Medical rubber heating pad description. Commodity characteristics of various types of rubber heating pads

  1. Trade name – rubber heating pads (functional group – rubber products)
  2. Functional purpose: for local warming, rinsing and douching.
  3. Structural elements – heating pad body, plug, rubber tube
  4. Material: colored rubber compounds
  5. Product types and types. Since 1978, a new standard for these products has been put into effect (GOST 3303-94), providing for the production of two types of heating pads: A - for local body warming (1) and B - for washing, douching and local body warming (2). The body of the heating pad is the same for both types, however, the heating pad of type A has only a screw cap, and type B is equipped with a rubber hose 1400 mm long, at the end of which a tee with a tap and a tip is attached. The heating pad is equipped with three tips: for children, adults and uterine. Warmers are made in three capacities - 1, 2 and 3 liters, with a loop for hanging in two versions, protruding (2) and hidden (1).

Depending on the purpose, heating pads are made of two types:

6 A - for local body warming;

7 B - combined, used for local warming of the body, as well as for washing and douching.

Note - Type A heating pads can be produced in fabric covers based on cotton, synthetic and mixed fibers.

1) The shape, capacity and main dimensions of the heating pads are recommended in accordance with Table 1 and Figures 1,2.

Table 1

Size in millimeters

6. Quality check.

Control methods

It is recommended to check the dimensions and capacity of heating pads of all types according to 3.2:

linear measurements - with a ruler according to GOST 427;

wall thickness - a thickness gauge with a division value of 0.01 mm according to GOST 11358 or a caliper with a vernier reading of 0.05 mm according to GOST 166, for which the heating pad is cut along the seam into two halves and the thickness of each wall is measured at least five equidistant from each other other points. The result of each test must comply with the standard;

capacity - glass cylinder according to GOST 1770.

When determining the tightness of type A heating pads according to 4.1.1, they are tested in two ways:

the heating pads are filled with compressed air to an excess pressure of at least 0.02 MPa and immersed in a bath of water. In this case, no air bubbles should appear;

Fill the heating pads 3/4 full with water, screw the cap tightly and wipe dry. Having been under a load of 25 kg for at least 1 hour or experiencing a pressure of at least 0.007 MPa, the heating pads should not leak.

The created pressure must be controlled by a pressure gauge of accuracy class 2.5 according to GOST 2405, the measured pressure must be from 25% to 75% of the pressure gauge reading range.

The tightness of type B heating pads according to 4.1.1 is determined as follows: the heating pads are filled 3/4 of the volume with water, the rotary valve is closed and hung by the loop for at least 3 hours. There should be no drops of water at the joints of the heating pad parts.

Resistance of heating pads to repeated disinfection according to 4.1.2 (disinfection modes, conditions for its implementation, equipment used) - according to OST 42-21-2. The number of disinfection cycles is 100 with intervals between treatments of at least 15 minutes.

The resistance of heating pads to hot water according to 4.1.3 is determined as follows: fill the heating pad to 3/4 of its volume with water at a temperature of (70 ± 2) °C, screw the plug tightly, wipe it dry, place it in a thermostat that ensures that the test temperature in the working volume is maintained at the maximum error ±2 °C, and maintained at a temperature of (70 ± 2) °C for (24 ± 1) hours.

After the specified time, the heating pads are removed and tested for leaks using the second method according to 7.3.

The resistance of heating pads to medicinal media according to 4.1.4 is determined as follows: fill the heating pad to 3/4 of its volume with a solution at a temperature of (70 ± 2) °C, screw the cap tightly, wipe it dry, place it in a thermostat that ensures that the test temperature in the working volume is maintained at the maximum error ±2 °C, and kept at a temperature of (70±2) °C for (24 ± 1) hours. After the specified time, the heating pads are removed, the plug is replaced with a screw valve - tube - rotary valve system and tested according to 7.4 for compliance requirements 4.1.1.

Resistance of heating pads during transportation to climatic factors according to

4.1.5 is determined by keeping heating pads packed in transport containers in a test chamber at an air temperature of minus (50 ± 3) “C And(50 ± 3) °C for 4 hours, followed by exposure to normal climatic conditions in accordance with GOST 15150 for 4 hours after each test.

After testing, the heating pads shall comply with the requirements of 4.1.1.

The presence of visual deviations on the surface of the heating pads according to 4.1.6, 4.1.7, completeness according to 4.3, marking according to 4.4, packaging according to 4.5 is checked visually.

It is recommended to check the dimensions of appearance deviations according to 4.1.7 with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427, a thickness gauge with a division value of 0.01 mm in accordance with GOST 11358, and a vernier caliper with a vernier reading of 0.05 mm in accordance with GOST 166.

To determine the size of local thinning (thickening), each wall of the heating pad is usually folded in half and measured at two equidistant points. The result of each measurement is divided by two.

The resistance of type B heating pad tips to sterilization according to 4.2.3 is determined according to OST 41-21-2.

Pre-sterilization cleaning is carried out for 0.5 minutes with a washing solution containing

8% hydrogen peroxide solution (17 cm3), Lotus type detergent (5 g), drinking water (978 cm3), rinse under running water.

Sterilization is carried out with a 6% (by weight) solution of hydrogen peroxide at a temperature of at least 18 °C for 360 minutes.

After pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization, the tips are checked for compliance with regulatory documentation.

The physical and mechanical properties of rubber according to 4.2.4 are determined according to GOST 270 and GOST 9.024 on laboratory samples of type I or II, made with a rubber mixture.

7. sterilization and disinfection


Warmers must be airtight.

The heating pads must be resistant to repeated disinfection with one of the following disinfecting agents;

1% (by weight) chloramine solution;

3% (by weight) hydrogen peroxide solution according to GOST 177;

3% (by weight) solution of hydrogen peroxide according to GOST 177 with the addition of 0.5% (by weight) solution of detergent according to GOST 25644.

After 100 disinfection cycles, the heating pads should not be deformed and cracks should not appear on their surface.

Type A heating pads must be resistant to water in accordance with GOST 2874 at a temperature of (70±2) °C.

After processing, the heating pads must be sealed.

Type B heating pads must be resistant to 1% (by weight) aqueous solutions of acetic acid according to GOST 18270 and potassium permanganate according to GOST 20490 at a temperature of (70±2)°C.

After treatment with these solutions, the heating pads must be sealed. A change in tire color is not considered a deviation from the norm.

The heating pads in the manufacturer's packaging must withstand climatic influences during transportation from minus 50 to plus 50 °C.

The fuzziness of individual elements of the design, deformation of the reefs due to the presence of the sprue, multi-colored patterns in the form of individual dots or streaks of a different color and due to the fading of the ingredients, traces of glue on the sleeve and the inner surface of the neck of the heating pad, variations in color for the body of the type B heating pad and the tube are not considered deviations from the norms.


The following must be indicated on the heating pad by engraving on the mold or with marking paint, or on a label, or a combination of these methods:

trademark of the manufacturer;

product name;

heating pad type;


designation of this standard;

date of manufacture (quarter, year - last two digits);

technical control stamp or packer number.

Each box or case must have a label indicating:

symbol of the product;

date of manufacture (quarter, year - last two digits);

number of products.

Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the following additional designations:

product name;

number of products.

The labeling of heating pads intended for export must comply with the terms of the agreement between the manufacturer and the foreign economic organization or the terms of the contract.


Warmers of the same type and capacity are packaged in cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 7933, GOST 9421 or in corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13511, GOST 13512, GOST 13513.

Type A heating pads with corks and rubber bands packed in paper (GOST 8273) or a plastic bag (GOST 10354) or assembled heating pads are packed in boxes in quantities of no more than 10 pcs., in boxes - no more than 50 pcs.

Type B heating pads are packed in boxes in quantities of no more than 5 sets, in boxes - no more than 30 sets.

Each box or drawer must be covered with adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251 or tied with twine in accordance with GOST 17308, or other means in accordance with regulatory documentation that ensure the safety of products.

Boxes must be packed in boxes in accordance with GOST 10131, GOST 13841, GOST 16511, GOST 18573, GOST 22852.

It is allowed to transport heating pads packaged in accordance with 4.5.1 in containers and covered vans, as well as during intracity transportation without packaging in boxes in accordance with 4.5.3.

It is allowed to transport heating pads packaged according to 4.5.3 in accordance with GOST 21650. The overall dimensions and weight of the packages must comply with the requirements of GOST 24597.

The packaging and weight of the package of heating pads intended for export must comply with the terms of the agreement between the manufacturer and the foreign economic organization or the terms of the contract.


The heating pad should be stored suspended by a loop indoors at a temperature of 0 to 25 °C at a distance of at least 1 m from heating devices.

The heating pad should not be exposed to direct sunlight, oils, gasoline or other solvents.

The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the heating pad subject to storage and operating conditions.

The guaranteed shelf life of the heating pad is 3.5 years from the date of manufacture, the warranty period of operation is two years from the date of commissioning.

Task No. 25

1.Product name – medical gauze

2. Functional purpose – production of dressings

3. Structural elements - gauze

4. Material – cotton and with an admixture of viscose

5. Product types and types

Available in two grades: bleached hygroscopic and harsh. Each of these varieties comes in two types - pure cotton and with an admixture of viscose staple fabric (cotton in half with viscose or 70% cotton and 30% viscose). The difference is that cotton gauze is wetted within 10 s (sinks in water), and gauze mixed with viscose is wetted 6 times slower (within 60 s).

  1. Quality checking.

Gauze, like cotton wool, is tested for absorption capacity (wettability), capillarity, and neutrality.

Wettability is checked by the immersion method. A sample of hygroscopic gauze (5x5 cm), lowered onto the surface of the water, without touching the walls of the vessel, should submerge in water in 10 s, and with harsh gauze - in 60 s.

Capillarity is checked by lowering a 5 cm wide strip of gauze at one end into a Petri dish containing an eosin solution. Within an hour, the solution should rise from the liquid level by at least 10 cm.

Neutrality is checked with litmus paper using an aqueous extract. Three pieces of gauze, 3 g each, from three samples are boiled for 15 minutes in 60 ml of distilled water. Once the gauze is removed, it is cooled and checked for neutrality. If you want to check the gauze for the absence of starch, then first pour 10 ml of the water extract into a test tube and add one drop of 0.05 N to it. iodine solution. In the presence of starch, the solution turns blue.

7. Gauze is sterilized for medical purposes. Sterilization is the process of destroying all types of microorganisms and their spores on the surface of a material. There are several ways to sterilize gauze:

  • Steam sterilization. The gauze is kept in an autoclave under pressure at a temperature of 119-120 C for 30-45 minutes, and then the fabric is dried;
  • Air sterilization. The gauze is treated with dry hot air at a temperature of 180-200C;
  • Infrared radiation;
  • Glasperlene sterilization. The gauze is processed in an environment of glass beads heated to a certain temperature;
  • Gas;
  • Liquid;
  • Plasma;
  • Radiation sterilization (ionizing). With this method, radiant energy of a certain power destroys the cells of microorganisms;

There are mainly two sterilization methods used - steam and dry hot air treatment. The most reliable steam method.


On both ends of the piece or roll, a personal mark of the operator of the rectangular stretching equipment measuring 75 x 30 mm is applied, located with the long side along the cut of the gauze at a distance of no more than 10 mm from the edge of the cut and from the edge of the gauze.

Each packaged roll, bundle or bale must be clearly printed or marked with indelible ink or labeled with the following information:

name of the manufacturer and its trademark;

gauze names and article numbers;

total length of gauze in a pack, bale or roll;

total length of conditional cuts;

batch numbers;

release dates;

symbols of this standard.


Packs of bleached gauze are wrapped in paper and tied with twine, then collected into bales weighing 80 kg and packed in packaging fabric in accordance with GOST 5530 or non-woven fabric in accordance with ND.

Rolls of bleached gauze are wrapped in paper and packing cloth.

By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to pack rolls of bleached gauze in paper and plastic film.

9. Storage

Transportation and storage of gauze - in accordance with GOST 7000. In a dry, ventilated room in accordance with fire safety rules in conditions that prevent contamination, mechanical damage and exposure to sunlight.

3. Medical chisels ophthalmic chisel for removing foreign bodies from the cornea

eye chisel for removing foreign bodies from the cornea

1. Classification group. Ophthalmic instruments

2. Marketable condition. Eye chisel

3. Appointment. Removal of foreign bodies from the cornea

4. Standard sizes. It is a small grooved chisel 1.2 mm wide.

5. Material of manufacture. Steel U8A, stainless 4×13

6. Quality checking. According to their shape, chisels are divided into flat and grooved. Chisel handles can be of various configurations: flat, square, faceted, round. In order to prevent the surgeon's hands from slipping, longitudinal or transverse strokes (corrugations) are applied to the surface of the handles.

Flat chisels can have a one-sided sharpening of the blade (like a chisel) or two-sided sharpening (osteotomes).

Chisels vary in the width of the working part of the blade. Currently released:

Ophthalmic chisels are flat and grooved for different purposes and of different widths (4,6,8 mm).

- functional properties sharpness and durability.

Quality check: the functional qualities of chisels are checked by chipping a wooden block of birch or oak using a hammer weighing 200 g. During the test, the cutting edge of the chisel blade should not become dull or chipped and crushed.

The sharpness is checked by cutting through technical suede (thickness 0.4 - 0.5 mm) stretched over a drum, which is placed on a scale. The force of cutting suede should not exceed 100 gf.

7. Package. 1 and 5 pieces in parchment paper. Cardboard box.

8. Marking. Type, size, sterility, method of opening, standard number, name of the manufacturer, trademark.

9. Storage. Before putting it into long-term storage, it must be degreased in an organic solvent, in a solution of soap or soda, rinsed with water and wiped dry. After this, lubricate with petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly. When stored on the shelves of tool cabinets, it is laid out wiped and dried from one operating day to the next. Surgical instruments are stored in a random, but always specific order, familiar to the staff, so that the necessary instrument can be quickly found after examining it through the glass walls without opening the doors.

10. Sterilization. The addition of sodium bicarbonate during sterilization has a double meaning. Firstly, sodium bicarbonate protects tools from oxidation, i.e. from rust. In addition, alkali (sodium bicarbonate) increases the boiling point of water. At the same time, microbial spores swell and die more quickly. Thus, adding 1-2% sodium bicarbonate solution significantly increases the antimicrobial effect of boiling water. The resulting scale is cleaned mechanically by wiping with a napkin. A solution of sodium bicarbonate prepared with distilled water does not produce scale. If additional instruments are placed in the sterilizer during sterilization, the boiling time must be extended.

To perform purulent operations, it is necessary to allocate special instruments. Instruments that have been in contact with a purulent wound are washed with water, then with a brush or gauze cloth in a 5% Lysol solution. After 10 minutes in Lysol, boil the instruments for an hour and repeat the boiling the next day.

No. 8 Hemostatic clamp

Similar information.

From birth, the newborn is surrounded by care and attention, which helps him quickly and painlessly adapt to the new world. However, this cannot always prevent the occurrence of such an unpleasant condition as colic. The most common means of combating them are a variety of medications, but not in all cases the newborn is allowed to give them. The problem of bloating can be solved by using a heating pad.

Why do you need a heating pad and how does it work?

When using dry heat, blood circulation improves, pain is relieved, muscle spasms are eliminated, and the effectiveness of certain medications also increases. A separate area of ​​the body warms up, blood vessels dilate, blood circulation becomes more intense, and a healing effect occurs.

Warm heating pad for colicky babies

The advisability of a heating pad for colic is often questioned by inexperienced mothers, so the question often arises as to whether it is even possible to place a heating pad on the belly of a newborn. Pain relief from colic is one of the indications for using a warm heating pad. It relieves intestinal spasms, relaxes the abdominal muscles, pain is eliminated, and the baby feels relief. We must not forget that a heating pad for colic is not a panacea, so it may not help if you use it only. It is optimal if the heating pad is used in combination with other means and methods: massage, etc.

At the same time, you should always remember that before using a heating pad, you need to make sure that the baby’s crying is caused by colic, so that in case of a serious reason you do not waste precious time. There are a number of symptoms that require immediate medical consultation.

  1. An attack of colic lasts more than 4 hours.
  2. The child's body temperature has increased.
  3. There are loose stools and diarrhea.
  4. Vomit.
  5. There are streaks of blood in the baby's stool, and the stool is greenish in color.

If one or more of the above symptoms occur, you should immediately call a doctor. In such cases, the use of a heating pad is strictly contraindicated.

Contraindications to using a warm heating pad

  • Inflammation of the abdominal organs.
  • Injuries.
  • Open wounds.
  • Other inflammatory processes in the baby’s body.

Pediatricians also prohibit the use of a heating pad for dermatitis and allergic reactions.

Types of heating pads

There are many types of heating pads. The main difference between them is the type of filler that is used to retain heat. This could be water, saline solution, an electric heating element, cherry pits, etc. Based on the type of filler, the top material is selected, which should be safe, not cause allergic reactions and allow heat to pass through well. So, if there is still a need to use a heating pad for your baby, then stores and pharmacies offer the following range:

  • electric heater;
  • saline (salt) heating pad;
  • dry heating pad (toy heating pad, cherry pit heating pad);
  • gel heating pad.

All of these heating pads are reusable and can be used more than once.

Water heating pad (rubber, silicone)

It is a rubber or silicone container into which hot water is poured. The device has its pros and cons.


  • ease of use;
  • cheapness.


  • it is difficult to control the temperature;
  • If you use very hot water, you can burn your baby's skin;
  • Pouring hot water can cause burns;
  • the rubber heating pad cools down very quickly;
  • from frequent use, the heating pad quickly cracks and becomes unusable.

Instructions for using a rubber heating pad.

  1. Heat the water to 60 C.
  2. Pour liquid into the heating pad to fill two-thirds of the container.
  3. Excess air is removed.
  4. The heating pad is tightly closed. Turn it over to check if water is leaking.
  5. The device is wrapped in a towel, diaper or placed in a special case.

Video on how to use a heating pad correctly

Salt heating pad

It is often called a salt warmer. It features uniform heating and gradual heat release. The supersaturated sodium acetate solution is contained in a sealed PVC package. When you press a button or stick inside the solution, a crystallization center is formed and heat begins to be released. Heating stops when crystallization is complete. By this time the heating pad will heat up to approximately 54 degrees. In the absence of contraindications, children can use a salt heating pad from birth.


  • the design is sealed. The saline solution is non-toxic. This heating pad is completely safe for babies;
  • the product does not cause allergies;
  • acquires the desired shape for the area of ​​the body;
  • can be used instead of paraffin physiotherapy for dysplasia;
  • This type of heating pad heats up quickly and stays warm for about three to four hours.


  • If the packaging is damaged, the contents of the heating pad may leak.

Video of how a salt heating pad works

Electric heating pad

Electrical conductors are sewn into natural fabric. Temperature regulation is carried out using a thermostat. An appliance that does not have a thermostat may burn your skin.


  • The thermostat allows you to quickly set the desired temperature;
  • heat flows uninterruptedly.


  • the electric heating pad takes about 7 minutes to heat up;
  • the device is not mobile;
  • the price of the product is high.

Important! An electric heating pad can be used to warm a crib or stroller. But you can’t put it on a baby’s body. Getting rid of colic is only possible if you apply a diaper heated from a heating pad to the baby's tummy.

Dry heating pad (toy heating pad, cherry pit heating pad)

The toy heating pad and the cherry pit heating pad are dry types of heating pads, as they use dry filling and the top is made of fabric (linen or cotton). This heating pad is activated from any heat source: microwave, oven, battery. Cherry pits emit a pleasant smell when heated, making them perfect for aromatherapy. Instead of cherry pits, it can be any suitable material that heats up quickly but releases heat for a long time: rice, peas, table salt, etc.

Important! When choosing a dry heating pad, make sure that the filler is placed in a separate bag. This design is very convenient when washing - you can remove the inner bag and wash the upper one.

Most often it comes in the form of a soft toy, and it can be either a fairly small heating pad or a large one. Using a heating pad with natural filling is safe for the baby’s health. Hot-water bottle toys with cherry pits ZerO-99 and thermo-toys “Doctor Myakish” are popular among young parents.


  • ease of use and time saving;
  • the ability to choose any size and design;
  • the heating pad takes on the shape of the body;
  • 100% natural;
  • there is no possibility of getting burned, even if the fabric is torn;
  • you can make a toy heating pad yourself;
  • a cooled device can be used as a toy. With its help, a six-month-old baby develops fine motor skills.


  • when heated, the natural filler releases an odor that may not always be to your liking;
  • The service life of a soft heating pad with filling is short;
  • If the device does not have a removable top, only dry cleaning is recommended.

Instructions for using a heating pad filled with cherry pits.

  1. Place a heating pad in the microwave for 1 minute. In this case, a power of 600 W is selected. You can put it in the oven for 10 - 15 minutes, setting the temperature to 80 degrees.
  2. The heated bag is inserted into a soft toy and applied to the baby’s tummy for five minutes.

Warming gel heating pad (heating belt)

It is often called a “happy tummy” or a gel-filled heating pad. Thanks to the thermal procedure, the gas comes out easily, and the pain in the tummy area is relieved. The size is adjustable using Velcro on the belt.

How to use the anti-colic gel heating pad:

  1. The gel battery is placed in a plastic container with water so that the water completely covers the contents.
  2. Place the container with water in the microwave for 30 – 90 seconds (depending on power). The temperature of the heating pad for a newborn should reach 50 C, but not higher than 60 C. If warming up takes a long time, pause for 15 seconds.
  3. You can warm up the battery with boiling water. To do this, pour boiling water over the gel element and leave for 3–4 minutes. Then take it out and blot it with a towel. The battery should be heated to a comfortable temperature. If it is hot, you need to let it cool.
  4. The battery is inserted into the belt, the heating belt is attached to the baby's tummy.

How long to keep a heating pad on your tummy for colic?

The type of heating pad does not matter - the duration of heating the abdominal area is the same for everyone. If the top material is not fabric, wrap a warm (but not hot!) heating pad in a towel and apply it to the baby’s tummy for 5 minutes. You can repeat the procedure several times. Do not increase the temperature or duration of heating. Such actions can cause a burn on the baby’s skin or cause rashes.

Which heating pad is better?

According to user reviews, the design with cherry pits is considered the best heating pad. Infants from 5 to 6 months are given it as a toy. The child can play with it, developing fine motor skills. A heating pad with natural filling can be used to warm a baby's crib before bedtime.

In second place in popularity is the salt heating pad. It is absolutely safe, easy to use, durable.

The warming gel heating pad also demonstrates a wonderful effect. It has a number of advantages (ease of use, efficiency, durability). The disadvantages include high cost.

Thus, all types of heating pads, with the exception of electric ones, can be used against colic when applied to a newborn’s tummy.

Video of a DIY heating toy

How to make a heating pad at home or how to replace it

If you don’t have a heating pad, you can relieve the spasm in your tummy using one of the following methods.

  1. Water is poured into a 0.5 liter plastic bottle at a temperature of 60 C. The container is tightly closed. The bottle is wrapped in several layers of fabric and applied to the tummy for 5 - 6 minutes.
  2. Sew a bag from thick natural fabric. The salt is heated in a frying pan, without adding oil, to a temperature of 60 C. Pour the salt inside the bag and tie it tightly. Wrap the structure in a towel. A homemade heating pad is applied to the baby’s tummy for 5-6 minutes.
  3. They sew a cover from multi-colored plush in the form of a soft toy. Separately, a bag is prepared from thick fabric. Cherry pits are washed well and dried. Filling is poured into a fabric bag and sewn up. Before use, place the bag of cherry pits in the microwave or oven. The bones are heated to 55 C, placed in a toy and applied to the tummy for 5 minutes.

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Update: October 2018

A heating pad is a device for creating and maintaining a higher temperature over a larger or smaller area of ​​the body. This is one of the most accessible means of physiotherapy, which can be used in any conditions: at home, in transport and even on the street. Hospitals also use heating pads, but they do this in rare cases, using special infrared irradiators for local or general warming.

There are three main types of local heat sources. The cheapest and most durable is a rubber tank filled with hot water, there are also electric heating pads and salt heaters. The latter two devices come in a variety of forms that are useful for warming specific areas of the body (such as the sinuses, legs, or feet). But, no matter what device you decide to use, know: there are indications and contraindications for using heat (they are common to all types of heating pads). If used incorrectly, this dry heat source can become dangerous.

The effect of heating pads

Any source of local heat, be it electric, rubber or salt, has the following effects due to heat:

  1. by enhancing local metabolism, it increases the rate of utilization of inflammatory products, which speeds up the healing process;
  2. relaxes smooth muscles (those muscles that are not subject to our consciousness; they control the lumen of blood vessels, the work of the intestines, ureter, bladder, bronchi, esophagus, pharynx and other organs). Muscle relaxation leads to an increase in the diameter of the organ whose wall contains these muscles;
  3. has an analgesic effect;
  4. absorbent action;
  5. relieves spasm of smooth muscle organs;
  6. has a distracting effect, removing the “emphasis” in the form of increased blood flow from the diseased organ to the healthy one (this effect is used for arterial hypertension and cough caused by a non-purulent process.

Indications for the use of heating pads. When, on the contrary, you need ice

Disease or symptom Warmer Ice
Radiculitis Yes No
Yes No
For newborns from colic Yes, only if the pediatrician is absolutely sure that it is colic
Freezing Yes No
Neuralgia Yes No
Constant feeling of freezing hands or feet Yes No
, if it did not occur spontaneously (this may indicate a tumor) and not due to a purulent process Yes No
Non-purulent arthritis Yes No
To prevent freezing when planning to stay in the cold Yes No
purulent arthritis, No Yes
Abdominal pain occurs due to stress, anxiety or any other experience. Not accompanied by fever, nausea or diarrhea Yes No
Yes No
Bruise, sprain, injury From the second day onwards, if swelling occurs. If it begins to grow from the third day - ice On the first day, for 20 minutes every 3 hours
“Pulling” arm, neck, leg, lumbago, without fever, dizziness Yes No
Hypothermia Yes No
Renal, biliary or intestinal colic. In this case, there must be firm confidence that this is not, or Yes No
Lower back pain, change in urine character, fever No Yes
Runny nose with the appearance of light snot, nasal congestion, sneezing, increased lacrimation, redness of the eyes, after lowering the temperature or taking Nurofen Yes No
Toothache, when a section of a blackened tooth is visible, there is pain when tapping on it. There is no swelling on the cheek Yes No
Abdominal pain of any localization, accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea No Yes
Tooth pain after tooth extraction No Yes
Joint pain, redness No Yes
Dry cough, during its treatment with antibiotics and. Against the background of normal temperature Yes No
During a seizure or wheezing Yes, on your feet No
During pressure rise Yes, to the leg area, so that the blood volume partially remains in the dilated veins of the legs No
If, after a few days from the onset of the cold, nasal congestion intensifies, the temperature rises, or snot appears again No No
For painful urination that may produce blood but no lower back pain Possible, short course Can
If, against the background of complete well-being, you suddenly notice the inability to go to the toilet in a small way Yes No
After suffering or encephalitis, due to which one or more limbs were paralyzed Yes, from day 21, against the background of developing exercises for the limbs No
With swelling from No Yes
If there is swelling and redness on the body after an injection, open injury or wound No Yes
For a local allergic reaction No Yes
For a sore throat, if the ENT doctor does not see any ulcers on the tonsils From the second day, if white “dots” do not appear on the tonsils No
For ear pain It is possible only if purulent otitis is excluded by an ENT doctor No
Before the competition Yes No
Nose bleeding No Yes
Half of my head hurts, this is not accompanied by a rise in temperature No Yes
Headache, without nausea and fever, accompanied by a crunching sensation in the neck and pain when pressing on the cervical vertebrae. At the same time, the condition did not occur against the background of a spinal or head injury Yes No
Before mechanical cleansing of the face, which has no areas of redness or ulcers Yes No
With, planned, on the recommendation of a gastroenterologist Yes No
For insomnia Yes No
If a nursing mother has just developed areas of hardening in the mammary glands Yes No
Vaginal bleeding in a non-pregnant woman No Yes, along with other activities and consultation with a gynecologist
Pain in the scrotum area No Yes


The use of a salt heating pad, like any other, is contraindicated for:

  1. Purulent process, especially if the inflamed area is inside the cavity:
    • mastitis;
    • otitis;
    • appendicitis;
    • abscess or phlegmon (purulent “melting” of subcutaneous tissue);
    • acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colitis;
    • bursitis (inflammation of the joint capsule);
    • purulent arthritis (inflammation of the joint itself);
    • , encephalitis.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. For autoimmune diseases, the liver, retina, testicles and other organs are protected from their own immunity by a special cellular “barrier”.
  4. Bleeding – external (nasal, from a wound, from the ear) or internal.
  5. Sharp and sudden pain in the abdomen, head or chest cavity.
  6. If an area of ​​skin anywhere is red, swollen, its temperature is higher than that of neighboring areas.
  7. In the postoperative period after any operation.

How to use a heating pad

Since there are three main types of this simplest “warmer” of the body, let’s look at each.

Salt heater

This is a very good invention that can have different forms: be in the form of a toy, an insole, or have a shape that is comfortable for the palms, joints or collar area (like a salt heating pad “collar”). The color of the polyvinyl fluoride “package” in which the heating elements are located can also have a different color.

This device is a chemical type in which heat is generated as a result of a chemical reaction. The instructions for the salt heating pad indicate that you need to press firmly, until it clicks, with your finger or the soft side of a pencil on the metal switch so that the salts (sodium acetate), which were previously in a liquid state, but in the form of a supersaturated solution, react with the reagent injected inside. In this case, the metal stick (button) that you press is the center of crystallization.

The instructions also indicate to what temperature a particular heater heats up. Thus, a salt heating pad for newborns, the main purpose of which is to relieve colic, warms up to 50-54 degrees; some salt “insoles” for the feet of an adult heat up to 80 °C.

The advantages of such a device are that it is made of safe and non-toxic materials, durable, cannot cause burns, but when heated, it takes the shape of the body, and this is very convenient. Produced in the form of a toy, it allows you to create good conditions for the treatment of infants.

How to use a salt heating pad:

  1. Press the activator button on the wide side of the metal starter, a click should be heard - this is how the crystallization process is activated.
  2. In a matter of seconds, the device warms up and is ready to use.
  3. Location of the heating device:
    • Colic is treated only after examination by a pediatrician, who must rule out all serious and surgical diseases that could cause anxiety in the child and abdominal pain. In this case, the heating pad is wrapped in 2 layers of dry cloth and placed in the area around the child’s navel so that neither the left nor the right hypochondrium gets warm. If the heating device is too large for this baby, you should try to roll it up or twist it, securing it on top with a cloth, but be sure not to heat the hypochondrium. If colic occurs after overeating gas-forming foods in a child over 1 year old (again, the presence of colic must be determined by the pediatrician), the salt heater can be placed on the child’s T-shirt or T-shirt.
    • An ENT saline heating pad, used to treat otitis media and sinusitis of non-purulent origin, is shaped like human lungs, only smaller in size. It is applied to the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and sinuses, or to the ear cartilage. If we are talking about a child under one year old, it should be wrapped in cloth and not come into contact with the eye area.
    • The collar warmer is applied mainly to the collar area. It can also be used to wrap the knee, elbow and hip joints, which hurt due to the presence of a degenerative process in them. In children, such a device can be used during the treatment of spasmodic torticollis. You just need to wrap it in fabric.
    • If heat is used to warm the feet of a premature baby, it is placed 5-7 cm from the feet.
    • You can lie down on the Orlette device, which has the shape of a mattress. It is used to treat pathologies of the spine and the adjacent muscles that support it.
    • Insoles are placed in shoes, under socks.
  4. The time that the heat source lasts varies. It must be prescribed by a doctor:
    • for colic it is usually 20-30 minutes;
    • for radiculitis, neuroses, osteochondrosis, you can keep the heat for up to 4 hours while the device keeps warm;
    • adults can wear insoles for up to 4 hours if it does not cause discomfort;
    • for “blind probing”, the salt heater is placed on the right hypochondrium for 20-30 minutes, no more.
  5. Next, the salt filler needs to be restored. To do this, wrap the heater in a clean cloth and boil for 10-15 minutes - as long as written in the instructions.

Heating pads

An electric heating pad is a heater that requires an electrical outlet to operate. Often it has a temperature regulator, with which you can set either the one recommended by the doctor (if we are talking about treatment) or the one that is comfortable (if we are talking about warming). The lower the temperature, the longer you can keep such a heater.

The heating pad is convenient to use; you just need to place it on the place that needs warming. It can also be used to treat colic, but in this case it should be placed not on the child, but under the mattress, and the baby should be placed on his stomach.

The time required for warming up with a heating pad can vary: from 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 40 degrees for a 3-5 month old baby, to 3-4 hours when treating bone, muscle or nervous diseases in adults. It is impossible to sleep with such a heater, especially for a child, due to the risk of electrical injury.

Water-refillable rubber heating pads

This is the cheapest way to stay warm or warm a specific area. These heating pads have 2 shapes, different sizes, and come in several colors. Such heaters are not recommended for the treatment of colic, since, even if they are small in size, together with water they will receive sufficient weight that will put pressure on the baby’s stomach.

The algorithm for using rubber tanks is as follows:

  1. Unscrew the lid of the container.
  2. Open the tap with warm water. Its temperature should be no more than 55 degrees.
  3. Fill the reservoir with water, filling no more than 2/3 of its volume (the water should spread and not inflate the heating pad when you place it in a horizontal position).
  4. Squeeze the container from the sides and squeeze out the air (the water should come to the edge).
  5. Screw the cap tightly.
  6. Turn the container upside down: no water should leak out.
  7. Wipe the product dry.
  8. Can be used.
  9. The places where you can put a water-filled container are no different from those for a salt heater.
  10. The hot water tank should be stored dry, with the lid open, upside down. Precautions

You can't heat:

  • endocrine organs: thyroid gland, lumbar region (where the adrenal glands are located);
  • areas of large vessels: on the sides of the neck, behind the neck, on the hips - in the area of ​​the inguinal fold, as well as on the soft tissues of the shoulders, forearms (on the hands - only in the area of ​​​​the joints, otherwise you will raise body temperature, warming up the blood);
  • head area;
  • eyeball;
  • area of ​​abscess, phlegmon.

The heater can only be installed as prescribed by a doctor:

  • under the right hypochondrium;
  • in the area of ​​the joints;
  • on the lower back, so that the treatment of osteochondrosis or spondylosis is not complicated by inflammation of the kidney tissue;
  • on the stomach - for stomach pain;
  • on an inflamed lymph node;
  • on the legs – for hypertension;
  • on areas of compaction in the breast of a nursing woman.

You can place the heating pad:

  • when - on the lower abdomen;
  • for arthrosis and non-purulent arthritis - on the sore joint;
  • for sprains, ruptures of muscles, tendons, ligaments - on the sore area;
  • with myositis - on inflamed muscles;
  • for radiculitis - on the sore area, if it is not an area where large vessels pass.

If you need to apply a warming source to the skin of an unconscious person or someone who has a pathology of temperature sensitivity, it is necessary to periodically check the area on which the heating pad is applied, especially if it is electric or water-filled, for burns.


Volume, 1.5 l


Terms of use

A) rinse the heating pad with hot water at a temperature not exceeding 90? C, wipe the outside 2 times with a gauze swab soaked in a 1% by weight solution of chloramine or 3% by weight solution of hydrogen peroxide with the addition of 0.5% by weight detergent solution (" News", "Astra", "Progress", "Lotus"), then rinse with running water.

When using a heating pad for local warming of the body, screw the plug into the sleeve;

B) when using a heating pad for rinsing and douching, replace the plug with a screw valve with a through hole, put a rubber tube on the free end of which and pass it through the wide part of the T-shaped hole of the clamp. Insert a tip (when washing) or a uterine tip (when douching) into the other end;

C) before each use for rinsing and douching, disinfect the heating pad together with the system attached for the purposes under point (b) with one of the above solutions under point (a), attach a sterilized tip;

D) mode of disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization, chemicals used, processing sequence - according to OST 42-21-2;

E) for individual use, it is possible to disinfect the heating pad with the solution system according to point (a) not before each use. In this case, rinse the heating pad with the system with hot water at a temperature not exceeding 90? C, attach the tip treated with a 1% by weight chloramine solution for 30 minutes. or 3% by weight hydrogen peroxide solution for 80 minutes. and rinse with hot running water;

E) after each use, immerse the tip of the heating pad used in a medical institution in one of the disinfecting solutions according to point (a) according to OST 42-21-2. After each use, wash the handpiece for individual use with running water and soap and rinse;

G) after using a heating pad for local warming of the body, free it from water and hang it by a loop. Rinse the heating pad for rinsing and douching together with the system for these purposes with hot running water and hang it by a loop. At the same time, move the clamp to a position that allows you to release all the water from the heating pad.

Rubber heating pad

Selling Features

Without a license


for local body warming (hot water bottle with stopper)

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