Vietnam where you can relax. When is the best time to go on vacation to Vietnam? Seasons and weather by month

Holidays in Vietnam in the summer are becoming increasingly popular. Every year, more and more tourists from all over the world come here in order to have a good time away from everyday worries and problems, and get acquainted with local traditions, cuisine and culture. Due to a certain vagueness of the geographical position of Vietnam, there is no clear answer about the time and duration of vacation in this country.

In order to understand when is the best time to fly to Vietnam on vacation, you need to proceed from the date indicated on the air ticket. The fact is that the territory of the country has an elongated location, which is why the climate in different parts of Vietnam at the same time of year has different temperatures.

Vietnam: where is the best place to go in summer?

Conventionally, Vietnam can be divided into 3 climatic zones - Southern, Central and Northern. The varied topography, changing wind direction throughout the year, and the difference in latitude create their own microclimate in these areas, completely different from each other.

Northern Vietnam

Summer in Northern Vietnam is usually rainy, with noticeably fewer sunny days than in other regions of the country. Winter here is cool, almost windless. The most popular resort here is Ha Long. Not far from it is the capital of Vietnam - Hanoi, as well as the city of Sapa, famous for its mountainous landscape, and the largest port center - Haiphong.

Your vacation in Vietnam is approaching - when is the best time to go on vacation to the Northern part of the country? The most favorable months for a pleasant stay in the north of the country are October, the first half of May and the whole of April. During this period of time there is quite little precipitation, and the water in the sea is well warmed up and suitable for swimming.

In winter, the air temperature here fluctuates between +17°+20° C. February and March are the months when it rains incessantly. The coldest month is January. Temperatures in the mountains can drop below +5°C, and frosts are common. The average air temperature in Northern Vietnam is +28°+30° C. The rainiest season occurs from the end of May to the end of September.

Central Vietnam

When to fly to Vietnam in the Central region of the country? The rainy season in this part of the state begins somewhat later than in other areas - early July and closer to August. The greatest amount of precipitation occurs in October-November. Sometimes during the rainy season, the country can be visited by typhoons that have powerful destructive power.

At this time, other regions of the country are already flooded with hot sun rays and receive thousands of visiting tourists on their territory. Danang, Nha Trang, Hue, Hoi An - these resorts are the most visited by travelers from all over the world. Peak attendance occurs in spring and summer - the most favorable times of the year for a family holiday. The dry season in Central Vietnam lasts from February to August. There is very little rain during this period, and the air temperature warms up to +30°+35° C. When moving to the northern part of the country, the temperature gradually decreases; when moving to the south, on the contrary, it becomes warmer.

South Vietnam: summer holidays

When is the best time to go on vacation to Vietnam, to its southern part? What conditions are created here for tourists to relax? The temperature in the southern region of the country, compared to its other climatic zones, is more or less stable throughout the year. The air temperature difference varies only by 3-4° C from month to month. The average temperature range is +26°+33° C.

The south of the country is incredibly popular among tourists, because it is in Southern Vietnam that resorts such as Mui Ne, Vung Tau, Phan Thiet, Phu Quoc Island, as well as the second most important city in the country, Ho Chi Minh City, are located. You can vacation in South Vietnam all year round.

If you want to see Vietnam, when is the best time to go on vacation to avoid the rainy season? The rainiest months in the region are the summer months. In general, the rainy season occurs from April to November. The amount of precipitation falling during this time is 90% of the total annual norm (this is approximately 2000 mm).

Do not be afraid of these summer rains - they pour onto the ground, as a rule, in the evening and at night, and in the morning the sea coast is already warmed by the rays of the rising sun and welcomes the first lovers of water treatments. Occasionally, strong typhoons can occur in South Vietnam, just like in the central part of the country.
Many tourists are not able to take a vacation in July or August. Therefore, we advise you to read the article:.
Holidays in Vietnam - when is the best time to go? to the southern region of the country? The most favorable months in terms of beach holidays, excursions, and study tours are from December to April. There is quite a bit of rain during this period of time, the water temperature is well warmed up (+25°+27° C). For travelers who cannot stand intense heat, it is best to go on vacation in January and February. From the end of February until May, South Vietnam is under the influence of the scorching sun; the hottest month here is April, the temperature sometimes reaches +37° C.

Holidays in Vietnam: how to combine business with pleasure?

Not all tourists come to Vietnam solely for the purpose of sunbathing on snow-white sandy beaches, swimming in crystal clear sea water, diving, riding scooters and jet skis. Many travelers also visit the country to:

  • try the National cuisine;
  • get acquainted with the traditions and customs of local residents;
  • take part in excursion trips to important historical and cultural sites;
  • see the sights of Vietnamese cities with your own eyes;
  • purchase original souvenirs, gifts, natural cosmetics, etc.

Vietnam in summer - where is the best place to go for a cultural holiday? Travel agencies recommend that people who want to combine a beach holiday with cultural pastime should choose Hoi An resort for their trip. Tourists who want to combine a beach holiday and exploring the huge city of Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) can choose a route through Nha Trang or Phan Thiet. The most convenient way to get to these cities is from Ho Chi Minh City, which you can get a great look at if you stay here for a few days.

When is the best time to go to Nha Trang?

Nha Trang and Phan Thiet are the most visited cities in Vietnam by tourists, because they have everything for a comfortable and enjoyable time with the whole family:

  • excellent infrastructure;
  • well equipped beaches;
  • a lot of water, sports and other entertainment;
  • exciting excursions;
  • an endless number of all kinds of shops, boutiques and retail outlets with a variety of products;
  • a huge number of attractions;
  • excellent restaurants with national and European cuisine;
  • many comfortable hotels and inns.

When is the best time to go to Vietnam to Nha Trang? Only the traveler can decide. This city is hospitable throughout the year, because the climatic conditions here allow tourists to visit Nha Trang either in summer or in winter. Tourists are also attracted to Hon Tre Island, which is located in close proximity to the resort town. The longest cable car is laid between the island and Nha Trang, which gives travelers a lot of positive emotions.

Hon Che Island is also famous for its original amusement park - discos taking place inside an artificially created mountain. There are many attractions in Nha Trang, such as: Monkey Island, Cham Towers, Long Son Pagoda, ancient temples, etc.

When choosing a holiday in Vietnam, when is the best time to go and what to see in this country, it is advisable to think about it in advance. Flights from Russia to this amazing country were launched quite recently, but the number of Russians visiting Vietnam is increasing every year.


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Cost of holidays in Fukuoka. January 2018.

tour cost

For the first time abroad, I flew to Phu Quoc with my best friend. The tour cost us 80,000 thousand rubles, it included accommodation (seven days), and breakfast (buffet) was also included in the tour. The flight was from the city of Volgograd to Moscow, after waiting 3 hours in Moscow, we flew further from Moscow to Vietnam.

Food and products

During all this time we visited only one cafe. We paid 6,500 rubles for two, which included: 4 glasses of wine, fruit slices, squid, two ice creams, sandwiches with red caviar.

Souvenirs and other goods

You can tell us about clothes: my friend and I bought two dresses at the market costing 2000 thousand each. rubles, jeans 2300, flip flops - 800 rubles. Although the items were taken from the market, the quality is quite good. In one of the stores, a friend bought herself a skirt and blouse for 3,400 together. As for souvenirs, I mainly bought magnets (there were a lot of relatives and friends) and it cost 800-900 rubles. As a gift I also bought a football for 700 rubles, a hot stand for 550 rubles.

Cost of services and entertainment

An hour-long photo shoot on the beach cost 45,000 rubles.

Total money spent on vacation

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Impressions from a holiday in May

In this part of Vietnam, the spring months are beautiful. There is no stifling and humid heat yet, and rain is already rare. Therefore, having visited Hoi An in April and stayed here for only one day, we decided to return here for a full holiday in May.

Holidays alone

There is never a dull moment in Hoi An, as there is a new discovery waiting for you around the corner of literally every house.

Where is the best place to stay?

When choosing where to live, we studied almost the entire city using the map and reviews, looked at photographs and read reports. Having decided on our priorities, we decided to choose a hotel not on the seashore (since it was important for us to explore the city) and not in the old city itself. There is a small area in Hoi An that is separated from the old town by bridges. This is an island surrounded by a river. In the evenings there is a market here. We chose this place because, despite the proximity of the main attractions, it is quite quiet here. And for Hoi An, with its crowds of tourists, this is a definite plus. We were going to ride bicycles to the sea. And, to be honest, this is also a kind of tourist attraction.

What to do at the resort?

Hoi An is an open-air museum. You can spend whole days wandering through the labyrinth of streets. You can go on an excursion to the ruins of Michonne or the Marble Mountains. Or you can take a bus to Da Nang and visit the famous Golden Bridge.

Of course, a memorable trip will be an excursion to the ruins of the Michonne temple complex. This is an opportunity to travel back to distant times. After all, this complex was built and used from the 4th to the 13th centuries. Here you feel like a real explorer, although the complex is not very well preserved, and some buildings can only be discerned among the stones and earth. There is no shade at the ruins and it is very hot, so you should take care of water, sunscreen and a hat.

And of course, it would be a crime not to visit the old town of Hoi An. Entrance here is free, but to visit the attractions you will need to buy an entrance ticket. Its price includes the opportunity to see 5 attractions: you will have to choose them from the whole variety of museums, temples, residential buildings, community buildings, and of course not to miss the famous covered bridge with a pagoda. But even when all the tickets have been spent, you can go to galleries, cafes, workshops - most of them are located in ancient buildings, and local residents are happy to show tourists the houses of their ancestors.

A four as a rating only because you still have to get to the beaches from the city center. But the beaches themselves are clean, in some places palm trees reach down to the water. However, when you get to the beach, don't stop right away. There are always a lot of Vietnamese in this place and there is no beach infrastructure as such. It's worth going left. At first the beach will not be very beautiful, due to the shores reinforced with sandbags. However, further on there are cafes where you can leave your vehicle. It's better here, and there aren't too many people.

Where can I eat?

Food is everywhere here: from trolleys selling pancakes to reputable cafes. Coffee shops in old buildings and courtyards are especially beautiful.

About the quality of food and service

In Hoi An, you can try several dishes that are emblematic of this place: Khao Lau meat noodles, crispy shrimp pancakes and White Rose rice flour dumplings (we liked these the most).

How much does it cost to eat? About food prices.

Prices, it seemed to us, are slightly higher here than in Nha Trang. For example, a bottle of beer in a restaurant will cost about 20,000 VND, White Rose (depending on the location) from 80,000 to 120,000 VND. For two of us we spent about 300,000 dong on dinner.

Pros of holidays in Hoi An

Romance... In my opinion, Hoi An is the most romantic town in Vietnam. Here you can fully immerse yourself in the history and culture of this region. It feels like you're at home. Hoi An is the only resort where I could hardly hold back my tears when leaving.

Disadvantages of holidays in Hoi An

A large number of people. But for some reason it didn’t bother me at all.

Is it worth a holiday in Hoi An?

It’s definitely worth a visit to Hoi An at least once, at least while passing through. And if you are vacationing in Nha Trang, take a chance and take a bus to Hoi An for at least a couple of days. It's worth it.

Next we visit the Clay Sculpture Park. A very interesting and colorful place where, among other things, you can dress up in national Vietnamese (Chinese, Japanese) clothes for ridiculous money (2 dollars) and take wonderful photographs.

Feel the difference!

This is not just a sightseeing tour of the city, which tour operators and street travel agencies do. If you are told that your tour includes a “free” or “gift” excursion around Nha Trang, know that this is actually not an excursion, but a tour of factories and shops disguised as an “excursion”. That's why it's free. Only people who are not used to finding out information in advance go there. You are no longer one of them)

The “Real Nha Trang” tour is completely different both in approach and content.

It can be done individually (couple or family, price on request) or in a group.

In addition to well-known places, we strive to show the real, non-tourist Nha Trang, and Vietnam in general. The highlight of the trip is a country pagoda that few people know about. There are almost no tourists there. On the way to...

Imagine a luxurious, quiet beach where only our small group relaxes (this is often what happens).

It is very beautiful there, there are no waves, no city bustle, the landscape is decorated with picturesque rocks - an ideal place for relaxation and photo sessions. We are on the beach from 8:30 to 15:00.

And on the way back to Nha Trang, we stop at a unique shell temple and the Dragon Labyrinth, through which, according to legend, you can be cleansed of past sins.

The price includes transportation, entrance tickets and mushroom loungers, as well as wine, rum, a lot of fruit and a very tasty Vietnamese dish (everyone eats, there is no extreme, no one ever goes hungry).

The duration of the excursion is from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Group of up to 14 people, comfortable minibus with air conditioning.


Vietnam is a relatively small state, but its entire eastern part is washed by the sea, and the coastline is more than three thousand kilometers. So there are no problems with a beach holiday here. In addition, the country is strongly stretched from north to south, which provides an excellent opportunity for those who like to travel - all tourist routes are one way or another laid in the direction of Hanoi-Ho Chi Minh City or vice versa.

Let's start with beach holiday, since most tourists from Russia go to Vietnam primarily for the sea and the sun.


The most popular resort in Vietnam now and in the near future is the city of Nha Trang. Geographically it is southern Vietnam, so it is almost always warm here, with the exception of the period from October to January. At this time, especially in November-December, the temperature may not be as comfortable for swimming as in other months, and it traditionally rains often. Here it must be said that it is simply impossible to give any accurate forecasts; each winter season in Nha Trang is different from the previous one - last winter, for example, was surprisingly warm and dry, but this one was not pleasing (low temperature and wind with waves) . Before deciding whether or not to refuse to visit Nha Trang during this period, it is worth considering not only the possible bad weather.

The point is that now Nha Trang is the best choice for most tourists the following reasons:

  • A large number of hotels, including budget ones - 2** and 3***. In addition to the price (for those who value service, there are also expensive hotels), you can choose the location - right next to the beach or in the city center, or maybe away from the bustle of the city.
  • Short transfer from airport to hotel (Cam Ranh Airport is located just 35 kilometers from Nha Trang)
  • A large selection of excursions and entertainment: you can go to the northern or southern islands, wild beaches, waterfalls, mud baths, and also visit the famous island amusement park Vinpearl.
  • Developed infrastructure: modern shopping centers, many shops and restaurants for every taste, more intense nightlife compared to other resorts.

However, Nha Trang is still a city with a population of half a million. That is, solitude and relaxation, calmness and serenity are not on the list of its advantages. All this can be found near Nha Trang or in expensive hotels (Vinpearl, Hon Tam, Diamond Bay, Ana Mandara), but the city itself is always very lively - here, In addition to tourists, many Vietnamese are also vacationing. The city beach is across the road, it is free, but you need to pay 40-50 thousand dong (about 2 dollars) to use a sun lounger. In addition to spontaneous accumulations of sunbeds, there are also organized beach recreation areas - Sailing Club, Louisiana, Gorky Park. It’s worth special mention about Gorky Park - there are several swimming pools (few hotels in the city have a swimming pool), a good restaurant and pub, inexpensive massage, and its entire territory is guarded.

So, when considering a holiday in Nha Trang even in months that are not the most favorable in terms of climate, it is worth weighing the pros and cons - it is quite possible that you will be lucky with the weather or it will not be so bad that it will ruin your holiday.

The only thing I would like to warn you against is to be careful when choosing a hotel. Very often, travel agency managers do not yet know the location of all the hotels and may well sell you a tour to a hotel on the edge of the city or even to another resort - Phan Rang, located 100 km from Nha Trang. Be sure to look for information about the hotel on the Internet and read reviews of tourists who have visited it.

The next most popular resort in Vietnam is Mui Ne.

Mui Ne is resort village 15 kilometers from the small administrative center - the city of Phan Thiet with a population of 100 thousand, but it so happens that in the documents of tour operators this resort is referred to as Phan Thiet. Know that in 90% of cases it is Mui Ne that is meant - and be sure to check the hotel offered to you for its location. The fact is that in Phan Thiet itself (an extremely unlucky place to stay) there are a couple of hotels where Russian tourists are also accommodated. In addition, many hotels are located away from the center of Mui Ne and, accordingly, the center of tourist life - restaurants, shops, spas. Living alone has its pros and cons; the main thing is to know in advance what the travel agency is offering you. It happened that people only upon arrival discovered that instead of Mui Ne, their hotel was located on Ke Ga Beach, a beautiful place, but with poorly developed infrastructure and 40 kilometers from the main resort.

But hopefully the hotel you choose is in Mui Ne. What are the differences between Mui Ne and Nha Trang? The first and main difference is that Mui Ne is a resort village. In all senses. On the one hand, this is a great atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility, a leisurely way of life and an excellent beach, available in almost every hotel (here you don’t need to cross the road, like in Nha Trang, just go out of your hotel straight to the sea). At the same time, from the point of view of a tourist, Mui Ne has almost everything you need - food and shopping for every taste, the only thing is that there are fewer excursions and entertainment than in Nha Trang.

The great advantage of Mui Ne is its unique climate. This southern resort is the sunniest place in Vietnam, and while in Nha Trang in winter it can be not very comfortable, in Mui Ne the weather has been excellent since November and there is practically no rain. For the sake of fairness, it must be said that in summer the situation at the resorts is the opposite - in Nha Trang it is hot and dry, and the low season (in terms of the flow of tourists) is not as noticeable as in Mui Ne, where from May to October (August-October especially) there can be a lot of rain . Again, it is impossible to predict anything, and rains are not at all a reason not to come to Mui Ne in the summer, when there are fewer tourists and there are no competitions in the spirit of “whoever gets up first gets the sunbed.”

The peculiarity of Mui Ne, this time not a pleasant one, is that in winter, during the high season, the waves in the sea are quite large, which prevents many from swimming, especially in the afternoon, when they become stronger. These waves are caused by the wind, strong, even, blowing at an angle to the shore, which has long made Mui Ne a real Mecca for kite surfers, who come here en masse just in the winter season. They ride beautifully, but sometimes crowd tourists on the beach. The most interesting excursions are to the white dunes and Fairy Creek, to Mount Ta Ku to the reclining Buddha and to the Ke Ga lighthouse, as well as to the Binh Chao mud bath. You can also go to Dalat (this excursion is also available from Nha Trang), and to Nha Trang itself, located 240 km from Mui Ne.

And here lies the biggest disadvantage of Mui Ne as a resort. The fact is that no matter which airport you fly to (Tan Son Nhat Airport in Ho Chi Minh City or Cam Ranh Airport in Nha Trang), the transfer to Mui Ne by bus takes about 6 hours, by car - a little less. This not the shortest journey scares off many people, and coupled with reviews that Mui Ne is “boring”, has already led to the fact that the bulk of tourists have reoriented to Nha Trang. And there are fewer hotels in Mui Ne and they are on average a little more expensive than in Nha Trang - so try to book a hotel here in advance, otherwise the rooms in it may be purchased. But still, Mui Ne is a very interesting place, worthy of visiting. And the situation with the transfer will change in the near future, when a new highway is built, along which it will be possible to get to the resort in about three hours.

Phu Quoc Island.

If a high-quality and relaxing beach holiday is all you need, and you are willing to pay for it, take a closer look at the southernmost resort of Vietnam - Phu Quoc Island. The easiest way to get to it is by plane from Ho Chi Minh City (40 minutes on the way). Hotels on the island, of course, are more expensive than on the continent, and the infrastructure is not as developed, but everything pays off with clean clear water, beautiful nature and real island relaxation. However, you won’t find bounty-style pictures here, this is not the Maldives. Phu Quoc, unlike mainland Vietnam, is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Thailand, the climate here is approximately the same as in Mui Ne - there is a clearly defined winter dry and summer wet season. Consider how long you can enjoy only the beach and seafood, because there is little choice in terms of excursions and outdoor activities (trips to small islands, pepper farms, kayaking, diving and fishing). Hotels in Fukuoka are scattered along different beaches, and to the center of evening life - the colorful night market, where you can eat and shop deliciously and inexpensively - you will most often have to take a taxi. It is ideal to combine a beach holiday in Phu Quoc with a stay in Ho Chi Minh City and several excursions from there.

Da Nang city.

And finally, the last and very worthy resort in Vietnam is the city of Danang and the beaches around it. Da Nang is the third largest city in Vietnam after Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, a modern metropolis located in the very center of the country.

Its beaches, famous for their pure white sand, are among the ten most beautiful in the world according to Forbes magazine, and stretch 30 kilometers to the town of Hoi An. Special mention must be made about Hoi An - it is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, since its Old Town, in everyone’s opinion, best preserves the atmosphere of past centuries. This very colorful and romantic place is very popular among tourists from all over the world, and Russian tourists are still in the minority here.

Figuratively speaking, by choosing Da Nang as a resort, you get a combination of high-quality and secluded relaxation, like in Phu Quoc, and a pastime full of excursions, like in Nha Trang. These include the Marble Mountains, the Cham culture monument Michon, and the ancient capital of Vietnam Hue, as well as trips to the islands. And you can choose the combination of beaches and excursions yourself. In terms of prices, a holiday in Da Nang will be more expensive than in Nha Trang, but if you choose a hotel in Hoi An, you can really save money, although the standard of the hotel will be lower, and you will have to walk or even drive to the beach. The airport is located in close proximity to the city, so the transfer will not cause any problems. The only restriction on recreation in Da Nang is created by nature itself - you can swim from May to October, the rest of the time both temperature and heavy rains will prevent this.

Whatever resort you choose, we hope you will want to return to Vietnam again. Each city here is different from the other in terms of traditions, sea, and local cuisine. Have a great holiday!

Free bonus reminder for tourists!

Vietnam is not like Russia, prepare for your trip - find out about the peculiarities of the country in advance.

Get a reminder of 10 proven travel tips in Vietnam from the editor-in-chief of the guidebook,

Determining the best time for a beach holiday in Vietnam! When does the rainy season end and the ideal time for a seaside holiday begins? When do tropical fruits ripen? Check out our weather overview by month and choose the best time to travel.

Vietnam's climate is influenced by monsoons and varies significantly regionally. Such differences are due to the mountainous landscape and the large extent of the country's territory. Southern Vietnam is characterized by a tropical climate with relatively even average monthly temperatures, while northern and central Vietnam has a subtropical climate with cool winters and rainy, hot summers. In the mountains in winter there can be frost and snow.

Rainy season in Vietnam

The wet season in the regions of the republic occurs in different months. On south(which includes the main resorts - Phan Thiet, Mui Ne, Phu Quoc, Vung Tau) it begins in May and lasts until November. At this time, the humidity is very high, and short-term tropical downpours occur. There are cloudy, cool and fresh days with gusty winds. The average temperature is about +27°C. For the shortest rainy season. Tourists usually avoid traveling to Vietnam during the rainy season, but some travelers believe that tropical rains are no big deal and come to the country during this time.

IN center In Vietnam, the rainy season lasts from December to April. At this time, we do not recommend visiting the resorts of Danang, Hue and Hoi An. We just spent December 2014 and early January 2015 in these cities. The rains, although short-lived, are frequent, and quite cool (not at all +25°C, as they usually write, but, it feels like, about +10...+15°C). The hotels do not have central heating, so the rooms are cold and you can easily catch a cold. It is very humid, clothes and shoes do not dry. We recommend having strong raincoats. It is impossible to swim because the ocean is stormy, and red flags are hung on the beaches. True, sometimes there are sunny days (or at least cloudy, but without precipitation), when you can see the sights. The resort where the most precipitation falls, according to our observations, is Hue.

On a note: during the wet season there may be typhoons (usually in the center of the country, less often in the south and north). From the second half of October to the second half of December, Danang and Hue fall under their destructive effects.

On north The country's wet season lasts from April to November. However, it sometimes rains in winter: we were there in January 2015, and, as in the case of the center of Vietnam, we would not recommend visiting the region without warm clothes, suitable shoes and raincoats. It's cold in Hanoi, temperature +10...+20°C. In Halong the situation is better: it is almost always sunny, but in the mornings and evenings it is quite cool.

Beach season

The beach holiday season in the south of Vietnam falls in the winter-spring period ( December - April) - this is the best time to fly on vacation. During these months there are many visitors from Russia, China, Europe and the USA, the weather conditions are excellent, but prices rise. In spring, dry and warm weather sets in along the entire coast. May - June is the most comfortable time to relax in the central part of Vietnam.

Weather by month in Vietnam


It is cool in the north, warm and rainy in the center, clear and dry in the south. In the south +30°C during the day, +22°C at night, water +27°C. In Danang +24°C, the sea is also +24°C. It is stormy in Nha Trang, especially in the first half of December, +28°C during the day, +21°C at night, water temperature +24°C. In Mui Ne and Ho Chi Minh City it is warm and sunny +31°C during the day, +22...+24°C at night, the sea in Mui Ne, Phan Thiet and Phu Quoc +26...+28°C. It is better to meet at these southern resorts.

January February

In the north of the country it is cool +19°C during the day, +14°C at night. It is moderately warm in the center: in Danang and Hoi An during the day +23...+25°С, precipitation is less intense, the sea is pleasant +23°С. The season is in the south of Vietnam, the best: dry and clear +32...+34°C during the day, sea +28°C. An excellent beach holiday in Fukuoka, where during the day it is +30°C, the sea is +28°C. In February, dry, sunny weather sets in throughout the country.

March, April

March and April are the best months to go on vacation to Vietnam. In March, tropical heat comes to the southern and central regions. This is a great time for beach and sports holidays. In Mui Ne and Phan Thiet +34°C during the day, at night +24°C, water +28°C. In Nha Trang the air temperature is a couple of degrees lower. In Fukuoka it is hotter at night +27°C, +32°C during the day, sea +29°C. The northern coast is traditionally colder, but at the end of April you can swim there: during the day +23...+25°С, sea +23°С.


The rainy season begins in the south and north of Vietnam. At the beginning of the month they fall mainly at night, so some opportunities for beach holidays and excursions remain. In Hanoi during the day +31°C, at night +25°C. In Nha Trang during the day +32°C, at night +24°C, water +28°C. In Fukuoka during the day +35°C, at night +25°C, water +29°C.

June August

The rainy season is in full swing in the south and north of the country, daytime temperatures are +32...+34°C, hot, humid and stuffy. The summer months are the best time to relax in the center of Vietnam: Da Nang, Nha Trang, Hue and Hoi An, where it is relatively dry. At the end of August, rains reach the central regions of the country.

September October

In the north of the country, the rainy season is ending, in the south there are short-term rains, in the center there are heavy downpours, there may be hurricanes and floods. Sea water +27°C. In Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet and Nha Trang +32...+33°С during the day, +24°С at night, in Phu Quoc +30°С during the day and +25°С at night. In October, weather conditions noticeably worsen, it becomes several degrees colder, it rains every day, the sea is stormy, and hurricanes rage in the center of the country. In Da Nang, Hue and Hoi An, this is the wettest month, with humidity reaching 80% and flooding often occurring.

Fruit season in Vietnam

Even Vietnam can envy the abundance of fruits. Mango and jackfruit season starts in March and lasts until summer. Avocados, rambutans and lychees appear in April, and mangosteens appear in early summer. Citrons and cherimoya ripen in June, tropical plums in July, and persimmons appear in August. The season of these fruits is not very long - only 3-4 months, and they can be found on sale until the end of the calendar autumn.

In November, the first winter fruits appear - local tangerines, in December - star apples (starapple). Durians also appear in January, but the season of these exotic fruits is much longer and lasts until October. The most delicious longan ripens from May to July, but you can buy it at any time of the year.

From our own experience, we can say that Vietnam is the fruitiest country in Southeast Asia. It seems that fruit season in Vietnam is all year round: oranges, pineapples, pomelo, watermelon, melons, bananas, grapes, papaya, sapodilla, guava, pomelo, coconut, dragonfruit - there is no shortage of fruits here, we always found them everywhere, moreover at low prices (except that in the north of the country prices are higher, and the cheapest fruit is in the south). We have a special article dedicated to them - we described them, collected their names in Vietnamese and Thai and gave prices and harvest seasons.

(Photo © John Loo / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

In this article we talk about the best resorts in Vietnam, where and when is the best time to relax. We share information about holidays in Vietnam and where it is better to go this year, compare the pros and cons of the best and most popular resorts in Vietnam. For convenience, we have marked on the map of Vietnam the resorts we are talking about in the article.

The best resorts in Vietnam - where to go?

Nha Trang

Photo © by cloud.shepherd/

One of the most popular and best resorts in Vietnam.

A favorable time to go on vacation to Nha Trang, Vietnam is the period from February to August. At this time, the climate in Nha Trang is most favorable for a beach holiday.

It's better NOT to go to Nha Trang from October to January. At this time, the resort becomes unsuitable for a relaxing holiday due to rainy weather and large waves.

Pros and cons of holidays in Nha Trang

Nha Trang is well developed beach holiday. Nha Trang city beach stretches 7 km along the coastline. The beach is cleaned regularly, so it is always clean. The sand is fine, yellowish-white. North of Nha Trang there is the famous Doc Let Beach. The city is washed by the warm South China Sea. Nha Trang is perfect for both young and active people and for couples with children. Read more about clean beaches in Vietnam.

Note: from 11:30 to 13:00 it is better not to stay in the sun for a long time, at this time it is the most dangerous in Nha Trang. You can burn instantly.

Sights of Nha Trang: Ponagar Cham Towers (13th century), various pagodas, an aquarium, a silk museum, monkey island and much more. well developed, so most attractions can be reached independently. The most popular and useful transport for tourists is bus No. 4.

We wrote more about the attractions of Nha Trang in the article.

Due to the popularity of Nha Trang among Russians, many excursions at the resort are conducted in Russian. Examples of excursions:

Entertainment in Nha Trang a lot. Daytime- this is diving, snorkeling, excursions, a huge Gorky Park, massage parlors and beauty salons, entertainment in shopping centers, cinemas, and so on the list can be endless. Evening time these are karaoke, bars, restaurants, various discos and clubs, etc.

Nha Trang has a huge selection of hotels from no-star to luxury five-star hotels. The first line is occupied mainly by large five-star hotels. Please note that all hotels are separated from the beach by a wide road with active traffic.

The more modest hotels are located 2-3 lines away, but in general they are also close to the sea (5-6 minutes walk). More complete information about hotels in Nha Trang can be found in our article.

For shopping in Nha Trang Many shopping centers, supermarkets, small shops, many day and night markets have been built. Prices in stores are affordable, except for the Nha Trang Center shopping center, prices here are high, but this is due to the fact that they mainly sell things from world brands.

Getting to Nha Trang possible from almost all major cities in Vietnam. The most comfortable way is through Cam Ranh International Airport, which is located 45 km from Nha Trang. You can also get there by intercity bus or train. How to get to Nha Trang from Russia and other cities of Vietnam on your own, read ours.

Package packages are very popular tours to Nha Trang. A schedule with prices for tours to Nha Trang is shown below. To find out prices for a tour from another city, click on “Moscow” in the upper left corner. Click on the price to go to view tours.

Useful articles about holidays in Nha Trang

Photos from the resort of Nha Trang, Vietnam

©Photo by vietnam-lt/Pixabay

Phan Thiet / Mui Ne ( Phan Thiet/Mui Ne)

When they talk about vacation and where it is better to go to Phan Thiet, they mean a resort place between Phan Thiet and the fishing village of Mui Ne. This place is incredibly popular among Russian tourists. Its popularity has reached such a level that the names of some cafes, shops, restaurants and their menus are in Russian.

You can go on holiday to Mui Ne almost all year round. The main tourist peak falls on November-April. The calmest sea with May to October.

Pros and cons of holidays in the resort of Mui Ne

Also like it here and lovers of a relaxing beach holiday from May to October the waves here are less obstinate, and there are fewer tourists than at peak. There is practically no one on the beaches. In Mui Ne there is no division into beaches (only conditional); there is one continuous long strip of fine white sand.

Mui Ne resort is perfect for young and active people, since here the main emphasis is on active entertainment such as windsurfing, kiting, surfing. There are many training schools here that teach you how to ride with a sail, a kite, or just a board. There are golf courses nearby the resort.

Mui Ne is not suitable for shopping lovers; there are no large stores or shopping centers here. Prices for food and souvenirs are higher than in other cities.

There are many pharmacies, restaurants, hotels, spas, etc. in Mui Ne.

Hotel selection, despite the small area of ​​Mui Ne, it is quite large: regular and luxury rooms, bungalows, large and small hotels, spa hotels. It is better to rent a room or bungalow near the sea (first line), as they have direct access to the beach.

On one's own you can get to Mui Ne by bus. Buses run from Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang and Phan Thiet. You can buy a ticket from different bus companies or from any local travel agency.

Often Russian tourists go on vacation to Mui Ne on a tour. Tour prices are listed below. In the upper left corner of the chart you can select the departure city. Click on the price to go to view tours.

Useful articles about holidays in Mui Ne

Photos from the resort of Mui Ne, Vietnam

Dalat ( )

© Photo by fxxu/

Dalat is first and foremost mountain resort, there are no beaches or seas here. There are many parks, flower, tea and coffee plantations, evergreen forests, clear lakes, many pagodas and Buddhist temples.

Dalat is very different from other resorts in Vietnam. The architecture and landscape of the city are more reminiscent of European cities. Dalat is the only city in the country where wine is made.

In general, the resort can be visited all year round, but it is better to go from November to April.

Dalat attractions rich both in the city itself and in its environs. Religious attractions such as the Catholic and Evangelical churches, the Cathedral, pagodas and Buddhist temples, the monastery of the Virgin Mary. Everyone can go on vacation to Dalat: elderly people who can’t stand the heat well but dream of Vietnam, young couples and families with children.

Architectural attractions: Hang Nga Hotel (Crazy House), French Quarter, Da Lat Flower Gardens, Cable Car, Old Train Station, etc.

Natural monuments and attractions: lakes, forests, tea and coffee plantations and much more. Read our articles about and. In the articles we share information on how to get there and how much entrance tickets cost.

Activities such as rafting and canyoning are popular in Dalat. Tennis and golf courses that meet modern standards have been built in Dalat.

Read our review of the excursion in Dalat.

Tourists like to come to Dalat for 1-2 days as part of an excursion from Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, Phan Thiet and Mui Ne. For some this time is enough to enjoy Dalat, but for others it is not. Our opinion is that it is better to live in Dalat longer. This is a great place to relax.

If you don’t know where is the best place to stay in Dalat, then you will find our article useful. The choice of hotels in Dalat ranges from hostels to luxury hotels.

Tours to Dalat are not so common among tour operators, but sometimes offers appear. Look at it - the best offers from 120 tour operators are collected there. If you couldn’t find a tour to Dalat, you can find a plane ticket below and go on a journey on your own. Dalat Airport is located 30 km from the city.

Useful articles about Dalat

Photos from the mountain resort of Dalat, Vietnam

© Photo by Mike Ho/

Phu Quoc

© Photo by Mgzkun /

Phu Quoc Island is a beach resort, as it has many of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam. The island is located in the south of Vietnam, 45 km from the mainland.

The best place to go on holiday to Vietnam is on the island of Phu Quoc from November to June. Rainy season on the island from July to October.

Pros and cons of holidays on the island. Phu Quoc

There are many interesting things to do on Phu Quoc Island besides beach holidays. You can take a jungle tour, visit a pearl farm and museum, a pepper farm or Fukuota Prison. Or go fishing and catch fish, squid, crabs and other sea delicacies.

It is better for beach lovers, divers and couples with children to relax on the island of Phu Quoc in Vietnam. The island has many beaches, both wild and with developed infrastructure, with cafes, restaurants, bars.

Also, lovers of diving and snorkeling will enjoy the conditions on the island. The price tag for these types of entertainment is low here.

If you don’t know where to stay to relax on Phu Quoc Island, then look at the map with hotels from

Tours to Phu Quoc Island are popular. Prices are shown below.

Photos from Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam

Hoi An

Hoi An is a small town with a rich history. It is built in the central part of Vietnam. Since 1999, it has been recognized by UNESCO as a monument to the trade and port city of Southeast Asia from the fifteenth to nineteenth centuries.

More than 820 buildings in Hoi An are historically valuable and protected by law: old shops, old Chinese houses, Cham temples, burial structures, and other buildings. Because of such an abundance of historical buildings and structures, the city can be called an open-air museum.

The most favorable time to go to Vietnam to the city of Hoi An is the period from January to August. The rainy season reaches Noyan for a period from September to December.

Pros and cons of holidays in Hoi An

For those who like to bring gifts from Vietnam, Hoi An will delight you with its small traditional and souvenir shops, a large selection of sewing workshops, where you can order a variety of outfits and shoes. There are many markets in the city. You can also find high-quality and inexpensive cotton and silk.

Hoi An is also famous for its skilled chefs and low prices in cafes. So, if you are a foodie lover, you will love Hoi An.

Since the city is cut through by a river, you can find many boats offering small boat excursions.

How to get to Hoi An? The lack of its own airport is compensated by the proximity of the city of Da Nang (less than an hour's drive), which has its own airport.

Accommodation in Hoi An very diverse: Hostels, hotels of different stars within the city or beach hotels near the sea. Despite the fact that there are not many hotels near the sea, beach holidays do exist here.

Many hotels in the city center offer transfer to the sea, there is a taxi. You can rent bicycles and get to the sea in 10-15 minutes. Some hotels provide free bicycles. The sea in Hoi An is clean, the entrance to the sea is gentle. Beaches with fine white sand and palm trees from the picture.

Below is a selection of hotels on the map of Hoi An from

Photos of Hoi An resort, Vietnam

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