Arkhyz Sofia Lakes. Hike to Sofia Lakes and Waterfalls

Sofia lakes in Arkhyze - a complex, but very beautiful and visited route. This can be reached here as part of a day excursion, but it is better to take a tent and go at least two, and better three days. Everything is simple: the rise takes at least 4 hours, the descent is at least 2.5 hours, so it is better to go here with overnight to truly enjoy the lakes and the surrounding nature.

Sofia lakes: photo

Dawn on Sofia Lakes
Morning in Sofia Lakes
First Sofia Lake
Panorama on the approach to Sofia Lakes


Lakes are located at an altitude of 2,830 M.Y.m., and the snow on the approaches lies before the start, and then the mid-July. Winter also comes early: in early October, snowfalls can pass, and approaches to lakes will become impassable for unprepared tourists. Thus, the season of visits to Sofia lakes - from mid-July to the end of September.

At the beginning of the season, you can catch the bloom of rhododendrons and other meadow flowers, the end is a very beautiful golden autumn. Until the second half of July, ice floes are still swimming on the surface of the lakes, and in August, the first gentle herb is finally made on the shores.


Map of the main attractions of Arkhyza. To see the items, you can open and enlarge the image in the new tab.


The first part of the path - from the villages of Romantic or Arkhyz to the merger of r. Sofia and the necessary streams - it is worth drivening by car or SUV. So you will save strength and time - and this hike to Sofia lakes is the most important thing.

Get from r. Sofia to the lakes can be several trails. The shortest but rather complicated way - in the rouch Ak-Ayra. Slightly easier - on the cushion of Kashha-acack, past Lake Aimatli-Jajali Koyl, or a gammesh chat, a comma lakes and an upper comma. Some travelers rise to Sofia lakes on the Bake of Orlock, or from the gorge of the DSSH, through the lake is crater. Which of these trail is the best, everyone decides for himself. We prefer the rise on the cushion of Kashha-acack and the descent on the stream of Ak-Ayra.

The trails are not marked, so it is better: otherwise, if you do not get lost, it is certainly to lose a lot of time and effort to search the right path. The height difference between the start point and lakes is at least 1000 meters, the distance is at least 4 km (depending on the trail). In a good pace and with a sufficient number of privals, it is possible to rise to lakes in 4-5 hours, go down - in 2.5-3 hours. Keep in mind that after sunset, the temperature in the mountains falls rapidly, so it is better to go to the route early.

Security and Comfort

Weather and relief - main dangers on the route to Sofia Lieram. Required:

  • comfortable shoes on thick sole. Well, if it is trekking boots;
  • raincoat: the weather in the mountains is changing rapidly, and even if the sun shines in the morning, rain may begin at lunch;
  • panamka, Sun cream, long sleeve clothes: in the mountains there is a very aggressive sun, and for the day of the campaign you can burn;
  • snack: Walk to lakes will take a whole day, so be sure to capture the nutrients. Water can be taken from the streams, but from the lakes to drink undesirable;
  • trekking sticks are a desirable attribute. With them it will be easier, and more convenient, and safer. However, many do without them.


Sofia lakes are a real miracle of nature, which preserved its original beauty. Treat the mountains as the Temple of Cleaniness and Decience. Do not shout, do not swear, try to catch and feel silence and peace, which reigns high in the mountains. Be sure to take the garbage: In the mountains there is no one to remove you, and the bank's abandoned or package serve for other tourists the reason to leave your garbage. Please take care and appreciate this and other corners of untouched nature. We have not so much on earth on earth.

Excursions, weekend tours and hiking to Sofia Lakes

We, travel club "Start", we organize regular, one-day excursions and

Day 1.
Coming out of Arcise on foot at dinner, we went towards the Sofia Polyana, (there are many shuttle offerings) along the road, as was supposed, due to the late exit, the weather had already managed to ruin, and went to rain. We were surprised, from where and where so many cars go, but a little passing, they saw the Sofia Polyana, the next stronghold of camping lovers: paid tent camps Without any conditions, the place is not a remarkable, dirty, everywhere already known to us cafes, hire hire, endless services of a paid transfer on Sofia saddle, Drunk faces and other concomitant lobes.
The rain was even stronger, and we decided to wait for his appetizing lunch. The last cafe was ordered Hychin Assorted (greenery, meat, tomato, cheese) and a portion, as it turned out to be a freshly directed Lagman (the mistress today was a birthday and she prepared it to guests, and not visitors of the cafe), also a large teapot of fragrant herbal tea. Favoring to the dump, put forward on a dirt road naked by UAZ along the Sofia River.
Having reached the development of two main tourist routes (for waterfalls and lakes) we switched to the Sofia Rodod River, but, as it turned out, the meters through two hundred was a bridge from the dusting tree. Rod confident, the depth of knee, individual insurance by treeking sticks. Already in the evening and it was necessary before the start of the lift to the lake becomes the camping. There were already two tents, walking down the meters for thirty from them we stopped. Quick bonfire quickly, thanks to the slices of rubber, which the local shepherd showed us from the Koshara, with whom they talked and chatted about thirty minutes. After that, the neighboring guys ran and asked in surprise, - "How did you get the fire so quickly?" I told a miraculous way (after all, everything was raw and little wood). On the glade there is a beautiful bath with a duddy's duddy (forgotten photographing), in which bread and onions were found (apparently the tourists were left specifically, to someone it was useful and not to carry someone). At this evening, we fried all the bread on the coals, because there will be no fires further (we leave the forest zone), they slowly prepared dinner, pasta with sausages on coals and slowly tasted this perfect dish.
Listened to the music, enjoyed a stunning starry sky and retired to sleep in a tent.

Day 2. Lifting to the lakes.
After breakfast, we collected things, the smoke bonfire was pulled and the rise began. The trail is distinguished in any weather in the summer season. It goes along the Kashha-Echney River in the forest, after a meter of five hundred the forest zone ends and a stony trail begins.
Further, a fork, which still leads to Sofia lakes, the first through the Kelyaush 1a 2880m Pass, the second through the Lake Aimatla-Jalgaly to the side of Irkiz 1A 2880m. The weather frowned and we went to the easier trail (through the lake) to quickly rise.
Having come to the lake Aimatli, we found a flock of cows, it is of course beautiful, but waste from animals everywhere. Further, the trail again became coolest and went aside to Sofia lakes. The people were very much and often had to stop, falling into traffic jams. These are mainly mattresses who are driven to one day back. But also many tourists who just distinguish from that crowd. All, the elderly and small children are managed to rise, but do not underestimate the non-iced pass, when the weather spars, it becomes slippy instantly and people without experience are immediately becoming round.
Having passed the first half of the rise, I already understood the clouds that there would be a hail before the ninety percent. The expectations were quite justified, at the final stage of the lifting began the cold rain with huge drops. In minutes twenty we went out to the waterfall, from which the end of the rise was already visible. Having rummaged to the first lake, quickly ran to the second, we saw a suitable place for the camp and instantly started the installation of the tent.

The playground near the Lake Aimatla-Jajals, just from the bottom we came.

Day 2. Grad.
The rain was intensified, a small town began. I barely fixing the awning over the inside, I sent Lena to the shelter, and myself continued to install the tent. A large hail went with the rain, the wind was in a strengthened, I had to install also storm decenes. In general, I felt my trekking shoes are gained by water on the very top of the tongue, and when I finished running around the tent, I blissfully rose half-wet with warm water in my feet and received a fresh portion of the hail, but at the same time was awesome admired all what was happening.
I thought, facing bad weather on the street, but in minutes twenty already began to freeze and realized that it was "seriously and for a long time." Gently removing the raincoat and wet shoes with socks, leaving them in the vestibule, with ice legs climbed into a warm corner, in which Lena was already satisfied lying in a sleeping bag and ate snacks.
A little leaving, they fell asleep in the total, and waking up as so far the drumboy on the tent. Looking outside, I discovered centimeters ten hail on Earth and abandoned with dirt from drops an inner tent, but from a good, I saw the lumens in the sky and starting the rainbow. Soon the rain is over, and all the lakes crawled with a dense cloud. We thought that this moment is an excellent chance to cook dinner and quickly started cooking. Favoring to the dump, the fragrant sweet green tea with lemon was brewed on the heat, and again went raining, but he was not worried about us, because in the tent warmed tea with a scratch and laughed loudly until they fell asleep.

First Sofia Lake

Day 3. again degrees.
At night, it was cool, even had to dress and tighten the hood on a sleeping bag. But in the morning the weather was not particularly changed: it was overcast, a little windy and cold.
Water was warmed, sat drink tea on a high stone overlooking the largest second Sofia Lakes. Returning to the tent saw some animal, approaching the closer, we realized that it was the ermine, which at the speed of light was worn around our tent.
We were delighted and started photographed it, but after a minute they saw the sausage, and then our pack with the most nice smoked smoked, but already empty, "this is the mountain of your mother!" - The angry shouted on the entire valley. The skillful thief pulled out all the sausages from the package and threw them under different stones. Sausage was long with a little animal, this is exactly Jewish ermine!
These were our nishtyaks after the Dombiic campaign, so that at least somehow diversify meals. In general, I am still offense at him.
It started the morning, but then over time the weather only worsened, I went raining, taking us into a tent, and a hail began again.
After having wrapped around until the evening, we went to the weather window to cook dinner, but only time to eat, re-sediment went, so I had to drink hot tea on the old scheme already in the tent.
And again and again remember how this monster deprived us so delicious tastes.

That's exactly this innocent creature (ermine) deprived me of taste of sweet sucking life!

This was so half a day roll like a seal. But we rejoiced this, because in the journey there was no time to lie down and soak.

Rainbow after a storm.

The view of the distance from our scarlet towards the Sofia River.

So we met the second, the most beautiful Sofia Lake.
Sometimes it seems that, depending on the weather, it changes the color of water, making it saturated, then light, transparent or muddy.

Day 4. Leave.
With such weather to stay there, we did not want. Early waking up, only putting water, dressed, and while allowed good weather, I went to Irkiz 1A 2880m radially, not even in shoes, but in the czechs for the highway, leaving everything in the tent. It was necessary to go up with only fifty-height meters, and after ten minutes we went to the saddle of the pass. Little climbed into the teeth on the one hand, after rose to the site on the other side. If anything, there is a great stone for a photo entering into a break, if not afraid, then feel free to sit down on it and choose the appropriate angle.
Having in love with the panorama of the Sofia lakes, we went down to the tent, quickly cooked breakfast, burned our garbage, trembled and went down.
Already near Lake Aimatli-Jallea, the weather began to deteriorate and began to rain, but it did not make us put on rainders, because we quickly went down, ahead of it. Only one and a half hours left for the descent, they met near the Sofia River, the family of tourists, they chatted well with them and, going to the river no longer, and on the log, put forward in the direction of the Sofia Polyana on the primer, all this time ahead of rain.
The meadow went to the same cafe, they took a hichin with potatoes and cheese and coffee, enjoyed and decided to return to Arkhyz, without overnight stay here.
Only reaching the asphalt, the small rain began, which gradually intensified and by the time we stopped to wear raincoats, the UAZ-loaf braking sharply and said: "Close, throw you."
We joyful reached the beginning of Arcise, opposite the Mineral Plant of Mineralnye Water, waited at a stop under the roof of the rain, bought hot coffee and Churchhells and wanted to go on the beginning of the village to spend the night there, and in the morning the hitchhought to Krasnodar in Maikop. But our nutroot is eager for adventures and therefore we, going beyond the village, changed clothes and drove to slow down, despite the fact that the time was already the sixth hour of the evening. Forward on the night. So then our second trip for the summer journey ended.
Total sums set of heights for a trip with radials 1300 m.

Traveling for me usually begins on the train. At that very moment when a backpack is thrown upstairs, covered bed linen, tea brewed. You can sit on the bottom shelf, see how the fields and forests are rushed outside the window, and understand: here it is present. You are already on the way.

This summer I was expected by several trains. The very first one is the train Kazan - Nevinnomysk. With one small, but proud club of travelers went to the mountain campaign on Arkhyz.

Arkhyz is mountain area Caucasus, Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia. It is considered one of the most beautiful and affordable mountain routes.


From the trip in advance I did not wait for nothing. He knew that we had to see Mount Sofia and climb a few pass. You can say this is my habit - do not wait for anything from traveling, except for beautiful species and a good company. These two expectations are always executed. The rest goes like a pleasant bonus.

Nevinnomysk is a familiar city. I was in him before, all our travels in the Caucasus begin here. A train comes here, from here we go to the beginning of the route. To the next campaign I want to read about his history and attractions. Because disorder: Once I come to this city, I only know where the station and the nearest grocery store is located.

Immediately after the train, we moved to the ordered minibus and went to the Poland Taulu. From this glade and our route began.

I do not know how you, and to me, with the words of "Polyana Taulu", a broad glade was presented in the middle of the forest. In fact, it turned out to be similar to a small village - souvenir stalls, horses hire, summer houses, where they prepare delicious Hychini.

Hychiny is a separate story. If you ever visit the Caucasus, be sure to try this dish. You will not regret. It would seem - just a pellet with filling. What makes her so tasty? Mountains on the background of which you eat it? Thoughtful Hands of the Mistress, who baked her? To come to the Caucasus and do not try Hychin and Karachai Lemonade - to miss something very important. Every hitch hitch has different, you can try them infinitely.

We found a free place, put the tents, left things there and went to walk to the waterfall of Orlyonok.

I am glad that such trails appear in the Caucasus. Not every traveler will search for information about the flora and fauna of the places in which it is sent, and here everything is shown and painted.

We saw the waterfall from afar, did not fit closely. Immediately, for the first time during this journey, we drank water from a mountain river. Cold, to lobs in teeth, crystal clear and clean.

Of course, it was not without photographs against the background of the waterfall.

The first day is always a bit messy - photographers take pictures of everything, people who first went to the mountains, admire ... remembering their first mountains, I understand - before I was with me. There was a delight, euphoria from beauty that surrounds me from all sides.

Now, after a few campaigns, I understand that perception has changed. Euphoria left, a calm joy came from the meeting. In the morning of the second day I stood in silence (I woke up early), looked at the tops, which was visible in the distance, and mentally spoke to them: "Hello. I came back".

Opened in the glade Towulu. On the second day, the backpacks were collected in the morning and went to the border of the "Glacial Farm". Previously there was probably a real farm. Now is just a point on the map with an interesting name.


Drog saw majestic Mountain Sofia is the first beauty of these places (height 3637 m).


The second day - time to check the backpack. Is everything well laid? Doesn't something hang out when walking? Do not shoes rub? On the second day it is easy - bright impressions outweigh inconvenience. The back is getting used to a backpack, legs - to shoes, hands - to trekking sticks. And the head at this time lives a separate life. Looks around. Catching impressions.

On the approach to the "glacier farm" we had to go through a few rivers. Everywhere there were homemade bridges, so we coped with this task easily.


The evening brought clouds and fog with him. The tents put quickly, disturbingly looking at the sky. Fortunately, the rain is just "scared": it turned out to be weak and quickly ended.

I want to always be clear during the campaign, but in the mountains you need to see different weather. It is slowly sliding in the valley gray shreds of clouds, like rain knocks up tent tent. The mountains have a different face. Sometimes affectionate, sometimes terrible.


By night, the sky finally cleared. Another point, without any hike, at night, before climbing the tent, I look at the stars. In the mountains, they look completely different. Brighter. The Milky Way is visible. If you know what to seek, there you can find a lot of constellations. True, so far everything is capable of is to find Cassiopeia, a big and small bear.


The third day was the Day of Radiolets. The main camp remained at the "Ice Farm", and we went to walk in the direction of Sofia Waterfalls and Pass Sofia Saddle.

Sofia waterfalls a lot is a whole wall that flows stormy streams. Involuntarily remember Hollywood films, where the heroes are bathed under the waterfall, standing right under water jets ... in Sofia waterfalls you will not stand so much. Water beats a powerful stream. Even just stopping around, there is a migrated to the thread from small splashes, which will fly out in different directions. Majestic and terrible element.


We also managed to move across the waterfalls, I didn't have to jump around the pebbles. And then I understood the beauty of good shoes. In good trekking shoes you can step into the water, and the boots will remain dry. The main thing is that the water is blown through the edge.


Pass is a place where you can "translate" a mountain range. Simply put, a place through which you can go from one mountain valley to another. Usually, the pass opens very beautiful view On two valleys at once - on the one, where did you come from and where you go down.

The height of the pass Sofia saddle is 2640 m. We rose closer to dinner, found "Torc" with a note. This is the tradition of tourist groups: on many passes you can see turrets from stones - "tourics", inside this "tourics" - a note from the previous group, which visited the pass. Take this note, but instead you leave yours. Earlier when the camera was far from each tourist group, such a note was a way to prove that you really rose to the pass. Now, among other things, this is a way to transfer Hi to the group that I climbed there in a few hours, days or weeks after you.

View from the Sofia Saddle Pass on the Valley of the Sofia River (from there we came and we will go there).


View of another valley.


With the pass, we went back to the valley of the Sofia River. Opened again at the "Ice Farm".

On the fourth day, we collected backpacks and went to Irkiz Pass (height 2880 m). It is higher than the Sophia saddle, but also quite accessible to climb. Past us, for example, passed several people in swimsuits and sandals. We will lower what concerns the safety of lifting on the stones in the sandals, but the fact remains a fact - everything can be climbed by Irkiz.

There is a myth that any mountain trips are difficult. Yes, sometimes it is not easy, but nothing is over what it would be under the power of an ordinary physically healthy person. I myself work most of the year in the office, but it does not prevent me from going to the mountains every summer.

Irkiz was not easy for me: climb up under flying Sun. Tedishfully. Therefore, many groups try to go out as early as possible. Until the morning coolness left, it is easier.

Finally, a hoping of the pass appeared ... And the cries of those who walked ahead were heard. Crees mean only one thing - with the pass, a stunning look opens. So it turned out. Sofia lakes are visible from Irkiz Pass.



Oh, et. mountain lakes! If I knew how to compose poems, I would definitely told about them. Water in them is different colors. Sofia lakes - turquoise, sparkle in the sun rays as a gem. Cold - horror!

They say the summer in these places came late. One of the Sofia lakes was still not fully cleaned by ice from ice.

Irkiz is a fairly visited pass. The people on this day there were a lot here. This conveyor is to rise, take a picture, move away in the side not to interfere with the next group. True, descended on the other side, to the lakes, not all. We went down. Found a suitable place for the tents and smashed the camp.


The most courageous and frost-resistant went to swim, I just watched from the shore. Well, I do not pull me for such feats, does not pull.


Around - the usual paradox for the mountains. It is snow, but, while the sun shines, it is hot, you can walk in a T-shirt. You can even sunbathe, but few risks. Around reflective surfaces - water, snow. Burn and not notice. In the evening, barely sun hiding over the tops, it gets cold so much that it is time to wear a warm jacket and cap. However, we were lucky - this night was turned out to be warm.

When you go hiking regularly, you imperceptibly throw your own little traditions. I have several of them, one of them - certainly dawn in the mountains.

The dawn of the fifth day was fabulous. The clouds descended, closed the mountain range, which snatched ahead, and left the most tips of the vertices. It seemed that there was a white sea ahead, and the tops were distant islands in this sea.


Everything around has become pink: clouds, snow, water, Sofia. The combination of mountains and clouds leads me to delight, I can do nothing with me. This is perhaps one of those things that I can watch infinitely long.


We met the sun with songs and tea.



Sleep no longer left. Breakfast slowly, gathered and went out to the Karadzash pass. He is even higher than the Irkiz (his height is 2960 m), and the road to it is more difficult. There is a "bulk" and snow. On this trail, we met less people than when climbing Irkiz. Some groups overtook us, some came to meet. Despite B. abouti was easier to climb to Karadzash, it was easier for Irkiz. Perhaps because on this day was not so hot. In addition, we spent the night high enough, so a set of heights on this day turned out to be small.


On Karadzhache, we again found "Torc" and a note (it was in a bottle from under champagne), left in return and began to go down to the valley of the River River.

View from the pass. From this side we rose.


View from the pass to another valley.


During the descent, we were not already concerned about Sofia, but others high peaks of this area - Mountains Psisch (3535 m) and PSHICH (3790 m).

Met several groups that rose to us, from the River Valley Dzzish. They "delighted us" - the bridge over the river Dsisha washed, you will have to go to the Brod. Sorry, but you can not get anywhere. The trails along this shore is not.

When we descended a little from Karadzhash, a wide plateau unfolded before us - almost even space, covered with flowers. Summer in the Caucasus is perfect - you walk in the mountains, and there are flowers around you, flowers ... Of all that we met on the route, I identified only Rhododendrons and a chamber. In general, the colors were much more!


After Karadzha, you can see the lake crater, but we didn't come to him: I was looking for a path down, and when they found, immediately began to go down. We will assume that this is a reason to return to the arcity again.

The descent turned out to be long. While you will not be in the mountains, you think that it is easier to descend than to climb. After this descent, many said: "It would be better if we climbed into Karadzhash!"

There is a rather steep slope, first descend on the plateau, then - through the forest. We descended almost two and a half hours. When you go down, breathing is not knocked down, but you still get tired. Around the roots and stones, you have to be doubly neat so as not to stumble and not to "kill" the knees. And here the trekking sticks are very useful. They reduce the load on their feet.

Finally, this endless descent ended, and we were on the banks of the River Dzzish. And immediately the following test - Brod.

We decided to wander the river on the same day, crashed on the "walls" of four to five people. One through this flow is difficult to go - demolish. The guy can still, and the girl is not always. Crossed in shoes - barefoot dangerous. It is not known that there, under water, easy to hurt or slippage. They switched quickly quickly, they were going longer than they walked.

Sofia lakes are one of the most difficult and most beautiful walks in Arczyme. The most difficult tourist route Of those available without special training and equipment. Lakes are at the level of 2830 meters above sea level. The height difference, which we overcame when the lift is more than 1 kilometer. Lakes are a group of three large and some small lakes in the circus of Cool-Basi massif. All three lakes have several different shades: the same big Lake - Azure, the second has a heavenly blue tint, and the water surface of the third lake is similar to the polished surface of the black marble. Such a difference in shades is very interestingly perceived by the side when the panorama covers all three lakes.

I almost died on the rise and especially on the descent of the lakes, but it was worth it ... If I had a pre-at least someone at least about describing the difficulties of the route, I would probably not climb. But I sincerely believed that we would go back the other easier path bypass and that the lakes are already close. But everything turned out not so ...

The path to Sofia Lakes the path also begins from the valley of the Sofia River. Again, the time of shaking in the "tablet" from our boarding house and then first with sheep trails, and then all the coolest and above 4 hours we crawled up .. to the left of our train Ways. The road all the time goes stably up with a rather strong bias and a couple of slightly more than a gentle slope, but there are other "charms" in the form of thickets of barns and pile of stones. Three most difficult places - lifting to the waterfall, on the waterfall and the last meters of 200 - almost vertical trails on the saddle, with which it is further overlooking the lakes - this is tin ... somewhere in the middle mountain Ridge Two pointed peaks are towering, located in a narrow saddle. Between these vertices runs the path to lakes. The legs constantly sculpted in the sand, even the sticks did not help. Crawled, clinging behind the grass, spines, stones and desperately envied tourists in special shoes, which moved almost vertically on their feet along the same trail. It was even harder to climb down, it covered me straight, but ... as you can see, peeled and alive ...

But each time he turned around - then the head was spinning not only from the height, but also from the beauty of opening panoramas ... By the way, despite the fact that the lakes of glacial origin and the temperature of the water in them near the zero, several participants were focused on TCD And my husband - Mandrels !! And I only gained a bottle of pure drinking water and enjoyed the views from the coast .. I descended, as it seemed to me, the whole eternity, even began to darken and the thunder rushes rumbled in the back, but, thank God, the rain did not go on the mountain and we managed safely go down.

In general, the entire route took about 12 hours with transportation. The most funny - now I look through the photo - they are not visible neither steepness, nor the lifting height - it seems that under the legs slightly inclined fluffy carpet .. and who will believe?)))

Well, actually a photo, for which it cost to suffer)))

The beginning of the rise seems to not even look difficult ..

View of the waterfall of Ull-Chuchur, but we did not go to him - in fact, he is very far

The husband of the village was awesome beautiful butterfly and even agreed to pop up)

Long-awaited lakes - fabulously beautiful

One of the most popular tourist destinations in the area of \u200b\u200bArkhyza is definitely considered the Sofia Range. Higher point is the snow-white beauty Sofia, which manites to his shepherd walls of fearless climbers.

Numerous tourists, as if pilgrims, rushed along winding mountain trails, climb into impregnable passes to see the pristine beauty of the Caucasian Mountains.

Turquoise lakes will differ in their beauty of the most demanding traveler, and the majestic mountain peaks will leave an indelible impression in memory, even the experienced tourist.

Perhaps this is a real one - Mountain paradise!

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Description of the route

Day 1.

Collection of participants in the city in the city Mineral water. Next follows a transfer to the village of Arkhyz. Walking part of our route begins in the Poland Taul, from where we will make a small transition to the place of the first night.

Day 2.

Today, our entire path will take place on a good dirt road, along the right bank of the Sofia River. This segment of the path is a watershed between the Khuget Chat ridges and Sofia, where we have to get up. Having reached the leader of the valley, put the camp on the river bank and dinner.

Having reinforced, with new forces, we put forward in a radial way out to Sofia Waterfalls and the Sofia Saddle Pass. Having walked around, go back to the camp, dinner and go to rest.

Day 3.

Breakfast and collecting backpacks, put forward on the road. Rutting the route takes us up, in the valley of the river Ak-Ayra. On the way, we will open picturesque views of several waterfalls.

As a set of height, the peak of Sofia will show their snow-covered slopes. Having reached the development along the trail, one of which goes to the passage of the capital, and the other leads the direction in the direction we needed, to the Irkiz pass, stop at lunch. After lunch, start the rise. And here overcoming the serpentine trails, we go to the pass.

The top of Sofia opens our gaze, and on the reverse side, the famous Sofia Lakes spread, on the shores of which we install the camp. If desired, we can take a walk towards the neighboring lake with the amatela-jallasti.

Day 4.

Waking up in the morning you can observe the mirror stages of the lake, the reflection of the stone giant of the Ministry of Health.

When contemplating the beauty around us, breakfast, we are going and put forward. The path passing along the lakes, goes to Cool's pass. Passing the pass, we descend to the lake the upper comma. From the lake trail takes up, and we have to overcome the passage of Kara-Jash.

For the pass, lunch is waiting for us and if you wish, you can walk to the lake with the crater. Then we have the latter today, the obstacle is, the eagle's pass, followed by the next parking lot.

Day 5.

Today we have a half-day plan, we stand later, as the transition will be small. We will move down, up to two small lakes called Eagleok. Here we put the fourth camp and have a snaps in Lights through the passage of Karadzash East, on the lake rot.

We return to the camp to the dinner.

Day 6.

After all morning rituals put forward on the road. The trail again leads us down, on the Bake of Eagle, along the river the same name. On the way, we will meet waterfalls, again called Orcenok. Moving down the slope, we will go to the Sofia River Valley already familiar to us. A little more and we will go to the finish point of our journey, to the glade Taul.

Additional information about the event

Rutting route:

polyana Taulou - Dol. Sofia River - Dol. River Ak-Ayry - Per. Irkiz - Sofia Lakes - Per. Koolaush - Lake Upper comma - Per. Kara-Jash - Per. Eagleok - Lake Orlenok - Dol. River Orcenok - Dol. Sofia River - Polyana Towlu

Camping Information:

This is a full-fledged mountain hike with a medium degree of complexity, suitable for people with good physical training and having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe mountains in general. Participants of this campaign should be prepared for long-term physical stress, early rise and weather surprises.

Children from 14 years are allowed accompanied by parents. Depending on the weather conditions and the status of the group's participants, the guide / conductor can make adjustments to the route.

This is a full-fledged mountain campaign, all equipment (personal and public) and food we carry on yourself in backpacks. As a rule, the total weight of this good for girls is from 2-5 kg, for guys from 4-7 kg, depending on the number of hiking days. If you do not have your own personal equipment, you can take it on our rental. With rental prices can be found in the section Instructions - Rental.

What you need to take with you:


  1. Backpack - for girls 50-65l, for boys 65-80l
  2. Sleeping bag (T Comfort 0 + 6 degrees)
  3. Foam mat (tourist)
  4. Tent
  5. Sidushka (Hob / Podzhopnik)
  6. Trekking sticks - at will
  7. Sunglasses
  8. Headlight
  9. Water tank (plastic bottle)
  10. Sun cream SPF 30-50
  11. CLMN (mug, spoon, bowl, knife)
  12. Matches, lighter
  13. Cape on a backpack (membrane)
  14. Polyethylene bag for 60-100l
  15. Personal hygiene products
  16. Individual aid kit
  17. Document (passport)


  1. Two pairs of shoes (one trekking - on a tight platform, another easy for parking - you can sneakers)
  2. Two pairs of pants (preferably synthetic)
  3. Term underwear (if any)
  4. Three pairs of socks minimum
  5. Two fleece sweaters
  6. Two synthetic t-shirts (one long sleeve, other short)
  7. membrane jacket (wind / moisture-proof)
  8. Cap, Panama (from the Sun)
  9. Lingerie for sleep (can be x / b)
  10. Rain Cape (Polyethylene)
  11. Hamashi / lanterns (if available)
  12. Flice gloves

Payment is made in two stages:
1. Prepayment 30% of the cost of the event. Necessarily.
2. Available amount pay no later than a week before the start of the event.

Details for prepayment are available on request.

Details for prepayment are sent only from the page of the tour organizer in VK -

See also: