Sri Lanka - where is this country located and what is it like? Ceylon is the famous tea island of the Indian Ocean. What is Sri Lanka.

All about Sri Lanka, the land of ancient ruins, religious relics, beautiful beaches and colorful reefs. It looks like India, but it's not. We tell you about the best places, what you need to know and where to go.

The content of the article

Sri Lanka is a paradise island with a rich history that attracts travelers from all over the world and remains forever in their hearts. The island located in the Indian Ocean is an exotic world of romantic holidays and adventures in natural conditions. Each city in Sri Lanka is unique in its own way, one with its rich history, the second with the untouched nature of the surrounding world, the third with its developed infrastructure for tourism.

General information about the country


Sri Lanka- a small island in the Indian Ocean, located at the southeastern tip of India. By area it occupies 65600 sq.. This is a country that has EVERYTHING: beautiful beaches, high mountains (over 2000 m), tropical forests and many animals such as wild elephants, leopards, sea turtles, dolphins and whales.


Colombo city

Form of government

Mixed Republic


Buddhism 70%, Islam 8%, Christianity 6%

Sri Lanka is one of the most ancient countries of the Buddhist religion, which was first introduced to the island by the son of Emperor Ashoka in the 2nd century BC. A branch from the sacred Bodhi tree, under the shade of which Buddha achieved enlightenment, was installed in Anuradhapura; it was brought by the daughter of Emperor Senamitta. This relic is especially revered in the Buddhist world today. The atmosphere of Sri Lanka is literally saturated with religion; there are many sacred temples, the main of which is rightfully considered the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic of Buddha, located in the ancient capital of the Sinhalese state of Kandy. Traditionally, the temple is visited with lotus flowers - a symbol of purity and perfection. Although the lotus grows in a swamp, it is able to grow beautiful and unsullied. The philosophy of Buddhism is based on the teaching that, like a lotus, a person has the power to purify his soul and overcome all the difficulties of life.


Sinhala - 74%, Tamil - 18%, Others - 8%. Approximately 10% of residents speak English fluently. Menus (in tourist restaurants) are served in Sinhala and English.


Sri Lankan rupee


22 million people

Country dialing code

Climate, when is the best time to go?

Tropical climate. Sri Lanka has two monsoon seasons, which run from May to July and from December to January. The average annual temperature is about 28°C in the lowlands and about 18°C ​​in the highlands.

The recommended time to travel to Sri Lanka is during the dry season - April to November for the east coast and December to March for the west coast and central highlands. Christmas and New Year are especially popular times to travel to Sri Lanka

Do I need a visa to enter Sri Lanka?

Anyone wishing to visit Sri Lanka is required to apply for a visa from 1 January 2012. The exception is citizens of the Republic of Singapore, the Republic of the Maldives and the Republic of Seychelles. But don't worry, it's quite simple, the only thing you need to do is apply for an ETA Tourist Visa online before entering Sri Lanka. The online visa is valid for 30 days from the date of arrival and can be extended for up to six months. The cost of the visa is $35 (children under 12 years old are free).

If you were unable to obtain an ETA in advance, you will need to go through the procedure to obtain it at the airport upon arrival (but you will have to pay $40, children under 12 years old are free)

What are the entry requirements for Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka is a very easy country to visit and there are not many entry requirements. The only thing you will need when entering Sri Lanka, other than the online visa, is at least one blank page in your current passport, which must be valid for at least six months from the date of entry, also a return ticket with the exact date of departure, a voucher, a migration card (must be filled out in English, fill it out either on the plane or at the border) and cash in the amount of $25-50 per day.


Never travel without valid travel insurance! Travel insurance may seem expensive, but it's nothing compared to the fact that medical care can cost you even more. This is the one thing you should never skimp on!

How to get to Sri Lanka

It is more convenient to get to Sri Lanka by plane. During the season, you can fly from Moscow with Aeroflot; in winter, Turkish Airlines, Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Airways fly with stops to Male (Maldives).

What to do in Sri Lanka?

The island has plenty of sun, sea and sand. The southern coast is considered the country's tourist center with golden sandy beaches, calm lagoons and picturesque nature.

Types of recreation presented to tourists on the island:

  • surfing
  • sailing
  • windsurfing
  • deep sea fishing
  • sightseeing tours

Due to its relatively small area, the island is easy to explore and has an excellent transport system, based on bus and train connections.

A paradise of eternal sunshine, the birthplace of aromatic tea and an unforgettable holiday, Sri Lanka opens its arms to travelers and outdoor enthusiasts.

Places to visit in Sri Lanka

The island is home to all sorts of cultural and artistic monuments in abundance, eight of which are under UNESCO protection: - Anuradhapura - a historical city; - Polonnaruwa is a historical city; - Sigiriya – rock fortress; - Singaraja – forest reserve; - Kandy is a sacred city; - the old part of the city of Halle with fortifications; Dambulla - golden temple; - the highlands of central Sri Lanka.

In addition to historical monuments, Sri Lanka is famous for its elephant nursery, turtle farm, and spice gardens. Near the city of Kandy is located the largest botanical garden in Asia, which displays rare tropical plants of various shapes and colors.

National cuisine of Sri Lanka

Thanks to the tropical climate Sri Lanka is rich fresh fruits, vegetables and spices, which are used in most dishes. Freshness plays a key role in cooking. Many families grow curry trees and vegetables, some of which are virtually unknown outside Sri Lanka, such as murunga (drumsticks), which are used in curries and accompaniments, and their leaves are a popular addition to the beloved crab curry.

A simple meal can consist of rice, sambol cooked with chillies, pickles or chutneys and of course vegetable curry or dhal. Also in the local cuisine there is a huge assortment of meat, vegetable and seafood dishes.

Sri Lankan cuisine- This is a labor-intensive kitchen, as many dishes are difficult to prepare. For example, Hoppers- These are pancakes made from rice flour, which are used to brew curry and rice. Even more labor-intensive are haircuts, which are thin pods of rice flour that are strained through a sieve and rolled into a small round mat and steamed.

Pros and cons of holidays in Sri Lanka

  • Beautiful people. The people of Sri Lanka are wonderful! They are sweet, kind and hospitable.
  • Tasty food. Sri Lankan food is fantastic! Their rice and curry dish is especially delicious.
  • Excellent climate. Sri Lanka has a subtropical climate, making the country ideal for visiting.
  • Magnificent beaches. Here you will find the most amazing beaches!
  • wild nature.Even though Sri Lanka is a small island, it has excellent wildlife. You can see animals such as wild elephants, crocodiles, leopards, sea turtles, whales, dolphins and many beautiful birds.
  • Everything is within reach. The best thing is that Sri Lanka is a small island which makes it easy to travel and see a lot in a short time.
  • Inflated prices. Probably one not-so-good thing about budget travelers is the rising prices in Sri Lanka. Just a few years ago, accommodation, transportation and entrance fees to attractions and temples were much cheaper than they are today. Sri Lanka is more expensive than other Asian countries that we are used to, such as Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia.
  • All entertainment is more expensive for tourists. Foreigners have to pay much more than locals to visit attractions and temples in Sri Lanka. Just keep in mind that entry fees eat up a large portion of your budget when traveling in Sri Lanka.


In Sri Lanka, in an amazing way, representatives of different cultures and religions live in harmony; Buddhism is considered the main religion; Buddha statues in various variations are found everywhere on the island. It should be noted that it is indecent to take photographs in front of the Buddha, standing with your back to the statue, visiting temples barefoot, and your knees, shoulders and back should be covered. In short, the natural beauty of Sri Lanka is closely intertwined with the rich history of the country.

Sophisticated tourists will appreciate the golden border of beaches hundreds of kilometers long, the clear waters of the Indian Ocean with a rich underwater world, rice fields, lakes and rivers, forests and mountains from which waterfalls fall, the cleanest air saturated with the aromas of jasmine and lotus - the sacred flower of the Buddhist religion. Welcome to the paradise of Sri Lanka!

I have been and continue to visit the countries of South Asia very often, although most often for work, but I come back to the most interesting places again, this time for the sake of relaxation. In order to get impressions not on the run, but wisely and carefully. This time, I visited Sri Lanka or, as it is also called, the island of Ceylon.

How to get to the island of Ceylon

I bought tickets, which from Moscow cost about 20,000 rubles. A few hours of flight and I’m there. The airport on the island is located in the town of Bandaranaike. From here you need to get to Colombo, which is thirty-five kilometers away. Transport links in Sri Lanka are quite well developed, so you can safely choose a bus, a local train, or a taxi.

I decided not to take risks with bus routes, so I took a taxi, which cost only 300 rupees. While still in Moscow, I booked a room in one of the hotels located on Negombo beach.

The trip took no more than twenty minutes, but this is not surprising, the distance is short. I really liked the guest house, and from its windows you can clearly see the sea and even have your own piece of the beach. It is very comfortable. By the way, there are not many tourists here, so no one disturbed my peace. The price of the house was quite affordable - approximately 3,000 rubles per night.

A little about the history of Ceylon

The capital of the island is Sri Jayawardanapura, although there is also an unofficial one - this is Colombo, recognized by the international community. For many years the island was attacked by various conquerors. There were Arabs, Portuguese, Dutch and even British here.

Due to the fact that in Ceylon the leadership changed with enviable regularity, there is a huge mixture of architectural styles here. At the moment, many modern high-rise buildings and houses have been built here.


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You can relax on the island all year round, thanks to the subequatorial climate. The average air temperature remains at 26 degrees. Ceylon is always warm, but very humid. True, tsunamis occur here in the summer, so a winter holiday would be safer. By the way, there is no rain here during the winter months.


Transport links here are quite well developed. You can get to any point on the island equally comfortably by bus, taxi, or even by rail.

True, the fastest way is to travel by Tuk-Tuk. These are such funny things that vaguely resemble a three-wheeled motorcycle. Behind the driver there is a passenger booth. The drivers of these cars drive their vehicles so professionally that they are able to bypass almost any traffic jam or congestion on the road.

National food of Sri Lanka

Local food is very different from all European dishes. The fact is that spices and seasonings predominate here. The locals' favorite is curry. By the way, they eat very little meat on the island, preferring vegetables and fruits.

Local chefs are excellent at preparing seafood delicacies, so it is better to choose fish and seafood.

I can give advice right away. Under no circumstances try to eat in roadside cafes or shops. Very high risk of food poisoning. I didn’t go to just one cafe, I went around a dozen establishments. And she made disappointing conclusions.

But, in addition to local restaurants, there are also European ones. So there is plenty to choose from.

Sights of Ceylon

There are a lot of religious sites on the island. Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara is considered one of the most important.

True, it was completed not so long ago - in the first half of the twentieth century, but the first mentions of it date back to the third century BC. I was especially impressed by the colorful frescoes on the walls. This temple is a true example of Sinhala architecture.

The Sri Ponnambala Vaneswaram Temple is curious because a harvest festival is held on its premises every year. Its walls are made of light gray granite. The surprising thing is that there is no riot of colors here, as is usually the case in local temples.

I also visited the Dutch Museum. There are many exhibits on display here dedicated to the times of the Dutch rule over Sri Lanka. There are coins, weapons, and household items here. Previously, this building housed an institute and a post office. Entry costs 500 rupees. To be honest, not a particularly interesting place. A museum is like a museum. I have seen exhibitions much more interesting than this one.

You can visit the Yami Ul Alfar Mosque for free, which is attractive with its red and white colors.

I didn’t go inside, I just took a few photos.

Sri Bala Selva Vinayagar Murti is a temple dedicated to the famous Hindu gods Shiva and Ganesha. By the way, the most beloved god among Hindus is Ganesha with the head of an elephant. He is believed to be the god of all that is good in the world. And that it was he who accomplished all the wonders of the world.

Island of Ceylon. Tea plantations

It was the tea plantations that glorified the island of Ceylon for many years. Many people probably remember that same tea in a yellow packet with an elephant drawn on it. This tea was brought exactly from this island. The quality of the tea is excellent. Ceylon offers excellent excursions to tea plantations.

Here you can see how tea grows and how it is harvested. There is also a factory for sorting and packaging tea leaves. There is also a restaurant on site where you can taste all types of tea growing on the island. There are so many of these types that I couldn’t try them all, I was afraid of bursting))). You can also buy aromatic tea here as a souvenir for your family. I picked up ten packs, probably out of greed.

Seafood market

It is better to come here very early, preferably around 6 am. Just at this time, fishermen return with a fresh catch. There is absolutely everything your little one wants: crabs, lobsters, shrimp, lobsters and much more. They also cook fish here.

Amazing smells emanate from everywhere. By the way, women cook here and adequate conditions have been created for cooking. I wasn't afraid to eat. The shrimp and mussels were absolutely delicious. And prices are significantly lower than in city restaurants.

Beach holiday

The cleanest and most well-groomed beaches of the coast are located along Lewis Place. This is where expensive hotels are located that monitor the cleanliness of the area. There are also a large number of restaurants and cafes for tourists. There are even a couple of shopping centers. So, while on the island, be sure to take a walk along this street.

There is also Negombo beach on the island, but it’s better not to go here. He is somehow unkempt and uncomfortable. Although there are tourists who relax here like savages. The beach may not be particularly clean, but the water is crystal clear.

How to entertain yourself in Ceylon

There are a lot of entertainments for tourists here, albeit related to water. Diving is considered the most popular. Diving can be done in Hikkaduwa Bay or Trincomalee Bay. Equipment can be rented for a nominal fee.

My favorite thing was swimming with the sea turtles.

To do this, you need to go to the South Coast, since this is where the most of them are found. Probably the locals feed them. If there are no turtles nearby, you can rent a boat and go further from the shore. The guides know almost all the places where their flocks can be found.

You can go surfing at Hikkaduwa Beach. This is where huge waves arise, the height of which reaches four meters. On the beach itself there are themed clubs for surfers. Personally, I don’t like standing on the board, or rather, I can’t. And constantly falling and catching the board makes me very nervous.

Shopping in Ceylon

Many tourists, coming to the island of Ceylon, prefer to buy pearls and precious stones such as rubies, sapphires and topazes. The extraction of these jewels is well established here. Even tourists are allowed to participate in the mining. True, for a fee. True, you need to purchase pebbles only in large stores, this way you can protect yourself from counterfeiting.


I was on the island for only 5 days, but I had enough time to enjoy the local beauty and attractions. I think that I will not visit the island of Ceylon again very soon. It is beautiful and interesting, but personally I prefer places where the infrastructure is more developed.

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Capital- city of Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte
Square- 65,610 sq. km.
Population— 21.6 million people
Language- Sinhala and Tamil
Form of government- mixed republic
Independence date (from Great Britain)— February 4, 1948
The largest city
Currency— Sri Lankan rupee
Timezone — +5:30
Telephone code — +94

At the official level the country is called Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. The state is located in southern Asia on the territory of the island of Sri Lanka in the southwestern part of the coast of Hindustan. Until the country gained independence, it was called Ceylon. The official capital of the state is the city of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, where the supreme court and parliament are located. However, the actual capital is the city. The residence of the country's president is located here and the government meets. Dondra is the southern cape of the island, Dutch Bay is the western.

Sri Lanka - video

The island of Sri Lanka is washed by the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. The Palk Strait and the Gulf of Manara separate Sri Lanka from Hindustan. In the past, the island was connected to the mainland by the so-called Adam's Bridge (a sandbar in the Palk Strait), but according to legend, the bridge was destroyed during one of the earthquakes. In the center of the country there are mountain ranges, the rest of the territory is predominantly lowland. The highest mountain peak is located at an altitude of 2,524 meters above sea level and is called Pidurutalagala. The island's subequatorial monsoon climate is determined by the northeast and southwest monsoons that blow throughout the year.
The largest rivers Sri Lanka are Kalu, Aruvi-Aru, Kelani, Mahaweli-Ganga.

According to the government census conducted in the summer of 2013, the country is home to about 21.6 million people. By nationality we can distinguish Sinhalese (about 75%), Tamils ​​(about 18%), Sri Lankan Moors (about 7%), burghers (about 0.3%), Veddas (about 1 thousand people). Religiously, the country's population is divided into followers of Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam - 70%, 15%, 8% and 7%, respectively.

The country's calling card is tea. In terms of its production volumes, Sri Lanka is third in the world, second only to China and. The country has achieved the greatest success in the extraction of precious stones, rubber and cinnamon. The textile industry occupies a leading position in terms of export volumes (about 63%), agriculture - about 20%. The country has a fairly extensive network of bus routes, which are served by both the state bus company and private enterprises. You can get to any corner of the island by bus, but traveling there will be little fun due to dirt, dust, crowding and low speed (no more than 45 km/h). There are also more comfortable buses, but getting on them is quite difficult - tickets must be booked in advance at bus stations or at transport agencies.

It is worth mentioning the island's railway transport. The railway connection connects large cities with each other. The trains have carriages of different classes with and without air conditioning. A world-famous restored train, which was built back in 1928, runs along one of the routes. Sri Lanka has Bandaranaike International Airport, located approximately 35 kilometers from. The airport was built by the British in 1940 and was initially used as a military airport.

Sights of Sri Lanka

Bambarakanda waterfall

Waterfall "Bridal Veil"

On the territory of the state there are famous Ceylon tea plantations, which was first brought here from China in 1824. In the second half of the 19th century, tea was first grown here on an industrial scale - James Taylor, a planter from Scotland, did this, planting about 80 hectares of land with tea.

1. In Sri Lanka, internal national conflicts occur quite often, so do not be surprised by the large number of military personnel on the streets and roadblocks. Train and bus stations in the country are usually surrounded by fences, and all passengers must show identification upon entry. In the southern part of the country the situation is somewhat calmer, so there are usually fewer checks here.

2. When visiting restaurants or cafes, pay attention to what the food you ordered is prepared from, since all the dishes here are spicy. To avoid misunderstandings, ask the waiter serving your table about the composition of a particular dish. You should choose sauces especially carefully. If you have eaten very spicy food, then you do not need to wash it down with water - it is better to eat bread or unleavened flatbread.

3. If you want to order tea in a cafe, take the trouble to explain how you need to brew it, since here they do it a little differently than in Europe.

4. The main dish in Sri Lanka is rice, which is served on a separate large plate, along with small saucers with various spices and seasonings.

5. Do not be alarmed if you are offered to buy soft drugs on the street - this is considered a common occurrence here, despite the fact that the laws of the country provide for the highest penalty for distribution and possession of drugs - the death penalty.

6. Be sure to wash your hands very thoroughly before eating. It is better to scald vegetables with boiling water. Water should be drunk exclusively from plastic bottles with factory caps.

7. Residents of the country are very friendly with tourists, although this attitude is not always pleasant, as sometimes it develops into intrusiveness (this mainly applies to local street vendors and tour guides).

8. In Sri Lanka, entry to many beaches is free, however, the beaches at some hotels are closed. Hunting animals and collecting corals is strictly prohibited here.

9. It is best to dress in the country in light clothes made of natural fabric in light shades. If you are going to climb the mountains, be sure to take warm clothes with you.

10. When visiting temples, you must take off your shoes and hats. It is prohibited to enter such places wearing short skirts and shorts, as well as bare shoulders and backs. Do not turn your back on Buddha statues, do not show your feet or the soles of shoes to others, do not take photographs of the local population without permission, and do not offend cows, as they are sacred animals here.

11. It is not at all necessary to leave a tip in restaurants or hotels. Sometimes they are included in the total bill for a service or meal.

12. The voltage in the local power supply is 230-240V, and the sockets are three-pin, so to use them you need to purchase a special adapter.

Few of us living in northern latitudes have wondered: what is the island of Sri Lanka, where is it located, what country is it, how to find it on the world map, what is it washed with? Many people are interested in the question - is Sri Lanka India or not? And what part of the world does Sri Lanka belong to?

In recent years, holidays on this piece of land in the middle of the vast expanses of the ocean have become increasingly popular. Tourists come here for the warm sea, sandy beaches, eternal summer, unique souvenirs, and the opportunity to see whales.

In contact with

Geographical location

Geographically, Sri Lanka is located at the southern tip of the Hindustan Peninsula, it can easily be found on the world map in the Indian Ocean, since the state is located in the south of Asia, then the part of the world to which it belongs is Asia. Sandy shores, with a total length of about 1300 km, are washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean.

The island has an elongated shape from south to north; it is separated from the mainland by the Polk Strait, more than five tens of kilometers wide. The southern part of the island consists of mountain terraces that move towards the center into the highlands.

Geographic coordinates of Sri Lanka - 7°45′00″ N. la., 80°46′00 e. d.

Brief information about the country

When Sri Lanka was colonized by England, Portugal and Holland in the 16th century, it was called Ceylon. Now the island is called Sri Lanka, and regarding how the official name sounds in Russian, Wikipedia answers - “Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka”.

Form of statehood – Democratic Socialist Republic. Type of government - presidential republic. The main nationality is Sinhalese. The first states appeared in the 5th century BC. The ancient inhabitants of the island traded with the Chinese, Arabs, and Romans.

From the 16th century to the mid-20th century it was a colonial possession:

  • Portuguese;
  • Dutch;
  • English.


note: Officially, the main administrative center, the seat of government, is the city of Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte, founded in the 13th century as the Kotte fortress. Located between the Diyavana Oya and Kolonnava Oya riverbeds.

In fact, the economic and cultural center of the country is the city of Colombo, founded in the 7th century, presumably by Arab merchants. Initially, the city developed as a trading port.


The country has two official state languages ​​– Sinhala and Tamil. In tourist areas, residents understand English.


Residents of Russia must obtain a visa to visit. The easiest way is to fill out in advance the electronic form posted on the embassy’s website. Upon arrival, pay $35, present a valid passport, completed arrival card and receive a visa.

Note: A visa can also be issued directly upon arrival. However, this will cost more and take more time.


Ceylon is home to more than 21.5 million people. More than ¾ of the population is the titular nation - the Sinhalese, 1/6 - the Tamils. The descendants of Arabs and Austronesians, who are immigrants from, do not exceed 1/12 of the country's population.

In addition, descendants of European colonialists live here: the Portuguese, the Dutch, the British. Their number is about 1/15 of the total number of citizens.


Take note: Four world religions are officially recognized: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity.

The Sinhalese, the bulk of the population, profess Buddhism. Tamils ​​are Hindus, Islam is traditionally preached by Arabs and Austronesians. The descendants of Europeans are Catholics.

Sea and ocean

In fact, Sri Lanka is washed by the waters of two seas included in the Indian Ocean. The Palk Strait, separating Ceylon from the mainland, connects the Gulf of Mannar in the west with the Bay of Bengal in the east.

The northwestern shores are washed by the waters of the Gulf of Mannar, which is part of the Laccadive Sea.

The northeastern part is washed by the waters of the Bay of Bengal, which by its characteristics is a sea. The bay is famous for its coastal mangrove forests, rich in unique underwater world.

The rest of the island's coastline is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean itself. The sea coast with lazy surf is perfect for a beach holiday. Fans of active recreation should choose ocean beaches with their ever-roaring waves.


The national currency of the republic is the Sri Lankan rupee. 1 US dollar costs about 153 Sri Lankan rupees. 1 Russian ruble costs approximately 2.62 rupees; a euro costs about 166 rupees.


Sri Lanka has a fairly developed ground transport infrastructure:

  • tuk-tuks are the main type of transport, and are a cross between a motorbike and a pedicabs. It is allowed to bargain on the price of the trip;
  • city ​​buses;
  • an extensive network of intercity buses, which is the most comfortable form of transport;
  • railway connections between populated areas;
  • Taxi. Developed only in tourist areas and capitals.

Car and scooter rentals are also available. Just keep in mind that:

  • the authorities do not recognize any rights other than local ones;
  • Only persons over 21 years of age are allowed to drive.

Difference in time

Moscow time is 2.5 hours behind Sri Lankan time. The time is 4.5 hours ahead of Sri Lanka, and 1.5 hours ahead of Novosibirsk. It is located in almost the same time zone as Sri Lanka: the difference is only 30 minutes.

What to bring

Since ancient times, the island has been famous for its tea plantations, spices, and pearls. The number of tea varieties is so large that it is almost impossible to taste them all.

For decades, precious stones mined from the depths of Sri Lanka have been highly valued in jewelry markets: sapphires, emeralds, almandines, opals, tourmalines, topazes.

Therefore, you should bring from your trip:

  • ceylon tea. You can buy it on plantations, in stores, and in the market. The price greatly depends on the proximity to tourist areas;
  • spices: vanilla pods, pepper, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon sticks;

  • natural essential oils tropical plants: vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, sandalwood, wild lemongrass, vetiver;
  • jewelry with precious stones.

Advice: When purchasing, you should pay special attention to the metal: gold and silver are exported, so no one is responsible for the quality of the metals.

The stones have a mineralogical passport, which will need to be presented when going through customs;

  • cotton clothing. For its production, Indian cotton is used, characterized by long fibers that give the fabrics softness.


The island is entirely located in the zone of humid equatorial climate with a transition to subequatorial climate. The climate on the coast is monsoon.

The high season is winter. The climate is mild. There is practically no change in seasons. Ceylon is the kingdom of eternal summer. Even in the mountains, snow never falls. There are practically no average daily temperature fluctuations.

Note: the pole of cold is Nuwara Eliya, where the average daily temperature ranges from +11° to 13°C.

Air and ocean water temperatures are always almost the same, 30°-32°C. The sea water temperature is 1–2°C lower. Night temperatures rarely drop below +25°C.

In the highlands the climate is less hot, the temperature rarely rises above +25°C. Climatic conditions are such that the local southern winter is much warmer than our northern summer.

How to get there

Direct regular flights from Colombo International Airport operate only to one Russian city - Moscow. Flight period: from June to August.

Direct charter flights are organized from other Russian cities to Colombo, information about which can be obtained from the tour operator organizing the trips.

It is convenient for residents of the Asian part of the country to fly with transfers at the following airports:

  • Beijing;
  • Seoul;

There are year-round regular direct flights with these cities. Russian airlines have tariff agreements with Asian airlines operating flights to Ceylon.

For residents of the European part, it is convenient to fly via Dubai or Doha. In addition, you can fly from Russia to Ceylon via, Mumbai, Delhi, Tashkent. These routes require 2-3 transfers.


Resort areas are located in almost all corners of the country:


In the western part of the country, the most popular resort is the fishing village of Negombo, located on the shores of the lagoon of the same name. Historically, the area is notable for its Portuguese fort, which the Dutch turned into a prison. Of interest to fans of history, cultural studies, and ethnography.

Advice: Negombo is ideal for those who love a lazy time on the beach.


The popular youth resort of Colombo, the cultural capital of the country, is located on the shores of the bay of the same name in the west of the country. Like any eastern city, Colombo lives in contrasts: poverty borders on wealth, shacks of the poor huddle next to fashionable buildings.

The cleanliness of wealthy neighborhoods is replaced by the trash of slums. Glitter and poverty, eternal celebration and eternal work, past and future - all this is intertwined on the streets of Colombo. Of interest to lovers of active recreation.


A romantic resort on the sea coast is perfect for peace and lazy relaxation. It is a quiet place with a leisurely pace under the shade of palm trees. The main type of recreation is beach. Located southwest of Colombo.


It is located on the shores of the Laccadive Sea, where the Kalu River flows into it.

Aimed at lovers of active recreation and water sports.


The city is located in the southwest and is notable for its architecture. This resort is suitable for a relaxing, secluded holiday.


Located in the west of the country. It recently acquired the status of a resort, so the flow of tourists is still small. Fans of a leisurely, measured holiday will appreciate the sandy beaches in the vicinity of the town.


A small town in the south of Sri Lanka on the shore of a bay protected from ocean waves by a coral reef. Popular among lovers of individual travel.

Take note: Unawatuna is ideal for a relaxing holiday with children.

Resort on the southern tip of the island. Quiet place away from civilization. The unique underwater world attracts diving fans.

Kogalla is famous for its boat excursions, where you can spot wild whales and dolphins.

Mirissa - the best beach

Experienced surfers come to Mirissa for the high waves. Untouched, wonderful nature and lack of economic activity create a feeling of paradise. The place is secluded and conducive to a romantic getaway. The usual resort entertainment is missing.

Surf paradise

The open ocean coast of the southern tip of the island is popular with surfers. The surf allows surfing all year round. Sandy beaches are good for beginner surfing. Experienced surfers catch waves among rocks and reefs.

Interesting to know: Hikkaduwa is the most popular beach among surfers. Beginners can take individual lessons from professional instructors or sign up for classes at surf schools.

Surfing schools also operate in Kogalle, Unawatuna, and Weligama.


Shopping is amazing in its variety and will bring true pleasure to those who love to shop.

Note: like everywhere else in the east, it is customary to bargain here. Local merchants do not like those who buy without bargaining. For them, this is one of the types of communication, a centuries-old tradition that is observed to this day. In addition, by haggling it is quite possible to reduce prices by several orders of magnitude.

While vacationing on the island, you should visit numerous jewelry factories with shopping centers. The range of jewelry shopping centers amazes with the variety and beauty of the products presented. Local jewelers can create custom jewelry with your favorite stones.

After taking a trip to the tea plantations, strolling through the spice gardens, it is worth visiting the shops. True, prices there are much higher than in small shops and markets.

At local markets you can buy exotic fruits, spices, herbs, and essential oils. In addition, here you can purchase clothes made from cotton or have them custom-tailored.

This is especially true for the countries of Southeast Asia. Even if tourists bring any plants or seeds, they can simply be confiscated at customs. To prevent this, it is recommended to refuse the purchase or issue a herbal passport. It is better to carry fruits in packed luggage, this way they will definitely not be confiscated.


Leaving a tip is voluntary. Hotel staff, guides, porters, and drivers are advised to tip a dollar.

In cafes and restaurants, tips are already included in the bill. In other cases, tourists determine the tip size themselves; the maximum amount can reach 10% of the check value.


The national cuisine of Sri Lankans is predominantly vegetarian with a lot of spices and herbs. The main food product is rice. Local cuisine originates from Indian cuisine; the Portuguese, Dutch, British, Arabs, and Chinese contributed to it.

Therefore, modern dishes are a mixture of the culinary traditions of these peoples. A spice for all occasions is curry, which is served as a side dish with boiled rice.

Hotels offer tourists the usual Europeanized menu. National dishes are served in adapted form. You can try authentic Sri Lankan dishes in restaurants frequented by locals. For most Europeans, national dishes seem very spicy; this must be kept in mind when ordering dishes.

Flora and fauna

The fauna of this corner of the planet is one of the most diverse. The island is home to many endemic species of animals, amphibians, birds, insects that are found only here - 16% of the total.

More than half of the species are threatened with extinction:

  • Indian sambar deer;
  • Sri Lankan leopard;
  • Sri Lankan elephant;
  • sloth bear.

The island is also home to more than 200 species of birds, a quarter of which are also endangered. More than half of the amphibians may also disappear forever, and more than a hundred species live here, 90% of them are endemic.

Scammers on the island

You can come across scammers everywhere: on the street, in restaurants, shops, in transport. Traders and drivers usually quote a price that is many times higher than the actual price. There is only one piece of advice: find out the cost in advance and bargain desperately.

You can also become a victim of scammers when exchanging currency; tourists are often lured by a tempting exchange rate. Therefore, it is necessary to remain vigilant, not to be fooled by tempting offers, while maintaining a critical perception. As the saying goes: free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.


Sri Lanka is a country with a thousand-year history and unique nature.

Traveling around the island, you can see architectural monuments that are cultural heritage under the protection of UNESCO:

  • the ancient cities of Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa, built three thousand years ago by Indians;
  • ancient man-made lakes;
  • the Sigiriya palace complex, located on mountain terraces;
  • Horton Place National Parks, Yala;
  • royal botanical garden;
  • legacy of the colonial period;
  • numerous ancient temples.

In fact, the whole of Ceylon is one big attraction. Nearby are the eras of Ancient India and colonization, modern buildings and ancient palaces, botanical gardens and thousand-year-old plantations.

tour cost

The cost of a week-long package tour for two with departure from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk starts from 60 thousand rubles.

The request for "Ceylon" is redirected here; see also other meanings. This article is about the state, about the island, see Sri Lanka (island). Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka ජය இலங்கை ஜனநாயக… … Wikipedia

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, state in South. Asia, on the island Sri Lanka. Name from Sanskrit. sri glorious, magnificent, blessed, lanka land. Until 1972 it was called Ceylon. This name is based on Sanskrit. Sinhala dvipa... ... Geographical encyclopedia

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (until 1972 Ceylon), a state in South Asia, on the island of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean, at the southern tip of the Hindustan Peninsula. 65.6 thousand km2. Population over 18.3 million people (1996), in... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Sri Lanka- Sri Lanka. Ancient city of Anuradhapura. SRI LANKA (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka), a state in South Asia, on the island of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean, off the southern tip of the Hindustan Peninsula. Area 65.6 thousand km2.… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (until 1972 Ceylon), a state in the South. Asia, on the island Sri Lanka in the Indian region, at the southern tip of the Hindustan Peninsula. 65.6 thousand km². population of St. 17.6 million people (1993), mostly Sinhalese... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Ceylon, emerald island Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Sri Lanka noun, number of synonyms: 4 emerald island (1) ... Synonym dictionary

Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon)- (Sri Lanka), an island state in the Indian Ocean, near the southeast. coast of India. The early history of Sh.L. was greatly influenced by India, and modern times. The state was formed as a result of three stages of Europe. colonization. Here they dominated at first... ... The World History

- (until 1972 Ceylon) Republic of Sri Lanka, a state on the island of the same name in the Indian Ocean, southeast of the Hindustan Peninsula. Member of the Commonwealth (British). Area 65.6 thousand km2. Population 13.7 million people. (1976). The capital is Colombo. IN… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

State in South. ASIA, on the island of Sri Lanka. Under this name the island was known in ancient times along with the self-name Sinhaladvipa (lit. lion island); its Arabic distortion of Serendib was transformed by the Portuguese into Ceilão, by the Dutch into... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), an island state in South Asia, south of the Hindustan Peninsula. Separated from the mainland by the shallow Polk Strait and the Gulf of Manara, between which there is a chain of islands... ... Collier's Encyclopedia


  • Sri Lanka with a map! (RG11204), Heine Paul. What is Sri Lanka? The tropical island is located in the Indian Ocean. The north of Sri Lanka and the south of India are separated by the Palk Strait, 35 km wide, and connected by Adam’s Bridge - a chain of shoals and coral...
  • Guide to Sri Lanka 14 routes 12 maps map, Heine P.. What is Sri Lanka? The tropical island is located in the Indian Ocean. The north of Sri Lanka and the south of India are separated by the Palk Strait, 35 km wide, and connected by Adam’s Bridge, a chain of shallows and coral...

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