What is the work schedule for s7 flight attendants? How much do airline pilots and flight attendants earn?

The profession of flight attendants is still considered romantic, however, in reality it is hard work with physical and psychological stress. Despite this, the vacancy of a flight attendant remains one of the most competitive among applicants. So, how much do flight attendants earn at different airlines and how great are the risks of such a profession?

Of course, if you compare the salaries of Russian flight attendants and those who work in foreign airlines, the difference will be impressive. The highest salaries for flight attendants are in the following countries:

  • Australia;
  • England.

Salaries in airlines in these countries range from $3,500 to $4,000. However, such amounts are not the upper ceiling for the employee. Some flight attendants can earn more than $10,000. In many ways, such large salary amounts are determined by several factors:

  • work on private flights;
  • work in elite airlines.

Of course, along with a higher salary, more skills and craftsmanship are required from a flight attendant. Beginners shouldn’t even count on such work; this is the job of professionals with impeccable recommendations.

According to world statistics, the highest salaries are paid to employees of Southwest Airlines and US Airways.

As for Russia, flight attendants working on foreign flights earn much more than those who fly only domestic routes. The requirements for flight attendants on international airlines are often much higher and include not only impeccable professional skills and good knowledge of the English language, but also certain external characteristics. The flight attendant must have an attractive appearance, have no visible flaws and wear clothes no larger than size 46.

Before moving on to more detailed figures, you first need to find out the criteria that make up the salary of a flight attendant. The size of the salary, regardless of the airline, primarily depends on:

  • airline rating;
  • domestic or international flights;
  • number of flights;
  • work experience in the profession;
  • education (linguistic, pedagogical or psychological will be an advantage);
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​at a conversational level;
  • class of service.

It affects monthly earnings and the level of board; business class flights are always more expensive, unlike economic ones. However, serious airlines do not accept newcomers without work experience, even with an impeccable education, on prestigious flights; business class passengers are served by top-level flight attendants.

Salaries are affected not only by the level of the airline, but also by the region of residence. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, salaries, even within the same airline, are usually higher than in other Russian cities.

So, what is the average salary of flight attendants in Russian airlines? Beginning flight attendants have 3rd class and trainee status, their salary is small and amounts to about 15-20 thousand rubles. Over time, when the skill in the profession and the number of flights increase, the salary will be 50-50 thousand. 1st class conductors can receive up to 100 thousand rubles per month. According to statistics, the highest salary was 120,000 rubles. And this is not counting various allowances and bonuses for the quality of work. In some airlines, flight attendants, in addition to their basic salary, receive a percentage of on-board sales (from 3 to 5%).

In addition to high salaries, flight attendants may have various benefits:

  • increased vacation time (up to 42 days);
  • discounts up to 90% on employee flights as a passenger on airline aircraft;
  • free flight to any country in the world once a year;
  • salary supplement for the provision of additional services;
  • discounts on hotel accommodation in countries where planes fly on business flights, etc.

Of course, various bonuses depend only on how the employee performs his duties. The more hours spent in flight, the more allowances and bonuses you can count on.

This company has the highest salaries for staff compared to other carriers. Even the minimum salary for a newbie here is higher than the salary of an experienced flight attendant at other airlines.

When applying for a job at Aeroflot, you can expect a salary of 40,000 rubles, while personnel officers indicate this amount as the minimum for newcomers. Over time, when a flight attendant flies a sufficient number of hours to improve her qualifications, her salary will also increase - up to $1,800 per month.

Watch the video of one day at work as an Aeroflot flight attendant:

The earnings of flight attendants flying S7 flights depend on the standard requirements for the profession - level of education, length of service, class of service, etc. However, the salary of S7 flight attendants is lower and on average varies from 25 to 70 thousand rubles, depending on length of service.

The requirements for employees are practically no different from those imposed by other companies. However, flight attendants can work at UTair without a university degree; the minimum threshold is 11 years of high school or a similar education.

Employee training is carried out at the expense of the airline. The salary of flight attendants at UTair is lower than at Aeroflot and S7. On average, a flight attendant can expect a salary of 30,000 rubles.

Flight attendants in Pobeda earn slightly less compared to Aeroflot, on average about 50 thousand rubles. The airline offers training in the profession of flight attendant with the issuance of relevant documents based on the results of the study. When applying for a flight attendant position at Pobeda, it is worth considering that the company hires girls from 165 cm, which is determined by the model of the aircraft on which the flights are made.

As in any other country in the world, the salary of flight attendants in Kazakhstan depends on the rating status of the airline, class of transportation, region, etc. The requirements for future employees are standard:

  • age up to 35 years;
  • height from 160 cm;
  • pretty appearance;
  • knowledge of languages, including Kazakh;
  • stress resistance.

The average monthly salary for a flight attendant ranges from $800 to $1,600. The most rated airlines in Kazakhstan, where you can count on the highest salaries, are Air Astana and Euro-Asia Air.

No matter how tempting the salaries and prospects may be, before you decide to come for an interview with an airline, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen profession. The obvious advantages of working as a flight attendant include:

  • spectacular appearance;
  • flexible work schedule;
  • high salary;
  • long vacation (in some companies up to 70 days);
  • the opportunity to visit different cities and countries for free;
  • benefits and bonuses;
  • receiving additional income from sales and tips.

As for the disadvantages, the main disadvantage of working as a flight attendant is the high physical load. The point is not only that the profession requires constant work on your feet, the constant change of time zones and overload during the flight also do not have a positive effect on your health.

Diseases associated with blood vessels and the heart are considered “occupational” among flight attendants.

Flight attendants retire early, at 45 years old. Whether this is considered a plus or a minus is up to everyone to determine for themselves. However, when trying to find a new job after years spent on board an airplane, former flight attendants face psychological difficulties. After a flexible schedule and relative freedom, it is difficult to adapt to the requirements of “earthly” vacancies.

A disadvantage for women in working as a flight attendant may be the inability to bear a child. Overload on an airplane leads to miscarriages, so if you plan to have children, you need to cancel flights in advance to prepare your body. Also, a flexible work schedule complicates personal life - few men would agree to live with a woman who is constantly not at home.

Watch the video one day in the life of a flight attendant:

Also watch the video on how to become a flight attendant:

Despite the heavy physical activity and risks, the profession of a flight attendant still attracts young girls and boys; stewards and stewardesses do not consider their profession more dangerous than others. Performing duties at the highest level and the desire to constantly improve in your chosen profession will open the door to high prospects and coveted six-figure salaries.

Air travel would not be nearly as comfortable if flight attendants were not responsible for the comfort of passengers. At the same time, work in this profession is considered quite prestigious and highly paid. Therefore, many young girls want to work as flight attendants. Let's find out how much Russian flight attendants earn at Aeroflot.

Main responsibilities of flight attendants

But first, let's look at the basic duties that a flight attendant must perform.

A flight attendant is also officially called a flight attendant. For the first time, employees serving passengers in aircraft cabins appeared in Germany in the late 20s of the last century, and in the 30s in the USA, girls began to be involved in this work. This, in fact, is how the profession of a flight attendant arose.

The responsibilities of a flight attendant include the following tasks:

  • passenger service;
  • maintaining cleanliness in the salon
  • coordinating the actions of passengers or their evacuation in case of an emergency;
  • informing passengers.

Due to the specifics of the job and the likelihood of foreign passengers in the cabin, a flight attendant serving international flights must be fluent in English. In addition, any flight attendant is required to have certain knowledge of the rules of behavior in the air, the structure of the aircraft, and etiquette. Representatives of this profession must be physically and psychologically comfortable with flying by air, and also have a high level of self-control.

An applicant for a flight attendant position must meet certain physical parameters (height, weight, age). An acceptable age for a flight attendant is up to 30 years and a height of 165–175 centimeters. So, due to the specific parameters of the aircraft cabin, tall girls cannot be flight attendants. Although there is no mandatory condition for a flight attendant to have a higher education, reputable companies only hire employees with one. But studying at flight attendant school is mandatory for absolutely everyone.

Work at Aeroflot

Aeroflot is deservedly considered the largest and most prestigious airline in Russia. This company is the very first organized in our country. Its history dates back to 1923. Aeroflot has 161 aircraft at its disposal, and including its subsidiaries, 260 aircraft. This air carrier operates the largest number of flights in Russia. Despite the fact that the company is considered commercial, the controlling stake is owned by the state.

Among other things, Aeroflot is distinguished from its main Russian competitors (Transaero, S7 Airlines, UTair, etc.) by the most acceptable working conditions, as well as for full-time flight attendants and pilots. Therefore, many applicants for the position of flight attendant want to work at Aeroflot. But, as practice shows, it is quite difficult to get there, because everyone knows how high the competition is for this vacancy, and the selection is quite tough.

What does salary depend on?

The salary of any Russian flight attendant, including Aeroflot, depends on a number of factors. A significant influence on a flight attendant's income is the total length of service and the number of hours flown. The greater their size, the greater the salary. Those employees with less than 80 hours of flight time receive the company's minimum wage.

A very important factor influencing the salary is the absence of complaints from passengers. After all, if there are justified complaints, the flight attendant immediately loses the right to a bonus.

Flight attendants who serve international flights earn more than their colleagues who work exclusively on domestic flights. In addition, they receive additional pay for speaking English. True, this knowledge must be periodically confirmed in special exams.

One of the most important components affecting the income of flight attendants is the financial policy of the company in which they work towards its employees. That is, there are airlines that pay more than others, but there are also those that try to save on employee salaries.

Salary at Aeroflot

Now we have come close to the main question that interested us, namely, how much money do Aeroflot flight attendants receive? The average salary of a flight attendant at this company is 50 thousand rubles per month.

The salary of new flight attendants who do not yet have the required flight hours varies from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. But, as soon as they fly the required 80 hours, the income increases sharply. The minimum salary for full-time flight attendants with the required number of flight hours is 40,000 rubles and, under certain conditions, can even reach 90,000 rubles per month.

Additional bonuses

In addition to the basic salary, the Aeroflot company can award its employees a number of additional financial bonuses and bonuses in case of high-quality and exemplary performance of their immediate duties.

A flight attendant has the right to a significant discount when flying on company aircraft if she is flying as a passenger. This discount can reach 90% of the ticket price.

In addition, she has the right to a guaranteed flight once a year to any point in the world where there is passenger air service.

How are your competitors doing?

Now let's find out how much a Russian flight attendant earns while working for Aeroflot's main competitors in the air transportation market. The earnings of a flight attendant at Transaero vary from 15 to 70 thousand rubles per month. Moreover, the income of employees with the required number of flights starts from 30,000 rubles. At UTair they earn even less: from 15 to 60 thousand rubles per month.

Comparison results:

We found out how much money a flight attendant earns at Aeroflot and at the main competing companies. It can be stated that earnings at Aeroflot are significantly higher than those of competitors. This is facilitated by the company’s prestige, dominance in the air transportation services market and the support of government agencies, which are the company’s main shareholders.

The income of Aeroflot flight attendants significantly exceeds the average monthly salary of the population in Russia as a whole. Therefore, it is quite logical that the majority of applicants for the position of flight attendant want to work in this prestigious airline, which provides its employees with a high level of wages.

A flight attendant is an extremely attractive, polite, smiling girl who will be a kind of guardian angel for everyone who travels on airplanes. Just as every boy dreamed of becoming a policeman as a child, every girl wanted to be a flight attendant.

What attracts the profession of conquerors of the blue sky? Many girls believe that this job does not cause unnecessary problems, it allows you to see the world, buy a ticket to any country with a huge discount, and meet a man in uniform, a pilot for example.

In fact, it is unlikely that it will be possible to arrange a personal life with such work due to frequent flights. Men, of course, dream of spending time with flight attendants, but only a few will wait for them on flights. You need to spend a lot of time on your feet during the flight and be as helpful as possible, regardless of the contingent of passengers who have been allowing themselves a lot lately. So it’s worth thinking in your spare time how desirable this profession is, what the salaries are for the wonderful representatives of Aeroflot and private companies, and also what the consequences of frequent separation from the land are.

Salary and its components

There are many factors that influence the amount of pay for flight attendants. By the way, it is almost impossible to draw any analogies in terms of salaries, not only between representatives of different companies, but even employees in the same one. In Russia, interest is generated by the salaries of girls who work for Aeroflot, and until recently, Transaero. The amount they receive is influenced by criteria such as:

  • the popularity of the company, which at Aeroflot is simply extremely high;
  • the policy followed by management regarding existing personnel;
  • route;
  • level of education of the employee;
  • knowledge of several foreign languages;
  • the hours the flight attendant spent in the air.

When a flight attendant flies outside the country, her salary increases significantly. The class the girl serves also affects the amount. In principle, it is already clear that working with business class clients pays much better than economy class.

It is worth paying attention to such a factor as education, or rather, fluency in foreign languages. For foreign flights, it is advisable to know at least two, but there is no limit to perfection, especially if it affects the salary upward.

What you need to know

Since a flight attendant is a service industry worker, the requirements for girls are corresponding, and at the same time multiplied many times over due to the increased danger of working in the air. Beautiful appearance is far from the main criterion, contrary to popular belief. Companies that invite you to work will pay attention to the following advantages and skills of applicants:

  • charm;
  • communication skills and knowledge of foreign languages;
  • patience;
  • fast reaction;
  • diplomacy;
  • adequacy;
  • speed of decision making in non-standard situations.

Girls will have to go through special commissions more than once, which will check them according to these parameters. If we continue the conversation about presentable and pretty appearance, then it will help to be hired for charter flights. But still, the requirements - that the applicant is not taller than 180 cm and that the applicant is thin - cannot be excluded.

The main advantages of a “high” profession include such components as a beautiful and impressive uniform, a fairly flexible schedule and long vacations, communication with a large number of people, and receiving tips.


This is precisely the female profession in which climbing the career ladder is envisaged, with a corresponding increase in salary. There are 5 main stages, each subsequent one allows you to climb the increasing number of hours in the air. For example, those who have been in the sky for at least 1000 hours are assigned 3rd class. Over 2000 - 2nd grade, over 3000 plus a test passed with excellent marks - 3rd grade. You can also become an instructor or shift supervisor. Naturally, each step is marked by an increase in salary, additional incentives and bonuses from the airline.

The average salary has increased just in the last 2018, and now instead of 60 thousand rubles they receive around 80 thousand. These are the latest statistical data for Moscow and the region. But if you pay attention to all-Russian statistical data, the picture will look like this:

  • the minimum payment is not lower than 45 thousand rubles, and this is for beginners who do not have the necessary experience;
  • the average is around 80 thousand;
  • the maximum limit is 120 thousand rubles.

The maximum monetary equivalent in salary can be achieved by flight attendants who work on international flights and speak 2-3 foreign languages ​​fluently. It is necessary to take care of your appearance and visit hairdressing salons and gyms on time in order to adequately represent our country at international airports.

In neighboring countries

It is not known what foreign little girls want, but let us assume that their desire to visit and work in the sky is no less than ours. In some countries, flight attendants are much more fortunate with their salaries, for example, in the USA and Australia, Germany and the UK. By the way, even Kazakhstan is ahead of Russia in this indicator. What amounts are paid there?

  • America - more than 200 thousand per month, converted to rubles;
  • in Australia they get a little less, the difference is an insignificant 5 thousand:
  • Germany and England offer a little more than 150 thousand;
  • neighboring Kazakhstan – 120 thousand.

Nevertheless, there is practically no shortage of flight attendant courses. By the way, you can go to them of your own free will and pay for your studies yourself. The downside will be the lack of training flights, unlike those who came to study from the airline. Let us remind you once again about the commissions that will subsequently evaluate the professional suitability of graduates. A man can become a flight attendant, but most often it is romantic and practical women who apply for vacant positions.

Bottom line

There is no doubt that outgoing girls with excellent appearance, educated and with a penchant for adventure will continue to come and take vacant positions on airplanes. Moreover, the salary of a flight attendant is an additional pleasant bonus. But we advise you to realistically evaluate all the risks and benefits, as well as the health problems that arise if you do not go down to earth for a long time.

Work in the sky is considered hard, complex, incredibly responsible and associated with some risks to life. Flight attendants and conductors fly both during the day and at night, are in different time zones and rarely appear at home. That is why many people have a question: how much do flight attendants earn, taking into account their heavy workload? No less pressing is the question of how much passenger aircraft pilots earn, because recently this profession has been in great demand and the salaries of specialists are constantly growing.

What is the average salary of flight attendants working in domestic airlines? Beginning 3rd class flight attendants (often they are just interning) receive approximately 20–25 thousand rubles. A year later, qualifications become higher, the number of flights increases, so the salary is already 50–55 thousand rubles. For first class flight attendants, the monthly salary can reach up to 100–120 thousand rubles.

It is worth taking into account various allowances and bonuses for good work performance. In popular airlines, a percentage of onboard sales (from 3 to 5%) is added to the basic salary.

On average, a flight attendant flies 80 hours per month.

In addition to a relatively high salary, flight attendants can count on various types of benefits:

  • increased vacation time (40–45 days per year);
  • good discounts (80–90%) on flights as a passenger on your own airline;
  • free flight to any country once a year;
  • salary supplement in case of provision of additional services.

The salary of flight attendants at Aeroflot, for example, is considered the highest in Russia. Even the starting salary for newcomers here is higher than the salary of experienced flight attendants in other airlines. Girls applying for a job at Aeroflot are initially offered a salary of 40 thousand rubles. Over time, after improving qualifications, the salary increases to 100–120 thousand rubles. per month.

The no less popular airline S7 pays its flight attendants from 25 to 70 thousand rubles. per month. The specific figure will depend on the education received, length of service, class of service, etc.

But the management of the airline UTair hires flight attendants without a higher education diploma. The minimum threshold is 11 years of high school or a similar level of education. Training is carried out directly at the airline itself. Salary is 30–45 thousand rubles.

The monthly salary of flight attendants in Pobeda is approximately equal to the salary of flight attendants in UTair - about 50 thousand rubles. per month. The airline offers training in the profession, after which a corresponding diploma is issued.

Above the flight attendant - senior flight attendants, instructors and inspector

In foreign airlines, flight attendants can count on higher earnings. Often, the average income received by employees of American and Australian airlines is 200 thousand rubles. Average income of foreign flight attendants:

  • United Airlines, American Airlines - salary 180 thousand rubles. and higher;
  • Lufthansa (European low-cost airline) - 140–160 thousand rubles;
  • Air France - 160–180 thousand rubles;
  • Air Berlin - 140–160 thousand rubles;
  • Ryanair (European low-cost airline) - 120–140 thousand rubles.

Most flight attendants serving large commercial and private airlines such as US Airways and Southwest Airlines are highly qualified, have model appearance and a salary of 8–10 thousand dollars.

Only those specialists who work on international flights can count on a more or less solid income. To get a job, the applicant must be proficient in English.

Recently, the monthly salary of Russian pilots has begun to grow rapidly. Traditionally, the salaries of pilots carrying out passenger transportation directly depend on the airline:

  • Aeroflot - from 500 thousand rubles;
  • S7 - from 400 thousand rubles;
  • Boeing - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Victory - 350–400 thousand rubles.

In addition to wages, airlines can pay bonuses, the amount of which is 150–200 thousand rubles.

It is difficult for a pilot without sufficient experience to get a job in a prestigious company

Foreign airlines have also significantly increased monthly payments to pilots. Thus, at United Airlines, the salary is calculated at an hourly rate and amounts to $270 for 60 minutes of flight (the result is approximately $27 thousand per month).

The no less popular American Airlines set a rate of $249 per hour ($25 thousand per month) on January 1 and will index it in 2019.

As for Chinese airlines, recently they have been offering not the worst conditions for pilots from different countries; demand is growing exponentially. At China Southern, pilots can expect to earn between $26,000 and $29,000 per month.

The largest European low-cost airline, Lufthansa, can offer pilots an average salary of $240 per hour (about $24 thousand per month). The qualifications and experience of a specialist play an important role in the final salary. If beginners receive $12 thousand monthly, then professionals receive more than $30 thousand.

One day in the life of a flight attendant on video

Thus, the wages of flight attendants and pilots abroad are approximately 2.5–3 times higher than in Russia. At the same time, more and more new airlines are appearing that offer fairly favorable conditions to young professionals, which increases competition and forces large airlines to increase rates for pilots and flight attendants.

S7 airlines (or as it is also called - Siberia Airlines) occupies an honorable second place among the largest Russian airlines, and operates flights not only within Russia, but also abroad. Each airline has home airports (so-called “hubs”), and, in the case of S7, these are Domodedovo (Moscow) and Tolmachevo (Novosibirsk). There are also additional hubs in Vladivostok, Irkutsk and Khabarovsk.

Due to the expansion of its aircraft fleet, the company is constantly in need of new employees, including flight attendants for initial training.

Working as a flight attendant in S7 is quite interesting and has a lot of advantages: competitive salary, social package, long vacation and, of course, such pleasant bonuses as foreign business trips and a beautiful bright uniform.

Flight attendant uniform S7 easily recognizable, as, indeed, are all the planes of this airline (painted in a bright light green color), which are visible from afar on the territory of any airport.

IN S7 set of flight attendants happens quite often. Since S7 airline has several hubs throughout the country, you can work as an S7 flight attendant in Irkutsk, an S7 flight attendant in Novosibirsk, an S7 flight attendant in Moscow, an S7 flight attendant in Vladivostok and an S7 flight attendant in Chelyabinsk.

To see current S7 flight attendant vacancies, you need to go to the official website of the company using this link https://www.s7.ru/home/about/vacancies/ and enter the name of the city you are interested in. If the list of vacancies says “Flight attendant for initial training,” then the vacancy is open and you can apply!

Please note that everywhere in S7 flight attendant vacancies The requirement is stated: "Proficiency in English at a good conversational level (not lower than intermediate)."

Interview for flight attendant at S7 takes place in several stages:

- telephone conversation with a company representative. You will be asked additional questions regarding your height, weight, size, etc. This is an important stage, since based on your answers a decision will be made: to invite you for a personal interview or not.

- personal conversation at the airline office.

Does S7 Airlines need English? Certainly! After all S7 airline makes many international flights, which means owning English speaking S7 flight attendants we simply have to.

And he knows after the application for vacancy for flight attendant S7 filled (or better before), you need to start preparation for an interview in S7.

What do I need to do?

- develop a story about yourself, with special emphasis on work experience

- repeat common vocabulary about the weather, family, preferences, hobbies, etc.

- repeat basic tenses

All information on preparing for an interview in S7 is in my video courses Standard, Premium, VIP and Express. You can view the course program at.

Each program also includes:

- homework with verification

- my personal supervision

- chat consultations

- assistance in creating a self-presentation

- assistance in describing your work experience

- a list of potential additional questions that may be asked specifically to you (unique for each candidate)

- assistance in filling out the form

I recommend starting your preparation as early as possible so as not to have to do everything on the last day!
Come to my VK group

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