Nature of Crimea, presentation for a lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. Presentation on the topic "Crimean peninsula" Geographical portrait of Crimea

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“There are corners of our earth so beautiful that every visit to them evokes a feeling of happiness, fullness of life, and tunes our entire being to an unusually simple and fruitful lyrical sound. This is Crimea... Everyone who has visited Crimea takes with them regret and slight sadness, which is caused by memories of childhood, and the hope of seeing this midday land again.”


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Geographical information

Crimea has a unique combination of reliefs - there are steppe plains and mountain peaks, cooled volcanoes and mud hills, cozy bays and steep cliffs.

The most picturesque part of Crimea is the Southern Coast of Crimea (SC). The nature here itself is rich, unique and romantic. It’s not for nothing that the southern coast is called the Crimean paradise.

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The southern coast of Crimea has become famous as a resort area since the mid-19th century. Due to its popularity among the aristocracy of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries, intensive construction of light palaces and villas was carried out here, of which the most famous are the Livadia, Massandra, Vorontsov, Yusupov and Dulber palaces.

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The Crimean rivers are small, but truly: the spool is small, but expensive. There are more than 150 rivers and streams in Crimea. Most of them are no more than 10 km long. Almost everything starts in the mountains. There, in damp and gloomy gorges, bright springs emerge into the wild. Their waters merge with each other and run merrily down the rocky steep riverbeds.

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On the southeastern coast of Crimea, between Sudak and Feodosia, is located one of the rarest and most amazingly beautiful places - the Kara-Dag mountain range. The name “Kara-Dag” came to us from the Middle Ages and in Turkic languages ​​means “black mountain”. This mountain range first attracted the attention of scientists in the 18th century. In terms of the expressiveness of the landscapes, the outstanding geologist, academician A.P. Pavlov compared Kara-Dag with the world-famous Yellowstone National Park.

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Baydar Valley

In the suburbs of Sevastopol there is the well-known Baydar Valley.

The valley looks like a volcano crater or a UFO landing site. It is located in a natural amphitheater, surrounded on all sides by mountains. The height of the valley is about 260 meters above sea level, length 16 km, width 8 km. The Chernaya River flowing through the valley is blocked by a dam before entering the Chernorechenskoye Gorge. The result was the Chernorechenskoe reservoir, which supplies Sevastopol and Foros with fresh water.

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Mount Ayu-Dag

Mount Ayu-Dag is located on the southern coast of Crimea, east of Gurzuf. The height of the mountain is 565 meters, length 2.5 km, age 161 million years. By origin, Ayu-Dag is a “failed volcano” - laccolith. Once upon a time, magma rose from the depths of the earth, but did not find a way out and froze in the form of a huge dome. The sediments eroded over time and the dome was exposed. The mountain is made of diorite. Its resemblance to a bear, which, as if overcome by thirst, fell to the sea to drink, has long been surprising and has given rise to many legends about this natural monument.

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National composition

According to estimates for 2014, in terms of population, the Republic of Crimea ranks 26th among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Russians are the predominant nationality in both cities and villages. However, in rural areas their predominance is relative, since among the villagers there is a higher proportion of Ukrainians and especially Crimean Tatars.

By the way, today, out of 2 million 200 thousand inhabitants of the Crimean peninsula, there are almost one and a half million Russians, 350 thousand Ukrainians, and about 290-300 thousand Crimean Tatars, who predominantly consider Russian their native language. And this once again proves the inextricable connection between Crimea and Russia.

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Dzhankoy district (Ukrainian: Dzhankoy district, Crimean Catholicate. Canköy rayonı, Dzhankoy districts) is one of 14 districts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Located in the steppe Crimea, in the Sivash region in the north of the republic. The relief is flat, most of the area is occupied by plowed steppe. The city of Dzhankoy, which is the center of the district, is not itself part of it. The North Crimean Canal, the main water artery of northern Crimea, supplies the republic with water from the Dnieper, runs through the territory of the Dzhankoy district. Dzhankoy

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Sevastopol is a resort city on the Black Sea coast of Crimea, in Ukraine, a hero city. Population - 379,200 people, area - 1079 sq. km. Founded in 1783 after the conquest of Crimea by the Russian Empire as a fortress and, subsequently, a port. Sevastopol today is the largest ice-free sea trade and fishing port, industrial, scientific, technical, recreational and cultural-historical center of Crimea and the South of Ukraine. The bases of the Russian and Ukrainian navies are located in Sevastopol. COUNTY pier

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Several settlements have long existed on the territory of present-day Bakhchisarai. By the time the city was formed in the first half of the 16th century. among them there were three main ones: the fortress city of Kyrk-Era on a mountain cape (now known as Chufut-Kale), the village of Salachik in the gorge at the foot of Kyrk-Era and the village of Eski-Yurt at the exit from the valley. Since the time of the Golden Horde, administrative centers have existed in Salachik and Kirk-Era. At the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries, Khan Mengli I Giray launched urban construction in Salachik, planning to turn it into a large metropolitan center.

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This city is located 17 km west of Yalta. It stretches 4 km along the sea. Its palaces, villas, and healing places face the gentle sea. And they are reliably protected from the northern winds by the gigantic wall of the Ai-Petri plateau. Air humidity does not exceed 70%, the number of sunny days per year reaches 246. There are 14 sanatoriums. For 200 years, the most severe ailments - bone tuberculosis and lung diseases - have been cured here.

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The Crimean Peninsula occupies a relatively small territory - its area is 20 times smaller than the Iberian and Balkan Peninsulas, and 15 times smaller than Kamchatka and Asia Minor. But Crimea became famous, significant and attractive largely due to the peculiarities of its nature, and above all its unique geographical location.

There are no wars without losses, and sometimes victory brings so many losses that it looks more like defeat. War is always unpredictable - your enemy can become your ally if the two of you have common interests. The people who suffer the most from war are the innocents who are forced into battle against their will. War is the path of deception. And sometimes you yourself are deceived.

At dawn on June 22, 1941, fascist planes bombed many Soviet cities, including the main base of the Black Sea Fleet, Sevastopol. Already on June 22-23, rallies were held in all the cities and villages of Crimea, in factories, factories, construction sites, educational institutions, collective farms and state farms, at which workers angrily denounced the fascist aggressors and unanimously declared their determination to defend the socialist Motherland. After the rallies, hundreds of workers went to recruiting stations with a request to send them to the front. In the first days of the war, over 8.1 thousand Crimean communists, more than 1/3 of the regional party organization joined the Red Army and Navy

Nature will act on us with all its strength only when we bring our human element into the feeling of it, when our state of mind, our love, our joy or sadness comes into full harmony with nature and it will no longer be possible to separate the freshness of the morning from the light of our loved ones eyes and the measured noise of the forest from thinking about the life lived.

The flora of the Crimean peninsula is extremely diverse: according to some sources, it has 2,400 wild species of higher plants; according to others, you can find plants such as: walnut, hawthorn, beech and others.

The connection between the unique geographical location of Crimea and the uniqueness of the peninsula’s fauna is no less obvious than for the flora, although the animals are more dynamic. In addition to species characteristic of the nearby southern regions of Ukraine, we everywhere encounter animals of the Mediterranean range on the peninsula. You can find such plants as: Stingray, owl, dolphin, red deer and others.

Holidays in Crimea have always been in demand, and recently it has become even more attractive. The cost of housing in the private sector of Crimea is cheaper than in many other resorts, but there are also quite a few more comfortable, expensive hotels. The variety of resorts in Crimea, a huge number of attractions in all corners of the peninsula make holidays in Crimea interesting and varied. Eastern coast of CrimeaSouthern coast of Crimea Sevastopol

According to the 2001 census, the population of Crimea is 2.031 million people, of which in the four largest cities of the autonomy - Sevastopol (365.8 thousand people), Simferopol (364 thousand people), Kerch (157.2 thousand people .) and Evpatoria (122 thousand people) – 41% live. The share of the urban population of Crimea is 63%, living in rural areas is 37% (according to the previous census of 1989, this ratio was 70% to 30%).

1. The length of the longest trolleybus route in the world is 86 kilometers, and it runs in Crimea between Simferopol and Yalta. 2. Another interesting animal of Crimea can be considered the South Russian tarantula. Its bite can cause anaphylactic shock, and besides, the bite itself is very painful, despite the fact that the size of the spider is only 3.5 cm. 3. The shallowest sea in the world is the Sea of ​​Azov. It washes the shores of Crimea. The maximum depth of the Azov Sea is 15 meters.

As a result of the referendum that took place on March 16, 2014. the majority of Crimeans voted to join Russia. Currently, the Republic of Crimea is a subject of the Russian Federation that is part of the Crimean Federal District. March 18, 2014 an agreement was concluded on the admission to the Russian Federation of the independent sovereign Republic of Crimea (entry in notebooks), proclaimed within the administrative borders of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol (received the status of a city of federal significance). March 21, 2014 Putin V.V. signed the federal constitutional law on the entry of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol into the Russian Federation (invite students to evaluate this historical event).

Business card. Features of nature

Nature of Crimea

  • LESSON 1: Business card. Features of nature
  • LESSON 2: Population and economy
  • LESSON 3: Cities of Crimea, attractions

  • Explore the features of the Crimean Republic:
  • Nature
  • Population
  • Farming.
  • Attractions.

Business card. Features of nature

  • A subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Crimean Federal District. Formed on March 18, 2014 on the basis of an agreement on the admission of the independent sovereign Republic of Crimea to Russia. The capital of the Republic of Crimea is the city of Simferopol.
  • Area: 27,000 km² Population: 2,284,400 people

  • It juts out deeply into the Black Sea, which it is washed from the south and west, and from the east it is washed by the Sea of ​​Azov. The coastline of the Crimean Peninsula exceeds 2,500 km. Of these, almost 50% are in the Sivash region, 750 km in the Black Sea and about 500 km in the Azov Sea.
  • In the north it is connected to the continent by the narrow (up to 8 km) Perekop Isthmus. The area is about 26,860 km², of which 72% is plain, 20% is mountains and 8% is lakes and other water bodies.

The largest bays on the Black Sea coast: Karkinitsky, Kalamitsky, Feodosiya.

On the coast of Azov: Sivash, Kazantip and Arabat.

In the east of Crimea there is the Kerch Peninsula, in the west - the Tarkhankutsky, Heraclean Peninsula, in the north - Tyup-Tarkhan.

Geological structure

  • From a geological point of view, the Crimean Peninsula is the southern part of the Ukrainian crystalline shield of the East European Platform, within which the Scythian plate and the Crimean folded region are distinguished.

  • According to the nature of the relief, the peninsula is divided into three unequal parts:
  • 1) North Crimean Plain with the Tarkhankut Upland (about 70% of the territory),
  • 2) ridge-hilly plains of the Kerch Peninsula with the manifestation of mud volcanism
  • 3) mountainous Crimea, stretching in three ridges - Main (southern), Internal and External (northern), separated by longitudinal plains.

  • High mountain peaks:

Roman-Kosh - 1545 m;

  • Demir-Kapu - 1540 m;
  • Zeytin-Kosh - 1534 m;
  • Kemal Egerek - 1529 m;
  • Eklizi-Burun - 1527 m;
  • Angara-Burun - 1453 m.

  • The mountain structures of Crimea are part of the Alpine folded geosynclinal region. The folded region of the Crimean Mountains is a large blocky uplift, the southern part of which is lowered below the level of the Black Sea. The shores are accumulatively leveled. The length of the coastline is 980 km, of which 76% are abrasive shores (that is, where rocks were destroyed under the influence of waves).

  • Mineral deposits: mineral salts, construction raw materials, combustible gas, thermal waters, iron ore. Natural recreational resources are of greatest importance: mild climate, warm sea, healing mud, mineral waters, picturesque landscapes.

  • Crimea, despite its relatively small territory, has a varied climate. The climate of Crimea is divided into three subzones:
  • 1) Steppe Crimea (most of Crimea, north, west and center of Crimea).
  • 2) Crimean mountains
  • 3) Southern coast of Crimea
  • The climate of the northern part is temperate continental, on the southern coast - with features similar to subtropical. The average January temperature is from −1… −3 °C in the north of the steppe zone to +1… −1 °C in the south of the steppe zone, on the southern coast of Crimea from +2… +4 °C. The average July temperature of the South Coast and the eastern part of Crimea: Kerch and Feodosia is +23…+25 °C. Precipitation ranges from 300-400 mm per year in the north to 1000-2000 mm in the mountains.

  • In summer (in the second half of July) in the steppe part of Crimea, daytime air temperatures reach +35...+37 °C in the shade, at night up to +23...+25 °C. The climate is predominantly dry, with seasonal dry winds prevailing. The Black Sea warms up to +25 °C in summer. The Sea of ​​Azov warms up to +27…+28 °C.

Climate. Distribution of total solar radiation.

Air temperature (July)

Air temperature (January)

The climate of most of Crimea can be characterized as a temperate climate - soft steppe in the flat part, more humid, characteristic of deciduous forests - in the mountains. The southern coast of Crimea is characterized by a subtropical Mediterranean climate.

Temperate continental zone

Subtropical Mediterranean belt (SMC)

Moderate continental climate type

Temperate climate (mountain forest)

Subtropical Mediterranean (South Coast)

Inland waters of Crimea. Rivers

A relatively small amount of precipitation, a long dry summer, and the spread of karst rocks in the mountains have caused the Crimea to be poor in surface water. Due to the unequal conditions for the formation and distribution of surface waters, Crimea is divided into two parts: flat steppe with a very small number of surface watercourses and mountain forest with a relatively dense river network. Almost all the rivers of the peninsula originate here. There are no rivers only on the flat surfaces of the land.

  • 257 rivers flow through the territory of Crimea (the largest are Salgir, Kacha, Alma, Belbek), Indol, Biyuk-Karasu, Chernaya, Burulcha. The longest river in Crimea is Salgir (220 km), the deepest is Belbek (water flow - 1500 liters per second).

  • There are over 50 salt lakes in Crimea, the largest of them is Lake Sasyk-Sivash - 205 km². The Black Sea artesian basin is located. The steppe part is cut by canals for irrigation; the largest is the North Crimean Canal.

Crimean groundwater

North Sivash, Belogorsky, Alminsky basins

Artesian basin of the Crimean Mountains.

In the mountains there is much more precipitation than in the plain Crimea, and evaporation, on the contrary, is less. Therefore, runoff formation occurs in the mountains, in the foothills (primarily within the Outer Ridge) water penetrates into permeable rock layers, and in the lowland Crimea, groundwater accumulates. Waters trapped in the limestone layer move north and west. There they formed a powerful artesian basin. Thus, the lowland Crimea, poor in surface water, has been steadily receiving good quality water from the mountains for a long geological time.

According to scientists, up to 75% of exploitable fresh water reserves are located in the artesian basins of the Crimean plain. Most extensive here North Sivashsky, Belogorsky and Alminsky artesian pools. They are giant troughs in the earth's crust, in which the number and thickness of rock layers, including aquifers, as a rule, increases.

Soils of Crimea

Mountain forest

Mountain Crimea


Plain Crimea is located in the subzone of turf-grass dry steppes with southern black soils And dark chestnut soils .

The southern coast and partly the southwestern part of Crimea are characterized by brown soils, formed under sub-Mediterranean dry forests and bushes.

Chernozems and dark chestnut soils

Population and economy of Crimea

  • 65% Russians, 24% Ukrainians, 11% Ukrainians. Tatars, 1% Belarusians, Armenians, Jews, Moldovans, Poles, Greeks, Gypsies. According to the results of the 2014 population census in the Crimean Federal District, the absolute majority of the population of the peninsula named Russian as their native language - 84%. Crimean Tatar was named as a native language by 7.9%, Tatar by 3.7%, and Ukrainian by 3.3%. 79.7% of Ukrainians, 24.8% of Tatars and 5.6% of Crimean Tatars named Russian as their native language. For 0.1% of Russians, their native language is Ukrainian.

1,239,800 people, in rural areas - 730,000 people. The largest cities: Sevastopol, Simferopol, Kerch, Evpatoria and Feodosia.



The largest city of the Crimean peninsula is Sevastopol - 389,921 inhabitants (2009), the capital of the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, is in 2nd place - 337,139 inhabitants (2009). Historically, Sevastopol and Simferopol are characterized by “competition” for 1st place in population, while the third place since the first All-Russian population census in 1897 invariably belongs to Kerch

  • Feodosia Mechanical Plant
  • Factory "Gidropribor" (Feodosia)
  • Sevastopol Instrument-Making Plant
  • Santekhprom plant (Simferopol)
  • Scientific and Production Association "Pneumatics"

Kamysh-Burunsky iron ore plant

  • Kerch Metallurgical Plant named after. P. L. Voikova

Dzhankoy Machine-Building Plant

Plant "Selkhozdetal" (Simferopol)

  • Shipbuilding:
  • Kerch shipyard "Zaliv"
  • Feodosia shipbuilding company "MORE"
  • Sevastopol Marine Plant named after. S. Ordzhonikidze
  • Mining:
  • Balaklava Mining Administration named after. M. Gorky
  • Chernomorneftegaz

  • The chemical industry of Crimea has a clear focus on sources of raw materials and is therefore located in the city of Saki, adjacent to the large salt lakes Sasyk and Saki and on the Perekop Isthmus, where the system of bitter-salty lakes is located
  • Saki Chemical Plant (Saki)
  • Scientific and Production Association “Iodobrom” (Saki)
  • Crimean Soda Plant (Krasnoperekopsk)
  • Perekop Bromine Plant (Krasnoperekopsk)
  • Crimean Titan (Armensk)
  • chemical production in Simferopol

  • Wine house "Fotisal" (Bakhchisaray)
  • Bakhchisarai Winery (Bakhchisarai)
  • Champagne winery "Novy Svet" (Novy Svet)
  • Factory of vintage wines and cognacs "Koktebel" (Koktebel)
  • Winery "Zolotoe Pole" (Zolotoe Pole)
  • LLC "Agrofirm "Zolotaya Balka" (Balaklava)
  • Inkerman Vintage Wine Factory (Inkerman)
  • National production and agricultural association "Massandra" (Yalta) (pictured)
  • National Institute of Grapes and Wine "Magarach" (Yalta)
  • SE "Sevastopol Winery" (Sevastopol)
  • PJSC "Solnechnaya Dolina" (Solnechnaya Dolina)

Tobacco industry:

  • Simferopol Tobacco-Fermentation Plant
  • Feodosia tobacco factory

  • The specialization of Crimean agriculture is grain growing, livestock breeding, viticulture, horticulture, vegetable growing, as well as the cultivation of essential oil crops (lavender, roses, sage).
  • The structure of agricultural land, which occupies 63% of the territory of Crimea, is dominated by arable land (63.3% of the total area of ​​agricultural land). This is followed by pastures - 22.9%, perennial plantings - 8.7% and hayfields - 0.1%.
  • The oldest agricultural industry in Crimea is viticulture. Crimea is famous for its technical grape varieties, which are used to produce high-quality wines, cognacs and juices. The republic was the main region of Ukraine for grape production. In 2013, Crimea collected 472 thousand tons of vegetables and almost 412 tons of potatoes


One of the most picturesque places in Crimea, Balaklava Bay, has long won the hearts of tourists, and even the residents themselves. We shouldn't lag behind either!


The Khan's Palace is located on Crimean territory, in the city of Bakhchisarai, on the left bank of the Churuk-Su River and dates back to the 16th century.


“Jur-Jur...”, the deepest Crimean waterfall flows from a fifteen-meter height at a speed of about three hundred liters per second.

In the Crimean Tatar language, the name of the picturesque waterfall, located in the vicinity of the famous resort town of Alushta, means “water” or “murmuring” (“Сurcur”).


Vorontsov Palace (19th century) is located in the city of Alupka, at the feet of the Ai-Petri hill.


The Genoese fortress is located on Mount “Fortress” near the city of Sudak, on the coast of Crimea, built by the Genoese in the period from 1371 to 1469.


Mount Ai-Petri (1234 meters) rises above the city of Alupka and the village of Koreiz on the territory of the Yalta mountain forest reserve


One of the most popular natural sites is Mount Ayu-Dag, located on the border between Alushta and Yalta.


Swallow's Nest (19th century) is located in the village of Gaspra. The architectural and historical monument rises 40 meters above the sea, located on the steep cliff of Cape Ai-Todor.


The Livadia Palace, park, Suite (Prague) building, Fredericks Palace, Holy Cross Church in the complex are an architectural and natural ensemble located in the village of the same name, on the Black Sea coast of the Yalta Crimea. Directly separated from Yalta by three kilometers.


Massandra Palace (19th century) or the palace of Alexander the Third is located on the Crimean southern coast, on the territory of Upper Massandra. It is a branch of the Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve.


The cape, also known as the Tarkhantuk Peninsula, is a real pearl of Crimea, and, moreover, the most extreme point of the Crimean Peninsula, with which it has a 52-kilometer land border.

This place embodies a tourist’s dream - ecological cleanliness, healing climate and vibrant nature.


The mysterious medieval fortress city of Chufut-Kale, which is 2.5 km east of the no less legendary Bakhchisarai, rises above three picturesque valleys.


Kara-Dag is a mountain-volcanic massif on the territory of the Feodosia City Council of Crimea, on the shores of the Black Sea. The reserve occupies the territory of a volcanic massif.

Kara-Dag (Karadag), translated from Turkish and Crimean Tatar languages ​​into Russian - “black mountain”. Nearby is the Koktebel resort


The Golden Gate is an arched coastal rock located in the sea, 85 meters from the coast of the ancient extinct volcano Kara-Dag. WELCOME TO CRIMEA!!!

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