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Checking the execution of a request (application) If you already have an application, enter its number in the field below and click on the “Check” button to find out the status of the application. Application number: Enter the text from the image: InfoBlock service Dear applicants! Please note that a request generated on the Rosreestr website or in another way that receives the status “Verification failed” will not be processed and will not be processed. You must submit your request again. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that if the application has already received the status “In progress”, and then received the status “Verification failed”, the application will be processed correctly and in this case the creation of a repeated application is not required.

How to find out the status of an application online in the Russian Register

And after a few days, you will be able to receive an answer.

  • As for the “Documents are ready” status, it speaks for itself.

What details need to be paid attention to When checking the status of an application in Rosreestr online, you need to pay attention to the following factors: in some cases, the application is assigned the status “Verification failed”. But this does not mean that your request was rejected and will not be processed.

That is, if you submitted a request on the official website, personally submitted it to the service department or sent it by mail, and the application was immediately assigned this status, then it will not be accepted for consideration. Accordingly, it will not proceed to the next stage of processing.

Checking the status of the request to the Russian Register

The VTsTO provides background information about the Cadastral Chamber and its territorial departments, the postal address of the offices for receiving and issuing documents, email addresses, telephone numbers, operating hours and schedule for receiving applicants, advise on the formation of an electronic application on the Rosreestr portal, the composition of the package of documents, necessary for the provision of public services. As of August 1, 2018, to the offices of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" on Leningrad region About 152 thousand requests and applications were received for the provision of public services of the Cadastral Chamber in the Leningrad Region.

How to check online the readiness of a document in the Russian Register

Follow the link and you will find yourself on the page for checking the status of the request. Read also: How to challenge and reduce the cadastral value Important! Online checking of the status of the request is available only 3-5 days after submitting an application for the provision of state registration service services. The usual processing time for an application is 10 working days, so in the first days after submitting the request, the status is online service not displayed.

  • After going to the “Checking the execution of the request (application)” section, the citizen will find himself on a page containing two fields to fill out.

    In the first one, he must enter the application number, and the second field is intended for entering text from the image for the purpose of security verification.

  • Enter the application number in the first cell; you will find the number on the document received when completing the request.


And also to receive an extract on the cadastral value, state registration of rights to real estate, etc. The advantage of this service is that you no longer have to waste time traveling to the state registration office just to find out whether your request is ready or not.

We check the status of the application in Rosreestr on the website. To check the document online for readiness in Rosreestr, you need to go to the official website of the Rosreestr service: In the field located at the top of the monitor on the right side, indicate the region of your residence: Moscow and the region.

And also the region where the request was sent. Scroll the page to the end. There will be several menu items. Select “electronic services and services”.

If this link is not on the page, use the search bar on the site.

Rosreestr services checking request status

Checking the execution of the request Checking the execution of the request is relevant for persons who submitted applications to Rosreestr to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the main characteristics and rights to the property, obtaining an extract of the cadastral value, state registration of rights to real estate, and so on. The service is convenient in that you do not have to go to the state registration service office to check the readiness of the request.
All you need to do is go to the website and see the results using a special service. To check the status of your request online with Rosreestr, follow the instructions below.

The most popular service is . This service is especially relevant if, when submitting an application, it was indicated that the result of the service must be provided to the applicant electronically, or if you simply want to check the progress of the request.

How to check the completion of a request?

Application verification is available just on. This is important to remember so as not to fall into the hands of scammers. On the main page of the site, find the button with electronic services, there, among others, there will be request tracking service.

This is interesting!You can only check the status of your request after a few days after submitting documents to receive the service. This is due to database updates on the site.

Once on the service page, you only need to fill in the column unique application number, which you can find on the receipt in, in addition, you will have to confirm that you are a person by entering the numbers from the captcha.

Request statuses

The progress of any business divided into three stages, each of which has its own status. Accordingly, upon requesting information about the status of his business, the user will receive one of the following statuses:

  1. "under consideration"- this means that the appeal is in the cadastral service and it is premature to talk about any result;
  2. "on signature"– this message indicates that work on the result of the service is almost completed, in a couple of days the work will be completed and the applicant will receive what he is looking for;
  3. "ready"- indicates that the documents can already be received in hand.

Sometimes it happens that when performing a check, a record appears stating that the check was not passed, this means that work on the application cannot move to the next stage for some reason - either the documents were submitted with errors, or the application itself contains inaccuracies or incomplete . or this request does not fall within the competence of the department at all. In such a situation, you can only do one thing - fill out the application again, complying with all the requirements and attaching a complete package of documents.

It is important!If you received a status stating that check failed already after it was marked with the “in work” status, then there is no need to do anything, the documents have been accepted for processing and all you have to do is wait for the result.

It is no secret that the establishment of Rosreestr often significantly delays the preparation of documentation. It happens that the processing of documents requires a period several times longer than what was promised at the time the application was accepted.

After sending a package of papers for registration of residential property, as well as other transactions with the Cadastral Service, you can control their status without leaving home using the official State Services portal. This is much more comfortable than hanging up the institution’s phone number or knocking on doorsteps trying to find out what the current state of your application is. In addition, it is impossible to find out whether a request is ready through the MFC, which significantly complicates the situation. To work with the service, you only need an extract number, which is assigned at the time the package is sent.

It is possible to check the status of the application only on the official cadastral service. However, to obtain access you will need to use the State Services portal of Moscow and Moscow Region. The system will even notify that the request is ready, in 2020 such regions as Moscow and Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar region, the Republic of Tatarstan, Chelyabinsk and others provide such a service.

To see the information, the applicant must register on the State Services portal. Then you only need to select the desired menu items and find out the information you are interested in.

This service is now valid for residents of many regions of the country. It works for citizens who send an application to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Characteristics and property to the service department. This is also relevant for preparing a cadastral extract, state registration of property rights and other documents required for real estate transactions.

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The obvious advantage of this ability to track the status of applications online is that you do not have to visit the institution’s office or listen to phone beeps for hours while trying to check the readiness of the request.

To obtain information, you will need to go to the official website of Rosreestr. The region of Moscow and Moscow Region is indicated at the top right. You will also need to indicate your area of ​​residence to submit your request. Next, you need to go down the page of the site - down. There you will see several menu sections. Click “electronic services and services”. If you can’t find it right away, you can use the site search feature.

Important! The status of the application will be visible only 3-5 days from the date of submission.

Checking the execution of the request

Typically, the standard processing time for a package is 10 working days. Therefore, from the date of sending the application within two days, the status is unknown. There will be two fields on the section page that you will need to fill out. The first line is for the application number, the second line is for the captcha. Information on the application can be found in the papers and receipt that are received after sending the request. It is made up of groups of numbers that are entered using a slash (/). After filling out the second line, the result with the status of the application at the current moment will be loaded.

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There you can see the following types of application status:

  1. “On signature” means that the review of papers will be completed in the near future;
  2. “In progress” - a package of documents in the process of processing;
  3. “The documents are ready” - you can already receive them.

When monitoring the status of a request, you need to carefully monitor the following points: sometimes an application has the status “Verification failed,” but this does not clearly mean that it is rejected and will not be processed. Situations may be different; this is described in detail below.

If the request was sent in person, via Russian Post, or through an official service and the package was immediately assigned this status, then it is no longer subject to consideration. And his route through the system is over.

The reason could be this:

  • An error was made when completing the documentation.
  • The request was sent incorrectly.
  • The essence of the application is unclear or does not fall within the competence of Rosreestr.
  • Now you will need to resend the request. Or forward the application to the desired organization.

Single payment document (UPD)

When the package was in progress, and then the status “Verification failed” appeared, this indicates that the documents are being processed and the result will be clarified in the near future. Repeated registration and submission of information is not required.

In addition, the status of the application can be checked in personal account Rosreestr website. This method is even more convenient and more correct. But to use it you will need a verified account on the State Services portal.

Instructions for using the service

In order to track the status, you need to follow the link and enter the data:

  • In the “application number” line, enter the code that is assigned to the documentation package upon request. It is written down on the receipt.
  • Below you must pass a spam check by entering the numbers shown in the picture.
  • Click the “Check” button.

Thus, the status of the application becomes known fairly quickly.

If you want to check the extract for accuracy, you will need to go to the Rosreestr page. And there, click the “Browse” button in the top section of the sheet.

After a short time, the search result will be received. For owners of a digital signature, at the bottom of the page there is an opportunity to check it, also by clicking the “Review” button.

It should be noted that the functioning of this service, unfortunately, is far from ideal. Crashes happen frequently.

When checking, you can also see which registrar is currently processing the request. This information will be of great help if you still have to contact the cadastral agency via telephone call.

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Of course, you can find out the status of processing a package of documents during a personal visit. To do this, you will have to visit an institution with a request number and a Russian passport, which is valid at this moment. But it is important to understand that only the citizen who sent it will be able to check the status of the application.

Of course, we all understand that monitoring status electronically is much more convenient and information can be obtained quite quickly. You won’t have to wait long in line or waste time visiting Rosreestr.

Features of online verification

In the process of working with a resource, various difficulties may arise that are associated with the reflection of information and the activities of the system.

In order to eliminate problems, you will need to take into account some subtleties when working, as well as configure the browsers that are used for control:

  • If the system is blocked when trying to display results, you will need to go into the settings and disable this function.
  • For better performance on the service, it is recommended to use Internet Explorer.
  • You must enable compatibility and enable the option to display all content.
  • To operate in Mozilla Firefox, you will need to disable protection on the page.
  • When using Google Chrome, the insecure script option is activated.
  • It is better to save the resulting files in a separate folder. Include xml documents and electronic signatures there.
  • At the beginning of the check, you will need to select the type of xml extension.
  • To check the correctness of the digital signature, mark the document format – sig.

