Bridge at the Park Culture Name. The berth of the CPKIO named after Gorky (cultural and recreation park): river walks on the ship in Gorky Park, schedule of departure of river trams, buying electronic tickets with a discount

When conducting work on reconstruction at one of the sections of the small ring of the Iron District Road, the builders faced the problem. On their way there was a centenary Andreevsky Bridge, erected at the beginning of the past century. The city authorities adopted a difficult decision: to maintain the construction, however, removing it from the supports, move downstream of the river, equipping new supports for the bridge. A structure representing a monument of engineering and architectural arts has gained a second life: his main arch has decorated with a new bridge.


Above the most complex constructive decision of the Andreevsky bridge worked the best engineers on the bridge buildings of the time: L. D. Skrukuryakov and P.Ya Kamenetsev. The architectural project belonged to the famous Russian architecture A.N. Pomerantsev.

Arched surfaces of the bridge span structures were in length of about 135 meters. They rested on four supports that had granite cladding. Two of them, namely, shore supports were decorated with towers and are equipped with bypass metal gallery. Even at the beginning of the last century, Burlaki was moving along them, spent on the Moscow River Court and loaded barges. Constructions for the Andreevsky bridge were made of cast steel on rivets in the shops of the Kamsko-Votkinsky plant.

For his entire operation, the bridge was repeatedly repaired, but the time turned out to be ruthless: beams, rivets and other metal elements were corrosion. The state of the structure made it reduce the speed of traffic, and besides old Most I did not give the opportunity to carry out the electrification of the railway.

New pedestrian bridgeIn the construction of which the structures of Old Andreevsky were used, combined two embankments: Pushkin with Frunzenskaya. Since the river width is larger at the site of its structure, the designers have provided a remote channel support. The main arch of the old bridge, weighing about one and a half thousand tons, was transported to a new place in three barges. By that time, there was already invaluable experience in such a move during the construction of Brogdan Khmelnitsky's bridge.

The entire complex of construction and installation works took about 11 months, and put the Pushkin Bridge into operation in 2000.

Pushkin or Andreevsky?

The name of the new bridge received by the name of Pushkinskaya embankment, which in turn wore several items. Until the 20s of the last century was called Andreevskaya, then renamed non-pie, and in 1937 in connection with the century anniversary of the death of the Great Pushkin began to wear the name of the poet. Nevertheless, even on many maps of the city and in the directories, the bridge is listed by Andreevsky. And entering him from the Pushkinskaya embankment, you can see a sign telling about the history of St. Andrew's bridge, which has become an integral part of the new bridge transition.

Andreevsky Bridge near Gorky Park in last years became one of the most popular seats In Moscow youth and guests of the capital, but besides fans of spectacular species on the city, this place attracts both lovers for driving hot drinks, as well as aggressively tuned young people from the regions. Local residents Make sure that the complete lack of control over this bridge led to the fact that the problem has spread to the whole area.

As noted "MBC Media" Muscovites have already accumulated many stories that suggest that the situation on the Andreyevsky bridge is unhealthy. At the same time, the Directorate of the Gorky Park with this does nothing, and the Moscow authorities are closed on the eye.

The bridge is a glass "greenhouse" of 130 meters long. Inside the "greenhouse" three dirty and yellow booths for protection. The covered part of the bridge is a few: most people are climbed through the fence and climb on the arch. Nobody pays attention to numerous prohibiting signs.

The journalist witnessed as the guard of the bridge jumped into the arch and began to rise to the violators, went to young girls and asked them a cigarette. Curving, Chopovets sat next to them, carelessly becking his legs. The second guard, retirement age, at that time drank vodka with a friend right away from the Booth.

According to one of the guards of the Andreevsky Bridge, they periodically cause the police. The guards of the order come once or twice a day, take someone to one for order, the rest do not touch. If something serious happened, the law enforcement officers at the Andreevsky bridge still do not rush to them: all the hooligans are already running out for their arrival. The security acknowledged that fights there are regularly, but "do not keep track of everyone."

For hiring Chopovtsov, GBU "Hormerost" is responsible, but they could not quickly comment on the operational. The Gorky Park Administration also emphasized that they were not responsible for the events on the bridge.

Locals complain in Facebook. that this problem has already spread to the entire nearby area. "Now it's not that it is unpleasant to walk (the mat, screaming), but also really scary. I have not risked my 16-year-old girl at 8 pm," Muscovite said. One of the townspeople noted that all this began after the reconstruction of Gorky Park: "Before that, they were drowned inside. Now they thump on the bridge and nearby squares. The bridge must be transferred to the parking lot of the Park so that there are their chop."

One of the most high-profile incidents on this bridge was a recent case with a young native of Dagestan, a medical student Amir Abumesslimov who fell into whom after the group of loose and aggressive youth met the group. Hooligans hit the young man on the head, and by the time the law enforcement officers disappeared. Police, however, was not hurried to pursue the attackers, and the criminal case was initiated only after parents of the victim arrived from Dagestan.

With the arrival of heat from the guards in the Gorky Park begins the headache - not from the fact that the sun is harnessed, and from the fact that the teenagers from 12 to 16 years old storm the Andreevsky bridge, which connects Gorky Park with Frunzen Embankment.

Youth in the city - the demon in the rib ... what to do with extreme teenagers

"Do not bother us to live your life"

For several years, Muscovites and guests of the capital are watching the painting "Sparrows on the Arch". Someone indifferently passes by, pronouncing the legendary phrase of Sergei Lavrov, and someone seemingly heartbreaking: "Where is the police watching only?" The defortion is closed on the metal semicircular design of the bridge, the legs are cut down and make selfie. And this is the most cute option. Others begin to run, shoot extreme videos, throw cigarette and bottles in passengers.

- See how many there. Is it permitted? - I will ask a friend of Zhenya.

Not exactly, "he will say.

Come closer. Entrance to the Andreevsky Bridge, official plate. Inside a small lounge, an open door to the basement. And elevator on which contact phone numbers GBU Hormerost. I call.

And on the bridge allowed to rise? In the sense, on a semicircular design, - I will ask the dispatcher.

Crazy? Like these ... Behind them, the police went - they called, - an employee is indignant.

- Often they are there?

They are not only in winter and during the rains, and spring-summer is the season, come as an attraction.

The guards of the Andreevsky bridge are also told about frequent guests. They say that they have no authority to paint them from there. And they do not understand the warnings.

We say they are dangerous. We give examples that these Ponta are tragically ends for some. A month ago, the guy fell, "says the guard Andrei Muravyev.

- What are they? - I ask.

And they still climb. Nights there and drink, and the syringes are then lying.

Metal arches have convex details for which teens climbs. And migrant workers are climbing for spectacular pictures. The height is somewhere eight meters, and the arch is a little less than less than a meter - together and not to disperse. Need to disperse, block the passages to them. I thought about it not only me. Even made a metal fence, only he is so low that any schoolboy can jump him.

What's up here, I've been sitting a thousand times here, "Masha will say with pride of 14.

Then there was an abnormative vocabulary during her conversation with girlfriends. Teens did not embarrass the comments of passersby. Not that I have not seen girls with green hair, in shorts with fringe on buttocks, tattoos and beer bottles. With them were guys in hoods, touched by jeans. But you are: "Baby, careful", and they: "Do not interfere with us to live your life." And worse - there is a milf about 20 years old, and with her the son of five years. He says to her: "I want to the top", and she: "Just neatly." Pictures. Then, as it seemed to us, it was cooled and tells him: "Vladik, stand. Do not move. Now I will climb to you. " We gave the breath there more, how will she shoot him? And my mother sat down near and began to do Selfie with her son. In the same place, the teenagers kiss as if they are alone here. Movement is crazy, everything is in some euphoria.

Police did not go. As the guards say, they now come once or only when drunk and adults are climbing on the roof. Like, I still catch a dither, yes, and a funny fine of 100 rubles do not even write out - the names of parents are needed, and they are not called. I call again in GBU "Hormost" to ask when the police arrive.

Must come. We call out a day several times a day. But all the same thing: the police arrived - the children are running out, only the police are leaving - they are screamed on the bridge again, "they speak GBU" Hormost ".

Race for dying

Modern youth like being extremes. Another bridge in Gorky Park - Crimean Most. It would seem, you will not be awake. But attempts are. And with fatal outcomes. Usually, saving teenagers come with a fire staircase. So in winter in 2016, after persuasion of EMERCOM employees, Extremal descended independently from the bridge.

A more adult public loves to sit on the Patriarch Bridge - in the part where the drainage canal. People sit right on wide granite parapets, without fear, throw legs, feeling weightlessness. Some are satisfied here, someone eats pizza. From the side it looks like a chase for best life. Someone is swimming at the ship, orders dear dinner, and they are no less cool - they look at life under a different angle.

What drives, drive? Young people want to be special, be higher than others, picks up the fashion in the URBEX style (Urban Exploration - English. City Intelligence) - Photos Just in this format, bloggers are increasingly doing. So to speak, on the verge. And then someone climbs on the roof of Kudrinskaya High-rise or GUM, goes to abandoned plants such as "ZIL". An important object of conquest is the Towers "Moscow -Siti". It's more difficult to getting there due to a multi-stage security system, but from this even more than the drive itself.

