Air carrier companies. The best airlines in Russia: list, services and reviews

History Russian aviation has been going on for more than a hundred years. During this time, many airlines have been created, both public and private. In Russia, there are both low-cost airlines, the so-called low-cost airlines, and carriers that perform regular and cargo transportation.

The pioneer in civil transportation is the Derulyuft air carrier, it was an air company for the transportation of passengers, cargo, mail. The company was established in 1921. The company made its first flight to Königsberg and later to Berlin. It is the very first official civil air carrier in Russia. Then many more new airlines appeared. The list was great. Later, the first large state-owned air carrier, Aeroflot, appeared in the USSR, which still operates many international flights today.

At the present time, it is already difficult to imagine a better, faster and more reliable way of transportation than aviation. It is not the cheapest, but the most popular way for travel, business travel and cargo transportation.

Today the register of airlines in the Russian Federation numbers more than 100 carriers. Some are over 50 years old. It is difficult to answer unequivocally which airline is better in Russia; every travel lover has his own. However, ratings among Russian carriers can help you to make the right choice.

Aeroflot is the leader in transportation.

Major Russian airlines

List of airlines by the number of passengers carried

In 2017, the number of passengers carried by Russian carriers exceeded 100 million people a year. This number is almost 20% higher than last year.

Rating Russian airlines heads Aeroflot. If we take into account all subsidiary airlines, such as Pobeda, Rossiya, Aurora, then together they transported a little more than 50 million people. This is almost half of all passenger air traffic in the country.

Airlines of "Russia" the list of which is extensive, presented by the number of passengers carried according to the Federal Air Transport Agency.

  • Aeroflot. Passed 33 million passengers per year.

The increase in passenger traffic was 13.3%.

The airline is based at Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport. It was founded in 1923 and is one of the oldest not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the world. Has a 4-star award from the renowned Skytrax company. Part of the SkyTeam alliance. It has at its disposal a fleet of 233 aircraft, most of which are Airbuses А320 and А321.

  • "Russia". 11.1 million people per year.

The increase in the number of passengers carried was over 37% compared to the previous year.

It is a subsidiary carrier of the Aeroflot group of companies. It started its activity in 1992. Based at St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport and Moscow Vnukovo. The fleet size is 64 vessels, the majority are Airbus A319. The average age of the fleet is 13 years. The cost of the air ticket is in the middle price segment.

  • S7 Airlines. 9.9 million people were transported.

The number of passengers carried over 12 months increased by 4.6%.

A private Russian company-carrier, the first flight of the airline's plane was made in 1992. The base is located in Novosibirsk and operates flights from Tolmachevo airport. Has a total of 89 aircraft, the most common are Boeing 737 and Embraer E 170. The average age of the fleet is 10 years. Since 2010 it has been a member of the Oneworld alliance.

The increase in passenger traffic was 24%.

Since 1993 it has been carrying out regular charter flights. The representative office is located in Yekaterinburg, the main hub is Koltsovo airport. Owns 45 aircraft, half of which are Airbus A320s. It is not a member of any of the alliances, but has a large number of agreements with various world airlines.

  • UTair. 7.3 million people per year.

The company increased the number of transported people by 10%.

It is part of the UTair group and has a fleet of aircraft and helicopters for the transportation of passengers and cargo. Started in 1991. Office in Surgut, the main hub is at Vnukovo airport, Moscow. The fleet consists of 65 aircraft and 151 helicopters. It operates flights to 64 destinations. The core of the fleet is made up of Boeing 737 ships and Mi helicopters of various modifications.

  • "Victory". 4.6 million people in a year.

The number of people transported increased by 7%.

Founded in 2014, the Russian airline is based at Moscow's Vnukovo Airport. It was created to replace Dobrolet, which came under sanctions due to flights to Simferopol. It owns 18 vessels flying to 25 destinations. The entire fleet is made up of Boeings 737, in modification 800. Not included in alliances.

Air carrier "Pobeda". Boeing 737-800 aircraft.

  • "Globe". 4.3 million passengers in 12 months.

Passenger traffic increased by 18.5%.

The company belongs to the S7 group. Date of commencement of work - 2008 The headquarters is located in the city of Ob, the main hub is the Domodedovo airport. It has 19 Boeing 737 aircraft at its disposal. It operates flights to more than 20 destinations.

  • Azur Air. Carried 3.7 million passengers during the last 12 months.

The growth in the number of clients was 59.9%.

The airline cooperates with the tour operator Anex and carries passengers for tourist purposes. For the first time, the carrier's plane took to the skies in 2014. Owns a fleet of 21 units. Most of them are Boeing 757 models. In 2015, the company split from UTair and now operates independently.

  • Nord Wind Air. 3.5 million people

Passenger traffic growth is 98%.

Most progressive in terms of transportation the greatest number airline people, an increase of nearly 100%, over the previous year. It was created in 2008. The aircraft fleet is 24 units. Based at Sheremetyevo airport. The average age of the fleet is 9 years.

  • VIM-Avia. 2.1 million passengers were transported per year.

Increase in the number of clients by 3%.

The carrier started operating in 2003. Based at Domodedovo airport. It has 20 vessels at its disposal, most of which are Boeing 777.

Airbus A319 of the VIM-Avia company.

  • Yamal. 1.7 million people

Increase in the number of passengers by 23%.

Founded in 1997, the airline is based in Salekhard. It has 32 vessels at its disposal, flying to 42 destinations. The fleet consists mainly of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 and Bombardier CRJ200. The average age of the aircraft is 11 years.

The inflow of traffic by 75%.

The airline was founded in 1999. Located at the Domodedovo airport. The aircraft fleet includes 14 vessels. The main ones are Airbus A319 and A320. Average fleet age - 11.5 years old. He also owns Russian-made Tu-204 aircraft.

  • "Aurora". 1.5 million people

An increase in the number of people by 12%.

Part of the Aeroflot group. Established in 2013 Based in Vladivostok and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, operates flights mainly to Asian countries... The fleet includes 24 units of equipment, mainly Airbus A319. The average age of the aircraft is 12 years.

  • Royal Flight. 1.5 million people

The influx of the number of people is 50%.

Located in Moscow, established in 1992. The company mainly performs charter flights in popular tourist cities... The fleet consists of 11 aircraft.

  • Nordstar. Carried 1.4 million passengers.

Air traffic growth grew by 9%.

The subsidiary structure of the Norilsk Nickel Group was founded in 2008. Located in Moscow, it operates flights from Domodedovo airport. Owns 15 aircraft, most of which are Boeing 737s.

Best Russian airlines in terms of service quality

Aeroflot is at the top of the list in terms of a large number of indicators, including the quality of service, among Russian airlines. The company owns four stars out of five possible. Next on the list are S7 Airlines, Russia and UTair. There are no particular complaints about the quality of these carriers, it is at a good level.

The safest airlines in Russia 2018

Based on the research results, the airline safety rating was compiled.

The main indicators used to assess the number of accidents and disasters, the general condition of the aircraft fleet and compliance with European safety standards. The research was carried out among the world's largest carriers. According to the results, points were awarded, the closer to zero - the safer the flights with the chosen carrier. The list includes four Russian airlines.

  • The highest place among those represented in the Russian Federation was taken by Ural Airlines. They received a rating of 0.24 points;
  • S7 took the second position due to the high age of the aircraft fleet, basically the planes are already being selected for 20 years;
  • Aeroflot scored 0.38 points and took third place among Russian carriers. Several disasters in the 90s spoiled the company's reputation a little;
  • UTair took the fourth position in the list.

Rating of state air carriers in Russia

To the list of state aviation companies Russian Federation includes Aeroflot and its subsidiaries: Pobeda, Russia, Aurora. The group of companies ranks first in the overall rating in terms of the number of passengers carried. Aeroflot received a four-star award from Skytrax for quality of service, on board and airport services.

Aeroflot office in London on Piccadilly Street.

List of the best charter airlines

  • Travelers say the best about a charter carrier called I-Fly. Although it has a fleet of only four aircraft, the quality of service and punctuality are highlighted;
  • Royal Flight has also been voted by customers as a good travel choice. Particularly pleased with the wide geography of flights, there are almost 40 destinations around the world. Works closely with the tour operator Coral Travel;
  • Azur Air working with the tour operator Anex. It has more than 20 aircraft and a wide geography of flights around the world.

A large number of airlines in Russia allows you to travel to almost anywhere the globe for any purpose, from business travel to tourist flights to the most Famous places... There are offers on the market for any wallet. Low-cost carriers are gaining great popularity, allowing you to travel while having a low budget. The passenger traffic is growing every year, which gives an incentive to develop carriers both in terms of expanding the fleet and geography of flights, and improving the quality of service. Russian aviation companies are in high positions in safety lists and service quality ratings.

Summing up the results of 2017, the Federal Air Transport Agency published brief statistics of work civil aviation RF. The whole picture for the participants rating of Russian airlines in 2018 looks good. The air transportation market continues to develop, and almost all reliable Russian airlines included in the list showed an average increase in the number of passengers and kilometers flown by 15%. At the same time, the weight of the top five airlines continues to grow. If in 2017 they occupied 67.4% of the total volume, then in 2018 it is already 85%.

Travel with a trusted tour operator: .

Read also:, Skytrax's Best Air Carriers of the Year.

Opens the rating of the largest Russian airlines Nordwind Airlines, also known as “ North wind". Over the past year, the number of passengers amounted to 3.5 million people and compared to 2016 increased by 95%. Passenger turnover also showed growth, increasing by 44%.

One of the largest charter carriers in Russia, which carried more than 2.2 million passengers in 2017, was summoned to the carpet by the Federal Air Transport Agency in the summer of 2016 due to constant long delays of flights up to several tens of hours. The carrier promised to take action. In case of inability to establish regular flights to exact time the company is threatened with restrictions on transportation.

Azur Air was a subsidiary of UTair, but two years ago set off on an independent voyage. In 2017, the number of passengers of the company amounted to 3.6 million people, almost 2/3 more compared to 2016.

Globus is part of the S7 Group, being a subsidiary of the Siberian aviation giant, which took second place in the ranking of the best airlines. 2017 turned out to be favorable for the company - the number of passengers increased by 20.2%, amounting to 4.1 million people.

A subsidiary of Aeroflot, which took over from Dobrolet, which died as a result of the sanctions of the UES, is positioned as a budget company. Although the first tickets for flights of the new airline were sold only two years ago, it confidently entered the top 10 airlines in Russia.

The number of passengers in 2017 amounted to 4.3 million people, an increase of 5% compared to 2016. Despite his youth, the flights of "Victory" have already become overgrown with scandals. User dissatisfaction is caused by the policy of hiding the real price for the flight, demands to pay for the opportunity to sit with families, flight delays and cases when tickets for a flight are sold more than the number of seats.

The fifth place in the rating of Russian airlines in 2018 is taken by Ural Airlines, which carried 7.5 million people in 2017, showing an increase of 25%. In the meantime, the company is demanding from the Federal Air Transport Agency to pay for the transportation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War to celebrate the anniversary of the Victory in 2015. The Federal Air Transport Agency rejected the application for payment, finding fault with the fact that it lacks the words "including VAT" and other points of the same degree of importance.

The owner of the world's largest operating helicopter fleet appears to have recovered from the crisis of late 2014. In 2017, the number of passengers carried by this company amounted to 6.8 million, an increase of 9.1% compared to 2016.

The second subsidiary airline The giant Aeroflot, one of the top ten Russian airlines in 2018, carried more than 10.6 million people last year, showing an impressive 41.5% passenger growth, the highest of the ranking airlines. At the same time, the passenger turnover indicator increased by 55.3%.

In second place in the rating of the largest airlines in Russia is Siberia, aka S7 Airlines, which carries out flights to 83 destinations both in Russia and abroad. Most of the latter, however, are served by partner airlines. In total, 9.3 million passengers were transported in 2017.

The Russians continue to fly with Aeroflot planes. In 2017, the company transported more than 30.5 million people, more than 3 times ahead of the second-ranked Siberia by this indicator. It is not surprising, since Aeroflot is the largest and oldest Russian airline, which has been carrying passengers since 1923. Although the company was included in the black sanctions list of Ukraine, this does not prevent an increase in the number of traffic.

According to such criteria as the number of passengers and passenger turnover, the company recorded an increase of 12% over the past year. By the way, Aeroflot can also be called one of the most safe airlines 2018 in Russia- not a single one happened on her lines major plane crash, counting, of course, subsidiaries and misfortunes caused by the actions of third parties. In the airline safety rating published in 2017 by the audit company JACDEC, Aeroflot is in 37th place.

2017 World Airlines Safety Rating (JACDEC)

RankAirlineCountryCarrier codeSafety index
1 Cathay pacific airwaysChina, Hong-KongCX, CPA0,005
2 Air New ZealandNew ZealandNZ, ANZ0,007
3 Hainan AirlinesChinaHU, CHH0,009
4 Qatar AirwaysQatarQR, QTR0,009
5 K L MNetherlandsKL, KLM0,011
6 EVA AirTaiwanBR, EVA0,012
7 EmiratesUnited Arab EmiratesEK, UAE0,013
8 Etihad airwaysUnited Arab EmiratesEY, ETD0,014
9 QANTASAustraliaQF, QFA0,015
10 Japan airlinesJapanJL, JAL0,015
11 All Nippon AirwaysJapanNH, ANA0,016
12 LufthansaGermanyLH, DLH0,016
13 TAP PortugalPortugalTP, TAP0,017
14 Virgin atlantic airwaysUnited kingdomVS, VIR0,017
15 Delta air linesUSADL, DAL0,018
16 Air CanadaCanadaAC, ACA0,02
17 jetBlue AirwaysUSAB6, JBU0,02
18 Virgin australiaAustraliaVA, VOZ0,02
19 British airwaysUnited kingdomBA, BAW0,023
20 Air BerlinGermanyAB, BER0,023
21 WestJet AirlinesCanadaWS, WJA0,023
22 Sichuan AirlinesChina3U, CSC0,028
23 Norwegian Air ShuttleNorwayDY, NAX 0,032
24 Shenzhen AirlinesChinaZH, CSZ0,032
25 IberiaSpainIB, IBE0,034
26 Jetstar airwaysAustraliaJQ, JST0,036
27 Southwest AirlinesUSAWN, SWA0,037
28 EasyJetUnited kingdomU2, EZY0,037
29 AirAsiaMalaysiaAK, AXM0,043
30 Thomson airwaysUnited kingdomBY, TOM0,047
31 United airlinesUSAUA, UAL0,051
32 Singapore Airlines SingaporeSQ, SIA0,051
33 China Eastern AirlinesChinaMU, CES0,061
34 RyanairIrelandFR, RYR0,064
35 SwissSwitzerlandLX, SWR0,064
36 LATAM ChileChileLA, LAN0,095
37 AeroflotRussiaSU, AFL0,101
38 Jet airwaysIndia9W, JAI0,109
39 AlitaliaItalyAZ, AZA0,113
40 Air IndiaIndiaAI, AIC0,115
58 Garuda IndonesiaIndonesiaGA, GIA0,77
59 Avianca ColombiaColombiaAV, AVA0,914
60 China AirlinesTaiwanCI, CAL0,977

For many, air travel has become an integral part of everyday life. Business trips to different parts of the country and abroad are always associated with the purchase of air tickets, during which everyone tries not only to find a favorable price offer, but also to fly with a reliable air carrier.

Especially for you, we have compiled a list of Russian airlines in 2020, distributing them in the rating according to the degree of reliability and accident-free operation in accordance with the research of the German agency Jacdec, the European organization EASA and the international organizations IOSA and ICAO.

When calculating the aviation security index, data on accidents over the past 30 years are taken into account, as well as passenger traffic, the number of victims and lost aircraft.

When compiling the list, we also took into account the level of service on board and the average age of the liners of Russian airlines. The ranking statistics for the number of liners and their average age were compiled based on data as of March 2016.

Rating of Russian airlines in terms of flight reliability and safety 2020

  1. Aeroflot
  2. Russia
  3. Ural Airlines
  4. UTair
  5. Orenburg airlines
  6. Red wings


The first place in the rating by all indicators is rightfully occupied by the largest Russian air carrier Aeroflot, which has the largest fleet in Europe. This is the only domestic company that appears in the prestigious Jacdec rating - which means that it is considered more reliable by foreign experts than others in Russia. In addition, Aeroflot has repeatedly received the honorary title of the best airline in Eastern Europe.

The company's advantages are various aircraft models for every taste, well-trained personnel, well-thought-out bonus programs and its own Situation Center, created to promptly resolve problem situations. Aeroflot includes Rossiya, Transaero and Pobeda airlines.

  • Founded in 1923.
  • Aircraft in the fleet: 170 units.
  • Average age of airliners: 4.5 years.

Before the rebranding, the company was named Siberia. If we consider reliability, then S7 is one of the three recognized leaders in this indicator. In 2015, this well-known air carrier was awarded the National Geographic prize as the best Russian airline, and is ranked 95th in the world ranking of S7.

A significant advantage of the company is a profitable bonus program, thanks to which regular passengers can accumulate bonuses and subsequently spend them on paying part of the ticket price. A special feature of S7 is convenient direct flights to Asia.

  • The year of foundation is 1957.
  • Aircraft in the fleet: 58 units.
  • Average age of airliners: 10 years.

In 2015, Rossiya Airlines entered the TOP-10 air carriers of our country in terms of flight safety. In 2014, Rossiya was recognized as the best in the field of regional routes, and in 2014 it became the fifth in the list of the largest domestic airlines. In terms of punctuality, "Russia" entered the rating of top European companies.

The main advantage of the Rossiya company is its democratic pricing policy and impeccable cleanliness on board. Passengers are only dissatisfied with airliners, which in most cases are over 10 years old.

  • The year of foundation is 1992.
  • Aircraft in the fleet: 23 units.
  • Average aircraft age: 13.6 years.

Ural Airlines

The planes of one of the largest domestic air transportation companies in 2014 were recognized as the most reliable, and the air carrier itself received three awards at once, including as the best one on domestic routes.

If we consider the volume of passenger traffic in Russia, Ural Airlines occupies an honorable third place. A distinctive feature of the airline is the presence of a special gym for pilots, which has analogues only abroad.

  • The year of foundation is 1993.
  • Aircraft in the fleet: 35 units.
  • Average aircraft age: 12.7 years.

This company is in the TOP-5 in Russia in terms of passenger traffic. In 2014, UTair received the prestigious award as the best passenger carrier on regional routes.

  • The year of foundation is 1991.
  • Aircraft in the fleet: 66 units.
  • Average age of airliners: 14.5 years.

The main sphere of presence of this air carrier is the Tyumen Region and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. The fact that the aircraft used by the company are recognized as safe and reliable reflects the certificate International Association air transport, which Yamal received in 2013. A year later, the carrier was named the best airline in the field of passenger transportation and the best helicopter operator.

The advantages of the Yamal company are flights to remote settlements and regular expansion of the route network. Lack of punctuality of pilots causes discontent among passengers.

  • Foundation year - 1997.
  • Aircraft in the fleet: 24 units.
  • Average age of airliners: 14.1 years.

Orenburg airlines

This air carrier is a subsidiary of the Russian Aeroflot. In 2013, Orenburg Airlines received popular recognition by being awarded the Airline of the Year award according to passengers.

  • The year of foundation is 1992.
  • Aircraft in the fleet: 19 units.
  • Average age of airliners: 11 years.

The only aviation company in the Russian Federation that operates domestic Tu-204 and Sukhoi Superjet 100 airliners.

  • The year of foundation is 1999.
  • Aircraft in the fleet: 13 units.
  • Average aircraft age: 6.6 years.

So, now you know the best Russian airlines in 2020, which made it to our list due to the excellent level of service, impressive volume passenger air transportation, a large number safe, technically sound modern aircraft, punctuality and favorable price offers. When looking for a reliable air carrier, try to choose from these companies to be confident in the safety and comfort of your upcoming flight.

We present a list of the largest airlines that operate regular and charter flights in Russia and international transportation with their official websites and main airports. On the websites of airlines you can buy a ticket, get acquainted with current promotions and special offers.


  • Official site:

The largest and oldest Russian airline, one of the oldest in the world. Performs domestic and international translations from Russia all over the world. It has three subsidiary airlines: "Aurora", "Pobeda" and "Russia".


  • Official website:
  • Junction airport: Pulkovo (St. Petersburg)

S7 Airlines

  • Official website:
  • Junction airport: Tolmachevo (Novosibirsk), Domodedovo (Moscow)

The former Siberia Airlines, founded in 1992, underwent a large-scale rebranding in 2006. It currently operates regular domestic and international flights. Owns a subsidiary airline "Globus".


  • Official website:
  • Junction airport: Vnukovo (Moscow), Surgut (Surgut)

Ural Airlines

  • Official website:
  • Base and hub airports: Koltsovo (Yekaterinburg), Domodedovo (Moscow, Tolmachevo (Novosibirsk)

Carries out passenger and cargo transportation in Russia and abroad.


  • Official website:
  • Junction airport: Vnukovo (Moscow)

Low-cost subsidiary airline Aeroflot.

Azur Air

  • Official site:

Russian airline specializing in charter flights to popular resort destinations in Europe and Asia.

"Nordwind Airlines"

  • Official website:
  • Junction airport: Sheremetyevo (Moscow)

Subsidiary of the tour operator "Pegas Tourist", which operates both regular flights and charter transfers to popular destinations, including resort towns Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Central America.

"VIM-Avia" (Vim Airlines)

  • Official site:
  • Junction airport: Domodedovo (Moscow)

It operates regular domestic flights across Russia, including the South, Urals, Siberia and the Far East, as well as charter flights to resort destinations in Europe and Asia.


  • Official website:
  • Airports: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk.

Subsidiary of Aeroflot. Carries out internal transfers in Russia (Siberia, the Far East, Sakhalin region, Primorsky Krai), as well as international flights to China, Japan and South Korea.

"Pegas Fly" (Icarus)

  • Official site:
  • Junction airport: Yemelyanovo (Krasnoyarsk)

Performs part of the charter flights of the tour operator "Pegas Turistik" from Russian cities to popular resorts Europe and Asia.


  • Official website:
  • Airports: Domodedovo (Moscow), Emelyanovo (Krasnoyarsk), Alykel (Norilsk)

It operates regular and charter flights from Krasnoyarsk and Norilsk to Russian cities and resorts both in Russia and southern Europe.

"Royal Flight"

  • Official website:
  • Airports: Sheremetyevo (Moscow), Abakan.

List of 39 Russian airlines operating in 2020 that operate regular, charter and subsidized flights. In the sections about airlines, only the most important and useful information: search for air tickets, promotions, news, popular destinations, ticket and baggage rates, as well as passenger reviews.

In addition, the contacts of the airlines are indicated: phones, e-mail, forms feedback, IATA and ICAO codes, aviation alliances and mileage programs.

Avrora Airlines is a Russian regional airline based in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and is part of the Aeroflot group of companies. Over the past year, Aurora Airlines carried 1.3 million passengers and took 12th place in Russia in terms of traffic.

Azimuth Airlines is a new private Russian airline established in Rostov-on-Don. The airline operates domestic flights to southern directions, and also connects the south and the center of Russia. Azimut plans to open flights to Europe in the near future.

Azur Air ("Azur Air") - Russian charter airline, performs flights on international tourist destinations from 32 cities of Russia. Azur Air is one of the 10 largest Russian airlines. The air carrier's services are used by 2.3 million passengers annually.

Alrosa Airlines is a Russian regional air carrier operating flights to Yakutia, regular and charter flights in Russia, charter international flights to Asia, Europe and the CIS. Alrosa Airlines is a subsidiary of the diamond mining company of the same name. The airline carries about 1.08 million passengers annually.

Angara is a Russian regional airline founded in 2000. It operates regular and charter flights to the Irkutsk Region, Siberia and the Russian Far East. Angara is the main air carrier of the Irkutsk Oblast government, and is also part of the Eastland group of companies, the largest tour operator in Eastern Siberia. It carries about 130 thousand passengers a year.

Aeroservice is a Russian regional airline founded in 2010. Operates regular passenger flights to cities Trans-Baikal Territory Russia, as well as search, sanitary flights and aerial photography. Route network consists of 13 destinations.

Aeroflot - Russian Airlines is the national air carrier of Russia: the share of performed flights is 47% domestic and 37% international. Aeroflot is a premium airline and the only one in Russia to receive 5 stars according to the prestigious SkyTrax rating. The airline has a large route network: it has 350 regular flights. The airline carries 26 million people annually.

Vologda Aviation Enterprise is a Russian regional airline founded in 1928. Carries out passenger, cargo, rescue flights, as well as maintenance of gas and oil pipelines. The airline's route network is small, covering 5 cities.

Gazprom Avia is a Russian corporate airline founded in 1995. Carries out regular and charter passenger-and-freight flights throughout Russia, to the countries of Europe, Asia, America, Africa and Australia. Also, Gazprom Avia performs business, rescue, reconnaissance and rotational transportation. The airline owns 3 Russian airports: Ostafyevo, Bovanenkovo ​​and Yamburg. Gazprom avia transports over 250 thousand passengers a year.

Globus is a Russian airline founded in 2008. The Globus air carrier is part of the S7 Group. Performs regular and charter flights in Russia, to the CIS countries and Europe. The airline cooperates with travel agencies, so many of the flight routes depend on the tourist seasons.

Izhavia Airlines is a Russian regional state carrier operating regular and charter flights from Izhevsk across Russia and the CIS countries. The airline is owned by the government of Udmurtia. The services of Izhavia are used by 300 thousand people a year.

IrAero Airlines is a Russian regional air carrier that makes regular and charter flights from Irkutsk to cities in Russia, neighboring countries and China. The airline's services are used by 200 thousand passengers a year.

IFly Airlines is a Russian charter air carrier. Operates flights for tour operators Tez Tour and Tui. According to the results of last year, iFly carried 401 thousand passengers.

Komiaviatrans is a Russian regional airline founded in 1998. Carries out passenger, cargo, rescue flights in the Komi Republic, as well as in big cities Russia. The airline's route network is small, covering settlements in hard-to-reach areas. The airline owns 7 airports in the Komi Republic. 146 thousand passengers use Komiaviatrans services annually.

Kostroma Aviation Enterprise is a Russian regional airline founded in 1944. Carries out passenger, cargo, rescue flights in the Kostroma region. The airline's route network consists of 3 directions, 2 of which travel to the south of Russia in the summer season.

Airline "KrasAvia" - Russian regional air carrier Krasnoyarsk Territory... It flies from Krasnoyarsk to the regional municipal centers of the Far North of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the cities of the Far East, performs regular and charter flights on airplanes and helicopters. In addition, KrasAvia owns a network of airports in Siberia. About 180 thousand passengers use the services of the Krasnoyarsk airline annually.

Airline "Nordavia" is a Russian regional air carrier, which has most of its flights between the north-western cities of Russia. Nordavia has expanded its flight map and operates flights from the northern region of the country to the southern and central regions. The airline strives to create a low-cost passenger service network and is flexible pricing policy... In addition to regular flights, Nordavia operates charter flights. About 960 thousand passengers use the services of the airline annually.

Nordwind Airlines ("Nordwind", "North Wind") is a Russian airline specializing in direct flights to Simferopol (Crimea) from Russian cities and charter flights to America, Asia, Africa and Europe. The air carrier is one of 10 major Russian airlines. 1.7 million passengers use Nordwind's services annually.

NordStar is a Russian airline established in 2008 and is one of the 15 largest airlines in Russia. The airline was called "Taimyr", in 2016 there was a reorganization after which the carrier was renamed "NordStar". It is the main air carrier in Siberia, mainly in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, connects the base city of Norilsk and other settlements of the Territory with neighboring regions, and operates flights to remote northern destinations. 1.4 million people use NordStar services annually.

Orenburzhye is a Russian regional airline founded in 2013. The carrier belongs to the Orenburg airport. Performs regular passenger flights to Russian cities. The airline's route network is small, consisting of 5 destinations. In addition, the carrier operates seasonal flights to Russian resorts. 31 thousand passengers use the services of "Orenburg region" per year.

Pegas Fly Airlines, also known as Ikar Airlines, is a Russian passenger air carrier that operates regular flights within Russia and charter flights abroad. The base airport of the airline is located in Krasnoyarsk, branches are located in Moscow and Khabarovsk. Airline Pegas Fly carried 988 thousand passengers last year.

Pobeda Airlines is a Russian low-cost airline, part of the Aeroflot group of companies. Implements a low-cost carrier project: cheap tickets, short flights, new aircraft of the same model with economy class cabins, strict baggage requirements and paid services. This allows the airline to save on costs and sell plane tickets at low prices... One of the priority tasks of Pobeda is to increase transport accessibility cities of Russia.

Polar Airlines is a Russian regional airline founded in 1997. Carries out passenger, cargo, rescue and charter tourist flights to Yakutia. The route network of Polar Airlines covers more than 100 settlements Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), including remote arctic uluses. The airline serves 120 thousand passengers a year.

Airline Red Wings ("Red Wings") is one of the most dynamically developing airlines in Russia: in four years the air carrier has more than doubled. It operates regular flights from Moscow to the central and southern regions of Russia and charter flights abroad. About 900,000 people use the airline's services annually.

Rossiya Airlines is a large Russian company in the mid-price segment. The majority of flights are operated from St. Petersburg and Moscow, the cities where the carrier is based. Part of the Aeroflot group of companies, it offers its passengers the Aeroflot Bonus bonus program. Over the past year, Rossiya Airlines carried 8 million passengers and took third place in the country.

Royal Flight is a Russian charter airline established in 2014. Performs Passenger Transportation by order of major travel operators Pegas, Coral Travel and Sunmar from Russian cities abroad. 5 million passengers use Royal Flight services annually.

RusLine Airlines (RusLine) is a Russian regional air carrier. Operates regular and charter flights in Russia, to the countries of Europe, the Baltic States, the CIS and Turkey. About 600 thousand people use the services of the airline annually.

S7 Airlines is one of the leading Russian airlines and ranks second in Russia in terms of the number of passengers carried. The majority of flights are carried out from Moscow and Novosibirsk - the cities of the carrier's base. Siberia Airlines and Globus Airlines, which mainly operate charter flights, can operate under a single S7 Airlines brand. Last year, 10.6 million people chose S7 flights.

Severstal is a Russian regional airline founded in 1998. The airline is the operator of the Cherepovets airport. Performs regular and charter passenger transportation to cities in Russia and abroad. The route network consists of 16 destinations, and the airline also operates seasonal flights to resorts. Severstal has repeatedly received the title of one of the most punctual airlines from Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo airports. The services of the Cherepovets airline are used by 230 thousand passengers a year.

SILA (Siberian Light Aviation) is a Russian regional airline, founded in 2008. Carries out regular and custom passenger transportation on the territory of the Kolyma Territory and Siberia. The carrier also performs forest patrol and rescue flights. The airline's route network is small, consisting of 16 destinations.

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