How to check your Anex Tour application - detailed instructions. Hot tours Anex agent tour travel company official

Rest in Turkey is an inexpensive holiday with a European quality of service. Amazing nature, golden sandy beaches, picturesque mountains covered with relic pine forests, bright sun and, of course, crystal clear, gentle and warm sea - all this makes Turkey's resorts attractive for tourists. It surprisingly combines the relaxing atmosphere of a beach holiday, lively nightlife, friendliness and hospitality of the local population, ancient history and developed resort infrastructure.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic - a holiday in the land of eternal summer. It is always sunny and warm here. And you can swim in the sea and the ocean at the same time. The Dominican Republic is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Summer is here all year round. The entire coast of the country is snow-white beaches, which are covered with the purest fine sand, with hotels, parks, restaurants and casinos. All this is surrounded by tropical palms, coral reefs, as well as monuments of the Age of Discovery.

Thailand is a country whose journey will leave only the best memories in your memory. Tours to Thailand are a huge number of Buddhist temples, coral reefs, excellent flowers, exotic fruits and incense. Ancient Buddhist traditions and culture are carefully preserved here and at the same time they quickly respond to changes in the modern world.

Vietnam is a country with an ancient history and culture, a huge number of valuable historical monuments, a diverse landscape and 3,260 km of coastline of the rich South China Sea. Its coastline is simply magnificent. These are predominantly white sandy beaches. Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia, in the eastern part of the Indochina peninsula. It borders China to the north and Cambodia and Laos to the west.

Holidays in Cuba are a great chance to immerse yourself in the world of tropical exotics and feel the whole flavor of life in this fabulous country. Snow-white beaches, crystal clear blue water, rich flora and fauna, good conditions for fishing and diving, numerous coral reefs, waterfalls, rum and tobacco - this and not only will open your vacation in Cuba. Tourists from all over the world come here to see all this.

A very beautiful and hospitable country that attracts with its rich cultural heritage, excellent medicine, interesting diving and picturesque corners with melodious names. Comfortable weather and quality service make your vacation in Israel even more pleasant.
Holidays in Israel will appeal to tourists with any temperament: some will be happy with the beautiful beaches and decent service, others - an endless variety of excursions and attractions

Tunisia is a country with a rich history, traces of ancient civilizations can be seen in such a legendary city as Carthage. Also here you can make a fascinating journey through the Sahara desert. But basically Tunisia is a beach holiday, everything here is created for maximum relaxation of the soul and body. The Mediterranean Sea, luxurious white sandy beaches, good infrastructure and a large territory of hotels, modern thalassotherapy centers and much more.

The Kingdom of Spain is located in southwestern Europe and occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula. Spain also owns the Balearic and Canary Islands. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and west, and by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea in the south and east. The capital is Madrid. The official language is Spanish. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the king. The population is about 46 million people. Currency - euro. Spain is a member of the European Union.

The main asset of the UAE is the bright sun, warm clear sea, fantastic landscapes, deserts with oases, rocky peaks, numerous key lakes and a fantastic color palette of stones. The Emirates are ready to offer tourists not only oriental exotics, but also high-quality service. In addition to a comfortable stay, the UAE has an unprecedented selection of goods in the markets and shopping centers resembling palaces.

In early November 2017, our son announced that he wanted to give us a gift for our wedding anniversary and offered to think about where we would like to go. Over the past twenty years, we have visited more than 15 countries and, in this regard, the choice was quite difficult. On the one hand, I didn’t want to go to Thailand or Tunisia again, where we had already been several times, and on the other hand, November is not the best month for a beach holiday in most countries. Since the agent who had been working with us for many years suddenly changed his social status and country of residence, I got into the Internet and opened the website of the company whose name caught my attention - 1001TUR. A very nice voice clarified which of the company's offices is within reach for me and promised that they would certainly call me back in the near future. In less than 5 minutes, an even more pleasant voice said: "Hello. My name is Anastasia Akuto. I am the manager of the 1001TUR travel company. How can I help you?" I tried to formulate my desires and realized with horror that I myself do not know what I want! In general - a beach holiday, a very relaxing holiday, not very expensive, the sea should be very close, etc. Anastasia suggested that I wait a couple of hours for her to prepare various options and soon I was at the company's office. I have been working with people as a top manager for many years, and I declare with full responsibility that I would be happy to see Anastasia among the employees of my company! Impeccable appearance, competence, and, most importantly, a great desire to help solve your problems - this is all about Nastya! In general, after an hour I understood - Phan Rang (Vietnam) is the city of my dreams! Surprisingly, the flight was not rescheduled, the plane was quite decent, the food was good on the way. In general, there is nothing to complain about. The host side was also on top and .... after 45 minutes we were already driving through Vietnam in the direction of our El Dorado. An easy hour drive, and here we are at the hotel. In Russia, we were scared that no one would deal with us until 14:00, but sad forecasts did not come true! A few minutes later we were already examining the room. The hotel that day, to put it mildly, was not crowded. Since we did not like the view from the room, I tried to convey this idea to the manager at the counter. On the 4th attempt, I succeeded and, having captured a bunch of keys, he took us on a tour of the hotel, offering to choose a room ourselves. In general, a fairy tale. The people on the beach - three or four people. The pool and even less! Silence and peace. The hotel staff are very smiling and hospitable. Honestly try to understand what you want from them! A little spoiled the impression of the rest - the manager of the host (Anex tour) ROMAN. I do not want to dwell on this for a long time, but, in my opinion, he is not a very competent person and not very hardworking. But - with VERY big aplomb. But all this is nonsense! Rest SUCCESSFUL! As soon as we returned to Russia, the phone rang and Anastasia congratulated her on her return and asked if everything was fine ... Next time I will fly ONLY through this company and ONLY through Anastasia! Guys! You are super! Thank you!

In order to check your application on the Anex Tour website, you need to know its number, as well as the passport number of one of the tourists.

The application number can be requested from your travel agent after booking. This number usually consists of 7 digits, but may be more. If the travel agent refuses to give the application number, then, apparently, he has something to hide: the tour is not booked, not paid or canceled.

If everything is OK from the application numbers, then we go to the Anex Tour website. We make sure that we are on the page for tourists.

In the upper right corner we find the button "Personal Account", click:

In the window that opens, select the "Individuals" tab:

In the field "E-mail / application number" indicate the seven-digit number of your application. It only consists of numbers!

In the "Password / Passport" field, indicate only the passport number of any tourist in the application. Attention: only the passport number is indicated, without a series! When traveling abroad, indicate the number of the foreign passport, when traveling in Russia and some CIS countries - the passport of the Russian Federation.

Sometimes it happens that if a tourist does not have a passport at the time of booking, the travel agent instead of a passport scores seven ones or zeros. Check with your agent for this.

Fill in all the fields and click on the "Login" button. If everything is correct, and your travel agent correctly entered the passport details of the tourists, you will see the following window:

Absolutely all services for your tour, payment status and confirmation status will be indicated here. Be sure to check all passport data, as any mistake, especially in visa directions, can lead to big problems!

4 days before departure, in the "Documents" item, all the documents necessary for the tour for each tourist will be attached: itinerary receipts, vouchers for transfer and check-in at the hotel, medical insurance. If possible, you can print them yourself or ask your manager to do it.

P.S. Join my VKontakte group, write comments below, dream, pack your bags and never forget that the journey is important and not the destination

How to check your Tez Tour application - detailed instructions

Having carefully examined official site Anex Tour, you will notice how comfortable it is. Navigation is thoughtful - click on the name of the country or use the filter system to tour selection Anex Tour and you will see the required information.

Look at the main page menu. At the top, just in the center of the site, is the “countries” tab. Just hover over this word and you will see a list of states. By clicking on the name, you will open a page with information about the country, its hotels and hotels. Offers Anex Tour selection of tour from Moscow and any other city of the Russian Federation. This can be done both on the page of the selected country and on the “main” site.

Search and order a tour online

Commit to Anex Tour tour selection taking into account the requirements of the client, the site itself can. In this case, it is not necessary to go to the main menu tab. The form-questionnaire is "highlighted" on each page. You only need to set the order parameters, and tour search online will be successfully executed:

  • enter the city of departure;
  • select from the list the country where you want to go;
  • indicate the number of days of stay at the resort;
  • select the hotel category;
  • see what nutrition format suits you;
  • write how many people go on the trip.

In the same line there is a flight monitor: select the departure date interval. The availability of seats on the plane will also be noted here.

After completing the necessary actions, click the " find a tour". Result - you will see options for your request. Choose the one that suits you and book. As you can see, everything is very simple.

Hot tours and hits of the season

Have you noticed how search tours Anex Tour 2020 turns into pleasure? We have many tempting offers. We offer last-minute trips to different countries of the world at a bargain price. You just have to choose a direction. Would you like to commit to Anex Tour search for a tour from Moscow to warmer climes in cold winters? How do you like Thailand or the Dominican Republic? If you are interested in a beach holiday in the summer, Spain, Greece or Turkey usually become the hit of the season.

Still have questions about the selected tour? Tour operator Anex Tour always ready to help. Call the number you see on the site, or contact one of our travel agencies in Moscow. Looking forward to your booking!

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This consent of the User is recognized as executed in a simple written form, for the processing of the following personal data: last name, first name, patronymic; the year of birth; place of stay (city, region); phone numbers; e-mail addresses (E-mail).

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This consent is valid indefinitely from the moment the data is provided and can be revoked by you by submitting an application to the site administration indicating the data specified in Art. 14 of the Law "On Personal Data". Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be carried out by sending the User an appropriate order in a simple written form to the contact e-mail address indicated on the site site_name.

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