Travel to Mongolia. Travel to Mongolia: an unusual adventure

Mongolia is the homeland of Genghis Khan. Country of winds, lamb and steppes.
This is a review of a short self-journey to Mongolia. Rent a car with a driver in Ulan Bator.

Mobile communications and Internet in Mongolia. Weather in Mongolia. Mongolian cuisine - what is eating Mongols. National Parks of Mongolia and photos of them

Today is September 1st. As in Russia, in Mongolia, this day was declared the day of knowledge. This day is celebrated by performances of amateur activities, horse racing and camels, as well as a ban on the sale of alcohol in the restaurants of the Ulabator.

Therefore, I sit, dear readers of this topic, in despair, in the heart of the Ulabator, with a glass of water and waiting for the ordered Harci.

Tomorrow I go to eat stew meat with stones. . And then .
By the way, they do not sell to sell, and drunk in the trash on the street is full.

Alone in Mongolia

I wanted to make this trip exactly from Ulan Bator.
In the past, it was proposed to go together from Tomsk or Barnaul. But I am that I can't tolerate from anyone - to go offered to the company of someone I personally do not know and who did not go anywhere.

And I am very thrill towards fellow travelers and ABE with whom a long time to ride. Therefore, I considered only Ulan Bator and rent a jeep here, in Mongolia.

It turned out that cars are leased in Mongolia only with drivers.
It turned out, literally before leaving that SIXT was a car for rent at Ulan Batator Airport - closed his representative office.

Imagine the situation: I have on your hands Tickets taken for Miles in Aeroflot, the tickets have already been transferred from June to September as the plans changed somewhat ... and here such a bummer.

What to do? Of course go!
I am Vinesky and should show yourself on a personal example to behave with real independent travelers.

On the day of departure to Ulan Bator (August 30), I sent out to several Mongolian companies found on the search query "Rent Car Ulaanbaator" through Google, the same type of letters and from several instant answers chose the most arranging me:

  • by price
  • in the absence of a request to prepay something (I can not bear the loot forward)

I note that Russian firms that have fallen in the newsletter gave the most monstrous prices.
I understand that they simply multiplied prices existing in Mongolia for two.

So, I have a meeting party 4 hours before departure.
A windbreaker, socks, a pair of t-shirts, as well as a laptop, tablet, telephone.
I'm ready.
In Duty Free, vodka is bought in the shallow packing on gifts and packing of the cookie for the same.

Visa in Mongolia

Mongolian visa was made in advance. Costs 100 dollars. Of all the necessary list of documents (tickets, profile, photo, certificate from work, a copy of the first page of the s / passport) only an invitation causes difficulty, but it is done easily through the Russian firm sitting in Ulan Bator. Invitation costs 800 rubles. On other issues, it is better to go directly to the Mongols.

Now the visa in Mongolia is not needed

Ulabator Airport

Mongolia met me SERGEY VINSKIY - Welcome to Mongolia and sunny morning.
A few driver spent me to the ordered jeep - Land Cruiser 80 and conveyed by my Mobicom Mobicom operator purchased at my request

Mobile Internet in Mongolia

By tradition, I will tell about mobile Internet In the country where travel is planned
Simka took for freshly purchased samsung tablet - normal sizes, not micro.
She did not work in the tablet. Then I selected his phone Samsung from the driver and created an access point on it.

Everything. Internet, though weak - GPRS - I had.
I will make a reservation that in those ebeni, from where I returned to Ulaanbaator tonight, there is no cellular communication at all. But on the way there, in small villages, you could check the mail.

Route in Mongolia

Since everything was about everything about everything about everything (for sample I decided not to risk and fly to Mongolia for a long time), then the route I am using the English-speaking sites of Mongolian companies was logical:
- Goba I do not lay down in time
- Lakes and fishing me for the first acquaintance did not interest
- Ulaanbaator did not interest me much more

What is within 300-400 km from the capital of Mongolia?
there is Khustain Nuruu.sand dunes (Elsen Tasarkhai), in fact, the tourist desires with Potemkin's clutches on camels
there is Kharkhorin. - The ancient capital of Mongolia (you can spend 30 minutes to inspect, and after dinner in Dream World)
there is Orkhon Valley. - But this is already interesting.

First time in Mongolia

Immediately you pay attention to Mongolia - its identity of Russia: the same broken roads, the abundance of SUVs and disputes along the roads. The same unwashed houses in the city - to Ulan Bator and on the perpoles: I had a persistent feeling that I did not get into Mongolia, but I arrived in Buryatia or the Irkutsk region. Equally.

We left the airport and went to the city to pick up the products on the road.
Since I went for a full inclusion, I was going to feed 3 times a day, to provide the stay on the route, pay any entry tickets and dachshunds, as well as refueling the car.

The price was voiced by Males and I agreed with her: 5 days 4 nights \u003d 1050 dollars, not including the hotel on the last night in Ulan Bator.

I tried to change money at the airport, but the driver gently said (I had a Russian-speaking driver and understanding the driver in Russian):

- Do not waste time. If you need a tugryki - I will give. Then, on arrival - give.

Cyrillic B. asian country It looks ridiculous and funny.
Mongolian writing was banned here in the 30s of the last century, when Chaibalsan began to build socialism in Mongolia, equal to CCCP.

Such devotion was generously rewarded by the mass construction of Khrushchev, panel houses with a blue tile (A la Biryulyo), plants, mines and power plants.

They are three in Mongolia. One is at the distance to the city along the way from the airport - a monument of socialism. One in one smoking monster at the Moscow Ring Road in the Hope district.

In stores are full of products from the Russian Federation, as well as local vodka (naturally Genghis Khan) and beer.

I had a vodka with me, and the beer tried - the usual powder grain type of the Siberian crown or Klinsky.
Take the tested tiger.

While they took the grocery basket (really there was a basket of canned food), rain began. The sky squeezed and caught almost to the ground. It is terrible - everything is gray around, and then there is still sadness-longing sketched.

Go away from the city by half a broken road. Completely someone tried to cut us, stood a steady hum of claksons, the new Land Cruisers competed with the broken Korean trash who will do anyone.

There was not enough just loaf and UAZ - they would show you Kuzkin Mother. But they were ahead.

There was a real Mongolia ahead.
Such is what I imagined it: deserted, endless, cold, windy and insanely beautiful

A little about driving culture in Mongolia

There is no culture. Respect no. Pedestrians are a chance. And they realize it.

Roads in Mongolia

Road to west. Asphalt. In places come across pits, potholes, Colds. The driver swears, mumbles that generally asphalt is evil and better than its (asphalt) at all.

All obstacles are coughing in the opposite or side (more often). Despite the fact that on the side of the pits more often than on the asphalt, there is some reason that there is some reason - often noticed cars on the side of the road with legs sticking out of beneath them and slices of burst tires after such a hole on the road.

Dear are engaged, but little. What is put in the pits is put into the water, in a puddle and in a couple of months, pops up as a seal from rotten tooth.
I said that Mongol with the Russian - brothers in the age.

Roadside cafes in Mongolia

Two hours on the road. We must have breakfast. We visit the roadside cave.
It is very curious while I am carrying ordered soup with dumplings, I consider the public: the chaser.

Use this caveka as a hotel - on the second floor there are rooms and having received bedding immediately, in the canteen, they go upstairs, holding a mattress on the tube.

Catering workers do not break off the Russian series in Mongolian voice acting. Channel Russia2.

I ask my driver:
- Yes, we have people like Russian TV series and although there are Korean, Chinese TV shows - they are looking exactly Russian and they are therefore going to Prime Time.
I say that Mongol with Russian is the brothers in the age.

A and Hadak in Mongolia

In Mongolia, then there are heaps there, and sometimes the pile of stones sketched in the money with monetary bills and candy.
As a rule (or rather, always), in the center of such a pyramid there is a pole to which multicolored ribbons are attached.
I saw this in Buryatia. Asked the driver - that's what, shamanic leaks?

"No," says, this is a Budiy topic, about it. Everyone who wants to get the blessing of heaven should get around a bunch of clockwise and throw offering. Usually it is candy or vodka - vodka splashes heaven, and then all 4 sides.
- And tapes?
- This is Hadak. Blue means heaven, white soul, red courage, yellow wealth.

However, Blue Hadak would not have prevented us now, "I thought, standing under the drizzling rain. Then he took the bottle of whiskey from the backpack and distributed to each side of the world ... and heaven dirty.

Maranina in Mongolia

Asphalt gradually ended.
Rather, he ended in the village whose name I naturally forgot. One attraction is the airfield. Almost a bungyan. But once (during the time of the USSR), An-2 flew from Ulan Batator.

In this village we bought meat.
Lamb, a kilogram costs about $ 2.

- Something your lamb is overlooking. In the sense of Kozdyatina smells ....
I will reveal the secret: I am a big lamb fan. Was. But after a soup with dumplings from the mouflon (goat), which I ate in the caneground, although it washed it all abundantly vodka .... It seems to me that I am pursued by this smell. And the kind of meat causes me a vomit reflex.
- Yes, you! ...

And here began the excursion to the process of cutting the carcass carcasses or lamb.
At first it was said that Koreans, the Chinese and other nations do not know how to hammer the cattle:

- They cut them throat and leave the blood tied up so that the blood flows down ...

- Do you like to drink the roof? - I could not hold back, but the driver did not pay attention to it.

- First cut the skin of the ram on the stomach ....

- Is it really not hurt? - I interrupted again

"I don't know, I'm not a ram ... Here, after they made a cut, put a hand in there and climb her in the direction of the spine. And there are two artery. So, you need to feel, which thrills. Take it tight and tear it off.

- Opa ..., - just I could say. Introduced, finished, but not to retreat.

- Well, why is that good?

- And therefore, see myself: our red meat, since it has blood in it, and the pots have it white, since all the blood flowed.

- Cool. I probably will give up dinner today ...

Wild Mongolia.

And that began that Mongolia, which I imagined my works of K / F Mongol, Urga Territory of love, books Chapaev and emptiness ... Although the last rather, Baron Unrgenta concerns - about him tortured the driver constantly, however, as well as about the treasure of Genghis Khan - it's generally from other sources.

I read about Mongolia in childhood.
Sopgians began to shovels, bouncing on the boulders of the river began, began the fields from the hill to the hill with lawn grass from the Golf series.

Jeep Mirly climbed on the country tract, richly a black pex of frozen lava, which thousands of years.

Such a road is not asphalt. At every turn, something new: landscape, animal, bird, sink. And as well, there are few people here.

Mongolian village

- Sergey, diet? - The driver's voice interrupted my loving behind the jeep windows.
- Why not, and where?
- Now there will be a village. There, my friends live - I warned them that I would come.
Feel Mongolian hospitality at the same time.

Of course. I wanted to be in the family. Not undressed, for tourists. And the present. So, time to eat and drink bitter.

The village is no different from the last trip to Baikal: the same are not asphalted streets, multicolored roofs, and every trash in the yard as if the village of Plushy lives here.

Hole, or rather, the house is a good solid larch. Inside the predictable cheap with Chinese lamps on the ceiling and lingolium. But still better. than in our Russian wilderness.

And the people are not the old women with drunken grandfather: young relatively (by the way, he learned the age of the driver - he is the same as me 46, but he looks like my grandfather (kingdom he heavenly).

The hostess at the sight of us slammed. Put to the painted chest shook, low stools.

At the table, the aluminum basin Bouse was rented - this is the option of Buryat poses and plagiarism of Chinese Jiaocezi - a pair of dumplings. Hole from above to exit steam.

Non-filling of chopped lamb, but Svezhaiaaak. Yes, fresh, yes, from the cold and rain around the fun ribbed bourgear stove. This is what it is necessary.

I am getting a cup of Finland. Will you? As you want.
I take a gland from the tea and pouring cold. After I put the hands of myself several Buuses and on top of a lecture, brought with you (my inclusive, however).

I'm the first, burning juice. Inserts immediately and without vodka.
I drink to the pile in the mum and one more bouse in my mouth.
All muzzle in tomato paste. The driver gives a rag - no napkins. Pulls out.

That's how, for conversations about politics, economics and women, make a basin and pollocking water ...
Wu !!!
Now I would sleep ... but there are another 50 km in front of the road now

How to prepare Groundhog in Mongolia

Legend says that there was a brave warrior who could hit any goal of Luke. And once he said to everyone - I will shoot the sun. And he ached in the sun, and pulled the tight theater, and shot and the arrow would definitely hit the sun if it were not for a swallow.

Swallow turned out to be extreme because hitting the targeted flight of the arrows. Nothing happened to her - flew in their affairs. And the brave and tagged shooter swore:
- If I do not kill this damn bird, then cut the big fingers on my hands and I will live under the ground.

Cow a year.
The shooter could not get and kill the swallow.
So there was a light of the ground ....

Killing Surkov is prohibited since they have already eaten almost everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the poachers to repeat the cooking process with the video.

The process of buying a groundhog reminds the process of buying marijuana: looking around to go to the naval. There we are handed a plastic bag with a carcass, take 45,000 and disappear.

It is necessary to check - is not sick of the ground. This is done by visual inspection of paw pads. If they are black - everything is fine and the brown was healthy as a bull. Well, and if they are red, that is, the chance to infect some plague or Siberian ulcers.

But we still slammed - we were held as students: it is necessary to make sure that the groundhog was shot in the head. It is done like this: inflation Groundchka as balloon Through that place where there was once a head (do not confuse with the opposite!) And it becomes clear: hermetic or not your beast. Our turned out to be leaning as a sieve.

Skmalli into it by a fraction, not otherwise ... But this is also treated: Lata with infirred means - such as a harness for automotive tires.


The ancient capital of Mongolia - Caucarum
Should I visit her?
Do not. Nothing is very interesting to go through 350 km from Ulan Bator here.

If only on the way for 30 minutes to call. Take a picture of the wall, bouran in the territory and several buildings are not the original architecture of Pagoda.

Well, and if you are a believing Buddhist, you can turn the drums with mantras, and also look at the big pot of bronze, in which I was preparing food for 200 monks.

Near several restaurants: Dream World (at the time of my visit, it was closed here and the guard waved in front of my nail tooth, something sorry) and a couple of campsites.

The campgrounds are brought to old men and old women from Europe and the United States, so that they are a little in the skins of Mongols. Yurts with air conditioners and heaters. Tourists walk opening the mouths on the layout of the Mongolian war in the lats, standing in the restaurant.

Feed disgusting - complex. The service is such that the staff apparently so these grandfathers are tired that with their faces forever the smile and how botax drips on the floor hatred for visitors

Instead of visiting the ancient capital of Mongolia, city KarakorumI would advise you to try to make it possible.
Fascinating occupation, I will report you.

National Park Gorhi-Tarelzh

From Ulan Batar to go about 30-40 minutes. The main thing to leave Ulan Bator. Corks here worse than in Moscow.

Paying the entrance and stopping the park instantly relax after the capital. There are few cars. Beautiful nature. There are plenty of space to stay in: advise Golf Hotel UB-2. Not expensive - approximately $ 80 per single. In the woods. On the road there are aunts and sell berries (now Blueberry went to Mongolia).

Using UB-2 as a database, you can wander around the day or ride a horse around the neighborhood. There is a lake in the park, there is a river. Regarding fishing I do not know. I have not seen - the Mongols do not catch fish.

The valley on which the road passes is surrounded by beautiful rounded cliffs. Here is the famous Scala Turtle, near which annoying merchants will offer you to make a joint photo with an eagle for 1000 Tenge.

In general, you can spend the day and night. It is suitable for those who drive Mongolia transit and wants to be taking into it.


In this place I decided to try chorkhog. This is a national Mongolian dish of stewed lamb with potatoes, a molk and cabbage. Made in the bidon.

Made by 6-10 people.
Since I ordered on myself, I did Light version.
I know what was done wrong.
But more than taste quality dishes - this dish I know well as a lamb under-ache in Montenegro and Croatia, or as Kuerdak in Kazakhstan - I was interested in:

Why stones Rassed put in a pressure cooker if the meat still carries out on fire?

I really did not answer this question. I suspect that earlier, when the pressure coins were shortage, the Mongols did the meat with the hot stones, as the goat or the goat (the rams with stones do not do, since his bed is bursting from the heat).

Prepared in a family that has a plot of land in national Park Gorhi-timeline. WITH
I generally serve that each Mongol has the right to a free section of the earth for 70 meters size.

This does not concern the Earth in Ulan Bator and in National Parks.
Just this family was lucky that their ancestors lived here. The family gives yurt to citizens who come to a picnic park.

One of the women sits squatting by the road with the GER poster and if there is interest - accompanies guests to the place.

I do not know why, but the Mongols are tied to these yurts.
We are customary to sit on the picnic to sit outdoors, and they are sitting and lie in these yurts.

Many yurts are equipped with a satellite plate and solar panels. But not in one yurt, I did not see the soul and toilet.
Flaw. We must work the Mongola on this issue.

How to part and whine a ram

It is written in a separate article :.

47.921378 106.90554

Have you ever been to Mongolia? I am sure most will answer that there is no, and in the meantime, such exotic is gaining popularity. The usual directions of Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt are always relevant, but more and more people are interested in something new, something unusual, something unknown. In this essay, we will analyze what to see.

general information

Mongolia is extremely curious country this moment Few known. It is not closed as the same Turkmenistan, by no means. Asian state Borders with Russia and China. The territory of the country is 19th in the world, with a population of three million people.

The history of Mongolia knows many pages. It is impossible not to mark the prehistoric era. Scientists found that before the country's territory covered the forests and swamps, the shocks and deserts came to change. On a regular basis, scientists find the remains of dinosaurs in sand-covered lands.

In our consciousness, Mongols are associated with the Mongol-Tatar IGA, however, before the birth of the statehood of Genghis Khan, Hunna lived on the territory of the modern country. This people regularly seized the Chinese lands than forced to build a famous Chinese wall. In the XII century, nomadic tribes began to unite, the greatest loud milestone in the history of the people and its destructive. The Golden Horde won, conquered, destroyed, rich.

The XVI century has also become a swivel for the Mongolian people, in many respects its modern face. Buddhism penetrated on Mongolian lands. Khans met the coming of a new religion is not too much warm and fought for a long time with the spread of Buddha's teachings, but they retreated over time. The second fighter with Buddhism was the USSR. In 1924, Mongolia has gained independence with the support of the Soviets. In 1934, Stalin wanted to eradicate Buddhism from the country, but the local government in the face of Genden did not lead it. Nowadays, Mongolia more and more goes to Buddhism, the overwhelming majority of young people up to 15 years old, connect their lives with this religion, despite the fact that in the country almost 200 christian temples and 50 Muslim.

Tourism Mongolia

Local tourism is definitely developing. Mongols are interested in the area of \u200b\u200btourism brought income to the treasury. At the moment, Mongolia is actively promoting its tourist product. By concluding cooperation and partnership packages, including Russia. - This is not nonsense, it is a fascinating journey through a very specific country.

The flow from Russia is growing every year, mainly these are nearby regions, such as Tuva and Buryatia. Undoubtedly, the engine is Buddhism, which brings these regions with Mongolia. The main direction is capital Ulan BatorAs you know, the Mongols of the nomadic people, but that exactly the capital united them into the city. Interestingly, on the outskirts of the city, you can find traditional yurts, of which there are whole areas. The Ulan Bator will speak a little lower, there is another attractive feature of local tourism.

Mongols are actively promoting nomadic tourism. They provide the opportunity to tourists to live in the real nomadic town, where they offer traditional nomadic dishes, familiar with life and customs. It is fascinating, and more precisely to her depths, finds a lot of positive feedback from travelers. Special charm gives the Gobi Desert, here conducts whole sightseeing trips.

In general, Mongolia's tourism is extremely unusual and authentic, interesting and original. An exception may be a Ulan Bator, where more common understanding of tourism. Otherwise, the country will surprise.


Mongolia - Country with amazing climateHe is very sharp and stern. There is to take for an example of the capital, which is so popular among tourists, then the discharges of Compare Russian. The winter is very cold, the air temperature often comes to -35'c, the summer is very roast and dry. The closer to the north, the more precipitation, in the desert Gobi They are completely almost never happening. The climate is tempered, Mongols are very strong people, while wisdom and some harmony with others are always felt. Before going to Mongolia, be sure to take care of what to take with you. Be careful with the weather.

Ulan Bator

The capital of the country, where almost half of all residents live. To be more accurate, then the figure is slightly more than one million and four hundred thousand inhabitants. Ulan Bator Located in the valley of the river TUL, at an altitude of 1300 meters above sea level. The capital is the center of everything in the country: commercial, scientific, spiritual, cultural.

An interesting story of the name of this city. We clarify that it was founded in 1639. At first, the city was called Urga, but with the arrival of Buddhism with the country, the path of which the country should go and its main city was understood. Chingis Khan - A huge part of the history of the Mongolian people, but those were the goals of conquering, while the Mongolia of the twentieth century wanted to go through creation and development. It was necessary, the revolutionary name. "Ulan" was chosen, which means "red" - the color of revolutions. In the first meeting about the renaming of the city, the decision was made unanimously.

The city is very diverse, there is where to go. Maybe for someone will be surprised, but in the Mongolian capital there are all types of accommodation, including five star hotels. For understanding, this is a modern city, where there is everything you need for life. Restaurants (by the way, let's talk about traditional cuisine, she will surprise you), cafe, bars, interesting places For walking and different kind of attractions:

  • Gaydan Monastery is the largest in Mongolia. In the nineteenth century, 14 thousand monks lived here. In one of the buildings of Gaidan, there is a 25-meter statue of the Buddha.

  • The Palace of Godman - a museum, which was previously a residence of the governor of the Imperial House of China. Now it is a museum where they keep a huge number of historical exhibits. The palace is very beautiful, both inside and outside.
  • Monument Genghis Khan. The cult personality of the Mongolian nation is metal and is located at the entrance to the city. 30 meters in height. In the future, they want to build a complex of Yurt, where everyone will be able to stop.
  • Amarbayasgalant - temple complexwhich has once been restored. It is considered one of the main Buddhist centers of Mongolia.
  • Buddha Park is a large park, which was opened in 2006. Now Buddha Park - favorite place for family holiday. Spacious and beautiful scenery of the mountains, that's what rushes into the eye at the first visit. Oh, yes, even a huge statue of Buddha in the center of the park.
  • The Bogd Wall - Mountain, where Genghis Khan himself was winning. He also forbade trees to cut down in this place, in fact, forming a reserve. To the mountain pass hiking and excursions.
  • The Chojin Lama Temple was opened at the very beginning of the twentieth century. This is a small temple for which it can be said that he is not 100, and all 500 years old. The temple surrounds the residential quarter.
  • Museum of the history of Ulan Bator. A great place that tells about the history of the capital. The exposition contains both geological and archaeological finds.
  • Market Naran-Tul. Do not consider us biased, we add to the list of attractions the market. However, Naran-Tool unique placewhich attracts tourists. On the market you can buy caskets from boys of bones, tambourines, products from cashmere, famous Mongolian hats and fur coats. Better placewhere you can buy a souvenir from the Mongolian capital to find hard.
  • Roerich House Museum. Once, the Russian researcher and Mystic Roerich decided on a trip to Asia, with the aim of studying local customs and Buddhism. It was, in this house Roerich wrote his famous work "Basics of Buddhism".

Possible plus traveling to Mongoliamay become the fact that the Russians do not need a visa. Only under the condition that you eat in Mongolia less than 30 days. Currency serve - Tugry, maybe someone heard about this currency, which depicts Genghis Khan.

The name of Genghis Khan is called everything: restaurants, hotels, streets.

The placement is possible for every taste, it is interesting that for any wallet there is a housing. Hotels of the capital start their rates from 250 rubles per night. In other regions you can find hotel yurts.

With transport, order only in the capital, but in the regions it is of course a waste. Transport, in fact, is absent, but for the joy for lovers of the highway. Machines stop very hardly, but with all others there are several minuses at once. First, nor every driver knows Russian and english language. Secondly, in remote areas of Mongolia, very weak traffic, you can wait for a few hours and is not a fact that it stops. Thirdly, with the roads - the trouble, there are even no in the province, just the wild sand.

Harhorin, once was the capital of Mongolian civilization, in the distant XIII century of the city wearing the name Karakorum. Now Harhorin looks like a big village. Old village With ruins on the territory. The huge phallus is striking, directed toward the hollow. Surprisingly, this is a natural attraction, which brings on lustful thoughts.

If you want to offer to settle in the yurt, you can not do this. The whole secret is that the Mongols - the people are hospitable, they themselves will invite you to yurt, feed and seek tea. Of course, if you like them. Mongols are very loved by meat, it is full here. Here, vegetarians here will have difficulty, because the whole kitchen is filled with meat of various animals.

Nights are very cold, if the day the thermometer shows + 30 ', then get ready for the fact that at night it will be cold. Therefore, warm things will not clearly become superfluous. If suddenly, you do not want to drag with you an extra suitcase, we recommend passing to any market and get warm things, the prices will delight.

Kitchen Mongolia

  • Dried meat fighters. Small strips of cattle or camels meat are dried in the shade. Night cold displays water, the meat retains its useful properties.
  • Tsanan Chiam (translated - blood sausage). The ram will crack, separating its intestines and pouring blood in them, adding flour, onion and salt along the way. Wailed 15 minutes and ready.
  • Dourty, approximately similar preparation with blood sausage, except that it is a stomach of a ram, kidney, or a heart.
  • Kumys - the famous dairy product is not only Mongol, but also the same Buryats. It is prepared from the mare milk.
  • Aruul is local cottage cheese, which can be kept for a whole year and not lose its properties. As a rule, it is prepared from the camel. Goat or sheep milk.
  • Buza is a traditional dish of Mongolian cuisine. These are such big manta. First you need to bite the top of the buzz, drink the broth, then eat, so correct it is considered.
  • Hushur, reminds Cheburek. The meat filling is becoming in a lamb fat. From spices only salt.

The girl on the way home from Vladivostok decided to twist in Mongolia for a short time. We publish her recipe for travel.

Prices are relevant at the date of publication. € 1 \u003d 2864 Mongoliantugric

Why Mongolia?

Few travelers visit Mongolia, and those who visit, call it one of the most impressive countries they have ever seen. It was the first reason I went to this country. The second - in June there was a "house for everyone": the project of the Academy of Film Travel, which is periodically organized in different countries of the world. In such a house, any traveler can live for free. I was attracted by this opportunity to chat with different travelers and find out something new from them.

Russian travelers and tourists Mongolia are not particularly indispensable. I met with such who lived at the border itself from the homeland of Genghis Khan, but never was there. And in vain! Wanderer will be what to see in this country, and the bonus will become that most of the population speaks Russian (many in conversation with me called Mongolia of the 16th Republic of the USSR).

How to get?

Mongolia's main airport is located near Ulan-Battern and is called Buyante-ear - Cenghis Khan International Airport. On average, the aircraft from Moscow in both directions costs € 500, the flight will take 6 hours. Citizens of Ukraine and Belarus will have to get to Mongolia with a transplant in Moscow.

Another option is to fly to the country of Russian cities nearby: Irkutsk or Ulan-Ude. This plane tickets will cost cheaper: about € 200. From Irkutsk to the capital of Mongolia, you can already travel on the train (€ 90), and from Ulan Bator by bus (€ 20) or also by train (€ 60).

Among European tourists are very very popular with the legendary Transsib - the road from Moscow to Ulan Bator. A train ticket will cost € 260, the path will take a little more than four days. The train is sent only on Tuesdays and environments from the Yaroslavl railway station.

Visa, currency, accommodation

The Russians do not need a visa to Mongolia if they plan to visit this country less than 30 days. Ukrainians and Belarusians were lucky more: they would not need a visa if they plan to stay in this country less than 90 days.

As a currency, they use the very tugresses. On banknotes depicts the founder of the Mongolian Empire - the Great Chinggis Khan. In general, with his name or image, you will meet even in Mongolia - in the names of hotels, shops, beers and different dishes. Mongols still love and honor Genghis Khan.

"With the name or image of Genghis Khan you will meet in the names of hotels, shops, beers and different dishes"

Most hotels in Mongolia are concentrated in the capital - Ulan Bator, here you can find accommodation for every taste and wallet. Thus, the cheapest hostel will cost from € 3, and the "Presidential Suite" in the hotel "Ulan-Batar" will cost € 500. In general, the caratsurfing in the country should also be seen only in Ulan Bator. True, you may try to sell any tour through the country through the caratsurfing - whether in the desert or to real nomads, do not agree. Personally, I received many such requests (I even remembered where there was exactly the same situation with the crawlsurfing), but they wrote and ordinary Mongols, who gladly invited me to her home. So I stayed at a man who headed Hostel, where he met the steep guys from all over the world.


About transport in Mongolia do not write a lot, just because it is missing. In the city and at small distances, you can easily take a break of buses, but if you want to go to the Gobi desert or to some other interesting cities, then the only option is the car (or the hitchhiking, or rent).

In my opinion, the hitchhiker in Mongolia is beautiful, people pick up very willingly. But here you will have to face with three difficulties - sometimes the same wonderful people will ask you for money, the second - in remote from Ulan-Bator parts of traffic is much less livenily. Once I even had to wait for one car for two hours. The third complexity is that there are no roads in some parts of Mongolia.

If the hitchhike is not for you, then choose car rental. The average price of the car for three days on Bookingcar is € 300. In less well-known services, you can rent a car from € 70 per day. The most advantageous option will be the rental "loaf", because up to 8 people can fit there.


I did not want to go to the Gobi Desert, because I was already in sugar, so I built my route in such a way as to spend as much days in the country and see as much interest as possible. I drove in Mongolia from Ulan-Ude, and went out in Kyzyl.

Ulan Bator (4 days)

Get ready: Ulan Bator is almost the only city in Mongolia in the understanding in which we are used to seeing it. Here is a unique combination of Soviet heights together with near the small yurts.

In Ulan Bator, you can get stuck for a long time, especially if around you good company! In a hostel, where I lived on Kauratsurfing, there were a lot of cool foreigners. Sometimes I could spend half a day without leaving home and communicating with the guys. Just amazing how foreigners are dragging in Mongolia! Maybe we should be taken over? In my last night in the hostel, my host prepared all the Baran's head on us - this is a real Mongolian delicacy that was not like all that I have ever tried before. In addition to meat itself, I first ate broach eyes and brain. It sounds terrible, but in fact it is very tasty and be sure to try!

"In addition to meat itself, I first ate broach eyes and brain. It sounds terrible, but in fact it is very tasty. "

In addition to hanging in a hostel, there is a lot of interesting things in Ulan-Bataror for a cultural traveler. Start S. central Square Genghis Khan, where the monument is the National Hero of Mongolia - Suke Batar. From here you can walk to Mongolia National Museum (Juulchin 1) . It is worth come here to look at the life of Mongols from prehistoric times to the present day, entrance to the Museum € 5.

From the Museum of History, you can go to another museum - dinosaur (Independence Square, 5th Khoroo, Chingeltei District / Chingelti DүRAG 5-R Horo) The entrance is a little less than € 2. On the territory of Mongolia, scientists have found many dinosaur remains and you can get acquainted with them in this museum (the same bones of the most real dinosaurs!).

Having finished acquaintance with dinosaurs, passing to Winter Palace Bogda Gagan (Khoroo 11) where you can see in what conditions the last emperor Mongolia lived. The walk from the center will take about half an hour, but it is better to go on foot, because in Ulan-Bator terrible traffic jams. The cost of a ticket to the museum is € 3.

From the palace to you will be hand to the monument to the combat friendship of the Soviet and Mongolian troops Zaisan (Mount Zaisan) . From here it will be great to meet the sunset and see the luck of all Ulan Bator.

In addition to the historic part of Ulan Bator, you can safely devote the second day by a Buddhist aspect. Starting from the largest Buddhist monastery of Mongolia and from the first religious center of the country - monastery Gandantegchenlin. More than 600 monks constantly live here and various Buddhist rituals are held. The monastery became famous among the number of the hollow 26-meter statue of the Buddha from copper and gold. The entrance will cost you at € 1.25. In addition to this monastery in Ulan-Bator, many little datsans, but they are less interesting for the traveler.

A separate relaxed day can be highlighted on shopping. For this come to Market Naran Tul (Khoroo 14) . Here you can first be purchased for further journey in Mongolia, as well as just buy national souvenirs. Among other things, there can be dice of dinosaurs, products from camel wool and yak wool, national dresses. Caution: pickpockets operate on the market, so keep all your things ahead of yourself and never miss them out of sight!

National Park Gorhi-Tarelzh (2 days)

We visited a little in the city and enough, it's time to go to nature! Fortunately in Mongolia, only one nature is, as well as many national parks. You can get to Gorhi-Tarelzh by bus that will cost a little less than euros, go about two hours.

The park is very beautiful: there are camels themselves between the mountains, and someone even offers to ride them. The park was brought the greatest fame of the park of an unusual form created by nature. Also inside the park is located buddhist temple Arianaabalwhere it is necessary to look back! This is the place of force, the place where the soul rests and body. During the rise to the temple you will have to overcome 100 white and 8 black steps, at this time you will surround wooden plates on which Buddhist wisdom is written.

You can stay right there in the park. Now there are a lot of tourist bases that offer rest, including in the National Yurt (will cost from € 30). I was placed on Avos and during the highway I met a wonderful family, which allowed me to live in my yurt.

Trip B. national Park I advise you to combine with a trip to statue of Chingiskhana In Zongin-Boldoga. This is the highest equestrian statue in the world. In addition to the inspection of the statue outside, you can go inside, where you will be waiting for a museum dedicated to Genghis Khan, and you can also climb on the observation platform at the top of the statue. Entrance to € 3.

"Huge dunes and whistling wind is what will allow you to feel yourself in the most real desert"

Elsen-Tasarhai National Park (1 day)

If you, like me, do not want to spend a lot of time and money to visit Gobi, go to Elsen-Tasarhai Park, where you can see a piece of desert. To go from the Ulan-Bator here about four hours and now there is no public transport no longer walk, so you have two options: hitchhiking or car rental. Huge dunes and whistling wind is what will allow you to feel yourself in the real desert. At night, the stars shine like never brightly shine. To see this all, take a tent with you, or pop up for the night to local nomads.

Harhorin (1 day)

From the park it will be convenient to get to Harhorina - the ancient capital of the Mongolian Empire in the XIII century (which used to be called Karakorum). Despite the former greatness, today the city looks like an ordinary village and in general there is nothing to do. It will be interesting here to those who want to see the place where the Golden Horde was becoming and the way of Genghis Khan began. It is worth visiting the ruins ancient City Karakorum, from which, unfortunately, little remained, take a look at the monastery of the XVI century Erden-Dzu. Also here they love to come to look at the huge stone phallus, sticking out of the ground. Fallos is directed toward the hollow, which is local called female Lona. With this peculiar "monument" local links several legends at once. According to them, a childless woman should sit on a phallus, praying for her children appear, - and then, they say, the problem will be resolved. Another legend says that there was a male monastery before. Fallos became a reminder to the monks so that they would learn to pacify their flesh, instead of running on a date for girls from the neighboring village.

Ulaangom (2 days)

Since the Mongolian border with Russia does not work on this CAT on weekends, I had to get stuck in Mongolia. Ulaangom is small, no noticeable town, where Russians are often driving for the purchase of Chinese goods. There are hotels in which you can stay for € 2, I placed my tent next to the river flowing outside the city. Immediately stood the "summer cottages" - the yurt of the Mongols, and also graze the whole herds of cows, horses and yaks.

It is worth staying here to chat with cute Mongols, try yourself as a shepherd, grazing cattle (I was allowed to ride a horse for free, running slowbugs!), And just take a break from just perfect big Travel in Mongolia.


Do not buy a tour to visit the real Mongolian yurt. Mongols are very friendly people, and they will invite you just to them go home if you like them.

We do not expect anything interesting from Mongolian supermarkets, mostly the whole of the same food is found here, which we used to see on the shelves of their supermarkets. For national goodies, follow straight in the cafes or market.

The main product that is eating Mongols - meat. Vegetarian will be very hard here, so grab a couple of kilograms of vegetables with him: they are in Mongolia on gold weight.

You can come to Mongolia without reason, and you can with it. The most important reason to come here is the biggest National Festival in Mongolia, Naadam (in 2019 it will be from July 11 to July 15). Here you will be waiting for the Mongolian struggle, jumps and archery, all this is very impressive.

Even if you go to Mongolia in the summer, grab warm things with you. At night in the desert and steppes can be very cold.

Budget for one on 10 days:

Food - € 25

Museums - € 5

Transport - € 2

Souvenirs - € 6

Overnight kauratsurfing and tent

Total: € 38


In short, I will explain to girls and those who are not yet in the know: "Toyota Prius" is a hybrid Japanese car, in which the gasoline engine is supplemented with electric. The process of their collaboration is managed by an onboard computer, and the main (gasoline) engine works only when there is a need. And turns off as soon as the need for its effort disappears - when moving at low speed (for example, in traffic jams), during a stop at the traffic light, when braking, when moving with a gas pedal released or on a slope and in other situations, when the electric motor is in forces Correct yourself.

Thanks to this, hybrid cars are eco-friendly than ordinary cars with DVS, but Mongols, of course, buy them therefore. And because "hybrids" allow you to save on gasoline, which, as I have already written, in Mongolia roads. Consumption of "Prius" - from 4 to 6 liters per 100 kilometers, depending on the version, season and driving manners. Riding in eco-mode for long steppe tracks allows local residents to significantly save on fuel.

Hybrid cars have one small drawback (but also dignity) - a starting battery. It is used to turn on the car - yes, it is the inclusion - and maintaining its functions when it is turned off (clock and alarm meals, for example), so gradually discharged. So the "hybrid" does not like to stand for a long time, it needs to "walk away" at least once a few days so that the starting battery is recharged. These cars do not like to idle these cars in the cold season. But in constant operation mode, the battery feels cheerfully, and the car is not required to put on regular heating in frosts, like ordinary cars. Even in -30 ° and below it will turn on without problems - she does not need to turn a frozen starter. But the possibilities of the starting battery are strongly limited, and, for example, the ordinary car cannot "smoke" from the "hybrid", only fellow with the same cute little battery. So if you suddenly need help of this kind, do not hope for "Priusi", look for the car easier M greasing.

Government of Mongolia Purchase "hybrids" welcomes in every way. In principle, in this country, and so very human duties on imported cars - they have no one "as it were, the auto industry, which should be dragged behind the ears, and therefore there is no need for importing duties. On the hybrid cars dodulis even lower than the usual. Moreover, since June 2016, a customs rate is canceled in Mongolia when importing new cars from Japan and taxes on the Japanese cars with a mileage of less than 3 years. An excellent example of competent import regulation when the importation of better goods is encouraged. So in the near future, this country will plunge us for the belt in the number of cool cars per capita. For automotive ecology, I think already shut up. Eh, lucky!

See also: