Hua Hin on the map of Thailand in Russian. Satellite map of Hua Hin - streets and houses online

Hua Hin is a royal resort in Thailand, located southwest of Bangkok. The distance from the capital is only 200 km, so getting there by bus will be quite easy upon arrival. Hua Hin is a fairly calm place, unlike. I would say for retirees. It has a little bit of everything - decent beaches, interesting sights, inexpensive accommodation, delicious food and shopping.

Cicada Market Hua Hin or the weekend market is one of the most popular places in the resort. The market is not like its counterparts, for example. Its main advantage is that the traders are unobtrusive and friendly, and the area of ​​the market itself is literally 1-2 km.

Here you can buy handmade goods from local craftsmen. Paintings, things, magnets, figurines - all this is collected in one secluded and interesting place. You can buy products and eat delicious food using coupons, which must be exchanged at special cash desks. In addition to shopping arcades, there are exhibition galleries and stages where you can immerse yourself in the modern and traditional culture of the country for free.

Hua Hin Night Markets

The whole of Thailand is filled with popular and colorful night markets. In Hua Hin we counted three of the largest. All are located along the main route of all songthaews. It is at the night market that all the diversity and versatility of the Asian mentality is concentrated. If you have never been to such places, believe me, the impression will be stunning.

This is not an ordinary Russian market, it is an extravaganza of colors and smells, a mixture of spices and different peoples. The best place to buy unique souvenirs for your loved ones, learn how to bargain and satisfy your stomach with delicacies. Usually prices in such markets are slightly higher, but this is a valid pattern for any tourist area.

Monkey Mountain and Wat Khao Takiab

Monkey Mountain (Khao Takiab) can be reached by public transport for 10 baht (the most profitable option) or by taxi for 200-300 baht (fast and comfortable). The mountain is famous for its religious buildings: a 20-meter golden Buddha statue, which seems to be watching over the city of Hua Hin, and the Khao Takiab temple, located at an altitude of more than two hundred meters.

Already at the foot of the mountain you will be greeted by dozens of curious and arrogant monkeys scurrying around. Hide cameras, water bottles, and bib wallets just in case. Take a bunch of bananas with you and feed the animals.

Admission is free, it is better to wear discreet and covered clothing. At the top of the mountain you can make a wish by ringing the bell and enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding area. And at the foot of the mountain you will find a clean and well-groomed city beach, washed by the waters of the South China Sea. Be sure to read ours - about all the features of a holiday at the royal resort

Railway station in Hua Hin

Another attraction of Hua Hin. A small working station, whose design reflects the contribution of Chinese and Thai styles. Made of wood, it attracts everyone's attention with its bright colors. It seems as if it is a house from an old fairy tale or a toy station that has suddenly increased in size. You can go and get acquainted with the wonder, take interesting photographs, and if you plan not to stay in one place, buy a ticket and go on a new journey.

Mangrove Forest Walk Hua Hin

The mangrove forest is located 20 km from the city, within the national park. The place is unique in all respects, we advise everyone to go and enjoy the beauty of nature. Mangrove thickets are practically impassable, and even dangerous, but this forest was made suitable for visiting, without harming the ecosystem.

The attraction consists of two parts: a coastal area where you can swim, have a snack, and have a picnic; the second is the forest itself. It contains wooden paths of a closed loop. You don’t have to worry about getting lost or taking a wrong turn. You can climb up to the observation tower and watch the flora and fauna from a bird's eye view.

The best beaches of Hua Hin in Thailand

The resort stands out among the rest with its quiet and clean beaches, developed infrastructure and magnificent scenery. Let's look at the main beaches of Hua Hin.

City Beach is divided into three sections: northern, southern and central. The northern part is suitable for those who like to be closer to civilization; there are cafes, shops, and shopping tents nearby, but the vegetation is sparse. The southern part is located near Mount Takiab, here the views will be more picturesque, but be prepared for your nice neighbors on the beach - monkeys. The central part is the most crowded, where you can find entertainment for everyone.

Takiab Beach— located next to the mountain of the same name. Here you will find: moderate vegetation, a gentle approach to the sea, a clean beach, and a small range of entertainment.

Suan Son Beach- an ideal place for relaxation and meditation. There is practically no infrastructure and a fairly shallow sea, but you can soak up the shade of the trees.

Tao Beach- is not popular with tourists who primarily want to shop. The coastline is very wide and the waters are shallow, so the beach is suitable for photo sessions, as Mount Tao and the Turtle Temple are located nearby.

Sai Noi Beach- a wonderful place for swimming. Often this beach is chosen by tourists with children, couples in love, and small groups, as there is an opportunity to dive quietly and calmly. But keep in mind that there is no infrastructure, so you should stock up on everything you need in advance.

There is not much to do with a child in Hua Hin except going to water parks and sheep farms. But we had enough of the sand castles and playgrounds at the Market Village shopping center.

Some tips for those who are going to Hua Hin for the first time:

  • Before visiting Thailand, carefully familiarize yourself with the culture and history of the country so as not to get into an uncomfortable situation.
  • - quite specific and sharp. Ask the waiter or seller for “know spice” in advance (sometimes it works).
  • When communicating with the local population, you should not slap them on the shoulder or touch their head. You should also not reproach them for unpunctuality - it will be an insult for life.
  • When planning excursions, choose discreet and not entirely revealing clothing. It is important to honor the traditions of a foreign country.
  • Don't walk drunk on the streets at night for your own safety.

Detailed map of Hua Hin in Russian. Satellite map of Hua Hin in Thailand. Where is Hua Hin located on the map:

Study the schematic map or switch to the satellite map in the lower left corner. Schematic map– city plan with street names and house numbers in Russian. The schematic map shows attractions and tourist sites, the location of train stations, shops, restaurants and shopping centers, and a map of the city's roads. Satellite map will allow you to view satellite photographs of the city thanks to images from the Google Maps service.

You can zoom in on the online map, scaling it to streets and house numbers. To change the scale, use the “+” (zoom in) and “-” (zoom out) icons located in the lower right corner of the map. You can also zoom in or out on the map using the mouse wheel. The left mouse button zooms in on the map, the right mouse button zooms out. You can use the mouse to move the interactive map in all directions by using the left mouse button to grab any place on the map.

Interactive map is a very convenient and modern guide for exploring the city, its districts and attractions, hotels, places of recreation and entertainment. The online map on the website can become an indispensable assistant for you in your independent travel. Interactive map provided by Google Maps.

The resort of Hua Hin (Hua Hin) is located in Thailand. This is the most popular Thai beach resort. In addition, this is a very developed cultural center, and tourists come here from all over the world in search of a comfortable beach holiday.

Royal resort

However, Hua Hin is by no means a cheap city. Of all the Thai resorts, it is considered the most expensive. This is largely due to the fact that it is here that the residence of the King of Thailand is located, called Klai Kangwon (translated as “Far from the Bustle”), and thanks to this it has long been called a “royal resort”. Therefore, cleanliness and order on the streets are maintained here. Also, due to the large number of police, the level of security here is the highest.

To visit this resort, it is worth highlighting one significant advantage (which distinguishes it from other cities in the country) - tranquility. In this regard, on beaches and in hotels you can more often see older and elderly people than young people. Unlike the former, the latter choose advanced Phuket as a substitute for tranquility. But when vacationing here, you need to have a little more capital at your disposal than in other resorts in Thailand. Regarding the capital Bangkok, Hua Hin is located 220 km further south on the map.

Where to stay in Hua Hin

Hua Hin hotels are mostly represented by four- and five-star high-class hotels. But there are also guesthouses for budget tourists. A guesthouse is a guest house in which the owners rent out rooms and also live in it or nearby. Of course, there are not many of them, but if you want to relax at this resort and enjoy the colorful beaches, but at the same time you have a small amount of money, then thanks to the guesthouses you will succeed.

Beaches of Hua Hin

The main attraction for the resort is the beaches. There are simply a huge number of them here. So, the largest can be called the city beach, which is so large that it can be divided into three parts: southern, central and northern.

The central part begins near the so-called “stone head”. Immediately at the entrance to the beach you are greeted by an alley of trade stalls, in which you are offered a huge assortment of accessories for visiting the beach and all kinds of Thai souvenirs. Here you can find completely different entertainment, or you can just lie on the beach under the warm sun and swim in the water. The use of sunbeds and an umbrella will cost 100 baht, and is free for guests. But accommodation in such a hotel is quite expensive, because it is the first line from the beach. It is also believed that Hua Hin has the best hotels and beaches. Entertainment options include all water activities, trampolines and horse riding.

It is next to this part of the city beach that the central market is located. There are a large number of cafes, restaurants and bars that are happy to welcome all visitors.

Next comes the southern part of the beach. Conventionally, it begins at the foot of Mount Khao Takiab. By the way, there is a temple on the top of this mountain. The temple is equipped with a special observation deck, which offers a beautiful view of the city and the waters of the Gulf of Thailand. Unlike the previous one, this part of the beach is very narrow.

And from some of the first-line hotels located here, you can directly access the beach. Also, he is calm and measured. You can often see Buddhists here.

Mount Khao Takiab

The northern part of the city beach starts near the fishing pier and lasts all the way to the airport. It differs from the central part in its cleanliness and sparseness. Not far from this part of the beach is the King's Palace, which is one of the attractions. Holidays in this part of the beach are more suitable for those who like to watch nature without the noise and fuss. Although there are no sun loungers or other amenities on the beach, it is nevertheless very comfortable to relax here.

Also, the resort has beaches such as Khao Takiab, Suan Son, Cha Am, Sai Noi and Tao.

Sights of Hua Hin

The resort has attractions both natural and man-made. Of the first, it is worth highlighting the amazing Pala Wu and Huai Yang waterfalls, as well as the Keng Krajang and Sam Roi Yot national parks.

In the latter you can visit the famous Phrayanakorn Cave. In addition, there is an amazing Phetburi Park, which has no less amazing temples of Suvanaram, Wat Khampheng Leng and Wat Mahadrath.

It is also worth noting that there are no particular attractions in the city itself. all the main ones are located outside of it, and some are even at a fairly good distance.

teak palace

Entertainment Hua Hin on the water

Also, the city offers many different entertainments: yachting, kayaking, scooters, windsurfing. The sport of golf is very developed here. There are many fields and golf courses. In addition, here you can go fishing, kite riding, elephant riding, go-karting, surfing and much more. You can also book an eco-tourist cruise. Of course there is a water park here.


Hua Hin is the safest resort in Thailand!

- the most expensive and safest city in Thailand. The reason for this security is the strengthened protection of order by the police, thanks to the residence of the King located within the borders of this city. Due to its relaxed atmosphere, Hua Hin is home to many retirees from other countries. By the way, the authorities pay special attention to older people and do not impose too stringent requirements on them.

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On the page there is an interactive satellite map of Hua Hin in Russian. More details on +weather. Below are satellite images and real-time Google Maps search, photos of the city and province of Northeast Thailand, coordinates

Satellite map of Hua Hin

We observe on the satellite map of Hua Hin (Hua-Hin) the layout of the area and the road, how the buildings are located on Selakam Rd. View a map of the district's territory, highways and highways, squares and banks, stations and bus terminals, search for addresses on aerial photographs, places nearby. What to visit in the surrounding area, location of attractions. Nearby towns and villages - Pattaya

The satellite map of Hua Hin presented here online contains images of buildings and photos of houses from space, a panorama of streets in its section. You can find out where Ruamsuk is located in the area and how to get to the street, show routes and bypass roads with names, what to see in the surrounding area. At the moment, using the Google Maps search service, you will find the desired address in the city and a view of the area from space to earth. We recommend changing the scale of the diagram +/- and moving the center of the image in the desired direction.

Coordinates - 12.5683,99.9576

Look for nearby shops and squares, buildings and houses, views of the main street and Bintabant, district boundaries. The page contains detailed information and photos on top of all objects in the region in order to show in real time the required house on the map of the city and province (Thailand)

A detailed satellite map of Hua Hin (hybrid) and the region is provided by Google Maps.

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