Temple of Meiji hours of work. Temple Maidzi Jingu in Tokyo - one of the largest shinto sanctuary of the rising sun

Emperor Maidzi was famous for his love for writing Vaca. After herself he left the Japanese people more than 100 thousand poems. His spouse, Empress Syokan, also wrote poems in this genre. Its account is about 30 thousand poetic works.

Feature of the temple of Maidzi

The Temple of Meiji is a relatively new place of worship. It was created in 1920 on the concept of Wanokoxi (Soul of the Japanese and Talan of Western Man). Therefore, unusual Omikuji is not the only feature of the temple.

According to Mika Fukutoku, most people tend to think that the temple is only the main shrine. In fact, he, with his inner and external parts, is something big. The temple located in the inner garden is a symbol of the Japanese soul. Here you worship and show your respect to the spirits. But the outer garden of the temple is made in a pro-Western style. There is a picture gallery in which 80 paintings are stored. They reflect the life of Emperor Maidzi, who actively supported friendly relations with foreign countries. For example, symmetric Ginkgo trees are also the trends of the West.

The treasure museum, located in Gayen Gardens, brightly illustrates the merge of the Japanese and Western Colorite. The architectural design of the building resembles Sosoin, the treasury of the famous temple in the prefecture. However, Maidzi Treasure Museum, in contrast to the temple, is not made of wood, but from concrete.

Temple of Meiji (Najn), top view

The sanctuary has three main parts:

  • Najan (inside), a place where the sanctuary buildings are located,
  • Gaien (outer part), where the memorial art gallery and sports facilities are located, including one of the oldest baseball stadiums Meiji Jinggua and Memorial Hall of Meiji and a wedding hall.

Note that the total area of \u200b\u200bthe forest massif is the order of seven hundred square meters. About 170 thousand trees consisting of 245 different species grow here. This landscape designed and created Sayiru Honda, as well as his assistants of Takanari Hongo and Cagei Werehara, who boldly abandoned the offer of the then Prime Minister Siganobu Okuma to use in design exclusively cedar. Honda wanted to create an evergreen forest, but, as it turned out, the local soil did not fit for this tree.

Forest Temple Maidzi

« In 2011, as part of preparations for the Town Anniversary of the Temple, we monitored the types of trees growing in the area. So, as it turned out, in the local forest, much less than those of Japan trees than, let's say in the parks of the central part of Tokyo. This man-made forest was created to please his beauty for many centuries and, it seems, it will be", - Miki Fukutuket said.

Such a wealth of nature attracts more tourists in this place than believers. In addition to plants, you can meet rare birds here, which often arrive in the forest. This place was home to the disappearing type of Japanese gold orchids and many other rare plant species.

The forest, which became the wonderful brainchild of Honda, Hongo and Wuhara, will delight tourists and local more than one year. Fukutuket explained: " According to experts, the trees did not live even half the term. The thing is that camphor trees can live from 300 to 400 years. That is why not only our grandchildren will be able to walk here, but also great-grandchildren, and even the greatst!»

According to Fukutoku, despite all these attractions, the number of foreign tourists increases, but not so rapidly. In the future, their stable increase is expected, because the Temple of Maidzi is the best way Get acquainted with Japanese culture.

Fukutoku with pride added: " Of course, shrines on the outskirts of the city can offer a more authentic atmosphere, but our temple is more affordable. We can, for example, boast such a guest as President USA Barack Obama, who was in the temple last year. Temple Maidji is really unique. Being in the center of the capital, you can not only see the shrine, but also suddenly find yourself in the real forest».

Celebrations and weekdays Temple Maidzi

The most important holiday of the temple - Raisai (large autumn festival), which takes place on November 3 in memory of the emperor Maidzi. There are ambassadors from different countrieswhich can enjoy traditional Japanese performances. Such a holiday is a harbinger of the upcoming fussy period of New Year days. Of the ten million annual visitors, three million visit the temple in this period. Therefore, it is precisely the next New Year's days - an important time for all people who, one way or another, are involved in the Temple of Maidzi.

Haradjuku-Guti - entrance to the Temple of Maidzi

Three entrances lead to the temple:

  • Haradjuku-Guati,
  • Yoshi-Guti
  • Sangubaci-Guati.

As a rule, the entrance from Haradjuk is constantly open, and when the number of visitors increases significantly, the other inputs are open. As the Miki Fukutoku explained, the use of Haradjuku-Guati as the main entrance is justified. Entering through these gates to the visitor is easier to navigate and get to the temple. In addition, with the opening of the Kharazyuk station, most tourists and believers come to the entrance of Harajuku-Guati. That is why the street adjacent to the temple is called Omotesando. The vernal name means: "Omote" - the front, "Sando" - the road, i.e. "Front road." In addition, the gate of Haradjuku-Guati is the biggest gate of the Temple of Maidie.

In 2020, during the period of the sanctuary, it will be celebrated its century. Therefore, in the Temple of Maidie, serious restoration work is planned, thanks to which the shrine will noticeably transform and attract the attention of even more tourists.

The main works will be to restore the main building of the temple. In it during abundant precipitation periodically flows the roof, so the repair will begin with this part of the shrine. But this is not the main reason why the administration decided to start preparation exactly from here. It is believed that the souls of Emperor Maidzi and Empress Syokan are just in the main building. This is the most important part of the Temple of Meiji.

According to the materials of the Internet publications.

Maidzi Temple (Maidi Jingu) - the tomb of Emperor Majsei and his spouses Empress Syokan, the largest shinto sanctuary, which appeared in 1920 on public initiative. It is located in the Sibuya area, Joyoga City Park.

During the reign of Maidi, who became the emperor in 1868, Japan after the feudal rule of Tokugawa refused self-isolation and became the more open external world. The name "Maidi", which took the emperor Mutshito when joined the throne, means "Enlightened Board". In his "swelling promise", Mutsukhito retracted the principles of his reign: democratism (accounting for public opinion in solving public affairs), the predominance of national interests, freedom of activity and the independence of the court, as well as the effective use of knowledge to strengthen the role of Japan in the world. After the death of the emperor and his spouse in 1912 and 1914, in respect of the imperial couple, there was no social movement For the creation of the temple, and the necessary donations were collected. During World War II, the temple burned down, his reconstruction was also supported by many Japanese in the country and beyond. The temple was restored in 1958.

The building of the sanctuary is a characteristic sample of the unique temple architecture of Japan, with its construction used cypress, growing in Kiso - this mountain Ridge In the central part of the island Honshu, the so-called Japanese Alps. The building is surrounded by a garden in which all trees and bushes are growing, which are found in the country of the Rising Sun. Plants for him were also donated to many Japanese. In the northern part of the temple complex there is a treasury museum, which stores things and objects of the Maidi Board.

The outer garden of the Temple of Maidzi Jingu is also a venue for sports competitions. Here is a picture gallery of a memorial, which contains 80 frescoes, imprinted events from the life of the imperial couple. In the external garden there is also a memorial (wedding) Hall of Meiji, where wedding ceremonies in the traditions of Cino continue to hold.

Visitors of the Maidi Temple can get Ohmikuji - a paper prediction english language. The text of the prediction represents a poem composed by the emperor himself or his wife, which is accompanied by the shocking of the Shinto Priest.

Maidji Dzing. (Meiji shrine) is temple Maidzi. in Tokyo, one of the largest shinto Sanctuary countries. Located a temple in the Tokyo Park Joyoga, which covers an area of \u200b\u200b700,000 square meters. This area is covered with evergreen forests, which consist of 120,000 365 trees of various species donated to people from all over Japan. Maidji Jinggu is the most visited sacral monument in the world. Every year, this cult place is visited by 30 million tourists. The construction of the sanctuary was started in 1915, the temple was built in honor of Emperor Maidzi, who died in 1912, and his spouses Empress Syokan, who died in 1914. After their death, the creation of a sanctuary arose. The building was completed in 1920, but officially Maidzi Jingu opened in 1926, and during the Great East Asian War, so the Japanese call the second world, the sanctuary was destroyed by the Americans. The reconstruction of an existing building, which was supported by many Japanese in Japan and abroad, was completed in 1958. Having visited this temple, each tourist realizes that only the majestic ruler was able to turn Japan into a modern state.

General Type of Temple and Park

The road to the temple itself through the territory of the Tokyo Park Joyoga takes about 15 minutes from the central entrance to the park. It is laid by gravel and surrounded by very high trees. Through the tops of the pines and the trees of Gingko, the sunshine is difficult to break through, the poem is always sulk and the impression of abandonment. The twilight in the park is still kept in the hot June days, when the temperature reaches 35 degrees, which makes tourists feel soy and uncertainly surrounded by huge trees with hundredsmates. This fleet has been eliminated by flowers or falling foliage, which reminds eternal autumn. The territory surrounded by the trees of the sanctuary is a characteristic example of a unique Japanese temple architecture in traditional Nagare-Dzukuri style. During construction, cypress from Kiso was used. In the garden, all types of trees and shrubs that grow in Japan are presented.

Maidzi Jinggu is not just a temple associated with the imperial surname, this is a huge temple complex. In addition to the shrine itself, the treasury and the Palace of Ceremonies are also located here. The building of the Treasury Museum is located in the northern part of the Temple Zone. It is built of stone in architectural style Adsekura-Dzukuri. Here are various items of the time of the rule of the imperial couple. The tracks on the approaches to the temple in the fall are decorated with decorative tents with lined chrysanthemums, because this flower is a symbol of the imperial power of Japan.

The outer garden of Mayji Jingu, located approximately 0.7 miles (1.13 km) from the courtyard, is known in the world as a Japanese sports center. Its creation was completed in 1926. The external garden area is 77 acres (31.16 hectares). At the end of the alley, landed by the Ginkgo trees, there is an art gallery of Meiji Memorial, which contains 80 large frescoes illustrating the events of the emperor's life and his spouses. In the corner of the external garden there is a memorial (wedding) Hall of the Meiji, where one of the important religious actions is continued, a synthosh wedding ceremony. Previously, this building was mainly used for conferences and meetings, it was discussed by the project of the Maidzi Constitution.

Maidzi Jingu is one of the few Temples Tokyo, where you can get Ohmikji. Throwing 100 yen coins should be pulled out of a wooden drawer with paper predictions in English. Moreover, these predictions are given in the unconventional form for this genre. Visitors are pulled out as predictions-instruction poems composed by Emperor Maidzi and Empress Syokan. The royal couple became famous for the writings of poems in the style of Vaca. Extending a scroll of white, the visitor gets the poems of the Empress, and on the Salad Scroll - the works of the emperor. The interpretation composed of the syntosist priests is necessarily attached to the poems.

Sakura flowers on bare branches

People admire

Flowers hidden from view fall out of vousa.

Hitlergenda delegation visits temple of Meiji in Tokyo in September 1938.

In the afternoon in the temple, wedding ceremonies are held almost daily. Maidzi Jinggu is one of the most popular and enters the wedding temples in the country. The marriage ritual himself, during which the bride and the bride spread over three sacke's throat, after which the marriage, and actually considered prisoners, is accomplished away from prying eyes. But then the wedding procession goes to people. Slowly crossing the courtyard of the Temple, headed by the Cranusi priest, a column, as if posing for admiring spectators, but the faces of the participants are full of advantages and consciousness of the importance of the moment. Here you can see Miko - ministers of the Shinto temples. Dressed in a form, resembling a police uniform, the guards of the temple are freezing while approaching the procession and apply a hand to the trump card.

In November, the temple fill the kids in national clothing, parents lead to the temple for the blessing of children who have reached three, five and seven years old. The holiday is called City-Go-san ("seven or five to three"), it can be considered a peculiar birthday for all children who have reached this age in this year. The tradition of this holiday has more than three hundred years, it is celebrated on November 15. These ages reflected the stages of growing children. In the Middle Ages in the Aristocratic Family, the boys for the first time were put on Hakam, these are traditional men's clothing in the form of wide trousers with folds. Later, this rite began to be held at five years, it was at this age of surai represented children with their feudals, introducing them into a circle of adults. For girls, age is seven years old, since on this day they first dress the hard belt for kimono - ob. This rite, called Ob-currents (Belt Change), symbolizes the growing up, because the girl dresses as an adult woman for the first time in his life.

From Tokyo to Kamakura you can get in half an hour. It is here that the famous buddhist temple Tsurugaoka Hatimanu. Surrounded by Sakura and Azalia, Tsurugaoka Khatimangu keeps the ancient traditions of Japan and its kind produces unforgettable impression (Especially closer to the end of the spring, when trees and flowers bloom).

Hatimanu's temple of Tsurugaoka Khatimantu starts in 1063. The construction of the construction was made by the legendary Japanese commander Yuryiy Minamoto. The temple is devoted to Hatiman - the Divine, personifying a military affair.

Near the temple over one of the ponds you can see the drum bridge. If you believe legend, then a person who will be able to go through this bridge will gain longevity. But this is not just done.

Coordinates: 35.32608500,139.55643400

Church of Koku-in

The church of Cokoku is famous for the statues of the Big Buddha, located in inner courtyard Temple.

Now this huge bronze statue is the main attraction of Kamakura. Buddha He became a symbol of this ancient City As for coming here foreign tourists and for any Japanese. The Japanese call him "Daibutsu" (Daibutsu). Big Buddha declared a national treasure and annually attracts 1.2 million tourists.

Statue height with pedestal: 13.4 m

Buddha height: 11.3 m

Temple Complex Narita-San

Temple complex Narita-san is the largest Buddhist complex in Eastern Japan.

Narita-san was erected in 940. Currently, the complex includes an old and new halls of the temple, three-level pagoda of the world and other buildings.

The central object of worship is the statue of the Buddhist Divine Fudo Mø.

The temple breaks the picturesque Japanese landscape garden. The place is very visited by tourists. This is largely due to the proximity to international Airport. These tourists often come here that are limited in time between transplants, but at the same time they want to get acquainted with the culture of Japan.

Coordinates: 35.78607000,140.31838400

Temple Yakuoin

Temple Yakuoin - Temple on the top of Mount Takao, where the pilgrims come to pray to the mountainy shinto gods.

The temple was built in 744 and is dedicated to the Buddha - the patron of health. Unfortunately, for its history, the temple several times completely destroyed by fire - they were particularly strong in 1504 and 1677. Despite numerous fires, the temple was able to preserve more than two and a half thousand documents, which today can tell us about the history of the Middle Ages.

Having visited the temple on Mount Takao, you will enjoy beautiful landscapes and meet one of the most revered sacredwhich over a thousand years was the center of mining religion.

Coordinates: 35.62508800,139.24365900

Temple complex "Silver Bor"

Temple complex " Serebryany Bor"- a temple complex that includes a hundred three buildings, which are located among the magnificent nature.

Two of the main temples refer to syntoism, and one to Buddhism. Nine buildings of the complex are included in the list of Japan's national treasures.

A hundred and twenty-five kilometers from Tokyo, the temple complex initially became a cultural and religious center. The complex was built in the XVII century as Mausoleum Togugava, the founder of Sögunat. The buildings are made in the traditional style of Edo era.

Some of the most famous world attractions are three monkeys - "I see nothing, I can not hear anything, I will not say anything."

The complex is listed in UNESCO World Heritage in 1999.

Coordinates: 36.75814100,139.59913700

Temple of Daiuinboy

Within walking distance from the grave Iseas Tokugava to Nikko, the Temple of Daiyinbyo (Daiyuinbyo) with the Mausoleum of his grandson Iamitsu (Iemitsu).

Unlike IEYASU, the grandson was not deified in the Shinto Pantheon, so the mausoleum is not called the sanctuary. It is somewhat more modest along the scale, but is made in the same style of Gonggan-Dzukuri, lifestyle decorated with gold, wood carvings, sculptural images. Although Daiuinby is a Sintosist Temple, it can easily find the presence of gods and symbols of the Buddhist Pantheon. Chinese motives are dominated in the decor - with Kirnes, lions, tigers, dragons and flowers.

Coordinates: 36.75649000,139.63190500

Temple Maidji Dzing.

The Temple of Meiji Jingu is the largest shinto sanctuary in Tokyo, which is devoted to the emperor of Maidie and his wife.

The sanctuary built in 1920 was destroyed during World War II. Recovery was completed only in 1958.

Maidji Jingu is located on the territory of the Joyoga Park. The park is planted with high trees that create a constant twilight, which gives a feeling of abandonality. During Madi Dzing there is a Museum-Treasury, where various items dedicated to the rule of the imperial family are stored.

Each visitor has the opportunity to get Ohomikuji - pull out a wooden box with a prediction in English from a wooden drawer. Before that, you need to throw a coin.

Coordinates: 35.67661200,139.69935200

Temple Cantay-Boe

Cantay-Boe Temple - Central Chinese Temple of Chinaste District in Tokyo.

It was founded in 1862 by one Chinese emigrant, who, having bought the sculpture of Guan Yu, decided to establish a modern temple.

Soon after its foundation, the temple became the center of the religious life of the Chinese community. The temple has a rather tragic story. In 1923, he was destroyed by an earthquake, during World War II suffered from air attacks, and in 1981 and 1986 fires damaged. However, every time the community restored its shrine. The last stage of the restoration ended only in 2000.

Coordinates: 35.69048500,139.69144800

Church of Rinno-Ji

The temple of Rinno-Ji is the largest and old Buddhist temple in Nicko.

Initially, the directions of Nicko's religious activities were determined. The main abbot of the temple was the prince of the imperial name, which the image of the imperial coat of arms speaks on the main gate.

Inside the temple there are three large statues of Buddha, which are located in the largest hall of Sambutsudo (the hall of three Buddhas). This room is the largest temple building in Nicko. Its height is twenty-five meters, length - thirty-two.

The initial hall was destroyed in 1868 after the branch of Coto from Buddhism, but in 1887, after long restoration work, he was revived.

Coordinates: 36.75332700,139.60094000

Temple ISEE

The main religion of Japan is a synthism, where various mythical perfumes and deities are used as objects of worship. The main temple of Sintoism is the temple of ISE, which can be found in the MIE Prefecture. The temple is devoted to Amateras - the goddess of the Sun and the ancestor of the Imperial Sgorody. This temple is of particular importance in the culture of the Japanese, because they prefer to call him just jingu.

The temple of Isse is divided into two full-fledged complex. The first of them is a hike sanctuary, which is fully dedicated to Amateras. The second complex is a sanctuary of Gaku, where the main object of worship is the mythical cook Amateras and part-time the goddess of food - Tyukoe.

In addition to historical monumentsThe temple of IEE can boast gardens, gardens, salt mills and even its own sake production.

Coordinates: 34.45501400,136.72579500

Temple Futarasan

The Church of Futarasan enters the Temple Temple Complex. He was erected in honor of the Divine Mount Nan-Tai. This is the oldest building in Nikko, built in 1617.

For many years, the temple belonged to Songyndo sect, who sought ways to save the soul in the asceticism of mountain hermits. Over time, the temple has grown, and its individual structures were scattered around Nicko's neighborhoods. On the Day of the holiday of Yayoi Matsuri (April 13-17), on the territory of Futurasman Dzzinzya, the ideas of ritual dancing kagura are held. But if desired, any pilgrim can order the performance of dance kagura and on other days for a reasonable fee. The sanctuary of Futarasan reflects the idea of \u200b\u200ba synthist worship of nature.

Coordinates: 36.75851900,139.59648400

Church in honor of the Ascension of Christ

In 1871, Archimandrite Nikolai moves to Tokyo. In the outskirts of Surugaday, in a quarter allotted for foreigners, he acquires a plot of land and starts building a mission building with a small house temple with it. But, as the mission is erected, the number of parishioners of the temple is significantly increasing, and by the end of the 70s the question arises about the need to build a large Orthodox church. On the purchased plot of land on the hill of Surugaday, where the Orthodox mission was located, did not have enough space for such a grand cathedral. It was necessary to make an artificial embankment of a fairly high height, strengthening her pine pile. All the work was carried out with special care due to complex seismic conditions and, as Nikolai himself said, "there was nothing designed for luxury." The Cathedral was laid in March 1884, it lasted it for 7 years.

Temple Zoyoia

Zojoji Temple (Zojoji Temple) - Here are a rows of small statues of Jizobosacu (keeper of the shower of stillborn children), some are dressed in children's clothing and keep the turntables. One of the strangest and touching spectacles in the city.

Shinto temple Maidzi

The largest Shinto temple of Japan is located in Tokyo. The Temple of Meiji Jingu covers a territory of 700 thousand square meters and is the center of pilgrimage of all believers. The peak of visits to the temple of Maji falls on New Year's holidays.

The Temple of Meiji Jingu is relatively young - its construction began in 1915, three years after the death of Emperor Maidzi. The name of this person is inscribed by gold letters in the history of Japan, it was thanks to him Japan got out of the deep Middle Ages.

The opening of the Temple of Maidie took place in 1926. Subsequently, the temple suffered greatly under the American bombers during World War II. Reconstruction lasted for several years, acquired its current species of the temple only in 1958.

Coordinates: 35.67640200,139.69930200

Buddhist temple goddess Mercy Canon

One of the main attractions of the Tokyo district of Asakus is definitely the temple of the goddess Cannon. The amazing temple leads its history since 628.

Locals are pleased to tell the legend about the appearance of the temple. Their stories tell about two fishermen, which once caught the statuette of the goddess Cannon from the local river. Either frightened, or not knowing what to do, the brothers threw a statuette back. But not there was something - the figurine again came on the hook. Having learned about it, the village of the village took the statuette of the brothers and put it in his house, thereby turning it into the temple. Subsequently, the improvised temple was waiting for large changes.

Today, the huge roof of the Kannon Temple is visible from anywhere in the area of \u200b\u200bAsakus. Thanks to the exquisite architecture, the temple is of great popularity among tourists.

Coordinates: 35.31300200,139.53392000

Temple Asakus Cannon

The Temple of Asakus Cannon, also known as Sense-Ji, - ancient templewhich is located in the lively area of \u200b\u200bAsakus and leads its history from the 7th century.

According to the legend, the 5-centimeter statue of the goddess Cannon, stored in the Altar of the Temple, was caught by fishermen in the waters of the Sumida River in 628. Rustic Street brought it into his house, which later announced the temple of the goddess.

After fires that destroyed the construction, but not the statue itself, in this place in 645 the majestic temple was built, which received recognition even on the part of Sögunov, the military rulers of the country.

Unfortunately, the main hall of Cannon-to, which existed since 1651, the famous Pyhyseral Pagoda and a massive gate were destroyed during World War II. The current buildings of the temple are a reinforced concrete copy of their predecessors.

In Tokyo Park, Joyoga is the most popular Shinto Church of Tokyo - Maidji Jing. The history of this Shinto sanctuary is relatively small, this year is 90 years old, age for the Temple "Infant". The decision to create in the capital of Japan of this sanctuary was accepted shortly after the death of Emperor Maidzi (1852-1912) and his spouse, Empress Syokan (1850-1914). Years of the reign of this imperial couple fell on the difficult years of the country's formation after liquidation in 1868 the medieval system of the Military Board (Sögunat). For historically, the shortest time the country managed to get rid of medieval remnants, to adopt the positive experience of developed countries, both in the economic and social spheres. These changes the people of Japan largely connected with the efforts of Emperor Maidzi. Therefore, the enthusiasm is clear with which ordinary Japanese meets the decision to create in the capital of the sanctuary of Maidji Jing. Emperor Maidzi was buried in Kyoto, but the new sanctuary, in accordance with the traditions of Shintoism, was intended for the residence of the spirit of the imperial couple. The former estate of AI passed to the property of the imperial house. And the emperor Maidzi himself, and his spouse was more than once here. For them, a tea house was built on the shore of the pond, the platform for fishing. In the inner garden, the main building of the temple and the treasure repository (personal belongings of the Imperial Fi Maidzi) were posted. The sanctuary is built of Japanese cypress wood, resistant to moisture. Therefore, the walls did not even cover the paint. The roof of the temple is covered with copper sheets. Having acquired a green patina over time, they helped the sanctuary to organically fit into the greens of the surrounding park. As it is characteristic of any Shinto temple, you can only go to the sanctuary only under the sacred gates of Thoria. To build the gate of Maidzi Jingu from Taiwan (he at that time was located in the Japanese Empire) were brought trunks of huge 1500-year-old cypress trees that grew up on Mount Ari. In the girth, these trunks were almost 4 m. Of these, the largest gates in the country with a height of 12 m were erected, separating the inner, sacral, the zone of the sanctuary from the external, worldly. And on the territory of Gaien, a memorial picture gallery was erected, where 80 paintings are stored, reflecting the stages of the life of Emperor Maidzi, the memorial hall used now for the wedding ceremonies in the Shinto rite, and the National Stadium. No matter how large there were construction work, the main efforts had to spend on creating a temple park. A real forest of 120 thousand trees rose around the temple on 8.3g land. Since the seedlings sent a variety of varieties and varieties, the environment of Maidzi Jingu was partly reminded botanical Garden With a magnificent selection of national flora. The construction of the sanctuary was completed in 1920, and after a few years he was surrounded by green bush with cozy paths, opening a slow pedestrian, almost every step and new species, often reflected in the lakes in the mirrors. Amazingly, Maidji Jingu is attended daily thousands of believers, pilgrims, tourists, but in the surrounding park you can always find solitude and peace, which even the sounds of the surrounding megalpolis, who are not able to break through the thick foliage. On season, the park decorate floral glades - azaleas, irises, roses, water lilies, wisteria. The history of the existence of Maidzi Jing is short, but it did not save the temple from shocks. IN last year Second World War american bombers The sliced \u200b\u200bbombs destroyed the sanctuary. Only in November 1958, the efforts of thousands of volunteers, the temple and the park were restored. It demanded a huge amount of amounts - 600 million yen (1.67 million dollars), which was collected by subscription. The sanctuary is not only a tribute to the memory of Emperor Meiji. Thousands of people come here with their prayers. It is enough to buy for 500 yen Wooden nameplate of the Ema, write a desire on her back side, hang a sign on any woody knot or bush (all plants in Gaien and Naison are considered sacred), and prayer is guaranteed to reach Divine

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