From the Sofia saddle pass to the kozhukhov pass. Natural beauty of sofia gorge Arkhyz sofia saddle waterfall glacier

Novice tourists can also climb the Sofiyskoe Saddle pass (n / a, height 2600 m). A good and comfortable trail makes the ascent not so difficult and allows you to enjoy a bird's eye view of the reserved Kizgych valley and the top of the Marukh gorge.

The path goes from the "Glacial farm" through the ridge of a short spur, which protrudes from the Cheget-Chat massif. For two hundred meters, the ascent is quite steep, then the ridge of the spur is smoothed out, and you smoothly go to alpine meadows located slightly above and to the left of the lowest point of the pass. During the ascent, which takes 2 to 3 hours, in front of you gradually grows majestic mountain Sofia. As you get closer, you can see many new features on the glacier and its summit dome.

Tourists who have climbed the pass are breathtaking from the beauty and grandeur of the panorama that opens. Before you is the gap of the Kizgych Valley with a sparkling ribbon of the river that appears on gray pebble shoals and disappears into dark woodlands. The background for this species is the Uzhum ridge, along the steep spurs of which silvery waterfalls flow, framed by black wedges of fir forests. At its junction with the Main ridge, one can see the deep snow saddle of the Kurella pass and the sparkling glacier Bugoichat. The final chord of this panorama is the formidable peaks of Kara-Kaya and Marukh-Bashi, visible in the background.

Unfortunately, there is no easy descent to the Kizgych river. Below you can find only deep mudflow ravines and steep cliffs. The trail was heavily overgrown after a strict conservation regime was introduced in the valley. The further route runs a little to the left and amazes with its diversity. Near the top of the ridge, the vegetation is rather poor, small areas of the rocky surface are covered with moss and sparse grass. Further down the slope, one has to step on a continuous carpet of forbs, which is decorated with bright blue spots of hyacinths. The border of this splendor is framed by golden-white lilies, shading the shrub that extends further. In the crooked birch forest, we take a little to the right and go out to the beginning of a steep serpentine road, laid between huge fir trees. The entire descent from the pass to the reserve house (1570 m) in the Baga-Tala glade takes about three hours.

Glacier farm tract - Sofia saddle pass (2600 m, n / a). The length of the route is 6 km, the duration of the crossing is 5 hours.

The glacier farm is located near the rampart of the last large moraine left by a retreating glacier hanging from above in blue boulders. We start our way from the moraine in the eastern direction up the steep slope. It is better to climb a serpentine road in order to save strength for the further journey.
Opens during the ascent beautiful view to the valley of the Sofia River, right up to the Abishir-Akhuba ridge, which closes Arkhyz from the north with an even wall.
Gradually, the slope becomes more gentle and soon a small plateau of the Sofia saddle pass, located at an altitude of 2600 m, opens in front of us. Turning to the east, you can see the narrow Kizgych valley, which is a mountain gorge between high steep rocks.
The flat bottom of the valley is silvery with numerous branches of the meandering river. Numerous islands made of white pebbles look beautiful surrounded by steep slopes overgrown with dense forest. The striping of the forest cover is quite unusual. At the site of the avalanches, the place of brittle firs was taken by light green birches, the cheerful coloring of which now alternates with dark fir needles and silvery stripes of waterfalls. From the east, the valley is bordered by the Uzhum ridge, overgrown with birch crooked forests from above.

Above the forest strip, the slopes become more gentle, which, along with the climate, served as an ideal combination for the growth of subalpine and alpine meadows.

Closer to the top, on the Uzhum ridge, characteristic traces of the retreat of glaciers are noticeable. In the southern part, where it abuts against the Main ridge, the Bugoichat pass is clearly visible, and next to it is a glacier with the same name. Further, beyond the Uzhum ridge, one can guess the sharp peaks of Marukh-Bashi and Kara-Kai, which are part of the Main ridge.

Slightly above the pass, on the southern side, you can see the Sofia glacier, which has an area of ​​2.57 sq. km, which is assigned the first category. Sharp teeth of rocks pierced the edges of the glacier, and a steep ledge located on the edge of the kara, turned into a "ram's forehead" after the passage of the glacier. Significant melting of the glacier in 1904 was noticed by N.A.Bush. Then its lower level was 60m below the current level.
The Sofia saddle pass owes its rich collection of flowers to being in the region of subalpine meadows.

Subalpine crops are primarily represented by tall grasses that sway beautifully in the fresh breeze. Brown reed grass and variegated lilac fescue create unforgettable color waves, generously diluted with large bright flowers. White bunches of inflorescences of the tuberous anemone, pink knotweed and yellow Caucasian buttercups stand out noticeably. The lilac-pink heads of the large-flowered initial letter and the light pink stars of Astrantia are generously scattered around. From afar, you can see the inflorescences of the giant capitate. Those who are especially fortunate may be lucky enough to see the rarest plant, the common lily.

Alpine meadows are located at the peaks of Cheget-Chat at an altitude of more than 2,000 m above sea level. The flora here is notable for its short stature, among which you can see squat fescue, bright blue gentian and yellow pupavka. The large corolla of Bieberstein's bell is adjacent to pink alpine aster, pale pink anemone and blue veronica. Near the stones you can see Caucasian minartium stars, cinquefoil and flowers of a cat's paw.

Near the snowfields, there are unforgettable alpine lawns, overgrown with bright primroses, corydals, buttercups, forget-me-nots, hazel grouses, geraniums and dream-grass.

Visiting the Kizgych valley, which has a strict reserve regime, is possible only after obtaining permission from the reserve management. Plants and animals previously included in the Red Book of the USSR are protected by law.

Sofia Falls - a rushing stream of water falling from the mountain slope of Mount Sofia, the second highest in the region, its height is 3637 meters. The very first peak of Arkhyz is Mount Pshish, its height is 3790 meters. Not to be confused with the Psysh mountain (3489 m). In the area of ​​the village of Arkhyz, the confluence of four mountain rivers: Psysh, Arkhyz, Kizgych and Sofia, forms the Bolshoi Zelenchuk river - the most full-flowing in the Zelenchuk region. And all these beauties of mountains, mountain rivers and green valleys are an integral part of beautiful nature Karachay-Cherkessia.

The Sofia River originates on the Sofia glacier, from which, along the steep slopes of the mountains, it flows into the valley in a stormy stream. Arkhyz village is the closest locality to the Sofia waterfalls, but also quite recently a ski resort Romantic has grown up next to it on Solnechnaya Polyana. Of course, first of all, Arkhyz is a ski resort and the main flow of tourists falls precisely in the winter months, but in the summer tourists to Arkhyz are primarily attracted by the Sofia waterfalls. And since the Sofia waterfalls are the most visited attraction of Arkhyz, we will start with it.

How to get to Sofia waterfalls

  • If you have a car. On the regional road R-265 Cherkessk - Zelenchukskaya - Arkhyz 111 km long drive to the village of Arkhyz. You can get to Cherkessk by turning off the highway R-217 Caucasus near Mineralnye Vody or Nevinnomyssk. After the village of Arkhyz, you need to turn left at the sign and cross the bridge over the Arkhyz River, after which the asphalt road will change to a dirt one and very soon you will find yourself in the Taulu glade.
  • If you are traveling on your own without a vehicle. By train you can reach Nevinnomyssk or Kislovodsk. From Kislovodsk to go to Arkhyz further, but there are more transfer options. From Kislovodsk ( from the bus station at 7.55) a minibus runs to Arkhyz, the fare costs 430 rubles, and it takes 5 hours. From Nevinnomysk to Arkhyz, a minibus takes 4 hours and 20 minutes and the fare costs 390 rubles. These options entail many inconsistencies between the train arrival time and the minibus departure time. Therefore, there are several more options.
  • Transfer. As a transfer, you can use the services of any taxi. As a proven means, you can use the services of a taxi recommended by the official website of the Arkhyz Ski Resort. Alternatively, you can use sightseeing bus, how to take a shuttle and get to Arkhyz from any city of KMV. The cost of such an excursion will be up to 1500 rubles. per person, though with regard to the transfer, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save money.

If you go to Arkhyz on a hike, do not forget that the Sofia waterfalls, like Sofia lakes are located near the border with Abkhazia, so be sure to have your passport with you. One of the popular routes among tourists looks like this: Transfer to the Glacier Farm - Sofia Lakes - Lake Upper Comma - Lake Lower Comma - exit to Taulu Glade.

Excursion to the Sofia waterfalls

The route to the Sofia waterfalls is the most visited attraction in Arkhyz and, without exaggeration, the most spectacular. However, visiting the Sofia Falls is fraught with some difficulties. The waterfalls are located in 15 km from the village of Arkhyz, so only those tourists who plan to spend the night in the mountains dare to walk. Otherwise, you will need transport, but not anyhow, but preferably all-wheel drive and with a high ground clearance, since in one place you will have to force the river.

Where to stay on vacation?

Booking system the oldest in the Russian market. Hundreds of thousands of accommodation options from apartments and hostels to hotels and hotels. You can find suitable option accommodation, at a good price.

If you don't book a hotel now, you risk overpaying later. Book your accommodation through

UAZ 4x4 - this particular car is easy to meet along the entire route from Arkhyz to Sofia waterfalls. It is the excursion on the UAZ that local private traders will offer you. This pleasure costs 650 rubles per person, provided that the excursion will take 6 people, otherwise you will be asked to divide the cost of renting a car (4000 rubles) by the number of people who have gained. As a rule, there is no shortage of fellow travelers only on Saturday and Sunday, on any other day with the search for those who want to visit this or that excursion, a problem may arise, which, by the way, no one will solve for you. The hard work of the tourist is to bring all six people to the guide, so that the cost of the tour does not hit the pocket.

There is one more nuance. On Saturday and Sunday, excursions start at 9-10 a.m. from a stop on Lenin Street in the village of Arkhyz, here you can also come to an agreement with them, on any other day all cars are based on the Taulu meadow, located in 5 km from the village. The exit to Taulu glade is located between the village of Arkhyz and resort village Romantic. From Taulu glade to Sofia waterfalls 10 km. It will not be difficult to find the phones of the guides, literally everyone in the village either knows them or is related. You can go to any cafe or any stall and ask the guide's phone number.

Polyana Taulu, Arkhyz

For those who have been to Elbrus or Cheget, it can be explained simply. The Taulu glade for Arkhyz is the same as the Azau glade for Elbrus. It is here that the main tourist life of those who came to Arkhyz takes place. There is a market here, with delicacies and souvenirs for every taste. Here you can easily find a guide, they are here for this and stand right away on their four-wheel drive horses. In the Taulu glade area there are countless houses and tent cities places in which are sold. Coming here for the weekend and putting up a tent will cost 150 rubles. per person. The Psysh River flows through the clearing. It is the Taulu glade, which is sometimes called the Sofia meadow and the route to the Sofia waterfalls starts, as well as to the Sofia Lakes, but that's another story.

The road to Sofia waterfalls

Looking back, we can say with confidence that the road to Sofia waterfalls itself looks no less picturesque than the waterfalls themselves. It passes through the Sofia Gorge, which turns into the Sofia Valley. On the left side, the Chaget-Chat ridge rises. You can stop at least every hundred meters, and each time different views will open up, taking your breath away. If the weather is favorable and the peaks of the mountains open, then you can easily notice that the Sophia glacier and the nearest peaks of the mountains are very similar to the throne, for which Mount Sofia is also called Mount Tron. And if you count the third peak on the left, you can see the silhouette of a stone eagle.

In Arkhyz, on the hillsides and in the valleys, horses of the famous Karachai breed graze, you can meet the Karachai lamb and meet buffaloes.

The place where we met the buffaloes is called the Glacier Farm. There is a fork in two routes: Sofia waterfalls and Sofia lakes.

It is tempting to visit both of these routes in one day, but here are the dry numbers. From the glacier farm to the Sofia waterfalls 2 km and an ascent of 300 meters. From Lendikovaya farm to Sofia lakes 4 km and 900 meters climb. Thus, during daylight hours, you will have to overcome 12 km of the track and gain an altitude of 1200 meters. In absolute terms, this is the difficulty of the A1 category pass - difficult, but surmountable. The only question will be, will you have time to descend from the mountains before dark? As practice shows, in the mountains it gets dark unexpectedly quickly and many night zips right in the mountains, where it is easy to lose the trail. Therefore, be careful, if you are going to visit both attractions on the same day, it is advisable to first go to the Sofia Lakes, since the road there is more difficult, although you risk then being left without the Sofia Falls altogether.

Before you start walking route to the Sofia waterfalls, our guide took us to the opposite slope, from where you can see the waterfalls themselves and the Sofia valley.

As mentioned above, the hiking trail from the meadow, near the Glacier Farm, takes 2 km and 300 meters up. There is only one path here, it is well trodden, and you need to go all the time along the river, because this is the very river Sofia, which originates on the glacier. So it is simply impossible to get lost on this route. The first kilometer is easy and carefree, the sun is shining, streams are murmuring, the weather is excellent.

The second kilometer, along with the ascent, brings difficulties. Even in mid-June, that is when we visited Arkhyz, there is still snow on the slopes of Sofia. The waterfalls themselves open only at the end of May. Ice water and snow affect the air temperature, which begins to drop. The higher we climb, the lower the temperature. On average, the temperature difference at the Sofia Falls and at the Glacier Farm is 5-7 degrees. In addition, in some places you will have to walk in the snow, and at some point you will have to force the river, well if the flow is not strong and it will be possible to cross the stones. Hence a few tips regarding clothing. Dress appropriately. These are mountains, take a windbreaker with you, wear sneakers or boots, do not wear slippers and flip-flops. Do not forget the sunscreen, the sun is merciless in the mountains. Comfortable shoes will help you safely overcome snowfields and keep you away from sharp stones.

A long climb leads directly to the waterfalls, on the way you will have to force a stormy mountain stream. Depending on the season, it ranges from a weak stream to a turbulent river. And the situation is exactly the same with the waterfalls themselves. The most full-flowing Sofia waterfalls become in the midst of summer (July, August), when the glacier is actively melting. Having reached the waterfalls, the traveler will be fully rewarded for his efforts with a beautiful view of the Sofia Valley, opening from the wall of the waterfalls. And the Sofia waterfalls themselves, rumbling at arm's length, awaken a real admiration for nature.

A breathtaking view of the Abishir Akhuba ridge opens from the foot of the Sofia waterfalls. And the saddle on the ridge is the Fedoseev Pass, behind which there are mountain lakes, also a tourist favorite route, and now also simplified, due to the appearance cable car on ski resort Romantic.

If you look closely, you can even see the turquoise tongue of the glacier close up.

On the mountain slopes it is not rare, and the higher the more often, you can find a beautiful mountain or Caucasian rhododendron flower. This frost-hardy plant is very good for health; you can buy mountain tea in the village with its leaves.

The entire walk from the parking lot to the Sofia waterfalls will take about 2 hours for the ascent and 1 hour for the descent, therefore, having laid a time interval of 4 hours, you will have time to climb to the waterfalls and admire them and go back down. The price of the excursion also includes a return transfer, so do not be afraid to be left without transport, although all the guides do not go with you to the waterfalls, they are waiting for you downstairs. Here in the cafe you can taste the national Karachai cuisine. Shorp soup - broth with lamb and potatoes, lamb shashlik, khychiny with meat or cheese and delicious mountain tea.

Ismail became our guide to the Sofia waterfalls, he stopped the car at our first request and patiently waited while we walk along the Sofia waterfalls. Everyone in the village knows him, so if you want to use our advice, just ask anyone in the village for his phone number.

Video report from Sofia waterfalls

In addition to photographs and our feedback from Arkhyz and Sofia waterfalls, we brought a refreshing video, with the help of which it will be possible to get a more detailed picture of the area. Because whatever one may say, it is easy to navigate only in the place where you have already been.

The Karachaevsky village of Arkhyz was founded on the site of an Alan settlement. This place was nicknamed the five rivers: here is the valley Big Zelenchuk branches into many gorges and valleys, forming vast meadows.

The village is surrounded by fir, filling the air with a healing aroma.

High mountain ranges reliably protect the valley from the winds: from the north it is the Abishir-Akhuba ridge, from the east and west - the perpendicular spurs of the Main Caucasian ridge.

Each slope in Arkhyz has its own type of vegetation. The southern sunny slope is covered with pine trees.

In the north, mostly fir grows; there are areas with seven-hundred-year-old trees, one and a half to two meters thick, reaching a height of 70 meters.

Fir forests are of great nature conservation value: they hold back devastating avalanches, rockfalls, landslides, and mudflows. But, unfortunately, the deforestation of these forests continues.

It is sunny all day in the Arkhyz valley: unlike most valleys in the Caucasus, it is stretched out in the latitudinal direction.

The twelve-kilometer Sofia Valley is located southwest of the village. In the south and east, the valley is closed by the Cheget-Chat ridge, in the west - by the Sofia ridge, in the north - by the Psysh River. The Sofia River flows through the valley.

In the upper part, the valley widens. There is a farm, porches and a tent camp - Sofiyskaya Polyana. From this part of the valley you can climb the Sofia saddle pass, the Ak-Airy and Kashkha-Erikchat valleys.

View from the Sofia saddle (height 2600 m).

Snow does not melt under the Sofia saddle even in summer.

From the tops of the Sofia saddle, the subalpine meadows, spreading at an altitude of 2-2.5 km above sea level, seem to be a motley carpet.

Mountain lily is one of the brightest representatives of the subalpine meadow.

Due to its memorable appearance, Mount Sofia (3640 meters) has become a kind of emblem of Arkhyz.

Sofia waterfalls are the largest in Arkhyz.

And some of the most beautiful.

The Great Sophia Glacier is practically inaccessible, because the ice protrudes above the wall and threatens with an ice collapse every minute.

The Sofia Valley is home to numerous campgrounds, the routes of most of the hikes run through it. Come with us!

In Arkhyz - mountainous region in Karachay-Cherkessia - we went in the fall of 2016, accompanying a school group, and rested there for several days. One of the days was taken by a trip to the Sofia Gorge, which, without exaggeration, can be called one of the most beautiful and picturesque gorges North Caucasus... The gorge is located a few kilometers from the village of Arkhyz, and the road to it (to its beginning) from the village itself takes about 20 minutes. Half of the way is a normal asphalt road, then it takes about 10 minutes to drive along a country road until the crossing along the Psysh River and the Shtyk memorial, from where the gorge itself begins.

Why is it worth going to the Sofia Gorge?

As our guide Timur told us, the gorge consists of three parts: the first is a wide valley located between the mountains, along which the Psysh River flows; the second is a narrow part, sandwiched between the rocks, stretching for 5 kilometers; the third, the most beautiful and longest, is the Sofia Valley, which is located between the Sofia ridge and the Cheget-Chat ridge and ends with the Sofia Saddle pass. The gorge and valley, as well as the lakes and waterfalls located there, got their name from Mount Sofia - the most high mountain the ridge of the same name.

Routes in the Sofia Gorge

For tourists, there are two routes to choose from - an easier one (along the Sofia Valley - to the Glacier Farm, not reaching the Sofia saddle) and more difficult - in fact, to the Sofia Lakes - to the mountains. As I already wrote, we accompanied a small group of schoolchildren - from 5 to 11 grades, who did not have tourist training, therefore, of course, we chose a light route. Experienced tourists with mountain climbing skills will probably be more interested in the second route.

Review of the excursion to the Sofia Gorge

But let's start in order - from the very beginning. After spending the night at the Arkhyz tourist center, already in the morning, at 9 o'clock, our "all-terrain vehicle" was waiting for us (I don't know much about such vehicles, but even I realized that it was a military vehicle), in which we went to the gorge.

The first stop is to cross the Psysh River in a large meadow. There is a small market here, which for some reason is called Temernik. It sells traditional souvenirs for these places - honey, herbal picks, sheep wool products, etc. Here you can warm yourself up with a cup of hot tea or coffee, if you wish, you can also have a snack. But this has not yet been part of our plans, although it was difficult to keep the children from wanting to buy at least half of the souvenirs. And also there is a parking lot for cars, since you can move further either on foot or by an all-terrain vehicle.

Horseback riding is also offered. Horses graze right there in the meadow, accompanied by a guide, you can take a horse ride. I don't know how safe it is, but there are enough daredevils - several people went to the mountains with us.

Crossing a fast mountain river is not very reliable in appearance wooden bridge Therefore, for safety reasons, drivers of large cars like ours drop off passengers, crossing the bridge "empty", and passengers cross the bridge on their own to the other side.

On the other side there is a small memorial dedicated to the defenders of the Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War, but I'll tell you about it later, since we stopped here on the way back. Actually, from here two routes open, which I wrote about above. Our "all-terrain vehicle" headed along a mountain road along a narrow gorge, at the bottom of which the Sofia River flows. We stopped several times to admire the stunning views and take great photos. The views, indeed, are incomparable: in front are snow-capped peaks, a coniferous forest, a winding mountain road, below is a noisy, bubbling river.

Then we drove to a small camp, which became the final point of our journey, then on foot. The camp consists of several tents and "makeshift", a small wooden house on the shore of the lake, and several trade stalls with the same honey, herbal preparations, jam, woolen shawls, socks and mittens and other traditional souvenirs. Here we left our all-terrain vehicle and went further along the valley on foot.

We walked along the central part of the valley along a narrow mountain stream. Several times I had to jump over the river, in some places there are small bridges, in some places I had to jump from stone to stone. We were very sorry for those who did not listen to our guide, who warned in the evening that waterproof shoes were needed.

Our path lay between two mountain ranges... On the right side there is an impressive view of the Sofia ridge with the snow-covered summit of Sofia and other peaks; on the left - a flatter Cheget-Chat; in front - between them - there is the Sofia saddle pass. It is called so because it really resembles a saddle in shape.

The one-way road (to the so-called Ice Farm at the foot of the Sofia saddle) took 30 - 40 minutes. Despite the fact that there were no steep ascents along the way, fatigue creeps up an unprepared tourist very quickly - the mountain air makes itself felt and a considerable height above sea level, somewhere in the middle of the way, most of our children fizzled out (and those that are older), but soon the "second wind" opens.

On the right, the Sofia waterfalls are becoming more visible - there are several of them, they originate from the glaciers of the Sofia ridge and, falling down its slope, form the Sofia River, which flows along the gorge. The ascent to the waterfalls is not very difficult, but it is not recommended for unprepared tourists to ascend without a guide. Unfortunately, when we arrived there (early November), the waterfalls were already frozen, in addition, the slopes were also covered in some places with the thinnest ice, so there was no point in climbing there, especially with children, and it was simply dangerous. So we admired the waterfalls from the side. Although, according to our guide, in the warm season, school groups that do not have special training go up to the waterfalls without any problems.

But at the end point of our journey, the children still had a small "attraction" in the form of the so-called stone of trials. This is a huge boulder, with a completely smooth steep side, along which you need to climb up. Of course, the children were delighted with this opportunity. Some managed to climb on their own with the help of the guide's advice, for the rest of those who wanted to test themselves, a rope was thrown over the boulder - one person held it on the other side, the second climbed it up. They all went down the rope - facing the stone.

We walked back along another road - along the slope of the Cheget-Chat ridge - to the observation deck, from where we could see all the beauty of the valley and waterfalls. Despite the fact that the road went uphill, the ascent was gentle, so fatigue was not felt at all. View from observation deck, however, the opening was luxurious.

On the way, you come across huge boulders of a bizarre shape, under which you can make interesting photos- imagine yourself as Atlanteans, as if you are holding a huge stone on your back.

Memorial Complex

After passing along the slope of the Cheget-Chat ridge, we returned to the parking lot and went back. On the way, we made another stop at a clearing with a memorial. The memorial complex was created on the initiative of the workers of the Nevinnomyssk enterprise "Azot", as evidenced by a memorial plaque, and it is dedicated to the defenders of the Caucasus who fell here during the Great Patriotic War. The complex is crowned with a bayonet-shaped stele, to which steps lead. Several weapons from the times of the war are on display here, a copy of bunkers and dugouts has been made. V mass grave buried the remains of fallen soldiers found in the mountains nearby.

Actually, this was the end of our tour. Despite the fact that we followed a simplified route, the beauty of these places will remain in everyone's memory for a long time.

Moscow → Nevinnomyssk → base of the Ministry of Emergency Situations → d. r. Arkhyz → per. Atsgara (n / a, 2 800 m)per. Chilik (1A, 2 890 m, os)lake Chilik → per. Kynkhara (1A, 2 780 m, os-sk)lake Deep (Rechepsta lower) -d. R. Kyzylchukd. r. Kafar → lake Kafar → lake Failure → per. Agur ( 1A, 2 850 m) Moonlit Glade → d. r. Arkhyz → base of the Ministry of Emergency Situations → Taulu glade → d. r. Sofia → Glacier farmSofia waterfalls Glacier farmd. r. Ak-Ayry → Sofia lakes lake Crater → d. r. Psysh → Taulu glade → Nevinnomvysk → Moscow

1 class , July 2013 (Lugovoi D.A.) Base of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (PSP Arkhyz) lake Kafar → per. Mylgval (1A, 2 848 m, os-sk)per. Agur ( 1A, 2 850 m) per. Fedoseeva (1A, 2 987 m, os)Dinnik Peak (3,173 m)Base of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (PSP Arkhyz)river valley Psysh → per. Karadzhash (1A, 2 960 m, os-sk)Mingi Kel Bashi town (glad.)per. Irkiz (1A, 2 880 m, sk-os)river valley Sofia (Ice Farm)per. Sofia saddle (n / a, 2 640 m, tr-os)Taulu glade

1 class with email 2 class , June 2013 (Varenikov S.R.) Moscow → Nevinnomyssk → pos. Arkhyz → Moonlit Glade → per. Fedoseeva (1A, 2 987 m, os) + per. Agur Yuzhny (1A)per. Mylgval (1A, 2 848 m, os-sk)lake Azure → per. Seventeen (1B, 2 956 m)per. Rechepsta (1A, 3000 m, os-sk)d. r. B. Dukka → per. Ayulu (1A) → d. r. White → d. r. Psysh → b. Eaglet → etc. Sofia → Taulu glade → per. Sofia saddle (n / a, 2 640 m, tr-os)R. Sofia → pos. Arkhyz → Nevinnomyssk → Moscow

1 class , June 2013 (Stolbov L.A.) Arkhyz village → Taulu glade → lvl. Glacier farmper. Sofia saddle (n / a, 2 640 m, tr-os)per. Irkiz (1A, 2 880 m, sk-os)per. Karadzhash (1A, 2 960 m, os-sk)dollars R. Psysh → dollars R. Great Dukkadollars R. Rachepsta → per. Rachepsta (1A)lake Rybnoe → lake Kafar → per. Mylgval (1A, 2 848 m, os-sk)bunch of lane. Aguri Fedoseeva (1A)the village of Arkhyz

1 class with email 2 class , May-June 2013 (Korolev A.I.) Moscow → Art. Nevinnomysskayapos. Arkhyz → dollars R. Arkhyz → per. Rechepsta (1A, 3000 m, os-sk)lake Deep → dollars R. Kizylchuk → lake Rybnoe → dollars R. Kafar → lake Kafar → lake Failure → per. Mylgval (1A, 2 848 m, os-sk) + nep. Agur Yuzhny (1A) + per. Fedoseeva (1A, 2 987 m, os)Moonlit Glade → dollars R. Arkhyz → dollars R. Psysh → Taulu glade → dollars R. Sofia → dollars R. Kashka-Echki-Chatlake AimatlyjagalySofia lakes + per. Kelyausch (1A, 2,880 m) + per. Karadzhash (1A, 2 960 m, os-sk)per. Irkiz (1A, 2 880 m, sk-os)dollars R. Ak-Ayry → Spartk overnight stayssandy nightsver. Nadezhda traverse. + per. Solovyova (1B, 3 211 m)per. Window (1B) → dollars R. Ak-Ayry → dollars R. Sofia → per. Sofia saddle (n / a, 2 640 m, tr-os)dollars R. Sofia → floor. Taulu → dollars R. Psysh → pos. Arkhyz → Art. NevinnomysskayaMoscow city

1 class , June 2006 (Kiselev A.V) Pavement floor. → R. Psysh → mouth of the river White → border post → per. Ayulu (1A, 2 874 m, os-sn)lake Seven-color → per. Dukka (n / a, 2 570 m)dollars R. Stormy → R. Amanauz → R. Psysh → per. Bash-Jol (Capital)R. Ak-Ayry → lvl. Glacial farmper. Sofia saddle (n / a, 2 640 m, tr-os)lvl. Glacial farmR. Sofia → Pavement floor. → pos. Arkhyz

2 class , May-June 2000 (Ustinov S.V.) Cherkessk → Arkhyz village → r.Sofia → ridge Cheget-Chat → per. Sofia saddle (n / a, 2 640 m, tr-os)per. Irkiz (1A, 2 880 m, sk-os)per. Karadzhash (1A, 2 960 m, os-sk)v. Mingi-Kel-Bashi per. Ayulu (1A, 2 874 m, os-sn)Arkhyz village

2 class , July-August 1959 (Petrov N.L., Leningrad) Teberda → per. Nazaly-Kol (1B)Muruja oezraper. Azgek, per. Baduksky, Khadzhibey-Markinsky passes I, II, III, IV, Vper. Uryuchat I → per. Khalega (n / a, 3,027 m, tr-sn)per. Marukh (1A, 2 748 m, sn-sk)per. Chemashkho → pos. Pskhu → per. Sofia saddle (n / a, 2 640 m, tr-os)per. Kyzgych

3 class , April 2016 (Ostapenko S.Yu., Voronezh) Pos. New coolR. Sahrai → floor. Taiwan → R. small. Sakhrai → floor. Firsova → floor. Princely → Bol. Thach → ist. R. Bol. Sahraismall town Thach → per. Asbestos → per. Devil's Gate Radial exit to Western Achezhbok.per. Devil's turnEast Achezhbok cityxp. Agige → Town of Chests → xp. small. Bambak → pos. Nikitino → foothills of the ridge. Gentuper. Blybsky (n / a, 2 568 m, trail)R. bol. Blyb → R. bol. Laba → pos. Damkhurts → pos. Zagedan → pos. Phia → per. Phia (n / a, 2,050 m)the origins of the r. Arkhyz → lunar glade → sunny meadowtour. Taulu base → R. Sofia → Sofia waterfallsper. Sofia saddle (n / a, 2 640 m, tr-os)Sofia waterfallsR. Sofia → tour. Taulu base → The face of Christ → pos. Lower ArkhyzTelescopes of the SAO RASRadial exit to Pastukhov townTelescopes of the SAO RASpos. Lower Arkhyzface of Christ

3 class , July 2015 (Magit G.V.) Moonlit Glade → per. Fedoseeva (1A, 2 987 m, os)per. Agur ( 1A, 2 850 m) per. Mylgval (1A, 2 848 m, os-sk)per. Seventeen South (1B)per. Rechepsta (1A, 3000 m, os-sk)town of Rechepsta (3,215 m)R. Rechepsta → per. Phia (n / a, 2,050 m)R. Phia → R. Big Laba → R. Stormy → per. Poachers (1A, 2 890 m, os)R. Amanauz → R. Psysh → Taulu glade → R. Eaglet → per. Eaglet (1B, 3000 m, sn-os)per. Kara-Jash (1A)per. Kelyausch (1A, 2,880 m)per. Irkiz (1A, 2 880 m, sk-os)per. Bash-Jol (1A)R. Kyshlasu → per. Hare ears (1A, 2 980 m, os-sn)Green lakes → per. Ak-Ayry Vostochny (1B, 3 150 m)ice. Ak-Ayry → per. Ak-Ayry Zapadny (1B, 3 150 m)R. Ak-Ayry → R. Sofia → per. Sofia saddle (n / a, 2 640 m, tr-os)Sofia waterfalls (glad.)Taulu glade

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