Hell is empty all demons here. Hell is empty

CHARACTERS Alonzo, Korol Neapolitan. Sebastian, his brother. Prospero, Legal Duke Milansky. Antonio, his brother, illegally seized power in Milan Duchy. Ferdinand, the son of the Neapolitan king, the old honest adviser to the Neapolitan king. Adrian) courtiers. Francisco Caliban, slave, ugly savage. Trinkulo, jester. Stefano, butler, drunkard. Captain of the ship. Boatswain. Sailors. Miranda, daughter Prospero. Ariel, Air Spirit. Irida Ceres Juno) Perfume. Nymphs renovants Other perfumes, submissive Prospero. Situation - ship in the sea, island. Act i scene 1 ship in the sea. Storm. Thunder and lightning. Captain ship and boatswain. Captain Boatsman! Boatswain I listen, captain. Captain Zovi command up! Lively for business, we are not taking the reefs. Most! .. Early! .. The captain leaves; Sailors appear. Boatswie Hey, Well done! .. Veleering guys, fun! .. Vivid! To remove Marseille! .. Listen to the captain's whistle! .. Well, now, the wind, you are spacious - blow, until you burst! Enonzo, Sebastian, Antonio, Ferdinand, gonzalo and others. Alonzo good boatswain, we rely on you. And where is the captain? Start, friends! Boatswain and well, go down. Antonio Boatman, where is the captain? Boatswain and you do not hear it, or what? You prevent ushee! Go to cabins! See, the storm spiked? And here you still ... Gonzalo is easier, kind, dumb! Boatswain when pacified the sea! .. Clear! With this roaring shaft there is no business to kings! Marsh around the cabins! .. Silent! .. Do not interfere! .. Lit still remember, the kind, who is on board. Boatswain And I remember that there is no one whose skin would be more expensive to me my own! Here you are the adviser. Maybe you will advise the elements to calm down? Then we do not touch the gear. Well, take your power! And if you do not take, then say thank you for a long time to live in the light, fall into the cabin yes get ready: the trouble will happen. - Hey guys, stir! - Away from the road, tell you! Everything, except for the gonzalo, go, gonzalo, however, this small comforted me: he is the honorable Hangman, and who is destined to be hung, he will not drown. About Fortune, give him the opportunity to live to the gallows! Make a rope designed for him by our anchor rope: after all, there are few benefits from the ship's ship. If he is not destined to be hung, we disappeared. Gonzano leaves, boatswain returns. Boatswain omit the stagnation! Vividly! Below! Below! .. Let's try to go on one grotto. Creek is heard. Plague tasks these threes! They stop and storm, and the captain's whistle! Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzanok are returned. Again you here? What do you need? What, to quit everything because of you and go to the bottom? You hunt drown, or what? Sebastian ulcer to you in a throat, damned Gorlan! Unholy ruthless dog - here you are who! Boatswie Ah So? Well, work then yourself! Antonio Slip Coward! We are less afraid of drowning than you, a dirty bastard, you have a cattle! He gonzalo he does not take it if not even our ship was not a stronger nut shell, but it would be just as difficult to flow in it as a sip of a chatty woman. Boatswain keep cooler to the wind! Crue! Put the grotto and fock! Hold to the open sea! Away from the shore! Awesome sailors run. Sailors We died! Pray! Died! (Going away.) Botthars really have to feed fish? Gonzano King and Prince Molba raise to God. Our duty to be close to them. Sebastian I tremble. Antonio destroyed you fucking drunkard! .. Gorough dog! Oh, if you drowned ten times in a row, beaten by the sea! There is no gonzalo, I will challenge, - he picks away, at least all the seas and oceans persuaded to sink him! Voices (inside the ship) Save! .. Ton! Ton! .. Farewell, wife and children! Brother, goodbye! .. Ton! Ton! Ton! .. Antonio will perish next to the king! Everything except Gonzano leaves. I would slightly traded all the seas and oceans for one acre of fruitless land - the most unfit emptiness, overgrown with the heather or direction. Yes, the will of the Lord will happen! But still, I would prefer to die dry death! (Leaves.) Scene 2 island. Before the cave Prospero. Enter Prospero and Miranda. Miranda Oh, if you are you, my father is nice, the sea rebuilt the sea, then I pray you to pacify it. It seemed that the burning resin streams flows from the sky; But the waves reaching heaven were shot down the flame. Oh, as I suffered, suffering the fallen separation! The ship brave, where, of course, there were also honest and righteous people, crashed into chips. In my heart, I will sound their cry. Alas, they died! I would be an omnipotent deity, I would have won the sea in the earthly depths soon than to absorb him would give a ship with unhappy people. Protece comfort! Let your good, not moaning the heart: Nobody suffered. Miranda is a terrible day! Prospero nobody suffered. I all arranged, taking care of you, my child, - about the daughter of the only, beloved! After all, you do not know - who we are from. What did you know? That your father is called Prospero and that the wretched cave belongs to him. Miranda asking me in thought did not come. Prospero It is time to open all you. But help me remove my raincoat Magic! (Removes the cloak.) Along, the power of mine. (Miranda.) You will be comforted, Otri, Miranda, Tears Sospaudanya: So a plump shipwreck that you mourge you, I sat down the art of my art that everyone was alive. Yes, all those who sailed on this vessel who died in the waves, calling for help, did not fall from their heads and hair. Sit down and listen: Everyone will learn now. Miranda you often gathered me to discover who we; And they interrupted their story with the words: "No, wait, not yet time ..." Prospero but struck an hour - to look at my speeches. When we settled in the cave, you were hardly three years old, and you probably can't remember what was before. Miranda is not, I remember. Do you remember Prospero? What? House or people? We told about everything that kept you in my mind. Miranda is so vaguely vaguely, soon it looks like a dream than a point, all that memory suggests me. It seems to me that five Ile six servants would have taken care of me. Prospero and more. But how in your mind imprinted this? What else in the deep abyss you see? Perhaps, remembering what happened to our arrival on the island, you remember how we found yourself here? Miranda is not, I can not, father! Prospero twelve years! Tomorrow, twelve years, child, Your parent was the Duke of Milan, a powerful prince. Miranda how? So you are not my father? Prospero from your mother, in which the virtue was embodied, I know that you are my daughter. And yet was the duke of Milan your father, and you are the heiress of his possessions. Miranda about heaven! What kind of cunning did we led here? Ile, maybe happiness? Prospero is both together: treasury expelled us, happiness - led here. Miranda ah! The heart bleedfully bleed at the thought that I reminded to you who were sorry for the past ... What's next? Prospero my younger brother Antonio, your uncle ... find out, Miranda, that the brother native sometimes the enemy is treacherous! .. I loved the most of all in the world after you; I instructed him to manage the states of the state. At that time, the duke of mine was considered the first of the possessions of Itali, and Prospero - the first of them from the princes, in the sciences and in the arts of ugly. It is absorbed by your absorb, the brethren of the reality handed the brother and stopped to delve into the affairs at all. And here, Miranda, your cunning uncle ... Do you listen to me? Miranda with all attentive! Prospero he studied when they agree to respond to requests, when - refusal; Someone closer, and who to send. He served my servants for himself, lasted my friends to him; Holding a ring from the soul strings in his hands, he all hearts on his own way. He was spoken by the round of my trunk, as a chain liana, and sucked all the juices ... Miranda Ah, father! Prospero but listen further. Out of business, closed in a sweet solitude to comprehend all the sacraments of science, which ignoramus despise, I woke up in my insidious brother that evil that dreamed in him. Like, balusa, the father of the child is destroyed, so in him my immense trusted treachery without borders. Brother, inxicated by the duke of power, power, wealth, and honor, and all the attributes of the greatness that I gave him, as his governor, decided that he was truly the Milan Duke: so a liar who learned himself to crush the soul, to be with the truth in the disaster, Sometimes he believes himself. All the ambition of the brother increased ... Do you listen to Miranda? Miranda your story will make and deaf healed! Prospero he wanted to erase between those and what seemed; He wanted Milan to own one, fully, undivided. After all, Prospero - Crank! But where does he with the power to cope? His library's pretty library with him! .. And so my brother became the thirst for power obsessed with the king of Naples stuck: the tribute promised to pay him, to recognize himself with the Royal Wassal and subordinate my free Milan - alas, unheard of humiliaries - Neapolitan's crown ... Miranda God ! Prospero for it turned out ... Tell me, is it not monster? And this brother is native! Miranda I do not see your mother in your mother: the villains wears and the good womb. Prospero So, what was the shameful bargaining? The King of Naples, my enemy sworn, with Antonio about Tom agreed to in exchange for a cash tribute, on the subordination of the Duchy of the crown to give my rights and the Tuccian title, driven me and all my genus forever from Milan. So came true: my brother opened in the titled night gate city , His accomplices allowed to Milan, and on the same night we were taken to the exile of his clutch. You buried bitterly ... Miranda Alas! I do not remember how then sobbed, but now crying about it: for tears of my reason. Prospero has a little more injured - and I will call the story until this day; Otherwise, my story will without meaning. Miranda but why didn't they kill us? Prospero is legitimate by your question. They did not dare! Paroda loved me. They were afraid to blur in the blood; Holded the black affairs under bright paint. So, hastily removing on the vessel, in the open sea, we were transferred to the half-jammed esks of the ship without mast, without gear, without sails, from which rats were fled, and they left there, so that our moans were sadly the second, rakeed waves. And the sighs of the wind, the second to our sighs, we were removed from the ground ... Miranda Oh horror! H I was a burden to you! Prospero on the contrary, you were the Guardian angel! Divine Justice Shyaya, you smiled meekly to me, while I moan and tears shed under the burden of the fallen sorrow. Your smile gave me strength and strengthened my courage. Miranda but how did we save? Prospelo Will Providence. One Welcome Neapolitansky, named Gonzanok, the one who led us to death was instructed, from Sostradanya, she had a food and freshwater, gave us clothes and all the necessary supplies. In addition, knowing how I rushing with my books, he allowed me to capture those foliants with him that I appreciate the duke. Miranda ah, if I could see him! Prospero Now I will stand! (It puts on his raincoat.) You are my daughter, sit and listen about the end of the wanders. On this island threw us. And then I became a teacher of yours - and you have succeeded in the sciences as none of the young princesses, who have a lot of fumes and there is no such zealous teachers. Miranda will be rewarded for this heaven! But I, Father, I don't understand yet, why did you call the storm? Property learn! It happened so that the generous fortune, now the favorabling to me, my enemies sent here. I calculated that for me today the constellations are favorable; And if I miss this case, then happiness will not visit me again. But I don't ask any more questions. Are you sleepy. That will be a dream of good. He cannot resist you. Miranda falls asleep. Here, to me, my servant and assistant! I'm waiting for you! Approom, Ariel! Ariel appears. Ariel Greetings you, my Lord! I am ready to do everything you order: swim through the waves, Il rushing to the fire, Ile on a curly cloud to suffer. Veli - and everything will be performed by Ariel! Prospero did you fulfill all my orders about a bore? Ariel did the way you told. I attacked the royal ship; Everywhere there - from the nose to the stern, on the deck, and in the trunk, and in the cabins - I sowed horror; The flame was spawned on the mast, on a bushchpite and on the rim. Fast, elusive there are no zippers that Jupiter Schlock as the forerunner of grumbled. And from sparkling, the roar and smoke fluttered in the punch of Neptune himself, his trident of Grozny shoved. And horrified shot down to the sky waves. Prospero perfectly! Who remained the spirit of hard? In Skyatitsa who has kept the mind? Ariel Nobody. All moved away from fear and began to rush meaninglessly. All after each other, except the sailors, throw steel into a foamless abyss. To escape from Flame Fire, which I lit on the ship. The son of the royal, Ferdinand, was the first, and his hair stood on the end, when he jumped into the waves, shouting: "Hell is empty! All the devils flew here!" Prospero That's how? But the shore was not far? Ariel Yes, Mr. Prospero and all of them saved? Ariel is not unharmed. Even their clothes are not touched, nor a spin on it. How did you command me, I scattered them on the island; And the royal son is left by me alone in a deserted place he sighs, in the longing breaking his hands. Prospero What did you do with the royal ship, with the sailors and the fleet the rest? Ariel Ship is anchored in that bay, where you called me somehow at midnight to cut the dew of the Bermuda. The whole crew, I firmly locked in the truma: there sailors fatigue with your and the magic of my sleep. And the Royal Fleet, which I am on the sea Mediterranean scatter, joined again and keeps the way home, in Naples, with sad news: After all, everyone saw that the ship crashed and that the king died. Prospero So, Ariel! You fulfilled the handrail. But there is still a case. What time is it now? Ariel is already at noon. Prospero two hours, no less. And until six, we must all have time. Ariel Are you going to new things? Let me, Mr., then remind: After all, did you promise me ... Prospero how? Discontent? What do you want from me? Ariel Freedom! Prospero so I let you go until the deadline? And I do not want to hear about that. Ariel But remember - I served you loyal and honestly, without laziness, without mistakes, without cheating, and you did not hear complaints from me. You promised to free me a year before the term. Prospero ah, ungrateful! I forgot, from what torment I saved you? Ariel o no! Prospero No, you forgot! And if I didn't feel about me, I am serving to me, you immerse yourself in the abyss of water, flew on the wings north wind Il made his forehead mortal mortgaged to ice? Ariel stands, Mr. Prospero about false Spirit, you forgot everything. I remember the terrible sorcerer of Sicracce, which from old age and the malice in the arc bent! Do you remember her? Ariel Yes, Mr. Prospero where was she born? Well, answer! Ariel in Algeria. Prospero so. Once a month you should remind about her. For witchcraft and different villains, about which I was always disgusting, expelled Sicracce from Algeria. But still, left her life, I don't know what. Well, is it so? Ariel Yes, Mr. Prospero Sailors This witch was brought here here. Now - my slave, you served her then. But you were too clean to fulfill its orders to the scot and evil; Often, they showed non-face. And here is the sorcerer in his rage, calling for the aid of more obedient and more powerful spirits, in the cleft pine you closed you, so that you suffer from twelve years. That term has expired, but the sorceress died, and you stayed in a painful prison and screams the whole island announced. Then there were no people here, since it is not considered to be a frightened witch of the Cursed Witch; He lived one here. Ariel Yes, Kaliban lived here then one. Prospero is the very calibium, stupid and dark, which I keep for services. Do you remember what cruel flour did you tear off when I arrived here? Your walls are the second, wolves, they inspired the pity of violent bears - they were the flour of hell. Sycracus could not free you. But I, arriving here, my soster sprout and released you. Ariel I am grateful to you, Mr. Prospero But I'll become nick me - I split off a nodular oak, and in it you will cry back for another twelve. Ariel Oh, spare! I obey me! Prospero well the same. Two days will serve, and I will let you go to the will. Ariel about my generous lord! Observe! What should I do? Say! Prospero go and wrap the nymph nymph. Before time, you can see only me and more to anyone. In the case of this, come back here. Stay. Hurry. Ariel disappears. Wake up, child! Your dream was grapphered. Wake up! Miranda (wakes up) Father, a wonderful story was sought with some strange dorm. Prospero stance her with himself. Get up, Miranda. Now I need to call, you need Caliban, at least from him we, right, do not hear a word of kind. Miranda is rude and terrible. I do not like to meet him, father. Prospero but without it we can't do without it: He wears the firewood, the fire is breed and makes all the black work. Hey, Caliban! You, rough beam! Respond, slave! Caliban (behind the scene) is still enough firewood. Prospero once I call - you will find a business. Well, the turtle, moving faster! Who am I saying? Ariel appears in the guise of marine nymphs. My Ariel! Wonderful vision! Listen to the same ... (whispering Ariell on the ear.) Ariel fulfillment, Mr. (Disappears.) Prospero Hey, dirty slave! Bastard evil witch and devil! Live go here! - Gives Caliban. Kaliban let your head falls malicious dew, that the mother lurked by the feather owl with the disastrous swamps! Let the wind southwest will cover you the body by blisters! Prospero for this brand you will pay expensive! All night - Pop doings - there will be spirits of you prick and cramp. From their tweezes, you will become noworthy, like bee honeycomb, and their tweezes will be even more painful than bees bites. Caliban you even don't even give me to eat! .. I received this island by right of my mother, and you robbed me. First, you were sweet with me, you were kind, you treated me with a drink, you taught me how to call and bright and pale shone, which we will shine in the afternoon and at night, and I loved you for it, the whole island showed all the land: and pastures , and salt pits, and spring ... Fool I! Whether I'm cursed! .. Let them attack you the bats, beetles and toads - the servants of the sycrachesis! .. I myself was my lord, now I am a slave. I drove me in Nora, and the island took away! Prospero you are a false slave! You do not smell good with you, only the screak. At first I turned to you, although you are an animal, like a person. You lived in my cave. But then you thought my daughter to disaggregate! Caliban Ho Ho! Ho-ho! And sorry, failed! Do not interfere with me - I would have populated the whole island by Calibans. Prospero contemptuous! No, good feelings in you do not raise, you are a vile slave, in the vices. From pity I took the trouble to teach you. Ignorant, wild, you could not express my desires and only was me as a beast. I taught you words, gave knowledge of things. But it could not study your animal, lowland nature. And for Noura thanked me. You cost the chains of the badness than the dungeon. Caliban you have taught me to speak in your language. Now I know how to curse, - thanks for that. Let them take the plague of both of you and your language. Prospero Rude Witch, Sgin! Drings bring. Yes, live, you hear? More work will be. What? Write? Look, for the negligence and for laziness, I will find your tricks on you and the bones will force to whine. So you choose from pain that the beasts are scared. Caliban no! Sch up! (To the side.) So far I will accept. His science is strong. He was suspended even NEEGOS, the God of my mother. Prospero Stay, slave! Caliban leaves. An invisible Ariel appears, he sings accompanied by music; Behind him follows Ferdinand. Ariel (sings) Spirits of mountains, forests and water, all in the dance! Salted the sea. In a light dance, with a sprake of the hands, the circle comes, I'm the second friendly! To listen! Perfume (from all sides) GAU! Gau! Ariel Pots Watchdow, Laite! Perfume Gau! Gau! Ariel look! Sea Smallklo, Dahl quiet, heard Peosch's fry! Cook! Ferdinand from this music? From Heaven or from Earth? Now she was silent. That is true, hymns with these deities. I, the death of the father mourning bitter, sat on the shore. Suddenly, on the waves, sweet sounds were drunk to me, having fun of the wave rage and sorrow. I follow music; Rather, she entails me ... she was silent. No, here again. Ariel (sings) Your father sleeps on day of naval He is tinealed, and will be the flesh of his sand, the coral of the bone will become. It will not disappear, it will only be embodied in the wonder. Chu! Hears funeral ringing! Perfume Dean-Don, Dean-Don! Ariel Sea Nymph, Din-Din-Don, keep his last dream. Ferdinand comes in a song about my father! There may not be earthly these sounds, they are descended from the height. Prospero (Miranda) raise the same curtain, eyelashes, look there. Miranda What is it? Spirit? Oh God, how beautiful it is! True, after all, his father is beautiful? But this is only a vision! Prospero o no, child, he is like us: and sleeps, and eats, and feels like us. He escaped the fake with shipwreck; Here he is looking for comrades missing. Whenever sorrow, the enemy of beauty, did not distort the damn of his face, you would call the young man beautiful. Miranda Divine him would call him! No on earth creatures of such beautiful! Prospero (to the side) everything happened as I was destined. My Ariel is skillful! For this in two days I will free you. Ferdinand So she, the goddess, in honor of which the anthem sounded! ... Answer the answer: You are here, on this island, live? What to do me to make? The question is the last, but the main thing for me: Tell me, Miracle, are you fairy or mortal? Miranda Signor! I am a simple girl. I'm not a miracle. Ferdinand how? My native language! But if I were there, where they say on it, - I would be of all who speaks on it first! Prospero first? Well, if you heard the king of Naples? Ferdinand he hears, having missed that suddenly you remembered the Naples: Alas, the King of Naples - I myself. My eyes have not satisfied since then, as you saw that my father, the king, died in sea waves. Miranda Alas! Unhappy! Ferdinand died with him and all his veelmembrables died, Milan Duke died along with her son ... Prospero (to the side) Milan Duke with her daughter could easily refute ... not yet time ... From the first look, the fire of love was lit in Their eyes ... My gentle Ariel, you have the freedom for that ladies. (Loud.) Listen, Signor! Why disgrace yourself wrong?. Miranda Ah, why is my father so harsh? In front of me the third person I know. But he is the first one who called in the heart of a strange tomboy. How I want the father to soften! Ferdinand Oh, if you have not gave anyone to anyone, I will make you Queen Naples. Protecely hold on quarrels, Signor! (Aside.) They are fascinated by each other. But there should be obstacles to create for their love, so that it is easy to devaluate it. (Aloud. ) I solved you: you are an impostor. Thai did you get on with this island, so that I have to take away my poses. Ferdinand Oh No, I swear! Miranda in such an excellent temple an evil spirit can not dwell. Otherwise, where would it dwell? Prospero (Ferdinanda) go! (Miranda.) And you do not stand up - he is a deceiver. (Ferdinand.) We go! I'm in a circuit zana, you will drink one sea water, you will eat seashells, yes root, yes shell from the acorns. Stay! There is no Ferdinand, I will not be submitted until my enemy coarses me in a duel. (Catching the sword, but the spells of Prospero do not allow him to move.) Miranda Father, what is the test? You see: He's kind, taking into account and dare. Protection What? Eggs teach chicken? (Ferdinand.) Traitor! Insert your sword into the sheath! You threaten me, but, aggravated by the conscience, you will not dare to hit. Throw your sword, I don't have it to pick it up with this stick. Miranda Father, I beg! Prospero away! Loose! Miranda ah, get together! I pass for him! Prospero do not mind - I will awaken the rage, not only anger! How! Under your defense, you dare to take a deceiver! .. Silent! Have you seen him yes caliban and think that he is beautiful? Ah, stupid! With the men others compare him - he is a day Caliban, and those before him - as an angels of the Lord. Miranda is not interested in my love: it's enough for me enough. Prospero (Ferdinanda) go for me! Hear? Study! After all, you are now powerless like a child! Ferdinand Yes, it is. I fed, as in a dream. But all - and this is a strange powerlessness, and the death of the father, and the death of all friends, and the captivity, which the enemy threatens me, - I would easily demolish if I just knew that from my prison, I could at least glim it with a glimpse of this girl. Let the freedom reign on Earth everywhere, but I am abolished and in such a prison! Prospero (to the side) love masters them. (Ferdinand.) We go! (Ariel.) You did everything as it should, Ariel! (Ferdinand and Miranda.), Behind me both follow! (Ariel.) Listen to you to fulfill you ... (whispering Ariell on the ear.) Miranda (Ferdinanda) Do not be afraid: my father of kindness and better than you can judge it on speeches. I do not understand what happened to him. Prospero (Ariel) is free. You will be like a mountain wind when you do everything that I said. Ariel I will fulfill everything. You will be pleased with me. Prospero (Ferdinand and Miranda) go! (Miranda) for him do not dare to ask! Go.

[Coupling 1, pyrokinesis]:
After all, this is my party and if there is empty,
So they gathered here, those who loved.
But it is not clear how to throw them back into hell;
And in order to locate them in them, I will not have enough eight gates.

I once loved once, no one is guilty;
But detonator, so, just in case
It hides even the most peaceful atom.
Cold, marble, rigid world.
We are forever against, because they became early lonely.

They will not tell me a word, but then
We dance again in unison, under Mendelssohn.
And in order to merge into the cocoon, finding the fire in others -
Knee at any price, keep the soverees of the eye!

Let me not understand anything else,
But you buried the miracle of light for monsters of darkness.
In his madness, there is hunger and there is a reason
Gather again, which means that the hell is empty and all demons here!

The apple has fallen and attached.
Their beauty and aesthetics, as a weapon.
The world did not see better, does not know worse;
And if the hell is empty, then the guests flew to the dinner dinner!


The fact that it died here, to paradise not to get out.
Well, let's say if you keep it in every song -
Then let the heart accommodate the world all,
And together - hell is empty and all demons here!

[Coupling 2, pyrokinesis]:
Having gathered at the disease
We will raise the toast for the new rebirth of the Lord;
And after where he, gods sorry the remains of old
Will be yourself like a pantheon.

And in proud loneliness will take his throne.
And feeling hunger, it will become to eat yourself and take the form of a manticar.
Living his immortality -
I see a devouring God in the mirror.

Inside, the same buzz. Feast and mor there
Where the most important body of the Pokorna Aorta is still.
And how many completely controversial
So much was the perfect phases to my imperfect form

And love from Divine to demonic.
I'm captive, according to the neon eye, Her Majesty.
In her divine comedy -
And it is tragically play in the demonic intermediate.

Does it really feel the truth?
I want her to spread it, but this is an exceptionally question of aesthetics.
Her rock earth loops in the footsteps
And from me, then here, now the emptiness gaps; She is full!

The fact that it died here, to paradise not to get out.
Well, let's say if you keep it in every song -
Then let the heart accommodate the world all,
And together - hell is empty and all demons here!

The fact that it died here, to paradise not to get out.
Well, let's say if you keep it in every song -
Then let the heart accommodate the world all,
And together - hell is empty and all demons here!

[The final]:
And to be reborn by God, the fire found in others -
Knee at any price, keep the anti-sodes;
And pride pride: what are you now
Then a miracle of light for monsters of darkness.

About the song pyrokinesis - hell is empty, all demons here

  • Andrei Pyronezis - the author and performer of their own songs represents tragicomedy in infinite effect called "sort of demons on a schedule". In the traditionally curly world of the artist, incredible events are developing, which he is not afraid to put on tools. Eight works were included in the tracstill of the publication, one of which is "the sad disco" was presented in the anticipation of the release as the single. Among the guests are only one person, and this is a wall .d., who has reduced this record. It is worth noting that Pyrokinesis is perhaps the only one with her style performer who knows how to present a full-fledged history with the final meaning every time. Here it is modern poetry!

Additional Information

Pyrokinesis - Hell's lyrics are empty, all demons here.
Album: "Feed demons on a schedule."
Text authors: Andrei Pyroinzis.
Music: S V M M E R S V D.
Minimizing: sed.d.
ART: AlexSlod.
Official release date: April, 14, 2018.

25/4/17, 03:00 PM

One day, a kind person talked with God and asked him:
- Lord, I would like to know what paradise and what is hell ...

The Lord led him to two doors, opened one and spent inside. There was a huge round table, in the middle of which there was a huge bowl, covered with a tasty smelling food.
A kind person felt that he drove salons.
But people sitting around the table looked hungry and sick.
All had spoons with long-long handles attached to their hands. They could get a bowl with food and dial food, but the handles of the spoons were so long that they could not bring them to the mouths.
A kind person was shocked by the view of their misfortune.
The Lord said:
- Just you saw hell.

Then he led a good person to the second door and challenged her.
The picture that opened was identical - the same huge round table, the same giant bowl, which forced the mouth to fill with saliva. People sitting around the table held the same spoons with very long handles.
Only this time they looked satisfying, happy and noisy.
Good man told the Lord:
- I do not understand...
"It's easy," the Lord replied him, "just these people learned to feed each other.
Hell and paradise are designed equally.
The difference is inside us.

Positive reciprocity leads to strengthening reliable connections.

Circles proceed from man.

There is a circle of family, colleagues, tribesmen, fellow citizens and so on. A normal person has a hierarchy of priorities and attitudes towards these circles.

He belongs to his family with a great priority, not as to representatives of other circles. This does not mean that a person does not matter what is happening with others and it is absolutely unacceptable.

But there is the difference in what happens with your children and with de timples. For your children, you carry direct and personal responsibility, and for the neighboring is part of the collective responsibility, which can also be yours.

Coexist - does not mean to be protected. I am sure that you coexist with a lot of neighbors and colleagues, but this does not mean that you share your personal life with them.

I did not mean the removal and lack of mutual respect.

But everything should be mutual if you appreciate and value with your own relationship with your neighbors, and they are not, and they find excuses to their disrespect, instead of managing peace and humanity - no reciprocity.

The neighbors turn into a threat, and life next to them becomes unbearable, - no good-neighborly relations, there are only enemies and it is bad for both sides.

You can return the world only in one case - if the enemy side wants to have peace ties, and if a person does not want, you can't make it be friends with someone.

Knowing to live in the world do not need to persuade, they are interested in themselves in the world, it determines their quality of life, - to persuade, convince, to stimulate to the world you need those who do not know how to do.

Hasiva Gisser - about working with people, tireless search for answers and relationships of religions (fragment of the article), is edited in the tone of the topic - Svetlana Outia


25 Eternally relevant quotes William Shakespeare

1. Not at all the sign of the silence - silence. It rattles only what is empty from the inside.

2. So sweet honey, that finally he ek. Excess taste kills taste.

3. We are annoying on trifles when they are some serious.

4. Nature-mother wise, and the son brainless.

5. Where is little words, they have weight there.

6. Love runs from those who chase for her. And those who are running running, throws on the neck.

7. Stupidity and wisdom with the same ease of ease are collapsed, as well as infectious diseases. Therefore, choose yourself comrades.

8. Hell is empty. All devils here.

9. Most people prefer the stupidity of wisdom, for nonsense is mixed, and wisdom is sad.

10. Men are similar to April when they take care, and for December, when married.

11. Hope for pleasure is almost as pleasant as the enjoyment itself.

12. Do not light the oven for your enemies, otherwise you burn in it yourself.

13. The success of a sharp word depends more than the ear of listening than from the language of the speaker.

14. What does the name mean? Rosa smells a rose, at least a rose call her, even though not.

15. Each madness has its own logic.

16. You can fall in love with beauty, but you can love - only the soul.

17. Voron dirt will cast the wings. No one will notice anyway. And swan, despite all the effort, it will not be able to wash with whiteness ...

18. One glance can kill love, you can resurrect it in the same look.

19. The coward dies with every danger, threatening him, the brave death overtakes only once.

20. The poor crushed insect suffers the same as the dying giant.

21. Three rules for success: know more than others; work more than the rest; Expect less than the rest.

22. There is nothing wrong nor good in this world. There is only our attitude to something.

23. The best - right and just said the word.

24. Oaths, data in a storm forgotten in quiet weather.

25. Sins of others to judge you are so diligently - start with your own and not get to others.

(from the Internet resource)


Changes on the threshold
There are people who feel on themselves, their loved ones, and in the environment, the severity of life problems, but completely feeling helpless - especially listening to news in which there are no answers to improve their lives.

And those who need to improve life in their position create these problems, driving such a social life that it regularly fluctuates from very bad to just bad.

And there are people who passed all these experience zones (if not in itth, then exactly in past lives), they have more loose views and they are not tied to any ideology, they have free creative thinking, they are perfectly owning information, they know the laws, oriented in the events occurring and therefore have a very non-standard look.

They are those who watch what is happening, understanding the causes and effects of problems, are able to analyze the situation, exploring them, stroking knowledge and patience.

They can formulate their own opinion, argued dialogue, influence their thoughts on most people who have an interest and desire to better realize what is happening.

These are well-developed people who are balanced within themselves, they think and feel synchronously, without sharing these processes, which makes it possible to see and penetrate their consciousness into the depths of the context.

They know how to cooperate, they distinguish quality, they do not need double standards to hide their mistakes, they are open and responsible. They are not interested in the struggle of one group against the other - they are those who will be able to develop solutions that will form the basis of reforms and bring the necessary recreation changes to the whole society.

Each country has such people who are potential for the whole society, they work in different areas of activity, they are not only innovators in their profession, but these are people with other consciousness.

They appreciate their lives and know how to enjoy, spreading positive impulses around themselves, - the life of other people for them is the same value, so they are not indifferent to what is happening in their society.

I described people aware of their wisdom, which is free from constraints and complexes, is free from old standards and patterns - political, social, personal.

See also: