Gukh (the main Ural ridge) is a “star” base. Main Ural Range (GUKH) Main Ural Range map

At the end of August 2011, we managed to escape to the north of our region - to the Main Ural Ridge (GUR). It is located strictly on the border of the Sverdlovsk region with the Perm region and stretches from south to north. I had been to these parts before, in early November 2009. It was then that the first snow fell and the Main Ural Range greeted us with the first frosts of -22°C. But now it’s August, there won’t be any frosts. The first snow in the mountains will fall only in September. So there is still time to enjoy the most beautiful views of the remote northern taiga, not covered with a blanket of snow. And the views there are indeed very attractive. These are giant spruces, whose thin tops and branches are covered with lichen. And so many berries! Mom dear! Blueberries, blueberries - full of them!

But to come to those parts and visit only the Main Ural Range, or rather, only its Sosvinsky stone, would be wrong, since there are other attractions there, namely: the Kvarkush plateau and the waterfall of the Zhigolan River, to which we, in fact, were going! And the ridge itself was planned later.

Mount Kumba, near the village of Pokrovsk-Uralsky.

Northern crossings

But to be honest, these photos were taken a little later than the story requires. Because before these photos there were some other events. We arrived in Pokrovsk-Uralsky (the last settlement on the way) late at night, around 3 am... I was a guide, but I had trouble finding my bearings in the dark. Despite this, we found our way towards the mountains. We were driving along, when suddenly along the road our Volga got stuck in a hole. But a Corolla just passed here, but the Volga couldn’t - well, what is it! Let's get out, let's push her. It was pretty cool outside - zero, maybe minus. While we were pushing, we warmed up a little. They couldn't push me out. So what should I do? Well, luckily for us, a Niva was passing by. The guys came out, asked what was the problem, then attached a cable and pulled out our car. Let's move on, everything turned out okay. And the drive is very long, because the road is dirt, you can’t speed up very much on it! The waterfall is about 90 km away! Can you imagine? It's about a 3 hour drive, maybe more. In fact, it turned out to be more. It was already dawn when we reached the bridge over the Uls River.

River Uhls

We passed the Uls River - and then our driver told us the fateful news that he had little gasoline and would not have enough for the return trip. The sensor itself was already blinking. What to do? We decided to get to Zhigalan, do all our business there, and on the way back stop at the cordon, which, by the way, is not far from Uls. OK. Go. And it's a long drive, damn it. The distance in the north is measured not in kilometers, but in tens. The road is exhausting and monotonous. All around is taiga, taiga and taiga. Beautiful, but completely the same. And then suddenly the driver announced that the gasoline had completely run out. We drove down the hill, at the finish line towards Zhigalan, but Zhigalan was still not there. The driver simply put it in neutral and rolled down the hill by inertia until the car stopped completely. What's the matter? - The Corolla passengers asked us. We've arrived in something! Gasoline is out! Holy shit, how did it end? We are in the remote northern taiga, 90 km from the nearest village! What an ambush!..

We left the car on the road, opposite the turn. We waited for the Toyota to return with gasoline for about 2-3 hours, or maybe more - I don’t remember now. We lit a fire, picked blueberries, fortunately there were no more.

After the Toyota returned, we had lunch, listened with a smile to the abusive words addressed to the Volga driver, we got ready and went to the mountains.

On the way we came across centuries-old cedars and huge inversions. The northern taiga is simply amazing!

Tourist base "Zvezda". View of the Main Ural Ridge, Sosvinsky stone.

Here it is - the Main Ural Ridge. The Sosvinsky stone was covered with clouds. This means that, according to tradition, we won’t see a damn thing again!

Okay, let's move on, there's already a lot of time, we need to act quickly to make it before dark. Last time, in November, I climbed to the top in snow in 3 hours, and descended in 2.5. We proceeded from these parameters. At first the path was carefully laid out from boards, but then, when the kurumnik begins, there are no more boards.

Mountain streams flow with clear water

We've reached a fork in the road. Although we thought it was a fork in the road. The main road turned left, but we decided to start the climb here. Which we later regretted!

Dwarf birch


Crooked birch trees. "Park Crooked Forest"

Oh, how I love them!

Juniper bushes

Soon it began to become cloudy

In the end, we all got a little lost. We scattered into three groups. The two of us went straight to the top and climbed it. We waited for the others, but they were still not there, then we heard screams. We followed the sound and went down. Everything was covered in clouds, visibility was very poor, so they began to look for three more. Found by screams. We need to go down. Again there is confusion, one says: we must go to the right, I say: we must go to the left. This is what happens when a team doesn’t want to listen to one person. So it turns out that some go to the forest, some for firewood! In the end, we still went left, descended, the fog began to subside - we saw a base in the distance.

It's starting to get dark. We reached the border of the forest with the tundra, but we can’t find the way back now. While we were walking, we seemed to be remembering things from the bushes. But where can you find them now?

In short, we got lost! And life doesn’t teach me, a fool! Last time I also got lost on the way down. It’s easy to go up, you can see where to go, but it’s not clear to go down. Find your way around the base? Yeah, plus or minus a kilometer it will work out. In short, we rushed around for a long time, looking for the place where we had come, but in the end we gave up and decided to spend the night here... No, I’m kidding - we stupidly ran straight through. We reached the taiga and walked through it. I remember that the road ran along it, so we had to go out onto it. Well, what if she turned left? It’s too late to think so, let’s go already! We went out onto the road, it was already dark. But walking along the road - what a difference. We reached our transport, tired, having not slept for the second day, wet and hungry. We quickly ate, changed clothes (who had what to wear) and didn’t spend the night here - we went home. Everyone in the car was simply knocked out, but you can’t sleep - you have to watch the driver so that he doesn’t fall asleep.

Well, theoretically, it’s like the end, but I’ll still tell you something else... We left for the Serovsky tract, it was night. It's time to refuel. We stopped and turned off the engine. They poured 76 into the tank. And it was a mistake! Then they couldn’t start it) They didn’t torture the starter for a long time, because the battery would run out. Let's push - it's useless. What to do? We tried to brake the car, but it was useless, since it was night - no one would stop. We went to bed until the morning. We slept for a couple of hours, I woke up from the cold, woke up the driver - and we went to the nearest village. Luckily for us, we stopped almost next to the settlement sign. The village was 1 km away. We walked around and woke up the locals. A man got out, got into his Niva with him, drove to our Volga, and with the help of the Niva, they started it on a rope “from the pusher”. Let's go - and then the cops stopped us. While this one went to face a fine, I sat and only managed to start the car. And it stalled, because in addition the engine was running rough!!! These are the pies! Well, it’s okay, somehow we got home. Everyone is alive, the Main Ural Ridge and the Sosvinsky stone have been conquered (at least by me) - so we can live on!

The Main Ural Range, or simply GUKH, is a chain of mountains stretching from south to north, separating the European and Asian parts of Eurasia. The length of the ridge exceeds 50 kilometers; it is the largest mountain range in the Ural Mountains chain. It includes several large mountains that are of great interest to tourists. Also, the Main Ural Range is the administrative border of the Perm Territory and the Sverdlovsk Region. A visit to these picturesque places will open for you the very heart of the Ural Mountains.

Mount Humboldt - among the Ural Mountains

The highest peak in the Main Ural Range (GUR) system is Mount Humboldt. Its height is 1410 meters. The top of the mountain is located in the Sverdlovsk region, the foot of the western part is in the Perm region. Until the 21st century, the mountain was called Lampa Kutimskaya, named after the Lampa River, flowing from the foot. Next, the Lyampa flows into the Kutim River, which is part of the Vishera River basin.

Mount Humboldt is interesting for its harmony. Half of the mountain, 700 meters, is occupied by forest, and the second half is occupied by rocks made of kurumnik. From north to south the mountain stretches for 5.5 kilometers, from west to east for 4 kilometers. The slopes of the mountain are quite steep, so snow melting is possible in winter. The most convenient time to visit the mountain is from June to September. Already in the first month of autumn, the first snow and the establishment of snow cover are possible.

The path to Mount Humboldt is organized through the Sverdlovsk region. The casting begins in the city of Severouralsk, from which the Main Ural Range is 40 kilometers away. When visiting the mountain, we recommend using the services of a guide who knows the area. Despite the fact that climbing the mountain does not present any great difficulties, the services of a guide will help you choose the most optimal route and avoid getting lost.

GPS coordinates of Mount Humboldt 60°22’21.63″N 59°11’00.94″E

Kazan stone - memory of gold

It is located in the eastern part of the Krasnovishersky district of the Perm region. The southwestern part of the Main Ural Range (GUR) chain. The height of the Kazan Stone is 1035 meters above sea level. Despite its relatively small size, it dominates the area. Stone is a favorite place for tourists with an initial level of training. This is where you can begin your acquaintance with the Main Ural Range.

Kazan Stone is covered with forests up to approximately 800 meters. Further about 200 meters there are rocks from kurumnik. The shape of the mountain is dome-shaped and the top is flat. Kazan Rock is not as steep as Mount Humboldt, which is why it is recommended for beginner hikers. The snow cover melts at the end of May. The mountain is open to tourists both in summer and winter.

The toponymy of the mountain is of great interest. Scientists believe that the name of the mountain was given by the Kazan gold mine located nearby. The mine operated from the beginning of the 20th century, and was closed after the depletion of gold-bearing rocks in the middle of the century. The Surya River, where gold was mined in the past, originates right at the Kazan Stone. Also, the Polkhovka River originates here, the waters of which flow into the Uls River.

Among other peaks of the Main Ural Range, Sosvinsky Stone can be distinguished. This mountain is located in the southeastern part of the ridge, next to the Kazan Stone. The height of the Sosvinsky stone is 955 meters, so it is somewhat lost in sight of the Kazan stone. Climbing the mountain is not very difficult, so it is also suitable for beginner hikers.

31.01.2019 19:33:27

The Main Ural is a mountain range on the border of the Sverdlovsk region (Northern Urals) and the Perm region. It stretches from northeast to southwest in the upper reaches of Sosva. Coincides with the main Ural watershed. The length of the ridge reaches 52 km. The height in the northern part is up to 1400 m, in the southern part – up to 1000 m. The highest point is Mount Humboldt (1410.7 m). Other significant peaks: Bolshaya Khodovskaya Sopka (1338.8 m), Mount Pallas (1337.7 m), Mount Lepekhina (1330 m), Trident (1204.5 m), Sosvinsky Kamen (954 m) and Kazansky Kamen (1035 m ).
The ridge is poorly dissected, the peaks are flat and dome-shaped, the slopes are steep, almost completely covered with fresh bedrock debris (kurumniks) with a dense network of tectonic disturbances. Up to 800-900 m, the slopes are covered with forest, higher up there are mountain tundra and meadows, and along the tops there are stone placers. @Illustrated Encyclopedia of Local Lore URAL, Kvist Publishing House, 2013
float: right; margin: 5px 10px;" title="GUH, winter. Author: Larisa Pozdnyakova" src="" alt="GUH, winter.

popular with tourists. Firstly, it is relatively easily accessible. Severouralsk is located 45 km from the southern end of the ridge, and the village of Vsevolodo-Blagodatskoye is 35 km from its northern end. Buses run to Severouralsk from Yekaterinburg (450 km), Vsevolodo-Blagodatskoye, in turn, is connected by bus to Severouralsk (45 km, buses run 3 times a day).
Before the resumption of the Denezhkin Kamen reserve, the routes traditionally included the Main Ural Range and Mount Denezhkin Kamen. On the one hand, this added complexity to the route, on the other hand, it made it possible to first see the next destination of the journey from afar, and then see the traversed section from the side. Denezhkin Stone is clearly visible from the State University of Agriculture even now, but tourists are not allowed there - it is a protected area.

However, the traverse of the Main Ural Range is still possible and interesting (52 km, difficulty category 1A in summer, 1B in winter). Both options require a long time and are only suitable for well-prepared travelers. Moreover, the winter traverse of GUKh can become a serious test for real pros: the air temperature here drops to -40°C, and the wind above the forest line knocks you off your feet.

Six peaks of the Main Ural Range exceed 1000 m above sea level. The highest point of the ridge is Mount Humboldt (1410.7 m); on old maps it appears under the name Lyampa Kutimskaya, after the name of the river that originates from the lake on its slope. The peak was renamed in 2001 on the initiative of the Sverdlovsk branch of the Russian Geographical Society in memory of the German traveler and scientist Alexander Humboldt (1769-1859), who left a huge mark on the history of exploration of the Urals.

As a “light” option, we recommend climbing the southernmost peaks of GUKh - mountains Sosvinsky Kamen (954 m) and Kazan Kamen (1035 m). Moreover, several bases have appeared near these peaks, and you can combine this trip with a trip to the Zhigalan waterfalls and a hike to Kvarush.
15.95"N 59°07"52.54"E

We went to Sosvinsky stone . Sosvinsky Stone is a mountain in the Northern Urals (Sverdlovsk region), adjacent to the Main Ural Range. It is called Sosvinsky Stone because it is located near the source of the Bolshaya Sosva River.

So, we went in the opposite direction, passing again. After some time, a beautiful one opened up to us.

View from the road to the Main Ural Ridge.

Pine tree with a view of the GUKH.

I must say, we had one of the popular routes of the Northern Urals - “Zhigalansky waterfalls - Sosvinsky stone”

Base "Zvezda" on Sosvinsky stone.

Finally we arrived at a turning point, near which there was a sign welded from metal corners in the shape of a five-pointed star. It's only a short distance to the Zvezda tourist base. It works all year round. We arrived there around 5-6 pm. The base turned out to be quite decent for the taiga wilderness.

Dining room with attic, on the second floor there is a guest room with a dozen beds. There is a fireplace in the dining room and even a satellite TV. Two more houses for tourists; one is a barracks type - with about 10 rooms for two and three people, the other is smaller with 4 rooms, it is called a house with a fireplace. At the time we were there (2007), another house was being built. Electricity at the base comes from a generator and turns on in the evening. Heating is stove-water. There is a bathhouse. The toilet is outside. The cost of living is 500 rubles/day per person (2012 price), this includes bed linen, a bathhouse, and use of a kitchen; you must bring your own food. There are places for barbecues, places for tents, there is even a small wooden jump for skiers and some kind of football field with goals.

A stream flows between the buildings of the dining room and bathhouse, which then turns into the Bolshaya Sosva River, which merges with Malaya Sosva to form the Sosva River.

In general, you can relax quite well at the Zvezda base, despite the fact that all this is located in close proximity to the State University of Culture, because the camp site itself is located at an altitude of almost 700 m.

The dining room of the Zvezda camp site against the backdrop of the mountains.

Off-road equipment at the camp site.

The source of Bolshaya Sosva.

The nature here is beyond words, mesmerizing. Very beautiful sunsets, the sun sets just behind the mountains.

Sunset over the Sosvinsky stone.

It was also very interesting to watch the clouds as they caught on the tops of the mountains.

Twilight in the mountains.

Climbing Sosvinsky Stone.

The next day, the long-awaited climb to the GUKH. Our guide was one of the base workers. We crossed the stream and followed a path, not even a path, along a clearing in the forest, made by the base workers especially for tourists. Around there are old trees covered with moss and lichen, huge fern leaves. You walk like in a fairy tale in a dense forest. About 15 minutes later, rocky mountain slopes covered with open forests opened up. Gradually the climb became steeper, and so the nature changed and began to resemble mountain tundra with dwarf trees. Underfoot are huge boulders covered with moss.

Mountain tundra. Sosvinsky stone.

On one of the glaciers of the Sosvinsky stone.

- “Look, what is this? Water is dripping from the lower edge of the glacier, and there too, but now a small stream is flowing along the slope, gradually increasing. Wow, there are whole thickets of grass along the banks of this stream. So here it is, what kind of river.”

It's very close to the top. Five minutes and here she is. Oh, what beauty, the picture that opened up took everyone’s breath away. The top of the Sosvinsky stone is a wide plateau, on which, closer to the eastern side, there is a mountain of stone boulders 3-4 meters high, and the western part of the plateau is covered with vegetation and there is already the Perm region. Approaching this side of the plateau, a view opens across the valley, and ridges and mountains and again mountains and ridges. Even your head begins to spin from overwhelming delight. There are also ridges of mountain ranges to the north and south. This is a whole mountainous country and there is no end to it.

The top of the Sosvinsky stone.

If you look to the east, where we came from, the endless taiga with the island of our camp site stretches under your feet.

View from the mountains to the camp site.

Standing there at the top, you feel peace and tranquility, and boundless happiness.

What other routes can be laid from the Zvezda tourist center?

The climb to the Sosvinsky Stone itself took about 40-50 minutes for us, a group of people with no experience of hiking. Well, if you are prepared, have the appropriate clothes and shoes, you can go from Sosvinsky Stone further west through the valley to Kazansky Stone. And if you follow the ridge to the north, you can reach the Denezhkin Stone nature reserve. Or you can go along the source and reach the Bolshaya Sosva River. In general, it would be a fantasy, but any route can be invented.

The best time for tourism in the Northern Urals is the month of July, as it is the warmest, so to speak, velvet season in these parts. In July, snow can still fall, and in August it is already a bit cold in the mountains, with a piercing icy wind at the top. Well, for those who are not afraid of snow or rain, come here all year round. Romance. Fortunately, the base, as I already said, is open year-round. In winter, ski tourists come here, you can come here and plow through the snowy expanses. By the way, you can ski here until July. Snow in the mountains does not melt for a long time.

There is such a wonderful place on mountainSosvinsky stone .

In the next article I will tell you about it, don’t miss it, for this you can subscribe to updates.

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