Skyrim Moira contract. Daedra Quests (Final)

Easter eggs, Easter eggs... people look for them everywhere and always. And they will continue to search. Some of the above seems quite real, some are strange but understandable, others are completely incredible. But it is what it is. So... let me introduce you to a bunch of incredible, goofy, wonderful Easter eggs!

"Star Trek"

  • The character Temba Broad Arms is a reference to the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode entitled "Danmok", where it is repeatedly stated: "Temba, he's got broad arms." This is a Nord who lives at the Ivarstead sawmill.
  • In the book Great Harbingers, Sirrok the Proud is identified as the first outsider Harbinger of the Companions. His name alludes to actor Sirroc Lofton, who played Jake Sisko in the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  • When talking to Urag Gro-Shub (librarian of the College of Winterhold), he may say: “But at the same time, all this is true. Even lies. Especially lies." This is most likely an homage to the negotiations between Karak and Bashir in the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

"Star Wars"

  • In the Coldshore Cave (Eastern Winterhold), a skeleton hangs upside down from the ceiling. Under the skeleton is a glowing sword. This is a reference to Star Wars. Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back" when Luke Skywalker was captured on Hoth and suspended from the ceiling of a cave. The blade represents his lightsaber.

    This is the second time Besedka has placed this Easter egg in the game. A similar scene is presented in Bjorn's cave in Bloodmoon.

  • If you travel with the ghost of Lucien Lachance, he will sometimes say, “I feel a disturbance in the void.” The phrase is very similar to the Jedi's signature line: "I feel a stirring in the force."
  • At the Frozen Fruit Tavern, you can hear a conversation between Eric and his father, where he tells his son: “all I ask is to stay for one more season” and “you have the blood of your mother.” This is a reference to Luke's conversation with Uncle Owen in Episode IV of Star Wars: A New Hope.

Three Billy Goats

  • On the way to the stronghold of Hag Rock Redoubt there is a bridge with a dead troll under it. If you appeared here for the first time, you will see how two goats met a third at the end of the bridge, and then ran away together. This is a reference to the children's story "Rough Billy's Three Goats", where the troll was defeated by three goats. A similar reference can be found in Oblivion.

Pied Piper of Hamelin

  • In the quest “Dampened Spirits” you will meet a not entirely sane magician named Hamelin, whose journal describes how he created an army of skeevers. This may be a reference to the Pied Piper of Hamelin.


  • In The House of Horrors, when you find yourself locked in an abandoned house in Markarth, a poltergeist will arrange the chairs on the table in a complex pattern. This is likely a reference to the famous scene in the 1982 film Poltergeist, where the forces haunting the family did the same thing.

Red dwarf

  • In The Mind of Madness, Pelagius's trust and paranoia manifest as real beings and fight each other. This is a reference to an early episode of the British fantasy comedy Red Dwarf, when in the episode "Trust and Paranoia", Dave Lister became infected with a mutated disease and his trust and paranoia took on human form. They tried to defeat each other, and in the end they both died.


  • The Notched Pickaxe is a reference to "Notch", the creator of Minecraft. In the game, the pickaxe is used for mining.

The Shawshank Redemption

  • You can talk to Enthir at the College of Winterhold and choose the following phrase: “I understand, you are an elf who knows how to get what you need.” This is a reference to the Stephen King film The Shawshank Redemption.

The nightmare before christmas

  • Under the Goldenflower estate, in the sewers, the player can encounter a group of skeletons of 5 deer and a man. This may be a reference to The Nightmare Before Christmas, in which Jack Skellington rides a sleigh pulled by skeletons.


  • In Endon's house in Markarth, there is a shelf where garlic, glow dust, pieces of goat cheese, and a killer fish egg are arranged in such a way that they resemble Pac-Man. There are even several Pak points.

Monty Python

  • Sometimes in close combat NPCs may exclaim, "It's just a scratch!" This is a possible reference to the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail, where the Black Knight said this when his arms and legs were cut off.
  • During Roggvir's execution, he will shout "Come on, get moving!", which is a reference to the end of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Norse mythology

  • In the Promises to Keep Quest you can obtain the birth certificate of Sleipnir, Father Christmas. Sleipnir is Odin's eight-legged horse in Norse mythology.
  • One of the dragon priests, Volsung, is named after a hero from Norse mythology. Also, Sigurd, an assistant in Belethor's shop in Whiterun, shares his name with another Norse mythological hero. Sigurd is also the grandson of Volsung, and his father's name is Sigmund.
  • Sigmund broke his sword Gram in battle, and many years later it was reforged for Sigurd, who used it to kill the dragon Fafnir. This story may have inspired the beginning of Glory of the Dead, in which the player reforges Vuuthrad.
  • Sovngarde and the Hall of Valor have similarities to Asgard and Valhalla.
  • The Poetic Edda sung by the College of Bards reflects a collection of texts of the same name from the old Norse culture.

Pete's Dragon

  • When we first enter Riverwood, we see an old woman running screaming, “Dragon! The Dragon! I swear I saw a dragon!” This is a reference to a song from the children's movie Pete's Dragon.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

  • At night, the player can encounter the Headless Horseman. He appears as a headless ghost on a spectral horse, armed with an axe. The player cannot talk to him, but can follow him. Hostile NPCs and creatures will attack him, but he ignores them. The rider will take the player to Hamvir's Rest and disappear. Dancing with skeletons and a treasure chest await you in the cemetery.

Love Potion No. 9

  • In the quest "Salt for Arcadia", the player provides frost salt to the alchemist Arcadia, who intends to use it to create a love elixir. This is most likely a reference to the 1992 film Love Potion No. 9, where the love potion was created by concentrated salt.

Lord of the Rings

  • In Whiterun, the giant tree is called Gildergreen. It was able to grow from the sprout of the oldest of the trees, Elderglim, but it dies. This is similar to the story of the capital of Gondor, Minas Tirith, where the White Tree found itself in a similar situation.
  • In Whiterun, during the quest "Battle for Whiterun", you can see Hadran or Ralof at the city wall after the battle. He says, “I’m sure I’ve killed more than you. I was counting." This is a reference to Legolas and Gimli.
  • In the quest "A Night to Remember", one task is to obtain a wedding ring from a sorceress named Moira, who will scream "My precious!" if you try to take the ring from her. Why not Gollum?
  • The hilt of the broken sword in Angarvunde is another reference to this series. Its location (there is only a skeleton with a ring nearby) is a reference to Sauron.

The Legend of Zelda

  • During the quest Proving Honor, Farkas reveals that the members of the Circle are werewolves, stating that "It's a secret to everyone." This phrase is famous for its use in the secret rooms of the original Nintendo game The Legend of Zelda.

Interview with a Vampire

  • There is a vampire in the Dark Brotherhood named Babette. In Anne Rice's novel Interview with the Vampire, Babette is the main character's first love. However, the girl's body is a reference to Claudia, a seventy-year-old vampire in the body of a seven-year-old child.


  • The quest "A Night To Remember" may be a reference to the movie "The Hangover". During the quest, you travel throughout Skyrim in search of Sam's drinking buddy, simultaneously solving all the problems that you created during the “stormy” night.

Legend of King Arthur

  • If you found the Broken Tower Redoubt, immediately south of it there will be a place called Rebel's Cairn, where you can find a pile of stones with a sword stuck into the topmost stone. This is a reference to the legend of the king Arthur.
  • A little northeast of Bleakwind Basin, there is a pond with a skeletal hand holding a sword. This is a reference to the Lady of the Lake from Arthurian Legend.
  • In the center of the lake you can find the Lady Stone. This is another reference to the Lady of the Lake from Arthurian Legend.

Indiana Jones

  • If you ask Atis why he joined the Companions, he will answer: “Luck and glory, friend. Luck and glory! This is a reference to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Hunting the Wumpus

  • Possible companion Belrand sometimes mentions a game he played as a child: "Search for the Wumpus." This is likely a reference to the classic computer game Hunt for the Wumpus.

Joss Whedon

  • You can find a book called "The Cabin in the Woods." This is a direct link to the film, which will be released in early 2012.


  • In the Dark Brotherhood, you will face an assassin named Cicero. This is likely a reference to the Roman philosopher and statesman Cicero, who was a close friend of Cassius, one of Caesar's assassins.


  • During the quest to return the skeleton key on the Pilgrim's Way, you can find the diary "Nidstrom's Diary". Nydstrom is the guitarist from the famous Swedish rock band Catatonia. The diary contains references to the band's music, including "Night of a New Day" from their latest album, Ghost of the Sun.

Dungeons and Dragons

  • If you go back up the road from Riverwood to where you came from after the prologue, you will find the Embershard Mine cave. This is a link to a D&D comic where Mike Kraulik, Jerry Holkins, Scott Kurtz, and Wil Wheaton showed off the new quadruple edition. IN English language The Embershard Mine is a pun on Ambershard, the name of a clan of dwarves who steal mines from the clan of Scott Kurtz's character, Binwyn Bronzebottom.

William Shakespeare

  • On a cliff in the Reach there is a shrine dedicated to Peryt, the Daedric lord of plague and pestilence. In a niche at the foot of the cliff, in the southeast, you can find two corpses with poisons and a dagger lying between them. This is a reference to Romeo and Juliet.

William Tell

  • In the Swindler's Den there is a training dummy with an apple on its head. Most likely this is a tribute famous history William Tell, where the master archer had to shoot an apple from his son's head.


  • In the quest “Innocence Lost”, entering Orphanage, you will hear Grelod the Good shouting at the children, "What are you saying?" And they answer: “We love you, Grelod, for your kindness!” This is very similar to the movie Annie, in which the orphans are asked, “WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?” The response was always, “We love you, Miss Hannigan.”

300 Spartans

  • If you head directly south from the Temple of Peryit and just a little west from Karthwasten, northeast from the Lover's Stone, you'll run straight into a skeleton (about halfway up the mountain). If you look to the side of the skeleton, you will see a saber-toothed cat stuck between two stones, whose head has been pierced through by a glass sword. This is a reference to the scene from 300, where Leonidas leads the wolf into a narrow passage and then sticks a spear into its mouth.
  • Also in the western part of the map, known as "The Reach", there is an area very similar to where the Spartans fought the Persians in the film.


  • The city of High Hrothgar may have been named after the character named Hrothgar from Beowulf. Also, Hrothgar is the name of the real king of Denmark.

Historical links

  • Directly east of the Frostflow Lighthouse, a mammoth can be found frozen into the wall of a glacier, with arrows and what appear to be prehistoric spears embedded in its hide. The arrows found in the mammoth seem to be from dwarves - a hint that the beast could have been killed by the Dwemer.
  • "East Imperial Company" is most likely a reference to the historical East India Company.

After you reach level 14, in one of the random taverns in Skyrim you will be called out by a visitor dressed in a black robe named Sam Geven. He will offer to play the Skyrim folk game “who will outdrink who.”

After the first mug, your drinking companion will begin to get tongue-tied, and after the second he will almost give up. Drink the last one, and your adventures will soon begin.

Debauchery in the Temple of Dibella

You wake up in the Temple of Dibella in Markarth. The disgruntled priestess Senna stands nearby and scolds you for the trash around you. Help the priestess remove it (holy water and a giant's finger are available), and then find out from her the details of your appearance here.

It turns out that you, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, burst into the temple and became rowdy, shouting something about a wedding, a goat and Rorikstead. The priestess does not know about any Sam, but on the floor you can find a note about the restoration of some broken staff, signed by Sam.

There is no need to clean things up in the temple - just use your eloquence skills or simply pay the priestess for the mess.

Deal of the century

Your path lies in Rorikstead. Find a peasant named Ennis there. He will attack you with accusations of stealing a goat. They say they stole it and sold it to a giant.

Again, it is not necessary to go in search of the goat - you can pay Ennis or intimidate him. But in this case, you deprive yourself of the pleasure of fully completing this entertaining quest.

Go in search of the goat at the behest of the marker. You'll find Gleda, the goat's name, on a hill near Rorikstead. The problem is that the giant Grok is “on duty” next to the goat, who will be peaceful until you try to take his little animal away from him.

So you can use one of the following options:

  • Kill the giant;
  • Steal the goat away unnoticed;
  • Calm the giant using a spell from the school of illusion.

When Gleda returns to her rightful owner, he will tell you that you mentioned a certain Isolde and Whiterun.

My bride

Isolde lives on the streets of Whiterun. It turns out that you also managed to owe her - she gave you a loan wedding ring, since you were about to get married.

You can intimidate Isolde or pay her 2000 gold. But it’s definitely not recommended to skip this part of the quest, if you’re going through it for the first time.

If you decide to return the ring to Isolde, then your path lies in the Witch's Mist grove, which is south of Windhelm. Your bride, as you might have guessed from the name of the area, is a sorceress.

Moira - your bride - when asked about the ring, will begin to hiss that she does not want to share you with Esmerelda (another sorceress). It's scary to think what really happened here. The fortuneteller will have to be killed and the ring returned to Isolde.

Misty Grove

The last stop is Fort Morvunskar, inhabited by sorcerers who will try to destroy you with all available destructive spells. After clearing, look at one of the corners of Morvunskar, in which there is a large translucent sphere. Go inside and you will find yourself in a misty grove.

Having walked a little further along the path forward, you will find people feasting in a clearing, led by your friend Sam Geven. Talk to him and you will learn that Sam Guevenne is none other than the Daedric Prince Sanguine himself.

For such a diligent “debriefing” after a riotous drinking session, Sanguine will reward you with an artifact that allows the wearer to summon a dremora from the depths of Oblivion for two minutes.

Another victim

It would seem that it was time to forget about Sanguin and his cheerful adventures, but that was not the case. Now you have a chance to meet the Argonian Drink-To-Bottom during your adventures, who will try to extract 10,000 gold from you for allegedly sending him to a bandit camp, where he almost died. Using persuasion skills, you can reduce the amount to 750 gold or deal with the lizard like a man.

Translator: aolege

An unusual and very peculiar mod that adds two companions.

Wack Wack
You have all been to Solstheim and met small and nasty Rieklings. Although they are easy to kill, they cause quite a bit of trouble. In vanilla you won't find female Rieklings. Now this mod changes that. On a rocky island near Raven Rock, the Riekling Wak Wak lives alone. Why does she live alone? As soon as you see her, you will immediately understand.
As soon as you get to her, she will attack you and rape you. Then he will ask you to kill the bear and take the backpack. Afterwards she becomes your companion. Wak Wak with English voice acting.

Passing the quest for the first time An unforgettable night“I immediately asked myself: “Did the dragonborn really get so drunk that he spent the night with Moira?” (although in reality I had such cases). But in the vanilla quest everything is resolved successfully.
But now Moira is simply obsessed with GG and we are looking forward to your return. As soon as the GG comes to the fortune teller, she will attack and you will have a second unforgettable night. Then he will invite her to move to her house, cook poisons, collect little eyes and at night...
But if you are drawn to adventure, then Moira can be your companion.
Moira has been completely redesigned and has English voice acting.

Mod Features
- 3 sorcerers have been changed to be more “humane” (Gelmoril Coven)
- fully voiced companion - the sorceress (Moira)
- fully voiced companion (Wak Wak)
- small quest Wak Wak

Question: How to take the wedding ring without killing Moira?
Answer: Once she becomes your companion, take the ring from inventory

During the quest "A Night to Remember", do not save the game before the first conversation with Moira, otherwise there will be bugs

The Elder Scrolls 5.Skyrim.Legendary Edition and all DLC
HDT Physics Extensions
RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard

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