Presentation on the topic of the Vyatka River. Traveling on old Vyatka Class hour on the topic

  • I lived on the river Vyatka tribes-peoples different. Our native country Vyatka was rich. There are quite a few nature of nature on Vyatka, the abundance of animals was simply surprised. And settled on this land Novgorod. And they gave the town of Nikulitsyn. In honor of the memory of Saints Boris and Gleb, the first temple on Vyatka Earth was built.

  • Many people looked at our edges. Built a new fortress with towers near the river of the Khlynovitsy. The city was named - Hrad Hlynov. Here he is the first Kremlin.

  • Neighbors - the pagans did not lose themselves, they were going to attack on the hlyphov. I called Vyatichi Ustyugan to help, and they came on the night. Dark. Guards in the dark and called! All night our swollen. In the morning, I understood the mistake-struck. In memory of the fallen over the ravine chapel stands. And the ravine is called separation.

  • Wisdom People says: "Earth without a righteous is not worth it." The laid trifone, Vyatsky Wonderworker, saves the earth. Batyushka Trifon became the first monk on Vyatka, built here the first monastery. This temple is called Assumption, because It was built by the monks in honor of the Assumption of the Virgin .. the reverend trif in heaven for the Vyatka Earth is responsible and helps in all matters.

  • Later, the city became like this: the Kremlin, around ditch, Posad behind him. In the Kremlin, the main temple of the Vyatka Earth-Holy Trinity and the Nikolaev Cathedral. It was shouted by the Vyatka shrine - the icon of Nicholas - the Wonderworker. To the left of the cathedral. Near the bishop lived. Here is his foundation in front of the cathedral.

  • And behind the walls of the Kremlin, ordinary people lived. The children loved in winter with a slide ride and snowfight rushed.

  • On a high climbing coast of Vyatka: churches, houses, gardens. Most recently decorated the city of 3 monastery, 5 cathedrals and 39 churches.

  • Pushkin's wife, scientist Tsiolkovsky, Architect Vitberg came to this church.

  • What was not selling there! Berries, mushrooms, boots, laptops, toys-fibers ... That's how the fair was noisy on the shopping area at St. Trinity cathedral.

  • In antiquity, the church was built from a tree. In antique steel build steel. Stone-stronger. The temple will turn longer and will not burn.

  • Before us Alexandrovsky garden. Rotunda right, on the left of the Transfiguration Church.

  • He drove into Vyatka Tsar-sovereign Alexander 1. In memory of this event, Sad-Alexandrovsky arranged in the city and built Alexander Nevsky Temple.

  • Would in the history of bad times. So that the teaching time to stop, chose the Russian people who are king Mikhail from the genus Romanov. The Phaodor Church rose in the praise of the royal clan.

  • To stand and nice, you need not only to watch pictures.

Thanks for attention!


N.V. Dewidova Old Vyatka

Drawings of thesed

Theme lesson "On the streets of the old Vyatka"

(Slide number 1)

The purpose of the lesson: to introduce students with a layout, architectural monuments The provincial city of Vyatka XIX century.

The type of lesson is the study of a new material (a lesson can be carried out and as a final topic of studying the topic; then students can participate in the preparation of the presentation, and the various excursions prepared by students can be heard in advance)

The form of the lesson is a practical lesson.

The lesson material can be designed for 40 or 80 minutes (depending on how the teacher has on this topic)

Expected results: As a result, students will be able to

  • call architectural monuments of our city of XIX century.
  • list the names of the famous inhabitants of Vyatka;
  • expand its idea of \u200b\u200bthe life of provincial residents;
  • correlate the historical names of the streets with modern names;

Basic Concepts: Architectural Monument, Regular Plan of the City, Classicism

Main dates: 1780, 1784, 1917,

Equipment: Table with street names ( appendix 2.), the plan of the city ( attachment 1), presentation .

During the classes

1. The introductory part of the lesson:

a) the motivational block and the actualization of the proposed topic (the task of the teacher is to interest in the proposed topic)

b) the organizational part (the expected results are formulated, the rules of work are determined, instructions are given)

2. Main part of the lesson:

Information Unit (review of information during a conversation, working with regular view of the city, comments from the presentation, search for answers to questions; it is important that the result of the activity was a certain product - a city excursion scheme)

3. Final part of the lesson


(Submissive and organizational results are summed up, reflection is carried out, the activities of students are evaluated, homework).

Expected results must correspond to the three main components - knowledge, skills and skills, values \u200b\u200band attitudes.

(Slide number 1 presentation)

Historic cards are different. Which of you saw a city map with a five-storey house? Who knows what kind of map is we talking about? This is the implementation of the project of the Youth Historical and Local Lore Club "Peace" to the 635th anniversary of the city: at the end of the house number 89 on the street. Derendyaeva. There is a plan of the old city with a historic scenery (Moscow street with the Catherine Church). A recreation area was created near the house, pedestrian walkways, laid out with tiles with inscriptions of street names. According to the project, it is supposed to establish the sculpture of the Vyatka citizen. After completion of the improvement of the territory, the site will be the venue for excursions and exhibitions of young photographers and artists.

(Slide number 3)

Our card is very similar to this large map, but only significantly smaller sizes. All on the tables have a copy of one of the first plans for regular buildings of Vyatka. In order for us to be easier to find the right streets and buildings, we will use the chip (button) and both in the children's game, we will move it as we move along the streets of the city.

(Slide number 2)

Today, at the lesson, I suggest you make a small journey through the streets of the old provincial Vyatka. Let us slowly go through the main streets of the old city, let's see the architectural monuments of the XIX century. We will see temples and churches, noble estates and merchant mansions, shopping shops and wooden houses of ordinary citizens.

Expected results: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: call architectural monuments of the city of the XIX century; List the names of the famous inhabitants of Vyatka; relate the historical names of the streets with modern names;

(Slide number 3)

The very first regular plan of Vyatka was compiled by Vyatsky architect Filimon Mercuryevich Roslyakov in 1784. He worked in this post for 20 years, amounted to 128 churches and bells projects, 816 projects of residential buildings, schools, pharmacies, shops, barns. Still standing on the streets of the buildings built by his project. The planning of the city used to be radial, as in Moscow, where the streets walked from the Kremlin. In the new plan, Vyatka became like a chess board: the streets went straight lines from the north to south, from the west to the east, they crossed at right angles and broke the city to squares (quarters). In the foreground, F.roslyakova was 16 streets and 6 squares. Through ditches and ravines inside the city, bridges were planned. According to the new rules in the city center, only stone houses could be built. The first to build two large stone houses for the provincial institutions (attendant places), then began to build up the Moscow, Spasskaya, Transfiguration Streets. The first bridge, which combined the oldest part of the city with the monastery and Kikimor Sloboda, was built through a cloud ravine.

(Slide №4)

The city is rapidly growing. In 1820, there were 23 streets, the number of stone buildings increased to 30. In the middle of the XIX century, about 100 stone houses were already in the city. There were absolutely nozzles in Vyatskaya streets and squares, and pedestrians saved the sidewalks from the boards, raised so high that the legs of passersby were visible from the windows of the first floor. Each house at the beginning of the XIX century had his garden, and the cows could graze freely on the outskirts of the city. In 1880, there were already 28 streets and 8 squares that divided the city for 130 quarters. Wooden houses were 1080, and stone - 172. On the main streets of the city of Spasskaya, Moscow, Preobrazhenskaya, Vladimir, Nikolaev, Tsarevskaya, 160 lamps were delivered.

(Slide number 5)

Find in the eastern part of the Vyatka River Plan. "The city (Krurtogorsk) is located very picturesque. When you approach it summer in the evening, on the side of the river, the eyes of your departure will open on the steep shore of the city garden, the present places and this beautiful group of churches that dominates all the neighborhood. You will not turn the eye from this picture, "the Russian writer-Satir M. Sealtykov-Shchedrin wrote about our city.

In 1848, the 22-year-old young Saltykov arrived in Vyatka, accompanied by gendarme for serving a political reference and was here until 1855. He was appointed an official of special instructions in the Office of the Vyatka Governor. The writer continuously drove through the province, disassembling the charges of landowners with peasants. Heroes of Book Saltykov, household and landscape sketches are connected with Vyatka, and in his "provincial essays" the city "Krurtogorsk" and there is our Vyatka: "In one of the distant corners of Russia there is a city that somehow especially tells to my heart. Not that it was distinguished by magnificent buildings, there is no semi-grade gardens in it, not even a three-story house you will not meet you in a long row of streets, and the streets are not packed; But there is something peaceful, patriarchal in all its physiognomy ... "

(Slide number 6)

Find in terms of the south of the river a large circle, in it - digit 1. This is the new-bubber area of \u200b\u200bOld Vyatka. Now it is not, and then, in the middle of the XIX century. It was built on it the largest and beautiful temple of Vyatka, it is also called the "pearl of Vyatka architecture." What was this temple called?

(Slide number 7)

This is Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. With a huge dome, as if soaring over the city, was visible from afar, was particularly well visible in the perspective of the Semenov Street (Sovr. Str. Vorovsky). The temple became the main attraction of the city, he was considered folk, because It was built on voluntary donations collected throughout the province. Now it is the territory of the modern park them. Gagarin, almost in the same place where the building of the Kirov Philharmonic is located. Cathedral from 1839 to 1864 was built on the draft exile architect Alexander Vitberg - a student of the Academy of Arts. Young Unknown Architect Vitberg won a competition for the construction of the Chief Cathedral of Russia - the Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow. But at the same time, a number of violations were admitted to construction, and as a result, in anything, the disobedient Vitberg was exiled in a reference under the supervision of the police. Thus, instead of the main church of the country, Vitberg built a temple in Vyatka. On October 8, 1824, Emperor Alexander I was returned from the Urals in St. Petersburg through Vyatka and Orlov. In honor of his stay in Vyatka, the temple of the holy prince Alexander Nevsky was laid. Art historians talk about mixing architectural styles (eclectics): elements of romanticized gothic are combined with Byzantine traditions. Therefore, the Cathedral is a unique architectural monument. What can you say about the further fate of the cathedral?

(Slide number 8)

After the revolution, the authorities tried to adapt the temple at first under the theater, then under the Palace of Physical Education. In the 30s, during the fighting of the Bolsheviks with religion, about 20 temples were blown up in Vyatka province, including March 26, 1937, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was blown up. In total in the XX century, 277 temples were destroyed on Vyatka Earth.

(Slide number 9)

Look at the plan: from the Cathedral, we will go through Nikolaev Street. This is one of the main streets of our city. For his history, Lenin's street had several names: first Voznesenskaya, then - Voskresenskaya, the third name - Pokrovskaya, before the revolution, she began to be called Nikolaev, and now - Lenin Street. This is her fifth name.

(Slide number 10)

Find on the street of the Nikolaev number 40 on the street. It is located a unique monument of Vyatka architecture, which is more like a Western European castle. This mansion belonged to the shipowner, merchant and patron Tikhon Bulychev and was built on the draft Vyatsky architect I.A. Scharushin in 1909-1911. In the style of English gothic with elements of Assyrian-Babylonian and Moorish architecture. The castle was made with fantastic ingenuity: there were baths with souls on all floors, water heating with heat regulators on batteries. Mosaic floors, wide staircase hit the imagination. Electricity, telephone, elevator - another unheard of a thing for provincial veins of that time. Because of family troubles, the house was almost not used, and T. Bulchev gave mansion to the ownership of the city. In 1915, a house of persons with disabilities and orphans were opened in the building, which is under the auspices of His Majesty of the sovereign of Emperor Nicholas II. During Civil War The luxury apartment moved the headquarters of the 3rd army of the Eastern Front, which is talking about a memorial plaque installed on the building. Since 1919, the state is protected as a monument of history and culture. In 2000, the building was renovated, on the facade established sculptures of chimer and double-headed eagles with crowns. Now there is the Office of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the Kirov region.

(Slide №11)

Find on the west on the west of the River Zavor, ul. Kikimorskaya (Sovr. Other-wire), it goes almost parallel to the river. Here, in the quarter of the modern streets of Gorbachev, Uritsky, M.Gaptrai, a plumbing is located a whole architectural complex. In terms of this number 6

Who can say, what is the name of this architectural ensemble? This is the first one in the monastery men's trifones, which in 1580 the Rev. Trifon founded on the humble diploma of Ivan IV Grozny.

(Slide number 12)

The most ancient building of the monastery is the five-winch Holy Assumption Cathedral, he was built in 1689 and was preserved to the present day. This temple was erected by the canons of ancient Russian architecture, according to the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. In the XVII century, the Slavic-Greco-Latin School of Vyatka was located in the Assumption Cathedral. After the revolution of 1917, in his building there was a bookkeck of the provincial archive. Now the Assumption Cathedral of the Trifonov Monastery again became the center of the spiritual development of Vyatka land.

(Slide №13)

If we ride through the ravine bar for a high wooden staircase up, we will find ourselves on observation site At modern eternal flame. In this area, the Khlynovsky Kremlin and the Holy Trinity Cathedral / Numeral 12 were located in the XVI-XVIIB / . He was considered one of the first stone buildings of the XVIII century, was built on the project of the main architect of Moscow D. Ukhtomsky in the Baroque style. In the cathedral was the department, with which he led the service of the arch (the main priest Vyatka), and therefore the name of the cathedral of the Cathedral, the main thing. The cathedral was the architectural center of the city of Vyatka. Main Street Vyatka - Moscow - went right on this Sobati Cathedral Square . In terms of Moscow, the Moscow street is marked in red. It was not preserved in our city, because it was built of wood, it was repeatedly buried, then the walls of the Kremlin lost a defensive value, and the new stone Kremlin has not yet become. Now Kirov local historians call 8 seats in the city center, where the remains of the Kremlin shaft are still preserved. And the further fate of the Trinity Cathedral is as follows: in 1931. Vyatgorsov decided to disassemble the temple, at this place they put the monument I. Stalin, after the next "war with the past" there, 9m, 1967, was opened by Obelisk "Warriors - Kirovchanam", who fell during the Great Patriotic War.

(Slide №14)

We will continue our excursion. Let's go further along the high bank of the river. Another picturesque monument has been preserved in our city about the stay of Emperor Alexander I in Vyatka. This is an alexandrovsky garden. In terms of the city, it is shown under the figure 15. In the Soviet period, he began to call him a park of culture and rest named after Stepan Halturin. The garden was laid in 1824: there were birch trees, limes, poplar, cherry, rowan. According to the project of architect A. Vitberg, a cast iron grille and a stone portal were made - entrance to the park, built in monumental doric style. Cast iron lattices were cast on local Kholunitsky factories and belong to the best samples of late Russian classics. The solemn discovery of the Alexandrovsky Garden took place on August 30, 1835 G. In the Park, the Summer Club was working, the electro-theater "Progress", a chess pavilion, a summer theater, mechanical attractions.

(Slide №15)

Decoration of the modern park is the coastal rotunda arbor. Architect A.Timofeev.

(Slide №16)

Further, find the number 7. This is another area of \u200b\u200bOld Vyatka, located near the Spassky Cathedral. The Spassky Cathedral was built on the money of the parishioners for 57 years. At this place in the XVII century. Standing the Trinity Church. It contained an icon of ancient painting of the Savior's delicately. At the request of the Russian king, Alexei Mikhailovich, who heard about the miracles of the icons, was brought to Moscow. The king himself met the icon, carried through the Frolovsky Gate of the Kremlin and put in the Assumption Cathedral. Since then, the Frolovsky gate of the Moscow Kremlin is called Spass. The king could not restore his promise to the icon. The exact copy of her copy was sent to the chrins, or richly decorated. After the revolution of 1917, the dome of the Spare Cathedral was removed, in 1931 the bell tower of the cathedral was dismantled. At the beginning of the XXI century. The cathedral was closed on the restoration. And who knows how the streets called before? That's right, by the name of the church located on it. So, Spasskaya Street begins from the Spassky Cathedral. Until recently, she was called ul. Drelevsky. On the plan it is marked with yellow.

(Slide number 17)

But this building is located almost opposite the Spassky Cathedral. Find the figure 7a in the plan.

Who knows when it was built? What was it used before? What is located in this building now? The building was built in 1 half of the XVIII century. This is the earliest of the civilian destination reached to our time. In the XIX century it was called a "Pite", and on a regular plan, F. Thrylakova building is indicated as Stone Pety House with Basement . Since 1977, there is a museum of folk artistic crafts, which in Vyatka XIX century it was more than 70; For their number, our Vyatka in the XIX century occupied 2 place after Moscow. Now the building is more known as "ordnant hut".

(Slides №18,19)

From the Museum of Folk Fries We will pass on the street. Spasskaya, on which the architect F.roslyakov pointed the place for wooden petty shops. And when in the fire, the shops burned down, at the beginning of the XIX century, the merchants began to build stone shops in the 1st floor. On the plan, this historical object is designated 36 . Now a number of electronized supplies transferred to the regional local history museum, which conducts the reconstruction of the premises for the exhibition halls.

(Slide number 20)

Do not forget to move on the plan of the city of the chip button. At the intersection of the Voznesenskaya or Nikolaev and Spasskaya there is a next interesting object; on the plan indicated by the number 35 . At the crossroads of the modern streets of Lenin (formerly Nikolaevskaya) and Spasskaya (formerly drierevsky) in 1817, a house with a merchant of Repin was built hotel rooms, Tavern, Store, Confectionery. At the end of the XIX century, this house was restored, completed the 3rd floor, and the new owner of the House of Cucchalov opened the hotel "European" in it, and the first floor has leased for the stores. In this hotel, the most famous guests of our city had once stopped, including Natalia Goncharova, Alexander Pushkin's wife, Great Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.

(Slide №21)

Another unique architectural monument, a monument of republican importance is located on Spasskaya Street. It is called the house of Vitberg or a house with columns or conjunction of Zhmasina. On the plan - figure 39 . The building was built as the noble manor in 1815. This is the only wooden building in the style of classicism in Vyatka. It was rebuilt many times, in Soviet times there was a cultural institute. It was eager for years ago, then it was completely demolished. Culture management promised to restore the building. Preliminary cost of the project -12 million rubles. After recovery in the mansion, it is supposed to create a memorial room dedicated to the famous refrigerant architect A.vitberg (he lived in this house in 1836-1837). Another part of the building will be engaged in the Kirov Department of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation and the Public Chamber.

On the streets of Moscow and Vladimir (modern st. K. Marx) we leave on the main square of the modern city - theatrical. On the plan, these are numbers 21, 22, 23. According to the first regular plan approved by Empress Catherine II, the area was intended for trading bread, so its first name is bread. By the end of the XVIII century. It was built up with wooden merchant shops and breadmbarns.

(Slide №22)

In 1877, on the project of the architect Nefedieva on this area, a log wooden theater "in the style of Russian Starina" was built. Here were the plays of Ostrovsky, Griboedov, Gogol, Chekhov, Shakespeare, Schiller. Special love Vyatka viewer was experiencing to opera. Every time the opera troupe came to the theater, the auditorium was full. In terms of the theater marked with a number 22. Therefore, the second name of the square is theater. The third name - she received the Constitution Square in 1977, when a new Soviet Constitution was adopted. Now the area is again called theatrical.

(Slide №23)

Where in our plan of Located 23, in 1799, the architects of F.roslyakov on the corner of the Bread Square and the Moscow Street began to build a mansion of merchants Mashkovtsev. In 1867, the house was acquired by the Board of Trustees of the Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium . In 1897 - 1899. The building was reconstructed by architect A. Charushin: an assembly hall was attached, three classrooms and a house Ekaterininskaya church. Now there is a secondary school №22 and Vyatka Orthodox gymnasium.

Now it is Herzen Street. Vyatka from 1835 to 1837. The link contained a Russian writer, thinker, founder of Russian socialism, revolutionary - Democrat A.I. Herzen.

(Slide №25)

With its active participation on December 6, 1837, the first publicoble was opened in Vyatka, which since 1917 wears the name of Herzen. On the plan it is a figure of 19 . Now "Herzenka" is one of the largest libraries of modern Russia. On the facade of the building (this is the 2nd Library building) a memorial plaque is installed. In 194 8g. Near the library building was established a monument to Herzen (sculptor of Ryazantsev). Last year, an additional building was attached to the library building, which harmoniously fits into the library complex.

(Slide №26)

Our journey through the streets of Old Vyatka ends. We saw vintage buildings that not only adorn our city, but also give descendants the idea of \u200b\u200bhow our city was before. Let's at the plan of the architect F.roslyakakov we will find the place where our school is now located. This is a figure 37. . Find a wide non-signed strip on the left side of the plan. This is a modern October prospect. Previously, the prospectus was called ul. Personny (Glasis - mound, shaft, city limit), from 1918 to 1927, the Red Boulevard, from 1927 - October Prospect.

And now let's let's summarize our lesson.

  1. We made a tour of the old Vyatka XIX century. And met with the most famous architectural monuments. Name any of them.
  2. What kind of monuments would you tell the guests of our city first?
  3. Now in your notebooks there is a brief scheme - a plan for an independent excursion. At home you can add it or make up your excursion on our city. it homework It can be performed in a notebook on the sheets A-4 or electronically as a presentation.
  4. Names and surnames What residents of Vyatka do you call in your story?
  5. Each of you already wrote last quarters creative work on the history of their street. I think now you can relate the historical names of the streets of the city with modern names. And those who want to participate in various local history contests. We wish you further success in learning the history of the native land and the history of our city!

Traveling on Old Vyatka

Leading: Hello guys. Today we will go to unusual travel. It is unusual because we will not have to walk, ride. But, nevertheless, let's walk around the city Kirov.

How often we do not notice the story that unfolds on the streets of our city. It is enclosed in the names of the streets, houses ... you only need to be able to see it. We walk with you along the streets of the old Vyatka and try to open it again.

Back in 1970, Kirov recognized historic Moz Russia. And not surprising: there are many buildings built in 17, 18, 19th century. And we often pass by them, it seems to us that there is nothing to look in Kirov. But it is not. We just need to know where to look. We have something to be proud of. At least just the fact that the city this year will be 635 years old. Less than Moscow or Kiev, but more than St. Petersburg or Novosibirsk. Everything is a comparison, right?

Many Kirov Streets have more than 300 years, here we will go through the oldest streets of the city. Of course, we will not wage them all, but those that today, as and 100-200 years ago, were the main streets of Vyatki.

So, pay attention to the first slide. You see that it is depicted by the UFSB of the Kirov region. But it is now, and before it was a mansion of the merchant T. F. Bulycheva. Which street is this house?(Lenin). That's right, and therefore, it will be about ul. Lenin.

Ul. Lenina - Before the revolution had several names: Voznesenskaya, Pokrovskaya, Nikolaevskaya. The length of the street is 5870 m. Once at the corner of the street. Lenin and Vorovsky (Semenovskaya) stood the pearl of local architecture -Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. In January 1832, Vyatka Mercury decided to build a church in the name of Holy Cartridge Alexander I, who visited Vyatka in 1824. At this time, the referencing architect A. L. Vitberg lived in the city, which was the project of the temple. It happened in 1839, and on August 30, a bookmark of the temple took place. It was built 25 years old, the construction was completed in 1864. The temple was unusually beautiful: a huge dome was striking above the city, was visible from afar, and especially well - in the perspective of Semenovskaya Street (Vorovsky). He became hardly the most important attraction of Vyatka. But ... Revolution swept, civil war. He arrived in 1937. The temple was trying to close for a long time, and then achieved permission to demolish it. From the first time it was not possible, so it was great to the strength of the masonry. Therefore, he exploded in parts. The place has been empty for a long time, and only in 1968 a typical philharmonic building was built, but it did not fulfill the main function: the union of the buildings of that part of the city, and the tasks were not set, just a blank place reminded the Vitberg Cathedral.

In general, Lenin Street is rich in architectural monuments. So, next to the building of the philharmonicAlexandrovsky Catholic chub. In Russia, there are not so many churches, and even more so not in each there is its own body, and the real Catholic authority. In 1892, at the request of exile Polyakov, the governor allowed local Catholics to open a prayer house. Two years later, the Poles turned with a resolution to build a church in honor of the deceased Emperor Alexander III, for which they turned to the king. Much time went on collecting funds for a stone temple. They were collected not only in the Vyatka province, but also in Poland. On June 17, 1899, the Booking of the Future Temple was held, and he opened on August 31, 1903. SERVICE IN NEW was conducted until 1933 at the beginning of the 20th century. It was the only church from Vologda to Perm, from Kazan to Arkhangelsk. Fortunately, he was not compiled by the fate of other religious structures, he was only closed. The building was transferred first to the Veterinary Institute (now there is a SelhoCounty), then it was located in it, the Society of the Blind, the organization "Almaz", and since 1978 he passed on to Kirov's regional executive committee. In 1992-1993 The building was renovated and arranged in it. concert hall Organ music. The Polish authority appeared here, Catholic crosses on the towers, the statues of the apostles in the niches.

Next we will see the building of the UFSB , built before the revolution merchant Boylchev. Even the purpose of the building is still a secret: it was built for one sources for the daughter of Bulywood, allegedly lived in France, but she lived in Vyatka. It was rumored that the merchant was another daughter, and also that the house was intended for the bride (Bulychev was a widow), but the marriage did not take place, and the house remained empty. According to another version, the house was built for the Boylywa family, but soon after the completion of the construction site, the merchant went to his wife, and no one became living in the house. The style of the Boylchievsky mansion is a mixture of gothic elements with oriental and classic. Therefore, the house looks quite effectively. Even in modern standards, the mansion was landscaped to the highest category. On all floors of the bath with a shower, in the cranes - hot and cold water. Heating water with special heat regulators. In the house there was an elevator, electricity and telephone were carried out. And all this in 1911! Then he housed the hospital of disabled wars, which was closed in 1915. With Soviet power, the building was used for a variety of purposes. Now it contains the Office of the Federal Security Service.

Probably many of you know whereTrifon monastery. But not everyone knows what a mystery is connected with it. Like any old City, Kirov has its secrets. One of them can even serve as an idea for some Hollywood horror movie.

Listen now the opinion of the same as you, a schoolboy. "I love to listen to legends associated with different places. For a long time I thought that all the most interesting - somewhere far away, and in my hometown of Kirov, nothing interesting and mysterious could not be. It turned out that this is not so. "

Next, he tells the story of a real underground stroke. I discovered it in 1946 in the house of the pioneers when the repair was done there. The move was in the direction of the Cathedral. This cathedral does not exist now, and earlier he was located near the trifone monastery. The length of the course is only 17 m, it was repeatedly examined, but a bit was found: an old necklace, a candlestick. It turns out that in 1871 the underground church was built, they called it a cave, and not everyone could get there. Under the Soviet power, the cathedral blew up, but the underground church was preserved. Now those who are descending down, having passed a bit, rest in the rail door with an old rusty castle, and what kind of it is incomprehensible. By the way, some time ago, the newspaper "Pro city" reported that the workers were excavated by ancient masonry and found a crypt of a monk buried in 19 centuries.

Yes, the system of vintage underground strokes exists in fact, it is hidden under the basements of houses, under the asphalt road. Legends say that underground moves stretched much further. Also they say that there is an underground lake, and therefore at the site of the square, which surrounds the house of the pioneers, did not build anything.

These are the secrets of our city. Perhaps one of you solve them. And now try to answer my questions.


  1. The city of Hlynov was founded in ... year(1374)
  2. Botanical Garden in Vyatka was laid in ... year(1912)
  3. Initial name of the ravine at the entrance to the city of Vyatka
  1. Diaurikhinsky
  2. Zdeyrichinsky
  3. Vesurichinsky

4 . The only reserve in the Kirov region

  1. "Epics"
  2. "NURGUSH"
  3. "Atar Luke"

5 . The first name of the city of Kirov says ...(Hlyov)

6 . Famous brothers who lived in Vyatka?

  1. Grimm
  2. Vasnetsov
  3. Crystoys

7. What is the name of the famous procession?(Velikoretsky)

8. Children's Park In Kirov, which is still at the beginning of the 20th century. The first cinema was opened?

  1. Gagarinsky
  2. park them. Kirov
  3. Apollo

9 . What library in the city is the oldest?

  1. them. Herzen
  2. them. Pushkin
  3. them. Green.

10 . What year did she open?

  1. 1850
  2. 1926
  3. 1837

Leading: And now we will move on another street. It is located quite on the other side. Pay attention to this slide(Shows the slide with a photo of the Kazan Street). This photo is more than 100 years old, and it depicts Kazan Street, its modern name - Bolsheviks. And we move in time and space, virtually, of course!

Street Bolsheviks - Before the revolution, there was a beautiful name Kazan. One of the old and long streets of the city: its length is about 3480 m. The name received from the fact that the street led on the old Kazan tract. After the revolution, the street twice changed the name: first was Troots Street, and then the Bolsheviks.

In the past, the former Kazan took several unique features.

1. At the beginning of the 19th century. She was one of the most extended carriage, the most lively. 2. Kazan Street is the only one who does not cross the separation rampant ravine, but bypassing it.

3. There are old pit on it - unique place in our city. But for this we will go to medieval hlyms. Christian church Forbidden to bury in the cemeteries of dead unnatural death: suicide. Their bodies were dripped into the poor houses (Scandes), so called deep pits, in which the bodies of the dead were discharged. Only once a year served here a memorialist here, and after her I buried the pit and immediately revealed the new one - for the next year. In 18 V. Only the uneven relief were reminded about this burial - old pits, and a memorial chapel with them. The researcher Tinsky clarified the "address" of the old pits: This is a plot of Kazan Street between the streets of Seryarichinsky (Labor) and Pyatnitel (Art. Halturin).

Leading: Our path is difficult today, a long, but let's continue it and move it to the next street.

ul. Moscow - One of the few streets of the city, who returned the former name. It was called so because it went to the old Moscow tract. From 1918 to 1993 She wore the name st. Commune.

On May 9, 1985, it was for the first time for the first time a car movement (on the part of the street to theatrical square), but did not become completely pedestrian.

The length of the street is 4250 meters, is on her trapscrinicinic, the 22nd school, military prosecutor's office, a pharmaceutical factory, law academy, Kunstkamera I.T.D.

This is one of the vintage streets of the city, her story is rich and interesting. On it, one of the first four streets, lanterns were arranged for lighting streets, "adhering to the trades existing in the metropolitan cities." By December, 1823, 160 lanterns were made, silent candles burned dim in them.

Moscow Street is interrupted by theatrical square. Many people think that this is a young square. But it is not. She appeared over 200 years ago, originally called bread. In 1865, Square was broken on the square, in 1877 a wooden theater was built. As a result, the area began to be called theatrical. In 1939 grew modern building Theater of the drama, and in 1974 the fountain was reconstructed. Our city, among the first in the country, carried out the idea of \u200b\u200ba dynamic fountain with a changing stream of jet.

Leading: Look at the next slide, you will see K. Marx Street, what it was at the beginning of the 19th century, 100 years ago.

Street Karl Marx - Before the revolution, Vladimirskaya. The most central street of the city, but only the fourth in length: 5600 m. It is exactly 100 homes on it, although the last house has the number 191st. Explanation Simple: New houses "sat down" at once several former "woods".

In a special view, the street does not need: such a huge number of most important objects is on it. The street ends quietly and imperceptibly, lost in the dilapidated houses in the area of \u200b\u200bBlucher Street.

The memorial plaque at the memorial house of K. Marx, 73 tells only about the events of 1905 - a rally on the occasion of the royal manifesta, and January 1918 - the first provincial congress of the Soviets. However, the history of the house is long. The building was built in 1799 and in 1884 it becomes the property of the provincial Zemstvo administration. After the revolution, it was located in the Gubspolk, and now it belongs to children: the first floor is busy with the regional children's library. A. S. Green, and the second - theater of dolls.

Leading: We can only go through two streets. They are central, one of the main streets of the city, and we often pass on them and do not think about how many events they saw. Pay attention to Drelevskaya and Engels streets.

Ul. Drelevsky (Spasskaya) - One of the most ancient streets of the Old Town, was even paved by a cobblestone. There is a public meeting, men's gymnasium, banks, the residence of the Vyatka Governor, the first power plant (1903). The first urban transport was held on the Spasskaya Street, although the route by the standards of our time was short. Despite renaming (1918), the street retained the business spirit and with a new government. Here are the buildings of the regional court, the Glavpottamt, "Kirovenergo".

At one time, an attempt was made to create a mini-arbat on the street, but then the artists moved to Moscow. Another attraction of the street is a shift cinema "Change", in 1997 he noted his 40th anniversary, but in 1999 he was closed by the decision of the city administration.

The length of the street is almost 2 km away, 71 building is located on it. In 1903, Spasskaya Street, one of three, received electrical lighting.

Probably the most famous building in our city belonging to this street is the theater on Spasskaya.

Also about this street there are bad rumors and legends. In the 30s. 17th century In our city there were already three prisons. One was built in 1627-28. Not far from the bishop house. He was in Hlyoven and his executioner, who tortured the arrested and led judicial sentences. History retained the name of Pavel Gavrin, he was the executioner in 1679. His workplace was outside the city on an exalted place not far from the intersection of the modern street of Drelevsky with October Avenue. There quoed and chaired the sentenced to death, and their bodies left for the birds and dogs. Often, church criminals were burned here, mainly solo.

Engels street - Before the revolution was called Preobrazhenskaya. This is one of the oldest and most important streets of the Old Town. She began from the Preobrazhensky women's monastery, hence the name.

All 2360 m is strictly west, without turning anywhere, until he rests on the railway. It is located on her Museum of Cosmonautics and Aviation named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky, on ul. Engels comes out of the Drama Theater and a number of organizations: TsNTI, Central City Library. A. S. Pushkin, various dispensaries. Ends ul. Engels.station Kirov-2 (Former Petersburg station). Now we call him "Kirov-2", and once it was the first station in the city of Vyatka, and its construction is associated with the construction of the first railway Perm Vyatka-Kotlish. Decree on the beginning of the construction of the railway from Perm to Kotlassa was signed by the king in 1895, the work was started on August 19, 1895, two years later the building was laid, and on October 21, 1898, the railway ticket office opened, and the station entered into Action by accepting the first passengers for the train Vyatka-glazers. With the construction of the railway on Kotelnich, the significance of this station fell, from the main station, it turned into "Vyatka-2", except suburban trains Only the train "Kirov-Kotlish" stops here.

Leading: That ended our journey with you. We tried to look at the old Vyatka today, look at old houses, old streets, touch the secrets of our city. And finally, I suggest you to answer the quiz questions.

1. What do you think in what year Alexandrovsky Garden was opened?

  1. 1861
  2. 1835
  3. 1881

2. How was the street of Lenin called before?(Nikolaev, Voznesenskaya)

3 . As used to be called ul. Plumbing?(Kikimorsk)

4. Whose house-museum is on the street. Lenin?(Saltykov-Shchedrin)

5. How much and what stations do you know?(4: River, 2 Railway, Bus Station)

6. What do you think, what museum in the city is the oldest?

  1. Vasnetsov
  2. Local Lore (142 years)
  3. C) Museum. Tsiolkovsky

7. How many hills is Kirov?(On 7)

8 . Do you know what distinguishes school number 27 from all other city schools in the country?(It is the only school planetarium in the country)

9. What name is the very old station in the city?

  1. Permian
  2. Moscow
  3. Kotlassky

10. What park in the city has more than 300 years?

  1. Gagarinsky
  2. Zarechny
  3. Dendropark.


  1. Vyatka. Monuments and memorable places // Sost. M. N. Boychuk.- Kirov, 2002.- 256 p.
  2. Vyatka alphabet. Encyclopedia for children // Sost. G. I. Emelyanova. - Kirov, 2005.- 112 p.
  3. The capital of the land of Vyatka. Photo album. - Kirov: Vyatka Book Publishing House, 2002.- 248 p.
  4. Hloves. Vyatka. Kirov. Guide to the streets of the city // Sost. G. I. Emelyanova. Kirov, 1999.- 72 p.


Famous people Vyatka

Leading. Vyatka has always been famous for its people. Many famous personalities were born either in Vyatka himself or in Vyatka province. They glorified Russia, and together with her and their small homeland, as they never hidish their origin and were proud of that land, which gave them life. Today we will talk about them, learn new names, remember the old ones. Your task is to guess a person who will be discussed. According to my prompts, you can guess who it is. So, let's begin.

Slides are shown, after each name, the years of life, the generation of activities.

Shalyapin Fedor Ivanovich (1873-1938)

  1. He was born in Kazan in 1873, where parents moved in search of the best lobe. His mother was born in the der. Dudintsy Kumen parish, father - in p. Depuggy. Since childhood, began to work early, and with youthful years he was fond of theater, participated in performances in the extras.
  2. As an artist, he manifested itself in St. Petersburg, his brilliant creative activity began there. He spoke with great success in America, France, Italy and Finland.
  3. After the revolution, he remained to live in Paris, but very time in Russia. By the end of his life, he wore a Vyatka casket with his handful of Russian earth with the grave of the mother. He died in Paris, in 1938, his ashes was transported to Moscow and was reburied at the Novodevichy Cemetery in 1984

Answer: F. I. Shalyapin - Great Russian singer

Yes, right. Shalyapin loved the Vyatka Earth very much, called himself a "Vyatsky Men", "Vyatchich". Always helped his fellow countrymen: the Library sent money and books the Library, and when it happened in the province of cripplets, then a part of the collection from the concert sent the starving.

Savini Viktor Petrovich (born in 1940)

  1. He was born in 1940 in the village. Berezkins of the Orichevsky district. After school graduated from Perm technical school railway transport, worked on railway. He studied at the Moscow Institute of Engineers Geodesy, Aerophotos and Cartography. He worked in the Design Bureau S. P. Korolev, engaged in the development of instruments for spacecraft. Self flew into space.
  2. Now he is a rector of the University of Geodesy and Cartography, writes scientific workThe Academician of the International Academy of Astronautics was elected.
  3. With his help, a museum of Tsiolkovsky, aviation and cosmonautics, in which he provided personal belongings and rewards.

Answer: V. P. Savina - Cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union

Konev Ivan Stepanovich (1897-1973)

  1. He was born in 1897 in the village. Lodeneno Posinovsky district in the family of a peasant. The participant of the First World War, after the revolution, fought in the ranks of the Red Army, where he held important posts, after the end of the civil war he studied at the M. Frunze Military Academy.
  2. Great Patriotic War He began the commander of the 19th Army, commanded the troops of the Western Front. After the hardest defeat under Vyazvah from the court and the shooting was shot by Zhukov. And then he successfully acted during a counterattack near Moscow, his troops were liberated Kharkov, Belgorod. In 1944 he was assigned the highest military rank of "Marshal of the Soviet Union".
  3. His twice was awarded the Order of the Golden Star, and was also awarded the Higher Soviet Order of "Victory", the seven of Lenin orders, the Order of the October Revolution, three orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Suvorov I degree, two orders of Cutuzov I degree, the Order of the Red Star, medals.
  4. In the city Kirov there is a square of his name, as well as a monument.

Answer: I. S. Konev is a commander, twice hero of the Soviet Union.

Our famous countryman, outstanding personality, military talent. Monument to Konev was transported from polish city Krakow. Its names are called streets in Moscow, Kharkov, Kirov, Donetsk and other cities, a higher military school in Alma-Ata. He was buried in Moscow on Red Square in the Kremlin Wall.

Green Alexander Stepanovich (1880-1932)

  1. Our hero was born in 1880 in the city of Slobodsky, in the family of a reference participant of the uprising, and when he was 4 years old, the family moved to Vyatka. Soon mom died, and he did not have a walk with a stepmother, so he left the house. For many years he wandered in Russia, everywhere he suffered deprivation and humiliation.
  2. For participation in the Socialist movement (terrorist revolutionaries), I went to the link, I fled from there, I lived on a false passport. It was at that time he began to write, signing them with a pseudonym, under which he became famous.
  3. Over lifetime wrote more than 400 works, some manuscripts were lost. His imagination created magic countryAnd her name gave the name to the famous musical festival, passing, by the way, every year in the Kirov region.
  4. He is called a romantic writer, he believed in power and love, because many works were written about people passing heavy trials and receiving a reward for their patience.

Answer: A. S. Green - Writer.

His name is named streets and libraries in many cities of Russia, in Kirov since 2000. The award is awarded annually. A. S. Green "For works for children and youths, imbued with the Spirit of Romance."

Dyakonov Leonid Vladimirovich (1908-1995)

  1. Born in 1908, in Kirov (then - Vyatka), early learned to write, read. His first poems and notes were placed first in the school wallpaper, and from 17 years old began to be printed in Vyatka newspapers. The children's writer became accidental. A false accusation was arrested and sent to prison. From her came out with a very sick person, he was not printed anywhere. Often there was no money even on bread. But he began to publish the books of Vyatsky Folklore.
  2. He collected songs, riddles, proverbs, drove a lot in his native land, met with people, the fairy tales, chastushki, riddles recorded everywhere. In total, he accumulated about 60 thousand texts. In addition to collecting folklore, he wrote his own children's poems.
  3. He knows the collection "Magic Colek" and the story "Deer - Gold Horn". And all of them were written more than 30 books.

Answer: L. V. Dyakonov - Poet and Writer

His name was included in the reference edition of Soviet Children's Writers, one of the libraries of Kirov is his name, the award is awarded annually. Dyakonova.

Zabolotsky Nikolai Alekseevich (1903-1958)

  1. He was born in Kazan in 1903, but the family moved to with. Surneur of the Urzhum district. His cousin is our, Vyatsky, writer. Our hero was printed in many magazines, known for his poems for children. Some, by the way, do you learn at school.
  2. In 1938, he was repressed, was in Kazakhstan, the Altai Territory, in the Far East. Since it was practically impossible to be printed, I earned with translations to life. Among the most famous - "Word about the regiment of Igor", which you also read at school.
  3. In May, traditional days dedicated to his memory are held in the Kirov region, and since 1989, the literary premium is awarded in Uzhum. The cousins \u200b\u200bof the Vyatka period of his life was engaged in a cousin - Leonid Vladimirovich Diakonov.

Answer: N. A. Zabolotsky - Poet.

Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov (born in 1935)

  1. He was born in 1935. After study at the university, he worked in the newspaper "Kirovskaya Pravda", its own correspondent of Komsomolskaya Pravda in Western Siberia, was the editor of the magazine "Change". He was the chairman of various organizations on the affairs of young people, junior and children. It was on his initiative that a children's fund was created. Lenin.
  2. He is now the Chairman of the Russian Children's Fund, President international Association Children's funds. He knows abroad.
  3. And he is also the author of many books for children and youths who read at school. But there are works and for adults. A few years ago, in Kirov opened the library wearing his name.

Answer: A. A. Likhanov - Writer, journalist and public figure.

Sitnikov Vladimir Arsentievich (born in 1930)

  1. This man was born in 1930 in the village. Small Kubanovo Kumonsky district. And at the age of 7, he moved to Kirov. Still at school, he realized that he would be a writer. Learned at the university and received the distribution to Moscow, but returned to native citywhere he worked in the newspaper and wrote books. The early works are written on the topic of revolution and civil war.
  2. The heroes of the following books were ordinary Vyati people. And he glorified his story "Russian oven", which was repeatedly reprinted, then he became known in the entire Soviet Union. This man seriously studied the problem of agriculture, wrote a lot and now writes on this topic, is the leading publicist of non-black earth and Chairman of the Board of the regional writer organization.
  3. In the 90s. He managed to organize the production of the multivolume encyclopedia of the Vyatka Territory: "Encyclopedia of the Earth of Vyatka", and such a publication can not boast any region in Russian Federation. He was awarded the title "Honored Worker of the Russian Federation" and the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Kirov Region", he is the winner of the All-Russian Prize them. N. M. Karamzin.

Answer: V. A. Sitnikov - writer, publicist and playwright.

Isakov Maria Grigorievna (born in 1918)

  1. This athlete entered the history of skating sports as a multiple champion of the USSR, a multiple record holder of the world, Europe and the USSR, a multiple world champion in the classical all-around. Now, in order to win in the classic all-around, you need to show the best result of all races, that is, to win everything is not necessarily. And before, in the middle of the 20th century, it was necessary to become a winner in all races: 500 m, 1500 m, 5000 m, 10,000 m, so multiple winners in this discipline in the middle of the XX century. It was very, very little.
  2. Her way to the world glory began at the Kirov Stadium "Dynamo", where she penetrated the "hare." Then she was noticed in her talent and perseverance and took the country's team. For the first time, she spoke at the World Championships in 1948, where the gold medal immediately won. After this victory, she in 1949 and 1950. He won the world championship in the classical all-around, and its record was breaking only 15 years later.
  3. In total, in the world championships, she won 4 gold medals, she was the author of the books "Ice Tracks" and "To Cepent Bag", an honorary citizen of the city of Kirov.

Answer: M. G. Isakov - an athlete.

Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich (1857-1935)

  1. This outstanding man Born in 1857 in p. Izhevsk Spassky County of the Ryazan region, but soon his family moved to Vyatka. Since childhood, he loved to make toys, watch flying birds. Dreamed of flights. During study in the Vyatka male gymnasium, he began to conduct experiments, design cars, instruments, aircraft.
  2. He could not get a special technical education that he dreamed of, because in childhood, she had lost his hearing. Therefore, he took up self-education, but already in Moscow. By the end of his life, he taught in physics and mathematics.
  3. It has written more than 600 works devoted to aeronautics, aerodynamics. He was the first to propose nominating wheel chassis. In his books, he described the conditions and many details of the space flight with astonishing accuracy. It was he who predicted the phenomenon of weightlessness and expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating near-earth orbital stations. He also outlined the theory of composite missiles - the prototype of modern multi-stage missiles.

Answer: K. E. Tsiolkovsky is a scientist, inventor, founder of the theory of cosmonautics.

Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926)

  1. He was born in 1848 in p. Lopeal, but all the children's and youthful years have passed in with. Ryabovo. At home, he learned to read, write, count, as well as the first drawing skills. He continued to draw, and, studying in Vyatka. Drawing he made his profession.
  2. Being a mature man, in 30 years old, he moves to Moscow. It was then that he moves from genre painting to the historic genre, the genre of Russian epics, the genre of the Russian fairy tale. He creates a big fabric "After traveling Igor Svyatoslavovich with Polovtsy."
  3. He became famous for his paintings based on Russian folk fairy tales, many of them were included in the Krestomatia in Russian literature. Many times was in Vyatka, Arkady's brother in the house on Volodarsky Street, took part in creating an art museum in our city, which, by the way, bears his name.

Answer: V. M. Vasnetsov - artist.

Bekhterev Vladimir Mikhailovich (1857-1927)

  1. This man was born in 1857 in the family of a rustic policeman. Since childhood, I was interested in natural science. After the gymnasium, he entered the Medical and Surgery Academy, which he graduated with honors. He began to specialize in nervous and mental illnesses.
  2. He is the creator of the psycho-physiological laboratory, the founder of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists, the magazine "Neurological Bulletin". On his initiative, the Institute for the Study of Brain and Mental Activities was created in St. Petersburg. It was he who created the doctrine of the conducting pathways of the spine and brain, proved that there are centers in the brain, manageing the activities of all human bodies.
  3. He suggested new ways of treating nervous and mental illnesses, the very opposite first suggested to treat music. He is the author of more than 600 scientific papers.

Answer: V. M. Bekhterev - Medic Scientist, Psychiatrist, Academician.

Leading: We talked today not about all whose homeland became Vyatka or Vyatka Earth. Those who were born here and became famous writer, a poet, an artist, a scientist or athlete, much more. In addition, Vyatka traditionally was a place of reference, and there were many great people here. Recall their names (call names: Saltykov-Shchedrin, Witberg, Herzen, Klyuev, etc.) The passage, at the time of your revolutionary activities, I was here and Stalin. And learn more about famous people Vyatka, about her story, the history of the Vyatka Territory you can always have in the library.

Quiz "Tired Page"

Leading: I suggest you play a small game. You will see a slide with names. famous people Our city, and on the contrary - the genus of their activities. Only the trouble! The names and professions are confused, so your task is to determine correctly, who is every person.

A. A. Likhanov Writer

V.P. Savina Figure Skating

F. I. Shalyapin Poet

I. S. Konev Ex-Governor

V. M. Vasnetsov Chairman of the Children's Fund

M. G. Isakov Cosmonaut

O. V. Loveov Singer

O. Domnina Skating Sports

N. I. Shaklein Marshal

L.V. Dyakonov Artist


  1. Vyatka and Vyatchan. Encyclopedia for adolescents // Sost. L. V. Shevchenko and Dr. Kirov, 2006.- 176 p.
  2. Encyclopedia of the Earth Vyatka. T. 6 "Noble people." Kirov: "Vyatka", 1996.- 364 p.

    Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov (born in 1935) - Writer, journalist and public figure

    Sitnikov Vladimir Arsentievich (born in 1930) - writer, publicist and playwright

    Isakov Maria Grigorievna (born in 1918) - Sportswoman - Skating

    Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich (1857 - 1935) - Theorist aeronautics, aerodynamics, founder of astronautics, philosopher

    Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848 - 1926) - Russian artist

    Bekhterev Vladimir Mikhailovich (1857 - 1927) - Scientist - Medic, Psychiatrist, Academician

    N. I. Shaklein O. Domnina O. M. Lyubovkov O. L. Knipper - Chekhova E. I. Charushin N. N. Khokhryakov Actress Writer and artist Ex-Governor Figure skating Artist Poet

    Slide 2.

    Coat of arms of Kirov

    For the first time, the bow with an arrow appeared on Vyatka print, which was introduced to the state press of Ivan Grozny in 1557. There are several hypotheses of the appearance of the symbol of Vyatka. In one of the most likely hypotheses, it is believed that onions symbolizes the main occupation of the local population - hunting. Based on the Vyatskaya press, the highest is approved on May 28 (June 8) 1781 by Empress Catherine II

    Slide 3.

    Flag of town

  3. Slide 4.

    Kirov (former names - hlyunas, Vyatka) - the city in Russia, the administrative center of the Kirov region. Corrects the municipality "City of Kirov". Located on the river Vyatka, in 896km from Moscow. The city is known since 1374 by the name of the hlyms. Historical, cultural, industrial and scientific center of the Kirov region. Motherland of the Dymkovsky toys. "Fur" and "peat" capital of Russia

    Slide 5.

    Slide 6.

    History of Kirov

    The first settlements on the territory of the current Kirov were formed alleged 2.5 thousand years ago. By the VII century, the first nations of the tribes of the Udmurts, Mariers and Komi were formed. Major settlements are located on the banks of the rivers of the Chepz, Millas and Vyatka.

    Slide 7.

    The city's attractions

    Kirov is one of the oldest historic cities of Russia with a rich heritage in the form of monuments of history, culture and architecture. The city located on seven hills and having an amazing silhouette of buildings and religious architectural ensembles, retained historical layout and connection with the surrounding natural landscape.

    Slide 8.

    One of the oldest monuments of Culture is the majestic architectural ensemble of the Assumption Triffon of the male monastery, picturesquely located on the embankment of the Vyatka River. The monastery is founded by the Holy Trifon Vyatsky in 1580. Architectural ensemble The monastery has the status of the federal architectural monument.

    Slide 9.

    The building of the UFSB in the Kirov region, previously the merchant mansion T.F. Bulychev (Arch. I.A. Charushin)

    Tikhon Filippovich Bulychev was a famous Vyatka merchant, an entrepreneur, owner of a local shipping company, the owner of many houses and a patron. His cash treasure was demonstrated by the wealth and luxury of the residential mansions built on the streets of the city. A beautiful castle with griffins in the front entrance and an openwork cast-iron fence was built in 1911. In mixing gothic style with the exoticism of the East, the building has become a unique building, which became decoration of Vyatka

    Slide 10.

    Vyatskaya Kunstkamera

    The Vyatskaya Kunstkamera Museum is located in a typical urban mansion of the XIX century, built in 1860. The exposition was built on a collectible principle - represents the collection of objects that have exitted in the urban environment of the end of the X1X - the beginning of the twentieth centuries: watches, dishes from porcelain and faience, household appliances , Furniture, etc.

    Slide 11.

    House Museum M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin

    The museum is located in the house, where from 1848 to 1855. The famous Russian writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, serving a link in Vyatka

    Slide 12.

    Samples of urban sculptures appearing in the city

    "Horseshoe of happiness" with the alley paved with nominal granite slabs, "Wishwish" the sculptural composition "Stork bringing a child"

    Slide 13.

    Monument of Vyatka seal

    The monument is a stone copy of the Vyatka seal of the XVI century. In the face of the front side of the monument, a fragment of the state seal of Ivan the Grozny - emblem in the form of a stretched onion with an overlaid arrow superimposed on it and the inscription around the "stamp weft". The first print monument in Russia was opened in 2007 a monument "Vyatka Print", which is based on the historical coat of arms of the region, is unique in the meaningful expression of the Kirov's attraction, there are no analogues in the world.

    Slide 14.

    The city has a large number of parks and recreation areas.

    Among them.

    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

    1 Slide

    Slide description:

    Traveling through Vyatka Starin together with the book Tamara Copaneva Vyatko Daluo Teacher of Russian Language and Literature Kogobu Tsdod Lyanguzov Oksana Mikhailovna Kirov, 2017

    2 Slide

    Slide description:

    Walk-roam conversations: - Vyatka? What is this city? - in! We saw joker! That is not a city. Then river. - Pull, brother, pour a non-river. Taiga region. - The edge is not the edge, under the sun place. The bait there, like the foreigners of all Ivanov, are clicher with Vanchi and in their Kotelnich, three mills started: Water Nodnichi on Vicious, Averetic, Parrovich. - This is Tsy! They were why they were tired of boots, and Tsevo cling to Tshem, it is not clear to anyone. - And even .. Solva rushes, but smilefully smiles over the extensive Vanycho: - Duck and invent Cho!. Welcome to the old Vyatka!

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    Children's writer, author 6 books for children; - by profession - teacher, teacher of Russian language and literature; - Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia; - 30 years worked as the editor of children's programs at the television studio; - the winner of many regional and all-Russian literary contests; - a diploma of the Feather-Bird Feather of Fabulous Games on Vyatka (2013) - the Laureate of the Literary Prize named after Alexander Green 2017 "Soul is young. There is a bright spark in this man, the restless light that live in her since childhood. She managed to keep this special state of the soul, and now fills them with their works. " Tamara Aleksandrovna Copaneva (born in 1933)

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    "Dad-employee, Mom, was the head of the district library. We were five: dad, mom, older sister Rita, I and the younger brother Sasha. The main value in our house has always been considered a book. I read a lot, we had an old library. Childhood Dad often took me with him on trips around the area. We went on Vanka. So called our rapid horse, in a light wicker tarantas. "

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    "To compose early early - from 7 years. I composed fairy tales. War swore. Hunger. I had a "island of loneliness" in the forest, I went there and composed poems, fairy tales. The first poem wrote in 9 years. " On the island of the loneliness of Tamara Alexandrovna put her diary in a wrought back and his beloved bell and buried all this under the old fir and gave him an oath to get his precious treasure in 2000. "

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    In 2016, the book "Vyatka Dalo" was awarded the Golden Vityaz award in the nomination "Literature for children and young people" at the VII International Slavic Literary Forum "Golden Vityt", - in the same year he became the winner of the XIII International Competition of the CIS member states " Art of the book "In the nomination" Book for children and youth. " In 2017 - Laureate of the Literary Award named after Alexander Green ... "Vyatskoe far": seven awards in six competitions

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    Where it was, in what kind of side of the Vyatka of our region - still a mystery, fucked by the fogs of the SIZY, spilled by the winds of the northern, washing the rains of autumn, enchanted by nights of frosty, rented by gentle summer sunshine. Let's hit the road...

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    "... and the villages there were different, the names were unusual; The famous business - Vyatski People Naughty, live and however on themselves on themselves we laugh: this, they say, only with the sight, we are from Verkhoglyadov yes from Boltunov, from Opokhovka, yes Ovcomrino, of Diryakhlovskaya yes from the enviable, well, from lepiechin yes from whistle, but If you kill deeper, then there both in the well water, our soul is pure silver glow. "

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    "The nicknames of each man were necessarily. Someone will notify someone's Slubbers or sinners, so the mischievous dog will flip, so then you can not all my life: Sanka Rybnik - (?), Andrei Wolf - (?); Thomas notepad - (?); Semyon ache - (?). And if you were respected by whom, so according to the patronymic, Ivanovich, Erofeich, Danilych, Kuzmich. The women had no nickname, their husband was called: Vanich, Kostich, Stupich, Misha.

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    "The proverbs and sayings after each word have fallen .." did not say about the unfortunate Gavril: "What a heavy fate got." Vyatchan instead of these words, they will say "on the poor Zahar, every semicircle" will advise someone something does not hurt smartly, he will say: "To sit with your mind in the pea" or: "In no way, the tank has nothing from that end Try to explain Vyatki proverbs: "Laptop language is not going" "For your tongue, you do not want barefoot" "Missing the case with idleness - you live a century with fun"

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    And our Vyatsky speakers are special: funny, mischievous. In it, the words are unexpected, dissimilar to others - the capacious, accurate in essence and in meaning. They suddenly flashed, as if the sunny bunny, reflected from the small mirror, immediately warmer in the soul - and unwittingly smile: "Liko, the girl Eka Vertigolov; Leshak Okhayshy her in the forest bullshit, so she left the fiery pool of fire; Looking at the Tamotka Water-Podor, her heel has seized. "

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    "There was a guy round orphan, mother was member when he only went to him. He lived first with his father who walked with the artists in the villages: the wells they were digging ... "He's a guy, from Smekalko," men spoke him, "Toko is also visible - Tutotko and water!" At first, he was called his Ivashka, and after the occasion of one thing ... It happened to him, the bumpy happened, then in the village of His Vanchey and called. It is known that so on Vyatka called all the simplers and fools ... Who is Vancho?

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    And the neighbor Vecchoi, hedgehis, to marry a better friend. He dreamed that he was walking rarely and widely at his wedding, remembered that nine years old was living "to anyone neither had to go. How did it live? ". Yes, how will you have. It was a pity to Him Vancheo: "It is necessary to marry him, and then lives - the bread with salt chews, it doesn't have anything good, he does not see any joys."

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    Erofeich approached the Vanchina Fence, quietly, without a unnecessary screen and knock, opened the door ... on a wooden plate ... Large letters, a chemical pencil was derived: "Doors not clap: scared." "There is a little rooster in the enthir of the roosters antirec! We walk along the Odoritz, the grains are peeled, the chickens are trampled. Odro, fence - 'Manor or Usad, all the place under the yard or construction' (Vyatskoe). Zadvoritsa -?

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    Under the horizontal surface in the furnace, in the furnace, on which fuel is placed. Furnace pie right on the courtyard. Shelks, Six, husband. Playground in front of the mouth of the Russian oven. "Any cricket know your seals." (Ambassador) Sannaya - Glaiby Russian oven, not brick, and from Samana (Mixtures of sand and clay). Yes, not very agreed by Vandacho, and then I came up with Erofeich to go with him around the villages, orders to take - "To the new stove to knock down Ali from the old one. And we look all the girls and look. Take - I do not want! ". And Vanche agreed.

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    After an hour, our stickers, dressed, shoe, with kotomics by shoulders, went fast on the roadside of the road, knocking on new lapties with light pigs with green herbs. Erofeich pulled the pester from under the head and, smiling slyly, pulled out a hunk of black bread out of it, was completely sat down with a pinch of a large salt and held half to reach Vancho. Kotomka, Kotomki, Women. - travel bag; Bag wearing shoulders. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. Pester - I, m. Oblast - Lubyana (bark) basket, which is usually carried on the back.

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    Santa was seen on Zavalinka, a stagnant, as a centenary stump, Prased him who he lives, and knocked in the Okolnitsa of the leftmost hut, about which grandfather said that they say the bride lives here. The dump truck is a mound structure along the outer walls at the base around the perimeter of a wooden house (bath), it serves to protect the construction from freezing in winter. Wooden flooring over the Zawalinska protects the filling from the penetration of moisture and turns the zavalinka in a long and wide bench. Occolnica - Window, Window Frame

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    The bride from Emelin is called Malania. "Ladna ... Tolstoptic, Hosistan, Tarantorist ... Caught Talking to lead ... Smart hurt." Malania told everything about himself, about parents, about all village brides. "It is painfully folded everything outlined, well, just like in written!" "... Mati said to her. It is necessary, they say, and quashen be kneading, and to Szitya, and Malania did not blow on the mustache, no matter how not she was speaking. So I think: if she, she doesn't hit the words of Mother of Mother, Yui and Badoga do not arise. " "Not the mistress that says ..."

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    "If she sees all the joy of a motorb place, I will freeze my language without failure. After all, in a conversation, there is no Toko word, duck and needle to stick now! It is possible to sink on the second JO day ... worse than the cheeseous cow and the chatty woman is not in life Nicho! No wonder they say: "Mala Crow, and the mouth is wide!" ... And the one that CHTI is cooking "Quad - 1. Wooden jelly for the test. 2. Bottling dough.

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    The village of Three Holidays Pelageyushka is a bride from this village. She is "skewly yes a modest." "It's not an ochoching, she walks on the village, to grab the grooms, Ali on the gatherings with girls to stumble. Suddenly, on her Ishsho, a dog whose dog will raise Ali Cova alone, it's a smoke, Togda, it's a busty to die before death ... She's humbler, nevertheless. " "For all trouble ..."

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    "... Pelageyushka is the mute, like a silent fish. I have a word for the word crutch gives. It means that I am a mustache I will be my mouth-from my crap. ADAC and will be with her all the lives in our silence to play ... "" ... Antirefo with Yi, there will be no live. Are you ali by the mushrooms of the Berries go? She will love to squat from every rustle. And suddenly, God forbid, cho nothing happens? She here jo to die can. " ... fear do not fight "

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    "... the village is all in the lights. In dialect, in noise, in songs, in the overflows of the harmonica. " And here there is a dull girl Nastya, a funny, brisk, mischievous. "She has a sliding voice, ruddy's cheeks, curls around his forehead, feet in a dance walked." I thought about Nastya Vancho: "Good girl, how sorry". " Why did he regret himself? Sumilovka "The man must smell the wind, and Baba ..."

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    "On Yui marry - not to coordinate yourself! You will be a kanny day on the holidays of the pretzel's feet to write out, with a path with the path. Ekai do not afford! " "... I will not live with the horns! Take the story, it will change you, run to a locker, where two tracks converge. Once it will change, two, and on the third one, the chuck itself in the loop is thrown. After all, the woman, if at least once the side leaves, can't keep it on the winding ... I have a seven along the benches, and everything will find a time for the gulyans. " "The man must smell the wind, and Baba - smoke"

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    Are there anyone at home? - Esno! - Someone responded to fun, and the man of years under fifty cleverly jumped off the hatch. - By the way, the door is not supported by the head badog? - Erofech was inquired - yes, who will walked on our good? Senov is a place designed to store the hay and protect it from atmospheric precipitation during the storage. Badog - stick, dumina, cane. Region: 1. Kirov region; Status: Regional-spoken. "Happiness is not a chicken .."

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    Agraphene was back there and here: then with the subscription rushing a cow to milk, then the piglet in the cast-iron potatoes of the crowd, then the fooling dough back into the quashenka rushed. Vyatka women in the morning is a hassle full of mouth. She, they say, when and from the bailies, it happened, flies, seventy-seven dummes will change his mind - and everything about the economy and about the economy. Snake - a vessel, a bucket that is milked. Forests. not. Wide Naras for Spaning, arranged in the outstands under the ceiling between the oven and the wall opposite to it. Quashnya - 1. Wooden jelly for dough. 2. Bottling dough.

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    And the Katerinka lives here, the girl is working, her heart is kind, everything is trying for others: the floor is washes, pancakes bake, linen on the river rush. To the question of Vancho: "In your home, you see, you don't have any business?" Mother Katerina replied: "In the house we have a pavement. Manico, half of the second week is unwashed, in the exhaust, it is not possible to get into the garden, in the garden is not poll. Duck is it up to the cocho house?. " Why does such a working bride either don't like Vancho?

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    "And if she is accustomed to the village to run yes, the gloomies are so hard to help, and not to peel into their crumbs? About such people say that she has a hole in the handstone. " "Mati has it, in three arcs bent, in the hollow, it runs in the yard, everything, I wanted, and it does not take it. Here it is evil what. It's good to help others, but also those who are visible, who is upset. "

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See also: