Trail walking pond. Free excursions on ecological trails

Nature Reserve "Vorobyovy Gory" - one of the most famous natural areas of Moscow, located on the steep bank of the Moskva River opposite Luzhniki. Due to a certain connection with the nature reserve has become one of the most popular attractions in Moscow.

Sparrow Hills is called a steep cliff Teplostan Upland on the right bank of the Moskva River, stretching from the mouth of the Setun River to the Andreevsky Bridge. The height of the slope is up to 80 meters: thus, the word "mountains" in the name is symbolic, but for Moscow such a landscape is unique. Landslide processes have become an interesting natural feature of the area, which historically interfered with capital construction and farming on the Sparrow Hills.

The area of ​​the nature reserve is about 135 hectares; the landscape of the slope is cut by deep ravines and overgrown with broad-leaved forest. On the territory you can find 3 ponds - Big Andreevsky, Small Andreevsky and Lesnoy - and several springs.

Since 2013, the territory has been transferred to the jurisdiction .

Flora and fauna of Sparrow Hills

Most of the territory of the reserve is covered with broad-leaved forest, the most common tree in which is maple. Also on Sparrow Hills there are many oaks and birches, there are ash, aspen, elm and alder. The undergrowth is formed by shrubs: hazel (hazel), euonymus, honeysuckle and viburnum. Among the herbaceous cover there are ferns and various forest and meadow flowers and herbs: goutweed, Fisher's carnation, many-flowered kupena, broad-leaved dremlik, meadow astragalus and others. In general, the flora of the reserve includes about 400 plant species, of which 43 are included in the Red Book of Moscow.

Some trees reach the age of 200-250 years, and an ash tree grows on the territory of the reserve, the age of which exceeds 300 years.

The fauna of the Vorobyovy Gory includes more than 100 species, of which a relatively small number of mammals (squirrels, hedgehogs, voles, wood mice, shrews, bats, moles) and almost a hundred different species of birds (chaffinch, greenfinch, corncrake, crested duck, gray owl, goshawk, white-backed woodpecker, grosbeak and others), among which 37 are listed in the Red Book of Moscow. Amphibians are represented by grass and lake frogs, among reptiles there is an ordinary grass snake.

Ecological trails

Three eco-trails pass through the territory of the nature reserve: "On the slopes of the Sparrow Hills", "Andreevsky Ponds" and "On the terraces of the Sparrow Hills".

Ecopaths are laid taking into account the geological and natural features of the Sparrow Hills and help visitors navigate the natural diversity of the nature reserve. There are guided tours (including free ones), and the trails are also available for independent visits.

Ecological tourist routes have been developed for independent visitors, along which there are signs and stands with information on the geological structure of the slope and plants and animals living on Sparrow Hills, recreation areas and picnic spots, as well as playgrounds for visitors with children.

Ponds and springs

One of the attractions of Sparrow Hills is cascade of Andreevsky ponds, including 2 ponds: Big and Small Andreevsky, dug out at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. The ponds were named after the Andreevsky Monastery, in the past there was a small village near them, the inhabitants of which bred fish in the ponds. At present, the ponds have been preserved in natural banks; the decorative qualities of the reservoirs attract visitors to the reserve and local residents.

Another pond of Sparrow Hills, less mentioned than Andreevsky - Forest. Carp and lake frogs are found in the Forest Pond, reeds, egg capsules and cattails grow.

Gazebos and picnic spots have been installed near the ponds, which have become a favorite place for the townspeople to relax.

On the slopes of the Sparrow Hills there are a number of springs, the most famous of which are a spring on the left side of the Ostroumovsky ravine, a spring at the foot of the landslide ledge And a spring below the monument to Alexander Herzen and Nikolai Ogaryov. The listed springs are qualitatively landscaped, cleared and strengthened, but at the moment they are more of a decorative value - it is not recommended to drink water from them.

Historical monuments of Sparrow Hills

On the territory of Sparrow Hills, in addition to noticeable natural features, there are a number of historical and cultural monuments.

Place of the Oath of Herzen and Ogaryov - granite stele, located in the forest. The monument is decorated with portrait bas-reliefs of Herzen and Ogaryov, the inscription is carved on granite: "Here in 1827 the young men A. Herzen and N. Ogaryov, who became great revolutionary democrats, took an oath to fight the autocracy without sparing their lives." The monument was opened in 1978.

Andrew's Monastery was founded in 1648 in honor of the victory of Russian troops over the Crimean Tatars in the battle near Moscow in 1591.

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills was founded, presumably, in the 15th century and was rebuilt several times. Its origin is associated with the palace village of Vorobyovo that existed in the past, which, having received the name by the name of its first owners - the boyars Vorobyovs, subsequently gave the name to the entire historical area - Sparrow Hills.

To date Sparrow Hills - a favorite place for walks and recreation of the townspeople and a city attraction popular with tourists. The territory is conducive to walks, quiet rest and sports, in addition, from the reserve you can go to two popular viewing platforms: and .

By Vorobyovskaya embankment, limiting the reserve from the side of the river, there is a bike path, along which you can get to Neskuchny garden And .

Nature Reserve "Vorobyovy Gory" is located on the right bank of the Moskva River opposite Luzhniki. It can be reached on foot from the metro station. "Sparrow Hills" Sokolnicheskaya line.

To walk around the nature reserve, it is not at all necessary to travel outside of Moscow. In the city limits of the capital there is a natural reserve "Vorobyovy Gory", formed in 1998 in order to preserve the natural historical and cultural complexes and landscapes of Moscow. The 137.5-hectare reserve is home to many endangered endangered species of plants, animals, birds or insects.

Eco-trails are laid throughout the reserve, along which you can walk on your own or with a guided tour. As a sightseeing tour, several picturesque routes are offered to choose from: “On the slopes of the Sparrow Hills”, “Andreevsky Ponds”, “On the terraces of the Sparrow Hills”. In addition, guests of the reserve can choose one of the thematic excursions: "Literary Sparrow Hills", "Wintering Birds of Moscow", "Biodiversity", "Sparrow Hills Spring Flora" and others. If you wish, you can end the walk with a picnic - there are places for grilling shish kebabs near Andreevsky Ponds, and cozy gazebos are located along the entire route.

The participants of the tour will pass by enclosures with rare ornamental birds (pheasants, peacocks, turkeys), squirrels, as well as birds of prey. Not far from the enclosures there is an observation deck with a magnificent view of the slopes of the Sparrow Hills. Interest in children will surely be aroused by the alley of birds with feeders, birdhouses and titmouses. Playgrounds can also be found on the territory of the reserve.

Free tours are held on weekdays from 8.00 to 17.00. You can go for a walk on the weekend - for a fee. There is no specific time for the start of excursions, it is recommended to sign up in advance. If you wish, you can come with children or with the whole class. The duration of the excursions is from 40 minutes to two hours, depending on the weather and the age of the participants.

If you wish, you can take part in an ecological quest in the Vorobyovy Gory nature reserve and spend time interestingly doing logical tasks, orienteering and photography.

Bicycles for rent

On Sparrow Hills there are many places where it will be interesting to ride a bike. For those who want to rent a bike, there are several rental points in different areas of the park.

Parents with children can ride a bike for free - a free rental point for children's and adult bicycles has been opened in the Pioneer Palace. In addition to bicycles, there are scooters and balance bikes, roller skates for children and adults, you can rent a protection kit, Nordic walking sticks, ping-pong and badminton sets. The rental office is open in the second building of the Palace on weekdays from 15.00 to 20.00, on weekends from 12.00 to 20.00. You will need a passport to rent.

Another rental point operates in the Main building of Moscow State University. There are sports and road bikes of the brands Sprint, Atom, Upland, Legend. This rental is paid, for 200 rubles. per hour you can take a new bike, last year's and worn-out models are given for 150 rubles per hour. You can rent a bicycle for a day (600-800 rubles), there are roller skates in the assortment. For a pledge, a document or 5000-10000 rubles is required. The rental office is open from 11.00 to 23.00, but before the visit, you should call the security of Moscow State University in order to freely enter the territory of the university.

Two more rental points are located on the embankment near the armchair and near the exit to Vorobyovskoye highway.

Natalia Reshetnikova

Tasks: Introduce children to the pond and its inhabitants: fish, frogs, insects, birds (wild ducks, herons, aquatic plants. Teach children to build food chains, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships, guess riddles. Show that they live on the shore and in the water those plants and animals that cannot do without water.To form an idea of ​​autumn changes in living and non-living nature.Develop memory, thinking, visual perception, cognitive interest.Develop a good attitude towards all living things, strive to preserve the nature of the native land.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations and pictures.

Conversations with children about the aquatic environment.

Reading educational literature.

Equipment: chalk, heron hats for the game "Herons and Frogs", a scarf for the game "Water",

Methodical methods:

1. Reminder of the rules of conduct and their justification.

2. Riddles about animals, insects and plants of the reservoir

3. Solving a cognitive problem: why do birds living near water bodies (herons, wild geese and ducks) fly away to warmer climes in autumn?

4. Reading fairy tales, stories, poems on this topic.

5. Drawing up a card file of riddles and sayings about the river, reservoir.

6. Summarizing conversation "How does the pond live?"


Walking with wide and small steps in different directions, backwards, side steps, footprints, running at different paces, jumping on two legs, in place, moving forward, jumping

Progress of the walk

During the hike to the station "Water reservoir", various types of walking and building are used.

Children come to a dry pond created on the ecological path of the kindergarten.

Educator: Children, let's remember what is the name of the reservoir created by man? That's right, a pond. Our small pond is a "home" in which both plants and animals live "friendly".

Every house has an owner. Our pond also has a water owner. He makes sure that no one offends the inhabitants of the pond and that everyone follows the rules of behavior near the pond. Let's remember these rules. What happens if you don't follow them? (children's answers).

Of course, the inhabitants of the reservoir may die, but we will not allow this.

Many aquatic inhabitants have already noticed our reservoir and settled in it. I will make riddles, and you will guess them, and then we will remember who lives in the pond.

Shines in the clean river

The back is silver. (fish)

Right. How many fish are in our pond? (2) What do fish eat?

Along the river, along the water

A string of boats floats.

The ship is sailing ahead

He leads everyone.

Small boats have no oars,

And the boat hurts a walker.

Left, turn right

He will lead the whole gang. (duck with ducklings)

Bathed in the water

Stayed dry. (goose)

That's right, wild ducks and geese settled in our pond. They are very good at swimming because they have membranes on their paws. These birds are called "waterfowl". What do you think they eat? (algae, fish)

Standing on one leg

Looks very important.

Looks sharply at the water

So the frogs are guarded (heron)

In the summer in the pond and in the swamp

You will find it.

Green wah-

This is of course (frog)

Frogs live both in water and on land, which is why they are called amphibians. In the spring, like all animals, they give birth. Frogs lay their eggs in the water. Tailed tadpoles emerge from the eggs. The children look at the cards. Gradually, the tadpoles will grow legs, and the tail will fall off. And in a few months, the little frogs will come out of the water (jump out).

What do you think frogs eat? (mosquitoes, flies, grasshoppers, worms)

What plants grow in and around the pond? (Cattail or we call reeds, sedges, there are water lilies, duckweed, algae on the water in summer).

Animals, fish, insects live near the pond and in the pond, which have adapted to such a life that they cannot live without water and without each other. Fish feed on worms and algae. Ducks, geese catch fish. Frogs eat mosquitoes and slugs. They also cannot be in direct sunlight, they prefer shade from bushes and trees. Herons feed on frogs. Everything in nature is interconnected. If you kill all the mosquitoes, the frogs will die. If you cut down all the trees and bushes, the pond will dry up. Therefore, you can not kill frogs, catch all the fish in the pond and shoot ducks and geese.

What season is it now? What changes have taken place compared to the summer at the pond? The plants withered, the wind plucks the last leaves from the branches of the trees and from the bushes. Everything falls asleep until spring. In the autumn, the fish go deep into the algae in the pond. Do you know where frogs go in winter?

Lera and Makar will tell us about this now.

When I come to the pond in winter

I won't find frogs there

They fly away for the winter

South? Or maybe they float away?

Only the water gets colder

Frog - dive to the bottom of the pond

Hastens to bury himself in the mud,

To sleep soundly there until spring.

Water warms up in spring

They will all wake up then

When you come to the pond in spring

You will find those who sing them in the pond.

A thin ice will soon appear on the water. Guys, what do you think herons, wild ducks and geese will eat when the pond is covered with ice? That's right, these birds will fly away to warmer climes, because in winter they will not be able to find food here.

In the meantime, the frogs have not yet fallen asleep and the herons have not flown away, let's show how the herons catch the frogs.

Game "Herons and Frogs"

A large circle (pond) is drawn in the middle of the playground. With the help of a counting rhyme, two herons are chosen. Herons take place on opposite sides of the "pond". The rest of the children are frogs. They jump on two legs all over the site and say:

We are green frogs

We have fun on the edge,

Here we have a pond nearby -

The herons won't find us in it.

After the words “they won’t find it”, the “frogs” jump into the pond, and the “herons” try to stain them.


- Who lives on the shore of the pond, and who lives in the water?

– Can they live in other places? For example, in the desert or in the forest?

How are lake dwellers related to each other? (Plants are food and home for animals, some animals eat others, etc.)

- What will happen in the lake if plants, insects, frogs, other inhabitants disappear?

What will happen if people start throwing garbage into this lake? Wash cars in it? Wash clothes? Will its inhabitants like it? What will they do?

Guys, the owner of our water pond is very pleased that we know a lot about his pond and take care of it, and for this he wants to thank you, to play with you.

Water game.

The driver sits in a circle with his eyes closed. The players move in a circle with the words:

water, water,

Why are you sitting underwater?

Look out for a glimpse

For one minute.

After these words, the children scatter, the "water" catches them.

And now we're going to kindergarten. Look around, think about what you will draw as a memory of our excursion. (I listen to the answers of the children). Who liked our tour - clap your hands, who did not like it - stomp your feet.

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Mushrooms are amazing plants, a gift product of nature. We do not sow them, we do not plant them, in the same place where we cut mushrooms today, we get them again.

Purpose, tasks: training the ability to use natural material in work; the formation of the ability to experiment with artistic materials;

Love romance? Do you mind testing yourself on an extreme journey? "My Russia" tells about hiking routes that will surprise you with their beauty and test your character.


Lake Frolikha. Photo:
  • Location: northeast coast of Lake Baikal
  • Length: about 95 km (12 days of travel)
  • Sightseeing: Frolikha Reserve, Khakusy thermal springs, Lake Frolikha.

Baikal is the center of the Earth's power for most people on the planet. Foreigners (and many Russians) imagine the lake as a mysterious and endless body of water in the "heart" of the continent. In many ways, this description fits the object. There are many ways to get up close and personal with the “sea,” as the indigenous people call the lake. One of them is the Frolikha trail.

12 days on the northeastern, most virgin coast of Lake Baikal, will be an excellent test of your strength. The route has been sponsored by investors from Dresden since 2010, it is so attractive!

Its length is small - "only" 95 km. But it passes through the natural landscapes of the Siberian taiga. The center of the trail can be considered the Frolikha Reserve, the hallmark of which is the beautiful mountain lake Frolikha. The protected area was created in order to preserve the relict population of red fish - Arctic char (salmon family, included in the Red Book of Russia).

The route is adorned with numerous glacial streams, rock ledges and ends with the mouth of the Upper Angara.

Great Baikal trail. Photo:
  • Location: along the perimeter of the lake (constantly updated)
  • Length: many sections, from 1.5 km to several tens of kilometers in length
  • Attractions: Museum of Baikal, Pribaikalsky National Park.

The term "Great Baikal Trail" also hides an organization involved in the development of hiking in the Baikal region. The main goal of the project is to create a developed network of trails for tourists. The number of routes is growing every year. Volunteers run summer and winter projects to develop the trail system, laying new routes, developing infrastructure and compiling maps. With such a pace, within 10 years, an extensive system of hiking trails will be formed along the coast of the lake. The prospect looks "crazy" - a single trail around Baikal! Such an object will definitely become the center of world tourism.

On the way, steep ascents and sharp descents are constantly changing. From the very start, tourists will climb 400 meters vertically with access to the top, which offers a view of Lake Baikal. Part of the trail goes along the coastline, on rocky cliffs. Here you will have to use the rope sections of the passage.

Ecological and tourist route No. 1

Ecological and tourist route No. 1. Photo:
  • Location: northwestern Caucasus
  • Length: 93 km
  • Sightseeing: Khadzhokh gorge, Rufabgo waterfalls, cave systems, Mount Fisht, glaciers.

The route acts as the "successor" of the famous All-Union tourist route No. 30 and has the second name "Through the mountains to the sea." The route is high-altitude and requires special physical training. In the USSR, this trail was one of the first and most developed. By the mid-1930s, numerous groups were already walking here.

Today the route was "shrunk" to 5 days of travel. Now the trail does not reach the sea: it connects the village of Guzeripl and the village of Solokh-Aul. On the way, tourists overcome ice areas, steep cliffs and vast mountain meadows. The trail is not the longest, but covers landscapes characteristic of the Caucasus. Tourists pass through an ecologically clean and practically untouched territory.

All-Union tourist route No. 55

Lake Aushkul. Photo:
  • Location: South Ural, Chelyabinsk
  • Length: 487 km
  • Sights: Lake Uvildy, Ilmenskoye Lake, Mount Kruglitsa, Lake Aushkul.

Another "mastodon" of hiking. A difficult and long route, which takes 21 days to overcome. The trail can be covered on foot or by bus. Usually travelers combine these types of travel, supplementing them with a train. During the hike, tourists visit many reservoirs of the South Ural region, and also pass through virgin forests. The rich wildlife and dense vegetation create a feeling of pioneers and help to relax from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The trails are not everywhere equipped and maintained in good condition, but the route attracts with acquaintance with the Urals and its beauty.

Multinskie lakes, Altai

Multinsky lakes. Photo:
  • Location: Gorny Altai
  • Length: about 30 km
  • Attractions: Multinskie lakes system

The natural monument of Altai, the system of glacial high mountain lakes, is one of the tourist "symbols" of Altai. Lakes with crystal clear water are located in small mountain hollows. Snow-covered slopes of the Katunsky Ridge Lower Multinskoye Lake, Transverse, Middle Multinskoye, Talmen - and a large number of small reservoirs. On the way, tourists are waiting for:

  • Glacial waterfalls.
  • Crossings over mountain rivers.
  • Rock climbs.
  • Overnight stays on the shores of the lakes.
  • Routes at the foot of snow-capped mountains.

Khibiny. big circle

Umbozero. Photo:
  • Location: Kola Peninsula
  • Length: about 75 km
  • Attractions: Khibiny passes and lakes

Circular route between lakes Bolshaya Imandra and Umbozero. "Classic" Karelia in all its beauty! Glacial relief with cleared rock ledges and glacial reservoirs and streams.

A distinctive feature of this trail is the numerous ascents and descents along streams flowing from the Khibiny mountain ranges. On the trail you will have to climb to the highest point in the north-west of Russia - Mount Yudymchvumchorr (1.206 meters above sea level). Many passes (1-3 such objects will have to be passed per day) require special training and skills. Tourists must have special equipment and go on the trail under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

Plateau Manpupuner. Hiking through the Dyatlov Pass

Plateau Manpupuner. Photo:
  • Location: Komi Republic.
  • Length: from 11 km to 230 km (depending on the chosen route).
  • Sights: Dyatlov Pass, Mount Otorten, Pechora River, geological monument "Poles of weathering" - one of the 7 wonders of Russia.

But here there is no definite path - in a relatively small area, several routes have been laid that intersect at certain points on the map. A visit to the mysterious Mount Otorten and the Dyatlov Pass is included in the mandatory program of the trail. And of course the legendary "Mansiysk blockheads" - unusual natural objects created by the wind. The locals call the mountain Man-Pupu-ner “Bolvano-iz” or “mountain of idols”. The giants created by nature are somewhat reminiscent of the famous heads on Easter Island.

The Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve, through which the hiking route passes, is a mountain tundra covered with swamps. The terrain is very "fragile" and impassable. But in 2016, more than a hundred volunteers laid a safe path, along which tourists go to the pillars, 30 to 42 meters high.

The trail is fascinating, but requires tourist training. If you choose to walk 11 km along the mountainside to the pillars, then you can do without equipment. But a multi-day hike becomes a serious test: crossing rivers, climbing passes and mountains, spending the night in the taiga - the whole flavor of Siberia!

Around Elbrus

around Elbrus. Photo:
  • Location: Caucasus
  • Length: about 60 km
  • Sights: the highest point in Europe - the Elbrus volcano, glaciers, waterfalls, sources of mountain rivers.

The route is mountainous and belongs to the 1st category of difficulty. The trail attracts with its concept - going around the highest mountain of the Caucasus becomes a memorable adventure. The region is well developed from a tourist point of view and travelers do not have to worry about how to get to the Elbrus region. But the terrain is treacherous - the recent gathering of the villages is a confirmation of this. Therefore, the route should be accompanied by an experienced instructor.

What awaits along the way? First, height. Some points lie at an altitude of 3700 meters, which can cause manifestations of altitude sickness. Glacial lakes such as Syltrakel have clear water and beautiful views. Real mountain glaciers, from which small rivers and streams begin. Passes and gorges are "mixed" with rocky peaks and peaks. Classic mountain route through the alpine meadows of Elbrus.

Shikotan. Following in the footsteps of Robinson Crusoe

Japanese Lighthouse Spamberg
  • Location: Kuril Islands
  • Length: up to 20 km
  • Attractions: Cape Land's End, Mount Shikotan (405 meters), exotic nature

Lianas, dwarf bamboo and the Japanese lighthouse Shpamberg (1943) - the most remote island of Russia bears little resemblance to Russia. It is 100 km to Japan, and 7119 km to Moscow.

There are practically no trees on Shikotan, but a film about Robinson Crusoe was filmed here in 1972. Stanislav Govorukhin chose this island not in vain - the landscapes are very similar to the uninhabited area. Many capes jut deep into the sea, forming attractive landscapes for travelers. The trail is easy and can be covered in a couple of hours. And it’s not a trail, but just a walk along a small island on the very “edge” of the country. The route will definitely be remembered and not many passed it ...

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