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“... The impression was that the stone vaults were not the work of someone else's hands - human or someone else. As if they formed by themselves, from the time of the first shifts on the wrinkled face of the old woman-Earth. Geological layers, like a zealous architect, far-sightedly created the phenomenon, pursuing hidden goals beyond the control of momentary reason ... "

In the world of Zidia, a catastrophe occurred 600 years ago, later called the Fall. Under the blows of the allies, the Empire of Night, created by the vampires, collapsed. And today, the pitiful remnants of their people are hiding around the world in the hope of surviving and finding the Stone of Night, a powerful artifact that gives the opportunity to return to its former greatness. The return mission is entrusted to Paola, a vampire whose chance encounter transformed her into an exceptional entity. But on the way there are many obstacles, which are almost impossible to overcome alone. The cover design uses the image of a fragment of the illustration "Paola" licensed from the Diaries.Online Project. Author Boris Adzhiev.

Since the time of Count Dracula, vampires have not ceased to excite the imagination of people, and one of the main reasons for this interest is undoubtedly the aesthetic side: a vampire is always beautiful, aristocratic and mysterious. On the other hand, he is still a killer ... Can't there be "good vampires"? And if this is possible, how could it be realized "technically"? The acclaimed TV series "The Vampire Diaries", which takes place in the town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, today, tries to answer this question. Like everyone Old city- and one hundred and fifty years for America is age, - Mystic Falls is full of sinister secrets. And the worst of them is that this peaceful-looking town has been a nest of vampires since the Civil War. Some of them have "survived" to this day. The book tells about the series, its ideology, about the actors, examines the topic of vampires in modern popular culture.

The bloody curse of the Counts Dracula-Cardi ... The story of how a powerful vampire - the Master - reigned in the ancestral castle, sowing death and horror among the surrounding residents. The unusual novel "Vampires" can be considered the backstory of Bram Stoker's "Dracula". The reader is offered a cocktail of mysticism and mystification, flavored with gothic horrors. This mixture is intriguing and mesmerizing, and the novel harmoniously coexists with the beautiful stories of Bram Stoker, who is clearly imitated by the baron, hiding under the pseudonym b. Olshevri.

The man's long-standing fear of otherworldly evil spirits gave rise to many myths, legends and traditions that later became classical. The irrepressible imagination of science fiction writers has given these stories new voices, inscribed many shades in a gloomy palette of horror, decay and blood. Even Hollywood, led by Brad Pitt, is hosting a marathon of nightmares in the film adaptation of the cult novel World War Z! What do Russian science fiction writers think about this? 10 leading Russian authors demonstrate their views on the zombie apocalyptic for the first time!

Book from the series "Kindrat"
Winter in the Capital promises to be severe, and it seems that not all blood brothers will survive it. The huge, frozen city froze in fear, waiting for imminent changes that will change everyone forever. Dark secrets that have slept for millennia have been awakened and envelop the metropolis with an invisible web of danger. Anyone who touches the deadly threads runs the risk of not seeing the next night. But the masters of Death follow their own difficult path, despite the losses.

Baron Olshevri "Vampires. From the family chronicle of the Counts Dracula-Cardi"

Novel "Vampires" was written in 1912, after the publication of the Russian translation of the famous "Dracula" by Bram Stoker, and is a prehistory of the events unfolding in this work. The book tells how the young heir of the Dracula family, who came from America to Transylvania to take possession of the family castle, is looking for the necessary documents. He and his friends manage to find a number of amazing testimonies, and the acquisition of each of them is accompanied by a series of amazing and tragic events.


  1. Alexander Anderson - House of Monsters
  2. Irina Cherkashina - Easy road to you
  3. Alexey Melnik - At the grave of Stephen King
  4. Alexey Sholokhov - Black Queen
  5. Tatiana Levchenko - Doll
  6. Marina Rybnikova - Sunny Bunny
  7. Olga Sukhanova - Passenger
  8. Tatiana Kigim - Black Undertaker
  9. Yuri Shimanovsky - Azure
  10. Sergey Shamanov - Red dress


  1. Sergey Shamanov - Knocking
  2. Natalya Shcherba - Lose weight for others
  3. Oleg Kozhin - Min Bol
  4. Artyom Beloglazov - Machine gun Maxim
  5. Justina South - Blue Glass
  6. Victor Kolyuzhnyak - The rainy season
  7. Evgeniya Khal, Ilya Khal - Parsley or wormwood
  8. Alexander Romashikhin - Puppeteer
  9. John Maverick - Yonic's Gray Sky
  10. Marina Yasinskaya - Sound engineer


Vyacheslav Denisov "Forgotten Alive"

Luxury transatlantic liner Cassandra, chartered by a little-known travel company, commits sea ​​cruise from Havana to Bermuda. There are more than a thousand passengers on board: Italians, French, Americans, Russians, Germans ... They all enjoy the trip, bask in the sun, swim in the pools, play billiards, talk and drink in the bar ... And only a few of them find a lot of things strange here: none of the guests of the ship has ever seen the captain, his assistant gives inaccurate coordinates of their location, the representative of the travel agency who accompanied the first class passengers mysteriously disappears ... Doubts are somewhat dispelled when the tourists are announced that they have prepared a surprise for them - a small one day excursion on the uninhabited island with a unique nature untouched by civilization. And in order to keep the surprise a secret, the captain's mate had to darken with the coordinates ... Pleasure boats set off from the "Kassandra" to the island, shrouded in dense fog. They will return back in a few hours, but without passengers ...


Michael Gray "Horror Room"

The book features thrillers by Michael Gray "Horror Room" and "Horror Room II".

"Horror room". They are extremely lucky! Bob Brier, a single father of two newly-grown daughters, Bounty (Generosity) and Harvest (Harvest), and divorcing mother Rebekah Halifax, the mother of two teenagers Rob and Jamie, have an unexpected legacy. Two families bequeathed a huge fortune in the form of a rich estate and possibly a hidden treasure! However, they had to heed the warnings! Dead insects! Encrypted messages! And finally, the discovery of the frightening leaden room.

Now they have only one chance to escape, and it is in the hands of the strongest, but also the most dangerous of them all.

Horror Room II. There is no longer the old gloomy house, there are no people who lived in it, but IT has not completely disappeared! IT has lurked for the time being and is only waiting in the wings. And the hour has come! A new ultra-modern multi-storey complex was built on the site of the ruins. It has everything! And luxurious apartments, and spacious halls, and gyms, and restaurants, and a swimming pool, but most importantly, people appeared in it! People ... with their feelings, passions, fears, pain. It's feeding time! Feeding and Breeding!


Mikhail Bulgakov "White Guard"

Bulgakov writes about events civil war in Kiev in hot pursuit. The impressions from them are still alive and burn the author with their fire. And in the center of the narrative are representatives of the old world, whose usual way of life, so beloved by them, was blown up. Something fantastic is happening in the world. All events appear in the haze of special sensations of the heroes, sometimes like a dream, like an obsession.


Andrey Dashkov "Lazar, or the Journey of a Suicide Bomber"

The action takes place today.

The diagnosis is disappointing - the main character learns that he has only a few weeks left to live. Rejecting the offer to spend the rest of his days in the hospice, he leaves the hospital, sits in a taxi that has arrived on call, and from that moment a struggle for his soul begins between various mystical forces personified by a taxi driver who calls himself the Raven, and others who appear to him in different humanoid guises ...

He makes a strange journey in search of lost meaning, in pursuit of elusive life and rapidly disappearing time. With the assistance of a taxi driver-guide, whose presence is only more confusing, Lazarus will have to visit places that sometimes seem to him to be distorted projections of his memory, hopes, visions and ideas about a better or worse world, about earthly paradise and hell. Painful sobering awaits him every time. But he has nothing to lose, and to the last he clings to the chance to gain, if not salvation, then at least a little to satisfy the agonizing thirst for true life.


Bram Stoker "Dracula"

Novel Bram Stoker- a classic of the vampire genre, and the count Dracula- a truly eternal image, embodied in many film adaptations and has become a symbol of all the most insidious and mysterious that human fantasy is only capable of. The heroes of the novel will tell you about their nightmarish encounters with Dracula.

The girl Lucy, who received a fatal bite and gradually becomes a vampire, her lover, who does not find a place for himself from despair, a courageous doctor who recognizes the ominous symptoms ...

Excerpts from their diaries and letters will step by step bring you closer to unraveling the terrible mystery.


Dmitry Sillov "Blood of the Hunter"

This is what it is, our world, in fact. Humanity is just living food for evil spirits - werewolves and vampires.

These creatures fight mercilessly among themselves, but for people, it makes no difference who will eat them.

But reckoning is already coming. Her name is Hunter.

In his veins flows the blood of people, lycans and bloodsuckers.

In his heart is a merciless hatred of enemies.

His life is a deadly battle with the Ancient Evil.

Sword blows and the whistle of charmed bullets.

Special forces soldier Andrei Kraev came to this world to return it to the People!


Lisa Jane Smith "The Vampire Diaries. The Hunger"

Elena - the "golden" girl, the pride of the school and the queen of the prom, is gradually plunging into a dark maelstrom of vampire secrets. Stefan - her hero, a dark-haired handsome man, in despair tries to protect Elena from his cruel brother. But for this he must break his oath and succumb to the overwhelming thirst for human blood. Damon - Stefan's vicious brother, wants to fight off his beloved, making her his Queen of Shadows. He needs Elena, and he will do anything to get her body. And get her soul.
"The Vampire Diaries" is the story of a deadly fight between the vampire brothers for the beautiful Elena, torn between them.

Cycle "The Vampire Diaries":

  1. Awakening
  2. Hunger
  3. Rage
  4. Dark Alliance


Lisa Jane Smith "The Vampire Diaries. Dark Alliance"

Elena - the "golden" girl and the queen of the prom - gradually plunges into the dark maelstrom of vampire secrets. The city is gripped by fear. The mysterious Other Power, about which no one knows anything for sure, finds more and more victims. One of Elena's friends dies under strange circumstances. Who is next? Elena, turned into a vampire, and two vampire brothers Stefan and Damon help local residents defeat a demonic entity that threatens the city. Who will win this bloody battle?

Cykl "The Vampire Diaries":

  1. Awakening
  2. Hunger
  3. Rage
  4. Dark Alliance


Andrey Valentinov "Challenge"

The fight with the forces of Evil, who do not want to lose power over a huge country, continues. Losses in this fight are inevitable. But Nikolai Lunin does not lose hope. Rescuing a mysterious guest from the past, he shelters her strange place outside space and time - a refuge where many old Bolsheviks hid during the years of Stalin's repressions. Meanwhile, Dhar Frol Solomatin returns to his people, who took refuge in the deep Ural forests decades ago - perhaps ancient legends will give him a weapon capable of withstanding a powerful enemy?


Yaroslav Verov "Mr. Chichikov. Dead souls of the city N"

In the provincial city ​​N a certain one arrives Mr. Chichikov... True, not in a chaise, but in a Mercy. And what do you think he's starting to do? Yes, he buys up dead souls! We will not explain in detail what kind of souls they are and why the lord Chichicoin buys them. (Otherwise, it will not be so interesting to listen to.) Let us say, however, that his violent activity evokes a response from the powers that be. At the mayor, at the employees of the security service and the prosecutor's office, at the small brothers and at the unofficial owner of the city ...


Alexandre Dumas "A Thousand and One Ghost"

Vampires! How in our age of electronic entertainment, these dracula managed to become a hit of both fashion and gags of young people? How did medieval horror stories transform our yellow-faced youths into mystical Goths? But there is a more interesting question. How could the most popular storyteller of the planet have foreseen such a turn of events, and even a century and a half before the phenomenon itself? Strikingly modern. As if it was written yesterday. Only more talented and better. But such is A. Dumas! And the theme of devilry - ghouls, severed heads, if he takes on it - becomes his theme. So, stock up on courage and valerian and tremble. But also laugh heartily! How can the brilliant A. Dumas do without this!


Edgar Poe "The Golden Beetle"

E. Po Born in Boston to a family of itinerant actors. After the death of his mother in 1811 Edgar separated from his brother and sister - he was taken up by the family of the tobacco merchant John Allan. He studied at the University of Virginia, but due to the stinginess of his stepfather and gambling debts, he was forced to leave the university, and later the military academy. He made his debut as a poet in the collection Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827). After his short story "The Manuscript Found in a Bottle" (1836) won the competition for the best novel, Poe became editor of the magazine "Southern Literary Bulletin"; he also headed other literary publications. In 1836 he married his 14-year-old cousin Virginia. In 1838, The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym was published, and in 1840 the collection Grotesques and Arabesques was published in two volumes. After Virginia's death in 1847, Poe became depressed, tried to commit suicide, became addicted to alcohol, and died two years later.

A story about treasures, the key to the location of which has been encrypted. One of the heroes managed to solve it using an ingenious system of counting cipher signs and comparison with the frequency of use of letters in the English language.

And again Lestat, the hero of the famous "Vampire Chronicles", turns to his admirers to tell them about exciting and incredible events. On a farm lost in the swamps, where Lestat arrives, Mona Mayfair appears, escaped from the medical center and suffering from an incurable disease. To save.....

Could the young herbalist Shadow have guessed that her admission to the magic academy would turn into a series of mysterious events? The measured everyday life of the faculty of necromancy, the summoning of ghosts and the revival of evil spirits did not last long. Having become a victim of someone else's hunt and fleeing from assassins from the powerful Brotherhood of Light, she .....

TV journalist Elena Davydova did not advertise her gift, so as not to be seen as crazy: she had magical abilities and carried out orders - she investigated frightening incidents in which mysticism was involved. And now she came to a tourist camp for rich lovers of exotic holidays ...

The Moroi royal court hums like a beehive. In broad daylight, the unknown kidnapped the beautiful Jill - the sister of the reigning queen Lissa. And of course, newlyweds Adrian and Sidney, who escaped from the enraged alchemists, offer their help. For Sydney, the search for the princess is an opportunity to forget about ...

The world of Others is going crazy, and the spiral of events is tighter and tighter around a modest artist from Novosibirsk, traveling across Asia with a backpack on her shoulders. She does not want to accept a magical gift and a world divided into Light and Dark. Who is she -.....

Family is strength. A thousand years ago, the Ancient Vampires swore to each other that they would remain together forever. But even if you are immortal, it is difficult to keep promises. The Ancient vampires Mikaelson, brothers Klaus and Elijah, who arrived in New Orleans in 1722, and .....

Vlada, a descendant of warring clans of magicians and vampires, finds it difficult to survive in the secret world. Light magicians do not leave her alone: ​​the one that is stronger than them must be wiped off the face of the earth. The secret world is heading for disaster: so the brownies predict. War is on the doorstep, .....

Vlada Ogneva is the most ordinary seventh-grader from St. Petersburg. In two days she should go to the eighth grade, but ... a completely different fate awaits her. Vampires, trolls, ghouls, kikimors and the Dark Univer are waiting for her, in which not only learn, but survive ...

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