Golden Gate short description. Golden Gate (Historical appearance)

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What the people of Kiev call the Golden Gate, the symbol of their city, is actually a newly built pavilion. The gates themselves, or rather their remains, are inside this massive structure. The reconstruction pavilion was erected to preserve the unique monument of the defense architecture of Ancient Rus', which has survived to this day. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also served as the main entrance to the great city, its landmark. Eminent guests and foreign ambassadors were met here. Here the princely squads saw off, and after the completion of the campaigns, the winners were greeted with honors.

Kyiv Golden Gate got its name from the triumphal gates of Constantinople. It was probably a kind of rivalry with the great Byzantine Empire.

The Golden Gate was built during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Some sources say that the date of creation of the monument of defensive architecture is 1164, others call 1037. latest version confirm the Tale of Bygone Years, which mentions these Kyiv gates, and the fact that the prince died in 1054. Initially, the gate was a rather wide arch with a combat platform above it. The white-stone Church of the Annunciation crowned the site so that the guests knew that they had arrived in a Christian city. The building was striking in its grandeur and impregnability. The Kyiv Gates got their name from the triumphant Golden Gates of Constantinople. Perhaps this is how Rus' competed with the great Byzantine Empire.

In general, the main city gates built in 1164 differed from similar structures built in Europe. The Church of the Annunciation above the combat tower emphasized that the entrance to the Christian city was located here, and the general appearance of the building resembled, rather, the triumphal Golden Gates of Constantinople.

In 1240, the gate was badly damaged during an attack on Kyiv by Batu Khan. From the records and drawings of travelers, it becomes clear that by the 17th century the fortress was badly destroyed. They brought it into a presentable form only in 1982, when Kyiv celebrated its 1500th anniversary. But the reconstruction was carried out in a hurry, low-quality concrete and wooden fortifications began to quickly collapse, and the gate again dilapidated. The next restoration was carried out already in the 21st century, in 2007.

The Golden Gates in Kyiv are included in the List world heritage UNESCO.

Now inside the pavilion there is a museum where you can see the preserved parts of the fortifications, learn the history of the Golden Gate. There is also a staircase on which you can climb and admire the panorama of modern Kyiv.

USE. Culture. Architecture.

Golden Gate in Vladimir. 10 questions - 10 answers

The Golden Gate in Vladimir is one of the most beautiful architectural monuments of the 12th century. Many times it was destroyed, more than once restored. But even today it amazes with beauty and grandeur.

10 questions and answers on architectural monument, which will help in preparing for the lessons and the exam in history.



1.Where is it located?

Vladimir city

Built by princely craftsmen

3.Vek and date of construction?

12th century, 1164

4. Under what ruler?

Years of his reign

Andrey Bogolyubsky


5. In honor (or memory) of what event?

The gate was built as a defensive structure and at the same time as a triumphal arch.

6. Features of the building?

This is a travel arch covered with a semicircular vault. The height of the arch is 14 meters. Massive oak gates used to hang on forged hinges that have survived to this day. Upstairs is a small Rizpolozhenskaya church, which gives a special grace to the building. This is the only gate of the seven built during the reign of the prince. The gates were covered with sheets of gilded copper, which amazed the imagination of contemporaries.

7. Interior design?

The gate is active. Today it is fashionable to walk in them. In the evenings, the arch is beautifully lit.

8. The fate of the monument?

The gates were often threatened: it was both fires and enemy raids. Their appearance changed. The first reconstruction of the church was carried out in 1469 by the architect VD Ermolin. Only in 1795 did the reconstruction of the gate itself begin under the guidance of the architect P.P. Chistyakov, and in 1810 a new church was erected on the gate.

9.Golden Gate today.

This is the main gate of the city. In the gate church there is a museum with a military-historical exposition: weapons, military equipment of different times. The central place in the exposition is occupied by a diorama, which conveys the dramatic events of February 1238: the defense of Vladimir during the assault by the troops of Batu Khan. There is a "Gallery of Vladimir heroes", participants of the Great Patriotic War.

10. Current condition?

Since 1992, the Golden Gate has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Golden Gate in Vladimir

Diorama "Defense of Vladimir. 1238". Artist E.I. Deshalyt. 1972

Museum exposition

Museum exposition

Coin of the Bank of Russia.3 rubles. Silver. 1995

Material prepared: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna

The Golden Gate (1164) is the rarest monument of Russian military architecture from the time of the rise of the Vladimir principality under Andrei Bogolyubsky and the growth of the capital city of Vladimir. The Golden Gate was included in the western line of the city ramparts, built in 1158-1164 by the princely town-planners. The ramparts adjoining the array of gates from the sides were scattered in the 18th century to make detours; at the corners of the gate, round pseudo-Gothic towers appeared with outbuildings between them, the vault of the gate and the church above it were rebuilt at the same time.

However, even now the original forms and grandeur of the architecture of the Golden Gate are clearly felt. The basis of the building is a huge white-stone quadrangle with deep niches on the side walls, which strengthened the adhesion of the building to the mound of ramparts (the rest of the rampart was preserved south of the Golden Gate - Kozlov Val). The opening of the gate is unusually high (the ground level at the time of their construction was 1.5-1.7 m lower than the modern one). Its vault is supported by arches resting on flat blades. The high height of the passage, which weakened the defense capability of the building, testifies to the plan of the architects to combine in one building the functions of a solemn triumphal arch, which led to the main street of Vladimir, and the city's defense center.

At half the height of the passage, an arched lintel was made, to which heavy oak gates adjoined (huge forged hinges and a nest from a deadbolt have been preserved). They were bound with gilded copper, which is why the whole structure was called the Golden Gate. At the level of the lintel, powerful beams of defensive flooring were laid in large square sockets, from which the soldiers could fire at the enemy with bows, pour pitch, lower stones. The flooring was reached by a stone staircase in the thickness of the southern wall through an arched exit visible in the span of the gate. Above, the stairs led to the upper combat platform, fenced with teeth of the parapet, with a small Rizopolozhenskaya church. Similar to the Golden White Stone Silver Gate stood at the opposite eastern end of the fortress. They marked the main axis of the city ensemble - the longitudinal street. The other seven gate-towers of the city were wooden.

10 facts about the Golden Gate in Vladimir

1. The Golden Gate was built by princely craftsmen in 1164, during the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky. This is evidenced by a special princely sign, which the builders left on one of the white stone blocks.

2 fact The Golden Gate is one of the seven entrance gates to the city and the only one that has survived to this day.

3. The appearance of the Golden Gate is significantly different from the original. This was facilitated by frequent fires, raids of enemies and civil strife. From the ancient building, only the passage arch, powerful side pylons and part of the battlefield above them remained. Everything else has been repaired, rebuilt and changed many times. The vaults and the gate church of the Rizopozhenskaya church were rebuilt, side elements were added, which were not originally there.

4. Now there is a museum in the church above the Golden Gate. A military-historical exposition (weapons and military equipment from different times) is presented. And a diorama that tells about the defense of Vladimir during the attack of Batu Khan's troops in 1238.

5. One of the best specialists in ancient Russian architecture, Vladimir archaeologist Nikolai Nikolaevich Voronin, believed that the architecture of the Golden Gate in Vladimir was unique in medieval Europe. The West was characterized only by tower structures that performed purely defensive functions. The Golden Gates of Vladimir were built not only for defensive purposes, they served as the main front entrance to the city, and also had a religious purpose - the Church of the Deposition of the Robe was active.

6. Shafts on both sides of the Golden Gate, according to one of the legends, were torn down in 1767 by order of Empress Catherine II. Her carriage got stuck in a huge puddle under the arch at the entrance to the city. Then detours of the golden gates were organized. But without ramparts, the gates began to collapse, so side fortifications were soon built.

7. In the 19th century, they wanted to turn the Golden Gate into a water collector-distributor. Fortunately, this idea was not implemented, and for these needs it was built water tower, which now operates a museum and an observation deck.

8. One of the legends says that during construction, the arch of the Golden Gate partially collapsed, burying 12 people under it. No one had any doubt that people had died. Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered to bring the Miraculous Icon and began to pray to the Mother of God, asking for the salvation of the workers. As a result, people under the rubble remained alive, and the prince ordered to build a small church of the Deposition of the Robe of the Virgin on the gates.

9. After the incident with the collapse of the vault, Andrey Bogolyubsky replaced a team of craftsmen - the Italian builders completed the work, who subsequently erected the Dmitrievsky and Assumption Cathedrals, the Church of the Intercession-on-Nerl and the residence of the prince.

10. In February 1238, the troops of Khan Batu failed to enter the city through the front Golden Gate - they perfectly withstood the onslaught of the invaders. But still the city was taken - the Tatar-Mongols penetrated there through a breach in the wooden wall of the fortress. Oak gates lined with gilded copper have not yet been found. During the export to the Horde, they sank in the Klyazma.

Many tourists are interested in the origin of the name of the attraction. Researchers adhere to the version that the gates were named so because the Church of the Annunciation was built over them. The dome of the church was covered with gold, hence the corresponding definition appeared. By the way, the construction of the temple was not small: the height reached 12 meters, and the width was almost 7. However, this is not the only assumption. Some historians refer to Constantinople: there were also Golden Gates there, and by analogy, Yaroslav the Wise gave the name to the Kyiv building.

Reliable defense and the main route to Kyiv

The Golden Gate performed not only a protective function. Also through them it was possible to get into the city, as they say, through the "front door". In this regard, the view at the gate was appropriate: an impressive battle tower, consisting of two tiers, solid brickwork, an arched facade and niches. The gate held back many enemy attacks, but in 1240 the horde of Batu Khan destroyed them.

Further fate and primary reconstruction of the monument

After the Mongol invasion, the gates were no longer used, and in the 18th century they had to be completely covered with earth, as there was a threat of their complete disappearance due to the war with the Turks. On the site of the former Golden Gate, the architect Debosket began to build new ones. In the 19th century, the monument aroused interest as a historical exhibit, and the authorities issued permission to start excavating it. In 1832, the remains of the walls reappeared almost out of oblivion, and Vincent Beretti immediately set about restoring them. For this purpose, the walls were reinforced with screeds and brickwork was made.

The golden gates shine again over Kyiv

1970 was the year of the revival of the legendary building. At that time, the place around the gate was put in order, and the best architects of Kyiv got down to business. Specialists studied all the historical information and drawings, prepared sketches. By the 1500th anniversary of Kyiv, the Golden Gate appeared before the residents and guests of the capital in its original form - with an iron lifting grate and folding doors.

Elements of the ancient gate are located in the inner part of the pavilion. Other museum exhibits are also located here - tools with the help of which reconstruction and construction work was carried out. The museum hosts tours, exhibitions, and excellent acoustics allows for concerts and thematic presentations.

The exit from the Zoloti Vorota metro station will take you directly to the monument.

Address: Russia, Vladimir, st. Bolshaya Moskovskaya
Date of construction: 1795
Coordinates: 56°07"36.7"N 40°23"49.7"E
An object cultural heritage Russian Federation


History and description

Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky, declaring Vladimir the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, began to strengthen his capital city.

In 1158 he surrounded the city with a rampart, and in 1164 he built five entrance gates. Only the Golden Gate has survived to this day, serving as the main entrance to the richest princely-boyar part of the city. The oak gates of the gates, which are now gone, were bound with sheets of gilded copper, shining brightly in the sun, which is why the gates were called Golden. The gate was built by Vladimir architects. This is evidenced by two princely signs carved on one of the stones of the southern niche of the Golden Gate.

There is a legend that when the work was coming to an end, and the scaffolding was dismantled, the arches of the gate suddenly collapsed and buried 12 people under them. None of the eyewitnesses doubted that people were crushed to death under the weight of stones, but Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered to bring the miraculous icon of the Mother of God and turned to the heavenly patroness with a prayer for the unfortunate.

The blockage was cleared and the people lying under it were found alive and unharmed. In honor of the miracle that happened, Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered to build a tiny white-stone chapel of the Provision of the Robe of the Mother of God above the Golden Gate.

View of the Golden Gate from Kozlov Val

The Golden Gate performed a number of functions. Firstly, they served as the main entrance to the city - princely squads, returning from the battlefield, rode into Vladimir through them. The white-stone triumphal arch, which reached a height of 14 meters, the grandiose travel tower and massive oak gates hanging on forged hinges, gave the building a majestic appearance, corresponding to its purpose. Secondly, the Golden Gate, along with the unpreserved Copper, Irinin, Silver and Volga Gates, constituted a single complex of defensive fortifications of the city of Vladimir.

View of the golden gate from Trinity Church

The gates adjoined the arched lintel, on top of which a wooden flooring was arranged, serving as a combat platform. From this platform, the defenders of the city fired on the enemy. From the flooring, only large square nests designed for powerful wooden beams have been preserved.

The ascent to the site was carried out along a stone staircase, equipped in the thickness of the southern wall. Among other things, The Golden Gate performed a decorative function, acting as a symbol of princely power and wealth..

The graceful gate chapel crowning the gate blessed everyone who came to Vladimir in peace. In 1810, the Rizopolozhenskaya gate church was completely rebuilt, and today the exposition of the military history museum is located within its walls. Under the arches of the chapel there is a large diorama depicting the assault on Vladimir by the troops of Batu Khan on February 7, 1238. Thanks to light and music effects and sound accompaniment with narration, the picture recreates in detail the capture of the city by the Mongol-Tatars.

View of the Golden Gate from the street. Noble

Lost Relic of the Golden Gate

In 1238, the hordes of the Mongol-Tatars, having devastated many Russian cities, approached Vladimir. The townspeople prepared for defense and hid everything valuable relics just in case the enemy breaks through. The idea was a success: the gilded wings of the Golden Gate have not been found so far and are officially included in the UNESCO registers as masterpieces lost by mankind. In the 1970s, the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union received an unexpected proposal from Tokyo. The Japanese corporation promised to clear the bottom of the Klyazma River and even expand its channel.

View of the Golden Gate from Kozlov Val

For their work, the Japanese did not demand either Sakhalin or Kurile Islands They didn't even ask for money. As payment, they wanted to take everything that they would find at the bottom of the Klyazma. This proposal was never accepted by the Soviet authorities, but made us think about the question: "What values ​​did the Japanese want to find in the river in order to recoup their costs?". Perhaps the Japanese were looking for gilded plates that once adorned the gates of the Golden Gate. Rescuing precious doors from Batu Khan, the townspeople drowned them in Klyazma.

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