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In order not to lose the opened form, you will need to click “save”; the file format will remain html. This type of document will allow you to see it, if desired, in an Internet browser. In this case, you can print it in the usual way.

Checking through the personal account of State Services

If you have not registered on the State Services portal of Moscow and the Moscow region, then the first thing you will need to do is register. When gaining access to a personal account, a citizen has the ability to check the status of applications in the simplest possible way, since then the system automatically selects his applications.

In addition, access to other functions is opened: registration with institutions using the Internet, making requests for the results of cadastral activities, and others. In the personal account of the official website of Rosreestr, a citizen has the opportunity to open an electronic wallet to pay for government services.

How to get an extract from the Unified State Register for an apartment

A form will open where information about the completed request will be visible. In addition, there you can see the status of the request, the Rosreestr employee responsible for reviewing the package, as well as other information.

When a citizen clicks on the “My Applications” link, the page that opens displays the status of open applications. At this stage, the necessary information about them will be visible. If no requests have been received from the citizen, the message “You have no submitted applications for government services” will appear as a result.

If you want to find out information about the request by phone, information about the employee who handles the paperwork will be useful.

Today, many Russians prefer to order certificates and prepare other documents by contacting multifunctional centers operating in various regions of the country. A visit to this government agency allows you to receive a service in one place, rather than wasting time visiting other authorities.

The single window principle operating at the MFC completely eliminates the need for the applicant to communicate with other structures. After sending a request, citizens can track the status, quickly learning about changes, including the readiness of documents. The corresponding check can be done in several ways, which we will discuss below.

By applying to a multifunctional center, the applicant receives a wide range of benefits. In this case, we are talking not only about the ability to minimize various costs, but also about the ease of tracking the status of the application. On the official website of the MFC there is a special service that allows you to obtain the relevant information by simply indicating the application number.

It is easy to find out the application number. To do this, just look at the receipt received from the center employee when submitting the papers. At the top there will be a number required to check the status of the request.

Online check by reference number in the receipt

As mentioned earlier, the number by which you can find out about the readiness of documents is located at the top of the receipt issued by the MFC, namely in the upper left corner. Today, many centers allow you to check your status using a special service on the organization’s website.

To check the readiness of documents in the MFC, you need to enter the number assigned to the request in the appropriate field and send the request for processing by clicking on the button . Within a few seconds, the system will display the results or automatically send the visitor to the site page where the hotline number is indicated.

The cause of the error is most often the lack of this service in the MFC branch where the documents were submitted. To obtain accurate information, you need to call a toll-free number and solve the problem through an operator. In some cases, refreshing the page can help resolve problems. If this does not happen, contact the help desk.

Checking the readiness of documents in other ways

If online verification is not available in your region, or the specified option cannot be used due to lack of access to the Internet, you can find out about the status of the application by calling 8 800 550 5030 . The operator will check the status of the request and notify you of it.

Among other things, an SMS alert service has already been launched in many regions of the Russian Federation. Once the documents are ready, mobile number the applicant will receive a corresponding notification. You can find out about the availability of the service in your city from the operator.

What documents can be checked?

Considering all of the above, it is safe to say that checking the status of an application is quite simple. To obtain information, you do not need to waste time visiting the MFC. Using an online or regular request, you will check the readiness of the following documents:

How to submit documents to the MFC

For the convenience of applicants, documents are accepted at the MFC on a one-window basis. In other words, the visitor will need to communicate with one specialist.

To receive the service, you need to choose one of the multifunctional centers operating in the region, find out by telephone about the availability of a pre-registration, or simply make a personal visit to the MFC and take an electronic queue coupon at a special terminal.

If the center already has a service, then you can think in advance about when and at what time it will be convenient for you to submit documents, and sign up for this particular period.

Thanks to the work of the MFC, applicants were able to resolve issues related to processing documents and receiving services as quickly and simply as possible. Among other things, specialized institutions that previously provided services to the population were able to work more efficiently, eliminating the need to receive and initially verify documents.

The centers' work schedule is designed in such a way that access is accessible to everyone. The MFC doors open to applicants early in the morning and close only late in the evening.

On the pages of the site you will find full list services provided by the MFC, detailed instructions on paperwork and lists of papers that need to be submitted to the center employee. It is recommended to be extremely careful in collecting and preparing documents, since the speed of resolving the issue depends on the completeness of the package of papers.

If you are sure that you have collected all the required documents, feel free to go to the MFC and wait until your number is displayed on the digital display. After this, go to the appropriate window and hand over the documents to the specialist. If all the information is entered correctly and the papers are collected in full, you will be given a receipt indicating acceptance. It will indicate the request number and the approximate date for the documents to be ready.

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