Huahine Island in French Polynesia. How to get to Koh Talu from Hua Hin

And south of Chiang Mai. Hua Hin is not a separate island, it is a mainland with a lot of space and long beaches. Hua Hin represents space and true freedom and has long been a favorite destination of the royal family. This is where the elite five-star hotels are located, where the cream of society rest. Many wealthy and ordinary Thais have built houses on the coast, which are a kind of dacha, since it takes about 3 hours to drive from Hua Hin by car, so people who work in Bangkok come here to relax on the weekends.

It is with its space and royal majesty that Hua Hin attracts not only local residents, but also tourists. Foreigners and Thais mix here.

In recent years, sanatoriums and rehabilitation centers have begun to be built more and more often on the coast of Hua Hin, some of them are even intended for stars and drug addicts. The Prime Minister of Thailand has an entire golf course in Hua Hin where he relaxes and unwinds.

There is something to see in Hua Hin besides the beauty of the waters of the Gulf of Thailand and the exotic landscape.

What to see in Hua Hin?

Petchburi Palace, which sits on top of a hill overlooking the city, is breathtaking. This palace is the former residence of King Rama VI of Thailand and is now open to the general public. Petchburi Palace is the main attraction of Hua Hin as it is the longest golden palace in the world.

The temples of Hua Hin are also one of the main attractions. The main temple of Wat Hua Hin is located in the city center, the Wat Bor Hin temple is 5 km north of Hua Hin and the Wat Bor Fi temple with ponds in which catfish live. Almost everywhere in Thailand, no matter where you are, a temple will be not far from you, because the Thais are religious and 95% Buddhists.

Hua Hin, which means Stone Head in Thai, is considered one of the oldest resorts in Thailand. It is located in the west of the Gulf of Thailand. Wealthy residents of the country vacation here, as it is the most prosperous and peaceful place in the entire country.

map of Hua Hin island, Thailand

It is not surprising that King Rama VII chose this city to build his residence. Only Huhain of all the surrounding cities of Bangkok combines sandy beaches, emerald hills, enchanting caves and dizzying waterfalls. The royal family still spends most of the year here.

Stunning bird's eye view of Huanghin Island

Hua Hin hotels are famous for their high-quality service (no wonder, since the city is often visited by distinguished guests), and the beaches are famous for their cleanliness, silence and unspoiledness. Residents try to preserve their natural beauty, changing them as little as possible whenever possible.

The pristine beaches of Huanghin Island are preserved in their original form

The main attraction is the Three Hundred Peaks National Park. Here, limestone mountains coexist with a riot of greenery, and the diversity of the animal world will amaze anyone.

Sam Roi Yot National Park (“Mountain of 300 Peaks”) is a nature reserve stretching along the sea coast and stunning with its landscape.

Hua Hin excursions will be a gift for any lover of not only a pleasant, but also a useful holiday. You can visit the Crafts and Arts Center, which was built about 80 years ago and is designed in Thai style. It houses a large collection of art, furniture and works by contemporary Thai artists. The Clay Kangwon Palace, commissioned by Rama VII, as well as the Hua Hin railway station, as well as other wonders of this city and its surroundings, will help you to feel the atmosphere of not only this majestic city of kings, but also the entire amazing country.

The palace was built in 1926 by order of King Rama VII north of Hua Hin. The very name of the palace, which translates as “Far from Worry”

Tired of sightseeing, you can relax in one of the many cafes and restaurants that will allow you to get acquainted with the local cuisine. For lovers of nightlife, hotels always provide entertainment programs. I think that such a map of Hua Hin nightclubs would be completely useful.

A very useful map of entertainment venues on Hua Hin Island, Thailand, for lovers of nightlife.

Hua Hin is a coastal resort located about two hundred kilometers from the capital Bangkok. This city is considered one of the most fashionable, expensive and luxurious resorts in the state of Thailand. The main advantage of Hua Hin is that it combines all kinds of benefits of humanity and wild natural places, luxurious expensive hotels and pristine beaches, as if untouched by man, modern large shopping centers and ancient monuments of the culture and history of the Kingdom of Thailand.

How to get there?

There is more than one way to get to Hua Hin. Of course, the fastest way to get there was always by plane, but for several years now planes from Bangkok have not landed in Hua Hin, even despite the fact that the city has an airport and it is operational. So, you can use a train, a bus, a private minibus, a taxi, or even take a transfer from your hotel.

If you want to get there quickly and comfortably, then order a taxi in advance at a certain time. Those taxis that can be rented at the airport are too expensive and their cost is approximately doubled. So, with a pre-rented vehicle you will get there in 2.5-3 hours and spend approximately 2,000 - 2,500 baht, while a car at the airport will cost from 4,300 baht.

Minibuses are our unique minibuses. They leave from Victory Monument Square approximately every 20-30 minutes and cost about 180 baht. The travel time will be 5 hours, of which you will spend an hour getting through the city to the square.

Another budget option is to use the public bus, which costs about 150 baht. They depart every 40 minutes from the South Station, and can be reached from the airport by taxi, metro or city bus.

Trains to Hua Hin depart from Hua Lamphong Railway Station. It can be an express train (4 hours) or a regular train (6 hours travel). The cost is approximately from 100 to 1,500 baht. Thailand offers trains with approximately the same design as ours, except that the first and last seats in budget cars are very narrow and two Europeans cannot sit on a bench for two people.

If you flew to Phuket, then getting from here will be extremely problematic. Phuket is located about 650 kilometers from Hua Hin and there is no direct connection between these resorts. The most convenient and inexpensive way is to travel by bus. Travel time from Phuket Town Station to Hua Hin is about 10 hours. True, most tourists do not go on the Phuket - Hua Hin route, but on the contrary, passing from Bangkok to the island of Phuket, they stop by to look at the expensive resort of Hua Hin.

Weather at the resort

Hua Hin is a fairly stable resort where the weather does not change throughout the year. Regardless of whether it’s winter or summer outside, the temperature stays between +26 and +30 degrees. If it is a hot season at the resort, then the weather is somewhat hotter - reaches +35 degrees.

The hallmark of Hua Hin is the light breeze constantly blowing from the sea. This is what makes hot weather much easier to bear. If the wind does subside, it is better not to go to the beach at noon, as the weather is very hot and it is quite easy to get heatstroke, especially in the hot season.

Resort beaches

  1. Urban. If we consider all the beaches of the city according to the criterion of beauty, then the leader will be the city beach, since its territory is separated from the fishing port by a cliff, the sand here is white and soft, and the water is clean. Moreover, kids can safely splash around the shore, since the beach is located on the shallows. This is the only large beach within the city with developed infrastructure (there are several other small wild approaches), and all other beaches are located in the surrounding area. Numerous negative reviews about the resort were associated with this particular beach, but in fact, out of 10 kilometers, only the outskirts, where the water is muddy and the sand is dirty, can not speak very well. In the central part the beach is beautiful. Comparison with the dirty beaches of Pattaya, which is often the fault of reviews, is completely inappropriate.

  2. Koa Takiab. Anyone who has ever visited Hua Hin knows this phrase, since it is not only a district and a beach area, but also many of the city’s attractions (Monkey Mountain, Buddhist temples and much more). Koa Takiab is located outside the city, but there is no clear boundary between Hua Hin and Takiab Beach. This beach is famous for its dark sand. Locals call it black, but this is not entirely true - it is rather gray, although other beaches in the area have cleaner yellow or white sand. Takiab is quite deserted, especially if you go away from Monkey Mountain, there are many hotels and even private apartments. The depth here is revealed much faster than on the city beach, but holidays with children will still be comfortable.

  3. Suan Son is located about 6 kilometers from the city on the territory of a military base of the Kingdom of Thailand and is considered a rather secluded place. There is beautiful wild nature, silence and privacy. To get to the beach you must go through a checkpoint and a checkpoint. But, despite this, entry is free and no one will detain you. The sandy area is partially covered with grass and casuarina needles. Everyone will be able to hide in the shade of trees from the scorching afternoon sun or simply lie down under the casuarinas, no matter what the weather is like at the resort. While other beaches are popular among Europeans, this one, for some unknown reason, sees virtually no white vacationers, which is very unfortunate. There is beautiful nature, clean sand and water, free parking, and a canteen with cheap, delicious national food.
  4. Khao Tao Sai Noi is located much further from the city than other beaches (about 12 kilometers to the south). The main advantage of this area is the rock formations in the surrounding area. In the southern part you can rent sun loungers, and in the rest of the territory you can sit on brought beach mats.

    The sea water here is very clean, there are few people on the beach, since the drive is quite far from Hua Hin, the depth increases gradually, but still slowly and comfortable for children. Disadvantages include the distance from the city, as well as the lack of shade on most of the beach.

  5. city ​​Beach

    Sights of Hua Hin or what to see at the resort?

    Beaches are not all that the city of Hua Hin has to offer holidaymakers, as there are many historical sites and very beautiful natural areas.

    If you want to see the main attractions that the city has to offer, then start with a visit to Huai Mongkol Temple, the most famous Buddhist holy site in Hua Hin. It is located approximately 20 minutes drive from the city center in a westerly direction. This building was erected in honor of the famous monk in the Kingdom of Thailand who worked miracles - Luang Por Tuad. His statue is also located here, which can be seen from afar, and next to it is a small pavilion of teak tree spirits. In this place you have the opportunity to become more familiar with Buddhism and its foundations.

    Don't neglect natural attractions. Among them is the National Park of the Kingdom of Thailand Kaeng Krachan, considered one of the largest in the country. The territory of this huge reserve is home to many tropical plants, as well as about 60 species of mammals and almost five hundred species of birds. There is also a picturesque lake in the park, which was formed at the confluence of two rivers. Hua Hin is about an hour and a half drive from here (about 60 kilometers).

    Going to Thailand on vacation and not seeing the Palau Waterfall on the territory of Kaeng Krachan is a real crime, especially if you are vacationing somewhere nearby. It is better to go here with a rented car, in which you can easily move around the territory of the reserve for a nominal fee. Reviews say that you will have to walk some distance to get to the waterfall, but it’s worth it, because Palau is considered the home of a million butterflies. Reviews also said that not everyone is lucky enough to see this stunning spectacle: one day you may not find a single butterfly, and on another you will see thousands rising up from the road in front of you. The road to the waterfall passes through the jungle, which amazes with its beauty and picturesque landscapes. Already from a distance you will hear the sound of falling water, because this waterfall is quite large, consisting of several levels of steps, of which, if you rely on reviews, only five are officially open to tourists. Of course, you can go further, because if you are not on an excursion, but arrived here on your own, then there is no one to stop you, but it is not at all safe, since the road begins with a difficult rockfall.

    The city contains many historical buildings and structures that adorn not only Hua Hin, but are also considered landmarks throughout the kingdom of Thailand. These, for example, include the building of the local railway station. Within its walls there is even a real royal hall, intended for meetings of members of the ruling family and high-ranking guests who come to the city.

    The Teak Palace is another iconic building. This building is located between Cha Am and Hua Hin on the banks of the Bang Kra River, 15 minutes along the highway from the center of Hua Hin. The palace was rebuilt as the king's summer residence and was completely ready by 1923. Currently, everyone can come to this attraction, since the Summer Palace is open to the public, as is the park area around it. The uniqueness of the structure is that it is entirely built from teak wood. Entry into the 16 exhibition pavilions is permitted only barefoot.

    These are not all the attractions that you can see in the city and its surroundings. Moreover, if you can somehow claim that you have seen everything here, then you can take excursions to other regions or to neighboring resorts, for example, to Cha Am.

    Excursions in Hua Hin can be both educational and entertaining. In the first case, you can go to some nearby waterfall, to a national park, or take a sightseeing tour of the city and surrounding area. In the second case, excursions to local markets, the River Kwai, an elephant farm, a Hua Hin water park, a rose garden and other interesting places will suit you.

    Excursions to Cha Am

    If you get bored in the big city of Hua Hin, Thailand is still rich in interesting places. In order not to travel far, we offer you excursions to Cha Am, a neighboring small resort town. What fundamentally distinguishes Cha Am from the noisier Hua Hin is the presence of a beautifully landscaped embankment without a central highway along the sandy strip, as well as a more disadvantageous position in terms of entertainment and infrastructure. Cha Am is preferred by older Europeans, as well as Thais from various provinces of the Kingdom of Thailand. There are very few young people and families here. Excursions around the city of Cha Am will be quite interesting, since it is very different from its neighboring older “brother” and is more reminiscent of the countryside with its own flavor and way of life.

    There are also attractions here. In the vicinity of the city, you can see Cha Am Park, where wild animals live in a forested area, a center for the development of nature and environmental protection, the famous Bat Mountain, as well as the local Santorini water park, where you can spend a good day with children. Those who want to play sports can do it right on the embankment or go to a kitesurfing school or golf club.

    Cha Am hosts a kite festival in March, so if you are vacationing nearby at this time of year, we recommend visiting this spectacular event.

    Vacation with children

    You can have a great holiday in Hua Hin with children, as the city is simply created for a family holiday: the beaches are clean, the coast is not steep, there are plenty of entertainment and activities for children, as well as the opportunity to introduce children to something new.

    When vacationing with children, we recommend visiting the Black Mountain Water Park. This water park is not large, but it is perfect for family leisure and recreation with children. For children and their parents, there are several joint slides, as well as playgrounds, and the water park invites older children to a pool with artificial waves, to a river called “lazy”, as well as to slides that are steeper and more extreme than for the youngest vacationers.

    There is another water park in the city - Vana Nava - it is larger and more popular than its predecessor. It appeared in the city only in 2014. Moreover, after its opening, this water park is considered the largest not only in the state of Thailand, but throughout Central Asia. Holidays with children cannot be completely happy if you do not visit this water park. Here you will find slides of various colors, extremes, heights and sizes. There is also a mountain waterfall on the territory, the largest in this area. For the youngest vacationers, the water park has prepared a tropical jungle area.

    Hua Hin or Phuket?

    Many of those who choose a resort in the Kingdom of Thailand for a long stay or vacation often read reviews and hesitate between two resorts: Phuket and Hua Hin. It’s impossible to say for sure which one will be better, but there are still some pros and cons for both resorts.

    After reading the reviews, we come to the conclusion that in Hua Hin the sea is not as clean as on the island of Phuket, but living here will be much cheaper, since it is still a mainland city, while Phuket is an island.

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