Airplanes on the Khodajan field. The largest cemetery of aircraft in the USA

In 2011, one of the oldest airports of Moscow was closed - "Bykovo", built in 1933. Looking at the territory of the airport from satellite cards, I noticed a group of aircraft aside from the runway. Now it is left for small, come there and see everything with your own eyes.

Collecting on the road to Bykovo all the traffic jams that were, we got to the place just a couple of hours before the onset of darkness. With the weather, too, it was not lucky, it was constantly raining. But as I assumed, it was elementary to get to the aircraft.

The older airport "Bykovo" was only the central airfield. M. V. Frunze, built in 1910 on the Khodynsky field, who also ceased to exist in this century.

The first aircraft turned out to be exactly in the place where the coordinates from the satellite card showed. True, there were two of them on the snapshot, and only one remained in reality:

But a group of three aircraft, which was supposed to be in a kilometer from this board, moved closer and got another machine. So the number of abandoned aircraft on satellite map And in fact coincided.

The first, no longer an aircraft, on our path was IL-76TD:

This aircraft was released in December 1982 for the USSR Air Force. As a military transport aircraft, this board flew 10 years.

After the collapse of the USSR, the plane remained in Ukraine, where in 1993 he was deposited. Holding two years, the plane began to use again, first one year in Ukraine, and then after conversion to IL-76TD, it began to be operated in Russia.

In Russia, this aircraft was exploited by Aviaist's airline, which seven flights left him for storage at Bykovo airport. The aircraft since then no longer flew, but was able to survive his airline, which was closed in 2008.

It's time to climb inside the aircraft. The door was not locked, and we like decent people, went through it:

Bardak reigns inside, but it does not interfere with estimating the rather big size of the cargo compartment. Its length with a ramp 24.5 meters:

Maximum commercial load this aircraft Mounted 50 tons and take this load it could be 3,650 km. Well, let's throw another look at the cargo part and move to the cockpit.

From the cockpit there is already little that remains. All equipment and even the floor dismantled. Only the chair of the navigator in its place:

Such a plane controls the crew of 7 people, so there was quite a few equipment here. In the technical compartment next to the cabin there is an emergency operational hatch that leads out. Rising through the hatch you can run by the aircraft from above:

As it turned out, a few days after our visit, this IL-76TD was broken and exported.

Let us turn to the group of four aircraft. All of them were manufactured by OKB Yakovleva. Yak-42d is a near-hymagnetary passenger aircraft who first saw the sky 26 years ago. This plane came to shift Yak-42 and corrected, a number of his obvious inconvenience. By the way, this aircraft was released in the same year when Yak-42d made his first flight.

Another 5 years ago, this board regularly flew, and then the airline Elbrus-Avia sent him to be stored in 2008. After the year, the airline was covered due to debts and the plane was arrested. If you believe the Internet, this yak-42d put on sale. So if someone wants to buy this airplane, then let it prepare 33,759,000 rubles.

Of the 120 chairs, the economy class remains only three.

Rear input ladder:

Cabin. To control Yak-42d there were enough two people:

True, this aircraft is unlikely to fly, most likely he will comprehend the fate of his neighbor - IL-76TD.

Another Yak-42D airline Elbrus-Avia. The engines have already removed from it, so I will not be surprised if he will go under the knife:

This aircraft was released two years later than the previous one, in 1989.

Unfortunately, the cabin is also pretty damaged:

Let's look at the plane another time from the side and go to the next.

Another Yak-42d. The engines on it are also absent. This board managed to fly a little longer than his neighbors. He arrived in Bykovo in 2009 for maintenance, where he was arrested and sent here.

The rear input ladder was omitted, which facilitated the task of entering inside:

This plane catastrophically lacked gender:

Let us turn to the next aircraft, in my opinion he is the most interesting - the Piped Passenger Passenger Airplane Yak-40K:

Of all the aircraft in which we were this evening, here the most preserved cabin of pilots:

It's funny that all these planes survived their airlines, which closed at the end of zero years.

Right holder illustration Usaf

Where are the written off airplanes? The correspondent tells about the huge "cemeteries" in the desert in the southwest of the United States, where the last shelter thousands found aircraft.

If you go along the South Colob Road highway through the city of Tucson in Arizona, you can see an unusual landscape: the row of houses is replaced by rows of American military aircraft, silently sprinkled under flying Sun. Desert. There is everything here: from giant cargo aircraft to clumsy bombers, military transport "Hercules" and jet fighters-interceptor F-14 "Tomcat" known to the audience on the Hollywood militant "The best arrows".

This is the base air force USA "Davis-Montan", where the 309th group of repair and maintenance of aerospace equipment is housed. Here, in the territory of 10.5 square kilometers, survive your age about 4,400 aircraft. Some of them look like just a few hours ago returned from the flight, some are covered with covers that protect them from sand and dust, and some are disassembled on parts that are waiting in the hangars of their o'clock to go to other airbases in the United States or abroad and Help the acting aircraft to rise again into the sky. Employees of the airbase in a joke call it the "dump of bones" - quite in the spirit of the folklore traditions of the Wild West, prevailing at the dawn of the existence of Arizona.

"Davis Montan" is not the only one, but, undoubtedly, the world's largest cemetery of aircraft. Climatic conditions in Arizona - dry heat, low humidity and a small amount of precipitation - allow us to remove the aircraft from rust and destruction longer.

In addition, under the soil at a depth of 15 centimeters is a layer of clay nitrate. As explained in the 309th repair and technical group, thanks to this extremely solid "substrate", aircraft can be parked directly in the desert, without building special expensive platforms for them.

Right holder illustration Usaf Image Caption. Splitted planes as a warehouse of spare parts ...

The production and operation of aircraft costs very expensive, but they can benefit even after the end of their flight career. However, it takes a lot of space for storing their cars in dry and warm hangars. It is much cheaper to keep them in such conditions as in Tucson. That is why many of the largest landfills of written off airplanes are in the deserts in the south-west of the United States.

It would seem that it's easier to plant a plane in Davis Montane, to park him next to the rest and give someone's keys. But this is not enough. Many aircraft are also written off, but if necessary, they will have to return to operation, so their content requires great effort.

Broken bombers

Employees "Dumps of bones" act in accordance with the clear procedure. All aircraft standing in service on aircraft carriers are carefully cleaned so that the sea salt does not cause corrosion. All fuel tanks and fuel lines are completely empty and washed with light viscous oil like that is used in sewing machines so that all moving parts are well blurred.

Right holder illustration Usaf Image Caption. Top view of partially disassembled bombers in 52

Then, with airplanes with the necessary precautions, all explosive devices are removed - for example, charges that lead the catapulting mechanism. After that, all the inlet holes and the channels are stuck with an aluminum ribbon, and the plane is covered with a special easily removed paint - two layers of black, and on top of white to reflect the burning rays of the sun and not to give the aircraft overheat.

Airplanes are stored at different stages of assembly - some are maintained in a state, as close to the worker, if it is expected that they still have to fly, and some are subject to partial dismantling. Among the aircraft "Davis Montana" have and removed from weapons american bombers B-52, which can be equipped with nuclear weapons. In accordance with agreements on the reduction and restriction of strategic offensive arms between the USSR and the United States with B-52 bomber followed the wings and keep them next to the aircraft so that Soviet satellites fix their conclusion.

Some cars are allowed on parts, and extra aircraft are crushed and are completely recycled in a melting furnace located on the territory of the base.

In total, about 400,000 units of equipment and equipment for the production of various aircraft parts, including long-standing assembly lines, with which the majority of aircraft written off here have had no time for the production of various aircraft parts. Airplanes on which there are spare parts from the enormous stocks of this air base, carry service not only in the United States, but also around the world.

"While airplanes exist, there will be a cemetery for the military and civilian air fleet, so that the rest of the cars continue to fly," the author of several books about aviation, American Nick Veronico, who visited Davis-Montana, and in the Mojave desert on south - USAPADE of the United States, and on other cemeteries of aircraft in American deserts.

"I flew on airplanes, which later were in stock and became a source of spare parts for air fleet," says Veronica. "I happened to watch how the suitable details are removed from the aircraft, and then fly by plane to which these details were installed. Those the most, which with me got, were stored and installed. "

Image Caption. Soviet Mi-6 helicopter, who visited Chernobyl

In Russia, there is a cemetery of technology, where some old Soviet military aircraft are stored, which are no longer destined to climb the sky. At the former airbase "Vozdvizhenka", about 100 kilometers north of Vladivostok, previously housed Soviet supersonic bombers. After the end of the cold war, the aircraft turned out to be unclaimed and just stayed to stand, where they stood. The once-secret base is now abandoned, and the ghostly squadron attracts only photographers who climbed through rusty fences in search of spectacular frames.

Another landfill remaining from Soviet times is in the zone of alienation of the Chernobyl NPP, from where all residents have been evacuated after the accident. The technique that was used to eliminate the consequences of the catastrophe was contaminated with radiation, and several large Soviet helicopters remained rusting in the field.

In 2006, in the 20th anniversary of the accident at nuclear power plants, the Editor Photo Catering BBC News Phil Kums visited the place of disaster. "After the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, many contaminated equipment, which was used to eliminate the consequences, was placed in the burial grounds scattered along the huge zone of alienation around the reactor," he says. - Some cars are there to this day. In the largest burial ground, the remains of helicopters, fire trucks, military and civil engineering, rust. The dump occupies a huge space, but over the past years, some cars were put on parts, although the level of radiation here is different everywhere, and the hunters for souvenirs is better to stay away. "

Despite the risk of radiation damage, from many helicopters withdrawn the suitable details - skeletal remains are reduced every year in size.

Right holder illustration Getty. Image Caption. Charged liners at the airport in Mojave desert

In the US for civilian aircraft, whose period of service came to an end, the last refuge serves Mojave Airport, located in the deserted eastern part american state California. For several decades, airliners have been brought here and keep them in the sultry desert before processing on scrap metal.

"When you go through the Californian desert, the landfill of the aircraft in Mojava can be seen from afar," writes the photographer by Troy Payva, who often removed airplanes here in the 1990s and in the 2000s, until this zone was closed for security reasons. - It seems that the long rows of outflowing tails stretch to the horizon itself. "

A member of the Royal Aviation Society Keith Mainard assures that the aircraft is much easier to disassemble than another heavy transport equipment. "I can not say how much time-consuming is the process, but everything that is connected can be separated; In addition, there are much fewer heavy and hazardous materials in airplanes than in ships. " However, since during the construction of modern aircraft, less metals are used to be recycled, possibly the scale of dumps in the deserts will be able to reduce.

"The use of composite materials in the future may impede the final recycling, but there are special industry protocols, which make it possible to solve this issue. However, the warehouses can still be useful as air parking spaces during demand oscillations. In fact, in terms of the number of aircraft transferred to storage, sometimes you can judge the state of the economy, so analysts track this indicator. "

And in Davis Montana, the long ranks of the aircraft continue to sunbathe under the sun of Arizona. For most deserts, it became a kind of nursing home. And some one day can re-climb the sky.

roller on Rutube

"Central Aerodrom them. Frunze "

We found this cemetery completely by chance, the day before yesterday. They wandered along the satellite map in search of the museum of money and stumbled upon a strange emptiness in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Metro "Airport". The map was a strange form and a field with airplanes. As it turned out, it was an abandoned airfield on the Khodynsky field - the "Frunze Central Airfield".

The next day we made a raid on this airfield. What we saw there, plunged in shock. Once the mighty, beautiful cars are thrown to be rotting in the rain, blisters are broken, the insides are intimidated ... But these are those planes and helicopters who once defended us ...

And behind the dead airplanes drove the sunset.

People! Who has exits on our Barinov from the state apparatus - do what you can! At least you can. Journalists, write about it. Maybe at least something will help ...

For the media: if you need photos in high resolution, please contact.

Farewell to Walking

Arizona State Desert is in itself a lot of interesting things. For example, five thousand abandoned aircraft, neatly and in a row parked among sand and cacti.

This is the world's largest cemetery of old aircraft. Walk?

1. Although the aircraft are abandoned and no longer fly, they are located on the territory of the US Air Force Base "Davis-Monten", which is in the Arizona city of Tucson. All aircraft are fenced with a fence, and it is almost impossible to get inside.

2. America is not Russia, the leaky fences are not found here, but if you try to drive around the territory around the perimeter - there is a chance to find what you are looking for.

3. Here you indulge and live in your age only military aircraft. Starting from World War II, all written off, but not collapsed sides were overlooked here in the desert, to the database of the Air Force. So accumulated.

4. The base itself was founded in 1925, and the name was his name in honor of the two military pilots of the First World War - Samuel Davis and Oscare Montene.

5. The base was expanded by the 1940th year, when another one had already raged in Europe world War. At this base began to prepare carriages for bombers. After the end of the war, in 1945, the training base was closed and decided to use the place as a cemetery of unnecessary combat aircraft. Local dry climate and solid soil provide perfect safety for aircraft for a long time.

6. That's just soon the training center had to form again. A cold war began and the military had to declare a permanent combat readiness, which continued almost forty years.

7. Building parts of strategic aviation and a special group of technicians were settled here, ready to smooth out old aircraft.

8. Since the beginning of the fifties, two air governments Boeing B-29 SuperFortress were based, and from the sixty-third-thirds - spy aircraft Lookheed U-2. Also somewhere in the vicinity there were rocket mines in the amount of 18 pieces.

9. The Cold War ended and constant combat readiness for such a number of aircraft again became unnecessary. Airplanes stolel and rust. They lacked

10. Some of them thought to repaint, re-equip and use for needs. civil aviationYes, never happened.

11. When the Internet appeared, the base has become widely known outside Arizona and America. Including Russian avalubs, "declassified" many interesting models of aircraft, about which no one had not even heard before the Gugalos.

12. Although all these thousands and thousands of aircraft standing in the middle of the desert and form a cemetery, they cannot be called completely abandoned them. Americans managed and make a profitable business from this.

13. The Davis-Monten base occupies the 309th team of the US Department of Defense, which includes approximately half a thousand people engaged in the repair of aircraft.

14. Every year about 400 new units appears on the basis. In order for the cemetery, it is not afraid of half the state, about the same number of aircraft are sold friendly, but poor countries or destroy.

15. By agreement on reducing strategic offensive armaments (START), signed between the United States and Russia, 365 Boeing B-2 STRATOFORTRESS bombers were destroyed here.

16. Each aircraft entering the database of Davis-Montin is subject to a thorough inspection, weapons and secret equipment are dismantled with it, and the fuel systems are dried and pumping oil.

17. The entire fleet of technology can be divided into four groups: long-term and short-term conservation (potentially combat technique), donor airplanes and equipment for sale. In the last category sometimes it turns out and not flying military equipment. For example, last year, not used, but written off by the age of the military "Hummers" were brought here.

18. The management of the base decided to realize them through the Internet, but only a few units were bought - these machines are not adapted for civilian life and die in captivity: fuel consumption is a very large, uncomfortable, mechanical box. For some reason, I remembered, with compatriots on the widths of the military UAZ and BRDM, are thrown with compatriots. Although it is not surprisingly, there are almost no such shit in America, where the more or less decent SUV from the car dealership will not erupt.

19. But America can do business: for every dollar spent on the maintenance of the aircraft cemetery and aircraft repair team, the air base earns 11.




The largest aircraft cemetery on the planet is located in the city of Arizona in the territory of Tucson in the United States. His official name - "309 Aerospace maintenance and repair team." The object area is about 10 km 2. There are more than four thousand aircraft and about forty cosmic canned at one time or another. Engines, ammunition, wiring, electronics and other equipment, which is removed from them. The total cost of all the techniques here is estimated in an amount exceeding $ 35 billion.

Storage conditions of aircraft

The cemetery of aircraft in Arizona is part of the Aviation base of Davis-Montain, built almost immediately after the completion of World War II. It should be noted that the terrain is largely significant in connection with this, the climate here is very dry, which allows to save the hull of aircraft from corrosion even in storage conditions under open sky. About eighty percent of them are already cut on scrap metal. The remaining aircraft are plagged with polyethylene and can be used at any time in the event of such a need.

Value for the American economy

Arizona aircraft cemetery also performs the functions of a real processing plant. In particular, throughout recent years Base specialists reconstructed about nineteen thousand elements and spare parts that can be applied in the future or sold. The total cost is over 568 million US dollars. According to the US government policy, other countries may acquire not only components, but also entire airliners. According to economic estimates, each dollar embedded in this plane cemetery, over time, allows you to return to the state treasury at eleven times more. The fact is that after the repair spent by local specialists, many of them are again used. In particular, based on official statistics, over the past 25 years, about twenty percent of the liners sent here returned. This cemetery of aircraft is also known to the fact that it was here that some scenes from the fantastic film "Transformers were held here. Revenge of the fallen. "

Russian cemetery of aircraft

This place exists in our country. On the Khodynsky field, which is not far from Moscow, helicopters and aircraft, which have not taken off since 2003, are stored on its territory. Currently, access is closed here. It was originally planned to open the equipment on this place, but later the project was frozen and in such a state and in our time. Now the cemetery of aircraft on the Khodynsky field is a huge territory, which is charged with barbed wire and is protected. Despite this, some still manage to agree with the guards for a certain fee and make unique photos on the background of dilapidated aircraft. Despite the fact that most of them are deprived of paints and glasses, they look all the same in fascinating.

See also: