Perinatal center. Important for expectant mothers: schedule for the closure of maternity hospitals for routine sanitization in the capital Perinatal Center for Lithuanian ventilation

The perinatal center is equipped with the most modern equipment. All types of high-tech medical care appear to citizens Russian Federation free of charge at the expense of the Federal budget of the Russian Federation. On November 1, 2010, the first perinatal center of the National Medical Center in the Northwestern Federal District began its work.
Research Center named after V. A. Almazov.

The main focus of the perinatal center is the provision of specialized obstetric, gynecological and neonatological care using modern medical technologies.

  • Improving the reproductive health of women with a burdened obstetric and gynecological history and extragenital pathology.
  • Carrying out surgical correction of congenital anomalies of the fetus and newborn.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of newborns with perinatal pathology.
  • Introduction into practice of modern diagnostic and treatment technologies, new organizational forms of work, means of prevention, rehabilitation.
  • Improving the quality of life of children with perinatal pathology through the use of modern high-tech diagnostic and treatment methods.
  • Providing obstetric care to women at high risk of pregnancy and childbirth.

Expectant mothers are often concerned about which maternity hospital to choose, which specialist to entrust their health and the health of their unborn baby to? We understand your concerns, so we support feedback with those who have undergone childbirth preparation with us, applied the acquired knowledge in practice and gave birth safely.

Below you can find information about maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, find out their phone numbers, addresses, free and paid services provided, as well as the schedule for closing maternity hospitals for ventilation.

Maternity hospital No. 1

Specialization of the maternity hospital: Rh conflict, treatment of miscarriage. The maternity hospital operates under the WHO-UNICEF breastfeeding priority program and has an international WHO-UNICEF certificate “Baby Friendly Hospital”

Ultrasound, abdominal decompression, postpartum care for mother and child

V.O., 14th line, 19
321-33-42 - information;
321-42-90 — reception department

Maternity hospital No. 2

Ultrasound, exercise therapy, postpartum care for mother and child, paid childbirth with increased comfort

Ventilation schedule:
doesn't close

Furshtatskaya st., 36 a

Maternity hospital No. 6 named after prof. V.F. Snegireva

Specialization of the maternity hospital: Late toxicosis of pregnancy, blood diseases and disorders of the blood coagulation system

Ultrasound, postpartum care of mother and child

Mayakovsky st., 5
272-47-24 information
272-31-06 reception department
273-58-34 self-supporting department

Maternity hospital No. 9

Specialization of the maternity hospital: Examination and treatment of pregnant women with recurrent miscarriage, with toxicosis of the first and second half of pregnancy, with placental insufficiency, a combination of pregnancy with pathology of the genital organs, with the presence of a scar on the uterus, with fibroids.

Ultrasound, exercise therapy, abdominal decompression, postpartum care for mother and child

Ordzhonikidze st., 47
726-87-31 information
726-07-80 emergency room
364-99-08 department “Family childbirth”

Maternity hospital No. 10

Ultrasound, exercise therapy, postpartum child care, Family Childbirth department.

Tambasova St., 21
730-84-65 information
730-64-14 emergency room
368-67-03 self-supporting department

Maternity hospital No. 13

Specialization of the maternity hospital: cardiopathology


Ultrasound, laboratory and functional diagnostics,

Kostromskaya st., 4
275-68-65 information
275-68-55 emergency room

Maternity hospital No. 16

Specialization of the maternity hospital: Delivery of pregnant women with viral diseases


Ultrasound, postpartum care for mother and child, a single full package of paid services (delivery management by an individual team, presence of relatives, luxury wards)

Malaya Balkanskaya st., building 54
information: 776-04-15
reception room: 778-91-71
children's department: 776-73-25
Family Childbirth department: 776-73-26

Maternity hospital No. 17 (former maternity hospital No. 11)

Specialization of the maternity hospital: Management of pregnancy in the presence of risk of group or rhesus conflict. Delivery in case of multiple pregnancy and abnormal position of the fetus. Department for socially vulnerable women

"natural childbirth" management of childbirth by an individual team, presence of relatives, department of superior wards

Branch Lesnozavodskaya str., building 4/1
Information 362-41-82
reception room: 262-41-82
children's department: 267-16-16
paid services: 367-18-18

Maternity hospital No. 17 (formerly maternity hospital No. 15)

Specialization of the maternity hospital:
delivery of pregnant women with viral diseases


management of childbirth by an individual team, presence of relatives, separation of superior wards

Branch of Vavilov str., building 12
Information 555-18-55,
Reception room 555-58-90,
Paid services 555-10-90

Maternity hospital No. 18

Specialization of the maternity hospital:
Has an international UNICEF certificate - “Child Friendly Hospital”.


Ultrasound, labor management by an individual team, presence of relatives, department of superior wards

Solidarity Ave., building 6
reception room: 587-59-66
children's department: 583-04-50
information: 587-88-98
paid services: 583-04-47, 583-75-34

Maternity hospital at hospital No. 30 named after Botkin

Specialization of the maternity hospital:
The obstetric department of the hospital accepts pregnant women with infectious diseases, hepatitis, HIV


st. Mirgorodskaya, house ¾
reception room: 277-50-75
children's department: 277-48-97

Maternity hospital at hospital No. 33 in Kolpino

Services: management of childbirth by an individual team, presence of relatives, separation of superior wards

Kolpino, Vavilova str., building 3
Information: 461-72-22
reception room: 461-63-38
children's department: 461-63-09

Maternity hospital at hospital No. 36 in Kronstadt

Services: Department of pathology of pregnant women (up to 28 weeks), ultrasound

Kronstadt, st. Komsomol, building 4
reception room: 236-37-45
maternity ward: 311-81-18

Maternity hospital at hospital No. 38 named after Semashko, Pushkin

Services: Ultrasound

Pushkin, Gospitalnaya st., building 5/7
reception room: 466-61-88
children's department: 470-39-53
maternity ward: 466-61-82

Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology
them. D.O. Otta RAMS

Specialization of the maternity hospital:
Comprehensive examination of women suffering from infertility and miscarriage; preparation for pregnancy in women who have had unfavorable outcomes from previous pregnancies;
Management of childbirth in patients with diabetes mellitus

Childbirth management by an individual team, presence of relatives, superior wards.

Mendeleevskaya line, 3
reception room: 328-98-71
children's department: 328-98-87
information: 328-98-31, 328-98-49

Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov

Specialization of the maternity hospital:
Delivery in a multidisciplinary hospital for women with concomitant pathologies.


Ultrasound, comprehensive examination and modern methods of treating pregnancy complications.
Comfortable conditions of stay in the postpartum department (single deluxe rooms)

Each maternity hospital is closed once a year for sanitary and hygienic treatment - the so-called washing. This is done to maintain the infectious safety of mother and child and to combat nosocomial infections. The Moscow City Health Department has approved a schedule for the closure of maternity hospitals in the capital for sanitary and hygienic treatment in 2018.

Even in the most modern maternity hospitals, some bacteria may be present in the air. In newborn children, the body's defense mechanisms are still immature, immunity is just beginning to form, so preventive measures are very important. A woman’s body, weakened during the nine months of bearing a baby, also becomes more susceptible to infections.

During the sanitary and hygienic treatment of maternity hospitals, all surfaces (including doors, windows, window sills) are disinfected using special detergents, all furniture and absolutely all objects are sterilized - equipment, medical instruments, and even light bulbs. Additionally, all wards and operating rooms are irradiated with ultraviolet lamps.

To carry out such events, obstetric hospitals are closed to admitting women in labor. Women being treated in pregnancy pathology departments, depending on their condition, are either discharged or transferred to another maternity hospital, but women in labor are given the opportunity to safely give birth to a baby. However, when choosing a maternity hospital, every expectant mother must take into account the fact that the hospital may be closed for a scheduled cleaning. Closing dates for maternity hospitals are set in advance and can be found out at the maternity hospital information desk, on the website of a medical organization or the Moscow Department of Health.

It is important to note that almost sterile cleanliness is maintained regularly during the operation of the maternity hospital. Wet cleaning and sterilization of instruments and materials are carried out daily. In accordance with the instructions, floors, walls, and furniture in all wards are treated daily with special compounds. This is part of the daily work of the maternity hospital.

Schedule of closures of maternity hospitals in Moscow for planned sanitary treatment

Medical organization Closing dates
Branch No. 2 "Maternity hospital with antenatal clinics 3,6,7,12,15 (rd 32) City Clinical Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin 17.09 to 30.09
State Clinical Hospital named after A.K. Eramishantseva. Maternity ward No. 1 12.11 to 25.11
State Clinical Hospital named after A.K. Eramishantseva. Maternity ward No. 2 (maternity hospital No. 11) 01.01 to 14.01
State Clinical Hospital named after F.I. Inozemtseva 15.01 to 20.01
State Clinical Hospital named after. S.I. Spasokukotsky. Branch "Maternity hospital No. 27" (maternity hospital No. 27) 17.12 to 30.12
State Clinical Hospital named after S.S. Yudina DZM 02.07 to 15.07
Branch “Maternity Hospital No. 25” of City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after. N.I. Pirogova DZM 01.10 to 14.10
State Clinical Hospital named after. M.P. Konchalovsky DZM 30.04 to 13.05
Obstetric branch No. 1 (Maternity hospital No. 15) City Clinical Hospital No. 13 DZM 16.04 to 29.04
City Clinical Hospital No. 15 named after O.M. Filatova DZM 18.06 to 01.07
City Clinical Hospital No. 24 DZM Branch "Perinatal Center" 02.04 to 15.04
City Clinical Hospital No. 29 named after. N.E. Bauman 04.06 to 17.06
Separate division “Maternity hospital” (maternity hospital No. 20 of the D.D. Pletnev City Clinical Hospital of the Department of Health 07.05 to 20.05
Branch No. 1 (Maternity hospital No. 4) City Clinical Hospital named after. V.V. Vinogradova DZM 21.05 to 03.06
Branch Maternity hospital No. 1 of City Clinical Hospital No. 67 named after. L. A. Vorokhobova 05.03 to 18.03
State Clinical Hospital named after. V.P. Demikhova DZM 16.07 to 29.07
State Clinical Hospital named after E.O. Mukhina DZM 19.02 to 04.03
Branch No. 2 (Maternity hospital No. 17) City Clinical Hospital named after V.V. Veresaeva DZM 06.08 to 19.08
IKB No. 1 DZM (Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 1) 16.07 to 29.07
IKB No. 2 DZM (Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 2) 21.05 to 03.06
TsPSiR DZM (Family Planning and Reproduction Center) 22.01 to 04.02
Branch No. 4 (maternity hospital No. 3) CPS and R DZM 19.03 to 01.04
Branch No. 1 (maternity hospital No. 10) CPS and R DZM 30.07 to 12.08
Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for the Fight against Tuberculosis DZM Maternity Hospital Clinic No. 2 02.07 to 15.07

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