Is it worth going to Krakow in the fall. What to see in Krakow for one or two days? Good route! tips to help you make your trip to Krakow more interesting than mine

The former Polish capital and one of beautiful cities Europe, which, by the way, is included in the list world Heritage UNESCO, the city of Krakow annually takes hundreds of thousands of tourists. Not rare guests of the city are both Belarusians. In this article we will tell about the most famous places Krakow, who must be seen during the trip.

Sometime Krakow was the capital of the Republic of Poland. There is an opinion that he is one of the most beautiful places in Europe. Since he appeared in ancient times, Krakow is famous for history. Tourists often come to him, because there are many attractions to see.

Picturesque places, ancient architecture fascinate tourists. Here I want to come back and also to feel the historical atmosphere.

Market Square

The first place to visit is a market square. Though here and the sales go full, after all, there is something to see. Once the market square was significantly less. Over time, it was expanded, the population became greater, and accordingly, the number of trade tents increased.

On Market Square you can buy any product at your discretion. The attraction of it is the fact that its size entered the list of one of large Square Europe. Plus, around the market there are many fascinating buildings and institutions that you should look at.

Wawel Castle (Wawel)

It is considered a symbol of Poland. Castle - architectural complexwho is visited by tourists from around the world. Before the main entrance is the stamp gate. They are distinguished by their sophistication.

Before the main entrance to the castle there is a bronze monument, which is devoted to the National Polish Hero. It was he who organized the uprising back in 1794. The name of the Hero of Tadeusus Koscusitko.

Cathedral on Bavle

In the courtyard there is a temple in memory of the holy martyrs of Svyatoslav and Waclav. It is periodically restored and several styles have been collected in it. This is Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance.

In the courtyard you can see many interesting and old facilities that have been preserved since 975. As you can see, the Wawel Castle must be visited at least once in life.

The interior of the cathedral is distinguished by sophistication and luxury. Here is the Mausoleum of St. Stanislav and many other beautiful sights that you need to see.

Palace of bishops

Since 1944, John Paul II lived in this building. Archbishop he became in 1978, when he chose dad. The building itself looks outdated, although it is periodically restored, and a monument to John is located near the entrance, which is surrounded by the shrub of amazing beauty and to take care of it until today.

There is a museum in the palace. In it you can see the legacy of the dad. There are a variety of exposures, ancient painting and several sculptures. It was all once brought as a gift.


There is a beautiful Jewish district called Kazimierzh in Krakow. This quarter has its own culture, religion and architecture. Kazemiz and there is a raisin Krakow. It turns out, as if different civilization in one city.

When a tourist falls into this quarter, a change of religion is immediately felt. There are no Catholic Cathedrals here, and there are synagogues. Tourists will be interested to look at this unique and original area.


Krakow is famous not only ancient architecture. Also in the city there are many beautiful picturesque parks. There is an opinion that the plates are the most beautiful, bright place to relax. When you go along the path, the aroma is amazing. Birds sing, deciduous trees as if urge to listen to the sounds of nature.

Not only friends come to the Plants, but also residents of the country. After all, it is worth seeing beautiful landscapes, breathe clean air. Here you can come at any time of the year, as it is beautiful here in any weather.

Mariacksky Cathedral

This is the main thing holy place in Krakow Back in the XIV Art. Began to upward. True, it was completed by its construction only after half a century. There are two big towers on the cathedral who look for royal. On one of them the golden crown, and on top of the high spire. There is a helmet on another tower.

The interior of the cathedral admires not only tourists, but also residents of the country. After all, the building looks like an old castle. Painting, sculptures and stained glass make this sight again and again.

Tower of Town Hall

In any city there is a town hall and krakow no exception. Once it was in it a city rulers ranked. Now the town hall is not, and only the tower remained, which has become one of the most beautiful sights of the city.

Near the entrance to the building are two huge lions made of stone. If you go to the second floor, then you can see many artifacts. They once belonged to the Government of Poland. Now it is only an antiques that has greater value for citizens of the country.

But in the basement there are treasheries and theater. Their guides advise to visit first. After all, seen can not be described in words, so captures the spirit of beauty.

Bastion Barbakan.

This is the cultural and historical value of the country. Bastion must be visited by each tourist. This building is in memory of the fortified defensive structure. After all, it was from him who were shot in the enemy and defended the city. Barbakan is a symbol of Krakow, and it is he who is drawn on the coat of arms of the city of Krakow.

Barbakan can visit any citizen. Inside, tourists will see the exhibition and they recognize a little history. Here the tourist should have to visit, since such sights will not see anywhere else.

Who does not like Shopping? Of course, tourists gladly walk on shopping and buy several souvenirs for memory. So, Krakow Gallery is what you need. There are so many stores (more than 100) widely known brands in Europe. Especially if you take into account constant discounts, and not just seasonal, it is advantageous to buy both a souvenir and a more expensive thing in the form of clothing.

How many cafes and restaurants are here, that guests of the city did not dream. Therefore, walking on shopping, you can safely go to any like cafe and snack. Prices are quite acceptable. There are also several ateliers and even a cinema. As you can see, a lot of interesting things in one place.

The gallery is distinguished from other well-known stores that there are many sellers who are fluent in Russian. This is a pleasant bonus for tourists. Next to the gallery there are many squares and central squarewhere you can relax from shopping and disperse.

What to see in Krakow in one day

It's nice to realize that Krakow is pretty small city and main sights can be found one day. Moreover, it concerns those people who are traveling.

You need to start from the center of Krakow. Here are the most interesting and exciting places. For example, old Malo and Market Square. Here you can linger a little and buy yourself something interesting for memory.

There is a maritian church on the square, the hike will not take a long time. Then you can visit the University of Yaghellon. After him, it is necessary to visit the museum called charters.

A little further market square is the National Museum, which keeps the history of the city. Here are 11 halls and almost 1000 antiques and art objects. Here you can spend a lot of time, so it is best to see the most famous and exciting antiques.

You can immediately visit the Palace of Bishops and see the beauty of the Florian gate. Not far from the castle is the district of Kazemiz. it interesting placeSo you get to another religion and culture immediately. It seems that in the area there is a completely different country, not Poland. Moreover, here citizens also lead a different life that is very different from Polish.

Krakow meadow is a beautiful and large area, and once the most ordinary pasture was. Here you can relax after traveling and snack. Here citizens walk, especially in the evenings. After all, the air in this place is special and feels a friendly, calm atmosphere.

Plus, there are many restaurants in Krakow, where reasonable prices. Therefore, after a grueling hard day, you can simply go and relax, even if you have a cup of tea.

What to see in the vicinity of Krakow

If everything in the city was watched in the city, then you can go to others beautiful places. For example, in the State Museum, which is called Auschwitz Birkena. It is in the western part of Krakow, where to go about 60 km.

This museum is also called death camp. Once here more than 2 million citizens destroyed. Not every tourist dares to come here. Unless if the museum does not know the true name of the museum.

Salt mines "Grand" - underground corridors, or rather labyrinths where there are many sculptures, and they are made from a stone salt. Tourists can pass no more than 2 km. But this is enough to get tired.

Next to Krakow is the architectural parking area where monasteries are located and national Park. It is very beautiful here and you can simply relax, and relax. Since the air and nature are wonderful.

The Fortress Chazyman is another attraction, but is far from Krakow. About 100 km. Here you can make wonderful pictures not only on the background of the fortress, but also in nature.

You can also go to the park called Tatransky. It is in the southern part of Krakow. Here you can see the real mountain peak, caves, glacial lakes Birch and fir forests.

The reserve is also not far from Krakow. It is also called the Babiugur Park. Here are deciduous and coniferous forests, as well as many species of birds (more than 100). Also, tourists will be able to see wild animals that are not rushing to people, but are engaged in their affairs. And many mammal species live in the local areas. Citizens who visit the reserve will never forget this amazing and beautiful world.

In any place you can get both by bus and by train. Differences in the city price. Moreover, transport rides only on schedule. If you disappear on it, you can wait for your transport for a long time.

Since the bus stations and railway stations work around the clock, you can purchase tickets in advance in both ends. Then citizens can have a specific time.

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Each of us has repeatedly heard that Krakow is a real pearl of Central Europe. The phrase sounds just trite, but, nevertheless, this is a fact. The city is ideal in order to spend a weekend here, and if you recall the current euro rate, especially warming the soul that in Poland this currency is still not in the go. It still uses old-kind zloty, which allows you to significantly save on the trip. About what is necessary to see in Krakow in a couple of days, tell me right now.

The history of the city has more than a thousand years, and, by the way, almost half of this time - from 1038 to 1596 - he was the capital of Poland. Of course, Krakow has long ago folded the capital's authority, but he became a kind cultural capital Countries, the Polish musicians, artists and other cultural figures lived here at different times. However, why lived? Many art leaders live in Krakow to this day.

The medieval center of Krakow with cobble bridges, small charming streets, many single-caliber churches and buildings of varying degrees of pompousness, unlike other Polish cities, for example, the same Warsaw, miraculously was not destroyed during World War II, and this, despite the fact that Fascist troops partially minted it during retreat.

That is why it is so pleasant to walk so much, looking at architectural beauty, periodically interrupting only for visiting museums, and on in local restaurants.

First Day: Old Town - Stare Malo (Stare Miasto W Krakowie)

Your first day in Krakow, spend in the old town, on Market Square With the Town Hall Tower and a whole near the Milest Cafes and Restaurants. It is here that on weekends regularly arranged fairs where you can buy products of folk fishing, as well as delicious food for removal.

But if all sorts of wooden spoons, wicker baskets and other souvenirs of our people will not be surprised - something similar can always be found in the benches, which are installed for the holidays and on our Manezh Square in Moscow, the local food is a completely different matter.

For example, here you can eat fried on the coal with smoked "Oscypek" cheese, wrapped in bacon and with prunes, or the same cheese, only with cranberry sauce, or cakes with a variety of fillings (from cottage cheese with potatoes to cabbage), and, maybe Homemade bread with a smober - a mixture of a melted sludge with crackers.

And do not forget about Krakow Obvarzanki - wicker bagels with poppy sesame, sesame or baked cheese. All this and looks very authentic, and the taste is charm what!

In the center of the Market Square is the XVI century building in the Renaissance style - the cloth ranks with vaulted galleries (they, however, were attached to the building after almost three centuries).

Now this building would be more logical to be called souvenir ranks - there are many shops with magnets, circles, photographs and other things that are so loved to bring tourists so much. And tourists themselves, of course, here are also very much.

A monument to Adam Mitzkevich's monument to the trunks, the pedestal and steps of which are loved to sit and communicate with each other not only tourists, but also local residents.

Especially tightly he "climbs" by people closer to the evening when everyone goes for a walk. And also here is a very small church of St. Wojciech (Kosciol SW. WojcieCHA) with a copper dome, built back in the XI century.

To the left behind the clouds was located a beautiful Gothic Basilica of the XIV century - the Basilica of the Virgin Mary, her second name - the Mariacki Church (Kosciot Mariacki). Asymmetric Basilica towers are considered one of the characters of Krakow, so they can often be seen on local souvenirs.

Important moment! Tourists can enter the church through the side entrance from St. Mary's Square, but through the main entrance In the Basilica (from the side of its facade), there are only parishioners who come on Mass. On the road from Market Square to the Wawel Castle, you can also see the University of Jagiellonian, founded in 1364. By the way, in his walls worked and created his famous treatise Great Nikolai Copernicus.

Church of Saints Peter and Paul (Kosciol SW. Piotra I SW. Pawla)

If you go south, towards the hill Wawel, then on the street Grodzka you can find a beautiful baroque building of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul (Kosciol SW. Piotra I SW. Pawla). It can be easily found in a long row of statues on the front - it is 12 apostles.

This is one of the oldest buildings of Krakow, which is visible to the naked eye, it was built at the beginning of the XVII century.

Second day: Wawel Castle (Wawel Castl) and Kazimierz district

The whole first half of the second day is worthwhile to inspect the Wawel Castle - this is another symbol of Krakow, so that there, all Poland. Present medieval fortresslocated on a hill on the south side of the Planta Park surrounding Old city. Its construction began in 1038, and since then there have been massive fortress walls, guard towers, the cathedral, the royal castle - in general, all that, without which it is unthinkable to imagine a real fortress.

The castle was repeatedly rebuilt, and last changes Its in its design were made in the first half of the XVI century at the King of Sigizmunde old. In fact, the castle was then built anew under the guidance of Architects Francesco Florentina and Bartolomeo Berechchi, exactly as we see it now. Well, the bulk of the current fortress walls of the castle was built even a century - at King Vladislava IV Vaza.

Going to the Wawel Castle, remember that here you will definitely come across the crowds of the same as you, tourists, so tickets for visiting the castle, weapon chamber and the royal treasury, it is better to order in advance on the official website of the museum at http: // www / pl. And be prepared for what spend no less than half a day for a walk through the territory of the castle and the inspection of museums.

It is important to remember that tickets are designed for a certain time, so it is better not to be late. However, even if this happens, a ticket, shocked scorienibly headed and making a note in his magazine, you will still be allowed inside. If you have a desire to listen to a story about each of the exhibits of the museum, order an audio guide. It costs about 20 zł and is available on a variety of languages, including in Russian.

The Wawel Castle remained the main residence and the location of the Polish monarchs until 1734, that is, even after almost a hundred years after the transfer of the capital in Warsaw. Today is a huge museum with almost seven-day halls, a building with magnificent royal apartments, decorated with Flemish tapestries of the XVI century, collected by the King of Sigmouth. In a word, it is not surprising that the Wawel Castle is considered one of the most luxurious in Central Europe.

Parade Royal Halls and Some Personal Royal Powers are open to visit from Tuesday to Saturday from 9.30 to 16.00. The halls themselves are beautifully renovated, and, although most of the original furniture has not been preserved, after all, walking here, you can get an idea of \u200b\u200broyal life. It is a pity that photography is categorically forbidden in the castle, however, the photos are unlikely to transmit the beauty of the decoration of royal orders.

However, the first thing you see, getting into the territory of the Wawel Castle, is still Cathedral Saints Stanislav and Vaclav. Huge bones hang on his entrance. According to the existing legend, this is the mammoth bones found at this place before the construction of the cathedral, and it is they who protect from the enemies and the Cathedral, and the castle, and all Krakow.

In the cathedral, for more than 400 years, crowned and fled Polish kings. It was built in the XI-XII centuries, but it was partially destroyed - only part of the silver bells and crypt of St. Leonard remained from the initial construction. The building that we see now appeared much later - in the XIV century. In the very center of the Cathedral, you can see the altar of the debris, which was pinned by the military trophies of the Kings of the Commonwealth. In addition, the Cathedral is the royal stone sarcophages and the tomb of King Casimir Yagelon.

Royal Treasury and Weapon Chamber

Here you can see a huge royal collection of weapons, armor and a variety of military trophies - all this you will find, descending down, in the vaulted chairs of the castle. One of the most impressive exhibits of the museum - Sword Schcherbets, who used many centuries during the coronations of Polish kings.

Dragon Cave

In one of the towers of the castle of the Wawel Castle, there is a small carcass cave - the dragon cave, which can be visited in just a few zlotys from May to November. The ticket is bought immediately before entering the tower. There is a legend that in this cave there lived a dragon of the Wawelsky, who was horror on the entire district.

In the photo: Children attack a monument to Dragon

Going along the narrow screw staircase in the cave, you will then go ashore for the Vistula, right to the monument to the dragon, near which children always play. By the way, the dragon is not terrible at all!

In the afternoon, go to Kazimierz - the ancient Jewish district of Krakow, who has long been a city suburbs. Jews pursued throughout Europe, in the middle of the XIV century, were asylum in Krakow, and even one century, the King Yang Olbrecht moved all the Jewish population to Kazimier. Later, as Krakow is growing, the suburbs became a full urban area. It's easy to reach it from the old town, just past the castle of Wawel, well, and if you are not located for walking, then a tram goes here.

There are many vintage shabby buildings and the synagogues preserved from the war - they are true, there are only eight pieces of thirty. Even further, behind the hangout, there is a Jewish ghetto, where in 1941-1943 the Nazis drove all Krakow Jews (Starovyshnaya Street, the area of \u200b\u200bthe porcerer). Here, a Museum of People's Memory has long been working, telling about life in the ghetto, and during the war in this building there was a pharmacy. So in general, this area looks slightly depressingly.

In the photo: the oldest synagogue in Krakow

Although recently, according to the residents of Krakow, Kazimierzh revives again, gradually turning into a fashionable partition. New bars, cafes and restaurants are opening here, of course, with a Jewish color - there are beef dishes in the menu, and the musicians play fantasies on the topic "7-40".

If in the evening you still do not quite fall off legs, pay attention to the clubs that with the onset of darkness open your doors in the alleys, the rays of diverging from the market square. Here are a lot of entertainment institutions and for every taste, but to unmistakably determine popular place You can use youth, crowding at the entrance.

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Maria Kaushan - Professional journalist and PR, traveling for their own pleasure. For some time I am trying to understand how to simultaneously satisfy my interest in world architecture and to extreme sports, love for warm edges and snow-covered vertices.

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The price of one trip is 4 zł. Tickets can be purchased either in the machine in the airport terminal (arrival hall, zero level), or in the machine on bus stop, or by the driver.

Also the airport with the city connects the railway. Trains are sent every half hour from 04:00 to 00:00, the trip takes 15 minutes. The ticket costs 3.80 zł and purchased at the conductor.

As in many others european cities, you can greatly ease your life, buying tourist map - KrakoW Card. With it you will have tangible advantages: free access to more than 40 attractions of Krakow, free travel to public transport, Discount on shuttle from / to the airport and a lot more. There are cards for 2 or 3 days, as well as special student three-day cards.

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You can buy it or at the airport. In the same city, the card can be purchased according to one of the addresses below:

  • uL. Pawia, 8, Kraków
  • Rynek Główny, 30, Kraków
  • uL. Św. Jana, 2, Kraków
  • uL. Grodzka, 18, Kraków
  • Dworzec Główny Kolejowy UL. Pawia, 5a, Kraków
  • uL. Floriańska, 6, Kraków
  • uL. Józefa, 7, Kraków

Having a printout with yourself with a payment confirmation, you can pick up the map on arrival at the addresses of 2 św. Jana Street, 30 Rynek Główny or at the airport (Infokraków Tourist Information Center).

Transport in Krakow

In Krakow, you can buy a ticket either 1 trip without transplanting, or a ticket for a certain time without limiting the number of transfers. Which ticket to buy - depends on time and route. If you have a long time to go without transplanting, buy a regular ticket for 3.80 zlotys, and if you need to drive just a couple of stops - a ticket for 15 minutes in 2.80; If you need to go about an hour with transfers, take a ticket for 5 zł. There are also tickets for the whole day for three days and a week. Time begins to be counted from the moment of composting directly inside the tram or bus.

In, despite the membership in the EU, still in the course of the national currency - zloty, so your cash (euro, hryvnia or rubles) will be better exchanged for them. Exchanges are everywhere: at the station, in underground transitions, at historical center cities. True, it is worth being vigilant, as the commission for tourists often overestimate in the latter.

Of course, you can go to Krakow with the euro and pay them without changing, but "European currency" is not taken everywhere, and the course is not quite profitable.

To pay, take both cash and Visa and MasterCard cards - terminals in all major restaurants and shops. Zloty can be useful to you except to pay excursions or when buying souvenirs and other trifles.

When is it better to go?

It depends on what you are traveling. Summer Krakow is good for those who, in addition to inspection of castles and museums, wants to just enjoy the city: stroll along the streets, wander in parks or climb the mounds. If you are interested in the party life of the city, then you will definitely visit the tour, during which you can imbued with an unforgettable atmosphere and find out how local youth is having fun and have fun.

In winter, the Krakow is worth riding for the beauty of Catholic Christmas - festive illumination, Christmas fairs and folk festivals will give a special color to the trip. In addition, in winter, ride a little cheaper due to the smaller influx of tourists.

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In the offseason it is worth going only if you really want to save (prices for tickets and accommodation really fall). But be prepared for piercing wind, rain and slush.

Rest in Krakow is good because it is usually cheaper than in others old cities Europe.

You can save on accommodation by settling in the hostel. Especially since there are many of them in Krakow, quite comfortable and with separate double rooms. The place for one costs from € 8, sometimes the breakfast includes the price).

Feeding in the same institutions where local residents are, it will save almost twice.

Souvenirs are not the cheapest pleasure, so it's better to think twice before buying a bauble you like.

Some museums of the city can be visited free of charge on certain days (as a rule, on Sundays). You will have to pay only if you want to inspect temporary exposures.

Well, of course, it is advantageous to buy a passage, as tickets will cost Neszayevo, especially if you ride often.

In Krakow, you can find several places where you will be tasty, and most importantly - inexpensive.

  • Zazie.

In this bistro you can try French cuisine at very reasonable prices (lunch on one of two dishes is on average 30 zł).

Official site of the city of Krakow

What you need to travel to Krakow yourself

  • Bank card for hotel booking and buying tickets
  • Passport with a validity period of at least three months from the end of the trip
  • Schengen visa
  • During travel

How to get to Krakow

From Moscow it is most convenient for the aircraft, but you can also travel on the train (site railways Poland., car or bus.

To find out the prices and buy tickets in Krakow alone, without intermediaries and commissions, fill out the form:

How to get a visa to Poland

For a trip to Krakow yourself, you need to get a visa to Poland. Poland is part of Shengen, citizens of the Russian Federation it is necessary to obtain a visa. All detailed information Can be obtained on the website of the Visa Embassy of the Republic of Poland

Prices for hotels Krakow

You can stay in Krakow at the hotel, campsite, hostel or rent private apartments. Hostel in Krakow will cost about 10 euros per person per day. For example, a good hostel for tourist reviews is Premium Hostel, located in Stare Malo. If you are planning a trip with children, please note Aparthotel Stare Miasto Aparthotel, a family of four will cost 100 euros per day if you boast in advance. For a romantic couple, we recommend an inexpensive, but very cozy apartment Apartamenty John. It will cost 60-80 euros if you are lucky and available.
To view other options, fill out the dates and click Search.

What to see in Krakow

Krakow - one of the few cities in Poland, who was not destroyed in the second world War and retained many architectural monuments. So it is necessary to visit it.
Be sure to order sightseeing tourwhich you can always order

  • Be sure to visit Wawel Castle (This is a whole complex of historic buildings: the Royal Castle, the Cathedral and the Castle Strength System.) Open for a visit daily. You can get on the tram: No. 1, 3, 6, 8, 18, stop "Wawel". The exact address: 31-001 Kraków, Wawel 5. Official website:
  • The Square of the Main Market of Krakow - One of the largest medieval areas in Europe, built in 1257. At Square, there are attractions such as Sukenitsa, the Town Hall Tower, the Church of St. Wozeca, the Palace of Zbaras, the Palace "under the rams", the monument to Adam Mitskevich and, first of all, Mariatsky Church.

  • On Yagellona Street is one of the oldest university buildings in the world. It - Collegium Maius.. The university was founded in 1364 by the decree of the Casimir of the Great. (Paid entrance). Open daily, except Tuesday.

  • National Museum in Krakow (Muzeum Narodowe W Krakowie) is located at Al. 3 Maja 1.
  • Sukonny rows(Sukiennice), the museum is located on the main market - to the right of the central arch from the Mitskevich monument. Address Rynek Glowny 1/3.
  • In 2010, a new underground Museum of Krakow opened, it is located under the market square. Museum site

Where to go with a child in Krakow

  • In Krakow is the most big indoor Aquapark. In Europe, consisting of 8 American slides, the total length of which is 740 m. Address: UL. Dobrego Pasterza 126, 31-000, Krakow, Poland. Official website:

  • In the warm season you can ride on the river steamer on Vistula. The berth is located on the embankment from the Grunwald Bridge (Most Grunwaldski).
  • Museum of Nature (Muzeum Przyrodnicze) is located at UL. SW. Sebastiana, 9.
  • Museum of Polish Aviation (Muzeum Lotnicza Polskiego) - Especially interesting will be boys, here are presented models Airplanes, helicopters, aviation engines and experimental rockets. Located at Al. Jana Pawla II, 39.
  • Zoo Krakow (Ogrod Zoologiczny). Address: Poland, Krakow, UL. Kasy Oszczędności Miasta Krakowa 14. Official site:

  • If you arrived with a child in Krakow on Christmas - Be sure to look into the churches to look at Shopki - These are peculiar scenes - scenery on a biblical theme, in different chosets - various decorations. You can see a shop at another time of the year in the National Museum, a branch on the market square - Rynek Glowny, 35.
  • On Szczepański Square, you can admire the beautiful musical fountain With colorful illumination.

What to bring from Krakow

Here you can find souvenirs for every taste:

  • Souvenirs from Krakow to children: dolls in national costumes; gingerbread gingerbread in the form of hearts with multicolored glaze; candy "Krowki" (Cows); Cake-cupcake "SEKAC"; wooden Toys.
  • Krakow souvenirs: Polish beer; GRZANIEC (GZHANES) - Sweet wine (drink hot with seasonings (carnation, cinnamon, honey),figurines with a dragon (symbol of the city), wooden and pottery, carved chess, copies of Polish antique weapons, to traditional key chains and magnets.
  • Souvenirs from Krakow for a girl, wife: Yu grand ornaments with corals and amber, silver products,braided baskets, miniature souvenirs of the Nativity of Christ - "Szopka"; Polish perfumery and cosmetics (you can buy in Rossmann stores); flax products with embroidery or without;
  • And you can also send yourself or friends by postcard with the species of this beautiful city - Widokówki.

Krakow is a very convenient city for transit tourists. Main attractions, according to thin guidebooks, are focused on " Royal Road". She takes his beginning on the northern border of the Old Town, passes through the Central Market Square of Krakow, and goes to the royal castle.

therefore tourist groupsTraveling through Krakow, in just a couple of hours to inspect most of what is written in the guide, put a tick in the cultural program, and continue your journey further.

However, the pairs of hours are not enough because there is nothing to look in the city, but because most travel guides are written for foreign tourists just in the calculation of "express tourists".

What can you have to look in Krakow

It depends first of all, from how much time you are going to spend in the city.

For 1 hour, you can have time to get from the station (Krakow Centralny) to Market Square, make memorable pictures, visit the Mariatsky Catholic church and look into the Sukennitsa. Maybe even sit in a cafe on a market square.

For 2 hours you can go through Royal Road (The entire excursion is entirely), go to the territory of the Royal Castle and look into the Cathedral (without visiting other museums). And still have time to sit in a cafe or look into local shops.

For 4 hours you can not rush to go through Royal Road, inspect all the occasional sights, visit the Royal Castle (Not particularly lingering in museums).

There will be time and visiting souvenir shops, and to dine in a restaurant.

If desired (great desire), you can even catch in a fast pace Kazimezh.

In one evening. If you arrived in Krakow only for one evening - I advise you to spend this evening for a walk through the old town. And when it is completely dark - you can choose a bar, cafe or restaurant, and taste there Polish national Kitchen, Or just sit on the market square behind a glass of beer.

In a day . The one who came to Krakow on 1 day. I advise after examining the old city to travel to Silent.

And after return, or go to the Royal Castle, or visit Kazimierzh, or admire the city with kurgan Kostyushka or KrakusOr just just once take a walk along the old Krakow (not forgetting that by 23:00 transport no longer works).

For a couple of days. To the one who came to Krakow for a couple of days (usually come in the afternoon, and you are leaving in the morning), on the first day I can advise you to take a tour of Royal Road, during which you can eat somewhere, and then visit the Royal Castle.

Then, if the sun is even high, you can admire the city from the height of the Kursheka or Krakus mound. Early evening can be devoted to visiting local shops, and when it starts to darker - dinner in the restaurant of Polish national cuisine.

In the morning of the next day you can go to Silent. Then, returning to Krakow, make a walk along the pod, and then in Kazimezh.

During these excursions, forget to pay attention not only to monuments, but also to places where you can dine :-).

If you want to visit any museum - it is better to go there right away at the return of the Great, because After lunch, museums are usually closed.

Then you can bypass the old town Platam (If you have not yet done this), and the remaining evening devote to what to go to the places that you especially liked.

On the last evening you can also go to Krakow Water Park (Park Wodny), to the theater or movie. Young people can choose a student club.

See also: