Valley of Monuments, USA: description, photos, where is on the map, how to get there. Monument valley - how to go to yourself and what the American state with the valley of monuments

- Sunset at the 13th Mile 163 Highway, Monument Valley (Monument Valley)

Acquaintance with America

Road to Monument Valley

Icon Western

Monument Valley (Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park) - This is a desert valley, on the border of Utah and Arizona, with monolithic boulders and flat mountains. She is known to the world thanks to the Western films. After all, landscape Valley of Monuments is among the 100 most famous miracles Nature, which makes this place a very lively tourist attraction. Separately standing in the flat sandy desert huge red cutlery mountains, sharp peaks and steep slopes, countless times were removed in the films and scored an urokomin in a photo in colorful magazines.

Being in the States and visit this place, we counted mandatory. In addition, it is on the road from Moab to Regge. At 13:30 we entered the park.

- Rock formation "Sitting Chicken" (Setting Hen)

- Parking in front of the Navajo Tribal Center Information Center

Parking was full and tours left every 15 minutes. As we found out, the last tour began on! 8: 00. If you look at the card that I cite at the end of the post, the tour marked with a red line cost $ 75 USD, and black - $ 85 USD. But first, I decided to visit the information center, buy souvenirs and take a little rest from the road. In the lobby of the hotel, which is connected to the information center, was quiet, cozy and opened a wonderful view of the valley.

- The View Hotel, Monument Valley (Monument Valley)

- Lobby hotel

- Classic view from the Navajo Tribal Center information center, Monument Valley (Monument Valley). Rock formations West Mitten Butte (Right), East Mitten (center), Merrick Butte

If you wish, you can not pay $ 75 USD for a small circle along the valley, and on your car to ride. It will take it two hours, but after the whole car will be in red dust, as two photos below. We did not want to go to the crowd of cars and making already covered pictures of the "Mittens" (Mittens) from the lower angles. We decided to ask the guides, can I make individual tour Overnight.

It turned out, you can make such a tour of the tour option, but it will be not a humane money. They made an assessment of their strength and time, after which they decided not to urge the car off-road valley, regret the forces of the only driver and limited to shooting with easily accessible viewpoints.

- We will find out the price of an individual tour

- These are Tami Returning Machines with Self Tours by Velley Road

In the photo below, behind people, you see sightseeing machines. They are open. Those. With a tour in such a car, you yourself will be returned in red dust, and what will be not clear with the phototechnic.

- At the current Indians, iron horses for off-road.

- "You deserve trust" - Local Dog in Parking

- Indian girl in national clothes. By request for photographing.
- Another classic sunset view from the Navajo Tribal Center information center.

As it turns out, it is also interesting in the viewgrounds. People order photos with Indians in national costumes. I managed to take a picture of one such model after the photo session.

- We are leaving the Monument Valley (Monument Valley). Brigham's Tomb

The sun sits down and we need to 13 miles at 163 highways. We planned to shoot a sunset from there.

- The last rays of the sunset on the 13th mile 163 of the highway, the Monument Valley (Monument Valley). Rock formations on the right left - "Brigham's Tomb" (Brigham's Tomb), "King on his throne" (The King On His Throne), "StageCoach", "Bear and Hare" (Bear and Rabbit) and "Gray mustache" (Gray Whiskers).

- Monument Valley Map (Monument Valley)

To be continued.

Acquaintance with America
part 1 -
part 2 -
Part 3 - Plateau Colorado

- Canyon Bryce (Bryce Canyon) -

National symbol and Hollywood Western; A unique geological attraction, located partially in Arizona partially in Utah. Sometimes this plain is called the monument valley. It is located on the territory of the reserve of the indigenous Indian population of Navajo. It is included in the version of our site.

This miracle of nature is located in the heart of a huge plateau right on the border of two states. Who would have thought that such landscapes could be created not by a person, but only dried winds, extinguishing sand cliffs for millions of years. Historically, this territory is enshrined behind the Indians of the Navajo tribe. They still live in the area of \u200b\u200bthe valley, without needing in modern amenities such as water supply, electricity. Usually, excursion tours Provide a visit to the Indian settlements.

It is noteworthy that juniper and sage are growing on the expanses of the valleys. These plants look impurities against the background of reddish rocks. The height of rock remains varies from 12 to 300 meters. One of the 300-meter gigids is called "Castle", since it is crowned with teeth. Other the most famous formations include two boulders called "mittens". One of them "Eastern", the other - "Western". They from the main part of individual formations resemble thumbs in the mittens, which is why such a name has been fixed.

The valley of the monument is considered to be a prototype of Hollywood Western. And, indeed, against the background of these pictorial rocks, not one-minded "cowboy" film in the style of the Wild West was filmed. For the first time, unique landscapes appeared in the western "Dilizhans" (1938).

The park is open for visits year-round from early morning. Opening hours vary depending on the season. At the entrance, tourists get a scheme with a route that is allowed to move. Remote corners of the valley can be explored both on horseback and jeep. On the public transport It is impossible to get to sights, because there is no such. As a rule, here come on a rented car from nearby cities or airports. Las Vegas is about 640 km, to the southern tip of Grand Canyon - 270 km.

Photo Attractions: Monument Valley

Monument valley in the USA - one of the wonders of the world, mandatory for viewing! Red Rock Poles, Blue Sky, Plain, Playing Flows Depending on Lighting, - Such bright paints, silence and majestic expanses make up the landscape of the valley.

E. that unique place Attracts with its effectiveness and unearthly beauty, here the mountains located in the distance from each other on a flat plain are highly up, and each mountain is not similar to the neighboring.

Location of the Valley of Monuments

Located on the border of the southeastern part of Utah and the northeast, Arizona Valley of Monuments or monuments covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 330 thousand km 2. The correct naming of the valley on - Navajo Tribal Park Monument Valley, it is this name that needs to be shipped into the navigator. Coordinates of Plateau 39 0 59 'S.Sh., 110 0 06' ZD

Back in the past: how the monument valley was formed in America

Only time, water and winds created this miracle of nature, a person did not participate in this centuries-old process.

How the Valley of Monuments in Arizona was formed, geologists were determined in 19th Art. In the time of the Mesozoic, there was a sea at the place of Plateau Colorado, the bottom of it was a cluster of sandy layers. At the end of the Mesozoic era, tectonic processes changed the earth surface, and the seabed rose up, forming a plateau. The soft rocks were weathered and blurred until only the risen remains were left over the plain, consisting of dense layers of red sandstone. At first, the cliffs were flat cutlery mountains, but then, as a result of the effects of air and water, they became like columns, spiers and towers. The highest of them reach a height of 300 m.

Scientists distinguish between several types of rocks in the Monument Valley:

  • dutch Mountains - Mesa;
  • the rock is thinning and decreases, acquiring the relief - Butte;
  • the last stage when the rock becomes like a spire - spire.

Confirmation that in these places there were ambitious tectonic changes, it is also the fact that the Grand Canyon is located on only 300 km from the Monument Valley - one more unique natural place.

Unique rock formations

Going to look at the American Miracle, the valley of the monument, it is worth knowing that each bizarre rock shape has the name to which the Navajo tribe indians were denotedly, have long been inhabited on this earth, or the first American settlers.

The Yei Bi Chei's rock was named after Navajo's tribal spirits, The East and West Mitten Buyyes are similar to the hands, which, according to Indians, belong to the gods. Near Rain God Place the worship of the Rain God.

There are rocks that received names for the external similarity with a camel, a cowboy boot, an elephant or a hub of the railway wheel. SAMI famous mountain - This is the Three Sisters. The valley of the monuments is the land of Martian landscapes, it has become a source of inspiration for many artists and artists. In their honor, the name of the mountain John Ford's Point and Artist's Point was called.

Monument Valley - only a small part of the National Park Navajo Tribal Park belonging to the Indian tribe.

Once Navao lived here in reservation, but then managed to attract tourists, offering them a lot of entertainment in addition to unique natural weighing.

What else can be seen in the valley of the monuments?

  1. Hogan Village. This is the Indian village in which the colorful national life is presented. Instead of houses - tents, different for men and women. Women live in tents with a round roof, men - in pointed. Houses are heated by foci. In the village, Indians often spend a variety of ceremonies.
  2. Park area of \u200b\u200bstone arches. Similar to sandstone jet bridges wear poetic names Dark Angel, heavenly arch, outfit of the old Virgin, farewell. The strongest impression leaves a huge next to the Bridge Creek drying river. This stone arch high with a height of 100 and a width of 10 m distinguishes with gentle shades of brown, blue, pink, red, and the bridge is distinguished by amazing symmetry.
  3. In the desert Pailed in the south there is a stunning imagination of the forest, because the trees are not alive in it, but stone. It is assumed that the wood of petrified is still during the Mesozoic period. The largest exhibits have their own names, sounding poetic: Crystal Forest, Yashmovy Forest, Blue Mountain. In the chips of huge corporate, reaching a height of 30 m with a barrel diameter of up to 2 m, onyx crystals, jasper, quartz are visible to the naked eye.
  4. Behind the forest is a temple made of stone trunks. The Temple of Agathy House attracts tourists with its powerful energy acting on each incoming.
  5. Place, compulsory for visiting, - viewpoint John Ford "s Point. It was this point that served as a scene for most filmtin, taken in the park. In addition, hence the amazing species photos are obtained.

Methods of moving along the valley

Although the monument valley occupies a significant part of the Colorado Plateau, only a small territory is open to visitors. To examine everything for 1 day in different ways:

  1. By car. The ring route is 27 km. Stops are allowed only in allocated places, but at these points the most beautiful views Environmental. It is impossible to get lost, because the track is indicated by the verst columns and pointers. You can go by car yourself, and it is possible as part of an organized group on a jeep or bus. In this case, there is a chance to get into closed areas, see the most picturesque places And listen to fascinating stories of the Indian Guide. Excursions last as 3 hours and all day.
  2. At horse. Such an adventure does not leave anyone indifferent. The horse can be hired for an hour or all day.
  3. Walking. The best option for those who want to get acquainted with the valley of monuments. For tourists are offered tracks with a length of 3 km and duration of several hours before the day. The most interesting is called Wildcat Natural Walk, it passes by the main attractions of the park. Going within walking distance, a visit-center you need to store the map of the area and the description of the route, as well as follow the rules: do not deviate from the marked pointers, take water and wear the right shoes.

What can not be done in the park

The Indians carefully guard and protect their territory, so it is worth carefully treating them, especially since they are not so many:

  • do not take pictures of Indians without permission;
  • do not enter Indian houses;
  • do not go and not go off the route trail;
  • do not climb on the rocks;
  • do not drink alcohol.

A good tone is considered after the excursion to buy several souvenirs, especially since there is something in the shop. Indian decorations made of silver, woven mats and blankets, charms and figurines will become an excellent gift for relatives.

The cost of visiting Park

The entrance to the Indian territory is paid according to the tariffs established by Navajo, no discounts and benefits of those that are applied in others national Parks USA do not work here.

The cheaper of the total visits to the monument valley will cost a lonely tourist - only 6 dollars. For a motorcycle will have to pay the same amount. For the right to stop for the night and spend 24 hours in the valley it is necessary to pay $ 12. The passage of the car is paid on the basis of its dimensions (no one has canceled the fee for passengers) and ranges from $ 20 per passenger cars with 4 passengers to $ 300 per tourist bus.

How Park works

Attending the Monument Valley is interesting at any time of the year, but it is worthwhile to take into account the mode of operation of the park. From May to September, the museum and for a walk can be sent from 8 to 20 hours, from October to April - from 8 to 17 hours. For trips around the territory, there also also has its time: from October to April - from 8 to 17 hours, from May to September - from 6 to 20:30.

Where you can stop

When going to enjoy the views in the valley of the monuments and make stunning photos, you will have to stay late. After all, exceptional photos of rock towers are obtained at sunrise or sunset. You can relax and spend the night in a park hotel.

How to get to the valley

Getting to the valley of monuments is the easiest of all from New York. To do this, it is necessary to transfer from the Big Apple to the flight to Flagstaff, there at the airport to rent a car and drive about 300 km.

From Las Vegas to the Valley will have to drive 640 km.

You can only get to the venues of unique weathereds on the highway on the car or bus.

The valley of the monuments became for many Hollywood blockbusters, among them all known "Forrest Gump", "Back to the Future 3" and others.

From the Navao Indian language, the name of the monument valley is translated as "place between rocks, where there is no tree."

If suddenly, on the screen of your TV, you will see two brutal guys standing opposite each other and ready to grab the colts of the leather holster and lightly lay the opponent directly opposite Salun, only waiting for the slightest reason, you already know that this film from Western genre. Liche Cowboys rushing through the Prairies, catching up Indians (well, or vice versa), the leader of the Redhead smokes the tube of the world and bursts the ax of the war, all this action is accompanied by a friend from childhood music and ... classic wild West scenery. With a lot of probability, in these films in the background you will see one of the most large-scale, famous and just beautiful sights of America is the monument valley.

Just do not say that you have not watched Western and have not seen these landscapes.

This is not scenery, this is a real place. The valley of the monument is located immediately in the two American states of Arizona and Utah directly on their border, in the territory of the land of the Indians of the Navajo tribe. The Indians themselves called this territory "the place between the cliffs where there are no trees." Rocks are part of the Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park Park, which belongs to the Navajo tribe.

Monument Valley on the map

  • Geographic coordinates 36.979380, -110.086430
  • Distance from USA's capital Washington about 2900 km in a straight line
  • To the nearest airport Monument Valley (Monument Valley Airport) approximately 11 km, but it is not capable of taking large aircraft, it is rather a small airfield for light pleasure aircraft
  • Nearest international Airport Phoenix Sky Harbor at 430 km. South

The valley of the monument is the rocks that remained after the endless weathered part of the Colorado Plateau. Soften rocks were destroyed by erosion over time, and more dense rocks from red sandstone are now towered over the prairies. These rocks geologists are called the remains. But they are susceptible to destruction. Look, around rocks are visible characteristic of sand and fragments of rocks.

The process of forming such mountains as much as possible to the process of the appearance of giant stone mushrooms in the tract of accumulating in Altai.

Awesome and unrealistic looks of huge cliffs in the middle of the plains covered with stupid vegetation.
The most famous cliffs of the monument valleys even have their own names. These are three sisters, Eastern and Western mittens. If you look at these mittens issued, the feeling is created that they are a mirror reflection of each other.

Eastern and Western mittens (left and in the center)
Three sisters. Most likely in the center younger

If you visit the valley, you should pay attention to another attraction. In 30 kilometers to the northeast, one of the most unusual natural sculptures in the world was sheltered - Mexican Hat (Mexican Hat, or simply Sombrero). This amazing education weighs dozens of tons and balances almost at the end of the needle, hundreds of years ignoring the laws of gravity. The size of Mexican Hat is about 18 meters wide and up to 3.7 meters in thickness. This education is located in the town area with the same name.

The immigrants were able to see and attend the monument valley only in the second half of the 19th century, when the bloody wars with the Indians approached completion. But the whole world found out about this attractions only in the first half of the 20th century. At that time, Harry Gaulding was settled in these places and organized a small firm. He expected that the beauty of the valley would attract travelers. But things went crying. As many as 10 years, Harry almost "trampled in place." But one day he decided and went to Hollywood with photographs of the monument valley. Not immediately they attracted directors. Harry, along with his photographs, was constantly sent to different cabinets until he was in the field of view of the director John Ford. He liked the photo of the Valley of the Monument, and as a result, in 1938, Western appeared under the name "Dilizhans". Since then, the landmarks have spread over the planet, and Harry Gaulding's affairs went to the mountain.

Later, not only classic westerns were removed here, but also scenes of such well-known films as "gold Mackenna", the second and third part "back to the future", Forest Gump and many others. Musical and advertising clips have repeatedly shot.

Since the land and park belong to the Indians, then you will have to pay for the right there to visit.
The park is actually open for tourists yearly, but has certain hours of operation. In the summer, from May to September from 8 am to 8 pm. In winter, from October to April from 8 am to 5 pm.

You can watch the monument valley on foot, for this there is a small route. Horse riding, feeling like a cowboy or an Indian. But the optimal option is to ride by car. On the territory of the Park, the road is laid with parkings from the most famous and remarkable rocks. You can walk along the valley yourself or as part of an organized tourist group with guide.

Rules for visiting the valley of monuments

  • be sure to comply with all signs and pointers installed in the park
  • it is forbidden to deviate and go from the route (but sometimes it is allowed for groups accompanied by a guide)
  • for shooting professional photos and video, it is necessary to obtain permission. On ordinary tourists it does not apply, but professionals gives a tripod and dear photo and video equipment
  • park can be visited with animals, but they must be kept on a leash
  • use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited
  • alpinism is not allowed
  • cannot pick up stones and plants
  • local residents can not take pictures without permission

Valley of photo monuments

See also: