What a famous bridge in Paris. The most famous bridges of Paris

One of the most beautiful and romantic European cities-Paris can be bolded to call the city of bridges. After all, there are no few, but as much as 37. And if they were not, then the River Sena, separating Paris into 2 parts, would have become a serious obstacle to tourists, but also for Parisians themselves. Bridges were built in different era, respectively, it affected them on their appearance. It is difficult to find a bridge in Paris, which would be similar to another. And every bridge certainly has its own story, amazing and unique ... I will tell about some of them:

1. Famous Paris Bridge-New Bridge. "Oddly enough, but (Pont Neuf) is one of the oldest bridges of Paris. The new bridge crosses the arrow of the Sieve Island and consists of two parts, where one axis is not an exact continuation of the other. Southern part The bridge has 5 spans, North - 7. Its construction began with Henrich III in 1578, and already ended with Henrich IV in the 1606th. In its middle part, the new bridge is based on the European and Patriarch, where a little later was Square with an equestrian monument to Henry IV was built. Unlike other bridges of that time, the new bridge was not built up with houses and had pedestrian sidewalks. For many decades, the new bridge was one of the busiest places in Paris: there were temporary shops and Balagans, disappeared only in the XIX century. But still Pont Neuf favorite place Meetings and walks Parisians and guests of the capital. This is the most romantic Bridge of Paris, connecting the right and left shores of the Seine with the western part of the Sieve Island.

2. The bridge changed (Pont Au Change), built in the 9th century at King Carla Lysom, connects the right bank of the Seine with the island of Sita. In medieval times, this bridge was chosen by numerous shopkeery and changed. It was the main financial artery of the French capital. The bridge was so tightly built up with rows of shops, which rather resembled a flea market, and the Parisian strolled on him simply did not see the river. At the end of the XVIII century, shops and houses demolish. The bridge acquired its current look during the second empire and since then it does not change.

3. Saint-Michel Bridge (Pont St.Michael), built under Napoleon III. He is decorated with the monogram of the emperor. From the bridge begins the Saint-Michel Boulevard leading to the Latin Quarter.

4. NOTR-DAM Bridge (Pont Notre-Dame)

In 52 BC Romans came to these lands. Local residents, defending against the enemy, destroyed the ways of access to the island - burned bridges. However, this measure had a short-term effect, and soon the city was conquered. Active construction began on the sieve, during which the small bridge was revived from the tree, and notre-lades from stone. The next important stage in the life of the bridges came in 886, after the siege of the city of Normans. Petit Pont was demolished by the waters from the shores of the Seine, and he was rebuilt again, and notre-ladies injured during hostilities were replaced with a new bridge changed (Pont Au Change), built downstream. The last time it was reconstructed in the XIX century. Now they were chosen to rolers. And numerous tourists in the famous Parisian Cathedral of the Paris, the army of cartoonists, quotes and simple artists wave on the bridge.

5. Pedestrian Bridge Oh Double (Pont Au Double)

6. The Bridge of Arts (Pont Des Arts) became the first railway bridge through Seine, built in 1802. It connects the buildings of the French Academy with a Louvre, and very popular with tourists. Pont Des Arts captured many famous French artists, including Auguste Renoir, Nikola de Stal. Bridge of Arts - Designed only for pedestrians. Nobody bothers tourists on it. Therefore, many, underwing the newspaper, just get a snack right on the bridge.

7. D Duplex Bir-Akheim Bridge (Pont De Bir-Hakeim) is quite unusual. On it and the subway was held (for trains the upper level was allocated), and cars pass, and people pass. It was built in 1949 on the project of the city of Eifel, and the Bir-Akheim Bridge was named at Places in Libya, where in 1942 the battle between the French and German troops occurred. On the east side of the bridge, the sculptural work of Vederkinha "Reziving France" is presented. From the bridge of Bir-Akheim begins the Swan (or swan) island, a narrow strip stretching along the Seine. A beautiful view of the swan alley opens from the bridge.

8. Bridge Tournel (Pont De La Tournelle) connects Saint Louis Island with the left shore of the Seine. Was built 1651 in place wooden Bridge The king standing here since 1370. The bridge is crowned by the statue of Holy Genevieve, who saved Paris from the Huns.

9. Bridge of Austerlitz (Pont D "Austerlitz) The length of the bridge located between the Maza area and the embankments of Austerlitz and Saint-Bernard, 200 m, the width - 32 m. It was opened on March 5, 1807. And named after the victory won by Napoleon's army I Over the Russians and Austrian troops on December 2, 1805 near the village of Austerlitz. On the ornaments adorning the bridge, the names of the French military leaders killed in the battle of Austerlice are engraved. In 1815, at the request of the allies that took Paris, the bridge was renamed Royal (Jardin du Roi ), But this name was not accepted by Parisians. In 1830, the bridge onceually received the initial name.

10. Notewart Bridge Slyly. In the Russian tradition of reducing the double consonants, sometimes it is called the Suli Bridge. In the original language, the name sounds like Le Pont de Sully. Slyly Bridge in Paris connects Saint Louis Island or Saint Louis Island with both shores of the Seine River. The name of the design was in honor of the Duke Sully, who was the head of the French government in Henrich IV. If you go with the Saint-Germain Boulevard on the bridge, and then following the Boulevard of Heinrich IV, you get to the Bastille Square. On the photo one of the parts of the bridge.

11. The metro station did not find the name.

12. Brick Bridge. It was built between 1831 and 1832, during the reign of Louis Philip. Since its existence, this bridge is 175 meters long. 40 m wide. Many reconstructions and changes have undergone. At the idea, the bridge should have become a kind of entrance and departure from the city itself. But due to the fact that Paris was constantly growing, as a result he became a link between the left and right bank of the city. In 1992, thanks to the architectural skills of Crystian Langulua, the Brick Bridge was increased by three additional bands and now it goes the 6th metro branch.

13. Bridge Tolbiak (Pont De Tolbic).

14. Alexander III Bridge (Pont Alexandre III), perhaps the most impressive and elegant in Paris leads from the Champs Elysees on the right bank to the house of the disabled on the left. The decoration of this structure containing the figures of Pegasov, angels and the nymph, was performed in the playful and at the same time the noble eclectic style of the BOS-AR combining the best traditions French Baroque and Italian Renaissance. Luxurious Pont Alexandre III, named after the Russian emperor, was laid by Nikolai II in 1896 in honor of the Franco-Russian Union and was opened on the eve of the beginning World Exhibition 1900.


As you know, Paris originated on a small island on the Sena River and it was from here. Therefore, the first crossings in Paris joined the island of Site with the right and left shore of the Seine. Initially, they were built with wooden, but subsequently redid to the stone, and many even built up buildings. The history of populated bridges in Paris is not very simple. The first shops of artisans and merchants appeared in the XII century and the XV century on the Bridge of Notre Dame (Pont Notre-Dame) could see the first residential buildings and shops. Thanks to them, he quickly turned into shopping center cities. However, by order of the king in 1786, all buildings were demolished from the bridge.

New Bridge (Pont Neuf) In fact, it is the oldest of the preserved. Its construction began at the end of the XVI century, then in Paris there were already 4 crossings across the river, but they did not cope with an ever-increasing street movement. He was needed in order to discharge the situation on a changeable and notre-lady bridge. A feature of this viaduct at that time was that there were no buildings on it.

This in turn caused the perturbation of merchants who used to see bridges in Paris Built-up shops and residential buildings. Undoubtedly, this construction is one of the symbols of the city for which it was repeatedly mentioned in the works of artists and writers.

Bridge changed (Pont De Change)
, on the spot of it, as in the place of most, in the center of Paris, in the 9th century it was originally a wooden structure. Subsequently, around 1638, a stone bridge was built, on which there were about 140 houses and more than 100 shopping shops changed, for which it was so named.

In the royal agreement on development it was said that, all the buildings should correspond and approach each other, all the facilities are obliged to be from one material and is at the same level. As a result, all the buildings on the bridge looked like two rows of the same houses with shops and shops on the first floor, which were published on a narrow street between them.

By the time the first iron appeared in Paris Art Bridge (Pont Des Arts)The inhabited bridges have already had a reputation as unsanitary, dangerous and anti-protective structures. This viaduct built in 1801-1804 by order of the emperor Napoleon is now pedestrian.

So many passersby here stop just a snack or sit on the bench, because the view from the construction and the place itself has extraordinary beauty. This crossing unit also connects the French academy, and since the Louvre used to be called the Palace of Arts, the bridge began to be called respectively.

Alexander III Bridge (Pont Alexandre III)
It is directly related to Russia. It was built in 1896-1900 in honor of the conclusion of the Military Union between France and Russia. And was named after the father of Emperor Nicholas II, Alexander III, who, during construction, laid one of the stones in the foundation of the structure.

Many consider this in Paris the most elegant. And indeed, even from afar, the construction sparkles with gilded figures, located on four 17 meter columns and at the same time strikes with their easiestness, because the bridge is single-pool.

Consent Bridge (Pont Concorde) It is known for the fact that it was built from the stone remains of the destroyed and in honor of it first called the bridge of the revolution.

Now he is called on the right bank of the Seine, which he connects with the Bourbon Palace on the left bank. For today, this bridge in Paris is in the first place in the intensity of movement.

So, the history and development of Paris is inextricably linked with their bridges, which are 38 only within the boulevard rings. And any tourist can be happy to spend not one day studying and contemplating alone only paris bridges.

Paris, the world capital of fashion, flavors, wine, the most delicious buns and cheeses, was founded on the Sena River. From the Poskov of the centuries through the Seine, bridges were erected. At first they were wooden, later stone, and even built-up buildings (shopping and residential). The development of the city is inextricably linked with the bridges, which are currently about 38 today.

One of the most gorgeous bridges of Paris is considered. Crossing was built 4 years (from 1896 to 1900). Her erection was timed to conclude a military union between France and Russia. With its name, the bridge is obliged to Father of the Russian Emperor Nikolai II - he personally laid the first stone of the construction. This light house-spare construction offers views of the main sights of Paris: Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees. Crossing is decorated with gold-plated figures located on four supported columns of Viaduct.

Initially, it was a wooden structure that arose in the 9th century, as a crossing for the central part of Paris. Later, in the XVII century, the bridge (Viaduct) was replaced by stone. Characteristic feature This structure was about 140 residential buildings and over 100 shops of merchants and changed, for which the bridge and got its name. This viaduct is very well described in the work of P. Zyuskinda "Parfumer".

This is one of the oldest architectural monuments of the city, which was laid back in the XVI century by King Heinrich III. The main purpose of this structure was to unload the bridge changed and notre-ladies. This ViaduC is considered a kind of symbol of the Epoch of the Middle Ages, and it does not provide any additional buildings.

This crossing is also quite ancient. The project of a wooden building developed in 1605 Architect Christoph Marie. Later, the bridge called him name. But as a result of the flooding of 1658, the crossing was almost destroyed, it was restored from the stone and this building was preserved to the present day.

Royal Bridge (Royal)
Enters Troika oldest bridges cities. The construction of the crossing was conducted from 1685 to 1689 under the patronage of King Louis XIV.

When, at the beginning of the XIX century, wooden and stone bridges were recognized as an unsanitary, dangerous for the lives of people and inesthetical, on the orders of Napoleon, the first iron bridge was built. This cropping joined the French Academy and the Louvre Museum (formerly Palace of Arts), hence her name. It is a pedestrian: from here you can enjoy the beauty of the city, as well as relax on the bench, or have a snack in a small diner. And the couples in love consider him as the most romantic place in Paris, so they come here to install locks like a symbol of their love.

This construction is considered very symbolic: it is built from the remains of stone Bastille. At first, the bridge was called the revolution, but later it was renamed in honor of one of the urban areas. To date, this is one of the most frequently used by Paris.

Initially, Bercy was constructed in 1832. Then she was beyond the city, and the transition through it was taxed. In 1864, a new bridge was erected, which in many respects repeated the design of the old, but led by large sizes, reinforced supports and fasteners.

In the original, the name was called Solferino and was built in honor of the victory of the Allied Troops of France and Italy over Austria. Opened the bridge in 1861 Emperor Napoleon III. But over time, the construction collapsed, and in her place was erected by the new Viaduct, who was called the first President of Senegal.

This is another symbolic structure of Paris. It was timed to the victory of the French and their allies over Russia in the Battle of Alma River (Crimean War). The bridge is also known as a tragic event: the princess Diana died in the tunnel under it in the car accident. There is a torch "Flame Freedom", which since that regrettable moment has become a kind of princess memorial and the pilgrimage site of many of her fans.

This pedestrian bridge, built in 2006, connects the 12th and 13th County of Paris. This crossing is considered to be a brilliant technical structure, since it has the shape of the eye.

This crossing, thanks to openwork metal structures, has a very elegant form. The three arches are harmoniously interconnected, and they decorate their 4 statues cast out of bronze (one of them symbolizes Paris, the second is navigation, the third is commerce, and the fourth is abundance). This bridge devoted one of his works by the poet Guillaum Apolliner.


Once upon a time Pont Neuf (Pont Neuf) was created in order to solve the problem with the opposite, expanding the number of crossing through the Seine. To our time, the remaining structures that existed at the time were rebuilt, and the "new bridge" became the oldest in the city.

Pont Neuf - "New Bridge" - open in 1607, length 232 m, width 22 m

The name "Pont Neuf) translates from French as a" new bridge ", which fully matched the realities of its construction. Pon-Nek passing through the western edge of the island connects the embankment on the right bank from the embankment of Connya and Granz-Augusten on the left. This crossing through Sene became the fifth in the French capital. In an amazing way, she passed through five centuries to become one of the symbols of the city, much older than all other bridges.

Map of Paris 1615 with denoted Pont Neuf (Pont Neuf) open in 1607
The bridge changed - 140 houses,
112 benches and mill - Painting 1756 year

The history of the appearance of Pon Neg

Despite the fact that in the XVI century was far from being so thick, as now, the transport problem of the capital of France was disturbed already then. The fact is that in those years bridges were "platforms" for trading, on which artisans not only exhibited, but even fully built up with houses. Naturally, the width of the carriage part was rapidly declining, not allowing the opportunity to freely cross between the banks of the Seine not only the carts and pedestrians, but also crowned individuals.

In 1556, Henry II proposed to build a new bridge over Seno, located near, he had to be intended only for free movement, without the construction of houses and shopping shops. However, his plan failed, having met the fierce resistance of merchants who did not want to lose potential customers. The cost, estimated too high for the treasury of the state played its role. Only 30 years later, already with Henrich III, work still began. The first stone in the foundation of "Pon-Neub" was laid on May 31, 1578 by the king in the presence of Catherine Medici, the Queen of Mother, and his spouse, Louise Lotaring.

Pon-Nets "born" in flour - Paris Mercury desperately protested against such a development of events. But the "cry of crying" was not called because of this. According to the testimony of contemporaries, rain was raining during the start of construction, and the king was crying. He just sobbed not because of bad weather, but because of the death of a duel of one of his favorites.

The king of the results of construction did not see. Already after his death, the work was frozen for 10 years due to the national uprising against the king and the unstable political situation within the country from 1588 to 1598. However, in 1607, when the country ruled the next Heinrich, already IV, Pon-Neuch was still open.

Pon-Nezen - Project approved by Heinrich III 1578
Pon-Nezv - trading shop on the bridge

Construction of the bridge of Pon

Initially, it was planned that the construct of Ponfill would be a single integer connecting two shores without any obstacles. The bridge did not intend to build up masterfully and housing, which contradicted the traditions. The idea belonged to one of the architects, Andruie de Srso, and not henrich III, which is often mistakenly said. Naturally, this option did not like merchants. Under the pressure of the public, already in 1579, the design was decided "slightly" to recycle for the possibility of building buildings in the future. To do this, some changes were made to the project, for example, the need for basements was taken into account.

But after a year after laying the first stone, the builders came to the conclusion that the construction will be more resistant to the influence of the river the flow, if its two parts through the island are built at a low angle. And after the plans still included the appearance in the future at the crossing of houses, the architects had to increase the number of arches in each of the parties. At the same time, construction has already begun on the south side, and the length of the spans was necessary to reduce. As a result, a lot of money was spent to rebuild the design. Only in the end, all these innovations were practically not useful, in the entire history of the bridge of the house on it did not appear. The case was limited to only small buildings in which the shops of merchants and the pumping station building were accommodated.

PON NEMA - SAMARYAN PUM Pon-Neg - Painting G.Canella -1832g.


In addition to small beads under the roofs, which stood on the supports of the bridge, only one full-fledged building was attached to Pon-Nets - "Samaryanka Pump." In 1602, the king allowed the construction of a large pump that was designed to provide water palaces and Tuileries with his gardens. The pumping was a small residential building on piles, crowned with clocks with chimes, inside which the steam engine was installed and two large wheels of the scratching water.

The Samaritan pump designed and built by Flemish Jean Lintlar - was the first car to lift the water built in. In 1791, sculptures were removed from the pumping building, and it was generally transferred under the post of guard. In 1813, the building of the former pump was completely dismantled, and by the mid-19th century, traders' shops were gradually disassembled. However, the name "Samaryanka" did not go irrevocably, today this name is a huge multi-storey store near the bridge (for reconstruction).

In the XXI century Pon-Net, despite numerous restorations, is the most old structure, unlike the "contemporaries", which were completely rebuilt on old foundations. Now he, as in the XVI century. represents a 232-meter design of a width of 22 m. At one time he was the most long bridge (now 5th), and the first bridge in Paris that had pedestrian sidewalls.

Pon-Net - New Bridge
Pon-Net - New Bridge - Maskarona

For that Pon Nubes love tourists

Pon-Nether is not only historical and architectural monument. He is also an important cultural landmark. Special attention here deserves "maskarons" - sculptural decorations in the form of the heads of the heroes of the ancient Greek myths. Original decorations were created by partially famous sculptor of the Renaissance era of German Pylon and his followers (the master died in 1590). Today the bridge decorate copies of the XVI century masks. Originals, too affected by weather, transferred to museums:, Klyuchni. Interestingly, among 381 Mascaron is only one image of female.

At the viewer, who first saw the bridge, there may be questions regarding the appointment of decorative semicircular protrusions at the level of sidewalks. They were created in order to streamline possible trade, placing shops are not on the road, but in special notches. Today it opens with them great view On Sena, with river trams floating on it, and a visible distance.

Pon-Net - New Bridge - Statue of Heinrich IV
Pon-Net - New Bridge

In the XIX century appearance The bridge received many additions and changes. For example, semicircular arches were replaced by understated, Metal lanterns of Viktor Baltar appeared. At the beginning of the 19th century, Louis XVIII restored the statue of the rider on the island - a copy of the Bronze Story of Heinrich IV, ordered by Maria Medici. The original statue was destroyed in 1792 during the French Revolution.

Vel-Galan will be interesting for travelers - Square "Forky Lover", broken in the western part of the island having a triangular shape ("Arrow"). The descent to it is available on the stairs located right behind the above statue of Heinrich IV. Quiet garden, small calm alleys, the ability to ride on river trams, sticking to the island - today this place is very popular with lovers. Taking into account the fact that the bridge connects the path from the embankment to the Embankment of the Contion, the romantic mood, characteristic of the park, is very appropriate for enjoying the beauty of Paris Counties and tourists in hurrying to.

Love Castles on the Archway Park Bridge 2016
Locks on the Pont Bridge in Statue Heinrich IV - 2017

"Lovers' castles"

The tradition, which began in the XIX century in Florence, where young men and girls, "fixing" their feelings, hung the castles on the Ponte Vecchio bridge, and the keys were thrown into the Arno River and to Paris. Moreover, in the most visited tourists of the world, "Love Castles" were so popular that turned into a problem. After in 2007, under the severity of numerous locks, the lantern collapsed on the Mulviev Bridge in Rome - activists scored alarm. "Lovers' castles" Paris bridges began to present a real threat as the weight of their metal reaches a hundred tons, which leads to deformation of the supports engineering structures, And the bottom of the hay is grazing with rusting keys.

As you know, Paris originated on a small island on the Shen River and, it was from here that the history of the Grand City began. Therefore, the first crossings in Paris joined the island of Site with the right and left shore of the Seine. Initially, they were built with wooden, but subsequently redid to the stone, and many even built up buildings. The history of populated bridges in Paris is not very simple. The first shops of artisans and merchants appeared in the XII century and the XV century on the Bridge of Notre Dame (Pont Notre-Dame) could see the first residential buildings and shops. Thanks to them, he quickly turned into a city shopping center. However, by order of the king in 1786, all buildings were demolished from the bridge.

New Most

New Most

The new bridge (Pont Neuf) is actually the oldest of the preserved bridges. Its construction began at the end of the XVI century, then in Paris there were already 4 crossings across the river, but they did not cope with an ever-increasing street movement. He was needed in order to discharge the situation on a changeable and notre-lady bridge. A feature of this viaduct at that time was that there were no buildings on it.

This in turn caused the perturbations of merchants who were accustomed to see bridges in Paris built up with benches and residential buildings. Undoubtedly, this construction is one of the symbols of the city for which it was repeatedly mentioned in the works of artists and writers.

The bridge changed (Pont De Change), on the spot of it, as in the place of most of the crossing in the center of Paris, in the 9th century it was originally a wooden structure. Subsequently, around 1638, a stone bridge was built on which the widespread construction of houses was developed - for all the time about 140 houses were located and more than 100 shopping shops changed, for which it was so named.

In the royal agreement on development it was said that, all the buildings should correspond and approach each other, all the facilities are obliged to be from one material and is at the same level. As a result, all the buildings on the bridge looked like two rows of the same houses with shops and shops on the first floor, which were published on a narrow street between them.

Bridge of Arts

Bridge of arts

By the time the first iron bridge of the Arts appeared in Paris (Pont Des Arts), the inhabited bridges had already had a reputation as unsanitary, dangerous and anti-protective structures. This viaduct built in 1801-1804 by order of the emperor Napoleon is now pedestrian.

Therefore, many passersby here stop just a snack or sit on the bench, because the view from the structure and the place itself has extraordinary beauty. This crossing unit connects the Louvre Museum and the French Academy, and since the Louvre used to be called the Palace of Arts, the bridge began to be called respectively.

Alexander III Bridge (Pont Alexandre III) is directly related to Russia. It was built in 1896-1900 in honor of the conclusion of the Military Union between France and Russia. And was named after the father of Emperor Nicholas II, Alexander III, who, during construction, laid one of the stones in the foundation of the structure.

Many consider this bridge in Paris the most elegant. And indeed, even from afar, the construction sparkles with gilded figures, located on four 17 meter columns and at the same time strikes with their easiestness, because the bridge is single-pool.

See also: