Monaco ville old town. Rainier III Vintage Car Museum

For centuries, Monaco has been a desirable target for the Genoese, French and Spaniards. Therefore, the rulers were always worried that the rock of Monaco would be strengthened, for which in the 13th century. at the very beginning of the reign of the Grimaldi family, a castle was built at the top. Prince Honoré II (1597-1662) took the first steps to turn this fortified castle into a palace. All military facilities were retained, but the inner quarters were rebuilt for more comfortable living. Art galleries, comfortable furniture, precious utensils appeared. Later, the palace was repeatedly restored and modernized.

Among the private chambers of the ruling family there is a very beautiful gallery in the Italian style, decorated with wall paintings, salons, a throne room, in which from the 16th century. all ceremonies take place. The southern wing of the palace houses the Napoleonic Museum and Archives, which houses collections of postage stamps and coins of Monaco dating back to 1640 and historical documents of the principality from the 13th century, including the Charter of Independence signed by Louis X. The library at the princely palace has over 120 thousand . volumes. The palace offers a beautiful view of the port and the coast. Every day at 11.55 in the square in front of the palace, surrounded by a battery of cannons cast in the era of Louis XIV, you can watch the changing of the guard ceremony.


At the northeastern tip of the cliff rises a fortress dating back to the early 18th century. - Fort Antoine (Antoine Fort), built by Prince Antoine I, a passionate lover of music. Now the fortress is used as an open theater for 350 spectators. The old town (Vieille Ville) is very small in size: Bosio Square (Bosio) is named after the personal sculptor of Napoleon, a native of Monaco, St. Nicholas Square (Saint-Nicolas), St. Martin Gardens (Saint-Martin), Paix Chapel . Residential houses of the 16th-18th centuries have been preserved. On City Hall Square in the Old Town is the Chapel of the Mercy of God (Chapelle de la Misericorde), built in 1635 as a meeting place for the Brotherhood of Penitent Sinners. The first rector of the church was Prince Honore II. The chapel houses a wooden sculpture of Christ, made by the Monegasque Francis-Joseph Bosio, the official sculptor of Emperor Napoleon I.

On the site of the ancient church of St. Nicholas (Saint-Nicolas) of the 13th century, from which the altar, painted in the 16th century, has been preserved. artist Louis Brea, a white-stone cathedral (Cathedrale de Monaco) (1874-1898, architect C. Lenormand) was erected in a pseudo-Romanesque style. The columns are made of granite and porphyry in various shades, and the altar is made of Carrara marble. The domed mosaic of the temple is very beautiful. Members of the Grimaldi family are buried in the cathedral. In the Gardens of St. Martin (Jardin Saint Martin), fountains and bronze statues are located among pines, agaves and aloe, one of them is a monument to Prince Albert I. From the gardens laid out in the Old Town, a beautiful view of the sea opens. The Oceanographic Museum (Musee Oceanographique) is one of the main attractions of the area. The museum was opened in 1911 (the current building was built in 1910, architect Delefortry) on the initiative of Prince Albert I, a member of the French Academy, a passionate oceanographer. The Oceanographic Museum is the scientific base of the International Institute of Oceanography in Paris. Many scientists from all over the world work here. For many years the director of the museum was Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The museum's library has over 30 thousand volumes.

On the first floor of the museum there is an exposition of sea vessels and submarines, as well as an exhibition of marine fish and mammals. In addition, there is a huge museum-aquarium, where more than 9 thousand fish of 350 varieties are represented in 90 huge aquariums. In 2001, a new huge aquarium with a volume of 450 cubic meters was opened. m. In this real lagoon, deep-sea flora and fauna of tropical waters are represented. The originality of the new attraction is a giant reef, recreated in a life-size aquarium and giving visitors the feeling of a real sea.

In the Museum of Old Monaco (Musee du Vieux Monaco), the National Committee of Monegasque Traditions demonstrates collections of objects that tell about the history of Mount Monaco: paintings, books, ceramics, old photographs, costumes, household items. And the Wax Museum of the Princes of Monaco (Historial des Princes de Monaco. Musee de Cires) reflects episodes in the history of the Grimaldi dynasty from the end of the 13th century. until now. The wax figures are life-sized, many of them are dressed in authentic costumes from different eras. Monaco also has a meteorological station and a seismological observatory.

La Condamine, a district and port in Monaco, on the coast of the Ligurian Sea (part of the Mediterranean Sea). Located in a small bay between the rocky capes of Monaco and Monte Carlo. Most of the country's population lives in La Condamine - about 10 thousand people. Resort and tourism center. The business life of Monaco is concentrated in this area, here are the main shopping districts and industrial enterprises of the country (brewery and flour mills, confectionery, weaving and clothing factories; souvenir production, shipyard, printing house). Here are the national library and the stadium.

The church dedicated to the patroness of Monaco, Saint Devote (L "Eglise Sainte-Devote), was built in the 11th century next to the place where her skiff sank in the 4th century. Every year on January 26, at dusk, a model ship is burned on the square in front of the church The church was restored and enlarged in 1870 during the reign of Prince Charles III.The market (Marche la Condamine) has existed on this site since 1880, its modern covered pavilion is a functional building that is connected by elevators and escalators to the car park. Trading floors are made in the form of an esplanade with hanging gardens, a fountain, colorful trade stands and counters.A stone's throw from the market begins an unusually beautiful and cozy pedestrian street of Princess Caroline (Rue Princesse Caroline).Two rows of orange trees, hanging baskets of flowers, boutiques, cafes and restaurants, terraces, which gradually begin to be illuminated with the onset of dusk, the illumination is accompanied by sound effects.

One of the most famous sights of Monaco is the Exotic Garden (Jardin Exotique), located on a mountain slope. Thanks to Monaco's microclimate, several thousand species of tropical plants bloom luxuriantly at any time of the year. At the foot of the slope is the entrance to a deep grotto with stalactites, stalagmites and limestone formations, enlivened by skillful lighting. The Anthropological Museum of the Prehistoric Period (Musee Anthropologie Prehistorique) was founded in 1902 by Prince Albert I. It contains exhibits from excavations in the immediate vicinity of Monaco and from Italian Liguria. The exhibits of the museum trace the most important stages in the history of the emergence and formation of man.

Fontvieille is located in the west of Monaco. The entire coastal part of this region is an artificially created alluvial area. The 4-hectare landscape park (Parc Paysager de Fontvieille) has a huge collection of plants from all over the world, which are planted around ponds inhabited by ducks and swans. One part of this park is the Rose Garden of Princess Grace (Roseraie Princesse Grace), opened in 1984 and dedicated to the wife of Prince Rainier III, Princess Grace, a great lover of flowers. Of more than 5 thousand rose bushes, more than 150 species are unique varieties.

The exposition of the Maritime Museum (Musee Naval de Monaco) presents the history of the development of shipbuilding. The collection includes about 180 models of famous ships from transatlantic liners to military vessels. The collection of antique cars of the Prince of Monaco (Collection de voitures anciennes de S.A.S. le Prince de Monaco) contains about 100 vintage cars of the most prestigious brands. On the southern slope of the rock of Monaco, a zoological garden was laid out and opened in 1954 by Prince Rainier III, which contains numerous species of tropical and African fauna. The 20,000-seat Stade Louis II, where the local football team trains, was opened in 1985.

Monaco-Ville, or Le Rocher (French), which means “rock”, is the name of the Old Town of Monaco, which is located on a 141-meter monolithic cliff overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

It is here that the capital of the principality, the city of Monaco, is located - on top of a cliff 300 meters wide and protruding 800 meters into the sea.

The upper part of the city is located at an altitude of 60 meters above sea level.

Here is the old city, here are located, and.

To the west, a little lower, behind the railway and motor roads, there is the famous exotic garden.

It was this place that was first conquered by the Grimaldi dynasty in 1297 and continues to rule the country to this day. Many centuries ago, Francesco Grimaldi, under the guise of a Franciscan monk, entered the city in order to then let his soldiers into it.

It is here, on the territory of the old settlement, where each stone keeps thousands of years of memories, and the principality originates.

Today, the Old Town is one of the main attractions of the Principality of Monaco. This area of ​​Monaco, called Monaco-Ville, is a small town where only about a thousand people live.

Each of its streets, houses, stones on the pavement is a monument of architecture, art and history.

It is convenient to start a walk through the Old Town of Monaco from the Palace Square, where the majestic Prince's Palace is located, which today is the residence of the ruling Prince of Monaco, Albert II and his wife, Princess Charlene.

From Palace Square, surrounded by ancient cannons and pyramids of cannonballs, picturesque panoramic views of Monaco open up: the port and Monte Carlo on one side.

And on the Fontvieille area on the other side.

Literally a few hundred meters from the central square are the Palace of Justice and the Cathedral of St. Nicholas.

The Palace of Justice was opened in 1930. Constructed of noble gray Italian tuff in the style of Gothic Italian palazzos, this palace is perhaps one of the most beautiful buildings in Monaco.

Right next to the Palace of Justice rises the Cathedral of Monaco - the Cathedral of St. Nicholas.

The main cathedral of Monaco is made in the Romanesque style, made of white stone, contrasting with neighboring buildings and standing out among them.

It was in this cathedral that on April 19, 1956, the wedding of the famous actress Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier III took place.

Here, the popular favorite and her husband are buried - the Cathedral of Monaco has been the burial place of the princes of the Grimaldi family for centuries.

The Old Town is a labyrinth of bizarrely meandering narrow streets, which sometimes, expanding, form small shady squares.

The main attractions of the Principality of Monaco are concentrated in the historical center of the Principality in the Monaco-Ville (Old Town) area: the Prince's Palace, the Cathedral of Monaco, the Oceanographic Museum. You can spend the whole day here and still have the feeling that there was not enough time to enjoy the beauty of these sights.

In order to have time to see interesting places in all areas, read a brief description of the sights of Monaco, study the map with the sights of the Principality of Monaco. If you are planning to spend quite a bit of time in the principality, look at photos of Monaco's sights, choose the most interesting ones for you and go get acquainted with this beautiful country!

Prince's Palace

In the medieval district of Monaco-Ville is the residence of the ruling Grimaldi dynasty - the Prince's Palace.

On the palace square, visitors are greeted by the figure of a monk - a monument to the first of the Grimaldi family, and the majestic staircase in the main courtyard, a witness to all the most important ceremonies of the principality, invites you to enter the Prince's Palace. The palace square offers a picturesque view of the principality.

It is best to come to the Palace Square at 11:55. It is at this time that the guard of honor of the Carabinieri of the Prince of Monaco guards changes every day, and tourists gather here to see this bewitching solemn spectacle.

The Prince's Palace is a mixture of architectural styles, as over the centuries, the ruling princes have changed and improved the appearance of the palace at their own request.

Frescoes depicting various mythological scenes adorn the walls of the gallery of the Prince's Palace (Hercules Gallery, or Italian Gallery). The history of the principality is presented in frescoes on the left side of the chapel, and on the facade you can see the image of Saint Virgin, the patroness of the principality of Monaco.

The interior of the Prince's Palace is also open to curious tourists, but photography is prohibited here.

The cathedral in Monaco was built in 1875 on the site of a 13th-century church that was destroyed during the French Revolution. The cathedral is located on a hill, as if following everything that happens in the Principality of Monaco.

Go inside the temple to pay tribute to the memory of the princes of Monaco buried here and admire the masterpieces of the artist Louis Brea that adorn the walls of the cathedral.

If you come to Monaco during the summer, you may be lucky to get to the International Organ Festival, which is held in the Monaco Cathedral.

The enchanting sounds of the organ can be heard every Sunday, during church holidays and on the National Day of the Monegasques (November 19).

For more than a hundred years, Monaco has been operating, which also includes the Institute of Oceanography of Paris. The initiator of the founding of the museum was Prince Albert I, who was fond of navigation (in Monaco, a monument was erected to him - the prince with a helm in his hands).

When you come to the museum, pay attention also to the building itself. Prince Albert I wanted the museum's architecture to reflect its purpose, as it is a palace dedicated to art and science.

The Oceanographic Museum is built on a rock and seems to have emerged from the depths of the seas. The museum is really so majestic that it becomes clear why it is also called the Temple of the Sea.

Descend to the lower level of the museum, where models of marine and ocean life are kept. In the 90 aquariums located here, you can also see many species of fish and corals, and the aquariums carved into the rocks have become a habitat for sea urchins, crabs, octopuses and other representatives of the underwater kingdom.

Be sure to visit the Shark Lagoon, which is home to over 2,000 species of exotic fish and, of course, sharks. To change your mind about the fearsome predators of the deep sea, take the risk of petting sharks.

Even if after such an experiment you cannot learn to love sharks, you will no longer be able to be indifferent to the seas and oceans.

Perhaps Monaco is the only country in the world whose attractions include a casino.

This building in Monte Carlo has become a symbol of Monaco. Since 1865, when the casino was opened, millionaires from all over the world have been coming here to try their luck.

You can come to the casino just like that, “cheer” for active players. By the way, unlike the well-known rule that there should be no clocks or windows in the casino, the Monte Carlo casino has both, and the profit from the casino is an important part of the principality's income.

If you win a million or two in a casino, do not rush to buy a house in the principality and become a citizen of Monaco, because only foreigners are allowed to gamble in Monte Carlo.

If you are still afraid to cross the threshold of gambling establishments, admire the architectural masterpiece of Charles Garnier from afar, take a walk in the square near the Monte Carlo casino and walk along the beautiful terraces.

Do you want to diversify your stay in Monaco with a cultural event? Go to the Monte Carlo Opera. The hall is designed for 500 seats, but you need to think about tickets in advance.

The architect Charles Garnier in the 19th century designed a copy of the Grand Opera in Paris in Monte Carlo. Entrance to the opera hall through the casino is one of the differences from the opera halls of the world.

Another feature of the Monte Carlo Opera is the presence of windows in the hall. Before the start of the performance, you can enjoy a beautiful view of the sea.

The Kingdom of Monaco is a small Mediterranean country bordering France. It is included in the Schengen area, so if you do not want to make a visa for a trip, you can get there freely from most European countries.

The Principality has long attracted rich and famous people from all over the world, which is why it is considered one of the places with the highest prices. This is only beneficial for the indigenous people of the country - the Monegasques have various privileges, including not paying taxes ... It's good to be a Monegasque!

The prices for accommodation in any city of Monaco are quite high, which is why I decided to devote exactly one day to the country so as not to spend money on a hotel. In addition, the area of ​​​​the state is only two square kilometers, there are not too many attractions, so it simply did not make sense to stay for a long time.

The main cities of Monaco are the capital itself, which bears the same name with the country, Monaco (in French "Monaco-Ville"), as well as Monte Carlo, the famous casino city, where gamblers from all over the world come to try their luck. The amazing views of the first deserve a separate post, so I’ll tell you about Monte Carlo some other time.

To get to Monaco, I had to use a bus, however, it can be difficult with other transport: the nearest airport is in Nice, and by train from Aix-en-Provence, where I lived at that moment, getting to Monaco is not only expensive, but also difficult. In general, traveling around France and neighboring countries is more convenient by private car, even though there are toll roads.

Monaco is located on a hill, on a rocky coast above the blue Mediterranean Sea. Probably worth going there, if only for the views that open from the shore.

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True, it is worth looking at the boundless sea distances and light white sailboats without looking back, because if you turn your back and the romantic picture will collapse - in front of you is the densely built-up modern quarters of the commune of La Condamine.

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What can you do, I'm not an urbanist and the old houses of French villages are dearer to me. However, for those who prefer to see the historical appearance of the city, there is something to see - the past and the future are too closely intertwined in Monaco. So, one of the sights that won my heart is the creation of the late 19th century, the Oceanographic Museum, built by the architect Paul Delefortry. Outside, it turned out to be more attractive than inside, but this is solely for my taste - marine flora and fauna attract a little less than the strict contours of the building, as if rooted into the rock.

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Which from the facade does not look so harsh, perhaps it's all about the crabs ...

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Near the museum there is a sculpture of a rather cute octopus.

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You can walk to the prince's palace bypassing the garden, where, despite the cool March, bright tulips bloom ... And unfamiliar exotic plants.

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There you can also find a monument to Albert the First, the eleventh prince of Monaco, who served as a navigator in his youth, and it is this fact that explains the unusual costume of a representative of the Grimaldi dynasty, which ruled the principality with varying success since the 13th century ...

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The facade of the palace of the princes of Monaco, like the palace square, is striking in its modesty, causing a certain surprise: after the St. Petersburg Hermitage and the Moscow Kremlin, you expect more luxury from persons of royal blood. Unfortunately, it was not possible to see the residence from the inside. Guided tours are held only in the summer, when the ruling family moves out of the city.

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