Israel interesting facts for children. Ten unusual facts about Israel, who will surprise the Russian man in Israel

The concept of "driver's category" is denoted by vehicles allowed to manage the shovel. Each car refers to a specific category. The driver with the prescribed category B (passenger cars) cannot drive a bus, ranging to category D. We will understand which categories of driver's rights exist in 2016.

  1. A - motorcycles (A1 - lightweight motorcycles).
  2. In - "Light" machines (B1 - tricycles, vehicles - lightweight cars with an attached trailer).
  3. C - Trucks (C1 - Light Trucks, CE - "Heavyweights" with a trailer, C1E - low-hand trucks with a "wagon").
  4. D - bus vehicles (D1 - small buses, DE - bus with "cart", D1E - miniatures with a trailer).
  5. M - mopeds.
  6. TM - trams.
  7. TB - trolleybuses.

The driver is allowed to manage exclusively by the transport, which is designated in his documents the necessary category. Otherwise, a penalty penalty is facing 5-15 thousand rubles for the lack of the desired category.

Categories A: Since how many years and how to get

A driver's document with this mark gives the right to control any motorcycle even with a carriage. Also permits to sit behind the wheel of such a rare type of transport in a modern car stream, like motorcycle.

By definition of traffic rules, a motorcycle is two-wheeled vehicles that may have or not "cradle" on the side. The rights of category and are also issued by the drivers of three-wheeled and four-wheeled motorcycles weighing no more than 400 kg (in the oven).

  • Subcategory A1.This type includes motorcycles with certain parameters - the engine voltage (up to 125 cm³) and power (up to 11 kW). Chauffeur with category A, automatically gets the right to drive a motorcycle subcategory A1.

Rights of category B: Auto, Quadro- and tricycles

Vehicles are assigned to it with the following characteristics:

  • mass of transport - up to 3.5 tons;
  • the number of places for passengers - up to 8 (the driver's seat is not considered);
  • auto with a trailer, the permitted mass of which is up to 750 kg (and does not exceed the mass of the machine itself without the cargo), and the total permitted mass of the whole "design" is not higher than 3.5 tons.

These requirements, in addition to passenger cars, are also answered by some buses, small trucks, jeeps and motocoles.

Subcategory B1.

These rights are intended for persons who want to "drive" on tricycles and quadricycles. "Quadricycle" do not need to be confused with the "quadrocycle". Therefore, the driver's documents are needed by others.

Quadricycle is a motorcycle with 4 wheels and possessing the following constructive features:

  • developing minimum speed up to 25 km / h;
  • the biggest power engine is 15 kW;
  • mass with folds - up to 400 kg (for models intended for the transportation of the bag - up to 500 kg).

Tricycle - vehicle on three wheels (trains, auto, bicycles).


If the car has a heavy trailer, then the driver's subcategory will be required. It refers to the machine with the following parameters:

  • auto with a heavy "wagon", the mass of which is lighter than 750 kg and exceeds the mass of the machine itself without load;
  • auto with a trailer, the mass of which is less than 750 kg, and the permissive total mass of the entire design is more than 3.5 tons.

Take a driving of a car with a heavy "trailer" from 18 years. The process of 1.5 months lasts.

Category C: Trucks of all kinds

These are trucks of different gravity (excluding means of category D). These include:

  • auto with a permitted mass exceeding a border of 3.5 tons;
  • trucks with an attached design, the allowed mass of which is lighter than 750 kg.

Sea subcategory

If the truck trailer is heavy 750 kg, then the rights of the CE subcategories will be needed. They allow driving a vehicle with a "cart" heavier than the specified mark.

Subcategory C1.

This caste includes trucks in the range by weight of 3.5-7.5 tons, plus funds with a trailer (C1) are not heavier than 750 kg.

Subcategory C1E.

It permits to manage the C1 category truck, but with a sweaty "trailer" (more than 750 kg). In this case, the total mass of such a "steam room" should not go over the mark of 12 tons.

If there are law rights, they are allowed to sit behind the wheel of the C1E.

Category D: Buses

This car, structurally intended for transporting people with the following parameters:

  • buses with more "human" 8 seats (excluding a driver's seat);
  • buses with the same seats and a trailer, which is easier than 750 kg.
  • The document permits the management of buses regardless of its mass. You can get them after 7 months of study already at 21.

Subcategory DE.

If the bus has a heavier trailer, you will have to get a category DE. Again, we are talking about the allowing mass of over 750 kg.

Subcategory D1.

These are miniatures with seating places in an amount of 9 to 16 (including the driver's seat), as well as the means D1 with a trailer easier than 750 kg.

Subcategory D1E.

If the means D1 have a heavy "wagon" (more than 750 kg), which is not suitable for transportation of travelers, then the category D1E will be needed. At the same time, the general pervolored mass of such a bus with the "trailer" - up to 12 tons.

Category M.

It includes various mopeds and quadricycles (not heavy). This category was introduced only in 2013. Her cunning is that persons and having a category M can be controlled by these agents, but possessing other rights.

You can already receive per 16 years.

Category TM and TB

Previously, trolley buses and trams were not a separate Castow. They were indicated by special marks in the document. Now they have identified individual categories.

Learn to the driver of such public transport You can half a year if it turned out 21.

How to get driver's license in 2016

To obtain the rights of any category in our country, only after the training course in the driving school and the successful examination of the examination part. The algorithm is:

  1. Submit documents for driving courses.
  2. Commission, observing the internal rules of the educational institution.
  3. Pass the exam, separated theoretical part and practice. To prove its driver's consistency will have to examiner from the traffic police in the conditions of a training landfill and on the streets of the city.
  4. If the exam tests are overcome successfully, you need to pay the state duty and take a picture of the rights to the traffic police.
  5. The resulting driver's document is valid 10 years.


Before signing up for training a specific category, you should decide which one you need and immediately choose suitable option, guided by its plans for the future (whether you have a big family car or trailer). It will save money, time and nervous cells.

Not so long ago, numerous amendments related to the categories of driver's licenses were carried out. The introduction of new subcategories caused numerous questions from the drivers. Not everyone is clear, for what purposes this process was conducted. However, every year an increasing number of new vehicles comes to the car market, to control which the corresponding skills must be obtained. Many drivers without passing training are sitting behind the wheel of such TS and often interfere with other participants in the road. To avoid this, invented new designations in driver's licenses. Why was it necessary to category B1, what it is, for what purpose was adopted and to what changes it led, consider in the article.

How it all began?

Back in 2009, the draft law was to be considered, affecting changes in the driver's license. The authorities decided to introduce subcategories and new special marks. In 2011, the amendments to the regulatory legal acts were considered by the State Duma.

After a few months, new certificates began to be issued in some regions as a pilot project. 2014 was marked by the entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and mass release new driver's license. On April 4, 2016, new features of filling the graph "Special marks" were introduced.

Innovations oblige drivers to approach more responsibly to choosing the category of rights and give some additional features.

What is the right to give subcategory in1?

Consider how the category B1 is different, what it is and what transport allows you to led in comparison with oldest designations. Many people who have received rights to innovations believe that this category gives the right to control the car with an automatic transmission. However, this designation has nothing to do with transmissance.

  • quadricycles;
  • tricycles.

Many drivers confuse quadricycle with quad bike. To get behind the steering wheel of the latter, you will need a tractor certificate.

The above technician is infrequently found, and if anyone succeeds to see it, he will definitely remain indifferent. The price for such devices is no less than the cost of passenger cars.

Objectives of innovations

Is it necessary to category B1, what is it and who thought it up? The authorities decided to introduce a new category, first of all, for the purpose of respecting the safety of roads. The production and sale of quadrician and tricycles is gaining momentum every year. Men's half of the population, and sometimes feminine, recently is actively interested in a new type of transport.

It turns out that prior to the introduction of the order of the government on the road, thousands of drivers who did not undergo special training were traveled. Appearance I. specifications Transport equates it not to motorcycles, but to full-fledged cars. To reduce the number of accidents with their participation and subcategory B1 was introduced.

What can you drive?

Quadricycles are four-wheeling motor vehicles, which can be driving on the road. common use. Their registration in the traffic police is mandatory. The tricycle differs from the quadricycle only by the number of existing wheels.

These vehicles possess the following characteristics:

  • mass without cargo equals 400 kg;
  • weight with cargo - 550 kg;
  • engine volume up to 50 cm 3;
  • the maximum speed is 50 km / h.

Quadricycles and tricycles are mini-car or large motorcycles that are needed by the same documents as the standard car, including the TC passport.

What are the difference between categories A, B1, m?

Now it is clear that for what transport will be needed in the rights designation B1. What category will be necessary to manage the species considered TS?

If the mass of the quadrician or tricycle is less than 400 kg, and the engine power is less than 15 kW, then the law equates them to motorcycles. In this case, the driving will be needed by the rights of category A.

Transportation with an engine volume is no more than 50 cm 3 - these are quadricycles or tricycles, which are referred to as mopeds. To manage them will need to get

How to open a category?

In order to open a subcategory B1, the future owner of the quadrician will not have to receive special skills or take new exams. It is indicated automatically in the driver's license upon receipt of rights to driving a category V. If the driver is able to manage a standard car, then no one forbids him behind the wheel of the tricycle.

In the case when the rights to managing the vehicle are issued for the first time, to separately obtain the category B1 will not succeed. To do this, you need to go a special training in a driving school, get hours of practice and pass the exam in two stages. After that, it is issued in, B1, which gives the right to control by quadricycles or tricycles.

What is needed to obtain subcategories B1?

To become the owner of the rights category B1, each wishes need to go through the following steps:

  • contact a medical institution for obtaining a certificate of health status;
  • learn in a driving school with a license for such activities;
  • respond to the required number of questions in the internal exam tickets;
  • cope with the tasks of electronic tickets;
  • correctly perform automotive maneuvers on the road;
  • in compliance with the rules to drive a road area in the city with inspectors;
  • pay the state fee in the prescribed amount;
  • prepare all the necessary documents.

If all of the above steps are successful, you can go to receive long-awaited driver's license to the public registration department, after preparing a personal photo.

Requirements for health

To obtain a driver's license, you must also go through several doctors, including:

  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • surgeon;
  • laura;
  • neuropathologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • narcologist.

Additionally, it will be necessary to make fluorography of the chest. This will help to identify the degree of spinal curvature, the high degree of which can be an obstacle to obtaining the status of the driver.

With the following deviations in the health of the right to get it becomes hard to reach or not impossible:

  • chronic eye diseases, squints, inflammation of the tears bag, poor view and blindness of one eye;
  • deafness to one ear;
  • lack of fingers or phalange;
  • growth of less than 150 centimeters;
  • diabetes;
  • different cardiovascular diseases.

How is the exam?

After passing practice in a driving school, you will need to perform several tasks that pass in two stages:

  • internal exam in school learning;
  • exam in traffic police.

The first option is the easiest. It is usually necessary to answer the questions offered. They relate to traffic rules and are aimed at checking the knowledge gained.

Then there are answers to tickets in electronic format under the control of representatives of the traffic police.

Next, the exam is rendered on an autodrome. You need to perform manewed movements on a specially equipped area in the presence of inspectors. After the successful end of this stage, a trip to the city is followed, where you need to show your driving skills on the road with other participants.

The procedure for obtaining driver's license

As soon as the future driver receives a certificate of a successfully traveled exam, they can be obtained by a driver's category B1. The certificate is issued as a plastic laminated card with a photo. The personal part of the driver is indicated on the front side, and the category of rights corresponding to learning is indicated on the turnover.

Low-handed drivers believe that there are categories B1-B4. This is an erroneous opinion. Category B has varieties of B1 and ve. These marks cannot contain other letters or numbers. Perhaps over time new designations will appear. In the meantime, there are only B1-B4, which are related to fire hazard. They often use newcomers in relation to drivers' rights.

What differences are as and MS designations?

In the 12th column B1 contains the mark as either MS, which are often incomprehensible to drivers. This is due, of course, with the introduction of a new subcategory, which has its own characteristics.

The designation AS means that a person can led only that quadricycle or tricycle, which is equipped with a car wheel and seat. In the case of MS, you can control the vehicle, equipped with an exclusively motorcycle tower and a motorcycle fit.

Liability of drivers

Drivers of quadricycles and tricycles are obliged to have all the necessary documents with them and transfer them to an inspector to check on demand. If the vehicle is not registered properly, and its owner does not have documents confirming the right to him, then such a car is to be delayed and moving to a stroke until the circumstances are clarified.

Each driver must comply with the rules of the road and not violate the generally accepted norms. Otherwise, it threatens with fines or deprivation of driver's license, which is very unpleasant. Compliance with the rules of the road frees the drivers to a large extent of the roads on the roads.

Summing up

We hope you have become clear what the category B1 is different, what it is and why it is needed. Considering the changes associated with its introduction, it can be concluded that the appearance of this designation is appropriate. Quadricycles and tricycles are quite unexplored transport, which is under the power not every newcomer. Drivers having a category A are not eligible for driving such a transport: they need to pass the exam in a specialized school. In this regard, the new category of B1 can reduce the number of unfeasured drivers, sitting behind the wheel. And the effectiveness of its introduction will show only time. And do not forget that the category of premises B1 refers to the definition of fire hazard and in no way affects the driver's license!

Updated: 08/31/2018 13578

What do new and old samples of driver's licenses look like and what rights are now issued in the Russian Federation + with examples

Hello everyone, it's kulik Ilya! Surely among your relatives and acquaintances there are those whose driver's license looks not at all like yours. This is not surprising, because the Russian "crusts" of the driver are four different species, and they are all valid.

Want to know what the driver's license looks like different generations and what document will they give you today? Then forward!

In Russia, at various times, the driver's rights of four different species were issued. Since the duration of the document is 10 years, and the earliest sample was issued until 2011, now the drivers can meet all four varieties:

  • Paperthe rights of the old form.
  • Plasticold shape.
  • New Samplebut outdated editors.
  • Updated in 2014. The rights of the new form.

What rights are now issued

In 2014, in connection with the introduction of new categories in Russia, a table was modified on the turnover.

Sample of the driver's license of the old form

Rights with such registration were issued from 2011 to 2014. I will not stop in detail for them, since all the differences from the actual document I will tell a little further, consist in another table of categories.

New rights with the old version of the category table

In this edition of the rights, the nameplate on the turn looks like in this photo, 9 types of vehicles are allocated.

Actual revision of the driver's license

The certificate is a cable paper forms between which the plastic plate is pasted, which makes it possible to attribute it to the "made on a plastic basis", and take the appropriate state duty for their issuance.

Document size - 85.6 × 54 mm, angles rounded. Color - pink, smoothly turning into the blue right left on the front side and vice versa on the turn. The form has several types of protection against fakes, including watermarks, a protective grid, inscriptions caused by glowing paint and some others.

2014 sample driver's license - relevant for today

The name is "Driving license" - only in Russian. Left at the top - the mandatory icon "RUS". At the bottom of the width, the road with intermittent marking is stylized.

Photo on the left, measuring 21 × 30 mm. Sections in the document is not signed, but only marked with numbers. In general, the same information is contained as in old rights. But there is an important innovation - all the records are necessarily duplicated on Latin.

On the turn

The reverse side in this document carries important information. First, this is a table of categories with permissible marks, which, in accordance with modern law, includes 16 types of vehicles with relevant designations.

Secondly, this section 14 is "special marks". When filled it, new designations are used, understandable to foreign auto inspections. Third, a series and a number that are duplicated on the front side in column 5. Fourth, a special barcode that allows you to check the rights by electronic device and is an additional protection against fake.

Designations for rights

In accordance with the 1968 Vienna Convention, the requirements of which performs modern, the rights should be accounted for next to the categories, icons depicting a typical vehicle, as if deciphering the letter designation. Samples of pictograms are defined by the Convention. They look like that.

Let's summarize

  • Four types of driver's license Currently you can meet by drivers in Russia.
  • Until 2011 issued a paper and plastic certificate driver with the same content;
  • Only one type of rights Now you can get.
  • Modern Russian certificate Satisfies all international requirements.
  • In 2014, edited Table categories in the rights of a new sample.


These are the driver's license in the Russian Federation. So far their four types, but in 2021, in connection with the end of the term, all documents of the old sample will lose force. And there will be only one form of a certificate that allows the document to perform the function.

P. S.: On the title photo of the article - Alfa Romeo 156 and Volkswagen Phaeton. I took it from here: DRIVE2.RU/R/alfaromeo/4062246863888260495.

More on the topic:

Comments on Article: 30


    23.04.2018 | 10:22

    Old sample in plastic best.


    22.05.2018 | 04:41

    I turned out to be the owner of 2011-2014.V / y.

    This color picture to the first DPS.And how are those rams. Where did you get it? I'm waiting for about 20 minutes. They will be tested for authenticity. And some of the state is not the desire to pay. How to be in such a situation. Maybe there is a council.


    21.08.2018 | 23:59

    Well, I owner of paper rights. Who survived almost everything. Including a breakdown in a glass. All norms. 9 years old. He fell apart. And it is convenient that one size with the documents for the car. Shorter fire, sorry epoch))))


    03.10.2018 | 10:17

    The issuance of rights has risen up to 3000, and the quality of the identified certificates fell below the Water line))))


    14.01.2019 | 18:14


    06.02.2019 | 00:50

    And I have an old sample, with a black and white photo, although I have only 26 years old. I received in the traffic police where color photos did not take in 2010. New would be better in quality. Friends who received later managed to be attense


    09.02.2019 | 23:18

    Yesterday I received the right of sample 2019, the inscription driver's license on three languages, Russian, French and English.


    16.02.2019 | 05:50

    Yesterday I received new rights, but I did not find in the section "Special marks" - which? This? Employee traffic police forgot to enter in honey. Help is indicated this limitation, or is it now enough photo in glasses?


    12.03.2019 | 23:49

    I changed my plastic today on a laminated piece of paper ... Plastic liked more. I hope after 10 years there will be normal plastic to issue, and not that's all this ...


A driver's license is actually the main confirmation that is permitting a person to drive transport. Available in the form of a plastic card, with a photo given by the owner, his signature and open categories of driver's license. At the same time, the order may differ depending on their category.

Currently, carriers of the changed standard agreed with the International Vienna Convention on Road Movement are manufactured.

If a person receives a document in the country that is part of the Vienna Convention, it is allowed driving, cargo transportation and movement of people in any state, "dividing the views" of the Convention.

For a long time appearance Right remained unchanged, but in 2013, the draft law was carried out to maintain road safety atmosphere. It was made a large number of adjustments and additions to the list of categories for drivers, which affected the appearance of the document.

Attention! Driving license categories are a list of all means of movement that a particular person can drive.

The main transformations of the law were reflected on the back of the map. There has been an increase in the category list. In a modified document, 10 positions were noted, instead of 9. In addition, 6 additional subcategories and a special line appeared, to indicate the type of gearbox in the car, in which they took the exam and taught driving (automatic or mechanical).

Currently, among the categories of driver's license and subcategories were allocated: A, A1, B, B1, BE, C, C1, CE, C1E, D, D1, D1E, D1E, D, D1, D1E, M, and TB and TM. The basis of graduation is technical features and the size of transport objects.

    1. Category A. It gives permission to control the motorcycle (with 2 or 3 wheels), the presence of a trailer (located on the side) or its absence is allowed. Weight in aggregate with a carriage is not more than 400 kilograms.
      Subcategory A1. Assigns to drivers of scooters with an engine capacity up to 125 cubic centimeters.

See also:

Replacement of PTS, STS, driver's license and CTP when changing the name

    1. Category "B". A certificate with this mark allows you to drive a car, the severity of not more than 3.5 tons and transport 8 people, counting the driver. Perhaps the presence of a trailer, the mass of which should not exceed 750 kilograms.
      Additional category - BE. Makes amendments: the presence of a trailer is allowed, weighing more than 750 kilograms.
      Subcategory B1. It characterizes the driving of an ATV (tricycle), with a weight of no more than 550 kilograms and the developing speed up to 50 km / h.
    2. Driving license Category S. The document allows the management of trucks, weighing more than 3.5 tons and a trailer (up to 750 kilograms).
      Additional category - CE. It is allowed to control the means from the C category, with a trailer that weighs from 750 kilograms and above.
      Subcategory C1. It is issued for driving heavy trucks (from 3.5 to 7.5 tons).
      C1E subcategory. We need drivers controlling transport from 3500 kg to 7500 and a mass of the trailer more than 750 kilograms.
    3. Category of Driver Rights D. The owner of this document can transport more than 8 passengers - on a bus with a trailer (up to 750 kilograms).
      Additional category DE. It is provided for the purpose of managing the bus with the number of passenger seats greater than 8 and the presence of a trailer from 750 kilograms to 3.5 tons.
      Subcategory D1. Permits to drive transport with the number of places for passengers to 16 and trailer (less than 750 kilograms).
      Subcategory D1E. It is possible to drive vehicles from category D, with a trailer from 750 kilograms and a total mass of transport not more than 12 tons.

  1. Category M. Rights Makes it possible to control a light quad bike or moped.
  2. Driving license category TB and TM. Document for driving trolley buses and trams.

Getting a driver's license and opening of a new category of driver's license

If there is a desire to learn how to drive a car or learn driving skills on another transport, you need to execute a number of rules:

  • To take preparation in the automotive school (consisting of theoretical basis and practical training).
  • Complete medical examination, to eliminate contraindications to driving.
  • Pass the exam. The exam includes three steps: testing, driving on the "platform" and on the road, in the village.

In 2016, the driver's license has undergone changes and updated. Legislatively expanded the number of key categories of management vehicles and supplemented them as refined subcategories.

The procedure for conducting examinations for the driver's license and the rules for their issuance has changed. However, this does not mean the need to immediately replace the rights to the document of the new sample. Wu is considered invalid, and the driver must replace it if it has lost legal force, lost or stolen.

The category in the old sample is now divided into three parts. Category B. It is put in the Count of a driver's license to resolve the management of passenger vehicles with a weighing less than 3,500 kg, the number of passenger places is less than 8 inclusive without taking into account the driver. Mark "ve" In addition to the conditions relating to the category B, adds the right to install a trailer from equipment weighing more than 750 kg.

A driver's license with category B1 is an innovation, the most interested in the newly minted roads. What vehicles are allowed to manage with an open category B1? These are tricycles and quadricycles, engine volume more than 50 cubic meters. See and loaded less than 550 kg.

Russian legislation monitors the improvement of the wheeled technology and its innovations. But some citizens may seem incomprehensible and new names such as tricycle and quadricycle.

It is not difficult to guess that the tricycle means the type of transport with three wheels. Three-wheeled can be: motorcycle, car and bike. For bicycles, though three-wheeled, in our country have not yet come up with the category of rights to manage, so this species disappears. The three-wheeling motorcycle is called a three-wheel motor vehicle, equipped for transportation on public roads.

Tricycle - three-wheeled TC, adapted to move on public roads

This type of transport is subject to registration in the traffic police provided that the volume of its electrical battery exceeds 250 kW or FURS more than 50 cubic meters. See, and the speed on any type of engine is more than 50 km / h. Motorcycles with characteristics in the above described above are either mopeds (category M) or bicycles that do not need any rights.


Quadricycle is not quad bikehow you might think. In Russia, the category "Quadricycle" includes motorcycles on four wheels with maximum engine power up to 20 hp (In another version of 15 kW), an exiled weight of up to 400 kg (and up to 550 kg, if the vehicle is intended for transporting goods) and a design that allows you to develop a speed above 25 km / h.

Quadricycle is designed to move on public roads

In Europe, the term "quadricycle" is historically accepted to determine microheater and motocoles.
Quadrocycles are off-road hidden roads off-road, without a cabin and not intended for public roads.

Decoding AS notes for subcategory B1

When obtaining a driver's license of a new sample with open categories A or in a twelfth column, an AS or MS mark may be launched. Category B1 is decrypted with an AS mark ("Automotive Steering") as a tricycle control or a quadricycle with a car type steering.

Mark AS or MS in Rights - Controlling the steering wheel of a car or motorcycle type

MS mark decrypt "Motorcycle Steering" and is similarly translated - managing the motorcycle style.
Driving such tricycles and quadricycles, which occurs with a steering view, that is, it is the steering wheel, and not a lever, like on a motorcycle or bike - this is what the driver can control with the category B1 AS. Another addition is the presence of a car type of seating, that is, such a seating that are installed in the car.

How to pass to category B1 and what cars can be driving?

To get a category B1 in a driver's license, you need to learn and pass the exam by categories in or A. Upon receipt of the C category, the B1 subcategory is set with the mark asthat is, with a car steering system. If there is a category A, subcategory B1 is affixed with the mark MS, To manage tricycles and quadricycles with a motorcycle control system. When passing exams and the opening of both categories A and B, a complete subcategory B1 automatically opens without decisive marks.

For experienced car owners with a valid driver's license when it is replaced due to loss, theft or expiration of the term do not have to take training and pass exams.

The possibility of managing tricycles and quadricycles instead of passenger cars is what the category "B1" differs from the category "B" in the driver's license of the new sample. You cannot pass on the subcategory "B1" separately, it is discovered along with the passing exams in category B and / or A. The future driver will surely determine what training he needs to go through, having learned from this article by what machines in the category "B1" control is allowed.

See also: