How to redeem booked Aeroflot tickets. How to book tickets at Aeroflot: online, at the box office, by phone

Aeroflot, Russia's largest airline, operates both domestic and international flights. For travelers who use the services of this company, the question always arises: how to save money when buying tickets?

There are different ways to buy Aeroflot tickets, but in this article you will learn how aviasales .ru/?marker=145366″ class="TPAutoLinks" target="_blank" >cost.

There are several ways to buy Aeroflot airline tickets:

  1. At one of the company's ticket offices. There are Aeroflot branches in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad or Vladivostok.
  2. At ticketing agencies.
  3. Through search engines.

All the first 3 options involve buying tickets not directly, but through an intermediary, that is, you will need to pay a commission to him. It may vary, but in general is from 5 to 10% for 1 ticket.

You can buy Aeroflot tickets cheaply and without commission only on the official website of the company.

To roughly know the price range, you can go to special search engine sites, such as, through the “ incognita» in your browser. It ensures your complete privacy when visiting the site. As a result, the prices there will already be indicated without commission.

How to buy a plane ticket online.

How to book an Aeroflot plane ticket on the official website?

To do this, you need to go through several stages: find the right flight at the right price; book it by entering your passport details; confirm the booking with payment. The Aeroflot website is simple, convenient and quite informative. By following the instructions provided on the site and carefully reading the conditions for booking, you can quickly and easily issue tickets.

Stage 1. Determine the appropriate flight

First, let's go to the site. On the main page, on the left, there is already a table to fill out. There we indicate the dates of departure / arrival, the city of departure / arrival, the number of passengers, the class of service, the country and currency in which you will pay for the ticket.

Main page

Passenger categories are presented separately: adults, children - from 2 to 12 years old, infants - up to 2 years old and youth - from 12 to 25 years old. The last three categories are eligible for discounts on ticket purchases. You can find out up to what age children fly for free on an airplane, you can.

We press the button " Find flights».

After filling in all these lines, you will be taken to the booking page. There you will have several flight options to choose from, indicating prices, the number of remaining seats and the class of service.

Flight selection

At the top are the pricing options. promo, budget, optimum, premium. Tariffs imply the possibility / impossibility and time limits for the return or exchange of tickets and the amount to be returned. Accordingly, the cheaper the ticket, the lower the fare, which means that such a ticket will be impossible to exchange or return. Read more about non-refundable tickets. Tariff terms are subject to change so it's best to check them from time to time.

It is worthwhile to first drive in not the immediate dates of departure / arrival, but the approximate date range in which you plan to go in order to find the best ticket price. There can be completely different prices for flights on different dates.

If you need only one way, then in this case you will be charged the full cost, as for two tickets, and even at the full rate. Therefore, it is better to immediately choose a round-trip ticket.

Flights with transfers will be more expensive, as they are carried out with Aeroflot partners, such as Air France. However, when connecting flights are operated by two different airlines, you will have to at the transfer airport to receive baggage and re-register for the next flight. Whereas, if you fly with a transfer with one airline, you will only need to go through passport and customs control and find your way to the plane.

After selecting the desired flights, you will be redirected to the page " Passengers».

Stage 2. Fill in personal data

If you are flying inside Russia, then you need to enter the details of your internal passport. If abroad, then, accordingly, the data of your foreign. passports in Latin letters, as indicated in it.

Page "Passengers"

Below you enter your contacts so that the company's employees can contact you if necessary.

Check carefully all the information provided, as the airline is not responsible for entering incorrect data.

On the right side, the flights you have chosen, their amount and what it consists of are once again indicated.

Information about selected flights

Booking without payment can hold from 2 days to a week depending on how many days before your trip you book your tickets. You can find out how to book flights without paying. A booking confirmation will be sent to you by e-mail with all the data and the date by which it must be paid. If there is no such letter, then it may have gone to the Spam or Junk mail folders.

Rules and Restrictions Page

Stage 3. Payment

If everything suits you, then you can proceed to payment. You can pay in several ways:

  1. By bank card - enter your card details, then go to the bank payment confirmation page. You receive an SMS code to the phone number that you drive in, thereby confirming the payment.
  2. Yandex money - for this you need to have an account with Yandex.
  3. In communication salons Svyaznoy or Euroset - for this you need to print a receipt from the site and pay there.
  4. webmoney.
  5. QIWI.
  6. Aeroflot office.

Payment Methods

Please note that when paying for already booked tickets at the company's office, you will need to pay a fee for issuing tickets.

After payment, you will receive an e-ticket by e-mail. You need to print it out and take it with you. At the airport, you will have to present this ticket and your passport (internal or foreign). Learn more about how to check your e-ticket..

The advantage of this ticket is that even if you lose it, you will always have its electronic version in the mail. If necessary, you print it again and that's it.

As you have seen for yourself, booking tickets on the Aeroflot website is convenient, fast and safe.

Main theses:

  1. Booking air tickets without paying for a visa is suitable for all Schengen countries, as well as the countries of the Middle East and Asia.
  2. In the US today, tickets are not required.
  3. The booking process without payment goes through the official websites of the airlines or through special flight selection agencies.
  4. It can be done on the sites:,
  5. Booking dates must be at least 10 days, as this is the maximum period for checking documents at the embassy.

In what cases is

If you have planned a trip to Europe, America, Asia, Nigeria, then having a Russian passport, you must apply for a visa. Visa Application Centers of the EU and the USA, Great Britain require the provision of copies of two-way air tickets along with other documents required for applying for a visa.

If you are traveling through a travel agency, then information about the dates is known in advance. The seats on the plane are booked by the agency.

But what about an independent tourist whose travel dates are not fully approved? In this regard, tourists have a burning question “How to book air tickets without prepayment?”.

You can do this in the following cases:

  1. Lack of access to a bank card or lack of funds on it, if you wish, do not miss the discount offer on the price.
  2. Submission of documents for a visa at the request of consuls.

Failure risks

The visa code of the European Union says that citizens of other countries applying for a Schengen visa must show a copy of the return ticket. Or have a document for its booking with you.

The laws are just as strict for travelers who are going to fly to America, Africa or other places. Booking without payment for a visa is necessary so that the embassy is clearly sure that you will return to your homeland and will not stay abroad after the visa expires. This fear is caused by a large flow of illegal migrants, especially to European countries.

By contacting the visa center with these questions, you can get the following answers:

  • Official representatives of the Consulate General of Spain review the documents within ten working days from the moment they arrive at the visa center. The term for consideration of prepared papers can vary from several days to ten.

Booking tickets must be provided for the entire period of study of documents at the embassy. Please note: when applying to the Spanish Exhibition Center for a Schengen visa for the first time, a tourist must have a reservation at the country's airport.

He can also travel to other states. However, the period of stay in Spain should be longer. If you plan to visit other countries of the European Union, the consulate will require a flight reservation and a hotel room.

  • The Italian EC informs that for visa processing it accepts a copy of the purchased plane tickets, as well as their reservation.

There are cases when travelers using Photoshop changed the dates on old tickets. You should not create fake copies, as this is regarded as a crime of intentionally forging a document.

Employees of the visa center can independently verify the issuance of your air ticket by calling the number or through official Internet services. This is personally confirmed by many tourists on the forums.

Where to book tickets without paying for a visa

As we have already reported, the terms for studying the documents submitted for permission must coincide with the dates of booking seats on the plane. Registration without redemption is carried out in two ways:

  • through a website that is directly owned by the airline;
  • through an agency that is a service for collecting all flight data.

To understand which method to choose, you should talk in more detail about each of them.

The first one is booking directly, that is, through the airline's web page. There is one nuance that must be taken into account. Not all sites are right for you. Choose exactly those that provide the longest term for “post-payment”. The company has every right, without explaining the reasons, to cut the terms set for your reservation.

Notification will be sent by email, so please use only work email addresses. To avoid this incident, study in detail all the rules of the airline.

The best solution is to first contact them through an e-mail box or the phone number indicated on the site. As an example of airlines issuing reservations for more than a few days, we can recommend the American company United Airlines.

They are ready to provide their potential customers with a ticket booking for a week. But the Korean line Korean Air extends this period to ten days. From Russians, you can contact Aeroflot.

Remember that there are companies that, after refusing to pay at the end of the period, charge you a set fine or a certain percentage of the cost of the deferred ticket.

The second method, the most common, is advance booking without paying a fee through special agencies. The registration process is carried out online.

The main advantage of working with them is the ability to book tickets even from those airlines that do not provide for postpaid. The booking time depends solely on the date of departure. If you book a seat for yourself a few days or a week before the flight, then you should not hope that your booking will be extended for a long time.

This payment delay will be a maximum of 72 hours. Experienced travelers always book a ticket without paying a few months before the actual flight. In this case, it will be possible to keep the reservation even for 10 days, which fully covers the period for submitting documents for consideration at the embassy. The most popular agencies for ordering non-refundable tickets are:

  1. is an online service that has been operating since 2006. The company positions itself as an assistant to independent tourists, not only in issuing air tickets, but also in planning the entire trip. Here you can book a hotel, rent a car, transfer from and to the airport and more. The site has a Russian translation.
  2. Recently updated their app with more customer experience. Now the free service can access flight schedules that are constantly updated. You can track everything: departure delay time, exact arrival, cancellation, or an additional route. The user also receives information about the booked room.
  3. The company has a convenient mobile application that is constantly updated.
  4. their base includes more than 350 thousand travel agencies providing accommodation and air tickets. The site is in English and has been operating since 2012.
  5. is a convenient Russian-language server that has been helping tourists with booking air tickets since 2009. The site monitors all information on the schedule not only of flights from Russia, but also from other parts of the world.
  6. is an easy-to-use portal that collects all information about scheduled aircraft.

After the booking has been confirmed, a special PNR number will be sent to your mail. Enter this code on the site to track the status. If you see a window with your ticket marked “confirmed”, you can print it and attach it along with other documents for applying for a visa.


Book your ticket using one of three options:

  1. Online through the website or through the service application.
  2. On site at the airport.
  3. Directly through the office of the airline or a special agency.

To date, the majority of tickets are issued online. That is why we provide you with step-by-step steps for registering a boarding ticket via the Internet using the website as an example.

Instructions for

Step 1. First, we look for active flights and free seats: we enter the location of departure and arrival, as well as the dates we need. Don't forget to select the number of passengers.

Step 2. Choose the best flight for you and click on the button.

  1. Phone number.
  2. Valid email.
  3. Name and surname in Latin, as in the passport.
  4. Citizenship.
  5. Date of birth.
  6. Foreigner's number and more.

All information must be reliable, since you give a copy to the embassy for Schengen registration.

Step 4. Check the box "booking for a visa." On this tab, the deadlines until the end of the period when you can make an order will be marked.

It is worth noting that the company requires 300 rubles from the user for its service. You can pay this bill through a bank card or through the specified electronic wallets.

After the amount is paid, an e-mail will be sent to your mail. Here you will find a printable copy of the ticket.

The booking is canceled automatically after the expiration date indicated on the website. The company does not impose any fines on its customers in case of refusal to buy.

Airsales instruction

Through this site:

  1. We go to the indicated page and enter personal information (from where, where, departure dates).
  2. Select the desired ticket. The system redirects to the airline's website. Checking and entering data.
  3. We confirm the booking. Fill in the information about the passenger.
  4. We open email.

To check if the tickets are booked, let's use checkmytrip:

  1. We go through registration and go to your personal account, marking the same information on the site as when ordering a ticket.
  2. Confirmed indicates that the status of the reservation has been confirmed.
  3. Click on the link for more information on the ticket.

We invite you to watch the video, which describes in detail the process of booking without payment.

How to go through the procedure on the airline website

You have read the instructions for interactive booking through agencies. Now you can analyze in detail the design on the official pages of aviation companies.

We took Turkish Airlines as an example. Their main advantages are a website with a translation into Russian and 10 days to delay a ticket.

Step 1. Go to the site and select the date and point of departure, arrival. Don't forget to check "book a ticket".

Step 2. Choose the flight that suits you.

Step 3. Fill in the required passenger information. All data must be exclusively reliable. In addition to e-mail, enter your mobile phone number, which will receive a confirmation SMS message.

Step 4 . Mark the reservation column. Without entering data from your bank card, an SMS will be sent to the mail about the reservation and payment of the full cost deferred for 10 days.

We hope that the knowledge gained from this article will help you travel independently without paperwork problems. A description of these booking methods will not only save money, but will also provide a guarantee for the confirmation of documents for obtaining Schengen and other visas.

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Fast way

Important nuances

Consulates require a round-trip ticket to obtain a Schengen visa. For an independent tourist, this is inconvenient: the date and country of return are not always known, and a visa may be denied. And if a hotel reservation can be easily made through Booking and canceled, things are more complicated with air tickets. Let's figure out how to book air tickets without paying for a visa, or reduce costs to a minimum.

The EU visa code clearly states that in order to assess the intention to leave the Schengen countries, it is sufficient to provide a return ticket, a round trip ticket or a booking of such tickets.

Booking does not imply the payment of tickets. But the validity of the reservation on the plane is too short to get a visa. Is it enough to book a day to get a visa? Let us ask this question to the ECs of Spain and Italy.

Reply from the EC of Spain:

The Consulate General of Spain reviews the documents and makes a decision within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of the documents by the Consulate of Spain in Moscow. Each visa application is considered on an individual basis. As a result, decision times may vary. In case of providing a full package of documents that meet the requirements of the Consulate, the decision will be made within 5 working days.

The ticket reservation must be valid for the entire period of consideration of your documents. The fact of paying for tickets for applying for a visa is optional.

Please note that on a Spanish visa, the first trip must be to Spain.

To apply for a visa to Spain, more days of the trip must be in Spain. If during your trip you are going to visit other Schengen countries, except for Spain, you must provide all documents for your stay in these countries and movement between countries and cities.

The answer of the Italian Center:

When submitting documents, both paid plane tickets (originals + photocopy) and confirmation of their booking are accepted.

Theoretically, a visa officer can check the availability of a reservation by number: call the airline or use online services. But will he do it? With a large flow of applications, it is unlikely. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of tourists. No one had a case of being denied a Schengen visa due to a broken armor.

Some even manage to get a visa with last year's redacted booking, or print it yourself. We do not recommend using this method, as it is a deliberate forgery of documents.

What methods work?

  • Real ticket purchase with full payment, and further refund.
  • Booking through the websites of airlines or intermediaries without payment.
  • Confirmation of another mode of transport.
  • Cancellation insurance.

Let's consider these points in more detail.

Buying and returning a ticket

The most reliable way, but high costs. The ticket can be returned after obtaining a visa. And sometimes even return the full cost for it.

In accordance with Article 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the passenger receives 100% of the paid carriage fee, with the exception of the carrier's actual expenses incurred. If the refund is made less than a day before the flight, a penalty of up to 25% will be charged. Following the adoption of the law on non-refundable tickets in 2014, airlines can sell up to 30% of tickets for a flight without the possibility of a refund.

These rules do not apply to foreign companies. Therefore, you need to carefully study the penalties for returns before buying. Usually cheap tickets cannot be returned, but there is such an opportunity in business class. If your visa is denied, you will lose money for both tickets and consular fees.

Aeroflot has fully refundable premium fares:

  • Premium Business;
  • Premium Comfort;
  • Premium-Economy - except for YPXRTRF/YPXOWRF tariffs for Simferopol;
  • OPTIMUM tariffs - return with a fine from 50 to 200 euros / dollars;
  • Budget and Economy tariffs are non-refundable (including taxes and fees).

Detailed return conditions on the official website of Aeroflot.
If you decide to buy a return ticket, pay in cash - the money goes to the card longer.

To protect yourself - you can buy travel insurance, which will protect against visa refusal. You need to look for one in the airline so that it works without a package tour.

There is an additional ticket return service for 9% of its cost. Even if, according to the rules of the airline, tickets are non-refundable, you can still return up to 90% of the cost. Part of the money is returned to the OneTwoTrip savings account for further purchases.

For a commission of 9%, you can return up to 90% of the ticket price. The non-refundable part of the amount is returned to the account in the service.

Some airlines make a refund in case of refusal of a visa (KLM, UIA).

Booking without payment

Without any problems, you can book a ticket for 1 day, choosing the payment method at the office or by bank transfer when purchasing. This is enough to get a real printout of the reservation and give it to the consulate. You can find a reservation even for 10 days. If you put it right before applying for a visa, this should be enough for a possible check of documents by the consul.

You need to understand that a long booking is not guaranteed. Sometimes it is removed if there is little time left before departure, or there are people who want to buy this place. Some services and airlines have a paid booking service, this is a more reliable option.

Where to book

    • For 200 rubles, you can extend the reservation for 7 days.

Booking for 7 days for 199 rubles.

    • Through - deferred booking payment for 7-10 days is available for some flights. You need to register on the site.

The video shows how to work with (from 4 minutes) and get a ticket printout:

    • - booking is available if you are registered and have already bought tickets through the service. You can get a reservation for several days by choosing the cash payment method.

Booking through AWAD.

    • Through Turkish Airlines - deferred payment for 10 days, no need to enter bank card details.

At the stage of paying for a ticket on Turkish Airlines, select deferred payment and reserve.

  • - service "Time to think" for 5 or 15 euros. Reservations and fares are frozen for up to 7 days. The service is free for infants and first class passengers.

On many sites, the printout indicates that the reservation is not paid. If the consulate does not require payment for the ticket, it is not necessary to erase this inscription. In other cases, you can get a more “solid” printout from third-party services:

You need to break through the booking in all services, they work with different bases. In one of them, the reservation should be found. If nowhere, try to book a ticket again, or change the flight / airline.

Another option is to get a long-term reservation without paying for a visa through a travel agency for an additional fee or through acquaintances.

Confirmation of another mode of transport

It is not necessary to travel to Europe by plane. Other ways to confirm transport:

    • When traveling by car: free-form itinerary (with a description of the trip plan for each date with hotels and cities), vehicle registration certificate, driver's license. You can attach a ferry ticket reservation.

Booking a ferry ticket from St. Petersburg to Finland.

  • Railway transport: Russian Railways refunds the full cost of a ticket for trains in neighboring countries. Detailed return conditions on the Russian Railways website.
  • Combined option: buying a train ticket to Vilnius, then a low-cost Ryanair plane ticket to the right place (30-50 euros). The train ticket is returned, the plane ticket either burns out or is reissued for a convenient date and direction.

What the airlines say

We asked popular airlines about the possibility of booking a ticket for obtaining a visa without payment, the maximum booking period and fees for ticket refunds.

S7 Airlines:

For such a long period (10 days), a ticket reservation cannot be created without payment.

You can either:

1) Issue an air ticket under the Standard tariff plan, according to which it is possible to issue a refund without deductions.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules of application for each of the tariffs (conditions for a return / rebooking) by clicking on the link:

2) You can also purchase a ticket with additional Travel insurance, which provides for the risk of "Visa Denial".

This insurance policy is suitable for individual travel. An insurance policy can be added when purchasing tickets on the website

More detailed information:

In case of refusal of a visa, the cost will be fully refunded if the following conditions are met:

Additional information can be found on our website: .

If you decide to buy a ticket before you get your visa, you need to make sure that the fare rules allow you to make changes. This information is available on our ticket search page - after the outward and return flights have been selected.

We can also create a booking for you, but it will only be active for 3 days. In principle, usually, this is enough to submit documents to the embassy.


You can book your tickets with any agency at the normal economy class fare (Y), which has the longest ticketing time. After confirming your visa, you can buy tickets on the Airline's website at the lowest available fare. The website of the Airline does not charge agency fees.

The first booking will need to be canceled by calling the agency.

If the ticket is returned due to a refusal to issue a visa, the return is not considered forced. If you buy a non-refundable ticket, the entire amount of the ticket is non-refundable.


On this issue, contact the Call Center operators and tell them that you need a reservation for the embassy.

Booking is free.

Upon request, the Aeroflot Call Center can extend the visa reservation period up to 7 days. Excluding promotional fares, or if there is less than a week left before departure. You can also get a printed reservation at the Aeroflot office / ticket office.

That's all. We have shown many legal ways to get a visa with an unpaid reservation. No need to take risks and forge documents, edit something. Share in the comments which method you chose and where you managed to get a visa.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet access;
  • - documents of all passengers;
  • - bank card (may not be required).


Go to the airline's website. Enter in the proposed form of departure and destination and the date of departure, you are flying one way or round trip (in the second option, you will also need to indicate the date of return), the number of adults, people of retirement age and one or another age category among passengers. In most cases, all the necessary parameters can be selected from a drop-down list and/or entered manually. When everything is ready, by pressing the appropriate button, instruct the system to search for options.

From the offered options, choose the most suitable for you by date and time of departure, price, fare conditions. The latter can be read by clicking on the appropriate link. Be sure to do this before making any decisions. Rate conditions may include restrictions on how long you can pay after booking. Some, usually fares require immediate redemption of the ticket. In this case, you will need a bank account.

On the next page, enter the names and passport details (or details of the child's birth certificate) - number and series - of all passengers. Treat this with the utmost attention: with the slightest mistake, a person will not be able to pick up the booked tickets, sit down or return the ticket.
When everything is ready, move on to the next step.

The system will ask for your bank card details. Enter all the required information and move on.

If you prefer to personally visit the airline, ticket office or travel agency, take the documents of all passengers with you. Tell the operator all your wishes regarding the future flight: from where, where and when you are flying, one way or both, the number of passengers, how many children and how old and retired among them, the preferred class of service (economy, business, first, premium etc.), wishes regarding the price and other essential conditions of the tariff. Make your choice from the options offered by the operator. He will do everything necessary and give you a confirmation of the reservation. It may be needed, for example, when applying for a visa.

In case of booking by phone, call the required number to the airline or other organization providing such a service. Give the operator all the important information regarding the flight, just like when you visit the ticket office in person. Listen to the proposed options, choose the most suitable.
Then dictate to the operator the names and passport details of all passengers. Make sure that he correctly recorded them (usually the interlocutor himself suggests doing this). Next, listen and memorize or write down the instructions on how to proceed with the purchase of tickets and cancellation of reservations.
For its confirmation and for the redemption of tickets, you will have to visit the office of the company through which the telephone reservation was made.

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