association with the United States". Thus, the United States is obliged to ensure the defense of the state, and the economy of FSM largely depends on American economic assistance. The "Free Association" agreement with the United States allows citizens of the country to choose resistance within the United States than they actively use, leaving a country that is experiencing serious difficulties.
The main problems of the country remain a high level of unemployment, the reduction of fish catch and a high degree of dependence on American assistance. There is even no own monetary unit in the country, which the US dollar is currently replaced.
The economy of the Federated States of Micronesia, where there are no significant mineral resources, except phosphates, is based mainly on agriculture and fisheries. Europeans and Asians brought to the islands of citrus, maniacs, butat, various tropical fruit trees, chocolate tree, black pepper. Local residents Clear small areas of forest for plantations. In addition to fishing, which caused substantial damage to the ichthyofaun islands, the population also deals with the collection of mollusks and crustaceans on the reef.
Recently, the role of tourism increases, and an increasing number of islanders are involved in the service sector (for example, in the manufacture of traditional souvenirs). The development of tourism is hampered by the remoteness of the islands, but the number of coming to see the beauty of the islands and the "dead city" of Nan-Mandol, which received the fame of the "Venice of the Pacific Ocean", is constantly growing.

general information

Location: North of the Pacific Ocean.

Official name

Administrative composition: 4 states (Caraea Staff - Kosya Island; Poipei Islands - Islands of Ponai, Ant, Pakin, Ololuk, Mokype, Pinglap, Nukoro and Kapingamaranga's Atoll, Namollah, Namoluk, Laol, Pulap, Pulap, Kooop, Nama, Lozap, Mortlock, Chuch Island; Yap - Yap Islands, Maap, Rumung, Gagil-Tamil).

The origin of the islands: Volcanic, coral.

Administrative center: City of Palikir (Poipei Island) - 7000 people. (2009).

Languages: English (Official), Chupeza, Kosrae, Purseian, Yaphastan, Ulitansky, Nukoro, Kapingamaranga.

Ethnic composition: Chuch, Ponap, Kosyaa, Yap, PJ of the external islands, Asians, Polynesians.

Religions: Catholicism, Protestantism.

Currency unit: U.S. dollar.
The most important port: Column (Palikir, Poipei Island).

The most important airports: international Airports Poipei, Chuha (Chuch Island), Kosyaa (Kosya Island), Yap (Yap island).
Neighboring countries and territories: in the south-east -, in the south-west -, in the north - Guam and the Northern, in the East - Nauru and Marshall Islands, in the West - Palau and.


Area: Islands - 702 km 2, state territory (including water management) - more than 2.6 million km 2.

Number of islands: 607.

Population: 106 104 people. (2013).
Population density: 151.1 people / km 2.
Urban population: 23% (2010).
The highest point: Mount Dolomwar (791 m), according to other data - Mount Nana-Loud (Poipei Island, 798 m).

Climate and weather

Equatorial and subequatorial, trade-monsoon type.

Two seasons: Dry (January - March) and wet (April - December).

Direction of the wind: From November to December - Northeastern Passats, the rest of the year - southwestern monsoons.

Mid annual temperature: + 26-33 ° С.

The average annual amount of precipitation: from 2250 mm to 3000-6000 mm (in the mountains on the island of Kusayan).
Relative humidity: 75%.
Frequent destructive Typhins (from June to December).


GDP: $ 310 million (2011), per capita - $ 3000 (2011).

Minerals: Phosphates.

Agriculture: Crop (citrus, maniacs, butat, various tropical fruit trees, chocolate wood, black pepper), animal husbandry (poultry farming, pig breeding).

Industry: Food (Fish Consumer).

Fishing (tuna).

Traditional crafts.

Field of services: tourist, trading.


Pontai Island: "Dead City" Nan-Madol (XIII century), Japanese shore artillery guns of the Second World War (Skols Ridge), Save-Rock Rock (180 m).
Krayae Island: The temple of the Goddess Synylac, the ruins of the XIV century buildings, sunken pirate ship Bully Hayes Wreck (1874), Japanese defensive tunnels in the Hill Lelu ( highest point Islands), Underwater cave Blue Hole ("Blue Hole"), Cape Hiroshi-Point, basalt dam between the Islands of Kosrae and Lele.
Island Chuchuk: Sunken ships and aircraft of the period of World War II, Mount Tonachau (229 m), cave Neoj.
Yap Island: Giant stone "coins", Tabolov (178m).
Atoll Slita: remains of sunken ships of the period of World War II.

Curious facts

■ Yap island was a major German naval port to the First World War, as well as an important node of the International Transcaan Cable Telegraph.
■ In 1978, the Islands of Micronesia received the status of "freely associated territory associated with the USA", in 1979 the Constitution of FSM was adopted, but officially the Year of Independence is called the 1986, when the "guardian" of the United States was finally discontinued.
■ Federated States of Micronesia - UN member since 1991, as well as a number of regional organizations, such as the Pacific Forum.
■ Most inhabitants of Ponei island are monochromates (monochromasia - congenital full color blindness; a person suffering from monochromazia, distinguishes colors only by their brightness). The reasons for this phenomenon are not defined in this region.

■ Starting from the XVIII century. Micronesia Islands began to visit trade and scientific Russian courts. In 1828, the Russian navigator, geographer and admiral F.P. Lytka (1797-1882) opened the islands of Ponap (Poipei), Ant and Pakin and called them in honor of Admiral D.N. Senjanina is the Islands of Senjanin.
■ Under the terms of the Treaty on the "Free Association" of the United States allocated FSM from 1986 to 2001. 1.3 billion dollars. Then the amount of annual aid was reduced, but permanent multi-million dollars from the United States are promised until 2023.
■ Micronesia - generalizing the name of small islands in Oceania, in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, north of the Equator, only about 1,500 islands. The name "Micronesia" is literally translated from the ancient Greek as "Melkoostrovye".

» Truk, Federated States of Micronesia

There is nothing cooler in the evening on a good Micronesian island: with white sand, almost even without ordinary marine garbage, with palm trees with coconuts, so as not to arrive the tourist on the head, with a beautiful sunset promising tomorrow's adventure. The repellent copes well with the mosquitoes, but the photo is not visible.

Morning is even more beautiful. We are divers in a diver hotel in one of the most important divest places.

Good Micronesian Island - Truk, until 1944, the largest naval base of the Japanese in the South Pacific Ocean, and now the World Mecca diving to sunken ships and aircraft.


From a diving hotel with a closed area with grass and palm trees, you just need to go out only in the sea, but we take the car go around the trope, and Trak turns out perfectly beautiful.

Indeed since the 1986, but the postal index system while remained American:

On the left - Heavenly Truk, which is in heads and hearts (it is worth noting the marked asphalt roads, removed garbage and a trimmed lawn. Nobody drinks), right - Truk, our days:

This alignment is this: Truk is not an island, but a lagoon, in which several islands are about the same size. We are not going around the trumpet, but around Vine (Weno) is the islands with the airport, all business and tourists. Voine - both the island, and the city, and the capital of the state, and the village, gradually passing into each other.


The main road:

Voeo beats over the title of owner of the most damned main road around the island in Micronesia, but loses the main thing: on Taram, the insane number of pits and you are nervously driving like a grater, on the punch of the pits have already merged into a single half-filled sort of channels and riding has become calmer.

The main road narrowed how to rear with the school bus of the American sample?

Jungle gradually digested not crucified with a Trook road machine and aggregates:

But in a much better condition.


Going towards a man with an empty bucket as if hinting:

Good-natured local Tusyat. Good nature ends with a sunset: Truk is the most dangerous, the most vile place. Micronesians have the same problems with alcohol like some aboriginal peoples, Indians, the inhabitants of the North of Siberia, but alcohol is not limited to anything other than church propaganda, and in the evening there are fights, robbing rich strangers or worse.

Bury in the yard if the site allows you to:

The young man stands under a canopy and hides his hands:

The fiber optic communication line is extended:

The young man of the coconuts, tired and sat down:

Girls posing:

Soft borders:

The historical houses of European and Japanese colonists remained quite a little bit, but they are insanely beautiful:

Here is the church, as in everywhere, in large quantities And in perfect:

The turtle over the gate is straight from the Moody History, when the public falam decorated with something cool, like drawings (or skeletons) of useful maritime residents. Actually, the modern churches usually stand on the spot demolished by the first missionaries in Kapple.

Sometimes the main road emerges from the jungle-village and go along the crystal turquoise water of the lagoon

To diver do not forget why this is all to him, with each car number, T-shirts and souvenir remind:

See also: