Barcelona name. Where is Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin which country? Whole World Exhibition

Regarding the base of Barcelona there are two different versions. According to the first, the city was founded by the mythical floor of the Gerklom deity, during the next heroic expeditions in the XII century BC. The second, more likely, says that a small village of Barsino, on the place of which century later the city of Barcelona was formed, after all the father of Hannibal Hamilkar Barka in the III century BC. Whatever it was, but historically confirmed fact is only the one that already in the first century BC At the place of the future capital of Catalonia there was a small city of Laiye, in 133 BC Conquered by the Romans under the leadership of the Lucius Cornelia Scipion.

Laya, thanks to its favorable location in the sea bay, becomes a military fort with the center on the Mons Taber hill, now this place is located next to the city of Barcelona on Plaça de Sant Jaume. Romans gave the city of their name - Famentia, or Colonia Famentia Julia Augusta Pia Barcino. It is during the Romans that the city begins to experience his first flourishing. About Roman rule in Barcelona today resemble the fragments of ancient columns on Paradis Street and typically Roman layout of the Barri Gòtic quarter. To the IV century - the time of conquest of his francs - Fort Famentia becomes a numerous settlement on the coast, mining its own coins. Franks also give the town of their name - a prisoner.

Starting from the V century, the future Barcelona is under the authority of the Westpreski, the king of which Ataulf makes the city with its capital and renames it again - this time in Barcenene. Then, from the beginning of the VIII century, and before the arrival of the French troops, Louis of Pious in 801, Barcelona is considered to be Moorish territory, and the name of the city already sounds softer - Barcelona. Next, throughout the almost two hundred years, the history of Barcelona is made by Spanish markers, the most famous of which was vifred hairy.

For its courage, courage and power shown in battles, Vifred received the title of graph and the governor of Barcelona from the hands of Charles I Bald, the heads of Frankish troops.

Gebr of the city of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI century

At the same time, the flag of the city appeared - the golden shield with four vertical red stripes, which Barcelona is proud to carry to this day.

Thus, since 878, Barcelona becomes a graph city. The founder of the dynasty of the Barcelona graphs, which existed five centuries, is Bethred hairy.

By the end of the first millennium, the power in Cordoba captures the calipheat, the wave of punitive hikes against the incorrect rolled along the coast. In the year 985, Al-Mansur practically erases the future capital of Catalonia from the face of the Earth. However, with the death of Al-Mansur in 1002, the Great Caliphate decays into many parts - Typh, who is entrusing among themselves. Barcelona is getting rid of the external threat, and at the same time from the Treads of Carroling, but, having revived from the ashes, will dip in their own internecine conflicts. A lot of small principalities owning their own fortresses and castles are continuously leading to each other of the war during the reign of Barcelona Borel II. It is at this point that the name of Catalonia is the area owned by the owners of the castles (Castlans).

To put an end to the disorders, only the ruler of Barcelona Ramon Berengeru III, which is nicknamed great, in 1111-1117. Military strength and politically favorable marriages Ramon III managed to unite two counties in Catalonia and the area of \u200b\u200bProvence into a single possession, and for one and to win the Mauri Maurus, Ibiza and Tarragona. His business continues the son - Ramon Berrenger IV, who married a three-year-old Petroline - the heiress of the throne of the neighboring Kingdom of Aragon in 1137. Since then, the United Kingdom has been referred to as an Aragon crown or, as they say today in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe Catalan-Aragon Confederation, and the descendants of Ramon IV will become kings of Aragon and Graves Barcelona.

Church of the XIII century

The next turning points in the history of Barcelona became the crusade of Pope Innokentia III against the "Catalan Yersi" at the beginning of the XIII century.

Dad is pretty tired of unprofitable and unmanaged semi-speaking Spaniards. However, the Languedoc nobles, and with them a lot of Catalans, did not burn with a desire to replenish the ranks of strict Catholics, desperately resistingly. Don Pedro I, although the Catholic nicknamed, could not leave his vassals to the mercy of fate, headed the rebel army and died in a battle with the Crusaders de Montfone at the Mur in 1213. The result of these perturbations for Catalonia was crying: Barcelona county lost a significant part of its possessions in France, excluding Montpellier, and the terrain of Languedoc was in power of Paris.

From the VIII century, the reconquista began in Spain (Reconquista) - the weakness of the original Catalan lands from Muslims.

Army reconquysters

This process took place with varying success during the centuries, but, thanks to the efforts of the first Barcelona charts, the kings who replenished the ranks of their army brave agragonian knights led, in the end, to returning the regions of Lerida and corks to the authorities of the Aragon Crown. Forced attraction of Mauris and Jews in the ranks of Catholics, which began in the XIII century, continued in the next century by the efforts of the Holy Inquisition.

Wedding portrait of Ferdinand II Aragon and Isabella I Castille

The reconquist ended with the complete expulsion of the last Sarazinsky ruler from the Iberian Peninsula in 1492 during the reign of Ferdinand II Aragon and Isabella I Castille Association most of Spain under the authority of Aragon.

The time comes when the influence of the Catalan-Aragon Confederation comes in decline.

Back in 1410, without leaving the heirs, the last descendant of Vifred Volosham, Martin I Humanist is dying. The next graph of Barcelona, \u200b\u200band at the same time the King of Aragon, Valencia, Sicily, Sardinia becomes Ferdinand de Antequera, who comes with Uncle King Castile. Since then, the Catalans on the Barcelona Prerest will no longer be, and the new dynasty will be called a trash.

Barcelona XV century was a large developing city in which the crafts and science flourished, in particular, in 1450 the famous University of Barcelona was founded. And in 1492, in the Bolshoi Royal Palace, the ruling monaster of Chet was greeted by Columbus, who returned from his first navigation to America. This audience laid the beginning of the process, which in the future will increase the influence of France on the world arena and the decline of Catalonia. In 1520-1522, the troops of King Charles I suppressed the uprising, many were executed or expelled from the country. After Karl strengthened in Spain, in 1522 he was declared a new Spanish king, deprived Barcelona many rights, began to control the supply of goods from new light through Cadiz, which forced Catalonia to forget about claims to trade with America.

Barcelona did not dismiss only thanks to the former wealth and greatness. The Madrid King of Philip IV was noticeably oppressed by Catalan, and finally the patience of the latter burst. It happened during the so-called "war war" in 1640, when Spain fought with France, and with Portugal. The Catalans took the French side and proclaimed the graph of Barcelona Louis XIII, with whom Spain fought. However, after 12 years, the French betrayed Catalonia, going to the "world" with the King of Spain. Philip IV Spanish takes Barcelona Ismor, and in a mutual agreement, France receives all Catalan land north of Pyrenees.

The next time Barcelona rebelled in 1701, again a devotee - this time the British and Dutch - in the struggle for the liberated Spanish throne. French and Spanish troops, uniting, held a city in a thirty-month siege. Barcelona fell on September 11, 1714. Today in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthis day is celebrated as Catalonia Day.

After that, in the history of Barcelona, \u200b\u200b"black" times. The city was flooded by the troops of the invaders, the townspeople lived in constant fear under the gun of the guns located in the fortifications of the Suitadel and Montjuic.

Montjuic Fortress

Bourbons abolished many truly Barcelona municipalities, such as the Genelitat or Council of Stah, imposed on this city a single official language - Castilian. However, all changes are known to occur for the better, and, along with other innovations, Barcelona returned access to the sea. Removing the ban on trade with American colonies again returned Barcelona on the path to prosperity and glory.

In Barcelona, \u200b\u200btrade and industry, construction and art bloomed. In the 1770s, the Rambla Square appears in the center in the environment of the Palaces of "Indians" - the palace of the Palace of the Vice-Queen, the Palace of Vice-Queen, are fabulously reached on trade with the colonies of New Spaniards.

Rambla Square

By the beginning of the XIX century, Barcelona becomes recognized by the industrial center of Pyrenees. In 1832, the first factory in Spain appears in the city, the machines of which work on the steam line, and in 1848 the first railway in the country opens.

In the Napoleonic wars, Barcelona took the side of Bourbon than, however, he was pretty surprised by the whole of Europe. The French promised Barcelona Golden Mountains in exchange for refusal of testing moods, but did not achieve anything.

By the middle of the XVIII century, Barcelona grows so that he ceased to fit into the limits of the city, limited by a fortress wall, suitable and montuu. In addition, the first two buildings are represented by Barboron's hateful symbols. And the townspeople destroy first the wall in 1854, and then, in 1868, and the fortress of the Southadeadener. This event marks the whole era of the Catalan architectural modernism, a blooming brown color on the space liberated from the ruins and the Eisimple called the Quarter.

The twentieth century was politically marked for Barcelona with the development of the National Revival Movement, which led in 1914 to the formation of an autonomous government, a mankumunicat.

During World War I, Barcelona retains neutrality than attracts people of art and science from all over Europe. Among the guests of those years - Einstein, Stravinsky, Shenberg, Russian Ballets, Breton, Sati, Dushan, Picabia. However, the city becomes unsafe: by virtue of his geographic location, Barcelona turns into a transshipment database of cocaine merchants, and also due to the fact that the struggle between the activists of the labor movement of the industrial capital of Pyrenees with fabrics is tougher from year to year and pours out the streets of the city.

In 1931, the King of Alfonso III reverses the throne and the Republic is established in Catalonia, managed by its own government called the Genelimity.

Military coup led by General Franco

However, in 1936, the military, led by General Franco, make a coup, as a result of which Barcelona immerses in the abyss civil War between Republicans and Frankista.

The top of the rebels won, and the next 40 years have become, apparently, the most severe for Barcelona. Mass executions, repression and deportation took place in the city. Catalan and Catalan symbolism were again in the opal. The dictator power ended only with his death on November 20, 1975.

In 1978, the new Constitution of Spain enters into force, and the country turns into a constitutional monarchy consisting of autonomy. Basque and Catalonia, headed by Barcelona, \u200b\u200bget more of all offline freedoms. In 1980, the elementatat is reborn in 1980, the head of him is elected by Jordi Puzhol, who, by the way, remains in this post until the end of 2003.

Zhordi Puzhol, Head of the Party of the Genelimity

In 1992, the International Olympic Committee gives Barcelona the right to hold the next Olympic Games, which entails an incredibly large-scale restructuring of the city. In the restoration work and on the construction of new buildings is occupied by the mass of leading world architects. The result of this "building of the century" in 1999 is becoming an unprecedented awarding of the city of Barcelona Medal of the Royal Association of British Architects. For the first time, such a valuable reward was presented for the first time in the semi-delicious history of the Association's existence, but the entire city as a whole.

All these events led to the fact that Barcelona is one of the most popular tourist destinations Europe. To visit Barcelona and get acquainted with her unique architecture and an amazing story considers each self-respecting traveler.

Modern Barcelona

Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, one of the best and most popular tourist resorts In the whole. In addition, it is a significant seaport of the Mediterranean, a large shopping and industrial center of the EU.

Barcelona is the capital of the Mediterranean Union, which includes more than four dozen states. This city took the Summer Olympics-92, there were different sports competitions of European and world-class.


Barcelona is located in the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula on the shore Mediterranean Sea. The Pyrenees Mountains are in more than 100 km north of the capital of Catalonia. Nearby - the mountains of coloning, which are the boundaries of the city.

Barcelona lies on a hilly terrain, each elevation gave the names of its quarters: Carmel, Monterolc, Bugughter, Rovira, Peyra, etc. All of them have their own cultural, historical and architectural attractions.


The Mediterranean climate reigns in Barcelona. Here is a dry winter, similar to our Indian summer, and a soft warm summer with warm rains. The colder only here in January and February is about + 10C. The warmest season is the second half of the summer - about + 25c.

Most rainy falls in the city in October, and the least - in July. This climate is ideal for tourist holidays, there is never exhausting heat or frosts.


Regarding the occurrence of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthere are two main legends. The first one states that the city founded the famous hero of the ancient Greek myths Hercules in the XI century BC, and then he was rebuilt in the III century BC. Barka Carthaginian, Hannibal Father.

The second legend eliminates the founders of Barcelona Hercules and states that it was Carthaginian Barka who was the first founder of this city and called him Barsino in honor of his own family.

By the beginning of our era, Barcelona became a Roman colony, gradually a rich at the expense of his harbor, minted her coin and was equipped. Here and today the beautiful Roman building has been preserved.

In the V century, the city was conquered by Westges and became the capital of their kingdom. After a short time, Barcelona won other barbarians - Ostrough. And in two centuries later, in the VII century, Mauri came here.

And in the 9th century, Barcelona mounted the son of King Frankov Karl Great and appointed here his graph, who proclaimed the independence of Catalonia. Then the Confederation of Catalonia and Aragon was formed, and in the XVII century - the Catalan Republic.

In the XVIII century began the battle of Spain for Catalonia. Philip V captured Barcelona, \u200b\u200bdestroyed most of the city and banned Catalan. Then Catalonia was attached to France, and after the fall of Napoleon returned to Spain.

In the 20th century, the Catalan language was again forbidden in Catalonia during the Civil War in Spain. Protests in the seventies of the 20th century to bring to the revival of the language and resolve them to enjoy in everyday life. Today in Barcelona 7 universities.


A few kilometers from Barcelona is the international airport, it is the second in size in Spain and the largest in the Mediterranean. Airport is connected to Barcelona using the metro, railway and high-speed highway.

The seaport of Barcelona has a history of 2,000 years. He is engaged in the sea transport of passengers and cargo, is growing rapidly, and in the near future its area should double.

Barcelona is the most important railway center of Spain. There are several large railway stations here. There are high-speed railways in the country, incl. passing through Barcelona.

Public transport Barcelona is represented by the metropolitan with 11 lines (urban and private). The subway lines connect the city with its suburbs, they are located underground and on its surface.

Networks of city buses, trams belong to private companies. All urban transport is adapted for disabled. Taxi drivers Barcelona, \u200b\u200bmainly working on private licenses. There is a car rental practice.


Sant Sebastia beach

This is the most popular beach in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere tourists and locals love to relax, although it is quite distant from the city center. The beach is located in a cozy and clean bay and has all the necessary beach equipment, incl. for invalids.

Beach Sant Miguel

Once there was a church with the same name, and today a small, but very comfortable beach spread. It is located almost in the center of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bso continues to gain popularity.

Beach rich

And this beach is located on from the center, so it is not so noisy. But here is a very clean and well-kept territory, free showers and entrance to the beach, cafes and restaurants with excellent Catalan cuisine, etc.

Beach Levant

This is the most distant beach from the city center. He opened just a few years ago, but already has all the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable stay. Here is a great service and relatively few visitors.

Beach Mar Bella

This beach was discovered to the Olympics-92 and he almost immediately liked tourists and residents of Barcelona. Here entertainment for yourself will find fans of sports. Nearby is located famous in the city of Yacht Club. Nudists relax nearby.

Beach Barcelonetta

This is the oldest beach in the city. However, age did not affect his quality, so the beach is extremely popular. He recently was completely updated, so now is considered the cleanest and secure in the city.


Gothic Quarter

In this part of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe most monuments of history and architecture, built here in the times of ancient Rome, as well as the Gothic buildings erected in the Middle Ages and the New Time are preserved. Great place for excursions.

Olimpic village

The modern attraction of the city, built to the Olympics-92. Here you can visit the Olympic port, to resemble the yacht along the harbor, visit the two skyscrapers where athletes lived, etc.

Square Catalonia

This is the beginning of a new city in Barcelona, \u200b\u200berected during the Queen Isabella II. The area is located on the border with the Gothic Quarter, and then the quarters built on direct and perpendicular lines are coming from it, with exhaust highways.

The aquarium is the world's longest glass tunnel, passing in which you can observe the life of fish, animals and other inhabitants of the sea. It is also the largest European aquarium.

Sagrada Familia

This Catholic Cathedral is built on the project of the Great Antonio Gaudi. The temple is contained only on donations of individuals. One of the most popular architectural monuments in the world.

Rambla Street

The famous Boulevard Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere tourists and residents of Barcelona walk in the evenings. There are plenty of street cafes, souvenir shops, you can see the performances of street artists, etc.

House Mila

Another magnificent landmark of the city, created by Gaudi. This house is considered a symbol of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhis business card. On the lower floors in the house there are ordinary people, and at the top there is a museum.

House Balo

House of Gaudi in Barcelona

Another work of Antonio Gaudi, a real masterpiece of the brilliant architect. In fact, this is the beginning of his independent path, the first unique creation, the ideas of which in the future Gaudi applied in other projects.

Spanish village

This is a large open-air museum where the reconstruction of dwellings from Catalonia, Andalusia, Galicia, Aragon and other Spanish regions are collected, in which the Spaniards lived during the Middle Ages.

This famous monument with looking platform Upstairs installed on ramble boulevard. It was in the old port of Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba Columbus arrived after his famous campaign ending with the opening of America.


In Barcelona is very stormy night lifeWith which it is necessary to meet, first, together with the guide, and then independently. It is best avoided by tourists routes and wander in the streets of the Old Town and the Gothic Quarter.

Here you can find vintage pubs with your unique history, bohemian bars, where you were Picasso and Dali, the Pite Treasures, which serves magnificent crafting beer, and other "shaky" places.


In Barcelona there are hundreds famous excursions From professional guides to help you:

  • make a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe city;
  • learn more about his history and architecture;
  • enjoy Catalan museums and art;
  • enjoy dishes local cuisine etc.

Who is this resort for?

Of course, Barcelona, \u200b\u200blike a resort, is intended for European middle-class people and more secured segments of the population. Prices here are high enough, because this is one of best resorts Europe.

Video about Barcelona

Helpful information

Russian Embassy in Spain is located at:

Madrid, ul. Velasqueza, 155.

Tel.: +34 915622264 or +34 914110807,

24-hour tel.: +34 670848773.

Consulate General of Russia in Barcelona:

Tel.: +34 932805432 or +34 932800220,

24-hour tel.: +34 609306346.

Emergency phones:

091 - National Police,

092 - Local police,

061 - Ambulance,

080 - Emergency Assistance in Fires.

Pour hotel at a bargain price

To the twelve famous in the mythology, the exploits of Hercules Catalans will gladly add more - the foundation of Barcelona. According to one of the most beautiful legends The history of the city of Barcelona began during the search for the Golden Rune. In the campaign of argonauts, as is known, and ancient Greek strongman participated. However, the ship knocked him off the way and unexpectedly moored to Montzhik. Hercules was impressed with her beauty and laid the city on the mountain title "Barka Nona". That is, the "ninth ship", the incident with whom and marked the beginning of the history of Barcelona in Spain. It happened 400 years before the founding of Rome.

Trail of Father Hannibala

The hero of another myth about the appearance was Hannibal's father. The famous warlord from Carthage Hamilkar Barka laid the city on a narrow coastal strip and called him in honor of his kind - Barsino. This is evidenced by the chronicle of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich in 237 BC began to lead the commander himself. A little more than a century, the Romans were made in the history of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwho captured Barsino and made it from it to strengthen with the center at the current square of St. Jacob, where the building of the mayor's office is located.

History of Barcelona between Franks and Moors

The city has grown, minted his coins, but before the arrival in the fifth century, our era of Visigoths was inferior at the meaning of Tarragona. After another three centuries, the current capital of Catalonia was captured by Maur. However, they did not settle here, preferring warmer south citiesTherefore, there was no special influence on the course of the history of the city of Barcelona. Barvars skillfully used in Barcelona Mavrov. The Caroling Dynasty made the city the capital of the Spanish brand - a kind of buffer zone between Franks and Arabs. In the history of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthis episode became the key, who marked the education of an independent Catalonia.

"Blooming" Union with Aragon

Whole World Exhibition

The next steep turn in the history of the city of Barcelona lays the World Industrial Exhibition of 1888. A new construction boom begins: specifically for the exhibition 115 hectares of the former fortelity fortress is covered with modern infrastructure. On the map of the city, the main attractions appear - the Triumphal Arch and the monument to Columbus. The exhibition becomes a bright event in the history of Barcelona and provides it with a reputation of a rich industrial center. The World Industrial Exhibition will be held in Barcelona again in 1929. Spain, National Palace, Magic Fountains of Montzhuika will be built in the city.

Catalan identity

However, the development of Barcelona at the beginning of the 20th century characterizes not only new economic jerk. On the wave of financial well-being in the Catalan capital will seriously increase national self-consciousness. In books on the history of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthey will write about the appearance in 1914 of the first organ of local government, the Catalan Council - the Mankumunication. Barcelona will begin an active struggle for independence and in 1932 will receive autonomy. However, the history of autonomy in Barcelona will last long. Civil war and the coming to power of General Franco will be dissent for the ban. At the next forty years, Catalansky language and culture will be outlawed.

Olympiad 1992.

Fate brought Barcelona air of freedom only after the dictator's care. The revived monarchy in 1979 returned Catalonia long-awaited autonomy. And in a year, for the first time in history, parliamentary elections were held in Barcelona. A real explosion of economic, cultural and social activity in the Catalan capital was prepared for the Summer Olympiad. She passed in Barcelona in 1992 and contributed to the large-scale restructuring of the city. Kilometers of industrial areas on the shores of the Mediterranean seafood went to the story. Plants were transferred, and in their place equipped the purest sand beaches With modern infrastructure.

Cultural Forum.

A similar effect of the rapid flower of the city produced the World Cultural Forum. It took place in 2004. Thanks to the forum, together with investments, the Catalan capital received a new prestigious Forum area with an amazing imagination with modern architecture.

Read more about the history of Barcelona in Muhba - the Museum of the History of Barcelona. Its exposures can be called one of the most entertaining and cognitive in the Catalan capital. In addition to the famous archaeological finds - products made of clay, gold and silver - here you can see the ruins of the ancient city: fragments of walls, bridge, bath, water supply system and sewage system. The Barcelona History Museum is built right on site of excavations on Plaça del Rei. You can get to it in the yellow branch of the subway L4 (station Jaume I). A ticket for adults costs 7 euros. For students and pensioners - 4 euros. Children in the history museum of Barcelona are allowed for free.

Robert Hughes "Barcelona: History of the City"

Well, those who have not yet been to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut interested in her story, will curious to read the book of Australian Robert Hughes. One of the most influential, according to the newspaper The New York Times, art critics and art historians of the 20th century conducts a tour of the Catalan capital on 704 pages of printed text, sharing with the reader the most vivid impressions about the largest Mediterranean city. Listful book "Barcelona: History of the city" Robert Hughes, feel the aroma of coffee shops on narrow streets of the Gothic Quarter, imagine the majestic temple under construction

Proud beauty Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbeautiful in his exquisite and bold features - the main symbol and capital of Catalonia, the real pearl of tourist Spain. Rich history, great attractions, delightful cuisine and a unique atmosphere make a trip to Barcelona bright and unforgettable. The city impregnated with the spirit of liberty, carelessness and freedom, simply can not leave indifferent - having been here at least once, I want to go back again and again. Again the rambl boulevard again, a little pogrokes on sailing mimes, go to the ancient market of the canter and buy something refreshing-useless, climb to the statue of Columbus and enjoy the beautiful view of the port and endless sea - but you never know the reasons to reiterate this wonderful city!

Local residents seem like in the famous saying "understood life" and do not rush anywhere - because of the tables of numerous cafes in the afternoon siesta there and there is a good laughter or the sounds of a hot Spanish dispute, the young guitarist is improving his skill, sitting on the lawn In the park of the Citadel, and not far from him sleeping for the book Young Catalan. Strange, but at the same time Barcelona is considered one of the busiest cities of the country, it is mostly inherent in the features of major European capitals. This is perhaps the most industrial city of Spain, which plays a serious role in the industrial and economic spheres of the entire Mediterranean region.

General description, city landmarks

The city of Barcelona is located on a small plateau at the mouth of the River Llobregat, and covers an area of \u200b\u200b101 km2. Unusual city landscape form several large hills, and highest point The Catalan capital is Mount Tibidabo - here at an altitude of 512 meters is the beautiful temple of the holy heart and the famous amusement park.

From the administrative point of view of Barcelona is divided into 10 large areas, among which the most popular tourists are the Old Town, Montjuic, Grace and Escale. The heart of the city, without a doubt, can be called the Square of Catalonia - it is here that old and new areas of Barcelona are found. From this beautiful area takes the beginning of the famous Rambla Boulevard, disseminating the old town in half, and leaving straight to the coast, old port and the Barcelonetta quarter.

The north of Catalonia is the ECAMPLE - a modern area built up on an interesting scheme (all the streets here intersect at right angles). In this area, by the way, one of the main attractions of Barcelona is an amazing Sagrada Cathedral Sagradia, the author of which is the famous Catalan architect Antonio Gaudi. In the upper part of the city, a little further than the area of \u200b\u200bthe Eashable, is located famous Park Guell is another creation of this great architect. Many attractions associated with the name Antonio Gaudi are also located in the Grace area.

It is worth noting that Barcelona is part of, so let's say, "another Spain". Catalans very much appreciate their autonomy and independence - for example, the official language, along with Spanish, Catalansky is here, and many residents consider it the main one. Very often in the balconies you can see the Catalan flags. By the way, such a traditionally Spanish entertainment, like a corrida, is not welcomed by Catalans and is even officially prohibited here since 2010.


The climate of Barcelona is characterized as the Mediterranean, generally soft enough in winter and warm summer. The weather in the capital of Catalonia creates the most favorable conditions for detachment - in the summer months there is no crepe heat and sufficiently dry, but autumn and spring wet.

Middle temperature in Barcelona for months

Transport Barcelona

Barcelona presents almost all types of public transport, which only you can imagine - subway, buses, taxis, trams, funicular. international Airport The cities of EL Prat is the largest on the Mediterranean coast. In addition, the railway communication is perfectly established in Barcelona - Renfe railways network connects among themselves most cities of Catalonia and all Spain.

Tip: Especially for tourists in Barcelona organized a network bus routes Bus Turistic, consisting of 3-lines and covering the main attractions of the city. Buses run in a circle every 10-15 minutes - you can go out on any favorite stop, and then continue the excursion on the next. Each route is accompanied by audio guide in different languages. If you have a little time and you want to have time to look at Barcelona as much as possible, Bus Turistic is a great option, however it is worth noting that hiking at such beautiful city can deliver a lot of pleasure.

The main sights of Barcelona

Barcelona is not in vain cultural capital Spain - here, for example, lived and worked such great personalities as Picasso, Antonio Gaudi and Salvador Dali. Most different styles, epochs and genres mixed here in a magic cocktail, amazing imagination. The number of attractions in Barcelona is so great that it is simply not possible to inspect everything in a short time.

Boulevard Rambla

This is the famous pedestrian street in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bstretching 1.2 kilometers from Catalunya Square to the seashore, where he rests on the monument to Columbus. According to the famous English writer Somerset Maem, Rambla is a beautiful street on earth. This is one of the most colorful and lively places of the city - crowds of tourists, street traders and mimes, deftly masking under statues, create an indescribable atmosphere. On Ramble, there is an old market in the bectery, the name of which is translated as the abyss - it is simply impossible to pass by this place, the bright shelves are sitting down.

By the way, one beautiful Barcelona sign is associated with Rambla Boulevard. At the very beginning of the street, at Catalunya Square, there is a small drinking fountain called Canalytas - the sign says that everyone who quit it thirst here will certainly return to Barcelona again.

Gothic Quarter

On the left side of Rambla is the heart of the Old Town - the Gothic Quarter. Here, in the labyrinth of medieval lanes, the history of Barcelona's origin is still kept among the close chaotic streets from Roman times. In this area, many vintage churches and buildings are concentrated, such as Gothic Cathedral, Church of Santa Maria del Mar, the remains of buildings and buildings of the Roman era and much more.

Barcelona Gaudi.

A lot in Barcelona is connected with the name of the outstanding architect Antonio Gaudi - without his participation, we would not know the delightful city, which is now the capital of Catalonia. Gaudi lived all his life in Barcelona and his whole huge talent, all his hand laid to the legs of his beloved city. Such creations of the architect, as Mila and Balo's houses, Palace Guell, Park Guell and, of course, the famous Church of the Holy Family, are the main attractions of Barcelona and in many ways form its unique appearance.

Montjuic hill

Montjuic hill that translated "Jewish Mountain" is a favorite place for walking tourists and residents of the city. There is a large number of interesting attractions here, so it can be safe for the inspection of this area all day. For a long time, the hill was a strategic defensive point, as evidenced by the old fortress on his top. On the eve of the World Exhibition of 1929 was significantly changed appearance Square of Spain, and also built the National Palace and the famous singing fountain, also called magical. In addition to all this, many interesting sports facilities built for the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992 are focused on the hill.

(St. Spain), on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. 1506 thousand inhabitants (1998), in agglomeration 3.5 million people. (The second after Madrid in the number of residents of the city in Spain). Based on the place of settlement of Carthaginian (230 BC), then the Romans called Barsino (Where did the name of Barcelona). In the IX-XII centuries. - the capital of the title of the same name. Cult. Center of Spain. Numerous archite. Monuments of the X-XIX centuries: Cathedral (Gothic), Church (Santa Maria del Map, San Pablo del Campo); Exchange, palaces (bishop, former graphic, etc.); Parks, fountains, sculptures. Many buildings built on the projects of the world famous architect Gaudi: Palace Guell (1885-89), Sagrada Church Surname (started in 1884, drawing) and others. Rybatsky Quarter Barcelonetta, Peak Tibidabo with a funicular, from which the magnificent panorama of the city opens. Monument X. Columbus (60 m height). 3 un-ta. Opera and Ballet Theater, Conservatory, Arena for Bulls. Museums: Archaol., Sea, fine arts, SCU. Art, Village-Museum Archite. The appearance of all obl. (Spain in miniature) and others. World exhibitions 1888 and 1929. (Palaces, Pavilions, Gardens). Sovr. B. - Large prom. agglomeration. Masha; Text., Chem., Cell.-boom., Leather., Food., Optical, stack., Cem. Prom-st. TransP. node, port, international. the airport. Metropolitan. Intern Torg.-Prom. trade fairs. Center for Tourism. On sv. Located prom. Badalone suburb - an important center text. Prom-and Masher; seaside resort.

Dictionary modern geographical names. - Ekaterinburg: y-factor. Under the general edited by Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .


Barcelona (Barcelona) - the main city of Catalonia (cm. Catalonia) and Barcelona province, the most important port and the second in the number of residents of the city of Spain (cm. Spain) (about 2 million inhabitants). This is one of the most beautiful Mediterranean cities. He is surrounded by a semicircle in the mountains, on the slopes of which parks, recreation areas and faces of the view of the panorama of the city, and from the east will open the sea. The history of the city has many centuries. In 218, the Montjuic Mountain (Montjuic) Romans was founded by Colony Barsino (Barcino). At the same time, excavations spent in the 20th century showed that the Roman colony was not the first settlement on the territory of Barcelona. The Romans were built fortress walls, the ruins of which were still preserved. The walls surrounded the territory on which the Cathedral is now located, San Jaume Square (Plaza de San Jaume) and Pi (Plaza de Pi). Around the old city in the Middle Ages, the walls were erected twice, until the end of the 18th century, Barcelona was considered a city limited to them. Outside the walls arose villages, which were then full areas of Barcelona - Sants (Sants), Sarria (Sarria), Gracia (Gracia). The impetus to the development of the city was given by the exhibitions of 1888 and 1929, but the period of the reign of Franco became for Barcelona the time of the crisis. The 1992 Olympiad, held in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhas given the development of the city a new impetus.
The central part of Barcelona is divided into the Old Town - the historic center of the city, the area of \u200b\u200bMontzhuyk Mountain and Eschale - the area that emerged in the 19th century as a result of the expansion of the city to the north. Barcelona architecture combines a wide variety of currents, but it acquired worldwide fame thanks to the rapid development of modern or AR-Nouveau, the brightest representatives of which were architects Jozep Puch and-Kadafalk, Domainek-Monttenar and, perhaps, one of the most famous architects of the last two centuries , Antonio Gaudi-I-Kornet.

Old city
Old Town, stretching along Ramblas Street (Las Ramblas) - one of the most extensive and well-preserved architectural ensembles Medieval Europe. The Gothic Quarter is especially allocated here (Barry Gothic, Barri Gotic) with the Barcelona Cathedral, La Ribera district (La Ribera) with Picasso Museum, Park de la Cuitadella. The main architectural, including temples, the monuments of the Old Town are located within the Gothic Quarter.
The very first cathedral on its territory was built in 985, during the conquest of the city of Almanzor. Construction of the Gothic Cathedral with Romanesque Chapel-de Santa Lucia (Capella de Santa Lucia) began in 1298 with Heima (Zhaum) II on the site of the Old Westgoth settlement. The facade of the majestic cathedral was finished only in the 19th century, and the central spire - in 1913. All works were carried out according to the drawings of the French architect Charles Hallet (1408). Two octagonal bell tower are distinguished in the ensemble of the Cathedral (1386-1393), the Central Nal, made in the style of Catalan Gothic, Del Santissim Sagrament (Capella Del Santissim Sagrament) (Capella Del San Santissim Sagrament) - San Benet (Capella de San Benet), dedicated to the founder of the monastic order of the Benedictine. Under the main altar of the cathedral there is a crypt with Alebastrovy Sarcophag (1339) St. Elalia, the Christian martyr 4th century, which the cathedral is dedicated. In the interior of the cathedral, it should be noted the seats on the choiring, the upper tier of which is decorated with images of the emblems of 12 knights.
One of the most revered by Barcelonians churches is the Basilica of Santa Maria Del Mar (Basilica De Santa Maria Del Mar), aged in the style of Catalan Gothic. Thanks to the magnificent acoustics of the temple, concerts often arrange in it. The church was built about 55 years. The stained glass window of the western window-rose (15 century) depicts the coronation of the Virgin Mary, the windows of the central and side oils are decorated with stained-glass windows of the 15th - 18th centuries.
The most interesting monument of the Gothic Quarter is Ardiaca's house (Casa de L "Ardiaca), built in the 12th century on the foundation of the Roman fortress wall, and then rebuilt several times. The architeacon house is adjacent to the cathedral. In the architecture of the house, the features of Gothic and Renaissance are bizarked. In the era of modern His entry appeared a marble mailbox with a carvings depicting the swallows and a turtle of the architect of the domain-and-montainner. Currently, there is a urban archive in the architeacon's house.
The Royal Palace (Palau Reial Major) on Plaza Del Rei (Plaza del Rei) was created in the 13th century as a residence of Barcelona graphs. A significant model of Gothic 14th century is the tinel room. Here Ferdinand and Isabella took Columbus, returned from America. Later in this room met the Holy Tribunal.
Within the Gothic Quarter, the Barcelona Government and Catalonia buildings are located. The town hall (Casa de La Ciutat) began to build in the 14th century opposite the Palau De La Generalitat Government Palace (Palau de la Generalitat), on Plaza de Sant Zhaum. The entrance to the building is located two statues - one depicts Jaima (Zhaum) I, who in 1249, Barcelona residents in 1249, the right to choose the city council, and the other - Joan Fiveler, who forceding in the 1500s. City know pay taxes. Salo De Les Croniques Hall (Salo De Les Croniques) was created specifically for the World Exhibition of 1929.
Catalan Government from 1403 occupies the Building of Palau de La Genelitet. The facade of the building is designed in the Renaissance style, the statue of the patron of Catalonia is posted above the main entrance - St. George. The courtyard in the style of late Catalan Gothic is decorated with sculptures of the brand of the Safon. The interior of the building is characterized by a San Jordi chapel (Salo de Sant Jordi), decorated in the Italian spirit.
The oldest monument of the Civil Architecture of Barcelona is the Exchange (Sleeper, La Llotja), erected around 1380 for the Catalan Trade Savory Guild. The building was rebuilt in 1771, until 1994 there was a trading exchange. In 1849 - 1970 The upper floors of the building were occupied by the Academy of Fine Arts, among the listeners of which were Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro.
Once in the old town, you can not skip Carrer-Monkada Street (Carrer Montacada), which remained all the features of the medieval architecture. The protrusions of the roofs are almost closed above the pavement, from which fantastic ridges look. A delightful patio is hiding behind the massive wooden gate of the houses. In the 13th century, during the prosperity of Catalonia, the street was built up with gothic mansions, almost all buildings were rebuilt in the 17th century.
The center of the Old Town is Ramblas Street (Las Ramblas), where life does not stop during the day nor at night. The Arab word "Ramblel" means a dried river bed - such a channel in Catalan cities often turned into the streets and that is why streets often meet with the name "Rambla". Ramblas Barcelona consists of several separate parts, "Ramblel", including Rambla de Canteles, named by Fontan, and Rambla Delce Estudis (Rambla Dels Estudis), whose name gave the first University of Barcelona - Estudis Heneral (Estudis General). The length of the pedestrian zone Rammbles is 1.2 km away. Ramblas for Barcelona is the same as Arbat for Moscow or Montmartre for Paris. Ramblas is the Opera House "Liso" (Gran Teatre del Liceu), La Bouria market (La Boqueria, in translation - "abyss"), also known as Marcat De Sant Josep (Mercat De Sant Josep) and several vintage mansions . At the beginning of Rammblas, on Catalunya Square (Plaza de Catalunya), there is a cast in the last century from iron fountain Canaletes (Font De Canaletes), and the completion of it is dominant over the entire port area 87-meter monument to Columba (Monument A Colom) World Exhibition 1888.
A little away from him there is a Mercedes church - the Mother of Mercy, the patron of Barcelona. Among the buildings of Ramblas Street, Palau Guell is highlighted (Palau Guell), built in 1889 by Antonio Gaudi for his patron saint of the manufacturer of Count de Guel. Inside the mansion, carved partitions, galleries and niches create a feeling of space. All furniture is preserved to this day. Other attractions include Ramblas, it is necessary to mention the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts (Reial Academia), Virraine Palace (Palau de Virreina), Classicist Palace Mozha (Palau Moja) with a magnificent patio, as well as Plaza de la Brocery Square (Plaza de la La Broqueria), the mosaic of the bridge of which is made in the drawings of Miro, and the Royal Square (Plaza Rail, Plaza Reial), the lights of which are created by the Gaudi project. The Royal Square is located in the Gothic Quarter, Ferrand (Carrera De Ferran), in one of the houses of which Joan Miro was born. San Josep's market is the Street Hospital (Calle de Hospital), where the building of the oldest hospital Barcelona is the Hospital (Hospital de Santa Creu), built in 1401. Currently, the richest collection of Catalan books is located in the hospital building.
To the west of the southern part of Ramblas, El Raval (El Raval) and Chinese Quarter (Barry Sosnes, Barri Shines) are located. In the 16th century mansion, Casa de la Caritat (Mercy House) is located Cultural Center. Near him, the building of the Museum of Contemporary Art Barcelona, \u200b\u200berected in 1995 on the project of Richard Meira. Immediately at the old customs, if you descend on Ramblas, the old port of the city begins (Port Venel, Port Vell), refurbished in the harbor for pleasure ships. On the embankment of Mol de Barcelona (Moll de Barcelona) is located a marina for passenger ships And the World Trade Center. Ramblas connects from the embankment of the Mol-D "Espanya (Moll D" Espanya) by a divorce bridge and a pedestrian Dambla de Mar (Rambla de MAR). The MareGagnum (Maregagnum) is built on MareGagnum - a complex of restaurants, shops and cinemas, here is one of the best aquariums in Europe. Inspect the Barcelona harbor from the old port, thanks to excursions on small vessels, which are called Golundrinas ("Swallows "). They are approaching the waterfront steps on the Plaza del Portal de La Pau). Gulundrinas pass past Mountain Mountains and enter the industrial port.
A significant monument of modern architecture of Spain is the Olympic Village (Vila Olimpica), built in Barcelona specifically for the 1992 Olympics on the site of the former port quarter. On the lands of the former factory district there are new homes, Nova Icaria was broken down by Nova Icaria. By the sea, two 44-storey skyscrapers were erected, one of them occupy offices, and the other is the hotel "ARTS" (ARTS). Near the yacht club (Port Olympic, Port Olimpic).
In the old town there are many museums and cultural monuments. One of the most significant is the Palala of Catalan Music (Palau de La Musica Catalana), located in the north of the Gothic Quarter. The architecture of the building and its decorative elements are made in modern style. This is the only concert hall in Europe with natural lighting. He was designed by Luis Domaine and Montainner and built in 1908 in the place of the monastery closed in the 19th century. The house is surrounded by mosaic columns with Busts Palestrina, Baha and Beethoven. The second floor room is illuminated through a magnificent mosaic dome. The arch of the Amender is decorated with two sculptures - Wagner and Catalan composer Josepa Anselm Klave, who participated in the creation of the Orpoo-Katala choir society.
One of the main attractions of the Old Town and Barcelona as a whole is the Picasso Museum (Museu Picasso), which occupies five mansions on Monkada - Meka Street, Berenger-d Aguilar, Mauri, Finestres and Baro de Castelt. The basis of the museum that opened in 1968 , there was a collection of a friend Picasso Heim Sabartes. The life of Picasso was connected with Barcelona from the moment when he moved here from his Malaga at the age of 14. Picasso went to Paris at the age of 20, repeatedly returned to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut after the victory of Franco not He came to Spain. After the death of Sabartes, Picasso himself passed many of her work a museum, the collection of which was also replenished with the artist's schedule and the work of his ceramics, the gift of his widow of Jacqueline. Of particular interest in the museum's expositions are the early works of Picasso. Pearl collection is considered to be the canvas from the Las cycle -Mineas ", which is a grotesque interpretation of the Velasquez's simmental cloth.
Parc De La Ciutadella is located in the Museum of Contemporary Art (Museu D "Art Modern), in which the works of Catalan art masters are collected 19-20 centuries, including the pictures of Santiago Rusignol and Ramona Casas - Catalan Impressionism Pioneers. In the collection The museum also presents the works of the Joicale of the World, Isidra Nonel, Mikhel Belya.
The Barcelona Museum of the City History (Museu D "Historia Museum (Museu Frederic Mares), located in the Gothic Quarter, are deserved in the Gotic Quarter (Museu Frederic Mares). In first interest, valuable archaeological exhibits cause, for example, the remnants of the Roman water pipeline, fragments of Roman bridges and Walls. The second was created by the famous sculptor and collector Mares, the museum building was earlier in the ensemble of the Royal Palace. In the collection of the Mares Museum, the expositions of the works of religious art of the Romanesque and Gothic periods are especially allocated.
Among other museums of Barcelona - Geological Museum (Museu de Geologia), Zoological Museum (Museu de Zoologia), Maritime Museum (Museu Maritim) in Drassaneses. The latter is based on dry docks Drassanes (Drassanes). Docks Barcelona are the largest preserved medieval docks in the world. Among the rigorous ships, built in Dssassanese, was "real", the flagship of Juan Austrian, whose fleet defeated the Turks in the battle at Lepano in 1571. Among the exhibits of the museum are a genuine travel map of Amerigo Vespucci.
Within the Old Town of the Park of Suitadelia and Zoo (Parc Zoologic). The Park of the Southadendea was created on the site of the former fortress built with Philip V after a 13-month siege of the city, refused to recognize the rights of Bourbon to the Spanish throne. In 1787, the fortress, which became a political prison was demolished, the park was transferred to the city, it was held on the World Exhibition of 1888. From the serf ensemble, only three structures are preserved - Arsenal, in which the Parliament of Catalonia and the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Palace of the Governor (now school) and the chapel. The park is especially attractive thanks to the fountain cascade created by the architect Josepo Fontsser with the participation of young Gaudi. The cascade is crowned with a triumphal arch, the general type of fountains resembles a Trevi Fountain in Rome.
Barcelona zoo, one of the best in Europe, is located in the southern part of the Park of Southadevia, it was built in the 1940s. According to a special project - animals are separated here not by cells, but with water with water. At the entrance to the zoo there is a sculpture of Roiga-I-Solera "Lady with an umbrella", which has become a kind of symbol of Barcelona. In the aquarium, the zoo passes the representations of dolphins and whales, monkeys of the zoo are of particular interest, including the famous Gorilla Albino Capito de Nieves (Snowflake).

Eixample (Eixample) (Eixample) occurred after in 1854 it was decided to expand Barcelona ("ECAMPLE" in Catalan means "expansion"). Here are located the greatest monuments Epoch modern. According to the plan, compiled by Ildeduphons, the heart and sows, the streets of new quarters were to cross at right angles, the exception of Steel Avingday Diagonal (Avinguda Diagonal) and Avinguda De Gaudi, connecting Plaza de la Sagradi-Familya ( Plaza de La Sagrada Familia) and a domain hospital with a famous Catalan architect-de-la-santa cree-de-san Pau (Hospital de La Santa Creu I de Sant Pau).
The most famous creation of the European Modern and the most famous architectural monument to Eshapla - the Church of Sagrada Familia (Church of the Holy Family, Sagrada Familia) of the great architect Antonio Gaudi. The construction of the church was started in 1889, but during the life of Gaudi, only the facade of Christmas was completed, after the death of the architect, construction continued on its drawings, however, the civil war was prevented by his completion. By 1954, the initial plans of Gaudi were restored and work on the temple continued, but to this day there are disputes about the reliability of reconstruction. The Facade of Christmas, completed by Gaudi in 1904, embodies images of faith, hopes and mercy. Sculptural compositions on portals depict the scene of Christ's birth and his childhood. The opposite facade of the temple - the facade of the Passion of Christ was completed in 1980 under the leadership of Jester Mary Subirax. The buildings made during the life of Gaudi include apse, altar canopy and crypt. In Kripte, there is a grave Gaudi, the service is held here. Under the altar canopy, the altar has not yet been installed. Complete the construction of the temple is assumed to be erected by the nef and the southern facade of glory, which should be the main entrance. The completed building in the plan should acquire the form of the Latin Cross, and the upper gallery should be based on a variety of carved columns.
Most of the architectural monument of modern architecture is concentrated in the so-called gold square (Quadrat D OR), formed by blocks around Passeig de Gracia (Passeig de Gracia). In the southwestern part of the Golden Square, the Quarter of Disagreements is located (ILLA De La Discordia) , An open-air museum with the most different modern monuments. Among them with Lieo Morera (Casa Lleo Morera) - the first residential building built by Louis Domaine and Montainner, Casa Amatller (Casa Amatller) The building is the Institute of Spanish Art Amatler). Here is Casa Batllo, Casa Batllo, Creation of Gaudi, with characteristic rounded facade lines and convex balcony lattices.
One of the most famous modern monuments of the Golden Square, EshamPle, and in general, Barcelona is Casa Mila (Casa Mila, or La Pedrera, La Pedrera - Camera) - the most important contribution of Gaudi to the architecture of the city. The building is located on Paste-de Graes, its construction went from 1906 to 1910. The project of this eight-story corner building provided for two round courtyard For ventilation and first in Barcelona underground garage. In the whole building there is not a single flat wall, the outer walls are not decorated with anything, they are decorated with only bizarre lattices of the balconies, created by Josep Mary by Maria. The roof of the house crowned the amazing the imagination and ventilation pipes that the inhabitants of the city are in a joke called "scarecrow for witches."
On Avingda Street, the Diagonal is located another significant monument of the ECAMPLE architecture - a residential house Casa Terrades (Casa Terrades), built in 1903-1905. According to the project Punch-and-Kadafalka. Due to six pointed towers in the corners, the house is often called the "home with needles" (Casa de Les Punches). This is the largest of all buildings erected by Punch-and-Kadafalk. Casa Terrades Eclectic style - Him merged the features of Gothic and Renaissance. Typical for modern is the combination of red brick and bright stone, from which a carved floral ornament is made on the facade.
In the northeastern district of Eshpell, there is a hospital of Abstract-de-la-Santa Cla and de São Pau, the project of which began to be created by Domain and Montainner in 1902, and the hospital itself was completed by his son Pere in 1930 . The architect conceived instead of ordinary hospital chambers to build 26 elegant Pavilions in Mudjhar style, surrounded by trees. Office rooms and corridors are placed under the ground. Pavilions are richly decorated: the towers are decorated with ceramic tiles, adopted rest - mosaic and sculpture Pablo (Pau) Gargalo.
On the territory of the Golden Square is one of the most interesting museums of Barcelona - the Tapes Museum (Fundacio Antoni Tapies), in which the works of one of the most famous modern artists-abstractionists Anthony Tapiez are exhibited. A very remarkable museum building is the first home in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbuilt of metal structures. On the street Pasysh de Graes, held by the Golden Square, are the famous fashion houses, clothing stores and boutiques. For example, "Adolfo Dominges" (Adolfo Dominges) is a store of classical male and women's clothing, "Arman Bassi" (Arman Basi) can buy high-quality shoes for recreation and sports. Here is the "Vincon" (Vincon) is one of the largest shoplone stores selling interior objects. It is easy to choose a gift for every taste.

Montjuik Mountain District (Montjuic) (name, one of the versions, means "Jewish Mountain", because once the Jewish cemetery was here, and on another version it was due to the fact that the Romans on it was built by the Temple of Jupiter, giving it a name Mont Joseis - Mount Jupiter), located in the southern part of the city near shopping portis a concentration of significant cultural monuments, museums, rides and nightclubs. In 1640, a castle was built on Mount Montjouse, for a long time there were no housing due to difficulties with water supply. In 1929, Montzhuyk became the center of the World Exhibition, then Avinguda-Da La La Reina-Maria Cristina (Aviguda de La Reina Cristina) was laid, in the center of which is the famous Magic fountain with colored illumination. Behind him is located the National Palace in the Museum of Arts. The so-called Spanish village is located on Montjouse (Poble Espanyol) - a complex of rural houses in which various souvenir shops and craft workshops are located. To the 1992 Olympics, modern sports facilities were built on Montjouse.
Montjouse is a magnificent pleasure place, it opens a beautiful fork to the city. The architecture of the Montjouse is characterized by eclectic, for example, in the Spanish village, the traditional rural architecture of Spain prevails, and the building of the Fundaso Miro Museum is built in an emphasized style. On the top of Mount Montjouse is the castle (Castell de Montjuic)) of the 18th century. For the first time at this place, the castle was built in 1640, then he was demolished in 1705 by order of Philip V. The modern castle was built at Bourbon. After the civil war, he was used as a prison, currently there is a museum of military history.
The Spanish village was created with the aim of presenting typical of Spain architectural styles and folk crafts. All of her 116 houses represent the miniature model of Spain. Famous artists and architects worked on the creation of the Spanish village. In its stores and shops sell products made of glass, ceramics, figurines and Damascoonos - Tolesan decorations with a gold bowl. In Avila Tower (Torres de Avila), through which you can get into the Spanish village, the famous nightclub with an interior created by famous designers A. Arrabis and H. Mariskl is placed.
At Passeig Olimpic) is the Olympic Stadium (Estadi Olimpic de Montjuic), built by 1992 on the basis of the previous stadium created by Domaincom and Roer for Alternative Olympic Games of 1936, which did not take place due to the Civil War. The modern stadium accommodates 70 thousand people. Next to him is the Palace San Jordi (Palau Sant Jordi).
Wonderful architectural monument Mois Van der Rohe (Pavel Mies Van Der Rohe), created as the German Pavilion for the World Exhibition of 1929 by Ludwig Mist Van der Roe, the head of the avant-garde school of artists and designers "Bauhauz". The Pavilion has a famous Barcelona chair of his work. The building was demolished after closing the exhibition, and then restored to the century CO for the birth of Ludwig Moze Van der Roe.
The National Museum of Catalan Art (Museu Nacional D "Art De Catalunya) is located in a magnificent building of the National Palace (Palau Nacional), which was built to the World Exhibition of 1929. The Museum is kept in Europe a collection of Romanesque art. Particularly impressive frescoes of the 12th century, Transferred from the Pyrenean Churches. The exhibits of the Gothic period are collected from all over Spain. Considerable value is the works of Catalan masters Louis Dalmaau and Zhauma Agraph (15th century). In the Museum's expositions telling the art of Baroque and Renaissance epochs, El Greco, Velasquez and Surbaran stand out. . A magical fountain on Avingda-da La-La Reina-Maria-Christina Avenue is located in front of Palau on Avinguda-Da La La Reina-Maria Cristina, on which two 47-meter bell tower of the architect R. Evaleos are torn. In 1929, there was an entrance to the World Exhibition.
Another significant museum on Montjouse is Fundaso Miro (Fundacio Joan Miro), associated with the work of the most famous Catalan artist Joan Miro. One of the founders of surrealism, Miro always remained a fan of Catalan art. In 1975, after the Sunset of the Franco regime of each other, Architect Jozep Louis Sutter developed a project building with natural lighting for a permanent exhibition of painting, graphics and sculptures. Miro presented the Museum many of their works, including the Barcelonian Cycle (1939-1944), consisting of 50 black and white lithographs.
Of interest is also caused by the Ethnological Museum (Museu Etnologic) and Museum of Archeology (Museu Arqueologic) on Montjy. The first collected exhibits from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania. The exposition of the Archeology Museum, located in the Palace of Graphic Arts, covers the period from prehistoric times to the dominion of Visigoths. The most ancient exhibit of the museum - Statue of the 4th century BC. "Lady from Ivisa" from the excavations of the Carthaginsky Necropolis on the island of Ivis.

The outskirts of Barcelona are the most modern areas of the city, they were built up in the late 1980s - early 1990s. The main station of Sants (Sants) was repaired, nearby the parks of industrial Spain (PARC D "Espanya Industrial) and Park Joan Miro (Parc Joan Miro) was broken. The Park El Clot Park El Clot is distinguished by an ultramodern layout for New National Theater.
On the western outskirts Barcelona is located the Royal Palace of Pedralbes (Palau Reial De Pedralbes), named by the famous Barcelona monastery. This building, previously formerly Eusebio Guel, was rebuilt as a royal residence in 1919. Since 1937, the palace is open for excursions, it contains the expositions of the museum of decorative art and the ceramics museum.
In the North-West Barcelona is the Architectural Complex of the Santa Maria de Pedralbes monastery (Santa Maria de Pedralbes). The monastery founded in 1326 by Alisend de Moncada de Pinos, the fourth wife Zhaumay II, King Aragon and Catalonia. Perfectly preserved cells, refectory, kitchen and monastery hospital. Especially interested in the chapel of Mikhail Archangel (droplets de Sant-Michel, Capella de Sant Miquel), where the wall painting depicting the passion of Christ and the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, performed Ferrer Bass (1346). In 1989, the monastery was donated by 60 paintings from the Collection of Tissan-Borneysis, currently exhibited in the former monastery Dormond.
On the outskirts of Barcelona there are parks and other attractions, beloved by residents of the city and its guests. Any fan of contemporary art is obliged to visit the Park Joan Miro, also known as Park de L "Escoshador (Parc de L" Escoshador, from the name of the urban slaughter - Escosador). The park is divided into two levels, the famous sculpture of the world "Woman and Bird" (1983) rises on the top of the top. No less interesting in the Park of Industrial Spain, broken in 1986. In the park that attracts its composition, the work of six modern sculptors, including Andreas, pressed.
In 1922, Guell Park (Parc Guell) opened, created by Gaudi and the declared UNESCO part of the World cultural heritage. Gaudi was going to build 60 buildings in this park, especially the hall of a hundred columns, which the project should serve as a place for the market. Fans of the whole world are known football stadium Camp Nou (Camp Nou) and the Barcelona Football Club Museum is one of the most popular in Europe. The exhibition of the museum presents portraits and statues of the most famous players of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwho were ordered to "Blau Gran Biennial", exhibitions in honor of the club, held in 1985 and 1987.

Encyclopedia of Tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .

See also: