How I waited for a suitcase lost by the airline. What to do if you lost your luggage Finding your missing luggage

26.04.2016, 20:16 11735

Why luggage gets lost, reasons for losing luggage at the airport

Most often, luggage is lost at the airport for the following reasons:
  • The luggage tag has come off on the luggage
  • Luggage was not reloaded during the transfer
  • Suitcases were sent on the wrong plane
  • The luggage had a tag from another country attached to it
  • Airport baggage handlers forgot your suitcase or put it on the wrong trolley
  • The luggage was mistakenly placed in the large baggage section.

How to reduce risks and prevent luggage loss

  • Make your own tag for your suitcase. On this tag, indicate: full name, phone number, email address, etc. This information will allow you to be found faster if the standard tag comes off on your luggage.
  • Before traveling, remove all old tags from your suitcase.
  • Make sure that the tag on your suitcase is securely attached during check-in.
  • Check your luggage to your final destination
  • If you are flying with transfers, be careful when checking in your luggage. Check to see if you will need to pick it up along the way and return it again.
  • Try to avoid flights with transfers of about 1-2 hours, so that you have time to reload all your things.
  • Wrap your luggage in film. This will reduce the risk that one of the movers will want to open the suitcase and steal things from it.
  • Buy bright suitcases with unusual colors. Such a suitcase will be harder to lose and easier to find.

What to do if you lost your luggage at the airport

If suddenly, upon arrival at your destination and you don’t find your suitcase at the baggage claim, then:

1. Look for your luggage in the Bulky baggage section.

Small luggage can sometimes end up there by mistake. If you don't find your things there, then there is no doubt that you really lost your luggage at the airport. Therefore, immediately proceed to the next step of the instructions.

2. Contact the luggage search service (Lost & Found).

As a rule, the baggage search service is located within sight, not far from the baggage claim area.

If for some reason you were unable to find a baggage tracing service, feel free to go to the representative office of the airline (which lost your luggage) at the airport.
You must report lost luggage as soon as possible, but no later than 7 days from the date of receipt or arrival of the flight at its final destination.

At the Lost & Found counter you will be given a form that you will need to fill out in as much detail as possible.

3. Wait for your luggage to be found

After filling out the document at the Lost & Found counter, you will receive a search request identification number. Using this number, you can track its status on the airline’s website. Detailed instructions on how to find and track delayed or lost luggage online.

Delivery of found luggage

If your luggage is found, you will be contacted to discuss delivery options. There are two options:
  • Found luggage will be delivered to your home (or to the place you specify)
  • You will have to collect your luggage yourself from the nearest airport. In this case, you are required to compensate for transportation costs, so keep all the necessary receipts for this.

What to do if your luggage is not found

Demand compensation for your lost bagand

You can file a complaint against the airline for lost luggage within 18 months from the date of loss.
By law, luggage searches are carried out within 21 days, but most often luggage is found much earlier. If your luggage has not been found after 21 days, it is considered lost and you must be compensated.

If the airline does not react in any way and does not want to pay compensation for the lost luggage, then you have the right to go to court. A claim for lost luggage at the airport can be submitted to the airline within two years.

Some airlines will also pay a one-time compensation that will cover your expenses for essentials while your luggage is searched.

How much money will you be paid for lost luggage?

The amount of compensation for lost luggage depends on the country in which the airline is registered. If your airline is registered in a country that is a member of the Montreal Convention, then compensation will be 1,000 SDR per person, regardless of the weight and pieces of baggage. As of January 2017, this is 1447.93 euros or 1525.11 dollars

As of July 2015, 112 states have joined the Montreal Convention, including all members of the European Union, the USA, Japan, China, India, Brazil, South Africa and other countries.

If you flew with an airline from one of these countries, Belarus, Thailand, etc., then compensation will be no more than $20 for each kilogram of luggage. Russia has joined the Montreal Convention on compensation for lost luggage on international flights; the maximum possible amount of compensation is 360 thousand rubles. - it all depends on the degree of damage caused and the evidence attached.

The amount of compensation for lost luggage can be fixed. Declare your valuables and pay the fee. In this case, if your luggage is lost, you will get all the money back for it.

If you flew with several companies, then the company to which you deposited your luggage is responsible for your luggage.

For more information about what compensation you can receive for damage, delay or loss of luggage,

According to statistics, 70 thousand suitcases are lost every day at airports around the world, 97 percent of which are found in the first week of searches. For those who are planning to fly to other cities and countries, Inde journalist Dinara Valeeva has compiled a small manual in case you are left on a trip without luggage.

What do the statistics say?

It's not the airlines that lose luggage, it's the airports. However, it is the carriers who are responsible to passengers. The tourists' hate list includes Charles de Gaulle in Paris, Heathrow in London and La Guardia in New York. Oddly enough, the safest in this regard is Moscow Domodedovo Airport: it has the lowest rate of baggage loss in the world - 0.6 pieces per 1000 pieces of luggage.

Every hour, 3,000 pieces of luggage are lost at airports around the world, and these numbers reach 25 million a year. 61 percent of this is luggage from passengers on connecting flights. By the way, in 97 percent of cases it would be more accurate to talk about a delay rather than a loss of a suitcase: according to statistics, airlines find luggage within one to five days. And only three percent of luggage ends up missing forever.

Why is this happening?

  • Insufficient time to load suitcases between transit flights. The minimum connecting time should be at least 1–1.5 hours.
  • Overbooking. Some airlines allow you to purchase more tickets for a flight than the plane can accommodate. If you are left without a seat on the flight, you may be transferred to another plane, and your luggage may be delivered on the originally intended flight.
  • Overload In addition to free luggage spaces, there are additionally paid spaces. If the plane is overloaded, the transportation of such baggage may become a higher priority for the airline for commercial reasons.
  • Error in the baggage sorting system. Before entering the cargo compartment of the aircraft, suitcases pass along belts through scanners. The system's task is to determine where to send your suitcase using the barcode on the luggage tag (it is stuck at the check-in counter). If, in addition to the new sticker, it contains stickers left over from previous flights, there is a high probability that the suitcase will fly to another city.
  • Human factor. For example, the negligence of baggage handlers who may forget to load your luggage onto the plane during connecting flights or lose your suitcase on the way to loading. If the luggage trolleys of passengers on a flight are overcrowded, there is a chance that a suitcase will fall out and end up on the runway.

What to do to avoid losing your luggage?

Follow a few simple rules:

  • Be sure to tear off all tags left on the suitcase from previous trips. They can confuse automatic baggage sorting systems and send your suitcase to another airport.
  • Use details that could distinguish your luggage on the endless delivery belt from other nondescript suitcases - for example, tie a bright ribbon or a toy keychain to the handle. This will help reduce the risk that your suitcase will be carried away by mistake by other passengers on the flight who have the same or very similar suitcases.
  • If you have connecting flights, be sure to check the route of your luggage. You may have to pick up your suitcase at some airport and return it to the check-in counter.
  • Attach a tag with personal information - address, email and phone numbers.
  • Pay attention to the tag that is placed on your luggage at the check-in counter: it should indicate the code of the city you are flying to. Heading to Moscow? SVO, DME or VKO. Saint Petersburg? LED. Fly home to Kazan - KZN.
  • Insure your luggage in advance if it contains valuables.

15 airports in cities that are popular destinations among Russian residents in 2015:

Sochi – AER
Kaliningrad – KGD
Vladivostok – VVO
Riga – RIX
Helsinki – HEL/HEM
Prague – PRG
Budapest – BUD
Paris – CDG (Charles de Gaulle) / ORY (Orly)
Berlin – TXL (Tegel) / SXF (Schönefeld)
Vienna – VIE
Rome – FCO
Barcelona – BCN
Tel Aviv – TLV
Dubai – DXB
Phuket – HKT

I've arrived. My suitcase is not on the delivery belt. What to do?

  • Look around. Someone on the same flight as you could mistake your suitcase for their own and take it off the belt.
  • If you are waiting for oversized luggage (musical instrument, baby stroller, porcelain statue, animal cage), go to a special counter - Bulky Baggage.
  • Go to the airline representatives (in the case of a transit flight - to the last carrier), to the Lost & Found counter, and write a statement. Keep your passport and luggage tag with you - it is glued to your document or boarding pass. Indicate in the application all known information: route, appearance, contents of luggage (including brands and colors of clothing), leave permanent and temporary contact information. The more detailed you do this, the greater the chances of finding your luggage. After submitting the application, you will receive a code with which you can track the status of the search for lost luggage on the Internet, on the WorldTracer website.
- What to do in case of a car accident

What to do if your luggage is lost during air travel?

Good afternoon,
I want to tell you my story, which will probably serve as a lesson for many. Two months ago I flew to Spain. The Spanish airline Iberia Airlines lost my suitcase. I’ll say right away that it’s possible that the suitcase was lost and not by them; I flew with a transfer on two airlines, but according to the law, the airline that delivers the passenger to the final destination is responsible for the delivery of baggage. A month after the loss, when the airline, according to its representatives, checked all the airports in the world, I requested compensation, attaching a list of the missing items to the application. The total cost of the suitcase with things was 4 thousand euros (there were valuables in the luggage). After another month, I received compensation, but its size unpleasantly surprised me: $1,500. The airline explained to me that this is the maximum compensation for one lost suitcase in all airlines of the European Union. But this state of affairs does not suit me. What should I do? Is it possible to sue the airline for the desired amount? And how should you generally behave in the event of missing luggage?

According to the Montreal Convention, an international air travel agreement, airlines are liable for lost baggage, but there is an upper limit and it is set quite low: $1,500. In addition, in the event of loss of baggage, the airline is not responsible for fragile and valuable items placed in baggage, for example, jewelry, photo and video equipment, as well as banknotes, bank checks, securities and other items of high value. If for some reason you cannot take such items in your hand luggage, it is better to take out an insurance policy for them from any insurance company. Now let's talk about everything in order.

What to do

So, you have arrived at your final destination and have not found your luggage. The most important thing is don't panic. After all, nothing but your suitcase will make you happy now, and it could be on the other side of the world. The first step is to contact a representative of the airline carrying you or an employee of the Lost & Found baggage tracing counter, which is located at almost every international airport. There you need to fill out a report about lost luggage. It indicates the external features of the suitcase: shape, color, material, information about the name tag, the presence or absence of wheels and handles. The passenger must also present to the airline representative the baggage tag tear-off coupon affixed to the cover of the ticket. The report must be drawn up in two copies: one sent to the airline management, the second kept with you, just in case. It would be a good idea to take the phone number from the airline employee who helped draw up the report - it is possible that problems will arise with finding your luggage.

Who is looking

Most international airlines are connected to the global baggage search system. Therefore, the report drawn up on a computer is immediately entered into the World Tracer general search network, where the system begins to look for matches between the passenger’s application and information about the luggage found. The passenger is given a printout with the search request number. As soon as the system indicates that the luggage has been found and indicates its location, a Lost & Found employee finds out how long it will take for the luggage to be delivered and informs the passenger about this. As a rule, luggage is sent on the next flight, and in cases where it takes several days, the airline service ensures delivery to the exact address left by the passenger.

How much to wait

The maximum search time is 21 days. As a rule, luggage is found much earlier. If nothing is found within five days from the date of drawing up the search report, the passenger is asked to make a detailed list of what was in the suitcase. This list is also entered into the general search system, and in 99% of cases the luggage is found. And if it has not been found within three weeks, the luggage is considered lost or stolen.

Who is guilty

The most common reason for lost luggage is that the tag that is attached to the suitcase or bag when checking in for a flight at the airport has simply come off. If this happened during transportation or reloading from flight to flight, and it is impossible to determine on which plane the suitcase should have been loaded and who its owner is, the baggage is transferred to the Lost & Found department. It’s worse if the bag is lost during a flight with several stops or on different airlines. In this case, a computer glitch in the registration system or loading system may be to blame, for example. This complicates the search. It happens that the loader simply made a mistake. A completely hopeless case - if someone takes a fancy to your suitcase.

Who will help

It is not easy to find yourself in a foreign country without a change of clothes, a toothbrush, or a razor. The airline staff can help you in this situation. By law, they are not obliged to pay the passenger for the purchase of essential items, but rarely do any air carriers risk spoiling their reputation like this. Reputable airlines often immediately offer the passenger money for all these purchases - usually no more than $250. But the majority of air carriers pay after the luggage is found. To receive the money you were forced to spend retroactively, you will need to provide the airline with receipts for purchases made on the first day after drawing up a report of lost luggage. The cost of purchased clothing is refunded only 50%.

Who will pay

If your luggage is not found within 21 days, the airline is required to pay for material damage. Compensation for lost and delayed baggage is governed by the Warsaw Convention and the Hague Protocol, which take precedence over local laws regarding international transport. Compensation for completely lost luggage is calculated on the basis of 20 dollars per 1 kg of weight. The total weight is determined by the baggage pass, which is usually attached to the airline ticket. If for some reason the suitcase was not weighed, then its weight is estimated at 35 kg. Remember that the rules of almost all air carriers recommend that passengers carry documents, money, medicines, keys, fragile items, antiques and jewelry in hand luggage. Almost all airlines warn in advance that they are not responsible for the loss of these items.

Who will answer

If you agree that 1 kg of your luggage cost $20, then you can safely enjoy your vacation. If you were carrying a Hermes blouse and Prada shoes, then you are unlikely to be satisfied with such an airline. There are several ways to solve the problem. First, you need to present a claim to the air carrier, accompanied by a letter in which you politely explain that you are very upset that your shirt worth 2 thousand dollars was not only torn on the way, but was also valued at 1% of its value. The timing of filing a claim is very important. If you were given damaged luggage at the airport, you must submit a claim no later than 7 days from the date of receipt of the items. If a damaged suitcase is delivered to your home or office, the period increases to 21 days from the date of delivery. If luggage is lost, a claim must be filed within 18 months. If you are lucky and the airline is sympathetic to you, you can receive up to $5,000 in compensation. Well, if not, the air carrier must refuse you in writing. You can go to court with this refusal, as well as a copy of the claim. You can file a claim within two years from the day the baggage should have arrived at the destination airport. Lawyers say that judges almost always side with the passenger. After all, they are sometimes passengers too...

Confused airline companies

The European Airlines Association (AEA) periodically publishes reports on the reliability and punctuality of airlines. At the end of 2006, European air carriers lost an average of 13.9 pieces of luggage per 1 thousand passengers. About 85% of lost luggage was found and delivered to passengers within 48 hours. And today’s list of airlines that lose luggage most often looks like this: (to be fair, it’s worth noting that these companies have a lot of connecting flights with other air carriers, so maybe it’s not them who lose luggage, but all the sins of their partners are all to them you still have to take it upon yourself).

Top Ten Aircraft Confusions

1. KLM
Baggage losses (units/thousand people): 19.9.

2.British Airways
Baggage losses (units/thousand people): 18.7.

3. Austrian
Baggage losses (units/thousand people): 17.0.

4. Lufthansa
Baggage losses (units/thousand people): 16.5.

5. BMI (UK)
Baggage losses (units/thousand people): 16.1.

6. Alitalia
Baggage losses (units/thousand people): 14.9.

7.Air France
Baggage losses (units/thousand people): 14.1.

8. Luxair

9. TAP Air Portugal
Baggage losses (units/thousand people): 13.7.

10. CSA Czech Airlines
Baggage losses (units/thousand people): 11.8.

Expert commentary

Sergey Samutin,
Russian legal advisor,
George Coucounis Law Office
The rights of air passengers are regulated by various international legal acts - both international conventions (i.e. multilateral treaties signed by most states of the world) and internal acts of the European Union.
In 1929, the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air (the so-called Warsaw Convention, entered into force on February 13, 1933) was signed in Warsaw, of which 151 states are members. The Convention established the principles and extent of the liability of the air carrier (i.e. airline):
- for damage that occurs in the event of death, injury or any other bodily harm suffered by a passenger if the accident occurred on board the aircraft or during boarding and disembarking operations;
- for damage that occurs in the event of destruction, loss or damage to checked baggage or goods, if the incident occurred during air transportation;
- for damage caused by delay in air transportation of passengers, baggage or goods.
According to the Convention, the fault always lies with the carrier, and he can be released from liability only if he proves that he and his representatives took all necessary measures to avoid harm, or that it was impossible to take such measures (Art. . 20). If the carrier proves that the fault of the person to whom the harm was caused caused or contributed to the harm, the court may release the carrier from liability or limit such liability (Article 21).

This is interesting
Today, the location of luggage traveling by air is determined using a bar code on a sticker that is attached to the handle of the suitcase. However, barcodes are considered obsolete because they are not reliable enough. If the code is not printed clearly enough or is damaged during loading, it cannot be read and the luggage disappears into the depths of airports. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is pushing its members to implement Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems. During check-in, suitcases are equipped with stickers with built-in microchips, which do not become unrecognizable as quickly as barcodes. The American airline Delta Air Lines plans to switch to RFID next year, while other airlines are still wary of the cost of converting the airports they use. Lufthansa has already tested RFID and has expressed its interest in installing the system. However, when exactly this will happen is still unclear.

Luggage was lost due to the fault of the airline. How much compensation can you really receive for luggage (suitcase) stolen or lost by an airline?

According to the Warsaw Convention of 1929 Article 22

1. When transporting passengers, the carrier's liability in relation to each passenger is limited to the amount of one hundred twenty-five thousand francs. If, under the law of the court in which the action is brought, compensation can be established in the form of periodic payments, the capitalized amount of such payments cannot exceed the specified limit. However, through a special agreement with the carrier, the passenger can establish a higher limit of liability.

2. When transporting checked baggage and goods, the carrier's liability is limited to the amount of two hundred and fifty francs per kilogram, unless a special declaration of interest in delivery is made by the sender at the time of transfer of the package to the carrier and with payment of a possible additional fee. In this case, the carrier will be obliged to pay an amount not exceeding the declared amount, unless he proves that it exceeds the sender's actual interest in delivery.

3. In respect of items left with passengers, the carrier's liability is limited to five thousand francs per passenger.

4. The above amounts are considered to refer to the French franc, consisting of sixty-five and a half milligrams of nine hundred thousandths fine gold. They may be expressed in any national currency, subject to rounding of figures.

If the carrier's country has not signed the Warsaw Convention, then the amount of compensation for lost baggage or cargo is 17 SDR (Special Drawing Rights (SDR)) per kilogram of checked baggage and cargo, or $20 USD per kilogram.

What is the deadline to file a claim if luggage is lost or partially stolen?

According to the Warsaw Convention of 1929 Article 26

1. Receipt of luggage and goods by the recipient without objection will constitute an assumption, pending proof to the contrary, that the goods were delivered in proper condition and in accordance with the transport document.

2. In case of damage to the cargo, the recipient must send an objection to the carrier immediately upon discovery of the damage and at the latest within three days for luggage and seven days for goods, counting from the time of delivery. In case of delay, the protest must be made no later than fourteen days from the day on which the luggage or goods are placed at his disposal.

3. Any objection must be made by means of a reservation marked on the transportation document or other written communication sent within the time limit established for this objection.

4. If there is no objection within the established time frame, no claims will be accepted against the carrier, except in cases of fraud on the part of the latter.

When is the carrier obliged to pay compensation?

If checked baggage is not found within twenty-one days from the date of presentation of the statement of non-receipt of baggage, the passenger has the right to demand compensation for damage caused by the loss of checked baggage.

Where should I go if the carrier does not pay compensation?

In court at the place of residence - such cases are 100% in favor of the victim.

There are many cases where passengers lost luggage during a flight. If such a situation arises, first of all, contact the special registration desk marked Lost&Found and write a statement. After this, the search will begin.

According to statistics, 13 units are lost per 1000 passengers. But 85% of lost items are found and returned within the first 46 hours.

Where do you receive your luggage?

Not all passengers know where to go after the plane lands and where to pick up their things.

IMPORTANT: to avoid getting lost, follow the other passengers.

  1. We go through passport control.
  2. We go to the baggage claim line. The number of the tape and the number of the arriving flight are written on the board (it is indicated on the boarding pass). If you do not find the suitcase, first make sure you are at the right belt.
  3. Suitcases and bags that were not picked up from the belt are unloaded by airport staff at the final destination. Look carefully there again, in case you missed your things.

IMPORTANT: airports and airlines have their own rules. Often, for example, strollers, large or fragile goods are issued elsewhere. Check with the arrival airport staff for such details.

What to do if you lost your luggage

If you still haven't found your suitcase, take the following steps:

  1. Look at the counter marked Lost&Found. It should be located in the field of view in the hall where the issuing tape is located. Look around carefully. If you don't find it, ask an airport employee. If such a counter is not available, please contact your airline.
  2. Write a written request to find your lost luggage. Sometimes you need to write a letter in free form, sometimes special forms are issued. If you are abroad, the form must be completed in English.
  3. Wait. The airport will call you. Often lost cargo is found and delivered to the owner within 46 hours.

IMPORTANT: the airline that checked it in and loaded it onto the plane is responsible for the baggage.

How to write an application

The application is completed on a prepared form, where you need to provide personal information and describe the suitcase. The process is not complicated. Pictures and images are provided to help. Therefore, you can fill out the form even in a foreign language. So please provide the following information:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the registered owner;
  • contact information (residence address, telephone, e-mail);
  • route and flight number on which you arrived;
  • data from the baggage tag, which is attached to the boarding pass;
  • description (options of drawings are offered, choose the one most similar to yours). Color, size, shape, special features are marked with a tick in the proposed list. Describe the appearance of the suitcase in detail in the additional information line;
  • description of the contents of the suitcase. Sometimes you need to describe 2–3 things that were in your luggage to identify it. Indicate unusual objects with special characteristics. It is important to leave the address where you will live during the search so that things can be delivered to you when they are found.

The application is drawn up in two copies. You will be given a special identification number by which you can track the status of the search via the Internet on the airline’s website or through the World Tracer global search service. In addition, get a phone number from Lost&Found to call them if necessary to clarify information.

Why does luggage get lost?

Suitcases are often lost due to mistakes made by airport staff. But sometimes the passengers themselves are to blame.

  1. The passenger is looking in the wrong place. If you mistakenly stood at the wrong belt, or did not know that the item was issued in the large-sized department, it becomes unclaimed after being idle at the point of issue.
  2. The suitcases are mixed up. Another passenger took your bag by mistake.
  3. Lost tag. A special adhesive tag is attached to each suitcase. If it is not secured securely and is lost, during unloading the luggage will be sorted as lost.
  4. Short flight connection times. If you are flying with transfers and the connection time is 1 hour or less, airport workers may not have time to transfer the cargo to another plane.
  5. It was a mistake by the movers who accidentally threw the suitcase in the wrong place, and so instead of France it ended up in Turkey.
  6. If luggage has tags from previous trips, a scanning error may occur and the bag will be sent in a different direction.

How to find lost luggage

Large airports operate an international search system. The data from the application is entered into a single database, and a search for a match with data on unclaimed baggage begins. If a match is found, Lost&Found employees find out where the suitcase is. They then notify the passenger and report the estimated time of arrival at the airport in the desired country. Such items are sent on the next flight and delivered in 1 to 3 days. Upon arrival at your destination, airport staff will contact you to discuss the method of delivery using two options: either you come to the airport yourself and pick it up, or they deliver it to you at the specified address at the expense of the airline.

You shouldn’t rely on search service workers; they may not call you. Therefore, check the search status through the official World Tracer website. To do this, on the page that opens, enter the search act number and full name.

Or call the airport search service and clarify the necessary information. In addition, you can monitor searches through the website of the airline that lost the suitcase (relevant for Russian airlines).

IMPORTANT: according to the rules of some airlines, you are required to write an additional letter with a request to deliver your items to the specified address. Otherwise, they will wait for you at the airport until you pick them up.

According to international standards, 21 days are allotted to search for luggage. If it is not found during this period, it is considered irretrievably lost. In this case, you should think about obtaining compensation.

Compensation for lost luggage

An application for compensation is submitted to the airline that lost the luggage. The deadline for filing a claim is 2 years from the date of registration of the loss. The amount of compensation depends on which convention the air carrier’s country is a member of: Warsaw or Montreal.

  • According to the rules of the Warsaw Agreement, compensation for luggage is provided in the amount of $17 per kilogram. If the suitcase is not weighed, the weight is automatically estimated at 35 kg.
  • according to the rules of the Montreal Convention, compensation is a maximum of 1000 conventional units per piece of baggage, which is equal to 1200 - 1300 euros (the rate is calculated individually within each airline).

Russia operates under the Warsaw Convention.

IMPORTANT: if you estimate the value of the lost property to be higher than the proposed amount of compensation, you will have to go to court with evidence.

If you agree with the proposed amount of compensation, you will need to provide the following documents to receive it:

  1. Statement.
  2. Passport.
  3. Boarding pass.
  4. Luggage tag.
  5. Baggage search report number.
  6. Details for transferring refunded funds.

In addition, if you lose your suitcase, you are entitled to compensation for money spent on purchasing essential items (shampoo, soap, toothpaste, brush, comb, etc.). Receipts will be required for this.

If you had to buy an expensive item, for example, a business suit for an important meeting, the issue of compensation is resolved individually. If you prove that you need the purchase and it was made involuntarily, the airline will offer two compensation options: you keep the item for yourself and receive a 50% refund, or you return the item to the company and receive a 100% refund.

IMPORTANT: in addition to loss of luggage, airlines provide compensation for damage to things, partial theft, breakage of a suitcase, inconvenience caused (payment for a forcedly rented hotel room, payment for travel to the airport to pick up your luggage, etc.). You need to save your receipts and then present them to the airline. If she refuses to refund the funds, the issue is resolved through the court.

Where do lost luggage go?

According to statistics, up to 10 thousand unclaimed items are found at Russian airports every year. Most often, these are prohibited items that are confiscated from passengers upon boarding the plane. You can come back for them later. This number also includes unclaimed baggage. People often forget bags and things and then don’t return them.

First, such items end up in a special unclaimed baggage room. At each airport there are two of them: for things forgotten during domestic flights, and for things found at international terminals. Here things are stored for 30 days.

If after this time the owner has not shown up, they are transferred to a special storage room for up to 6 months. Then they are disposed of, or sold in thrift stores if the item is new and with a label. This approach is due to the fact that storing unclaimed items is too expensive.

Some suitcases from international airports end up in the American store in Scottsboro in Alabama. This is the only store in the world that buys unclaimed luggage for resale.

To minimize the risk of this problem affecting you, follow simple precautions.

  1. Keep the receipt for your suitcase and other items you bought for your trip.
  2. After each trip, remove stickers and tags from your suitcase, even the smallest ones. They confuse automated scanning when sorting.
  3. Be sure to attach a name tag with contact information to your suitcase (preferably in a foreign language for an international flight). This way they will find him faster if he suddenly gets lost. Indicate your full name, telephone number, permanent residence address, hotel, length of stay in a foreign country and date of return to your homeland.
  4. When checking in, pay close attention to whether the operator has attached the correct tag to your bag.
  5. If you are flying with transfers, check with the operator where your baggage is checked in. Sometimes you have to pick up your suitcase at the connection and then check it in again.
  6. Make your bag stand out. Choose a suitcase with a pattern or a bright color, attach an identification mark in the form of a ribbon, bow, etc. to the handle.
  7. If you are carrying expensive items, additionally purchase a service such as luggage insurance.

Even with caution, unexpected situations arise suddenly. If you lost your luggage during a flight, don’t panic, contact the Lost&Found search service and fill out a report. Remember, 90% of things are found in the first two or three days and returned to the owner.

These agonizing minutes of waiting. Everyone has already left, and you stand and peer into the blackness. Into the blackness of rubber bands from which your luggage should appear. The thought flashes through my head: “Lost luggage at the airport. How to live with this? But half an hour has passed and it seems that even if you’ve been here for an eternity, nothing will change. What to do if your luggage is lost and where to go if you are the owner of that same lost luggage?

How to check in luggage correctly

You've arrived at the airport and the first thing you need to do is find out where your check-in counter is. This can be seen on the large electronic board at the airport. When you get to the counter, you can check your luggage. On any flight, the weight of baggage is regulated by general rules. There are exceptions, so it is best to check your baggage allowance with the airline.

Overload is paid separately. If you are bringing fragile items, you can ask the front desk for a “Fragile” tag. Regarding sports equipment and musical instruments, baby strollers: you can take them into the cabin or check them in as baggage above the established norm.

Also, initially try to buy a suitcase of an unusual color so that you can immediately recognize it on the delivery belt and so that your luggage does not get lost at the airport. Or you can attach a ribbon or some recognizable detail to the suitcase. You can provide your suitcase with a card with your personal information. If your luggage is lost at the airport, it will be easier to find it. After registering at the counter, the suitcase will float off into the distance, and you will only meet it upon receipt.

Flights with transfers

Proper baggage check-in is very important when flying with transfers. If connecting flights is not an independent matter, but you just bought tickets for a route with transfers, then there is nothing to worry about. At the check-in counter, simply remind the airport employee that your flight has several connections and you are worried about the airline losing your luggage. In this case, your luggage will be transferred automatically.

There may be exceptions. The likelihood of losing luggage at the airport increases if:

  1. The airport does not provide direct transfers between flights of the same airline. Baggage will have to be collected and checked in at the transfer baggage site.
  2. There is no agreement between partner airlines. You will be warned about this at the check-in desk and at the connecting point you will have to check in and collect your luggage again.
  3. If there is an agreement between the countries of travel on the declaration of prohibited items. Baggage is collected at the transit point and checked in at the transfer baggage counter. If this is not done, then the loss of luggage at the airport will be your fault.

Losing your luggage at the airport can happen if you have two different tickets for different flights. You will collect your luggage at your arrival airport and check it in again and check it in for your next flight. Please remember to do this, otherwise you yourself will cause the airline to lose your luggage.

Receiving baggage at the airport

You will collect your luggage from the baggage collection area. The tape number lights up on a special display, just like your flight number before the flight. Go to her and calmly wait for him to come to meet you with open arms.

The worst thing: the airline lost luggage - what to do

What to do? And how to find lost luggage? First of all, don't panic. Losing your luggage by an airline is not the end of the world. Calmly go to the counter with the inscription “Lost&Found” and fill out a report of lost luggage. In the application you will need to indicate your passport information, which airline lost your luggage, information from the luggage tag (it is attached to your air ticket) and a description of the suitcase. How to find lost luggage if you don’t see such a rack around? Contact an airport representative or air carrier employees and file a claim that the airline has lost your luggage. Based on your application, a luggage search will be organized.

Data from the international World Tracer system will tell you how to find lost luggage. They will search for your items by tag numbers and among baggage that was not collected at other airports.

If they can’t find him this way, they will look for him using your description. They will search for 21 days. Once found, it will be sent to your nearest airport. Some air carriers are willing to deliver luggage to your address, but to do this you need to write a letter with a request. Until this moment, the luggage will be with the carrier.

Compensation for lost luggage

All the tears were shed, and yet the airline lost the luggage. And 21 days passed, and the letter with the request to the airline was sent. It's time to claim compensation for lost luggage.

Typically, airline baggage loss occurs due to the fault of sorters at the airport. Each kilogram of luggage is paid in the amount of 600 rubles on the territory of the Russian Federation. In the West, in case of loss of luggage, the airline pays about $20 per kilogram of lost cargo. The amount of compensation for lost luggage can be fixed. If you are carrying valuable equipment, jewelry, or simply expensive things, then it is better to declare them and pay a fee. In this case, if your luggage is lost, then at least with the help of compensation for lost luggage you will get all your money back.

By the way, some airlines offer compensation for lost luggage and compensation for waiting for cargo. What to do if your luggage is lost and there are no things at all? Check with the airline to see if they provide small bags for baggage-free passengers: socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razor, soap.

Sometimes, if the airline has lost your luggage, it will pay for the purchase of essential items. But not more than 250 US dollars. You can file a complaint against the airline for lost luggage within 18 months from the date of loss. If the airline does not respond and does not want to pay compensation for the lost luggage, then you have the right to go to court. A claim for lost luggage at the airport can be submitted to the airline within two years. The claim must be accompanied by all original documents that confirm that the baggage was lost at the airport and you have rights to compensation, an itinerary receipt, a baggage payment receipt, a tag and other documents that can expedite the consideration of your claim.

  • To prevent your luggage from being lost, do not leave tags on it from previous flights.
  • The likelihood of your luggage being lost increases if you take multiple flights in one day.
  • If you are a transfer passenger, please remind us of this when checking in for your second flight and show the baggage tags issued to you.

Finally: 90% of passengers who lose their luggage find it in just two days.

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