Ball's Pyramid - the largest rock in the sea (8 photos). The world's largest cliff Cabo Girao, Portugal

Here we have already considered the highest blank wall near skyscrapers, here it is, and now let's move on to natural objects.

Mount Thor (official name of Thor peak, Thor Peak) is a granite peak recognized as the highest vertical slope in the world. The slope is located in the Auyuittuq National Park on Baffin Island (Canada). The height of the peak is 1250 meters and the slope of the wall is 105 degrees.

Take a look and learn more about it…-

The height of the peak reaches 1250 m, and the slope of the wall is 105 degrees. For comparison, for example, the Burj Khalifa reaches a height of 828 meters, the Eiffel Tower - 324 meters, the CN Tower - 553 meters, and the Empire State Building - 381 meters.

Photo 3.

Mount Thor, of course, is not the highest mountain in the world, but, despite its rather remote location, it is very popular among numerous climbers, thrill-seekers who come to this place to overcome the difficult climbing route, listen to the sound of a blizzard and merge with the pristine nature.

Photo 4.

Thor Peak is made of granite and is part of the Baffin mountain range, which in turn is part of the majestic Arctic Cordillera mountain range. Mount Thor is Canada's most popular peak.

Photo 5.

The first to summit the slope were members of the Alpine Club of Canada. It happened in 1965 under the guidance of the famous climber Pat Baird. And in the summer of 2006, with the help of special climbing equipment, the first successful descents from the steep slope of Mount Tor were carried out.

Photo 6.

The most favorable months for climbing Thor Peak are July and August. Conquest is impossible without good preparation and a serious approach. Successful climbing requires experience, special equipment, and do not underestimate the importance of logistics and good weather conditions.

Photo 7.

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Photo 17.

I can also remind you of some interesting mountain formations: look spectacular or like this

An unusual and slightly mysterious rock, of enormous size, is located in the middle of the waters of the Pacific Ocean, many millions of years ago, this place was the most active volcano, but with the passage of time, only a rock remained, which is called Ball's Pyramid.

Ball's Pyramid or Ball's Pyramid (eng. Ball's Pyramid) is a small uninhabited volcanic island, about 20 kilometers southeast of Lord Howe Island. This is the highest rock of our planet - a stone block that suddenly grows out of the water surface of the southern part Pacific Ocean and keeping amazing secrets.


Coordinates: 31°45?20.06? S ; 159°14?54.82? o.d. Ball's Pyramid is located 700 km northeast of Sydney, about 20 kilometers southeast of Lord Howe Island.

The largest rock on Earth is a volcano extinct about 7 million years ago, which is gradually destroyed under the influence of waves and winds. To date, only about 3% of the mass of the volcano has survived. This is the rock itself, as well as several small rocky islands nearby.


Ball's pyramid, discovered in 1788, is named after its discoverer, the commander of the Seplay ship, Henry Lidgbird Ball, who transported settlers to Norfolk Island. A large island nearby was named after the first Lord of the British Admiralty, Lord Howe. This small island, 11 km long, shaped like a crescent, was a paradise for discoverers.

Ball's pyramid "waited" for almost a hundred years after opening until the first recorded landing in 1882. The first person was the Australian geologist Henry Wilkinson. And the conquest of the summit was given with great difficulty. The first attempt of the Sydney group, which consisted of the traveler Dick Smith and several scouts, ended in failure - after the fifth day they returned. On February 14, 1965, a group of climbers from the Sydney Climbing Club, which included Briden Allen, John Davis, Jack Pettigrew and David Witham, summited. Then in 1979 Dick Smith returned with climbers John Worrell and Hugh Ward and also made it to the top. But he not only conquered the peak, which had previously not let him in, but also installed the flag of the Australian state of New South Wales at the peak, which was issued by him personally by the prime minister of the state, Innocent Vran, and proclaimed the island the territory of Australia (a formality, which, apparently, no one has done before.) There were several successful attempts to conquer until 1982, when a law was passed prohibiting climbing. And in 1986, another law came out that forbade visiting the island. Since the 1990s, visits have become strictly limited, special permission was required, however, some ascents did occur.


In 1931, aviator Francis Chichester, flying over the rock, exclaimed: "It pierces the air like a wide primeval stone dagger." Indeed, this is the highest rock, having a width of 400 m at the base and a height of 550-562 m (here the testimony varies). It is like a sail rushing into the sky, although it remains only a point in the ocean. Be that as it may, the highest volcanic cliff is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Flora and fauna

First, let's look at some black and white pages of the neighboring island of Lord Howe. Wild animals, who had never seen people and did not know their deceit, lived on this island in huge numbers. But after the discovery, a black page began in the history of Lord Howe Island. Ships began to enter here, where hungry sailors easily and immoderately got game. For example, the white sultan bird was completely exterminated.

In 1834, the first settlers settled on the island, bringing with them their animals and rats. Representatives of the local fauna were unaware of the danger, and these rats destroyed 5 species of birds and put some species on the brink of survival.

Fortunately, Ball's Pyramid managed to avoid these misfortunes, although it is located only 20 km south of Lord Howe.

Near Lord Howe Island, on the border of warm tropical and cold subantarctic currents, is the southernmost coral reef. More than 400 species of tropical and cold-loving fish live here. Here, spotted angelfish and white-striped clownfish scurry among the nudibranchs. An amazing fish, a two-headed wrasse, reaching 76 cm in length, lives only here. And the volcanic plateau, the same remains of a volcano as Ball's Pyramid, is a wonderful habitat for fish that scurry back and forth among bizarre underwater arches, columns, caves and grottoes.

The Bol Pyramid is a wonderful home for thousands of birds. Terns, boobies, petrels, red-tailed phaetons, etc. hatch their chicks here without fear of humans.

In 2000, Dryococelus australis, thought to be extinct, was found on the island.

Dryococelus australis, the giant stick insect (lat. Dryococelus australis) is one of the rarest insects on Earth, 12 centimeters long and 1.5 centimeters wide. Previously lived on the volcanic island of Lord Howe. After the discovery of the island in 1788, by 1918 this large flightless insect, which had previously had no natural enemies, was thought to have died out, destroyed by black rats.

In 1960, climbers climbing Balls Pyramid discovered several giant stick insects there. However, they managed to find only a few specimens, and after that the species was again considered extinct.

In 2001, an expedition was sent to Balls Pyramid, which, after two days on the island, managed to find a colony of 20-30 giant stick insects that lived under a melaleuca bush.

Monolithic rocks are natural formations, which are few on planet Earth. By visiting them during the upcoming summer vacation, you will learn a lot of interesting things about the past of the Earth and what awaits our planet in the future.

Uluru (Ayers)

Uluru (Ayers) is located in Australia, a rock is located three hundred and thirty-five kilometers from the city of Alice Springs, this is the largest monolith in the world, consisting of sandstone. The rock constantly changes its color depending on its lighting, so at sunset (Ayers) it becomes purple, or blue and fiery red in the morning at sunrise.

Torres del Paine (translated: Three Blue Towers) has also received a national park in Chile, where the rocks are located. The park is located in the southern part of the Patagonia region. The rocks are located in the central part of the park and are one of its attractions. The three granite towers of Pine were formed during the Ice Age by a combination of a large number of natural factors. According to scientists, it was glacial ice that played a key role in the formation of three giant monolithic granite needles. The highest monolith has a height of two thousand meters above the surface of the plain and two thousand eight hundred and fifty meters above sea level. In 1959, the park was declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

Rock of Gibraltar or Mount Tarika

The Rock of Gibraltar is 426 meters high. The monolith is located in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula in the Strait of Gibraltar. The rock is located on the territory of Gibraltar - it is an overseas territory of the United Kingdom. The Rock of Gibraltar is one of the Pillars of Hercules. In antiquity, this concept was used to refer to the hills framing the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar. The rock consists of limestone, the rock is quite porous, for this reason the rock is gradually destroyed under the influence of natural factors, water, wind and temperature changes. It is noteworthy that a species of Barbary macaques lives on the rock, naturally, this place is a protected area, and to visit it, you must obtain an appropriate permit. This species of primates is the only one in Europe.

Peña de Bernal is one of the largest monoliths in the world. In translation, the name of the monolith means "Bernal Peak". The monolithic rock is located in Mexico in the state of Queretaro. The height of the rock is three hundred and fifty meters above the surrounding area and two thousand five hundred and ten meters above sea level. Experts say that the monolith was formed about a hundred million years ago during the Jurassic period.

El captain

El Capitan is one of the largest monoliths in North America and is located in Yosemite National Park in California, USA. The top of the mountain is nine hundred and ten meters above Yosemite Valley and two thousand three hundred and seven meters above sea level. The rock consists mainly of granite, on the eastern slope of El Capitan there is a waterfall, the name of which reflects its shape "Horse Tail". The rock is very popular among climbers and tourists. The first ascent to the top of the mountain took place in 1958 and lasted forty-seven days. At present, the use of modern equipment allows climbing in a matter of hours. Base jumping founder Carl Boenisch made his first jump from El Capitan. This event took place in 1978.

Monolith Ben Amer is located in Mauritania, it is located in the middle of a sandy desert, away from tourist routes. The height of the cliff is four hundred meters above the surface of the plain, it consists of a monolith of black granite. Despite the fact that its height is only four hundred meters, in terms of its total size, the monolith ranks second in the world.

Devil's Tower

The height of the cliff is three hundred eighty-six meters above the surrounding area. The tower is located in the United States in northeastern Wyoming, in Crook County. The Devil's Tower was declared a National Monument by US President Roosevelt. This event took place in 1906, became the largest national monument that exists in the United States of America. The mountain gained worldwide fame after one film after another began to be released, in which the Devil's Tower appeared in the background. The tower became especially famous after Steven Spielberg made a film next to the tower and himself played one of the main roles in 1977. The monolith has an unusually regular shape. Because of this, for a long time it was believed that this is an artificial structure. But who could create a man-made pyramid with a height of three hundred and eighty meters two hundred million years ago, and it was during this period, according to scientists, that the tower appeared. It was decided to attribute the creation of the tower to the creations of the devil. Scientific research has proven that the tower is a monolith of volcanic origin.

Of course, here you can probably also argue about definitions, but Mount Thor (Canada) is the largest cliff in the world (1250 meters of almost vertical rock)

Thor Mountain, officially named Thor Peak, in Auyuittuq National Park, Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada, is a granite peak famous for being the highest vertical slope in the world. The slope is measured at 1250 m and 105 degrees. To put the height in context, the Eiffel Tower is 324 meters tall, the Empire State Building is 381 meters, the CN Tower is 553 meters, and the Burj Khalifa is 828.

Thor, of course, is not included in the list of the highest mountains in the world, but it definitely deserves attention. Mount Thor is part of the Baffin mountain range, which in turn are part of the Arctic Cordillera mountain range. The mountain is made of granite. This is the most famous of the peaks of Canada. Despite the fact that the mountain is in a remote area, it is a popular destination for avid climbers. Thor was first climbed in 1965 during the founding of the Alpine Club of Canada by an expedition led by Pat Baird. In July 2006, the first successful rappellings took place.

Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is not only the largest monolithic rock in the world, but also the oldest among such monoliths. She is approximately 680 million years old. And it is located almost in the middle of Australia - in the state of the Northern Territory, near the city of Alice Springs.

This huge sandstone stone has simply incredible dimensions: almost 350 meters in height and nine kilometers in girth.

And this is not the most surprising! Tourists are attracted here by the remarkable ability of Mount Uluru to change color depending on how the sun's rays fall on it.

In the morning, when dawn comes, the rock turns dark purple, but by noon its color becomes golden, then orange, more and more acquiring terracotta notes. By sunset, Ayers Rock darkens again, plunging into gray-brown tones. Sometimes the color of the rock turns out to be closer to blue and blue hues.

And although such a play of light is not uncommon for mountains at all (just look at the paintings of Nicholas Roerich to be convinced of the bizarre coloring of mountain landscapes), but Uluru amazes with such changes because it stands alone in the middle of a huge desert plain, with which nothing like this happens .

Of course, scientists have often thought about where a huge monolith could come from in the middle of such a flat landscape. Various versions were put forward, up to the celestial origin of the rock: a meteorite crashed into the desert, remaining there forever.

However, a more plausible theory claims that Ayers Rock is the surviving link of the oldest mountain range, named after the famous German cartographer Petermann. Over millions of years, the rock has been weathered, and only a monolithic rock has been able to resist for so long, however, it has undergone significant erosion, acquiring a rounded shape.

Naturally, the rock carried around by the wind has not gone anywhere from the mainland. It turned into small stones and grains of sand, distributed evenly over the entire plateau, and the ridge seemed to “drown” in them, leaving the very top, which now looks little different from the ancient volcanic rock outcrops. Size, anyway. Such monoliths are called remnants by geologists.

The natives of the Anangu tribe, who have lived here since ancient times, consider the rock sacred. They gave her the name Uluru. When linguists tried to find out what this word means in translation from the language of the local population, it turned out that apart from this rock itself, it does not mean anything else, but it is still found among them as a human name.

But with the second name Ayers Rock, everything is much simpler. So, in honor of the then governor of South Australia, Henry Ayers, the mountain was named by William Goss, a British explorer who was the first European to climb the summit of Uluru and made a detailed description of the rock. And this is how this miracle of nature was officially called until the 70s of the 20th century, when, after numerous appeals from local residents, the authorities returned the mountain to its original name.

Well, let's get closer to the rock. On its slopes you can see numerous furrows and almost round deep potholes. According to the ancient legend of the natives, the latter are nothing more than the traces of a giant dog Kura-Punya. She left them as she approached the hunters' camp, who in a few minutes were to become the prey of a house-sized predatory dog ​​themselves.

However, the hunters were saved by a suddenly screaming kookaburra. This is such an Australian bird, which is also called the laughing kingfisher, because its cry resembles human laughter. And, thanks to the voice of this bird, people managed to hide from the gigantic predator. Apparently, they have a kookaburra, like we have a magpie: if something goes wrong, they will immediately warn you.

But even the legend explains only the presence of dents on the slopes. And it still remains unclear who so evenly outlined the entire rock with parallel furrows? The depth of the furrows reaches two meters, and this relief is considered unique. However, there is something similar much closer to us - in the Ukrainian steppe, in the Kamennye Mohyly nature reserve, which was described in the previous post.

There is something that Ayers Rock has in common with an amazing Russian landmark - Sin-Kamem. This is the already mentioned ability of the mountain to change color with the weather. This feature played an important role that both natural attractions have long been places of religious worship.

However, the veneration of Mount Uluru by the natives can also be explained from a utilitarian point of view. If we take into account the aridity of the climate in Australia in general, and even more so in the desert area, located far from the coast, it becomes clear why the mountain, which provided shade and moisture, began to be considered sacred.

Moreover, in the rock there are not only caves where you can plunge into the coolness, but also underground lakes, fed by rainwater and springs penetrating through the cracks. And everyone knows what value water has in the desert.

Today, Ayers Rock is official Aboriginal property, leased to the authorities, for which local tribes receive 20 percent of the cost of entrance tickets to the national park plus 75 thousand dollars annually. At the same time, although the natives put up with what is happening, they still consider it sacrilege for tourists to climb to the top.

It was the punishment of higher powers that they explained that in the past, curious travelers periodically fell off when climbing and even crashed to death. Today, however, metal railings have been installed in the most dangerous places, and the number of falls from the cliff has been reduced to almost zero.

True, at the same time, almost every year, one of the tourists who swung to conquer the summit dies of a heart attack. And this can be explained mystically. But, perhaps, it is more reasonable to say that it is better not to make a two-hour rise under the scorching sun without minimal physical preparation, and even more so without wearing a headdress that protects from the sun properly and if there are any problems with the heart.

And so, if you are not superstitious, you can safely rush to the top, from where an unforgettable view of the endless desert opens.

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