Someone loves to jump with a parachute, rising on the roofs of height, and someone - climbing the cabins and roofs of electric trains. Although the warnings from the subway and MRC appear repeatedly. "With anyone, but not with me," they usually speak taps. The other day of the 18-year-old guy, doctors could not save. The body of a young man was discovered at the station "Sunny" Kiev directions of MZ. The guy climbed into the roof of the electric travelers by the message "Moscow - Maloyaroslavets", where he received a blow to the current. And this is not the first case, this year 11 children have already died, 5 more were injured.

On the eve of Summer school holidays We will conduct a broad outreach work with children aimed at forming a culture of safe behavior and reducing the level of non-production injuries. Separate emphasis will be made on "TRANSFER" and "RUFERS", which in pursuit of acute impressions are closed on the roofs and car ships of trains, railway bridges, which, unfortunately, leads to tragic consequences, are told in the press service of the MZD.


Alexander Karabanov, lawyer:

If children under 16, then only relatives can be attracted to administrative responsibility. While there is only Article 5.35 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Failure to pay by parents or other legal representatives of juvenile duties for the content and education of minors." What threatens parents? Warning or an administrative penalty in the amount of from 100 to 500 rubles. From the practice, adult ruffers are attracted for "small hooliganism", for which a fine is 500 rubles, and the parents of the grip are fine for 100 rubles.

Pushkin pedestrian bridge connecting the Pushkin Embankment of the Justice Garden with Frunzen Embankment was opened in 2000.

The bridge is famous not only by the neighborhood of an unbalanced garden and CPKIO named after Gorky, but also with luxurious views from open viewing sites.

However, the bridge itself has a much more long history: its basis was the basis of the design of the Andreev railway bridge, built in 1905-1907. Initially, the bridge was designed by LD. Proskuryakov and A.N. Orange, and is a monument of engineering art, which is about the sign on one of his supports.

Previously stood the bridge slightly above the river, and in the present place it was crushed on the barges. Similar technology was used in the construction; Interestingly, his "progenitor" - the Krasnoluzhny railway bridge - also designed brushings and oranges.

It is noteworthy that the name of the bridge is a very obscure riddle. It is believed that the bridge is called Pushkinsky, but most Muscovites (and, by the way, many cards and reference books, incl. Yandex and Google maps) are accustomed to calling it a "unofficial" name - Andreevsky pedestrian bridge.

On one of the supports, a memorable plate with the names of architects and the date of construction of the Andreev railway bridge is preserved; Perhaps it is from here that the confusion went.

Fortunately, not in all this bridge looks like - there is no single store inside, not a single stall :)

However, I will go to the target of the narrative - species. To begin with - panorama in the direction of sparrow mountains.

Well, now - the details :)

In a small cozy "Amphitheater" on the ground "CPKIO named after Gorky" Pushkinskaya embankment hides a copy of a girl with an oars in September 2011.

Pay attention to the plated area laid out - it is popular with athletes and dancers.

Pushkinskaya embankment and an obscure garden, behind which the building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences is towers, and behind the presidium itself - the natural reserve "Sparrow Mountain".

The bridge is seen by the Andreevsky male monastery, founded in 1648. Construction of the monastery, unfortunately, have a later date of construction.

Novoandreyevsky railway and automotive bridges.
This place is noteworthy the fact that being Andreevsky railway, Pushkin pedestrian bridge was standing there :) New bridges erected after it moved to the present place; Actually, for their construction, it was moved.

The bridge is visible by the Andreevsky male monastery and the natural reserve "Sparrow Mountains."

Frunzen embankment is famous for a wonderful architectural landscape. Most of the houses standing by the river are built in the 30-50th years of the 20th century, and this is the embankment and deserved my love. If the advertising shields are not sticking at every step, and the chubby signs of stores, it would be almost exemplary Soviet street :)

Because of the houses, the spire of the main building of Moscow State University looks out.

House with Turkey - Frunzenskaya Embankment, 24. Built in the early 1950s on the project of architects B.S. Mezentseva and S.P. Turgenev.

And now - the view in the direction of the Crimean Bridge, the CPKIO named after Gorky and the Kremlin :)
By the way, resembles the type of CO, but much closer and more interesting.

This is not visible on the panorama, but if you look left, you can see MDC "Moscow-City".

Frunzenskaya embankment, 22 - the main headquarters of the Ground Forces of Russia. The building was built from 1940 to 1951 on the project of architect L.V. Rudneva.

At a huge building, it hid no less huge, but a much more distant building of the Foreign Ministry.

But the Ostankino TVBashne could not be hidden - it can be seen in here perfectly. Even russian flagMounted on its vertex is visible - although not in color.

And here is the famous Crimean Bridge, followed by a number of no less well-known notes.

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Bezchensky Women's Monastery.

Church of Christ the Savior Against the background of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (Okhotny Ryage, 1) and the Moscow Hotels (Okhotny Ryad, 2), now renovated and containing a business center.

This bridge knows every metropolitan inhabitant. This bridge is one of the most important attractions of Gorky Park. The bridge connects the noisy frunzen embankment from the most romantic Pushkinskaya promenade of Gorky Park.

Architects Bridge Laurel Dmitrievich Proskuryakov and Alexander Nikanovich Pomerancers in the distant 1905-1907 did not even guessed that many years their brainchilding would undergo serious changes - their bridge will turn into a pedestrian, renamed it to Pushkinsky and its massive carrier arches will hang young metropolitan Extremals, and guests of the capital, leafing legs.

The bridge is located in a noisy lively park of culture and rest named by Gorky and if you don't even find a free space, climb into the Pushkin Bridge, if not afraid. Find a place at the massive arc of the bridge, the Arches are two - there is enough space for everyone. Sit comfortably, to reduce the legs and sunbathe into your pleasure - the protection of the bridge has long ceased to take away from him with thrills of sharp sensations.

Each Arch of Pushkin Bridge weighs about 1.5 thousand tons and will withstand any extremal. Every summer, these arches of the bridge turn into a dangerous attraction for young people, which considers their duty to climb on the very top and sit there, the becking cozy legs. Oddly enough, two security booths are located in the indoor part and just one security officer. The guard indifferently observes how young people resting on massive beams about 8.5 meters high from the level of the bridge, exposing themselves to falling and injured to death.

Pushkin Bridge - Free Gorky Park Attraction

Work on the construction of the bridge lasted two years and only by the end of 1907 the bridge was built. Year of creation - 1907 year. Architects Bridge Lavr Dmitrievich Proskuryakov and Alexander Nikanovich Pomerancers

Support bridge overlooking the Gorky Park.

On the arches of the bridge height with a three-storey house, young people hang out.

Today is sunny and you can sunbathe on the arches.

Pushkin Bridge - Free Bitter Park Bevel.

At both arches of the bridge, young people hang out.


The height of the bridge is about 24 meters + 8.5 meters the height of the arch. Do not worship, so break.

But apparently the younger generation danger does not bother. As much as the guard is not bothering.

Go to the arch easily and climb on it - there are no serious barriers. Check your bravery can all want, except for the rollers do not drive. As a result, upstairs already over the place under the sun.

Gunning at first glance to call safely difficult. From the pleasure zone to the top of the arches at least eight meters, that is, the height of about a three-story house. You can not only choke, but also crash. However, it stops few. Even girls on heels and mini skirts are closed. They all tell that they climbed there for the sake of interest.

It's easy to climb the bridge, it's harder to get off it and disperse with you to meet you.

Closer to the evening the bridge is filled with contempt. Here drinks beer, books read, music is listening.

Why follow the Pushkin Bridge when there is a high arch for this?

The path to the next light looks like this.

Oh, what a beautiful bridge in Gorky Park - straight attraction for testosterone.

And old, and young bridge is glad!

The queue on the arch of the bridge is formed at the rush hour. You can stand in anticipation of a cozy place an hour.

On the arc of the bridge there is a lot of girls. It seems that only the girls in Moscow are romantic.

If you want to meet a romantic maiden - climb on top, there are their darkness.

Guys went shooting girls. Well, the flag of them in the hands!

Under the arch, there are impressive size of the gap, in which you can accidentally fall right into Moscow river.

But this danger does not care. Young people storming bridge.

Forward, girl! Be bolder. If you fall randomly down - then the day live in vain.

Hooray! I'm on Pushkinsky bridge!

We are a lot here!

All new and new fans of acute sensations are in a hurry to test themselves on the new Gorky Park Attraction - on Pushkin Bridge.

Entrance to the Pushkin Bridge from the Leninsky Prospect.

At night in the summer in Pushkinsky bridge, people are no less. Look at how many people hang out there. The guard is sleeping. Young people on the bridge Tusit.

And on this arc, the bridge also has several people.

Let's hope that the leadership of Gorky Park, police officers and security, on whose territory this beautiful object of architecture is located on the most dangerous free attraction of Gorky Park - on Pushkin Bridge. Take care of yourself and your children.

See also: