Resort countries of Asia. Asia: from Turkey to Vietnam

Asia is very diverse and colorful in terms of culture, religion, nature. Lost Islands, Exotic Fruits, Spiritual Centers and Lowest Prices - It's only a little bit from the fact that it attracts tourists to this part of the world. About how not to get confused in such a variety and choose the best place to relax, we will tell in this article.

Phuket, Thailand

Phuket - the most popular resort . On the island, in addition to the delightful beaches and hotels, there are Buddhist temples, viewing platforms, waterfalls, gardens. Here you can find small coves to feel privacy or arrange a romantic evening, and romance-bar streets filled with noise, music and dancing. The island is connected to the mainland bridge, which makes it easy to get to other provinces or.


  • Lots of entertainment, architectural and natural attractions. Good beacheswhich rarely have big waves.


  • Attractions and shops are the island, and you need to get to them on a taxi, which is not very cheap, or at the time of renting a motorbike, which is not very safe.

Boracay, Philippines

This small Philippine Island is famous for the fact that it is located on it. best beaches World, - White Beach. Along it stretched the strip of bars, massage salons, souvenir shops and cafes. In addition to people who love nightlife, Boracay attracts divers and kiteserfer, because there are ideal conditions for observation of the underwater world, and the beach of Bulam always blows a smooth wind, so necessary for kaiting.


  • You can remove the bungalow right by the sea. Practically absent crime.


  • Little attractions. Getting to Borakaya rather tiring.

Hainan, China

On the island of Hainan you can not only relax on the beach, but also to inspect many sights. For example, the extinct volcano Ma-Anh, whose crater is turned into looking platform. The same who wants to talk to themselves nerves, it is worth going to where the bears, tigers and lions are walking in natural conditions, and tourists can watch them from the jeep. In addition, Hainan Province is a major cultural CenterWhere many different festivals are held during the year.


  • On the island there is a center of Chinese medicine, where you can fix health or get a complex of spa procedures.


  • Hainan Island is popular with the local population, so in the high season and in the evenings on the beaches are quite crowded.

Langkavi, Malaysia

The Malaysian Island of Langkavi is located in the middle of the archipelago consisting of 100 islands. Here everyone can feel like a discoverer without moving away from snow white beaches and comfortable hotels. Mountains, caves, waterfalls and lakes are adjacent to the resort infrastructure and many sights, among which are so favorite tourists cable car And heavenly bridge running right above the jungle.


  • Langkavi is a duty-free area.


  • Powerful tides and lowers.

Sri Lanka

Tea plantations, elephants, golden beaches with palm trees, ancient temples and statues - all this is on a small one who got lost in Indian Ocean Not far from the shores of India. Aromatherapy in combination with Buddhist and Hindu teachings contribute to relaxation and spiritual enrichment. Lovers active rest Waiting for water skiing, underwater fishing, surfing and kiting.


  • Many excursions, natural and architectural attractions.


  • Annoyful bare on the beach, who wanted to sell something. Bad roads, which affects the time of moving from one place to another.

Fukuok, Vietnam


Asia is the islands, temples, a motley kaleidoscope of exotic fruits, good decorated elephants, fussy and smart monkeys, the sea, the sun, palm trees ... In general, Asia is a whole philosophy, time flows smoothly, nothing passes without a trace, everything goes back and flows each other. in a friend. Want to go to the most beautiful places Asia? Then here are 10 countries, visiting which you can no longer live, as before.

1. Thailand

This country has gained the laurel of the most popular resort directions for our compatriots. Everything is here: a lazy beach holiday, interesting excursions, picturesque nature, saturated nightlife with parties, cocktails and Thai spicy scenes (well, you understand what we are). Resorts here are so much that you can ride new every year. Pattaya, Phuket Islands and Samui is a bigger and phi-pi-pi-poppy, and in general, the Rossel islands, on each of which you can find everything you want.

2. Vietnam

Rest in Vietnam is inexpensive in terms of food costs, entertainment and so on. That is why European young people love him, because it is still here to be a singe and just beyond the rest. The main resorts: Nha Trang, who likes active tourists, is fantastic - quieter, for which married couples with children and Fucca love him - for those who love luxurious rest. From Entertainment: Excursions in national parks, sea walks On the islands, all sorts of unusual activity for us (like trips on ostriches), as well as more familiar - for example, Vinel amusement park on the island of the same name.

3. Sri Lanka

So many antiquities, how much is in the legendary Ceylon, you can hardly find somewhere else. Here and the ancient cigarette - majestic mountain, decorated with a giant statue of Leo, and Dambulla with the biggest collection of Buddha statues, and Candy - an ancient residence of rulers, and Anuradhapur with a centuries-old history and sacred tree Bodhi. And this is not the entire list, but we still haven't told a word about wonderful quiet beaches with red sunsets, against the background of which the silhouettes of local fishermen sitting on the special poles right into the sea.

4. China

Relatively recently we learned that in China, in addition to the Great Chinese wall And Pikina has sea resorts. But meanwhile, the island of Hainan (it is also called "Eastern Hawaii") is very popular, both at the Chinese themselves and russian tourists. Rest here can be called calm. For those who bomp on the beach, we recommend going on a couple of excursions and look at life and traditions. local residents - Lee tribes and Miao or to become in healing sources.

5. India

If you want to visit the sea, Goa and Kerala are waiting for you. Goa - for parties in the north and full relax in the south. It can be said that it is not even India, but "Little Portugal", everything is quite modern, the local flavor is a bit, but there is a special atmosphere, which hippie was taken here: Freedom, on the beach and all that. Kerala will like those who want to get acquainted with Ayurveda, there are many centers of Indian medicine and schools yoga. There is another famous golden triangle "Delhi-Agra-Jaipur", the city of Varanasi, Mumbai and the mass of other cities, to travel through which alone is interesting, but not safely.

6. Indonesia

In order to understand how you can actually relax on vacation, go to Bali or Java, or on Sumatra, in general, one of beautiful Islands Indonesia, where against the background of the Indian Ocean, calm and peace reigns. Look temples, play with monkeys. And if you want parties, clubs and entertainment, then, for example, Balinese cute will be enough for you with interest: a whole street of entertainment institutions and several schools on surfing compensates for your desire for activity.

7. Malaysia

If you are adherent beach holidaysthen here you can get it plenty: Penang Islands, Langkawi and Sipadan are simply created in order to enjoy the sea and the sun. And if you want to take a walk in the megalopolis, then you will definitely visit Kuala Lumpur, where you can visit the park of the birds, the famous twin towers Petronas and look into a couple of nightclubs.

8. Singapore

In Singapore, it is usually driven by passage, because for the transit visit to the country (you have a total of 96 hours) you will not need a visa. During this time you can visit the minimum of Must See, which is enough to make an opinion about the country. Visit Clar Ki waterfront in the dark day to drown in lights, look at Botanical Garden And, of course, do not forget to make a couple of photos in the legendary pool on the rooftop of the hotel "Marina Bay Sands" with a stunning panorama.

9. South Korea

This country is increasingly gaining popularity among tourists. Finding here, an impression of a jump in the future is created: the modern seoul architecture, the availability of Wi-Fi is almost everywhere and the mass of new-fashioned entertainment. But history lovers will also find a lot of interesting things for themselves: royal Palaces Choson dynasty, temples and fortresses. And here you can fix health and take diagnosis on modern equipment relatively inexpensive.

10. Philippines

Journey to the country of miracles, of course, will fly into a penny, but it is worth spending money to plunge into ancient lattern tradition. Having visited the ceremonies of the chielars, appreciate the legacy of Spanish conquistadors, admire the urban beauties of Manila, buy a couple of true pearl necklaces and conquer the Maison volcano - this is a brief list of cases that you can add your own.

Despite the fact that we have had a cold in Asia started a "high season", so we decided to consider the most interesting directionswho will surely surprise you!

1. Phuket, Thailand

Phuket is the most popular resort of Thailand. On the island, in addition to the delightful beaches and hotels, there are Buddhist temples, viewing platforms, waterfalls, gardens. Here you can find small coves to feel privacy or arrange a romantic evening, and romance-bar streets filled with noise, music and dancing. The island is connected to the mainland bridge, which makes it easy to get to other provinces or capital countries.

2. Boracay, Philippines

This small Filipino Island is famous for the fact that it is located on it, which is among the top ten beaches of the world, - White Beach. Along it stretched the strip of bars, massage salons, souvenir shops and cafes. In addition to people who loving nightlife, Boracay attracts divers and kiteserters, because there are ideal conditions for observation of the underwater world, and the beach of Bulk is always blowing a smooth wind, so necessary for kaiting.

3. Hainan, China

On the island of Hainan you can not only relax on the beach, but also to inspect many sights. For example, the extinct volcano Ma-An, the crater of which is turned into an observation platform. The same who wants to talk to their nerves, it is worth going to Dongshan's Safari Zoo, where bears, tigers and lions are walking in vivo, and tourists may watch them from the jeep. In addition, Hainan Province is a major cultural center, where many different festivals are held during the year.

4. Langkavi, Malaysia

The Malaysian Island of Langkavi is located in the middle of the archipelago consisting of 100 islands. Here everyone can feel like a discoverer without leaving far from snow-white beaches and comfortable hotels. Mountains, caves, waterfalls and lakes are adjacent to the resort infrastructure and plenty of attractions, among which the cable car and the Heavenly Bridge, flying right above the jungle.

5. Sri Lanka

Tea plantations, elephants, golden beaches with palm trees, ancient temples and statues - all this is on a small island, which launched in the Indian Ocean near the shores of India. Aromatherapy in combination with Buddhist and Hindu teachings contribute to relaxation and spiritual enrichment. Fans of outdoor activities are waiting for water skiing, underwater fishing, surfing and kiting.

6. Fukuchok, Vietnam

Fukuchok is the pearl of Vietnam. Most of the island is a national park, which allows you to preserve the flora and fauna in pristine form, and the presence of good hotels And the beach infrastructure does not allow to forget about the benefits of civilization. In addition, Fukucho is famous as the diving center - here the largest dive school in Vietnam works, and the prices for equipment and services of instructors are among the lowest in the world.

7. Maldives

The resorts of the Maldives are one of the most fashionable in all of Asia, because the dream of a paradise rest here is implemented. Blue lagoons, white sandy beaches, clean blue sky, comfortable villas and tropical fruits - What else is needed for carefree vacation? If you get tired of relaxing on the beach or in a hammock, you can ride on canoe or catamarans, water skiing or yachts, engage in snorkeling or diving.

8. Bali, Indonesia

Even the beaches on Bali and not the best in South-East AsiaThey are ideal for those who want to surf or kiting. The island offers all the conditions for relaxing in numerous spa hotels in the atmosphere of rest and exotic. It is worth visiting this Indonesian resort to enjoy a combination of culture, religion, art and tropical nature.

9. Samui, Thailand

Samui is another Thai island in addition to Phuket, who loved tourists. Accommodation for every taste, beaches with small sand, picturesque bays, Buddhist temples, low prices for goods and services - this is the recipe for the popularity of Samui. The island's highlight is the ability to remove the bungalow right by the sea.

South-West Asia includes the states of the Middle and Middle East with an ancient history and mainly Muslim culture. The exception is Israel - the country of immigration and the widespread spread of Judaism with its shrines. Historically, it is at present in Israel, Jerusalem is currently located, in which the shrines are three religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam. This, on the one hand, attracts a large number of tourists, partially pilgrims, and on the other, it creates the ground for constant conflicts, which affects the extent of tourism.

In the countries of this zone, tourists attract the warm sea (especially the Mediterranean, washing the shores of Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Israel), and the subtropical climate. Amateurs of cognitive tourism attract the ancient cities or their ruins, numerous cities With their historical and cultural heritage - Istanbul (Turkey), Amman (Jordan), the ancient cities of Lebanana Baalbek, Side, as well as the organizing tourist center Beirut, Nicosia (Cyprus), the Iranian city of Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Hamadan, etc.

Individual countries of the Arab East, as well as Turkey attract many "shuttles" - participants in the shop tours. Afghanistan possesses interesting tourist opportunities, but the events of the last decades make it impossible to use their. The following tourist macroyons are present as part of South-West Asia: Cyprus and Turkey, Palestine, Arab States (Middle East), the Middle East.

Cyprus is a state located on the island of the same name in the northeastern part of the Mediterranean.

Cyprus first received independence in 1960, but in 1974 Turkish troops landed on the island. After that, the northern territory of the country has departed Turkey. There are no diplomatic relations between Greek and Turkish parts. The Turkish part is closed for entry from the Greek side.

The territory of the Greek part of the island (Republic of Cyprus) is 5.9 thousand square meters. km, Turkish part ( Northern Cyprus) - 3.35 thousand square meters. km. Island shore in the northern part is cut and rocky, south of the island - flat, long sandy beaches. In the center and in the south-west of the island there is an extensive old volcanic massif Troodos ( highest point - Mount Olympos, 1951 m). Between the mountains extensive extensive and fertile Valley Mealoria.

Cyprus in antiquity was the center of Mediterranean trade, which led to the confusion on its land of cultural monuments of all European civilizations. The capital of the country is Nicosia With the center of applied art, the Archbishop Square with the Palace of Archbishop, the gates of the ammonium and the statue of freedom, the archaeological museum, the Venetian fortress walls (XVI century) with the gate of Famagustt and Ring Municipal Park Outside, Church of Chrisaliniotic, built in 1450, Omeriye Mosque, Triyotis and Pheromeni churches, cathedral ev. John, built in 1662

Limassol It is known primarily by its beaches, the Middle Ages Museum, old castles, as well as winemaking. Monuments Larnaca are the Larnaca Fortress (1625); Mosque Jami Kebir; Church of ev. Lazari; Getonaya husky (one of the old quarters); Church Angeloktistos; Mosque Hala Sultan Tekka (1816), one of the main Muslim shrines (since the Umm Haram is buried here, the aunt of the Prophet Mohammed); Aqueduct (used in direct appointment until 1939); Catholic Cathedral of Europe Sofia (XIII century); archaeological Museum; Royal Capella Katerina.

Within the resort Pathos Interesting port fortress, Pafos mosaics made to the Register of World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, Panaya Limeotissa, Odeon Theater, Catacombs Ev. Solomonia, royal tombs, Church of Chrysopoles and Column of Europe. Paul, "House of Tereus", "Villa

Dionysus, Aphrodite Beach, smoking bay, the ancient Roman city of Kurif with his Greco-Roman Theater, Colossi Castle. The monuments of ancient culture in Salamin are the tomb of St. Catherine, Castle Castle in Famagusta, Gothic Cathedral of St. Nicholas.

Marine resorts Cyprus is Limassol, Protaras, Lara Beach with breeding station sea turtles, Huskies, Cape Greco, Policy, Numerous Beach Resort Complexes southwest coast. Mountain chain Troodos, where the summer residence of the President of Cyprus is located, provides opportunities for mountain tourism.

Turkey is a state in the south-east of Europe and in Western Asia, having a total area of \u200b\u200b780.6 thousand square meters. km and population population 80 million people. Capital - Ankara. In the northwest, borders Bulgaria and Greece, in the northeast - with Georgia and Armenia, in the East - with Iran, in the south - with Iraq and Syria. In the north is washed by black and marble seas, in the south - the Mediterranean Sea, in the West - Aegean Morce. European part Turkey (Eastern Frace, or Ru-Melia) is a hilly plateau with a height of about 1000 m above sea level. Asian part (Small Asia, or Anatoly) is limited mountain ridges Pontic mountains in the north and brand system in the south, between which the Anatolian Highlands is located ( medium height up to 1000 m), with river valleys and cones extinct volcanoes in the east.

Turkey attracts recreants tourists: seaside areas (along the Mediterranean, Aegean, Marble, Black Seas) are known for its favorable conditions (warm sea, subtropical climate), which contributed to the emergence of famous resorts Antalya, Alanya, Kemer, Belek, Side, Izmir, Marmaris and Dr. (Fig. 9.1). There are internal areas of Turkey resorts known for their mineral sources. For example, sources near the city of Bursa were used by the Byzantines. Lovers winter holidays Attracts modern ski resorts Palandoches, Uludag, etc.

But, of course, Turkey is famous for both historical and cultural values. Many of them are focused on the shore

Conditional signs excursion centers ^ Ski resorts And sea resorts

Borders of tourist

recreational areas

Tourist and recreational

  • 1 area of \u200b\u200bthe Marmara Sea
  • 2 Area of \u200b\u200bthe Aegean Sea
  • 3 district Mediterranean Sea
  • 4 Central Anatoly
  • 5 District of the Black Sea
  • 6 Eastern Anatolia
  • 7 Southeast Anatoly

P and s. 9.1. Tourist and recreational centers of Turkey

Chapter 9. international tourism in Asia

bosphorus Bosphorus Istanbul (In the past, the capital of Byzantium Constantinople, in the ancient Russian documents - Tsargrad). The transformation of the Orthodox Byzantine city in Muslim changed its appearance: Orthodox churches turned into a mosque. There are many of them, therefore, many minarets. The most famous temple is an outstanding work of the Byzantine architecture of Ayia Sofia. There are in Istanbul and museums, among which the archaeological (with the sarcophagus of Alexander Macedonsky), antiquity, conquerors, Muslim art, etc., Church of St. Irina, Choral Monastery Church, Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, Mosque - Ahmed (Blue Mosque), Micrimakhi, Selima Conqueror, Bayazid, Suleiman, Ayupa, Underground Palaces-Reservoirs, the remains of the Byzantine Fortress. In the XX century Istanbul is largely European.

Other centers of cognitive tourism in Turkey: Capital Ankara (where are the old buildings and the mausoleum of the founder modern Turkey Ataturk (Kemal Pasha); Motherland Homer Izmir, who is famous for the antiquities and annual fairs; Bursa, Adana, Erzurum with their monuments of antiquity and numerous mosques. Aspendos - a city created by the colonists after the Trojan War in which many beautiful structures, including the Theater Palace of Architect Zenon (II century) and the Roman arched aqueduct; The world is the ancient capital of Lycia, "Countries of Light Rays", famous for its necropolia, cut down in the rocks, as well as the church of St. Nicholas, the place of pilgrimage Christians. There are many in the country natural reserves - Olympos-Beidagari, Munzur-Vadisi, Keppuraul-Canyon, etc.

Most Turkey is a plateau and not high mountainswhich in the east of the country go to high-mountainous areas. There is a sacred for Armenians (but who is after the First World War in Turkey), an Ararat array, where, on biblical legend, she completed his way, a large and picturesque lake Van. So in the east of Turkey there are many elements of natural attractive ™. However, so far this, undoubtedly, potentially the resort area is mastered little.

Palestine. This macrorayon includes the state of Israel, inhabited mainly by Jews (indigenous people and immigrants), and Arab territories, which many decades are struggling for the creation of the Arab Palestinian state.

The territory of Palestine saw many historical events in his century. Suffice it to say that in the Valley of Jordan, the very first city was found in the world - Jericho ("City of dates"), whose age consists of seven millennia.

Jerusalem, The city of three historical denominations (Jewish, Christian and Muslim) attracts the greatest number of tourists. Among historical and cultural monuments It is enough to call the Jewish wall of crying, the Christian shrines - the chapel of the Mernel of the Lord, Golgotha, where Christ was crucified, the rock where he prayed (and many more places associated with evangelical plots). According to Islam, from the cliff, where Christ prayed, the Muslim Prophet Muhammed was later ascended at the sky (the lobster mosque was constructed). It is not by chance that in the Palestine section after the Second World War, the UN issued a decision on the Special Status of Jerusalem, which is historically divided into an old and new city.

South Jerusalem is located BethlehemOver which, according to legend, a star was lit when Jesus Christ was born. The Grand Temple was built here.

Tel Aviv "The capital of Israel (although the country's leadership considers the capital to Jerusalem, which is not recognized by the majority of the states of the world) with his Museum of Mediterranean art" Gaaretz ", art gallery. Among the streets of Tel Aviv there are Korolenko Streets, Zola, etc. with Tel Aviv practically merged JaffaIn contrast to the young Tel Aviv, there are several centuries of its existence. In this city, you can go through the streets of Pushkin, Pestalozzi, Michelangelo, Gorky, Obymeshko, Dante.

In the city of cities Haifa and Natanya On the coast of the Mediterranean, as well as in the Eilat area in the Arabic Gulf of the Red Sea there are seaside resorts. The resorts are on the coast below the ocean level Dead Sea, very high salinity of the water of which allows swimming freely to stay on the water. For tourists in Israel, an appropriate infrastructure has been created.

The Arab countries of South-West Asia include almost all of this zone, with the exception of Palestine, Israel and the states of the Middle East. Essentially we are talking about the Middle East or most of the anterior Asia (from Lebanon in the north-west to Yemen in the south-east). All this is Muslim Arab states.

With the exception of some of the outskirts of the Mediterranean Lebanon and the partly of Syria in the North-West and the "happy Arabia" (southern part of Yemen) on the edge of the Arabian Peninsula - all countries of the district are arid desert and semi-desert territories. Therefore, civilization developed only where it was possible to create irrigation systems at the expense of rivers (both in Mesopotamia) or groundwater - in oases. From the middle of the xx century. In many countries, oil is mined, which leads to the formation of oases on an "industrial basis" due to water supply from deep horizons or desalination of sea water. During these processes, modern civilization is formed with all its pros and minuses. In particular, the foci of this new civilization attract a large number of tourists from the CIS countries to the countries of the district. In some states in the area, modern seaside resorts appear on the shores of the seas. In the cities of Lebanon there are mountain resorts. All this serves as the development of recreational tourism.

In almost all countries of Macroregion, there are many historical and cultural attractions - monuments of distant millennia and centuries. So, on the territory Lebanon One of the earliest settlements of people - Baalbek, where the ruins of cult facilities dedicated to Jupiter, statues, sculptural images of Venus, Bahus, rows of columns and sculptures, stairs are preserved. One of the ancient settlements in Lebanon is the city of Side. The very capital of the country - Beirut - along with old quarters It is also distinguished by a completely modern building corresponding to Beirut's role as a center of finance and culture.

IN Syria The ancient cities of Palmyra and Halup with their monuments of Hellenistic art are of great interest for tourists. The capital of the country Damascus attracts the objects of Muslim culture, among which one of the most famous shrines Islam - Omajad's mosque.

Muslim architecture typical and for most areas of the capital Iraq - Baghdad. Largely fame enjoys the mosque by Nazimia, or the Golden Mosque, decorated with four minarets with gilded domes (which is rare in such structures). In the city of many modern buildings and monuments stylized in the spirit of Muslim traditions. Aside from the capital, located on the shores of the Tiger River, there are ruins of ancient cities, including Babylon. There are in Iraq (in the north and northeast of the country) and summer highland resorts. Despite the undoubted tourist attractiveness of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, the flow of tourists to these countries due to political instability is limited.

Significantly less interesting for cognitive tourism others arab countries of the Middle East: Jordan, Yemen, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain. In these countries, the economy of which is based on oil production (Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, United United Arab Emirates), the attention of modern cities.

Saudi Arabia It occupies a special place among the countries of the Middle East. It is on its territory that the main places of the pilgrimage of Muslims are located - sacred City Mecca (with black stone Kaaba) and Medina, cities related to the activities of the Prophet Mohammed and the origin of Islam. Hundreds of thousands, and in some years and millions of Muslims from all over the world come here as pilgrims. Pilgrimage (Hajj) brings huge revenues in the country, and the pilgrims "join themselves to eternal life in paradise. On the Russian coast of the country there is a city of Jeddah, through which thousands of pilgrims are directed. There are several historical monuments here, among whom, by legend, the grave of the first female Eve.

Saudi Arabia covers an area of \u200b\u200b1.6 - 2.4 million square meters. km (by different sources). The population of the country is over 18 million people, the capital ER Riyadh.

United Arab Emirates (UAE) - Country with an area of \u200b\u200b83.6 thousand square meters. km and the population is more than 2 million people - this is a bright sun of 360 days a year and a warm clean sea, landscapes of the desert with oases and red sands zones, Wadi (dried mouths of rivers) and dunes, tops of Array Al Hajars, numerous key lakes of volcanic origin and Color palette of stones.

Coral reefs of the Fakana Facan are famous for Flora and the fauna of the underwater world, and the Persian Gulf Coast is famous for golden sands and exceptional transparency of water. Hotels on the seafridge offer tourists pools and comfortable hotel beaches, equipped with everything necessary.

The capital of the UAE is Abu Dhabi. In the city of Dubai - Vintage Arabic buildings of the district of Bastakia, Dubai historical Museum (Fort Al Fachidy), Jumeira Mosque, Sheikh Said Palace, Historical Village Museum, Dubai Zoo - Best in the Middle East, Wanderend is one of the largest water parks in Asia. Once a year, Dubai becomes a venue for the world's largest trading festival, which attracts more than 2 million visitors. Dubai Hotel "Arab Tower" (Burzh-El Arab) is the highest hotel in the world (height 321 m). Hatta - mountain resort, geographically belonging to the emirate Dubai., located in the center of Khadzhar mountain Massiva and represents beautiful placesurrounded by palm trees, transparent lakes and small farms.

In the city of Ajman, there is a museum located in Fort, built at the end of the XVIII century, and until the end of the 1970s. The residence of Emir. Its exposition includes a collection of archaeological finds, ancient manuscripts, weapons, reconstructed traditional Arab rooms and the market.

Emirate Ras El-Heima represented by the ancient cities (Julfar - who flourishing the center of trade in pearls, Digdag - the largest old city Ras-El High), hot springs of Hutt, Museum of Emirate (a huge military fort) with traditional life of life, jewelry, archaeological finds, the oldest of which dates back to the first millennium BC.

In Emirate Umm El Caivine ("Source Source") Are: Falaz Al Mula - a huge dates, surrounded by high dunes; Waterpark "Drimland" with an artificial volcanic height of 18 m with imitation of fire, light effects, numerous water attractions; The city of Fujairah with sandy beaches and mountain capes is one of the best space for scuba diving.

Mreja, which is the "Museum Treasury of the United Arab Emirates" - the oldest district of the Emirate Sharjahwhere are one of the largest Middle East Mosque of the King Faisala, which accommodates up to 3,000 prayers; Numerous museums and exhibitions, beaches of the Lagoon Khalid. New, but already popular entertainment in the UAE - skiing on sand, rally by car in the desert.

The countries of the Middle East are Iran and Afghanistan.

Iran - country of diverse nature and ancient history. Nature lovers will meet in the Iran of the sea and rivers, plains (low and raised) and high mountains Elbrus with the main peak of Demavennd (in the north of the country), a variety of forests, dry steppes, semi-deserts and deserts, healing mineral springs and healing mud. In Iran, many monuments of Muslim culture (civil and cult facilities) - in the capital of Tehran, cities of Isfahan, Tabriz, Mashhad, Kazvine, etc. Currently, in connection with the complex international regulations of Iran (largely due to its isolation) the flow of tourists to the country Very limited.

Afghanistan - Multinational mountain countrywhere many years have come military actions. Therefore, as well as due to a very low level of development of the tourist infrastructure, remain unclaimed and harsh, but the impressive nature of Afghanistan, and its historical and cultural facilities located in the capital Kabul, the cities of Herat, Kandahar, etc. almost unavailable and one of the most famous Tourism objects in all Asia - Biamine. In this crawler, located in the central part of the country at an altitude of more than 2 thousand m, there are rocks expeded hundreds of caves, and in the rocks - two carved 50-meter Buddha statues. On the hill is the fortress of Shahar-and-Gulgula. The possibilities of the winter resort of Jelalabad, hunting and observation of local ritual holidays are not in demand.

If you want to enjoy a great variety, then you will be interested in tourism in Asia. Here really full of wounds and unusual places. From Mongolia to India, huge territories extended from Israel to the Philippines, thousands of sun tourists and locals.

What is interesting to tourism in Asia?

Many committed tourism in Asia, Only here learn that philosophy, writing and the wheel were invented in the east. It was in the east who was born religions and peoples experienced a variety of periods of life. Bloodthiene hordes of nomads, the birth of great civilizations, primitive cruelty and pearls of creativity, the birth of religions and multimillion wars, fertility and emptying. Today here are popular areas such as Israel, UAE, Thailand, India, Maldives, Turkey, Oman, Vietnam, South Korea And other countries.

Before you go east, we advise you to take care of the presence of a guide. In Rossi, for example, there is ural referenceThanks to which you can easily become familiar with the geography of this area. Asia is very diverse in terms of culture and life, although it has common values. Most people prefer a dimension lifestyle, so buy a map or directory to keep your route in place. It is also best to take care of the presence of a guide who will tell you interesting Facts about the life of the country.

What are Asia attend?

First of all, it is worth noting that the climate in Asia is the most diverse, ranging from harsh winters, ending with deserts with unbearable heat. Want the sea? Then welcome to Israel or the Persian Bay in the UAE. If you are poorly oriented in geography, I probably did not know that the famous Everest is located in the eastern part of the continent. And Irkutsk is the center of Asia and wears the proud name "Pup". Also, the East became famous for his spirituality and religion. It is difficult to find people in European countries that would have treated religion. But unfortunately, it often served and reason for wars.

Recently, tourism and economics are actively developing in Asia. The bright example is India and China. Due to this, modern infrastructure, hotels are being built here. tourist centers. Tours to Turkey For a couple of decades, they use incredible demand, as they offer cheap holiday, bright sun and a lot of entertainment.

See also: