Rossiya will sell good seats at online registration. How to get the most comfortable seat on an airplane What services are on a luxury aircraft

Comfort and pleasure from air travel significantly depend not only on the equipment of the aircraft and the service on board, but also on what kind of seat you get in the cabin. And the longer the flight, the stronger this dependence, since it is not very convenient to sit in the same position for several hours, and there is, in general, nowhere to walk around the cabin.

And if for an ordinary passenger a seat is a kind of lottery, then an advanced one always tries to take the most comfortable seats, and ceteris paribus even chooses the airline in whose planes it is more convenient to sit. So, we flew. What are the best seats on an airplane?

Firstly, convenience is characterized by the width of the seats and the distance between the rows. Moreover, if the width is set by the manufacturer and depends primarily on the type of aircraft, then the distance between the rows is determined by the airline ordering the aircraft, and it is she who chooses the balance between board capacity and passenger comfort. So, in economy class cabins, the distance can vary from 28 inches (71 cm) to as much as 40 (101 cm) - the difference is visible to the naked eye. In the first case, you will barely squeeze into your seat, rest your knees on the back of the seat in front of you and you are unlikely to be able to move, and in the second you will even sit cross-legged.

Secondly, convenience is characterized by the relative position of the seats. Most often they are arranged in blocks - 1+2, 2+2, 2+3, 3+3, 2+4+2, 3+3+3, 2+5+2, 3+4+3. For narrow-body aircraft, the 3 + 3 scheme is most common (for all airlines), in wide-body aircraft, depending on the type of aircraft and the airline, any of the last four schemes can be found.

Seats located near the porthole, are convenient in that, firstly, you control the porthole (bright sun - closed, dark - opened), and, secondly, no one will disturb you during the flight, you can safely sleep all the way, read or watch movies. It’s inconvenient just to get things out of hand luggage and go to the toilet, but these are more likely your neighbors’ problems than yours 😉 However, out of love for others, you can put your bag under the seat in front of the chair and not bother anyone.

Aisle seats convenient in that you can stretch your legs into the aisle if the distance between the seats is small, and you can also get up at any time to stretch or go to the toilet. The disadvantage is that it is unlikely that you will be able to sleep or immerse yourself in reading: you will probably need to get up from time to time to let your neighbors out, and other passengers, moving along the aisle, no, no, and grab the back of your seat.

Seats in the middle, that is, between other seats, no one likes: they combine the disadvantages of the window and aisle seats, while not having their advantages, while being sandwiched between two broad-shouldered men all the way, for example, is also not very pleasant.

Third, the comfort of a seat is determined by its location in the cabin. Worst of all, obviously near the toilets: there is noise, and smell, and a queue in the aisle. As a rule, toilets are located at the rear of the aircraft, but relatively large ones are also often located in the middle of the cabin, so the general rule is to sit as close to the front of the cabin as possible. However, some passengers, on the contrary, try to choose last rows, since if the aircraft is not fully loaded (and on average it is 80%, that is, it’s worth counting on), there are high chances that no one will be seated nearby, and then it will be possible to single-handedly occupy the entire block of seats, which significantly expands the list of available poses 😉

In general, the best thing is in a row at emergency exits, since there the distance between the seats is almost always greater than usual, which allows you to sit comfortably. Also, there may be no chair at the porthole at the emergency exit, which creates truly royal comfort for someone who sits immediately after the emergency exit at the window, i.е. on the next row. Some airlines may not have any other seats, depending on the layout of the cabin. And here in a row in front of the emergency exit, most likely, will not recline back.

There are, however, "controversial" places. For example, if emergency exits go one after another. In this case, the second row will be comfortable, but on the first row the backs will not recline. Also, the situation is twofold with the first row of “economy” after the business class. If the two salons are separated from each other by a curtain, then there will be a lot of legroom. If there is a rigid partition, then there will be a lot of space only for the knees, and it will be difficult to stretch the legs forward. But in long-haul liners, the distance between the partition and the central blocks of seats is usually very large. But always be prepared for the fact that if there is a lot of space in front of you, it means that the chair itself can be narrower, since the table in this case is often retracted into the armrest. And it may also be that you are sitting at the emergency exit, and there is nowhere to put your legs: the box in which the inflatable ladder is hidden interferes.

In the business class, the choice of a seat is not so difficult: you sit either by the window or by the aisle, and even with a rather rare blocking of seats 3 in a row, the person sitting in the middle will not be squeezed and will not be disturbed, because both neighbors will sit by the aisles. Here the complexity is different: different airlines have very different seats themselves. For someone they are laid out in a horizontal couch ( lie flat), someone in an oblique ( angle lie-flat) - this applies to long-haul aircraft, in medium-haul aircraft, someone has a leg support, someone does not, the angles of the backs differ very much, and someone generally uses a transformable cabin. In it, “economy” turns into “business” by moving the armrests so that a three-seat block turns into a two-seat block, but with a wide central armrest - for example, AirFrance / KLM.

How to find and choose the place of your dreams? The algorithm is this:

First, we study the sites listed here: On them you can find layout options for the cabins of various airlines. Unfortunately, not all - this time. And, unfortunately, even for one airline, the layout of different boards of the same type can be different - they are often published on airline websites, but not all. It is not known which one you will get, so you will have to check the maps of places after the start of registration. However, preferred locations can be noted in advance.

In any case, it is important to remember that the layout of the cabins and the numbering of seats is different for different airlines, so the numerous advices found on the Internet like: “You need to take seat 10A in the A320” are valid only for a particular airline, and even then not always. You can only listen to general advice like: “In a Boeing-747 it is better to fly on the upper deck” or “In a Tu-154 it is much more spacious in the first cabin.”

Secondly, as soon as it opens online registration, if it is available for your flight, you need to go through it. The closer to the start, the greater the chance that good places are not yet taken. More often than not, though, you'll see them "busy" from the start. In fact, this most often means that they are blocked - for example, places at emergency exits are closed for online registration because not everyone can be put on them, but only those who, in which case, will be able to open this exit manually. Since the airline does not know if you have a broken arm or a dislocated joint, or you are a fragile girl, you can only get these seats at the check-in desk at the airport. However, some airlines, such as Aegean Airlines, allow you to select “emergency” seats online by asking you to confirm that you will be able to open and hold a hatch of such and such a weight.

On space at the barrier they put passengers with children in cradles - therefore, these rows are also often not available during online check-in, and they can also be obtained only at the counter. And good seats may not be available because they are put there only for a surcharge or special merits - for example, Aeroflot has a Space + service, within which they are offered. By the way, they do not consider emergency exit seats by the window as “elite”, since there is no ordinary armrest there, but only a small one built into the hatch, so you can get legroom for free.

Why then online check-in, if good places are given only at the airport? Very simple. In online mode, you need to choose slightly less preferred seats: for example, immediately behind the emergency row (because the one who stretched out his legs, as a rule, less often wants to recline his back in your direction) or simply on a block of two seats, or on the last row - in general, so that if you fail to take the best seats, you would not get very uncomfortable ones.

Now with a boarding pass we go to the airport to the business class or baggage claim desk ( drop-off), where there is no queue, and please transfer us to the right place (I don’t remember once that they refused). We will find out whether it is free (or just blocked) on Expertflyer or using their own free mobile application (Android, iOS). If the seats are occupied, then it remains to be the last to board the plane and assess the situation - perhaps there are empty rows somewhere, and you can take them after the “landing is over” announcement.

So what are the best seats on a plane? This question worries mainly beginners. If a person goes on an air travel for the first time, he wants to get only positive emotions from this event. Very often, the unfortunate location of the chosen place leaves an unpleasant impression on the whole trip and a reluctance to use the services of the airline again.

Those who have to fly very often know better than anyone how important comfort is during a long flight. Therefore, "old-timers" tend to book seats on the plane in advance, choosing good seats at their discretion.

The choice of the most comfortable place depends on a number of factors, the main of which is its cost. The aircraft cabin is divided into three classes - first, business class and economy.

First class is not available on all planes. This is the most comfortable class for long-haul flights, where there are even lying places, but also the most expensive. Business class is slightly cheaper: it is equipped with comfortable seats with a large distance between them, which makes it possible to take a comfortable position during the flight. Business class passengers have the opportunity to use the built-in sockets to recharge their gadgets.

Ordinary tourists prefer to fly economy class, which resembles the interior of an intercity bus with rows of seats close together and little legroom between them. This causes a number of inconveniences for owners of long legs, passengers with children or people with special needs.

However, a number of amenities are guaranteed for economy class passengers:

  • free lunch;
  • baby food, which should be ordered a day or two before the flight;
  • hanging cradle for an infant;
  • Depending on the carrier, seats in Economy Class are equipped with TVs.

It is very important that during the flight a person feels comfortable, and the trip leaves only pleasant impressions. Therefore, even when purchasing economy class tickets, you need to foresee which seats are best to choose.

In this matter, everyone is guided by their personal preferences, physiological characteristics and safety considerations.

Window seats

If you want to look out the porthole during your trip and admire the beauty of the sky, clouds, landscapes floating under the wing, then you will probably prefer to sit next to it. In addition, it is more convenient to sit here for sleeping or reading. Advantages of a window seat:

  • the possibility of observing a wonderful view overboard the liner during daylight hours;
  • no one will disturb you during the flight;
  • good lighting for reading.

Important: despite the undoubted advantages, the porthole seats have their drawbacks, the main of which is the need to disturb the neighbors in order to go to the toilet.

Aisle seats

For long-legged people flying in economy class, it is better to choose an aisle seat - this will give you the opportunity to relax by stretching your legs in the space between the rows. In addition, there are other advantages that seating near the aisle on an airplane has:

  • the ability to get up without disturbing the neighbors;
  • unhindered going to the toilet at any time, which is very important for people with special needs;
  • a chance to get to the exit before the others when landing.

Despite the convenience for movement, places extreme to the aisle have their drawbacks:

  • passengers and flight attendants going to the toilet will constantly scurry past you, carrying food or drinks, and even sometimes touch you while driving;
  • you will have to get up every time to let your neighbor out or let him go to his place.

Of course, you have to choose between two evils - and if you are uncomfortable sitting in the middle of a row or at the porthole due to too small a distance between the rows of seats, then it is still preferable to choose an aisle seat.

Airplane seats above the wing

As for the seats on the plane above the wing, it is better to occupy them for people with a weak vestibular apparatus - there is practically no “bumpiness” in the wing area, this is the most stable place on board. At the same time, there may be no porthole here, which is not suitable for lovers of contemplation of heavenly beauties. Also, according to statistics, the wing area is the most dangerous place for passengers in the event of an emergency, since fuel tanks are located precisely in the wings of the aircraft.

Seats at emergency exits

Each aircraft has emergency exits, which are located in its middle part on both sides of the cabin. Many seasoned air travelers prefer to choose seats that are located after the emergency exits. The advantages of this choice:

  • the distance at the emergency exit to the front row has been increased;
  • in some models of passenger airliners, there is no row of seats in front of these seats at all;
  • there are no constantly lowered backs of the front seats, which cause a lot of inconvenience during the flight.

This makes it possible to freely get up from the chair, without creating inconvenience for your neighbors in the row, and also to sit comfortably in it, stretching your legs.

A person who loves freedom of movement will love the emergency exit/hatch seats.

What can not be said about those who are used to traveling in comfortable chairs. The fact is that the chairs located next to the emergency exit have their backs fixed at a slight angle, and it is impossible to change their position. This is due to the need to provide free access to emergency exits if necessary.

In addition, the row at the emergency exit has its drawbacks:

  • you can’t keep hand luggage with you - it must be put on the top shelf;
  • passengers with children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, people with physical problems are not allowed to sit on these seats.

This is interesting! The ban on placing children, pregnant women and the disabled at emergency hatches is simply explained - almost all airlines, with rare exceptions, place physically strong passengers in these places, who, in the event of an emergency, could help flight attendants open an emergency exit and organize the evacuation of passengers.

Therefore, if you are a physically strong person, you can safely choose a place for yourself at the emergency exit - at least you will be provided with freedom of movement.

Seats in the tail

The tail of an airplane is not the best for lovers of long journeys. The main advantage, which only a few pay attention to, is the comparative safety for those sitting in the tail section in the event of an aircraft accident. According to American statistics, 67% of plane crash survivors are passengers sitting in the tail of the plane. However, there are some other small advantages:

  • if the airport is not equipped with telescopic ladders, and passengers are released through the nose and tail of the aircraft, you have a chance to leave the board among the first;
  • tail seats are not popular, so if the flight is not full, you can comfortably sit on a row of empty seats and sleep during the flight.

Cons of places located in the tail:

  • the backs of the seats in the tail section do not recline, so you can’t count on a comfortable flight;
  • in the tail, the “chatter” is most strongly felt, which causes a lot of trouble for passengers with a weak vestibular apparatus;
  • since there is also a toilet in the tail section, you will be constantly disturbed by passengers passing into it, slamming doors and specific smells.

Therefore, having weighed all the pros and cons, most passengers prefer to choose seats away from the tail of the aircraft.

The best seats on a plane with a child

Passengers traveling with young children try to choose the best seats on the plane to ensure comfort for the child. With all the pros and cons, the most comfortable seats on an airplane for children are the front row of seats.

Front row pros:

  • in front of the chairs there is an increased space for the free movement and movements of the child;
  • there are attachments for a hanging cradle, which is important for passengers with babies;
  • when flight attendants start serving lunch, passengers in the front rows get their food first;
  • it is possible to choose the appropriate option from the proposed menu;
  • the shaking is not so much felt when the airliner enters the turbulence zone.

Along with the undoubted advantages, the seats in the first row of seats are not very convenient for passengers with small children for several reasons:

  1. There is nowhere to put a bag with things that are necessary for babies in flight.
  2. Armrests do not rise at the first row seats, so it is uncomfortable for the baby to sleep in the arms of their parents.
  3. During check-in for a flight, the company's employees allocate seats for passengers with children in the forefront. If there are several kids nearby, they can interfere with each other.

Therefore, if you do not need a hanging cradle, it is better to choose a place closer to the middle of the cabin. The most advanced passengers choose the first and third places in a row - it is likely that no one will be put in the middle seat, and then you can, by folding the armrests, arrange a sofa for the baby to sleep, or a place to play.

It is better to avoid choosing seats in the tail section if you are flying with a child. However, if the liner is not fully loaded and the last row is completely empty, you can, after coordinating your actions with the flight attendant, take it. Then you will get the maximum free space to ensure a normal sleep for the child.

Important: you can get the necessary information about the seats in a particular aircraft model, the width of the seats, the distance between them, the location of utility rooms, windows, using the services of the SeatGuru service. On the above diagrams of the location of the salons, the best places for this model are also indicated.

We have covered only the main characteristics of the seats located in various parts of the aircraft. However, each airline, depending on the model of the operated liner, has its own characteristics and preferences when implementing the most comfortable seats. If you don’t want to get into trouble, it’s better to find out in advance which airline and which model of aircraft you will use for the flight, go to the company’s website, select the desired model and see the options suitable for you in the “Best Places” section. Even if you did not find the scheme of the desired model, use our tips - they will help you make the right choice.

For the first time, I flew in an Aeroflot comfort class. Previously, I tried to fly business class for long distances, but the crisis forced me to tighten my belt more tightly. In the case of Shanghai, the math is very simple. An economy class ticket cost 25,000 rubles, a comfort class ticket 60,000 rubles, and a business class ticket - 130,000 rubles. And I still remember the times when for 50,000 you could buy an Aeroflot business class in Tokyo! I will tell the children.

Here we need to make a small insert. In China, my old rich friend, Leva from New York, flew to me. The same Leva who works at Google and told you about why he loves America. So, while I was saving, Leva decided to goof off and flew to China first class Cathay Pacific. A ticket there, by the way, costs almost 1,300,000 rubles (one million three hundred thousand) ONE WAY! Yes, and no discounts. This is how ordinary employees of the evil corporation, Google, live. Leva generally loves to boo. For example, in Shanghai, he rented a suite at the Park Hyatt, one of the most luxurious hotels in the city. Why in it? Firstly, the Google office is located there, and it will be convenient for Lyova to go down to work after breakfast in slippers, and secondly, there are discounts for Google employees (3%, it seems).

I’ll tell you more about Lev, who is bathed in luxury, but for now, read whether it’s worth flying Aeroflot’s comfort class.

01. So, there is a comfort-class cabin on the new Aeroflot Boeing-777s. It is located between business and economy classes.

Comfort passengers are not entitled to any special privileges before boarding, except perhaps for an increased baggage allowance. Check-in at the economy counters, there is no priority boarding, the business lounge will also be closed for you. So do not flatter yourself, before the flight you will be like a mere mortal.

02. What's next? Next up are some fancy chairs. This is a hard cocoon, that is, the back is fixed. This is a plus, since the neighbors in front and behind will not bother you. No one will lean back on you, no one will hit you in the back.

03. There is also an increased distance between the seats, 97 cm. This is approximately the same as in the economy at the emergency exit. That is, you can fully stretch your legs forward, and your knees will not rest against the front seat.

04. There is a footrest.

05. But you won’t be able to sleep normally. The seatback in the comfort class does not recline. The seat moves forward, and the back just slides down the cocoon. Look, one chair I completely laid out, the second is not. There is practically no difference. I would say that it is even more comfortable to sleep in the economy. In addition, the armrests also do not rise, so even if you fly in a half-empty cabin, this will not allow you to grab free seats and sleep.

06. Another plus is a very large table. It is even more than in business class. On the table, two trays or a laptop and a tray of food can easily fit. You can put papers, a tablet, a laptop on the table and work. This is the main plus of the comfort class.

07. It's a pleasure to work here!

08. Another big plus is that there is a 220V socket and USB.

09. Workplace for 8 hours.

10. By the way, the chair is a little wider than in the economy, 49 centimeters. In addition, there is a wide armrest between the seats, so that both passengers can use it without interfering with each other.

11. Comfort class passengers are given a welcome drink, but only water or juice. In business, champagne is added to them. By the way, Aeroflot began pouring donkey urine instead of normal champagne on domestic flights. They found the cheapest Russian sparkling wine at 200 rubles per bottle and are trying to treat passengers with it. The international ones are better.

12. Comfort class passengers are not entitled to an amenity kit. Instead, they give only uncomfortable slippers and a blindfold.

13. And here is the most unpleasant thing. No alcohol is served in comfort class! Some kind of hellish redneck "Aeroflot". That is, they give a bottle of wine on some flights, but most comfort class flights are non-alcoholic! Saved on a bottle of wine. And you can't even buy alcohol. I don't understand Aeroflot's policy at all. In business class, they pour as much as you want, you can eat shit. Suppose you don’t want to mess around with a huge economy, and they don’t pour it there. But why did they deprive the joy of libations of comfort-class passengers who paid a lot of money for a ticket? European airlines give wine or beer even in economy on short flights. But Aeroflot decided to make a dry law. So take the booze with you;) It's not for me to teach you. For this, Aeroflot gets a fat minus.

14. Shanghai flight menu

15. Looks appetizing.

16. But in fact - nothing special.

17. Food is a mixture of economy and business. Snacks and dessert from the economy menu, but hot on a glass plate like in business class. True, they don’t give soup) But the metal appliances and the napkin are normal.

18. The usual snacks from the economy.

19. Hen. Threesome quality. In general, it is not clear why Aeroflot positions food as a business class, it falls short.

I can't help but remember Leva at this moment. They served him a jar of black caviar for a snack ... It's good to work at Google.

20. Each chair has a built-in monitor with movies and other entertainment. The films are fresh, so if you forgot to download them to your tablet, it won't be boring on the road. There is a USB socket.

21. Summing up. In general, the comfort class turned out to be quite good. This is an improved economy. If you have a day flight, and you want to work normally for 8-10 hours and save money, then instead of business, I would fly calmly in comfort. There are conditions for working there (except for alcohol). But if the flight is night, and you want to sleep well, then there are no alternatives to the business class yet. If there is no money for a business class, then I would probably take an economy class, there is a chance to take a few seats if the flight is not full, and sleep well.

If you fly for a short time, then perhaps this issue is not acute for you. And for those who fly often, who are going on a long flight, it is important to know where the best seats are located on the plane. After all, you must admit, when planning a vacation to distant hot countries, we dream that it would be a success, and the impression of it would not be blurred by the “difficulties of the flight”. I don’t want to sit somewhere in a cramped middle row, squeezed between too well-fed passengers or get into the tail section, where there is not even a porthole, to have a neighborhood next to the toilet, where passengers endlessly ply.

If you know the brand of the aircraft on which you plan to fly, then the aircraft diagram can be viewed on the official website of the carrier. In most cases, such information is not available and it is better to use some general rules when buying tickets, which we will describe here.

Window seats have many advantages:

  • good lighting, especially if you are going to read;
  • you can admire the views of cities during takeoff and landing or bizarre views of clouds;
  • you will not be disturbed by squeezing to the exit.

These places have only one drawback: it will be difficult for you to go out into the aisle, if you need to go to the toilet, you will have to disturb the neighbors. If you do not like to do this, but have a need to go out often, then it is better to take a ticket closer to the aisle.

By the passage

Seats have advantages for long-legged and restless people. Here you can stretch your legs into the aisle, get up, stand for a while, freely go to the toilet. After landing, again, you will get off the plane faster. On the other hand, these are the most restless places. Stewardesses with carts drive endlessly, sometimes they even hurt. Every time you have to get up when someone goes to the toilet.

Golden mean

Some, after weighing the pros and cons of the extreme seats, deciding where it is better to sit on the plane, will take the seats in the middle, they are not too restless and will not disturb the neighbors much. If you need to get up, then at least not through everyone and fewer people pass through you, which means they will be less likely to disturb you.

Seats behind emergency exits

These seats are located away from the previous row, so sitting here is quite comfortable, you can stretch your legs, go to the toilet without disturbing anyone. Often, air carriers leave such places for physically fit people who, in the event of an accident and evacuation (God forbid!) will be able to open an emergency exit. Also, according to the rules, it is strictly forbidden to block the passage to these places with suitcases.

Seats behind emergency hatches

These are very uncomfortable places in the sense that the seats are not thrown back, they are fixed so as not to block the passages to the emergency exits. If the row is located between two escape hatches, then the passenger has the advantage that there is some additional space in front of him.

At the front of the plane

They are convenient because passenger service starts from these places, and you have a larger selection of food and drinks. In addition, the advantage of front row passengers is that they will be able to go down the stairs of the aircraft faster. The negative point of these places is that passengers with children often take tickets here, since fasteners for baby strollers are made in the bow. Well, what is it like to fly next to a child who is naughty, everyone knows.

Seats at the tail of the aircraft

There are usually economy class seats and it is considered that there are few amenities. However, the biggest benefit, which will probably outweigh all the others when deciding which seats to choose on an airplane, is safety. According to statistics, during crashes and accidents, it is the passengers in the tail section that most often survive, since the main blow always falls on the nose of the aircraft.

Often on unloaded flights, these seats remain free, and you can easily take several at once and even sleep. The disadvantages of these places include the fact that the passenger service of the tail section is obtained last.

What's good about the first row?

There are no seats in front of the first row on the plane, this is a big advantage:

  • you can stretch your legs;
  • no one will throw a chair on you.

However, please note that the first row, in front of which there are no seats, may be after the rows of another class of service or the one in front of which the kitchen is located. In this case, you will have to look at the wall all the way, and cradles for babies are often attached to the wall. You can buy tickets for these places if necessary.

The last row

Seats in the last row are very uncomfortable, because the seats do not recline, and if they do, they do not recline very much, and you will not be able to rest properly, especially if the flight is long.

This is a short description of all types of seats on the plane, but you also need to take into account such factors:

  • number of service classes in the cabin;
  • distance between rows;
  • number of seats in a row.

All these characteristics are different for different models of liners.

Scheme for buying good seats on an airplane

  1. Find out the model of the liner on which you are going to fly. It would be good to consult with airline employees, find out in general about the degree of cabin comfort: the availability of sockets, the distance between the rows, is there a TV, where the toilet is located.
  2. Buy your ticket online or at self check-in kiosks at the airport, if available. So you can choose a free convenient place. On the websites of airlines, you can find diagrams of aircraft cabins.
  3. If you buy tickets at a regular box office, just ask where you need to, "at the window" or "at the aisle."
  4. Think about what is most important for you during the flight, what will you do - look out the window or sleep. It may be important for you to get out of your seat at any time freely.
  5. Please note that the numbers and letters that designate places can be written in both Cyrillic and Latin, and the place may have a different arrangement depending on this.
  6. Try to buy tickets for freer flights. Usually planes are loaded on Fridays and weekends, and in time - morning and evening flights. If you want to choose comfortable seats for yourself, try to plan your trip in advance and take tickets from Monday to Thursday, for flights that depart at lunchtime or 2-3 hours later.
  7. To choose good places, you must also take into account the direction of the flight. For example, if you are flying from North to South in the morning, the sun will be on the left side. If you were flying in the opposite direction, to the North, then the sun would be on the right.

What to do if you managed to buy only an uncomfortable place

Try to arrive at the airport on time for check-in and boarding. Then you will have a few minutes after landing to take a more convenient place, suddenly this will be among the free ones. Do not ask permission from the flight attendant, transfer yourself. When the landing is completed, and the plane begins to climb, it will be impossible to transfer. When the liner has already gained altitude and it will be allowed to get up, it may turn out that these places are already occupied by more efficient passengers. In any case, you should not be upset, since you will always have time to take your purchased place.

How to choose the most comfortable and safe seats on the plane? What to look for depending on your needs?

Spending a few hours in the sky is quite difficult. Therefore, passengers of airliners try to get as comfortable as possible. The first step is to choose the best chair. Of course, you need to arrive at the airport at the start of check-in, and not 30 minutes before departure. Otherwise, you will get not the best, but the worst seat in the cabin.

Another option is to check in for a flight on your own using an online service - there will definitely be a place to show your skills in practice.

How to choose a comfortable and safe place?

There is a heated debate about the tail section of the aircraft. Proponents argue that the seats at the back of the liner are the safest. Air crash statistics confirm this. In addition, most of the rear seats often remain empty, so on a night flight you can always unfold a few seats and go to bed comfortably. But many passengers do not like the tail of the aircraft, as there are toilets. Therefore, you will constantly have to endure a human queue in the immediate vicinity of your place. This is not always convenient.

Many passengers choose exclusively a seat near the porthole. Someone likes to look at the sky and the earth through the clouds, someone needs natural light. And luggage from the upper compartments will never accidentally fall on your head. But if you have to go to the toilet, you will have to disturb two neighbors at once.

Near the passage places are the most restless. Flight attendants with trolleys and other cabin passengers will constantly walk by. But during calm hours, it will be possible to put your feet in the aisle without any problems and fly in more comfortable conditions. When you get off the plane, you won't have to wait or disturb anyone. The most uncomfortable chairs can be called places located in the middle of two neighbors.

If you come across a 3-way salon, then it is especially important to choose comfortable seats in it.

In front of the aircraft, mounts for cradles are often installed. Therefore, passengers with babies are most often seated there. And this does not make the adjacent seats comfortable for other passengers.

Service on board most often begins with the bow, less often with the tail. Therefore, passengers occupying the front seats have more options for choosing dishes and soft drinks. The ladder is also located closer to the front of the liner. When exiting the aircraft, passengers seated in the nose have a slight advantage over the rest of the people.

Are the emergency exit seats convenient?

There is another type of unusual seat that can also be deliberately chosen on an airplane - these are emergency exit seats. For example, in the airbus 320/321 they are in the 10th row area. Many travelers consider them the most advantageous in the entire cabin - the distance between the seats is wider there, and therefore it is possible to comfortably stretch your legs. True, there are as many as three nuances that may warn you against flying on these specific rows:

  • The distance to the seats in front, though impressive, but the backs do not fold down . Be prepared for the fact that the entire flight will have to be carried out sitting at an angle of almost 90 degrees. It's not up to the outstretched legs!
  • Passengers who unexpectedly received tickets for "emergency" seats, foreign flights require knowledge of English . The stewardess will certainly turn to you with a question, how much do you actually “do you speak English”? And if you do not immediately understand what this pretty girl wants from you, she will strongly suggest that you change the comfortable and certainly the safest seat on the plane to the one that will be the first to turn up under her arm.
  • In rows of seats near emergency exits you will be asked to send all hand luggage upstairs prepared for flight. This applies to absolutely everything - even women's handbags. You will have to get something - water, pillows, books, tablets, napkins, warm clothes, comfortable shoes, etc. - already in the process. And the flight attendants will not be delighted. This is because the passages in these rows should be as free as possible and at any time ready to provide access to emergency hatches.

The most comfortable seats on a plane

The right seat on the plane is both comfort and safety!

And now let's sum up. What seats to choose on an airplane to make the trip comfortable, and at the same time protect yourself and your loved ones?

  • Armchairs at the porthole . The advantage is daylight. In addition, passengers enjoy the most breathtaking views. The disadvantage is the neighbors, who will have to be disturbed every time they leave the chair. But in the end, it's not your problem 😉
  • Places in the tail section at a relative distance from the toilets . Advantage - often remain free, and therefore give the opportunity to get comfortable! Again, getting to the toilet is not difficult 😉
  • Armchairs near the aisles closer to the front . These are the most comfortable seats on the plane for small flights. If you don't want to waste too much time when leaving, choose them!

The most uncomfortable seats on a plane

According to the results of the article, it turned out that there are places on airplanes that you should not rush to take:

  • Chairs in the middle of the row . There may be 1 or 2 (if it is a large airliner, like the Boeing 777). No specific benefits found. There is only one drawback, but a significant one - neighbors, neighbors and neighbors again.
  • In popular airliners airbus 320 and 321 catastrophically uncomfortable 8th and 9th rows , where not only the distance between the seats is narrowed, but also the trajectory of the folding backrest is limited. All thanks to the 10th row, where the emergency exit is located (see the plan below).
  • Front seats with carrycot attachments . The advantage is comfortable seats if there are no children under 1-1.5 years old on board. If those are present, then the pluses turn into one continuous drawback.

The most controversial places on board

This, of course, is the rows of seats at emergency exits - the same 10th row. We found a lot of disadvantages in such accommodation, however, passengers continue to snatch these places like hot cakes. This is partly due to the design of the classic airbus 320, where exit seats are referred to as “comfort seats” (see map).

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