Shikhana on the map of Bashkiria. Shikhan-Mountain (Mount Shamanskaya oath, Samara region)

Some alternative researchers are looking for traces of ancient highly developed civilizations in places where they are preserved historical monuments: Near East, South America. And with 100% confidence declare that there are no such traces in the territory of Russia. But many do not agree with this opinion. Maybe we do not pay attention to that? Yes, we do not have megalithic polygonal masonry. After all, if our territory in the cataclysm (or maybe not one), it got much more than Europe and the Ocolosredistemo territories, then polygonal masonry (or their traces) may not be under the clay, if they are found at all. But you can search and other, overlooking the gaze in other objects that we consider natural. After all, many waste (dumps) of the modern mining and processing industry in 30-50 years old are no longer distinguishable from natural. They tauche and about their artificiality we will only have to guess in indirect signs and historical certificates. So, look.

Shikhan YuCTA, Bashkiria

evgen9. Left a comment:
Near the village of Uman-Bishkadak Ishimbay district, that in Bashkortostan, there is Mount Toraptau, the local call her Shikhan. A couple of times I even climbed this mountain. But only this year, I learned that there is next to the mountain deep lakeAfter one local entrepreneur made him for rest. When I learned about the lake, and a depth of 15 meters, immediately thought about the artificial origin of the mountain, the more gentle slope is from the lake.

And that's what through Google Planet Earth I managed to find:

Link to map
In the floodplain R. Bel near Sterlitamak is such a hill (Shikhan).

Hill YuCractau. Sterlitamak district, rep. Bashkortostan

Hill and hill, only without coating with sedimentary products of erosion or clay and without vegetation, i.e. Geologically - very young education.

Although on the other hand the vegetation is present

But the hill is very highlighted against the background of the plain landscape. Moreover, it is strange that he is in the floodplain of the river

Yucta lays

Bully below, the next Shikhan is Khushta:

Are in direct visibility

Side view

And here is modern production in this area, Soda OJSC (now Bashkir Soda Company OJSC), producing more than 20 names of chemical products and household chemical goods, including soda calcined, peeled sodium bicarbonate (food soda), soot White, calcium chloride, lime, series of washing powders:

In 1936, geological explorations found that Sterlitamak Mountains of Shikhana have huge reserves of limestone - the initial raw materials for the production of cement and soda. At the same time, when exploring oil fields in the area modern City Ishimbai was discovered large deposits of the stone salt - the second most important component of the chemical production of soda.
The site for the construction of Sterlitamak soda plant was chosen in 1939.
In 1941, construction began construction of a soda plant. It began to come here to evacuated equipment from Ukraine from Slavic and Donetsk soda factories. In March 1945, the first batch of caustic soda was obtained.

OJSC Soda miners limestone at the Mine Mine Deposit (also refers to the Ridge of Shikhana), 90% of the initial reserves of which have already been developed. According to the company's forecasts, reserves will be completely exhausted in 2017. The company has already completed the geological exploration of the massif of Tratau and YuCTau.
OJSC Soda requested the government of the republic to allow limestone mining from these mountains. But since this territory has the status of a nature monument, the Bashkir authorities are forced to refuse the company.

Mount Shahtya was fully developed. But for some reason it is not dripping. Below are no lime? Strange, because by geology in the oldest past there was a sea of \u200b\u200bTethys. And modern shyhans were islands in this sea. So it should be lime below. But, apparently, it is not.

We go south:

Shahan Thoratta and the north of him deep lake. Link to map

The view was published. Height 406m

A slice of a hill

Absolutely plain landscape (view from Shikhana)

In this video there are types of Toraptau from height

So what am I talking about it again?

Fluses (floats) in metallurgy are inorganic substances that are added to ore when smelting from non-melts to reduce its melting point and facilitate the metal separation from the empty breed.
Flice, or floats, are called impurities added during the smelting of metals in order to form a slag of proper degree of federation. However, often fluxes are also called impurities added to decompose this or other metallic compound or dissolve metal or its compounds in the weight of the added substance, etc. (see slags and charge). The choice of flux depends on the kind of smelting and on the composition of the ore. For example, if the ore is rich with alumina and silica, the flux must be lime (containing lime) or magnesian (containing magnesia) - this case takes place on 9 out of 10 of all iron-smelting plants. Pure limestone consists of 56% of lime and 44% of coalic acid. To enter 100 parts of lime in the charge, 178.6 limestone parts are required. Of course, you can add to the furnace and straight lime, but this is done relatively rarely. Limestones containing fossils sometimes contain a lot of phosphorus, which is often undesirable. Therefore, preliminary analysis of limestone constitutes a significant necessity. Best of all marbled, crystalline limestone; Chalk applies rarely. Dolomite, containing an average of 60% of carbon dioxide and 40% of carbon dioxide magnesium, also finds itself use when smelting - it gives more slight slags than pure limestone. In the domain production, the main goal of the use of fluxes is to tie the silica iron ore. Naturally, the smaller the limestone itself contains silica, the better.

When putting the smelting in Marten furnaces, lime can be used in pieces of up to 150 mm. When smelting steel in the converters, it is recommended to use lime in slices of 10-50 mm in size, which ensures quite complete dissolution in the slag and reduces the removal when purging.

Those. A certain fraction of limestone is used. I will add that Sterlitamak is almost 50 km from the Western Ranges of the Ural Mountains. And from the east of the mountains - there is Magnitogorsk. It is clear to what I am a clone - to the places of mining and smelting of iron. Without lime, as already understandable, this process of smelting on an industrial scale is impossible.

Mount Schikhan in Bashkiria is an amazing geological natural monument. This ancient formation consists of four components - Yarak-Tau, Kush-Tau, Shah-Tau and Tra-Tau. Isolated hill, forming a narrow chain, twenty kilometers stretch along the p. White.

Wonders of nature

In deep antiquity, the territory of modern Bashkiria was occupied by the ocean. At that time, Mount Shahhan was nothing but reef. And so far on the hills you can see prints made by molluscs. The accumulation of fossils has become a kind of storage of various representatives of the ancient organic world. Among them are sponges, corals, msanka, algae, igblerine, foraminifera and brachiopods.

Yarak Tau.

Mount Schikhan (Sterlitamak is close) is the rest of the reef, which once part of the Nizhne-Perm array. She is believed to Late Paleozoa. An approximate period of education is about 230 million years ago. Mount Schikhan is distinguished by a cone-shaped form. The slopes are quite steep - about twenty-thirty degrees, but they do not form rocky ledges. The lower part is covered with scree. At the base of the slope from the northern side, the springs beat, and one of them is sulfur. The length of Yurak-Tau is 1000 m, the width is 850 m. The height above the ocean level is 338 meters, over the soil level - 200 m, and over the White River - 220 meters. At the foot is located about. Moksha.


This mountain Shikhan is located three kilometers from Yarak Tau. It is removed from Ufa by 140 km, from Sterlitamak - 18 km. In shape, this is a dugorby ridge stretched from north to south. At the foot of the mountain is a rest house called "Shikhana". The eastern slope is engaged in the route of the famous ski complex. Like other lumps in Bashkiria, Kush-Tau is the residue of the Nizhne-Perm reef massif.


This mountain Shikhan is towers in five kilometers from Sterlitamak. Her length is 1.3 kilometers. Shah-Tau is stretched towards the southwest. Absolute height Up to the start of the development process was 336 meters. The interest of researchers attract large limestone protrusions, where in frozen rocks it is possible to find the shells of extinct millions of years ago by marine animals, impregnated with oil semi-liquid consistency or tar.

Mountain limestones are in the development of raw materials manufactured by Sodlitamak production association "Soda". When this process has not yet been launched, glitstic maple and oak forests have grown on the slopes from the northern side.

As of 1975, the peak "Tsar Mountains" (literal translation of the title) was lower by thirty-five meters. Currently, there is practically nothing left of this shyhan.


This mountain is located eight kilometers south of Shah-Tau. In shape, it is the right truncated cone. Southwest slope is very cool. This Shahan is a semist symbol of Ishimbay district. Since 1965, he has the status of tra-Tau 280 meters towers above the soil level. Notable is the fact that on a relatively small portion of the mountains grows more than a hundred species of grassy plants. Small caves can be found in the upper parts of the Western and Southwestern slopes. At the foot is Lake Tugar-Salgan.

Yurmatinians for a long time consider the tra-tau of their territory around this Shhahan many centuries was considered forbidden. It was there that all the most important rituals were held.

Beautiful legends

There are many legends transmitted from the mouth for the mouth of the ancient mountains, not one generation. One of them tells us about the unrequited feelings that broke out from Jigita Asha to Beauty Agidel. For a long time, the young man tried to achieve favor of his beloved, but the girl did not pay attention to any expensive gifts or recognition. In the end, the Agidel secretly left the parent house to never see Achak again. The news about it was very angry with a young man. He rushed into the chase of the obstinate. When Asha caled Agidel, he hurts the girl with his girlfriend. The father of Young Beauty - the Urals - did not want to make her hand on his daughter. In order to protect your child, he turned the Agidel to the River. When Asha realized that he had done, he pulled his heart. Since then, there is a thin, like a young virgin, river and four shyhans.

There are many other beliefs telling about the incredible history of these mountains. And indeed, believe that such a miracle of nature appeared without interfering with magical forces, difficult.

The result of painstaking labor

By the fact that it was hidden in the depths of rocks, currently you can admire the museum. It was discovered thanks to the efforts of Skina Ivan Albertovich - a geologist, which was engaged in collecting a collection of more than twenty years. The museum is located in the career of the Shah-Tau Mountain. Most tourists want to look at and beautiful stones of different sizes and shapes. Analogues of this collection are not found anywhere else in the world. This museum attracts not only simple travelers, but also geologists. The latter is given the opportunity to study the reefs of the Nizhne-Perm period derived to the earth's surface.

Features for rest

Mount Schikhan forms a unique way to rest perfectly as in big companyAnd in a close family circle, breaking the tent on one of the numerous suitable sites.

Mount Shahhan. Chelyabinsk region

This granite rock array is located on the territory of the Middle Urals. Nearby is the city Upper UfaleyAnd in six kilometers - Station "Silacha". In the intermountain depression, Mount Schikhan was formed by two kilometers from north to south. The maximum width of the chain varies within the forty-fifty meters. Peak - Chamberlain (80 m).

Way from Chelyabinsk before natural Monument It will take about two and a half hours. Tourists are recommended to stock repellents, because there are really many mosquitoes in these places.


Mountains are unique creatures of nature. They give us the purest air and open a breath magnificent views. Massives that appeared millions of years ago have not only aesthetic, but also practical value, becoming a source of extraction of various minerals, precious metals and much more.

Bashkiria, Sterlitamak district, Schikhan Mountains. Like four stone guards, they rise above the city. Mountains form a chain stretched into 20 km along the White River. Each Shikhan has its name: Yarak-Tau, Kush-Tau, Tra-Tau and Shah-Tau. This is the highest rock formation of the Middle Urals. A unique monument of nature, which is about 300 million years. Once in these places there was a sea, and the current shyhans are the remains of ancient coral reefs. Many legends and legends are associated with them.

Mount Tru Tau

One legend tells about Gord Djigita named Ashak, who fell in love with a black beauty Agidel - the daughter of the Urals. The young man failed to conquer the heart of the girl and tried to conquer her dear gifts. Permanent and very persistent courtship tired of the Agidel and she fled from the chance at home. Having learned about it, the enraged Ashak rushed into the chase. He drove his horse, but still caught a beggles. In Riƙost, Jigit hit the girl with a leaf. Then the gray-haired Urals to protect the daughter from the arrogant young man, turned the Agidel to the fast river. Ashas sent his falcon for her. But he could not stop the girl - the river. Asha killed Mount, I realized that I could not live without my beloved. He pulled his heart out of his chest and threw ashore. Agidel slowed down the course, touched heart and remained the river forever. Since then, there are 4 Shihans at this place: Yarak-Tau or "Heart-Mountain", tra-tau - "Fallen horse", Kush-Tau - "Bird-Mountain" and Shah-Tau - "Dzhigit Ashak".

The highest shackle is trait. Its height above sea level is 402 m. Today, anyone can rise on Shikhana. But without an experienced conductor, it is better not to do. A surprising panorama of the local edge opens at the top of the gray shyhan tra-tau. The white river gently envelops four mountains, divided into 4 sleeves and disappears among forests and plains at the junction of Europe and Asia.

Schikhan Mountains - Rocky Vertices of the Urals, ancient coral reefs. This is a real museum under open sky. Shikhans are listed in the Global Geological Heritage Register. Here you can still collect a collection of petrified relict clams and algae, in winter to ride alpine skiingAnd in the spring and summer to go hiking on the rafts along the White River.

Arachaul shivhans, often referred to as shyhans, is the granite rock massif of the Middle Urals, the most southern and highest (more than 40 meters). Their name is shyhans received from widespread on Southern Urals Dialectism "Shikhan" and the names of the Bashkir generic group "Uvan" - "High cone-shaped mountain".

Passenger B. Chelyabinsk region, near and 6 km east of Station Soloul. Near the intermountain depression is located.

Araculian Shikhans come from north to south over 2 km. Folded with huge granite stoves and boulders, overlap of the elements, which gives them an old and magnificent appearance. Maximum circuit width 40-50 meters, maximum height Above the ground is 80 meters (vertex Chamberlain). A total of 11 lakes can be seen from the top. The Eastern side facing the Lake Aracul, throughout the whole height of about 30-40 meters above the Earth. This oriental gesting slope has cliffs, so successfully used by climbing climbers for training and competition. Western slope is much lower (15-20 m) and position.

The forests of Aracle are inhabited by various animals, although they are not so often found. Here are proteins, hedgehogs, hares, moose, occasionally come across a lynx and bears, but they are not close to the lake.

Archaeologists have found several of the parcels of an ancient person from rocks (the epoch of bronze and early iron century), total - 13 archaeological monuments. The age of finds varies from Eneolita to the second halves XIX. century. Of particular interest are man-made recesses located on the top of the ridge. The diameter of such cups reaches two meters, and the depth comes to the meter. Some of them are constantly worthwhile. Presumably, these bowls were used by ancient people in ritual rituals.

Lake Aracul and Shikhana are very popular among holidaymakers. Here you can always meet tourists from various regions, and often from other countries. The popularity of these places is due to their unique beauty and easy accessibility.

According to the descriptions of our inaccuations on Shikhana, it may seem that there is some kind of maliciousness of the masochists. And no, it's not true! These are just awesome cliffs, and the view that opens in both sides from the top of the cliff is simply immaculate.

Something I distracted ... After the lunch, described earlier, the vague weather is over, and we just ended the "funny zhammar" for everyone.


All-weather Araculian Shikhan. July 18-19, 2015. Part 1. Swim slush.

We continue the story about the departures on the Araculian Shikhan 2015. It was not set ... well, more precisely not so: the May exit was very interesting from the point of view of experience, both organizers and participants, but in the plan of climbing there was definite dissatisfaction, since only our most desperate athletes were oppressed.

So summer departure. Snow is not expected, but there is a certain nervous voltage. And the weather justifies yourself. The rains watered this summer the Urals and Siberia tried to fully. On the eve of our arrival, also passed, turning the road into a slimy coil.


Araculian Shikhans (photo report and trip story)

Finally got hands, and what is important, the desire to post photos from a trip to the Araculian Shikhanam appeared.

We left the city with a delay. At the place of profit around 12:30. The weather was just gorgeous! I do not remember such a solar and warm day for this winter. The path was not close. About an hour walked on the lake. Soon the goal of our journey - Araculian Shikhans.


All-weather Araculian Shikhan. May 9-10, 2015. Peel the spring.

Mountaineering - the best way Peel the summer. Apparently, for this reason, winter is so reluctant to part with us. During the time of study, the mountaineering has already turned out to be overnight and autumn, and the summer, the winter itself, here reached the turn and spring. In fact, for a length of time, less than a day managed to see the three time of the year, autumn, well, and winter.

Lake Aracul is located in the north of the Chelyabinsk region. Translated from Bashkir, means "intermediate lake" or "Lake between the Mountains".

Lake Aracul

Length lake Aracul - About 3 kilometers, width - 2 kilometers. The average depth is 5.3 meters, and the maximum is 12 meters. The greatest depths in the eastern and southeastern part of the lake. The height of the lake above sea level is about 300 meters. The lake is a hydrological monument of nature.

Photography: Lelik-Friend

Rivers fall into it Kaganka and Olkhovka, and leaks the river Araculka. Through this river lake Aracul associated with Castle system lakes. In the lake beats a lot of springs, so the water in it is cold and in the summer heats slowly. The transparency of water reaches 6 meters. The bottom of the lake is sandy-stony, and closer to the center becomes or strong.


In the lake, there is a dozen species of fish: roach, perch, pike, ersh, lin, bream, lime, crucian, as well as Sig, Pel'l, Muksun. There are cancers. By the way, in 1912 on lake Aracul The first fishing station on the southern Urals opened. It was organized. Fish here is bred in our day.

Araculsky Shikhan

A few kilometers from the lake is a picturesque rocky array - Araculsky Shikhan (or simply Shikhan). The length of the stone crest, composed of granites - more than two kilometers. The height of the sheer cliffs reaches 60 meters, and the width of the ridge is up to 40-50 meters. Shikhan Reminds with sight Chinese wall or inaccessible fortress. Climbers love to spend the competition and training here.

Photography: Varakusha
Photography: Varakusha

From the top of the cliff in good weather It can be seen about a dozen lakes. But most beautiful view opens on the foot of the mountain lake Aracul.

Photo by Iriska
Photo by Iriska

Archaeologists found several of the ancient person (the bronze era and early iron century) from the rocks. Pay attention to the depths encountered on the rocks. According to one of the versions in these stone bowls, our distant ancestors made rites of sacrifice and raised ritual bonfires. The diameter of stone bowls about two meters, and the depth comes to one meter.

Photography: Varakusha
Photography: Varakusha

In total, Archaeologists have discovered 13 archaeological monuments in the vicinity of Aracle. The age of finds varies from Eneolya to the second half of the XIX century.

Photo by Iriska
Photo by Iriska

Hike to Araculsky Shikhan and Lake Aracul - good route Weekend. There are many other interesting attractions in the surrounding area.

See also: