The most incredible places on Earth (34 photos). The most interesting and beautiful places on planet earth The most beautiful natural places in the world


The rating with the most beautiful places on the planet opens with an amazing place located in the western part of the Netherlands. We are talking about the picturesque fields of tulips. These are not just gardens, we are talking about plantations, seas of flowers that embody a real riot of colors. Being in this state from April to May, it is simply necessary to visit the flowering gardens of the western part of the country. However, in the summer there is something to see here, because tulips are replaced by gladioli.

The Grand Canyon is one of the deepest and most beautiful places in the world. Located in Arizona, on the Colorado Plateau. We are talking about the amazing territory of the national park, the beauty of which can only be appreciated with the help of a helicopter. It is an Indian reservation. It is believed that representatives of the Navajo tribe and other tribes lived in this place for a long time. The Grand Canyon attracts not only with its beauty, size and history. He attracts many businessmen with his mysteriousness. To understand what is at stake, you need to see this miracle of nature from above.

Do you know the name of the most beautiful national park in the world? Its name is Cinque Terre, and this amazing place is located in Italy. Namely, in the east of the Riviera. We are not just talking about charms and history, everything here is imbued with the spirit of the Middle Ages in Italy. In total, there are five small but beautiful villages on the territory of this place. Their architecture is distinguished by the presence of protected buildings, reminiscent of the times of freedom-loving pirates. A romantic place will appeal to all connoisseurs of classic Italian romance.

It would be unfair to create the Top 10 most beautiful places on Earth without mentioning at least one Chinese field. The rice field in the mountains of Yunnan is the most striking and beautiful. Just imagine ten-kilometer terraces that follow the curves of the terrain exactly to centimeters. The Chinese have been developing culture for thousands of years and have achieved incredible success in this craft. Seeing their rice plantations from above is worth a lot. Their snow-white plantations reflect the sun's rays and personify all the power of China's agricultural artisans.


We have already found out which lake is the most powerful in Russia. By no means in this rating, we are talking exclusively about the beauty of different places in the world. For this reason, it is necessary to highlight the Plitvice Lakes of Croatia, which attract with their amazing color and mystery. They are located in the national park. Covered with intangible and limitless thickets. They are extremely difficult to pass, so you can appreciate all the beauty only from a height. The locals call the thickets the devil's forest.

We will not consider all the sights of the planet that are included in the list of the so-called 7 wonders of the world. We consider only the most beautiful places, among which the Valley of the Ten Peaks - Canada must be included. This Canadian place epitomizes the harsh but attractive nature. Its icy beauty creates a unique world, located at the foot of large mountains called Vekchemna. Nearby is the pearl of the national park - a lake called Moraine.

In the north of Arizona there is a place of amazing beauty, a geological object that is justifiably called the pride of the American people. This is a place where the ancient Navajo Indians used to live. The unique park embodies a huge complex of rocks, standing against the backdrop of a severe and frightening desert landscape. Again, we are talking about the Colorado Plateau. This area is not just one of the favorite among tourists. By the way, the plateau holds many amazing stories about cowboys.

Continuing the theme of beautiful and rocky places in the world, it is necessary to highlight the Colored Zhangye, located in China. It is believed that the complex of rocks formed during the Cretaceous period. We are talking about beautiful rocks, which are painted in very colorful shades. The wonder of nature is located in the famous province of China - Gansu. In the photo you see an abundance of colors. However, the red sandstone really dominates. You may not notice this in the pictures. Being close to the province, be sure to try to see the amazing mountain scenery.

Earth is the most beautiful planet in the solar system, and perhaps the entire universe. The nature of our planet surprises with its beauty, brightness of colors, unique views and diverse landscape.

Beautiful caves and golden beaches, beautiful forests and majestic mountains make up the beauty of the Earth. Some of the corners of our planet do not leave the pages of fashion guides. But, there are places that are rarely found in such literature.

We open our review from the symbol of the mysterious Myanmar - the ancient city of Bagan. It is called the city of a thousand pagodas. This place was the capital of the Bagan kingdom. His greatness was so strong that the best minds and masters of antiquity aspired to Bagan. Thanks to them, Buddhist temples and other beautiful structures were built.

Only a few of them survived to our time. The most significant of them is the Shwezigon Golden Pagoda. It was built in 1057 on the site indicated by the white elephant carrying the bandage, tooth and rib of the Buddha. These relics are kept in the temple until now.

The photo of the most beautiful and amazing places in the world should definitely include other attractions of Bagan: Ananda temples, Htilo-Minlo, Shveleykto and Bu-paya pagoda.

Colored rocks of Zhangye Danxia (China)

The most amazing places on the planet can be built by human hands or nature. Colored rocks, which are located in the Chinese province of Gansu, are natural formations made of multi-colored sandstones. Recent studies show that more than 100 million years ago there was an ocean here. The silt colored the sandstone and made the rock formations so original.

Today, the mountain peaks of Danxia near the town of Zhangye are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. So that tourists can enjoy the views of these mountains, the locals have built many boardwalks and paths with which you can walk between these amazing mountain peaks.

Yusupov Palace (Russia)

But, back to man-made miracles. In any almanac of the most beautiful places in the world, you will find such an architectural monument as the Yusupov Palace. It is located in the heart of St. Petersburg on the Moika River. Built in the 18th century for the niece of Peter the Great, Princess Praskovya, it only passed into the possession of the Yusupovs in 1830. But, since then, he is associated only with this legendary surname. This palace is the site of the assassination of Grigory Rasputin.

Li River (China)

Another beautiful place in China is the Li River. This is one of the most picturesque water bodies on our planet. Starting as a small stream in the Mao'er Mountains, it runs like a "silk ribbon" through the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China. The locals call this Lijiang River. It is recognized as the cleanest river in the Middle Kingdom. Its main attribute is the majestic karst giants. They were formed with the help of water and wind over many centuries. These mountain formations have poetic names and attract tourists from many countries of the world with their beauty.

You can enjoy the beauty of the Lijiang River with the help of a cruise ship or using the service of local "gondoliers".

Meteora monastery complex (Greece)

There are many amazing places in our world. If we talk about architectural monuments, then most of them are in Greece. This country, which became the ancestor of modern Europe, is proud of its legendary "ruins". But the monasteries of Meteora are no less popular. Their main feature is their amazing location: they crown the high peaks of the mountains of Thessaly.

Christian hermits hid in the mountains from Albanians, Turks and ordinary robbers. Over time, students gathered around them, who built monasteries of amazing beauty and resembling the nests of huge birds for themselves and their teachers. The word "Meteora" is translated as "soaring in the air."

Mount Erebus (Antarctica)

Erebus volcano is one of the most interesting places in the world. It is famous for the fact that on its territory you can observe a lake of real lava. This natural phenomenon is unique. The volcano was named after the ship of the expedition, James Clark Ross, who discovered this natural phenomenon. The glow of this volcano attracts everyone who travels on Lake Ross. It is a kind of visiting card of Antarctica.

Rice Terraces (Philippines)

The list of the most interesting places in the world must be continued with the rice terraces of the Philippines. They are even called the eighth miracle of counting. And this is not surprising. These man-made gardens were built by the ancestors of today's locals over 2,000 years ago. Plowed, multi-level fields not only fed the Ifuago people, but were also an excellent defensive structure.

Union of fire and ice (Kamchatka - Russia)

Talking about interesting places on Earth, one cannot ignore Kamchatka. On the territory of this peninsula, you can find 28 active and 160 extinct volcanoes. If you want to climb fire-breathing mountains, watch salmon spawning and see the world's largest bears, then be sure to go and temper your spirit with the help of Kamchatka. The amazing places of nature of this place are conducive to hiking, extreme and sea tourism.

Death Valley (USA)

Another natural monument is the Death Valley. It must be included in all lists of interesting places in the world. We will not bypass this unique place either. Formed many thousands of years ago at the bottom of the sea, this valley is striking in its natural phenomena. Here, literally, stones walk. Leaving bizarre footprints on the petrified mud. But, if you decide to get here, then you need to prepare for the intense heat. During the day, the temperature here rarely falls below 50 degrees.

Guam Gorge (Russia)

The gorge is located in the upper reaches of the Kurdzhips River in the Krasnodar Territory. The natural beauty of this gorge attracts tourists all year round. But, here you can do not only the contemplation of the magnificent flora and fauna, but also extreme tourism. Rock climbing is especially highly developed in the Gum Gorge.

Beach with caves near the Algarve (Portugal)

One of the most amazing places in the world, no doubt, are the Portuguese caves, which are located in the southernmost province of the country of port wine and the birthplace of Cristiano Ronaldo. The most famous of them is the Algarve de Benagil cave. It is called the most beautiful cave in the world. Wind and sea water - these two creators have created a magnificent example of one of the best travel destinations in the world.

Sagano Bamboo Grove (Japan)

For many of us, the beauty of the Land of the Rising Sun is associated with cherry blossoms. In this country, even special tours are being created, with the help of which you can observe the alternate flowering of this plant in all provinces of Japan. But, another equally popular symbol of Japan is the Sagano Bamboo Forest. Looking through the photos of the most beautiful and amazing places in the world, you will definitely find several images of a picturesque grove of evergreen bamboos there.

These majestic plants, when blown by the wind, make sounds reminiscent of the popular wind chimes. This beautiful park was created in the 14th century by the monk Muso Soseki.

The nature of Sokotora seems like a setting for science fiction films. Charming vegetation, many of which are unique to this island, divine beaches and silence. This is just what you need for happiness and a serene paradise vacation.

Lake Baskunchak (Russia)

It is called the most salty lake in the world. In terms of salinity, Baskunchak exceeds the famous Dead Sea. This reservoir is located in the Akhtubinsky district of the Astrakhan region. Not far from this lake is the Baskunchakskaya cave. Its one and a half kilometer length attracts speleologists.

Our planet is beautiful. And the more a person travels, the more he is convinced of this. But to visit all the beautiful places, cities, lagoons and natural sites, a lifetime is not enough. It is difficult to rank the "Top 10 most beautiful places on the planet." And what can serve as a criterion? The aesthetic sense of people is different. In addition, there are man-made landscapes, the sight of which is breathtaking. These are, for example, tulip fields in Holland, flower plantations in Provence, Hitachi Park near the Japanese city of Hitatinaka, laid out in 1991 on the site of a former military base, or the Rhine Valley with its medieval castles and vineyards. But we still chose a dozen dizzying landscapes that everyone should like. In this article we will list the most beautiful places on the planet with their descriptions and photographs. Do you agree with the rating below?

big blue hole

This unique natural phenomenon is invariably present in all lists of the most beautiful places on our planet. It may not always take the first line. Not far from the Yucatan Peninsula, along the Caribbean coast, the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef stretches for 700 kilometers.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau discovered the Blue Hole at the site of the underwater coral ridge Lighthouse. The phenomenon belongs administratively to Belize and is located one hundred kilometers from the coast of this Latin American country. The hole is a perfectly round hole with a diameter of 305 meters and a depth of 120 m. Among the azure of shallow water, it seems to be a dark blue pupil. Alas, the most beautiful places on the planet are often the most inaccessible. You can also admire the hole from the air. But in order to fully enjoy the beauties of this phenomenon, you need to immerse yourself in it - in the truest sense of the word. If you are a professional diver, you will have an unforgettable sight. The walls are surrounded by stalactites, and this “cave” is inhabited by huge groupers, rays and lemon sharks.

Fly Geyser

The most beautiful places on the planet are not limited to masterpieces created by nature, such as, for example, the Blue Hole. Fly Geyser is a thermal and permanent source on the ranch of the same name in the US state of Nevada.

This beauty arose…by mistake. In 1916, a rancher wanted to cut a well. But in his zeal, he dug into the geothermal pocket. Boiling water began to dissolve mineral rocks and in 1964 came to the surface. Now the geyser throws three jets of water to a height of one and a half meters. Cyanobacteria, algae and calcium carbonate color the liquid in bizarre colors. Unfortunately, few people can be beautiful. And not because the ranch is located in impregnable mountains. No, the geyser, which occupies the second position in the "Top of the most beautiful places on the planet" is located 30 km from the town of Gerlach and very close to the R34 road. But the ranchers carefully hide their wealth and let only those they wish look at it. All attempts to buy out the territory in order to make the passage to the geyser available to the public have so far been unsuccessful.

crystal river

The official name of this waterway is Caño Cristales. But the local tribes living in the jungles of Central Colombia call it the "River of Five Colors" or "Escaped from Paradise." Many planets are in the tropics. But Caño Cristales is the most original river.

Its waters are indeed colored red, green, yellow, black and blue. The inhabitants of the river - algae - make them so. A rainbow streams through the foothills of the Amazon rainforest. You can get to this natural phenomenon with an excursion to the Serrania de la Macarena National Park. The tours last four days and run from June to November, during the algal bloom season.

Bend of the Colorado River

Many of the most beautiful places on the planet, photos of which are known to everyone from posters and postcards, are located in the USA. The government of this country reverently protects natural attractions by creating national parks and reserves. The Colorado River itself is very picturesque. But there is such a section in its channel that, bending, forms the shape of an ideal horseshoe. It is best to look at such beauty from a bird's eye view - from the side of a helicopter. The Colorado Bend is located near the city of Page, eight kilometers below Lake Powell and Glen Canyon Dam.

Arizona wave

To see this phenomenon of nature, you need to be lucky and win the lottery. Why? Because these mountains were formed from ancient sand dunes about two hundred million years ago. Under the influence of winds and rains, the ridge acquired a truly unearthly landscape. However, excessive human exposure can destroy the soft sandstone. Therefore, only twenty people are allowed here per day. Ten tickets are drawn online four months before the tour, and another 10 - the day before, on R89. This highway passes not far from the already mentioned Page. It just so happened that these most beautiful places on the planet - the Colorado bend and the Martian landscape of the Arizona wave - are located nearby.

Cueva de los Cristales Cave

Some of the most beautiful places on the planet, alas, are hidden underground. This natural object was discovered quite recently - in the year 2000. And then the Mexican city of Chihuahua became known not only as the birthplace of the Chihuahua dog breed (Chihuahuan). When they were laying a new mining tunnel, they came across an underground cavity filled with water. Its depth is three hundred meters. But not because of this, the cave got into the Top 10 "The most beautiful places on the planet." The photo shows giant ray-shaped crystals that have grown on the walls of underground halls. Some of them reach the size of fifteen meters. And what is most interesting, these crystals formed in the aquatic environment. For several hundred thousand years, selenite (a kind of gypsum) settled on the walls of the labyrinth. Tourists are not allowed into the cave, because the temperature in it is +60 o C, and the air is hydrogen sulfide.

Salar de Uyuni

The facility is located near the alpine lake Titicaca. It is named after the nearby town of Uyuni (Bolivia). This is the largest dry lake in the world. But not because of the size it got into the rating of "The most beautiful places on the planet." A huge field is covered with small crystals of salt. They shine so brightly in the desert sun that you can't do without goggles. But that's not all. Tourists are taken to look at the salt marsh during the rainy season, which lasts in Bolivia from November to March. Then this natural attraction again turns into a shallow lake. But the high concentration of salt gives the water the properties of a mirror. The reflecting sky merges with the horizon.

Later, the lake is covered with a salt crust. Water breaks out in small cone-shaped volcanoes. The city of Uyuni is also famous for the Fisherman's Island (Isla de Pescadores). In fact, this is an oasis in which eight-meter cacti grow, sometimes up to a thousand years old. And the banks of the salt marsh are surrounded by the Forest of Stones. Fanciful sculptures are created by rain and wind.

Spotted Lake Kliluk

Three seasons a year, this is the most common body of water. And only in the hot summer the surface and the shores of the lake turn into the most beautiful places on the planet. This body of water has the highest concentrations of sodium, calcium, magnesium sulfate, titanium and silver in the world. When the summer heat comes, the top layer of water dries up. Minerals form multi-colored islands - "floes" that float on the surface of the lake, and you can walk on them. Imagine! The color of such icebergs depends on the predominant substance. The facility is located near the town of Osoyoos in Canada, close to the US border.

The Europeans gave the reservoir the name Spotted Lake (Spotted Lake), which is a literal translation of the name given to the object by the Okanagan Indians. For them, Kliluk is still a sacred place. After all, the waters of the lake heal wounds. The indigenous population bought the reservoir and does not allow whites to go to it. You can admire the lake only from a distance - from the highway.

Enchanted Well

If the Canadian lake is included in the Top 10 "Beautiful places on planet Earth" only in summer, then this attraction reveals its magic for only an hour and a half a day. After all, there is an enchanted well at the bottom of an 80-meter cave. The water in it is so clear that you can see the bottom to the smallest detail. But the well is deep - thirty-seven meters! At the bottom rest trees and branches that fell into the cave many years ago. The well reveals its charms from half past eleven to noon. Then the sun's rays penetrate the cave.

As if at the wave of a fairy wand, everything - the reservoir and the walls of the underground cavity - is illuminated by magical sapphire light. This phenomenal natural object is located in the Chapada Diamontina National Park in the northeast of Brazil. Due to the fragility of the eco-system, access to the well is strictly regulated.

marble caves

And closes the list of "The most beautiful places on the planet" lake, lying on the border of Argentina and Chile. It has three names at once. The Argentines call it Buenos Aires, the Chileans - General Carrera, and the local Indian tribes - Chelenko, which means "Storm Lake". The name is very successful, because the climate here is harsh, mountainous. But the lake is teeming with fish, especially trout and salmon. The most beautiful and original corner is on the Chilean side. These are the Marble Caves.

The valuable stone here is apparently invisible. And marble in the caves of different shades - even deep blue. The rays of the sun penetrating under the arches of the caves make the mineral play with hundreds of colors.

One of the most amazing and beautiful rivers in the whole world is in Colombia. Its name is Crystal, but the local population prefers to call it in its own way, namely the “River of Five Flowers” ​​or “The River that Escaped from Paradise”. And the locals do not lie, there are indeed five primary colors in the river: black, green, red, blue and yellow. And all thanks to the underwater inhabitants, they are the reason that the river has colorful, pronounced shades.

Bend of the Colorado River (USA)

One of the most beautiful places on the planet worth visiting is rightfully considered the bend of the Colorado River. This natural formation is located 8 kilometers downstream from the Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell, near the city of Page, Arizona, in the USA. The riverbed bends intricately, forming a shape that looks like a horseshoe for a horse.

Arizona wave (USA)

The Arizona wave is such an amazing natural formation that it would be unfair not to mention it in the top 10 list - the most beautiful places on the planet. This ancient rock formation looks very beautiful, as if a talented artist painted it by hand. To get to this place, you need to make a lot of effort. Why? It's all about the fragility of these mountains. Since they are made of soft sandstone, careless human intervention can simply destroy them. Therefore, no more than 20 people can visit here per day. Vouchers for visiting these unusual mountains are played in the lottery.

Huge Crystal Cave (Mexico)

This most beautiful place on our planet was found relatively recently, in 2000. Where is this miracle of nature located? In Mexico, namely in the city with the fancy name of Chihuahua. What makes the "Crystal Cave" unique in its kind? First - the depth, the cave reaches 300 meters deep. Secondly - crystals, their greatest length reaches 15 meters, and the width is 1.5 meters. The conditions prevailing in the cave, namely, air humidity of 100% and a temperature of 60 degrees, could lead to the emergence of such crystals.

Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)

The Salar de Uyuni is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in the world. The Uyuni salt marsh is a huge salt field, formed as a result of the drying up of the lake. Located in Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca. The beauty of this amazing place is amazing, especially when it rains, at this time the entire salt marsh becomes a mirror and it seems as if the surface of the earth does not exist.

Lake Kliluk (Canada)

In the city of Osoyoos, in Canada, there is a truly extraordinary lake - Kliluk. It is also called spotted lake. Why? Because thanks to the minerals contained in this miracle lake, the water becomes spotty. From a distance, the lake looks more like a tile of stones. The thing is that when the temperature rises, the water dries, and due to this, stains form. The change in color depends on what the mineral composition of the lake is at a given period of time.

Enchanted Well (Brazil)

In Brazil, namely in the state of Bahia, you can find the “Enchanted Well”. This well is located at the very bottom of a deep cave, the height of which is 80 meters. The well itself is 37 meters deep. The water of this well is crystal clear and transparent, you can even look at the bottom in great detail. This mysterious corner really enchants with its beauty, the play of light gives the water a bluish tint. The entire water surface shimmers, creating a colorful spectacle.

Marble Caves (Chile)

The Marble Caves are one of the most popular attractions in Chile and, in our opinion, the most beautiful place on the planet. The caves are located on one of the deepest alpine lakes in the world. The material of which the caves are made contains a large amount of limestone, which contributed to the appearance of colorful landscapes with a predominance of shades of blue. For fans of diving "Marble Caves" will be a real find.

So we have finished our small but very eventful journey through the most beautiful places on the planet. It is a pity to say goodbye to this beauty, but as we said, you will have impressions for a long time. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to visit these places. But besides them, there are quite a few others on our planet that are beautiful and unique in their own way. It is worth taking a closer look and maybe in your city you can find the same wonderful places created by nature itself.

Beauty is a purely subjective concept. Looking at the most fascinating places on our planet, a person begins to realize that true beauty is around him, and it is impossible not to enjoy it. For endless millions of years, mother nature has created so many masterpieces that until now not all the most beautiful places on Earth cover tourist routes.

Uyuni Salt Flat (Bolivia)

This is the largest salt lake in the world, where time seems to slow down. You can even walk on its surface! This salt marsh during the rains becomes a huge and unusual mirror. Salt is mined here, which is taken out with the help of antediluvian trains, the cemetery of which is located three kilometers from the city of Uyuni. The ideally even and stable surface of the salt marsh, better than the ocean surface, makes it possible to align satellite instruments that probe our planet. There are islands on the salt lake where cacti manage to grow - pictures of such vegetation against the background of the sparkling whiteness of the salt marsh are incredibly spectacular.

Different corners of Russia impress with their beauties: from the volcanoes and hills of Kamchatka to the dancing forest of the Curonian Spit. In such places, orders are placed ...

Pamukkale (Türkiye)

In the southwest of Turkey there is a very beautiful geological formation - a limestone tuff rock - Pamukkale. Here begins the river, which descends along the stone terraces in the form of waterfalls and forms multi-tiered pools. The locals quite poetically called this place "cotton castle". Calcium-rich water provided this unusual landscape with incredible whiteness. Thousands of tourists began to come to natural terraces and thermal springs near the foot of the mountains every year.

Yunnan Rice Terraces (China)

Rice fields located on the mountain terraces of the Chinese province of Yunnan are extremely picturesque. They stretch for several tens of kilometers, exactly repeating all the curves of the earth's relief. The local ecological system is unique in its formation. In February, rice is planted in the land renewed by mountain springs, and the harvest is harvested in early autumn. The tourist season continues here from late autumn to mid-spring. Inexperienced travelers are attracted by the mirror surfaces of rice fields, reflecting the rays of the sun, which, when refracted, give the entire solar spectrum.

Great Blue Hole (Belize)

There is a barrier reef off the coast of Belize in the Caribbean Sea, in the center of one of its atolls there is an unusual object - a mysterious, beautiful blue hole, perfectly round and going far into the depths. However, in nature, such phenomena are common, in this case, the dimensions of the hole are striking - a diameter of 300 meters and a depth of 120 meters. Extreme divers like to come here to get new portions of adrenaline. Once this hole was explored by Jacques Yves Cousteau himself, after him it became famous all over the world.

Arizona wave (USA)

Near the border separating the states of Arizona and Utah, on the Colorado Plateau, there is an unusual formation of sandstone, which has uneven bizarre shapes with smooth bends and is painted in rich ocher colors, which was given the name "Arizona wave". All self-respecting professional landscape photographers strive to get here, but for this they have to overcome many obstacles, because there are no good roads here. The peculiar structure, reminiscent of a frozen caramel stream, arose as a result of a long process of petrification of sand dunes into solid rock.

Jiuzhaigou National Park (China)

The southeastern Chinese province of Sichuan has many attractions, one of which is the incredibly beautiful Jiuzhaigou National Park. It is located in the north of the province. There are many lakes and waterfalls, and the special composition of the local water gives them an incredibly beautiful turquoise color. They look especially magnificent in autumn, when the crowns of trees with leaves of various colors are reflected in their waters.

Plitvice Lakes (Croatia)

In the Balkan country of Croatia there is also a mysterious, colorful and incredibly beautiful place - Plitvice Lakes. They are included in the largest national park in Croatia. The landscapes of the park smell of mysticism: it is surrounded by impenetrable dense thickets, which the locals call them "devil's forest". The chain of lakes is located in one mountain valley, water from each upper lake overflows with numerous waterfalls into the lake located below. Since the water quickly destroys the limestone rock, the waterfalls change every year. In winter, frozen waterfalls are no less spectacular than in summer. All Plitvice lakes are divided into upper and lower.

Valley of the 10 Peaks (Canada)

The nature of Canada is very beautiful, especially its icy beauty attracts. One of the remarkable natural objects is the Valley of 10 peaks, which is located at the base of the many-headed Vekchemna mountain range, which has 10 peaks. Nearby is Moraine Glacial Lake, a prominent attraction in Banff National Park. For a better view of the local attractions, there are many trails for tourists. One of the views is called "$20" because the $20 bill was once issued with this scenery.

Mount Roraima (Brazil and Venezuela)

On the border between Brazil and Venezuela, there is a very beautiful peak of Roraima. In fact, several mountain ranges towering among the Amazonian wilds are called Roraima at once. This place became especially famous after the publication of the most popular novel by Arthur Conan Doyle "The Lost World", it was here that he transferred the main events of the novel and populated the local lands, closed from the whole world by impregnable mountains. Indeed, these places can serve as a powerful source of fantasy and creative inspiration.

When a tourist is going to travel to any country, it is useful for him to think over the plan of his movements in advance and choose those attractions.

Monument Valley (USA)

In the northeast of Arizona, on the border with Utah, is the Colorado Plateau with a desert that has an unusual and bewitching landscape. It was called the valley of monuments, because in the middle of a flat desert, rocks of an unusual shape, turned by the wind, are scattered, creating an alien landscape. Almost all American westerns were filmed here, we have long been accustomed to seeing on the screen dashing cowboys galloping through the desert against the backdrop of these reddish rocks.

Colored rocks of Zhangye (China)

There are many amazing places in China, for example, unusually beautiful colorful rocks in Gansu province. They originated in the Cretaceous period. The unusual color scheme is explained by the fact that, among other rocks, red sandstone clearly predominates, as well as sedimentary silt rocks that have undergone oxidation, after the waters receded from these places. Currently, the Chinese authorities have turned this place into one of the popular tourist destinations. Landscape painters adore the local colorful rocks.

Halong Bay (Vietnam)

The poetic name Ha Long in Vietnamese means "the bay where dragons find shelter." Following the bay, the same name was inherited by the city located on its shores. Perhaps the bay fully corresponds to its mystical name, because it contains over 3 thousand small islands, mysterious caves and rocky mountains along the coast. In some caves, deeply penetrating into the rocks, attractions are arranged, here exciting adventure routes are prepared for tourists, multi-colored lighting is made. Any guest here feels like in a cave of a real dragon.

Iguazu Falls (Brazil and Argentina)

It turns out that even trees can be famous, standing out for their size and unusual shape, age, location, connection with historical places...

Iguazu Falls refers to a large complex that includes 275 waterfalls. They are twice as tall and wider than the famous Niagara Falls. The waterfalls owe their origin to volcanic activity: after the eruption, a huge crack formed in the ground, right under the bed of the Iguazu River, which caused the appearance of a whole cascade of waterfalls. The waterfall looks especially impressive during the rainy season, which falls on November-March, when a stormy river brings down 13 thousand cubic meters of water every second.

Crystal River (Columbia)

Although officially this Colombian river is called Caño Cristales, the Indian tribes living in the wilds of Central Colombia call it "escaped from paradise" or "river of five colors." There are many wonders of nature in the tropics, but it is this fabulously picturesque multi-colored river that is especially original! In different places, its bottom is painted in pink, red, yellow, green, blue and black. It's all because of the amazing multi-colored algae that turn the river into a rainbow flowing among the Amazonian forests.

Enchanted Well (Brazil)

The magic of this unusual attraction is manifested daily for only an hour and a half - from 10:30 to noon, when the sun's rays penetrate the cave. This well, 37 meters deep, is located at the bottom of an even deeper cave (80 m). But the water in it is so pure that at the bottom of the well you can see fragments of trees that have fallen there in time immemorial. As if by magic, the walls of the cave and the lake at its bottom suddenly light up with a magical blue light. Access to this cave, located in the Chapada Diamantina National Park, is strictly regulated due to the abundance of visitors and the fragility of the local ecosystem.

Geysers are natural fountains formed by water escaping under pressure from underground sources. Most of the geysers have volcanic...

Marble Caves (Chile and Argentina)

This place is located on the border between Argentina and Chile and has three names: the Argentines - Buenos Aires, the Chileans - General Carrera, and the tribes of local Indians - Chelenko (storm lake). Here, in fact, the mountain climate is very severe. But there are a lot of fish in the lake, including salmon and trout. On the Chilean side is the most interesting place - the marble caves. There are huge reserves of this valuable stone, and in different shades, including even the rarest saturated blue. Sunlight entering the cave is refracted in different colors.

Sagano Bamboo Grove (Japan)

In the west of the ancient Japanese capital of Kyoto, there is an extraordinary bamboo forest. Thousands of bamboo trunks, like masts, sway gracefully in the wind, while they rub against each other, making a thin ringing. Near the grove stands the ancient Buddhist temple Tenryu-ji, protected by UNESCO.

Hamilton Basin (USA)

This unusual ecosystem is located near the city of Austin in Texas and is a lake hidden under the dome of a cave. Many thousands of years ago, an underground river flowed through the karst rocks at this place and gradually undermined them until the cave vaults collapsed in the center, revealing the river hiding under them to the sun. It turned out to be a very cozy secluded bay with a beach under the canopy. In the lake, the water has a rich blue color. Moss and climbing plants hang from the vaults of the grotto in some places, while beautiful limestone stalactites descend in others. Swallows build their nests under the dome, and a waterfall falls from a 15-meter height nearby.

Valley of Flowers (India)

In the western Himalayas, in the upper reaches of the Ganges, there are incredibly beautiful flowering meadows. Almost all plants growing here are endemic. Scientists are closely monitoring the local alpine meadows, spread over 88 square meters. km. Magnificent flower meadows coexist with mountains, forests and waterfalls.

Among lovers of indoor plants, the desire to choose the most beautiful plant for their home most often prevails. Of course, luxurious flowers are very...

Grand Canyon (USA)

The Grand Canyon is one of the oldest national parks in the United States. This is one of the largest creations of nature, which attracted the attention of man. The canyon is located in the state of Arizona, and the Colorado River has done it for millions of years. Until the middle of the 16th century, a tribe of Pueblo Indians lived in the canyon, who settled in small gaps in the walls of the canyon. These are the most beautiful places in the world, so now the Grand Canyon has turned into a giant tourist complex - there are many slopes, places to sleep and parking lots.

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