Air filter for Ford Focus 2 liters. Air filter test for Ford Focus

In today's test we will talk about a cheap consumable, the wrong choice of which is guaranteed to lead to accelerated wear and, in critical cases, to a major engine overhaul. This is an air filter. Nine samples were collected for the test, the prices of which differ by a factor of two, and the range of countries of production ranges from China to Russia. Let's see which components will perform well, and which ones are better to be completely excluded from the list of potential purchases.

The purpose of the filter is not only to clean the air from dust, it must also allow air to pass through when it is gradually contaminated, without creating much resistance (this reduces engine power).

Buying an air filter is not difficult now. Anyone who has repeatedly bought filters for his car may have encountered the opinion of some not very competent sellers: “Yes, they are all the same, take any one.” Indeed, filters for the same model (in our case, filters were purchased for the popular second-generation Ford Focus, original number 1354952) are almost identical in appearance. But this is only externally, but what and how they are made can differ dramatically. And, alas, it is unlikely that you will be able to distinguish a quality product by eye and touch. So, we had the following samples at our disposal.


Cost - 340 rubles

The plastic filter housing indicates the brand, model and production date, but it does not indicate where the filter was actually made. The product is packaged in a branded package with graphic images of products produced under this brand. On the packaging, in addition to detailed instructions on application, there is a QR code, by clicking on which you can find yourself in the catalog. Interchangeability is indicated only with the MANN-FILTER, Knecht and Filtron brands.

BIG Filter

Country of origin: Russia

Cost - 340 rubles

The packaging describes in detail the applicability, indicating specific car models; there is also information about interchangeability with models from global manufacturers. The filter is easy to identify as it shows the manufacturer, model, country and date of manufacture, as well as the product serial number. The requirement of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union to apply indelible markings to the product itself if it is subject to mandatory certification has also been met.


Country of origin: South Korea

Cost - 385 rubles

Scanty information about the filter model and applicability in Russian is contained only on a small sticker in the corner of the box; absolutely no inscriptions could be found on the filter itself.


Country of origin: Germany (not confirmed)

Cost - 410 rubles

The only one of the filters that caused complaints about the quality of manufacture of the filter seating part: there are sagging and flashes on it, which will not allow the filter mating part to create a good seal. Accordingly, part of the untreated air will be sucked into the engine intake tract past the filter. The filter is marked with a brand, model, as well as a unified sign of circulation on the EAEU market. By applicability, only the Ford brand is indicated, while applicability is suggested to be looked at in the catalog on the website without a QR code. The packaging has a license sticker indicating the authenticity of the product.

Green Filter

Country of origin: Germany (not confirmed)

Cost - 440 rubles

As for applicability, only car brands are indicated, without models. Interchangeability is indicated only with the model produced by Filtron, however, there is a QR code on the packaging, by clicking on which you can find out in detail about the applicability. Inside the cardboard packaging, the filter is also packed in a plastic bag with logos. Apart from the brand and model, no other information could be found on the filter housing.


Country of origin: Poland

Cost - 465 rubles

The packaging indicates interchangeability with filter models of world brands; it is not stated anywhere about applicability to car brands and models. A QR code is provided to go to the site. The filter housing contains the names of the brand, model and country of manufacture.


Country of origin: China

Cost - 560 rubles

The cover of this filter has a spout, which additionally secures the filter in the casing. The filter itself is marked with the brand and model. No information about applicability or interchangeability is indicated on the packaging. There is also no suggestion to familiarize yourself with the catalog to clarify applicability.


Country of origin: Bulgaria

Cost - 605 rubles

All information about applicability is available only on the website using the QR code. On the packaging there is only a short list of interchangeability with MANN-FILTER, Mahle and Purflux. The filter itself contains all the necessary information: brand, model, country of manufacture, product serial number and a single sign of circulation on the EAEU market.


Country of origin: Germany (not confirmed)

Cost - 620 rubles

The plastic cover of the housing contains all the necessary information to identify the filter: trademark, model, country of manufacture. The cover of this filter also has a spout, which additionally secures the filter in the housing. The packaging indicates the interchangeability of this model with other models from global manufacturers.

Test procedure

Tests are carried out in accordance with the requirements of ISO 5011 on a special stand, which consists of a dispenser sprayer for dust specially purchased by fraction from the Arizona desert, as well as a special pipe with instruments through which a fan sucks in air. A standard air filter housing, removed from the car, is attached to the pipe, into which the tested filters are installed one by one.

First, before installation, the filter is measured and weighed, as is the initial amount of dust. Then it is installed in a standard case fixed to the stand, the exhaust fan and sprayer are turned on. The test is carried out until the air filter begins to create a resistance of 2 kPa. During testing, several control points are removed. Weighing operations are carried out in the middle of the test and after the tests - this is how the efficiency of the filter is calculated, that is, the amount of dust that it can retain. According to the manufacturers' requirements, a new filter must have an efficiency of 97%, and an existing one - at least 99%.

During the measurements, it turned out that the initial resistance and area of ​​the curtains differ for some filters by almost a third.

There are two ways to secure curtains between plastic bases - gluing and fusing. Only FRAM and SCT filters use glue; all others have fused curtains.

The results of the initial measurements are shown in Table 1.

Finwhale, Green Filter and Filtron filters have the largest curtain area. It is logical to assume that the larger the surface of the curtain, the less resistance should be and the greater the dust holding capacity, but at the same time, the Filtron curtain, developed in area, has the largest initial resistance. It is slightly less for SCT, which has smallest area curtains. This suggests that the materials used differ in permeability.

Based on the test results, calculations were made of the efficiency of each filter. The results are presented in Table 2.

One of the most important parameters of a filter is its dust capacity. In essence, this is the filter’s resource, since the more dust the filter can hold before its parameters deteriorate to unacceptable resistance values, the better. However, for dust-free Europe or for the Russian off-season with rain and slush, this parameter is not always important.

The low initial and final efficiencies are explained by the defective fit of this filter in the housing due to its length. Dust holding capacity also leaves much to be desired.

The filter initially does not reach the required level of cleaning quality, however, even with the fourth result in dust capacity, there is practically no improvement in cleaning quality; it could not even reach 97%.


Good initial performance, but did not achieve the required cleaning quality of 99%, while dust capacity is only in fifth place, although the surface of the curtain has the highest values ​​of all. The quality of the landing neck leaves much to be desired.

Worst initial performance. Almost 20% of the dust will enter the engine, and when clogged, this cleaning quality parameter drops by almost another 20%. This indicates that there is a gap somewhere in the curtain between the corrugations. And if we add here the absence of any information on the filter itself, then the buyer should have doubts.


The filter was in the top five of our test. The indicators fully comply with the standard, the initial cleaning quality is 99%, but the dust capacity is not very large: the difference reaches 100 grams of dust compared to other filters that meet the standard. The result is explainable: the curtain area is very small, despite the fact that the filter is the most expensive in the review.

Green Filter

A decent result, good initial characteristics and the same drawback as MANN-FILTER: medium-level dust capacity, which will absorb 50 grams less dust at a fairly reasonable cost.

Second place in dust capacity, third place in quality of cleaning a dusty filter. But even this is a result above 99.5%, although the initial figure (about 98.3%) is the lowest of the five leaders. In addition, they ask for a German brand much more.


The Russian filter is one of the leaders in terms of efficiency indicators. And in terms of dust holding capacity, although slightly, it surpasses all rivals, while the initial resistance has the least value. The price is also pleasing - it is one of the lowest in the test.

The highest cleaning quality is above 99%, even for a new filter with the highest possible dust capacity, however, the initial resistance is higher than that of the other tested ones, while the cost is in the average price range.

What's the result?

Of the nine filters we purchased and tested, only five fully meet the requirements - these are MANN-FILTER, Green Filter, Filtron, Bosch and BIG Filter. At the same time, not only filters produced in the East failed to pass the test, but also filters whose country of production was declared to be Germany, which, by the way, there are serious doubts about.

It is better to buy a filter from trusted manufacturers, but the more expensive filter may not always be the best in quality. When choosing a filter, it is also necessary to take into account the period and climate zone in which the car will be used. This determines which of the filter parameters will become decisive.

As you know, the Ford Focus 2 air filter serves to filter and clean the air flow from external contaminants and exhaust gases entering the car engine. Therefore, replacing it is a priority during car maintenance or when the filter fails. Today you will learn about what kind of air filter is needed in a Focus 2 car, and what types there are, as well as how to change the cleaning element.


What filter is needed?

Filter element housing

A Ford Focus 2 may have one of several types of filters installed, depending on the version of the vehicle, so its choice depends solely on the vehicle.

In particular, the standard air purification element for Ford Focus 2 in a rectangular housing is a traditional filter that is installed on most cars. Its cost is not cheap: 500 - 1000 rubles (150-300 hryvnia), but it is publicly available and is sold in any car store.

New filter element for the restyled Ford Focus 2

As for the restyled version of the “second” Focuses, in them the air purification is carried out by a cylindrical element. Such cleaning components have been installed on manufactured cars since 2007. In the period from 2004 to 2007, pre-restyling version cars were equipped with a flat paper filter in a rectangular housing.

Subsequently, the manufacturing company decided to install purifiers in their vehicles in this particular housing and shape. Cylindrical elements were considered more inconvenient due to their excessively large filter surface and considerable size.

Below is the average cost of an air component depending on engine type:

  • 1.4 liter engine - 600 rubles (200 hryvnia);
  • 1.6l and 1.8l engines - from 500 to 900 rubles (150 - 250 hryvnia);
  • 1.8 liter diesel engine - from 350 to 700 rubles (100 - 200 hryvnia);
  • 2l engine - from 400 to 1000 rubles (120 - 270 hryvnia).

One way or another, it is better to replace the element with the original one. The manufacturer recommends that owners of restyled Ford Focus 2 cars change the air filter element every 20 thousand km. But the resource of the work item is significantly reduced if vehicle used on roads with high dust levels. Therefore the air filter ( hereinafter – VF) it is better to change every 10-15 thousand km.

Replacement process

Replacing the air cleaning component in the restyled Ford Focus 2 itself is not a labor-intensive task, so even the most inexperienced driver can cope with it. The main thing is to follow the instructions provided and carry out all the steps exactly.

If you replace the cleaning element in a timely manner, you will get the following results:

  • the engine's operating life increases;
  • the vehicle's power increases while driving;
  • normal operation of the exhaust system;
  • saving gasoline.


The manufacturer recommends replacing the air component together with a crankcase gas cleaner. Therefore, we will consider the process together with the change of this part. Before you begin the actual replacement, prepare everything you might need:

  • a wrench or a socket wrench with an extension to “7”;
  • the air filter itself (the brand of the original element is Mahle LX 1780);
  • rags;
  • new crankcase gas filter;
  • liquid VD-40;
  • Phillips screwdriver.

Self-replacement of the element

  1. First you need to open the hood and find the air cleaning component housing cover.
  2. Then you need to unscrew the 4 bolts to remove this cover.
  3. Take a socket wrench with an extension to “7” and unscrew this bolt. You can try to do this with a regular key, but using a head will be much more convenient.
  4. Now you need to unscrew the two mounting bolts of the air duct and move the pipe. This is done for greater convenience so that the pipe does not interfere with the removal of the old and installation of a new filter element.
  5. We will immediately change the crankcase gas cleaning and ventilation component. You just need to pry it off with a screwdriver and pull it out, installing a new one in its place.
  6. Next, pull the cover up and remove it. It can be installed firmly, so you will need to apply a little force to dismantle it.
  7. This is what the VF looks like after 15 thousand kilometers. You, as the driver of the vehicle, must make a visual assessment of the condition of the element. If, after a mileage of 15 thousand km, the element looks deplorable, then the replacement interval must be reduced. Then you yourself will know how often you need to change the VF.
  8. Now you need to dismantle the cleaning component and wipe its body from settled dust.
  9. We take a new VF and install it in the connector. Before doing this, take VD-40 fluid and lubricate the inner ring of the filter. In order for the rear part to fit neatly into the guides, it will need to be compressed a little.
  10. Now you can put the cover back in place and tighten the bolts back. Be sure to check that the back of the element fits correctly into the housing.
  11. Screw the pipe into place.

Important! Don't think that you can save money by blowing out the filter with a compressor. It is advisable to blow out the element if the vehicle is temporarily used in difficult conditions and the component itself has not yet exhausted its service life.

Little trick: at the installation site, mark with a marker or on a piece of paper the date and mileage when the VF was changed.

Video “Removing the air filter in a Ford Focus 2”

This video shows the process of dismantling the air cleaning element in the restyled version of the Ford Focus 2.

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Although the last Ford Focus 2 rolled off the production line 6 years ago, this model continues to remain popular on the market. Naturally, all cars of this generation are already out of dealer warranty, so the question is “where to service the car?” always relevant for their owners.

Fortunately, the design of the car allows you to carry out many routine maintenance work yourself without any problems: for example, by replacing the air filter on a Ford Focus 2 yourself, the owner will spend only a few minutes.

How often should I replace it?

First, let’s decide which filter to talk about: cars in the first years of production used a compact flat filter, which, according to reviews from owners, did not prove to be the best, especially on 2.0-liter engines.

Although the manufacturer set the replacement interval at 15 thousand, even under average conditions, without getting carried away with driving on dirt roads, the owner could feel a noticeable deterioration in engine thrust even before the next maintenance.

Therefore, cars that rolled off the assembly line after May 2007 received an updated cylindrical filter with a much larger area (for the Russian assembly, the update affected primarily engines from 1.6, some cars with 1.4 engines continued to be equipped with old filters). The new filter is guaranteed to last the stated 15 thousand, exceptions are possible only with constant driving on primers.

Air filter selection

The air filter on pre-restyling cars had a factory part number 1232496. In fact, the Knecht/Mahle LX1572 filter was used on the assembly line, supplied directly in Ford OEM packaging, so this analogue can be considered absolute.

Also among non-original substitutes we can point to Bosch 1 457 433 323, MANN C 28 122, Champion U 793/606. Since the filter life is short due to the selected size, more frequent replacement of the Ford Focus 2 air filter with a non-original one is significantly more profitable than using the original.

After restyling, a filter with article number 1708877 began to be used (on cars recent years According to VIN, article number 1848220 can be selected). This filter was also produced for the Ford assembly line by the Mahle concern (their catalog number is LX1780/3), its other analogues are Bosch F 0264 001 36, MANN C 16134/1, Fram CA 10521. All these filters perfectly withstand 15 thousand runs, and only on very dusty roads they manage to significantly reduce their throughput.

Instructions for replacing the air filter on a Ford Focus 2

Replacing the air filter with your own hands does not take much time and does not require the purchase of special tools for both pre-restyling and post-restyling cars, although the procedure itself is somewhat different for them.

On pre-restyling versions, the air flow sensor was rigidly attached to the filter cover itself. Therefore, for convenience, it is best to remove the connector chip from the sensor, having first turned off the ignition, then loosen the air duct clamp and pull off its corrugation from the MAF outlet pipe.

Then you can remove the screws around the perimeter of the air filter cover (head size – Torx 25). There is no need to take any precautions when removing the filter, since all the dirt from it will fall down to the air intake and cannot accidentally enter the intake manifold.

Before putting the new filter in place, it is worth wiping the perimeter of the box with a damp cloth to remove dust and ensure a good fit of the seal. Having placed the filter, we carefully tighten the screws securing the cover crosswise (the plastic is fragile, and there is no point in overtightening them), place a rubber corrugation on the MAF pipe and tighten the clamp for its fastening, after which all that remains is to connect the MAF connector.

On updated cars, everything is even simpler: using a small ratchet with a “7” head and an extension, you need to remove the four screws located around the perimeter of the filter housing cover, and then simply lift the cover up.

Lifting the filter by the right edge, we pull its neck off the protrusion on the air duct, which centers the filter in place.

Now you can install the new filter. In this case, the main thing is to settle it on the protrusion of the air duct without distortions, which can lead to the suction of unfiltered air into the intake. The main inconvenience in this case is associated with the low rigidity of the filter housing - the plastic “walks” in your hands, which is especially noticeable when installing the cover. It stretches in exactly the same way as on the pre-restyling version - crosswise, without making much effort.

Air filter replacement video:

Unfortunately, modern fuel itself is not very flammable, so in order to provide the engine with the necessary power, the fuel needs an “assistant” - clean air in sufficient volume. All this in the Ford Focus 2 is provided by an air filter, which has its own strictly defined period of use, after which this element must be replaced.

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, the Ford Focus 2 air filter should be replaced every 20 thousand kilometers, that is, approximately once every 3 years. However, it is worth noting that if the car is used actively or in some difficult conditions, then it is better to halve this period.

What air filters can be installed on the second generation Focus?

Currently, Ford Focus 2 can be found with a rectangular and cylindrical air filter. The first was installed on models released in 2004-2007.

The second - in 2007 and after it.

Step-by-step instructions for replacing the Ford Focus 2 air filter.


1. Open the hood of the car. It is worth noting here that all actions can be performed anywhere: a pit or overpass is not needed.

2. To the right of the engine, find a plastic box of the appropriate shape.

3. Unscrew the fixing bolts of the box cover and, pulling it towards you with some force, remove the latter.

4. Remove the old cartridge.

5. Thoroughly clean the inner surface of the casing from dirt, dust and other contaminants present there.

6. Install a new filter element in place of the old one. Close it with the lid, securing the latter with the bolts removed at the initial stage.

7. Air filter replacement is complete. All that remains is to close the hood and enjoy the responsive operation of the engine in motion.


1. It is necessary to disconnect the mass air flow sensor and the incoming air sensor; the photo shows how this should be done.

Every fan of the American automobile industry will probably need information on how a car’s air filter differs Ford Focus 1, 2 and 3. Therefore, we decided to collect the features of these parts in one article; we will also talk about the proper maintenance of this unit.

Purpose of the air filter

Absolutely every person, even those who are far from technology and not very well versed in the structure of a car, knows that the engine runs on a fuel-air mixture, and the latter component should be somewhat larger. Therefore, if we take average values, then for every hundred kilometers about fifteen cubic meters of air passes through the engine. But there is so much dust, sand and other small particles in it, and if you ignore the cleaning process, then all these impurities will get into the motor and hit its elements, which contributes to abrasive wear of the unit.

All this means that the air filter is an incredibly important element in the car. This part is located in a special housing, and it should be noted that its location also affects the life of the engine. Since if it is too close to the road surface, then there is a possibility of water getting in, especially when overcoming puddles after rain, which will negatively affect the performance of the engine. The correct location will not only provide a protective function, but will also reduce noise, thereby increasing the level of comfort. In addition, a properly functioning air filter is the key to good power output, increased engine life, maximum fuel combustion and, accordingly, fuel economy.

This element is available in various shapes, most often it is a rectangle or a cylinder. The latter option has a larger filter surface area in relation to its size. However, they are classified not only depending on their shape, they can have different installation patterns. The most popular are more advanced air filters based on Ford Focus 2 and other generations of this car model. Their advantages include excellent performance in any conditions; it is only necessary to lubricate the element in time.

Such devices are called. Their design is thought out so that their operation does not reduce the power of the motor, even when, over time, as the quality of the membranes deteriorates, the air flow decreases.

Features of using filters on a Ford Focus

Well, the importance of the above described unit cannot be underestimated in any case, therefore every car owner is obliged to monitor its serviceability. In case the filter is on your Ford Focus clogged or unsuitable for use for any other reason, it should be immediately replaced with a new one. Indeed, in such a situation, the engine simply will not be able to receive the required amount of air. Consequently, the combustible mixture, which must consist of certain proportions of both fuel and air, will experience a shortage of the second component, which will lead to its enrichment. As a result, the fuel will not burn completely, which means that its consumption will increase significantly, while the power will decrease.

In this case, the operating characteristics of the vehicle must also be taken into account. If your Ford Focus If you are forced to constantly drive through very dusty areas, it would be better to perform this operation once every year and a half and, accordingly, after 30 thousand mileage.

How to choose air filters for a Ford Focus?

Now we should consider how to choose the right air filters for Ford Focus 3, 2 and 1. So, today there is a huge variety of places where you can buy this part. These, naturally, include classic auto parts stores, relatively new online markets, and specialized stations. But in any case, you should make purchases only at trusted points, so as not to fall into a cheap Chinese counterfeit, posing as a branded quality product. Also keep in mind that service personnel must understand the brands and modifications of the car.

You can select an original air filter for a Ford Focus based on the following parameters: year of manufacture and equipment of the car or a special oneVIN-code. Of course, in this case you will have to pay a little more, but the excellent quality of the product is worth it. But if you still decide to purchase an analogue, then you must definitely pay attention to a number of features, including the material of the filter element. It is better to give preference to non-woven ones, as they have a greater degree of protection. Of course, we do not forget about quality; it must be distinguished by good strength and reliability. And the third parameter is size, because the air filter must fit perfectly into the body of your model Ford Focus.

Replacing the air filter on a Ford Focus

So, this procedure does not cause any particular difficulties and can be done even by novice motorists who have no experience in solving such problems. First of all, you should open the hood of the car, there you will immediately find the place where this spare part is attached; the plastic case is located on the driver’s side near the battery. The next step is to free access to the filter element itself Ford Focus, for this purpose it is necessary to unscrew the bolts located around the perimeter of the cover. As you can see, all you need is a Phillips screwdriver.

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