Hainan Island sizes. What washes Hainan: Sea or Ocean

Favorite place Beachs traveling to China - Hainan. Rest, reviews about which we will analyze in this article, on this paradise island unforgettable. Hainan - already a latched track for Russian tourists. A variety of Siberians and the inhabitants of the Far East, every year healed their bones under the tropical sun and treat their hands in healing sources.

The name "Hainan" translates from Chinese as "island lying south of the sea." The name is more than accurate. Hainan lies in the extreme south of the country. And this is the second largest island of China (after Taiwan). Once he was part of Eurasia. And now, from the mainland China, it separates him only a narrow strait. Area island - thirty-four thousand square kilometers. About eight thousand years ago, numerous volcanoes were spent on Hainan. Now they were injured, but left after themselves the memory - healing thermal springs. And this circumstance makes rest in Hainan not only pleasant, but also useful for health.

Arriving on a bucolic island, it is hard to believe that in the Middle Ages it was the place of reference to the imperter's noble. Now he turned into a resort. True, it happened only in 1988, when Hainan was highlighted in a separate province and began the rapid development of the tourism industry. You can come here both by the ticket, and on your own. Guests here are always happy.

Nature and climate. When to go to rest?

The only truly tropical island, if we talk about China, - Hainan. Rest, reviews about which cause a desire to come here is not recommended here only in winter. But more than three hundred days of the year the sky over Hainan is clear. This island is deservedly called Eastern Hawaii. Here is the entire entourage, which is inherent in tropical resorts: juicy green palm trees, coconuts, turquoise warm sea, white sand beaches. The average annual air temperature here is +24 degrees, and the water is all twenty-six. In growing corals with their motley life of the inhabitants of reefs, so the rest on the island of Hainan is also attractive for divers.

Russian tourists from the eastern part of the country come here in the winter months, especially for the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. The climate is at this time, as in the Red Egypt resorts: during the day +24 degrees, and the evenings are cool.

The best time for visiting Hainan Tourists consider the period from November to April. Below we give the calculation than the tropical island of China in spring and summer. But what should be avoided, so it's coming to Hainan during the celebration period (end of January or the beginning of February). Prices during this period take off to unprecedented heights, and the level of service falls in connection with the influx of domestic tourists.

How to get to Heinan Island

The city of Russia is associated with East Hawaii only charters in the tourist season. You can fly in Almaty by a regular flight, and already from there - on Hainan, with a change in Urumchi. Also on the tropical island, tourists get internally airlines through Hong Kong, as well as Beijing and Shanghai (mainland China).

Hainan has two international airports. The first - "Camellia" - located in the capital of the island of Haikou. This city is located in the north, while the main resorts of Eastern Hawaii - in the south. Therefore, if you can choose, then prefer the arrival point of the airport "Phoenix" in Sanya. This city is the center of the entire Hainan resort Riviera. In principle, the visa can be opened directly upon arrival at the Sanya Airport, but the experienced tourists do not really recommend this if you are traveling yourself and are not included in the group list.

From "Camellia" to the center of Haikou, free buses ride. Time in the way - half an hour. Taxi travel will cost about a hundred yuan. From Phoenix Airport to various resorts of the southern tip of the island, flight buses follow. Sanya will arrive at ten yuan to Dadonghai to 20, to Yalong Bay - 30.

Transport connection on the island Hainan

Wonderful roads are associated all the key settlements. Upon the tip of the island passes the high-speed route. You can move on East Hawaii not only on buses and taxis, but also on motorcycle and velaiks. True, the payment of travel in this case also depends on the weight of the passenger. To negotiate the price with Rickshaw in advance.

There is on the island and railway. Trains high-speed, very comfortable, not similar to those that run in mainland China. Tourists warn that the ticket, worth an average of eighty-five yuan, should be kept until the end of the train. It will be needed to leave the station at the arrival point.

Holidays in Hainan is impossible without visiting the "Monkey Island". You can get on the hanging cableway. Interestingly, the flight buses on Hainan ride not only between settlements. There are many routes going to tourist places. Sanyan's bay should be bus number 102, in Dudunhai - No. 2 and 4. The minibuses in the Bay "Dragon Asia", the park "Edge of Light", Nanshan Temple.

Sanyo with the capital of the island of Haikou connects regular (every twenty minutes) bus service. The main station is located on the avenue of Jie Fan. Taxi on the island is only official - with a meter and even terminal for bank cards. Tariffs are indicated in the windshield or the rear door of the machine.

Popular resorts

Rest in China, on the island of Hainan, will have to taste all types of tourists. Surfers attracts perfect winds here, generating the right wave. All hotels of this resort are located on the first line from the sea. But Dadonghai municipal beaches are often crowded, since local holidaymakers come to the beach together with European tourists. The Chinese love not so much to sunbathe and swim, how much to be assembled by large companies and something brass and loudly discuss. To this specificity you need to get used to ... or avoid places of their gathering.

The most expensive and fashionable hotels are concentrated in the resort of Yalunvan, which is twenty-five kilometers from Sanya (South Island Hainan). Rest with children will be perfect everywhere if the time for him is selected successful. However, Dadonghaya should be avoided with its fresh breeze and sports spa specificity. In Sanywan (not far from the airport "Phoenix") may be a muddy sea. However, the beauty of the surrounding nature completely compensates. With a small child, get well in a quiet and respectable Yalunvan. A teenager will find a lot of fun in Sanya. But in this center, Hainan Riviera almost all hotels are across the road from the beaches.

By the way, about the coasts. All of them are sandy, free and very well-kept. Rescuers duty everywhere, there is a shower, toilet, umbrellas, sun beds and lounge chairs.

Hainan: rest in March, April and May

Should I come to a tropical island in the first month of spring? When in Russia (and especially in Siberia) there are still frosts, visit Hainan - it's like to visit heaven. Feedback assure that in the first month of spring on the island is very comfortable for Northergyn the weather. Even in early March, the air warms up to +26 degrees during the day, and the South China Sea gives heat. Nights also cease to be cool. In the southern bays, where all the excitement of the sea is focused gradually coming down.

Holiday in Hainan in April is not called budget. This is the peak season. The rains in the middle of spring is not observed, the sea is calm, and the thermometer bar does not show any extreme temperatures. Happy +29, at night +21 degrees. This fertile time continues until the end of April and the first rains - the harbingers of the "wet season." In the last month of spring in a tropical climatic belt begins to blow monsoon, bringing abundant precipitation. But rest on Hainan in May can not be called "submissive." Reviews assure that the rains go only in the evening and at night, and by morning it dries and shines with washed freshness. In addition, as the feedback assure, the southern resorts are a little defended from the shower of the mountains, which are the island practically in half. When it rains in Haikou, Sanya can dry. The sun is already palette with might and main, and the temperature of the day reaches more than thirty degrees in the shade.

Holidays on Hainan in June, July and August

What to criticize the soul: in the summer months (and in the autumn, too, until the beginning of November), the island blows the wet monsoon. It is impossible to say that he cooled air. A thermometer column in June holds at the same mark as in May (about thirty degrees). But even if it does not rain, the air is filled with a moist slightest. Therefore, from traveling to Hainan in the summer months, cores, hypertensive, asthmatics should be abandoned. The sea begins to be very storm. The so-called Typhoon Corridor passes the north of the island, but squall winds and high storm waves are able to spoil the rest on Hainan in July.

But tourists can enjoy the benefits of a "low season". Hoteliers to lure customers offer unprecedented discounts. Tourists warn that despite high cloudy, neglected sunscreen. Light in tropical latitudes will burn white skin and the curtain of dense clouds.

As a bonus for the dedication of Hainan gives summer tourists many interesting events. In June, for two thousand years, a holiday of Duan U-Jie is celebrated annually (Dragon Boat Festival). You can't call the exact date of this colorful action. The holiday is celebrated by lunar calendar, On the fifth day of the fifth month. Would you like to celebrate Valentine's Day a second time? This is the seventh day of the seventh month (the end of July or August). The same romantic fever that overwhelms Europe and America around the date February 14 is observed in Hainan, only with Chinese specifics.

Medical rest

Stormy volcanic activities that shook the island many thousands of years ago, left behind many thermal sources and mineral waters. In conjunction with traditional Chinese medicine, Hainan Spa Spa is wondering. Staying on the island will cure organs of the gastrointestinal tract, swimming in radon and mineral pools of different temperatures round with letters, skin, gynecological and urological illness. Optimizes blood pressure, you for a long time forget about osteochondrosis and rheumatism.

Therapeutic rest in Hainan uses only traditional Chinese therapy methods in combination with healing herbs and other natural preparations. The most famous healing center is considered the "Garden of Longevity". It is located in Dadonghai and is located at the Pearl River Garden Hotel. If you relax in Sanya, you can buy a healing course in the center of San Yi-Tang. The branch of this medical institution has opened at the Yalunvan Resort at the Kaktus Resort Hotel. Here you can pass not only a course of procedures, but also to carry out a complex diagnosis of the body. Experienced doctors will develop an individual program.

Hainan is a tropical island belonging to the People's Republic of China (PRC) and its province of the same name. Located in the south of the country, the territory of the island is 34,438 sq.km, the length of the coastline is 1500 km., The population is 9.1 million people. Hainan translates into Russian as the "Island of the South Sea".

The central and southern part of the island are covered with dense forests, mango plantations, bananas, pineapples, coffee, tea and coconuts. The industry is concentrated in the northern part of the island, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe capital of the island - the city of Khaikou (in the "Sea Gate"), with a population of 2,046,189 million people developed by the recreation industry and entertainment, a wide network of hotels in different levels.

A unique microclimate, allowing recreation and swimming on a year-round basis, harsh compliance with the environmental regime (within a radius of 100 km. From the city of Sanya is prohibited to place any industrial production, reset to the sea is prohibited, all sewage systems are shown to centralized treatment facilities), created and dynamically Developing infrastructure international Tourism, recreation and recovery, beautiful sandy beaches, complexes with radon and mineral sources, network tourist routes in mountainous terrain and along the coast, beautiful high-speed highways, the presence of memorial geographic places, the ethnographic villages of the national minorities - the indigenous population of the island of Lee and Miao, proximity to Hong Kong and Macau - all this in aggregate and, first of all, ecology, distinguish Hainan Island from other resorts South-East Asia.

Current time in Haikou:
(UTC +8)


How to get

Two major international airports in the cities of Haikou (Camellia) and Sanya (Phoenix) take 384 domestic flights and 21 international flight. Regular flight on the route Moscow - Sanya performs Transaero airlines. Charter flights from various airlines from Russia fly to Hainan - from Russia - from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, as well as cities of Siberia and the Far East. As a rule, they all arrive at the airport of the city of Sanya - the main tourist region of the island. Time in flight from Moscow - about 10 hours, from Yekaterinburg because of the proximity to Asia - just under 8.

If you have to get yourself or at a low season, you can fly to the city of Sanya with a transfer to Beijing, where regular flights fly from many cities of Russia (from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok). You can also use connecting flights with a transfer to other Asian cities - Dubai, Doha, Seoul and others.

Combinations are possible with different cities of China and the use of an internal flight, such as Shanghai or Hong Kong. The closest to fly from Hong Kong (about an hour), but more often fly through Beijing and Shanghai. Beijing Flight - Hainan lasts 4 hours, Shanghai - Hainan flight lasts 2.5 hours.

Programs with a transfer in Beijing offer tour operators, while organizing this way combined toursCombining excursions in the capital of China and rest on the tropical island.

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The map of China shows how similar to the outline of the coastal lines of the mainland Peninsula Layzhou and the northern part of Hainan.

In this similarity, the hypothesis of the origin of the island was founded, according to which its territory was still in the tertiary period of a single whole with the mainland, and then under the influence of tectonic movements, the Earth Cora was born in this place, and a narrow Hainan Strait was formed.

Volcanic activity in Hainan ceased 8,000 years ago, and its evidence is numerous extinct volcanoes, tourist routes are laid to the crater.

Another confirmation of the ever-active volcanic activity on the island is thermal sources. Scattered throughout the island, they are surrounded by a cottage type resorts, drowning in the greenery of tropical plants.

Climate and weather in Hainan

Hainan Island is often called " Eastern Hawaii"Because of its location on one latitude with Hawaiian Islands. Isa is washed by waters South China SeaMore than 300 days a year is clear sunny weather. The amount of precipitation per year is 1500 mm. Xainan - the second largest (after Taiwan) and the only island in China with a tropical climate. On the island of Xainan pure and healing air. By the way, Nanshan Park, located on the island, is the only place in the world corresponding to international environmental standards - ISO 14000.

The average annual air temperature is + 24 ° C, water - + 26 ° C. The average temperature on the island of Hainan in January - about + 22 ° C. The hottest months - July and August, when the average monthly temperature reaches 29 ° C heat, so try to avoid visiting the island in the midst of summer. Golden season in Hainan - from November to May. The region is traditionally considered the "corridor of Typhins", so the island is a paradise for windsurfing lovers.

Weather forecast







To "Weather. Toursinter.ru"

Weather in Hainan by months

day, ° C
at night, ° C
precipitation, mm.
20 14 21
22 15 34
25 18 51
29 21 105
32 24 182
32 25 211
33 25 210
32 24 224
30 24 250
28 22 201
25 19 97
22 16 34

Feedback by month

January 7. February 5. March 3. April 7. May 16. June 9. July 2. August 2. September 12. October 6. November 6. December 2.

Photos Hainanya



The most comfortable way of movement in the city. They are guarding tourists from all hotels, they can be caught on the street or call on the phone. At the entrance to the hotel, the Swiss duty officers pass the coupon with the inscribed taxi number - in case he will forget anything in the car. Tariffs in different companies differ quite strongly and depend on the type of car. On average, it is 10-12 yuan for the first 4 km and 1-2 yuan for each subsequent. At night, the tariff may be higher. Usually it is largely written on the rear right door to the windshield or glass. The taxi driver takes money strictly in the counter and the delivery returns completely, and on the first request of the client, it is obliged to issue a check on the amount paid (in each machine there is a cash register). Catch "private trader" in China is impossible: private remuneration is prohibited as a phenomenon.

In Haikou and Sanya, the approximate tariff is 1.6 yuan per km (at least 7 yuan for one landing). To get from Phoenix Airport to the center of Sanya (about 20 km) will cost about 45 yuan, until the bay of Yalunvan - 80 yuan. It should be borne in mind that outside the settlement, to which this taxi is attributed, the tariff rises to 2.7 yuan per km. Therefore, when traveling for distant distances, it is advisable to bargain and negotiate a fixed amount, especially if you want to return with the same machine. Thirtless, the ride from Sanya in Haikou will arrive in 600 yuan, which is much cheaper than the counter.


On the island there is an exotic means of movement like BELORIKSH - using its services, you can get acquainted in more detail with the city. Movement on Veloiksha - the pleasure is not cheap, it is necessary to negotiate the price in advance. You can also use conventional rickshams. The cost of travel on ordinary and on the bicycles depends on the weight of the passenger and the distance. In addition, most hotels provide bicycle rental service.

Railway communication

In 2003, the first railway line was put into operation connecting Hainan Island with Guangdong Province. The road takes 15 hours. The train follows along the eastern route of the island, then enters the ferry and the 30 km floats on the ferry. On the day there are 3 trains.

City Autotransport

In the city of Sanya, there are buses of two routes: 2 and 4. Distance between stops 500 m.

Also there are several routes of minibuslv: from the city of Sanya to the Bay of the Dragon Asia, to the Park "Edge of Light" and to the Nanshan Temple.

Long-distance Bus Station is located on Jefan Avenue. The bus to the city of Haikou departs every 20 minutes. Hours of the bus service: 7.00 - 23.00.

Car rental

Rental cars in Hainan, as in all China, is possible only with the driver.


The province consists of Hainan Island, Nansha Islands, Zhongsha, Sisha. The capital and largest city of Hainan Province - Khaikou. The city of Sanya and its surroundings is the largest tourist center of the island. Other essential cities - Dongfan, Danzhou, Quunhai.

The emergence of the capital of the island, Khaikou (translated as "sea gate"), refers to the period of the reign of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). In the suburbs, Khaikou preserved monuments of antiquities. The most famous of them is the so-called "idle of five noble husbands", reminiscent of the fact that in Imperial China, the island served as a place of reference to the unoblant and dismissal emperor officials.

In the southern part of the island there is a year-round Sanya resort - the main center of tourism in Hainan. Around the resort in three bays (Sanya, Yalunvan and Dadonghai) is the majority of hotels and major recreation areas of the island. Sanya Airport arrive charter flights from Russia.

Beaches and bayes

All beaches at Hainan resorts are municipal, equipped caring hotels with everything necessary: \u200b\u200bsun beds, umbrellas and shower. Beaches everywhere sandy and gentle, warm water and transparent. Water in the yalunvan bay is the cleanest, the sea is especially calm and a little more cooler than on other sections of the coast of the island. Large diving centers are here. Surfers, on the contrary, prefer Dadonghai Bay.

Most popular hotels in Dadunhae or in Yalunvan. Each zone has its advantages, and their drawbacks. For example, Dadonghai beaches are very often crowded: the local population comes there, and the sun beds and umbrellas are a bit. The Chinese come to the beach not only to swim, but simply sit to admire the sea and watch tourists. The Chinese themselves prefer to stop away from the sea - it is cheaper. In Yalunvan, tourists will be alone on the beach, peace and peace are provided. However, behind evening entertainment will have to go to Sanya (about 30 km and about 50 yuan). Sanyan Bay is close to Sanya Airport, its infrastructure is still developing. The main drawback of this resort area is that all the beaches are across the road. Coastal waters here are not so transparent as in Yalunvan, but the surrounding landscapes completely compensate for it.

Dadonghai Bay (Dadonghai, Big East Sea)

Dadonghai, located near the town of Sanya, is considered the most beautiful beach in China. Dadunhai is a few kilometers of snow-white sand, azure sky, transparent seawater, and far away in the sea - Sails of fishing junks and Sampanov, glowing in the evenings and attracting the inhabitants of the sea depths. Dadunhai is the center of evening tourist party, where fun and conversations in nightclubs, numerous fish restaurants and harchers do not cease until the morning. For many kilometers around - extensive spaces, overgrown with palm trees, pineapples, mango and blooming cacti. This bay is most animated - there are a large number of restaurants, cafes and shops.

Dadunhai is the most developed and democratic bay. It was here that the first tourists from Russia arrived, which largely determined the features of infrastructure development in its territory. There are many shops, cafes, restaurants. The main part of them is concentrated in the area of \u200b\u200bthe largest store Summer Moll. There is also a small fruit market. Everything in the bay is focused on the rest of the Russian-speaking tourist. Signs and menus in Russian, Russian-speaking staff, assortment of goods and the like. This bay is distinguished by intense nightlife with all its manifestations. Possesses diverse accommodation in a wide price range: from hotels with international starry categories, hostels and apartments. The beach area is sufficiently equipped, over the past two years along the beaches, a large line of cafes and restaurants are erected, which, however, did not narrow the beach.

Jalunvan Bay (Yalong Bay, Dragon Asia)

Yalunvan Bay is considered the most prestigious of all three bays - mainly there are located hotels of the international chains of category 5 * with their own beaches, but there are hotels offering more economical rest. The bay is 25 km from the city of Sanya. His coastline with dazzling white small sand with a length of 20 km reminds of the form of a month. Water clean and transparent. Here the face is erased between the sea and sky. Locals call this bay of Yaoches - "Paradise on Earth". It was here that the first in China was created by the club, and on one of the nearby islets, a club for tourists was opened with the first casino "experimental" in China. There is no lively infrastructure in the bay yet - restaurants, shops, bars and discos. All this is located on the territory of the hotels themselves. At the same time, in the central part of the bay are Shoping Village, in which stores, mini supermarket, fruit shop of restaurants. In the evening, live music is played here. The second shopping and entertainment zone of Bazaar is also located in the center of the bay and is in the formation stage. On the territory of the bay there is a popular tourist center - butterflies gorge. Transport infrastructure At the moment, it is quite developed, in addition to a taxi for moving around the bay and outside the tourist buses and route taxis.

In the coastal water area, shrimps, crabs, lobsters, lobsters, countless mollusks and tropical fish, Muren, Midogu and many other species are mined. All this can be seen in the aquariums-shop windows of restaurants and Kharcheng. Seafood here are only alive. Any dish is prepared no more than 5-7 minutes on an open fire in a huge frying pan with a hot oil, adding various spices and seasonings - the Chinese know a sense in seafood and know how to cook them.

Sanya Bay (Sanya Bay)

Sanyan Bay - the least visited by Russian tourists. Here are 4 * and 5 * categories hotels. The main disadvantage of this bay is that the beaches have all hotels through the road (except Kempinski 5 *). This bay is also located nearby from the city, which is a certain plus for some categories of tourists. Sanyan - a dynamically developing bay in which last years Several new hotels opened. It is in this bay that there is a large number of seafood restaurants. You can get to the city and the neighboring coves in a taxi, on a flight and a tourist bus.

What to see

Park "Edge of Light"

Located 23 km away. To the west of the city of Sanya by the sea. Landscape here is extremely beautiful. On the sandy beach the stone blocks of bizarre form will come out. There is a "stone that supports the sky", "Stone broken heart", "Stone - a shelter of a bachelor", "Labyrinth for lovers". The image of the "Wealth Stone" can be seen on the banknote 2 yuan. On one of the gigantic stones (10 meters in height) you will see the inscription that it is here that the extreme south of China is "the edge of the world".


In the Marine Zoo, you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of 200 species of exotic fish and other inhabitants of the sea depths; See the presentation of the trained parrots, the shower of the sea lions and the crocodile show. If you wish, you can feed the crocodile in a living chicken and take pictures with him in an embrace, while having received a fairing portion of adrenaline. In the park at the oceanarium, a unique collection of exotic birds from all southern China is collected. You will have a unique opportunity to take a picture of memory with 600-year-old sea turtles, as well as ride on ostrich.

Monkey Island

Located 80 km. From Sanya, an area of \u200b\u200babout 1000 hectares. More than 2100 monkeys live on the island, these are Guansky Macaki (Macaca Mulatta). Through the strait rolls the cable car. From the cabin of a funicular from a bird's eye view you can see the strait, the open sea, a unique settlement of the "Marine People". In addition to acquaintance with wild monkeys, you will see the circus monkeys. On the way back, it is necessary to look at the restaurant "on the water" and taste there a variety of sea delicacies. The excursion will enjoy both children and adults. You will probably drive with you a lot of interesting personnel with funny and mischievous monkeys.

Center Buddhism Nanshhan

The largest NANSHAN Buddhism center is located in the international zone of tourism, located 40 km. To the west of Sanya, at the foot of Mount Nanshan (South Mountain). Area 50 square. km. The center is open in 1997. Here the ancient Buddhist temple is restored and a huge landscape park is broken. In the near future, the construction of the temple of the Goddess of Mercy, Guanin, is completed, the construction of the temple of the Goddess of Mercy - Guanin, the bronze statue of the goddess (108 m).

In a separate pavilion on the territory of the park carefully stored the biggest in the world Golden Statue of Goddess Guanin Weight 140 kg. It is decorated with precious stones and stands on a pedestal in the form of a lotus flower made of white precious jade. This statue is not only incorporated into the Guinness Book of Records, but at the same time it is the greatest Buddhist shrine: there are particles of the Buddha dust. The statue consists of gold, jade, pearls and other valuable stones. 100 kg of gold took to create a statue.

Folklore village of National Li and Miao

People is the aborigines of the island, they lived here long before the Chinese arrival. Live mainly in thick rainforests on the slopes of the mountains in the center of the island. In antiquity, whether houses were built from grass, clay and bamboo. The food traditionally consume rice, which is prepared in bamboo make a sticky rice vodka. Clothes sew from domain matter and decorate with her sinks, corals, pearls, copper puments. Previously, Women had a tradition to apply a tattoo on the body, now young women are not doing this. Miao's nationality - migrants from the continent are famous for fearless warriors and have a rich original culture. In antiquity, lived in the mountains.

In the village you will see a wedding rite, dancing, life of this kind of nation. Coconut Holiday Coconut Lee and Miaå is held on the 3rd number of each month along the lunar calendar, and in the evening of this day in Dadonghai Bay, it is arranged the performance of art teams. During the holiday, a fair of various products of folk fishing opens. The charming landscape, the national folklore, hospitable people attract many tourists from both China and from abroad.

Botanical Garden Tropical Plants

Located near the thermal radon sources "Silun". This is one of the largest botanical tropical plant gardens in China. The area is 32 hectares., It was founded in 1957. It has more than 1,000 species of various exotic plants and scientific work is being conducted to study them. Great nature Parkwhere you can see a diverse world of tropical flora and fauna. Good opportunity to get acquainted with culture and traditions, rituals and cuisine of countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, India and other states.

The program includes visiting the Garden of Asian traditions of Sin Moon. The garden architecture is made, naturally, in the traditional Asian style. Excursion B. botanical Garden Leaves unforgettable impressions of everyone who loves nature, and will also give the opportunity to taste different types of Hainan coffee, which is grown under the generous tropical sun in ideal environmental conditions.

Museum of butterflies

The Museum-Reserve is located 30 km from the center of Sanya. Consists of two parts. The first is a museum, which presents a rich collection of butterflies and other insects of China, as well as the tropical countries of Asia, America and Africa. The second part of the museum is the "garden of butterflies" - is a small gorge with a plot of preserved real rainforest, where the butterflies flute on freedom under a huge awning. It is in the "Garden of Butterflies" endemics inhabit, the cost of which at international auctions reaches $ 20,000.

Tea ceremony

Tea ceremony is the art of brewing tea that emerged in China and honed by centuries. Tea is the most popular drink in China. Hainan Island, thanks to its climatic conditions, is a favorable place to grow elite varieties of tea, such as "Kudin", "Snow Tea", "Favorite Tea Tea Tea" and other types of a tea ceremony will allow you to learn about the beneficial properties of each grade of tea and methods Its welding, after familiarization with whom, you can immediately buy a favorite tea.

Pirates Island

A relatively small island is an area of \u200b\u200b1.5 square meters. Km near Hainan (about 20 minutes from the marina). Beaches with clean white sand, azure sea water, rich underwater world of coral reefs, full range of beach entertainment: a boat with a transparent bottom, fishing, scooter, rental boats, beach motorbikes and much more. Also on the island there is a small hotel and diving center. Distance from the city is approximately 30 kilometers (to the pier), the time in the way is about 40 minutes.

Western Island

On the island rich vegetable worldAnd the sea is replete with fish. Beach and water entertainment, such as scuba diving, parasayling, fishing, scooter, water skiing, etc. Along with the island of pirates is a great place for diving lovers. On the island there is a seafood restaurant. Travel time is about 50 minutes.

Fishing on the lake "Calm"

In the vicinity of the city of Sanya is a fisheries where fishing lovers can sit on the shore with fishing rod and catch fish. Tackle for fishing are provided. You caught fish you can cook right on site. Enjoy fishing, from her taste and enjoy the surrounding landscape.

Park Birds "Flying World"

This is the largest park of tropical birds in China: 200 species of unusually beautiful, large and small, singing and speaking representatives of the world of feathered. Only here you can see cock bats and "put" on ostrich in ostrich runs, see a fascinating show of parrots and feed the majestic peacocks.

Taoist Temple Dun Tien

Located on picturesque sealand 35 km west of the city of Sanya Temple Tong Tian has more than 800 years. This place is sacred to all Chinese followers of Taoism, one of the most revered religions of China. According to legend, the South Dragon lives here - in Taoist beliefs one of the four rulers of the world, and the followers of Taoism come here to worship the dragon and ask him to help him in the temple built in his honor. In addition to the Taoist temples and unique marine landscapes with fancy heaps of stone blocks, you can see the endemic of Hainan Island - "Dragon" Palm, which has more than 6 thousand years.

Crocodile Zoo and Tigers

This is a completely new zoo in Sanya, he began working from April 2005. More than 20 thousand crocodiles and more than two hundred tigers were born in this zoo, which were brought from Thailand to Sanya City. In the zoo you will be present a circus tigers. And you can take pictures with a tiger and a small crocodile for memory. This excursion will especially like children.

Pearl Museum with Pearl Plantation

The museum is open to the Chinese firm "Jingzun", the largest in China in the field of mining and processing of pearls. You will visit the present plantation of pearls, as well as in the museum, where you find out about the technologies of cultivation and pearl production, you can see rare copies of pearls. Pearls are pride and symbol of Hainan. Along with Bethel, tropical fruits and tea from a long time, it has been imported to the continent and even supplied to the Imperial Palace. Today, Hainan occupies a leading place in China for the production and export of high-quality pearls - the South China Sea, which is washes Hainan, is a medium for producing the best pearl in the world. If you wish, you can buy something: here is a rich selection of pearls, precious and semi-precious stones, cosmetic and drugs based on pearl essence.

Museum of Crystal

A rich collection of crystal and other semi-precious stones is collected here. In the museum you will learn a lot of interesting things about Crystal and its species, about the history of production, processing technologies and will be able to purchase something from a variety of decorations and souvenirs made from different types of crystal - white, yellow, green ...

Park "Deer wrapped his head"

4 km from the city of Sanya is the Park "Deer wrapped his head" on the mountain of the same name. At the top of the mountain, a stone sculpture depicting, according to the legend about the origin of the park, deer, a guy and a girl, a 12-meter width of 9 meters, 12. The Park "Deer wrapped his head" is the best place to review the night city.

Tropical Forests Day Fen Lin

Forests are 130 km from the city of Sanya. The largest area of \u200b\u200ball available in the country of virgin rainforests available in the country. The only place in China, suitable for scientific work on the UN and Biosphere Plan ".

Natural zoo on the shore of Lake Dongshanhu

It is the largest in Asia by the Tropical Fauna and Flora Reserve. Total area of \u200b\u200b130 hectares. There are 1,200 animals, more than 100 species. On the excursion you can go on jeeps. Nearby is a mountain on Dundashan (East Mountain). Her attractiveness is that here the nature of the "collected" the unique collection of huge stones symbolizing the basis of the universe and having the most bizarre forms. Moreover, each stone has its name and described in a special directory.

Dongshan Zoo Safari

Divided into two parts. In one tigers, lions and bears stroll on the will, cutting circles around sightseeing machines with enchanted tourists. You can walk the second part without fears on foot: the flora collected there and the fauna of the tropics is quite human loving (in a good way) and no one will leave indifferent. There is also a unique beast of Tigrolev, whose breeding in China is engaged since 2001.

Tropical park

It is located in the reservoir of Nanun, 7 km from Wannina and not far from the highway, covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 300 hectares. The park is broken by a botanical garden of tropical plants, where many species close to disappearance are collected, and work is underway to protect and reproduction. The park is one of the four state bases of exemplary genetic banks. The Chinese government recommended this United Nations Park for a list of 500 samples of ecological bases of the world.

Excursion to Crater Volcanana Ma An

It is 14 km south-west of Quunshan and 27 km from the Heikou administrative center. The last eruption of the volcano occurred about 40-50 thousand years ago. It is one of the most well-preserved extinct volcanoes of the world. In the vicinity there were 72 grotto formed as a result of the jet of magmatic rocks. Nearby are crater existing volcanoes Lajulin and Lozzingpan. Steps to the crater are laid out of volcanic magma, the diameter of the crater is protected by rail and is equipped as a viewing platform from which you can look inside the crater. The neck of the crater is a frozen lava, the thick shrubs and tropical species of relict plants. The whole zone is equipped in the form of a park, the open-air restaurant is located in the palm grove. In front of the restaurant - a large scenic platform, on which evening folklore performances of the Aboriginal Island are arranged - Lie and Miao.

Where to go on Hainan


Museums and galleries

Where to eat and drink


Parks and recreation areas



Shops and markets

Wellness holiday

Private guides on Hainan

In more detail with Hainan, Russian private guides will help you.
On the project experts. Toursinter.ru is registered.

Things to do


Cyun Opera (Hainan Opera) - has more than a three hundred years of history. Theater Quunshan Gundsza is a puppet theater playing in the traditions of the Central Opera.

The Lingo Puppet Theater is a type of a puppet theater, in which a person and dolls simultaneously play on stage. The artist in makeup and the doll, which he controls, play the same role, and take turns with replicas and songs under the traditional accompaniment on two sons.


Hainan offers its guests 18 golf sites that meet international standards. You can choose a suitable golf club: they are located in a variety of corners of the island - to the sea, in the mountains, close to business and medical centers.

Water entertainment

Underwater hunting

Duration: 5 hours, maximum number for group: 2 people. Cost: 2200 yuan - (approximately $ 297, from the group). The price includes: Instructing, equipment rental, boat rental, support for Russian-speaking Divemaster, dinner from caught fish in a restaurant, shuttle service.

Sea fishing

Duration: 5 hours, maximum number for group: 6 people. Cost: 6600 yuan (approximately $ 892, from the group). The price includes: briefing, rental of equipment for fishing, for snorkeling and hunting, support for Russian-speaking Divemaster, rental boats (cabin, shower, toilet), soft drinks on board, dinner from caught fish in a restaurant, shuttle service.

Fishing with boats

Duration: 5 hours, maximum number for group: 6 people. Cost: 4800 yuan (approximately $ 649, from the group). The price includes: rental equipment for fishing, boat rental, soft drinks on board, support of the Russian-speaking Divemaster, dinner from caught fish in the restaurant, shuttle service.


The only coral reserve in China is near the city of Sanya. The underwater world has more than 600 species of underwater inhabitants. In addition, you can visit underwater caves, grottoes, sunken ships and aircraft. For tourists without a certificate, immersion with two PADI accompanying instructors is possible.

The proposed programs you can find in the diving centers of the island:

D.iSCOVER S.cuba D.iving.

This is the first step in amateur diving and the first step to getting the international diver certificate. After passing this program, the PADI certificate (DSD) is issued, which gives the right to dive up to 12 meters with a certified divemaster or instructor. Includes theoritic lesson, training in the pool and one immersion in the sea, which is happening in the Bay of Xiao Dong High, where you can enjoy the underwater world, see a variety of coral reefs and marine inhabitants.

Duration: 4 hours. Cost: 1800 yuan (approximately $ 244) per person. The price includes: theoretical classes, training in the pool, dive in the open sea, equipment rental, individual support of the Russian-speaking divemaster, transfer, PADI certificate (DSD).

D.iscover.Local D.iving.

This program is possible only for certified divers. Immersion in the sea, occurs near the island of Feng Jue Juse, supported by Divemaster. An excellent opportunity to see sunken ships and a military fighter, a variety of coral reefs and marine inhabitants.

Duration: 8-9 hours. Cost: 2000 yuan (approximately $ 270) per person. The price includes: equipment rental, individual support of the Russian-speaking divemaster, transfer.


Professional training of PADI divers prepared by employment.

Duration: 50 hours. Cost: 5800 yuan (approximately $ 784). The price includes: a course of lectures in Russian, training immersion, educational literature, an international certificate, a diploma.

S.cuba Review

This is a program for recovering skills after a dive break for more than 6 months.

Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 300 yuan (approximately $ 41) per person.

Dive in the bay of Xiao Dun High

This is a single dive from the pontoon. For certified divers.

Duration: 1.5-2 hours. Cost: 880 yuan (approximately $ 119) per person (second balloon - 420 yuan - approximately $ 57). The price includes: equipment rental, support for Russian-speaking divemaster, transfer.

Night dive

Immersion occurs in Xiao Dong High Bay. For certified divers.

Duration: 2 hours. Cost: 1080 yuan (approximately $ 146) per person. The price includes: equipment rental, support for Russian-speaking divemaster, transfer.

Thermal sources

Hainan, among other things, is famous for its hot springs. There are many thermal sources on the island, the water temperature and the chemical composition in which are different. The sources are on the coast, and in the rainforest, and in the mountains, and near the cities. Hot thermal water from 40 to 78 degrees in combination with traditional Chinese medicine gives amazing results. Basic treatments - Chinese massage, stop massage, acupuncture, bamboo banks. Radon sources are suitable for the treatment of organs of motion, radiculitis, rheumatism, gynecological diseases, and in the potassium-sodium they treat the nervous system, skin, respiratory organs.

The hottest source is Guantan (the temperature of the thermal waters of 70 - 90 degrees at the source) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Quunhai. There you can get, making an exciting cruise on the Vanzuan River (ten thousand sources). The sources of Guantan have the resorts "starfish" and "Heavenly Dragon".

The valley of thermal sources Sylong. Located 120 km from Sanya in the direction of Gaikou, in the depths of the island and in the sea from the sea coast. Time on the way from Sanya for 1 hour 15 minutes, which makes this resort available for tourists who want to take various baths: from radon to Kalievo sodium. Here is more than a dozen hotels, almost every source of the pool. Among the tourists, the most popular hotels are "pearl" (4 *) and "Cannes" (5 *). Hotel "Canle" (HNA Kangle Garden Resort 5 *) is the largest hotel with thermal sources in Asia. The hotel has 575 comfortable rooms and 8 separate villas and fox with thermal water. Guests can enjoy thermal springs with equipped pools, firmal water jacuzzi, ordinary pool, sauna, gym, bowling, 18 hole golf course, tennis court, SPA center, business center, shopping center, center of Chinese traditional medicine And much more, which will help combine rest with therapeutic procedures.

Swimming in sources is recommended to coordinate with their attending doctors. The water temperature in the sources reaches 60 degrees Celsius, water is rich in microelements and has "traces" of radon, helps with some skin diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, relieves stress.

Hot springs "Nantian Resort & Spa". In 2005, this resort was included in the list of the best Chinese thermal sources. It is located 30 km. from Sanya. Represents 36 basins of different temperatures and compositions immersed in the greenery of a tropical garden; Large swimming pool, swimming pool with slides; Several cafes. Swimming in the source removes stress, has a beneficial effect on the skin and joints. The water of the thermal source is rich in fluorine, radon, aqueous silicon.

The Sanya Pearl River Nantian Resort & Spa 5 * Hotel is located on the territory of the sources. The hotel has 128 comfortable rooms, cottages, each number of which has a personal pool-font of thermal water. It offers a tennis court, golf, basketball court, 5 conference rooms, chess and poker room, SPA-center, beauty salon, Chinese restaurant, tea house.

Sources with fish therapy are located in the Phoenix area, a 15-minute drive from the center of Sanya. it health complexwhich is 1 large fish pool from 1 cm to 10 cm, 1 swimming pool with fish-fry, 16 pools with thermal water of different temperatures, 1 swimming pool with coconut milk, swimming pool and other pools, as well as 2 massage center, Where Chinese massage, foot massage, manicure, pedicure and other services are offered.

Swimming in the thermal pool (sodium bicarbonate) with fish cures skin diseases, relieves stress, has a beneficial effect on rheumatic arthritis and cold. Fish swim to you from all sides and begin to gently bite the skin, thus extinguishing it.

Spa treatments

This is a relatively new trend in modern tourism acquired popularity and on the island of Hainan. More hotels offers a variety of spa services. Let's give some examples.

Wrap (Detox). Well warming wrapping from special spices, including ginger, pepper and seeds of cloves. This procedure improves blood circulation, increases metabolism and removes muscle pain.

Whitening. At the same time, bleaching and moisturizing procedure, this wrapping consists of barley grains, lemon, cucumber and yogurt with the addition of Chinese spices, for those who prefer light and luminous skin.

Aromas massage. The procedure combines the traditions of the West and the East, using natural essential oils and professional massage technology.

Chinese massage "Tui-on". This is a strong body massage, which was invented in China over 2,000 years ago, which combined the special art and the use of aroma oils.

Massage hot stones. Hot stones stimulate circulation and oxygen transportation to tired, intense body muscles. This solid massage of the whole body will restore the balance of energy in the body.

"Mandara" massage. In this form of massage a duration of 90 minutes, two masseuse are involved at the same time. This is a unique procedure that uses aroma therapy and a combination of five different types of massage of the whole body (Shiatsu, Thai, Lomi, Swedish and Balinese).

Face mask "Eastern Pearl". The most ancient secret of beauty, which lies in the pearl powder, after the use of which, the skin looks young and healthy. Pearl powder contains a unique combination of natural elements and minerals and contributes to the restoration of skin cells, makes it smooth and tender. Duration 90 minutes.

Care back on Chinese herbs. This procedure consists of three parts. First, the herbal scrub is applied, which cleans and enables the skin. After cleansing follows massage. The procedure ends with a compress from Chinese herbs, which relaxes muscles and removes the voltage of the whole body. Duration 90 minutes.

Massage Lomi. The ancient kind of Hawaiian massage provides holistic treatment of the body and soul. Massage accompanied by dancing movements soothes and restores the body. Massaging movements towards the heart will have a relaxing effect. Duration 90 minutes.

Traditional Chinese massage. This massage method is based on pressing techniques for vital points and stimulating them. This massage from ancient times was used to treat various diseases, and it is still popular. Duration 90 minutes.

Javanese Lulur. The traditional Indonesian massage is carried out using aromatic agents, aimed at improving skin condition. During the massage, the cooled yogurt is also used, which feeds the skin.

Scrub "Tropical Island". For cleaning, a mixture of coconut and pineapple pulp is used. This complex restores the "tired" skin, filling its vital energy. Inxiating fragrance will make you forget about everything.

Scrub "Coffee". The complex is aimed at improving blood circulation, makes the skin smooth, deeply cleanses the pores. For cleaning, a mixture of coffee and essential oils is used.

Therapeutic body mask "Boreh". The popular medical procedure consisting in the use of Chinese therapeutic herbs that wrap the body. Thanks to these herbs, a certain temperature is preserved. The procedure has a very good effect at elevated temperatures, headaches and lubrication in the joints. At the end of the procedure, a cucumber mask is used to reduce body temperature.

Mineral body mask. For the procedure, seaweed and various minerals that feed the skin are used. The body turns into a special blanket, which allows the useful substances to absorb better. This procedure also includes a face and hair mask.

Massage Stop and Hands. Foot and hands are sprinkled in a flower bath, with the addition of essential oils. This procedure allows you to relax all the body.


For a long time for the West, China was primarily homeland silk. Even greek title China Seres, from which China's names occurred in most European languages \u200b\u200bgoes back to the Chinese Silk Social Word. The Motherland of Chinese Silk is located in the cities of Suzhou and Hangzhou. It was there that for the first time began to produce Silk of the highest quality, which discouraged world fame. Shank salon in the city of Sanya is open to one of the largest silk factories, there you can buy clothes from silk, silk bedding, silk embroidery and paintings from this material. This is the biggest store on the island.

In addition to pearls, you can bring tea and rhinestone from the island. Also very popular with tourists are used by Silk, porcelain, wood carving, Buddhist souvenirs and symbols "Feng Shui".

Hayshudunlu Street in Haikou (the capital of the island) is a place where prestigious shops are concentrated, on the market of the "Edge of the sky and the Sea" in the market, artistic crafts can be purchased. In the city of Sanya, the main department stores are located on the street of liberation in the city center.

- The largest agricultural market in Sanya, where you can buy seafood, tea, vegetables, tropical fruits.

You can eat in the yalunvan bay only in restaurants at the hotel, and since all hotels are high class, then dinner will cost tourists on average from 20 USD (about 160 yuan). In Dadunhai, it is much easier with meals, there are full of different cafes and restaurants near hotels, dinner will cost 6-10 USD (approximately 45-80 yuan).


Medical Insurance and Medical Assistance

When applying for a visa, medical insurance policy for the period of the trip is not required. Nevertheless, all tourists traveling to the island are strongly recommended for insurance. This is due to an active holiday and the possibility of injury. Polis does not provide for the treatment of chronic diseases and dental care. It should also be borne in mind that no insurance company covers the cost of treatment of venereal diseases and diseases caused by alcoholic drug poisoning. Medical services obtained in the PRC are paid in cash. Upon returning to Russia, the tourist receives compensation from the insurance company upon presentation of accounts in accordance with the Treaty. If an insured event occurs, you need to call the phones specified in the insurance and contact the medical center of the hotel. After the doctor's call, you must immediately call the service center specified in the insurance policy, and prevent the insurance company about using medical services.

Where to call in emergency cases (telephones for the city of Sanya)


Take care of bags in crowded places. Passports and tickets immediately remove the safe at the hotel, do not require passport on the street. Do not carry large amounts of money to the city. Sun beds on the beach of the hotel in most cases are free. Beware of the scorching sun, you can burn in 15-20 minutes. The best time for sunburn from 8 to 11 am and from 16 to 19 pm. Tanning cream is better to take with me (with a ratio of at least 20 units) - Only Chinese brands with whitening effect are sold on the island. Carefully check the surrender, come across fake bills 10 and 50 yuan - you should not roll around the edges, the paper texture is different, on the clearance of Mao Zedong does not look like on the bill.

In case of a conflict situation with police or controllers in transport, "FUN" (translated as "I do not understand"), it often helps and leave you, even if you did something wrong.

You can not take pictures in the temples. You can, standing on the street, through the open door to try to remove the indoor indoors. But even if you will shoot in the temple, no one will remove the camera. May just ask to leave the room. Photographing government agencies and strategic facilities (even bridges and dams) tourists are not recommended.

In general, on the island is safe. At one time there were many robbers on motorcycles, tearing bags. Then the authorities posted posters on the streets with the inscription that with such cases it is possible to kill robbers, which suspended the robbery. In any case, in the handbags, nothing valuable is better not to put on the city away from the carriageway.

You can ride without accompaniment, people are friendly and hardly what can happen. On the streets there are many policemen, even at night you can safely walk.

It is not recommended to use bought food and beverages on the street, drinking and there are in dubious from the point of view of hygiene places outside the hotel. At the first opportunity to wash your hands, as well as thoroughly wash all fruits bottled mineral water, regardless of where the fruits are purchased. Water in bottles is also used for drinking, do not drink water from under the tap.

In the cities and resort areas of the danger of meeting with poisonous insects and predatory animals practically no. However, going to the beach, it is impossible to forget that this is a tropical coast, and caution must be taken when bathing. As in any other warm seas, it is better to swim in the sea only in special slippers.

A foreigner in China should always have a visit to a hotel with a Chinese inscription, or a card with its data filled with any Chinese translator. It must be submitted to local residents if the tourist was lost in the hectic of the streets.

The Russian passport is of great value for some Chinese, since there is a problem of illegal migration to Russia and further to the west. Having lost the passport, immediately contact the Embassy or Consulate. In difficult cases, also feel free to contact Russian embassywhere the standby is running around the clock.

Personal aid kit

All medical drugs that you use constantly at home must be present in a personal first-aid kit. In addition, the stock is required by the confidence of drugs, facilitating and improving digestion. Remember that even in best Hotels When preparing european dishes, local water is used, which can adversely affect your stomach.

Where to stay in Hainan

The neighborhood of the city of Sanya, the most tourist area of \u200b\u200bthe island, built up with a variety of hotels in various categories. In the Bay "Dragon Asia" (Yalunvan), 25 km. From the city, the most luxurious hotels category 5 * are located, such as Crowne Plaza Sanya, Mangrove Tree Resort, Sheraton Resort, Sanya Marriott Resort & Spa, Resort Horizon and others.

In the bay of Dadonghai, located 3 km away. From the city center, you can stay in such hotels as Pearl River Garden Hotel 4 *, Resort Intime 5 *, Shanhaitian5 * and others. In Sanya Bay, both closest to the city, there are both hotels in various categories and cheap hostels and guesthouses. View full information about hotels of the island You can in a special heading "Hotels Hainan".

In addition to traditional hotels presented above, you can This can be convenient for some categories of tourists - families with several children who prefer to prepare themselves and so on.

Booking.com offers to book more than 1690 hotels in Hainany. You can choose a hotel using a variety of filters: hotel star, hotel type (hotel, apartments, villa, hostel, etc.), cost, hotel location, assessments of people visiting the hotel, availability Wi-Fi and much more. .

The territory of the island is 34,000 square meters. km. The name is translated into Russian as the "Island of South Sea". Central and southern parts are covered with dense forests, mango plantations, bananas, pineapples, coffee, tea and coconuts.

Tourists in Hainan expect picturesque landscapes and cultural and historical monuments, azure sea, rich tropical vegetation and fauna, warm sources, as well as familiarity with life local residents - Lee and Miao nations.

Eight thousand years ago, volcanic activity ended in Hainan, which is now evidenced by extinct volcanoes and thermal sources.

The status of a separate province in China Hainan received only in 1988. At about this time, the development of the tourism industry on the island began.

Climate and weather

Climate on Hainan tropical. In January and February, the average temperature varies from + 16 to + 24, in August and July, from + 25 to +29. The rainy season lasts from May to October. The island is located on one latitude with Hawaii and has a similar climate, so it is often called "Eastern Hawaii".

Attractions Hainan - What is worth visiting and where to relax

The capital of the island is a city Khaikou. This is a city with modern architecture and rapid rhythm of life. But at the same time, many buildings of the old South Chinese and Portuguese colonial architecture have been preserved.

Sanya - City in the southernmost part of the island, the most popular resort center in Hainan in China with many hotels of various categories.

Gorge Butterfly - an amazing park reserve, where many different butterflies delivered from the countries of Southeast Asia, Africa and South America.

The end of the world - Park 23 km west of Sanya. This is a unique sandy beach, which is located a variety of stone blocks of bizarre. Here you can see, for example, "Stone, supporting the sky", "Stone - broken heart", "Labyrinth for lovers", "Stone of wealth".

Volcano Ma An - The most famous extinct volcano on the island. The road to it and the steps to the crater are laid out by magma. Over the perimeter of the crater, an observation deck is made, fenced with railings.

Buddhist center Nanshan. There are several Buddhist temples on the territory of a huge park. One of the main attractions of the center is the Golden Statue of the Thousands of Buddha Guaniain, decorated with precious stones. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, as the biggest buddha statue made of pure gold (its weight is 140 kg).

Holidays in Hainan - Tourists

On Hainan, one of the best golf courses in Southeast Asia. Here you can do rafting, fishing. Near Sanya there are several diving centers. Russian specialists work in the center of Trophy.

Lovers of small arms can exercise on an open landfill in shooting more than 20 types of combat and sports weapons.

The best beaches in Hainan are in Sanya.

Valley of radon sources Synun. Located in picturesque place Among the coconut groves, plantations of coffee and tea. It is surrounded by fashionable hotels and villas, pools with water from thermal sources. Hot radon baths are useful for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. In Hainan, experienced physicians are conducting courses for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dermatological and pulmonary diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system: lumbosacral radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritious and rheumatoid phenomena in the joints (not acute form), salts deposition in a plus.

Monkey Island Nanvan. - This is the only monkey nature reserve in China. Hainan Island is covered with dense forest and cliffs. Numerous caves and the presence of tropical fruits is a paradise for monkeys. In total, more than 3000 monkeys live here.

Transport. The island has a developed transport network. Modern high-speed ring road, haying Hainan, tied all major cities and settlements and opened the way to the hard-to-reach Western coast of the island.

Restaurants. The island has many excellent seafood restaurants. In each restaurant, the entrance is a variety of aquariums, where you can choose and try the most rare representatives of the sea fauna.

Many establishments have a menu in Russian. Several foreign restaurants opened in Sanya: Korean, Japanese, Italian, Russian.

Purchases. Sanya's silk salon is open to one of the largest silk factories, there you can buy clothes from natural silk of traditional Chinese dressing. For example, silk bedding, silk embroidery, silk patterns. This is the biggest store on the island. On the island of Hainan, Dzdezhensky porcelain is for sale (the most famous porcelain in China). Such a gift will be a wonderful mark of attention. The island is also famous for elite varieties of Hainan tea and coffee.

Also popular souvenir from Hainan Island are products from sinks, pearls and crystals. In addition, since Hainan is called a "coconut island", here you can buy a wide variety of coconut chips.

If you are interested in Tours to Hainan, you can choose options by searching for online tours, and you can also leave a request to our managers by filling out the form of the tour.

Excursions to the resort Hainan

Mount of deer (5 km)
The picturesque park at the highest mountain in Sanya, which overlooks the city and adjacent picturesque bays from a bird's eye view. The sacred place of nation.

Mount Sleeping Mao Zedong (70 km)
Mountain in the form of sleeping Mao Zedong. Memorial Mao Zedong with the temple in his honor.

Mountain folklore village of nation l and and miao
Acquaintance with life, life and traditions of the ancient inhabitants of Hainan Island.

Mountain Ethnographic Village (25 km)
The village, which preserved the traditional lifestyle of the human life, wedding rite, ritual dancing. Lennets with animals about. Hainan.

Tonguja Mountain Park (25 km)
The Hospital Mountain is located in the district of Quunzhun. The highest peak is the height of 1800 m., Is the highest point of O. Khainan. Mountain slopes are thickly covered with a rainforest, from the height of the main peak you can admire the sea and explore the surroundings. Mountain Area - Lee Academy of Education, tourists can enjoy homemade vodka, tea growing on the mountain, listen to folk legends.

Warm sources "Nantian".

Warm sources "Synun".

Dragon Bay (30 km)
Rest on the shore of the most beautiful bay in Sanya, a walk on the vessel with an underwater review.

Safari Zoo (270 km)
Natural zoo on the shores of Lake Dongshanhu is the first tropical fauna reserve in China and one of the largest in Asia. Located on the shore of the Lake Dongshanhu. The area is about 130 hectares. There are more than 1000 animal heads of 100 species.

Sea walk
Sea walk (3 hours).

Sea fishing
Sea fishing (3 hours).

Museum of tropical shells (25 km)
The largest first museum of this kind in China. The exposition has more than a hundred rare instances of tropical shells. The museum also has a cinema hall, where documentaries about the underwater world are demonstrated.

Crystal Museum (15 km)
Here you will learn everything about Crystal: His varieties, history of origin, processing technology, etc.

Monkey Island (80 km)
Natural reserve on a picturesque island, where monkeys live in natural conditions, fearlessly fit people, take food from hand. Nearby is the settlement of "marine people."

Sightseeing tour in Sanya (5 km)
Acquaintance from the city of Sanya, visit the park "Lu Hui Tau" - "The Mountain of the Wandered Deer" - sacred place Petrol. Tour of the city and in the "Pearl Valley", visiting shops, shops and markets.

Oceanarium (20 km)
Acquaintance with the collection of living marine inhabitants of the South China Tropical Sea. Trained cats and dolphins. Visiting the nursery crocodiles.

Park "Tian I Hai Jiao" - "Edge of Light" (18 km)
The picturesque park on the seashore with a stone of wealth depicted on a banknote of 2 yuan, "a shelter of a bachelor", a stone "broken heart", the historical folklore museum of the nationality of Lee is the most visited place in Sanya.

Park "Center of Buddhism" (50 km)
A visit to the Primorsky Park "Buddhism Center", Buddhist Temple and the Unique Center for World Culture of the Nanshans Turkomplex - the only Turkomplex in the world corresponding to international environmental standards ISO 40001. Visiting the Temple with the largest in Asia Golden Statue of the Buddha Mercy - Guanin (Gold, precious stones , jade, Guinness Book of Records).

Trip to Pirates Island (40 km)
Trip to Pirates Island.

Walk on a submarine (1 km)
Walk on a submarine.

Walk along the bottom of the sea
Walk through the bottom of the sea (1 hour).

Journey to the underwater world of the bay "Yes Dun Xi" of the South China Sea
Sea walk on the submarine on the bay "Yes Dun Xi". Freaky world of tropical coral reefs.

Strelbishche (7 km)
Combat and sports weapon.

Silun Tropical Park (10 km)
It is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir Nanjan, covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 300 hectares. The park is broken by a botanical garden of tropical plants, where many species close to disappearance are collected, and work is underway to protect and reproduction. The park is one of the four state bases, exemplary, from the point of view of maintaining ecobalans. This is one of the genetic banks of the country. The Chinese government recommended this United Nations Park for a list of 500 exemplary ecological bases of the world.

Butterfly Gorge (25 km)
Picturesque gorge with a mountain river. Tropical butterflies flute under a huge awning. Here is also the largest museum of tropical butterflies in China.

Farm crocodiles and peacocks (300 km)
Presentation of trained crocodiles, crocodile leather products, crocodile meat dishes and peacocks.

Farm of Ostrich and Fishing on Lake South Beauty (300 km)
Products from leather, feathers and eggs of ostriches.

Tea house (7 km)
Acquaintance with Chinese tea ceremony.

Shop tour in Haikou (270 km)
Shop tour in Haikou:
Administrative center Hainan Island.

Hainan: Hotels

There are tours to the hotel

Crowne Plaza Sanya 5 * Gloria Resort 5 * Grand Soluxe Hotel & Resort Sanya 5 *
Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa 5 * Holiday Inn (Yalong Bay) 5 * Horizon Resort & Spa 5 *
Howard Johnson Resort Sanya Bay 5 * Mangrove Tree Resort (Yalong Bay) 5 * Marriott Sanya Resort 5 *

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Hainan IslandLocated in the south, covered with thick forests and fruit plantations in the central and southern parts of the island, is a real tropical paradise. Despite well-developed tourism, the island managed to preserve the ecology, has many endemic species of flora and fauna, as well as the unique identity of indigenous peoples. The entire industry is concentrated in the north of the island, in the Khaikou area - the capital of the island, in addition, the recreation and entertainment industry is developed here, as well as the hotels of different levels are presented.


The island has long been known for its wonderful climate, beautiful landscapes, clean beaches and clean sea. In addition to all, Hainan Island thanks to hot springs is a great place to treat. The temperature and chemical composition of thermal sources are different as their location - there are mountainous, forest, sea directly on the coast, and located close to major cities. Also abiding for treatment can personal experience Find out what Chinese massage and acupuncture to achieve maximum effect. Radon sources are recommended for the treatment of radiculitis, rheumatism, gynecological diseases and respiratory organs. Kalievo-sodium sources - for the treatment of skin diseases, nervous system and respiratory organs. The temperature of the water in some sources can reach 78 degrees, and the most famous source of Guantan with the hottest water (up to 90 degrees) is close to Quunhai.

general information

Hainan is a pretty major island washed by the waters of the South China Sea, occupies a territory of 34.4 thousand square meters. km. The population is 8.6 million people.


Hainan is the only island in China with a tropical climate, clear weather stands here 300 days a year, which makes a pleasant stay in Hainan all year round. On the island, the average annual air temperature is +24, and the water is +26 degrees. The most favorable time to relax on the island of Hainan - the period from March to October. The coldest months are the winter - from December to February.

How to get

Transaero Airline carries out direct regular flights from Hainan Island, landing at Sanya Phoenix International Airport, IATA: SYX International Airport. Time in flight takes about 10 hours. Often tourists prefer flights through others chinese cities, Combining rest on the island of Hainan with a two or three daily stay in the cities:, or.


The most economical type of transport on the island for moving between cities is a bus service that is well developed. Motorikshi is the main type of transport in small cities and towns. When traveling on a taxi outside the city, you should negotiate with the driver about a fixed board. With the help of a marine message, from Sanya and Haikou, you can get to, or.

Attractions and entertainment

Our compatriots were chosen, mostly hotel complexes in Jalunvan and Dadonghai. On the seashore in the bay of Dadonghai, good reviews has a hotel INTIME RESORT. five*. The hotel has a snow-white sand beach, a beautiful garden with tropical plants, and attentive helpful staff is always ready to help, if any problems suddenly have any problems. There are all the conditions for sports. This hotel will definitely enjoy lovers of a relaxing stay.

In the bay Yalunwan Hotels also popular Cactus Resort 4 *, RESORT GOLDEN PALM 4 * And some others. Hotel Cactus Resort is located on the lake among the mountains. The territory of the hotel is a large and extraordinary beauty. Pools and ponds with goldfish and lotus, singing fountains, gardens, in the evenings Live music, sun loungers and hammocks - everything is thought out so that the rest delivered the hotel a lot of pleasure. The hotel is ideal for those who came to relax from the noise and bustle of cities. All those who visited here, invariably celebrate the purest beach and the sea, the reasonable ratio of "price - quality" and traditional friendliness of the staff.

If you have a desire to diversify your vacation, you can go to thermal sources Nyantianwhere in pools with water saturated with salts and minerals, there is a procedure for rejuvenating the body. Visit, in which the temples are located, visit and in Museum of butterflies. And you can come to the pearl factory, where, if you're lucky, in the sink you chose it will be a real pearl, which is inserted directly with you (for a small fee) into a ring or pendant.


In Yalunvan, it is possible to eat only in hotel restaurants, and since they are all exceptionally high, the lunch or dinner will cost an average of 30 dollars. In Dadunhai, more democratic prices, here are full of various cafes and restaurants, the average cost of lunch / dinner is 10 dollars.


On the island you can buy pearls, tea. Silk, rhinestone, porcelain, wood products, and souvenirs with symbolism "Feng Shui" use very popularity. Prestigious shops are focused on Hayceudunla Street in Haikou, and in Sanier, the main shops are located in the city center, on Liberation Street.

If you decide to spend your vacation in Hainan Island, you are provided beautiful rest In first-class hotels with impeccable service, the gastronomic variety of real Chinese cuisine, the friendliness of local residents, and most importantly - warm sea with clean sandy beaches and positive impressions that will remain with you for a long time!

Useful information for tourists about Hainan Island in China - geographical location, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

Hainan - recognized pearl of the southern part of China, located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Residents of the subway and tourists from all over the world have long chosen this place and come here to relax regularly.

The diameter of the island is only 165 kilometers, and the total area is about 32,000 square kilometers. According to the standards of China, Hainan is considered a very miniature island. The local population is mainly from indigenous peoples and employs 8 million people, including the inhabitants of the small islands around.

Translated from the Chinese "Hainan" means "south of the sea". This name is justified enough, as the island extends along the coast. The main spheres that bring income are the tourist business and fishing industry. For tourists in Hainan, an ideal infrastructure was created, allowing to relax comfortably at any time of the year.

Initially, the island served as a refuge for runaway Chinese who went here in order to hide from justice. In the future, the representatives of the people lived in Hainan, and after colonization on the island, Han National appeared. Until now, these two nations manage to peacefully coexist, as well as share their traditions and culture.

In the first half of the 20th century, the Japanese won the territory of the island and in the period from 1940 to 1945 in Hainan destroyed most of the population. After these tragic events, China's communist troops returned the island, and peaceful life began on it. In the 1980s, local guidance decided to create a new economic zone, which was located on the island. Since then, in the development of Hainan, impressive means are investing, thanks to which the Chinese managed not only to preserve the historical atmosphere, but also to build many objects of modern infrastructure.

How to get

The most optimal way to get to Hainan is to purchase a plane ticket. However, be prepared for the fact that you will have to make a transplant in one of the Chinese cities (Guangzhou, Urumqi, Beijing, Shanghai, Sushchou, Wuhan). On the territory of the island of two airports receiving flights from different countries. The airport is most in demand in Sanya, as it is not very far from the resort area. Airport in Haikou Tourists also enjoy regularly.

The cost of the flight depends on the type of aircraft, the number of transfers and the initial point of departure. Buying a ticket is better in advance, since the flight to Hainan is popular. If you get a ticket before for 2-3 months, you will be pleasantly surprised by discounts that regularly suit Chinese airlines.

Once at one of the airports of Hainan, you can easily get to the resort you need by bus, high-speed shuttle or taxi. In the way you spend from 20 to 50 minutes.

As for the railway communication, it is perfectly established only between Chinese provinces. From anywhere in the country you will reach Haikou or Guangzhou, and then reproach to the ferry, which in 2.5 hours will deliver you to the final destination.


On the island there are many natural objects, which are beautiful sights of Hainan. In addition, there are such visited places such as the center of Buddhism Nanshan, the museum, Phoenix Island, Lee Moho's ethnographic village.

As for the center of Buddhism, it should be included in his excursion program, as it is the largest Buddhist complex in Asia. On an area of \u200b\u200b49 square kilometers, a beautiful temple was built, the entrance to which adorns the majestic statue of the goddess of mercy. This monument is known far beyond China and annually attracts thousands of tourists.

Phoenix Island was designed specifically for tourists and today is considered one of the most beautiful islands of China. Luxury forks, futuristic skyscrapers, snow-white beaches, yacht club - all this creates a special atmosphere. On the island you can go as part of the tourist group for one day.

If you want to get acquainted with the indigenous people of Hainan and learn about his traditions, then go to the village of Miao. It is 28 kilometers from Sanya and combines the garden-park complex, ancient buildings and renovated streets. Actors dressed in national clothes are satisfied with the colorful ideas for guests of Lee Miao.

Also, do not forget to visit Halong Bay, Dadonghai Bay, Safari Park, Monkey Island, Butterfly Park and other interesting places.


Special attention should be paid to the medical tourism on Hainan, where there are more than 15 cosmetology centers and spas, on the basis of which unique recovery techniques are developed.

Chinese traditional medicine harmoniously combines the latest technology and age-old knowledge in the field of treating various diseases. Most of the procedures are aimed at:

  • treatment of diseases of the spine;
  • prevention of diseases of the joints and internal organs;
  • general health intake;
  • getting rid of stress and chronic fatigue;
  • improving the appearance of the skin of the face and body;
  • getting rid of excess weight.

Many tourists come to Hainan to experience the amazing power of Massage Gaja. This type of massage allows you to achieve stunning results in a short time. Massage is made by a special scraper made of genuine bones. In accordance with the postulates of traditional Chinese medicine, Gaja helps to fully restore the internal resources of the body and "update" the nervous system.

Hotel Base

Since millions of tourists come to the island annually, there are not only hotels in different levels on its territory, but also apartments, as well as bungalows. Choosing a hotel, tourists are focused on the proximity of the coastline, the availability of its own beach, the opportunity to use a number of services for free.

If you prefer silence and peace, it is better to stay in the central part of the island surrounded by high palm trees and a thick greenery. For those who love more active rest, it is worth looking at hotels that are near local villages.

Beach rest

Of course, the main goal of any tourist who came to Hainan is swimming and sunbathing. The beaches of the island are scattered from the picturesque bays, among which the most visited are considered: Heitan; Sanya Bay; Dadonghai; Shimaivan; Yalunvan.

Haitan equipped for tourists quite recently and today it attracts attention to itself thanks to 25 kilometer beach, fascinating landscapes and untouched nature. You can find the bay, focusing on the villages of Inzhou and Heitan. The development of Haitan continues so far, but now many travelers are going here.

Sanya Bay is located 7 kilometers from Sanya, which is famous for the extended coastline, a wide variety of restaurants, an amazing landscape. Of the minuses of the bay, you can mark a little muddy water during the tides and the need to move the road along the way to the beach.

Between the two mountains, 4 kilometers from Sanya is still located another famous bay of Dadonghai. It is the most busy on the island and meets tourists with noisy discos, musical ideas, well-groomed sandy beaches and thematic parties in local bars.

Jalunvan Bay and Shimaivan are the most "young" on the island and are actively built up with hotels, as well as recreation areas. A distinctive feature of the bays - plots with untouched nature and wide beaches. In combination with a developing infrastructure, natural beauty create ideal conditions for a full-fledged vacation.


Active tourism lovers come to Hainan to enjoy a variety of entertainment that local tour operators offer. One of the favorite classes is diving and snorkeling. At the same time, specialized centers are organized for beginners, where they can undergo a training program together with a professional coach. After training, tourists are awarded certificates confirming the level of qualifications.

In addition, visitors can try their strength in real marine fishing. For this, special zones have been created on Hainan. Unlike the European resorts, if you want to pick up a part of the catch with you, it is allowed to be done only after payment. The cost of caught fish depends on weight. At the request of the tourist, fresh fish will be prepared in any restaurant through a traditional recipe.

You can also organize a sea walk through Hainan Bays. This type of outdoor activity is not cheap, but your impressions will be unforgettable. During a four-hour trip on a snow-white two-candy boat, you are waiting for an interesting idea with the participation of local artists, refreshments and snacks.

What will bring

There are no major on Hainan shopping centersHowever, you can find many souvenir shops and pharmacies scattered in the island. If you want to bring something unusual and with Chinese topics, it is worth searching in stores:

  • products made of natural pearls;
  • bracelets performed in nodule knitting techniques;
  • caskets and decorations from sea seashells;
  • miniatures made by spraying by the mother of pearl;
  • tea of \u200b\u200bdifferent varieties;
  • sets of tea dishes;
  • cream, balsams, patches based on natural herbs.

See also: