Hidden beach in marietta islands mexico. Hidden Beach


One of the most idyllic places in the world with crystal clear waters and sandy beaches was created as a result of a bomb explosion.

Secluded beach on Marieta Islands in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico formed decades ago when the Mexican government used it for target practice in the early 1900s.

The Marieta Islands, which are located a few kilometers off the Mexican coast, used to be a military testing site because they were uninhabited. Even before the First World War, these controlled bombings led to the appearance of many caves and other unique rock formations in the Marieta Islands.

Now a hidden beach, officially named "Playa De Amor" (" Beach of Love") became world famous thanks to social networks.

The islands themselves were formed thousands of years ago as a result of volcanic activity. The Hidden Beach was the result of all these factors, combined with erosion of the surrounding rocks caused by local weather conditions.

Hidden beach in Mexico (photos and videos)

To get to the secluded beach, tourists need swim through a short tunnel, which opens onto a stunning beach surrounded by wild nature. You can find several tour operators that provide day trips to this natural wonder.

The islands are located approximately one hour by boat from the coast of Puerto Vallarta and are visited by hundreds of tourists every day, although by law no one can set foot on their territory.

The archipelago was proclaimed National Park Parque Nacional Islas Marietas in 2005 to protect it from fishing, hunting and other human activities. The only activities allowed near the islands are snorkeling and kayaking. Tourists can admire amazing marine animals here, including humpback whales, dolphins and manta rays.

Unusual beach in Mexico

How to get there?

Direct flights go from almost all major cities to Puerto Vallarta in Puerto Vallarta Gustavo Diaz Ordaz International Airport. You can get to the hidden beach in the Marieta Islands by booking a boat in advance or on site with the residents.

Best time to visit

The weather in Puerto Vallarta remains virtually unchanged throughout the year. However, after winter rains, the water on the beach becomes especially clear.

Best beaches in Mexico

1. Tulum (Tulum)

One of the most popular swimming spots in Mexico is on the sandy beaches of Tulum, home to an ancient Mayan temple.

2. Puerto Vallarta (Puerto Vallarta)

Despite its popularity, Puerto Vallarta retains its small-town charm.

3. Playa del Carmen (Playa del Carmen)

The beaches of Playa del Carmen are among the most popular on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.

The lands of North America are rich in amazing natural wonders that attract tourists like bees to fragrant flowers. One of these truly heavenly corners of the planet is located at the mouth of the Bahia de Banderas Bay. The Gulf of Mexico is famous for its wonderful islands, which in 2005, thanks to the scientist-researcher Jacques Cousteau, were given the status of a National Park.

Three years later, the Las Marietas Islands were included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Las Marietas is located 22 nautical miles from the Mexican city and municipality of Puerto Vallarta. Thanks to the large variety of underwater world, the rare beauty of deep-sea caves, the archipelago has become a real paradise for divers.

On one of the islands of the archipelago, in the lost wilderness of dense massive forest vegetation, between large rocks, hides a cave in which the wonderful beach “Playa de Amor” stretches out in the open air. This place is also called Hidden Beach. It seems to have been carved out of the rocky opening of a cave.

The rays of the scorching equatorial sun caress a small sandy area of ​​land and partially fall on the surface of the water near the beach. The rocky vault of the cave bends under the oval dome, which gives the surrounding landscape a wonderful mystery and uniqueness.

The least safe way to get to a wild beach is only by water, and, of course, it is very advisable in the company of a tour operator.

After a few minutes of swimming through the labyrinths of underwater caves, brave tourists who are not afraid of confined spaces will see a wonderful view of a beach lost in the depths of the island.

Its close location to the equator and the sultry Mexican heat attracts an army of divers and romantic tourists to the Hidden Beach. Under the arches of water caves and near the archipelago, you can see rare unique species of corals, swim with schools of frolicking dolphins, meet many schools of various fish, and rare birds.

Panorama of Hidden Beach in Mexico

The islands of Las Marietas in the present territory were created as a result of volcanic processes, but the underwater caves and in particular the Hidden Beach are the work of man.

This magnificence was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, after military tests conducted by the Mexican government.

Having spent a holiday in such a wonderful place, seekers of real natural exoticism will receive a lot of vivid impressions. People who visit the islands of Las Marietas will not remain indifferent to the richness and splendor of nature.


Holidays on the Pacific coast of Mexico are not much different from holidays in other Spanish-speaking countries. Similar architecture, beaches, cuisine. Daytime half-asleep pastime and vibrant night life. But I had the opportunity to visit a place that is completely out of the general pattern. This Hidden Beach in Puerto Vallarto Mexico, a photo of which caught my eye shortly before choosing a vacation spot. I was so fascinated by this phenomenon that the decision of where to go for the next impressions formed by itself.

Even before the trip, I knew that the locals call this natural miracle Playa de Amor(Lover's Beach). This is due to its popularity among couples wanting privacy due to its isolated location, hidden from prying eyes in the rock formations. For the same reason, it received its common name Hidden Beach. Located on the Marieta Islands, which are located in the Pacific Ocean west of the resort town of Puerto Vallarto.

What makes it unique?

This natural ensemble resembles an amphitheater or stadium, only on the site of the arena there is sand beach, washed by clear water, and instead of stands there are rocks. To get to the beach, you need to swim through a low natural tunnel, and this passage is only accessible during low tides. The stone vaults surrounding the beach serve as a natural air conditioner, and thanks to them the air temperature here is always slightly lower than around the island. This, however, does not apply to water temperature. It is as warm as anywhere else in these latitudes.

Unlike many other mysterious places, the origin of Lover's Beach is not associated with any romantic legend. Moreover, it is banal and prosaic. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Mexican military used Marieta Islands as a testing ground and tested explosive ammunition there. It is believed that it was a series of powerful explosions that caused the rocks of the island to take such unique shapes. After tests were no longer carried out on the island, the air and ocean completed what man had started and finally formed the appearance of the beach that is known throughout the world. The Marieta Islands and, in particular, Lover's Beach became famous already in the late 60s. The first person to pay attention to the nature and unique ecosystem of the islands was a famous explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Thanks to his authority, as well as increased public attention, the Mexican government granted protected status to the islands. The islands now attract professional researchers and ecotourism enthusiasts.

Unforgettable sensations will be left behind by scuba diving, both with and without scuba equipment.
Marieta Islands are a habitat for unique marine animals. Here you can see dolphins, manta rays and even humpback whales.

Top Attractions Around Hidden Beach in Puerto Vallarta

In the very Puerto Vallarta There are also many places that I would recommend that a traveler pay attention to.

  • Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Attracts many believers and tourists. Famous for its unusual openwork dome, repeating the crown. Interestingly, this is a version of the original dome, restored in 2009, which was destroyed in 1965 by an earthquake.
  • Malecon promenade. Pedestrian area 800 meters long on the shores of Banderas Bay. An evening promenade for locals and tourists. It is full of restaurants, cafes, and is also replete with all sorts of original artists who stage their performances on the street.
  • Archaeological Museum. Small in size, but rich in exhibits. Here you will get acquainted with artifacts related to the culture of the peoples who inhabited the territory of modern Mexico from 5000 BC. e.
  • Botanical Garden. It is not located in the city itself, but it can be easily reached by bus, and it will take no more than 40 minutes. Located in a picturesque foothills on an area of ​​8 hectares. The park itself is divided into sections, each dedicated to a specific type of plant. I especially recommend paying attention to the aloe garden, as well as the area with orchids.
  • Zoo. Located in a picturesque valley surrounded by mountains and tropical jungle. I would say that the peculiarity of this zoo is that its inhabitants merge with the external environment, forming a holistic picture of wild nature.

Botanical Garden


Since the area where the hidden beach is located is protected, tourists should not count on activities such as fishing or spearfishing.

  • But you can fully enjoy the views of the deep sea, diving both on the beach itself and near the island.
  • In addition, you will be offered walking around the island itself and kayaking trip around, which will allow you to see pictures of the archipelago’s wildlife up close and at a distance.

Fantastic Hidden Love Beach on the Marieta Islands in Mexico - video

Beautiful video about this wonderful beach. Enjoy watching!

How to get there

You can get to the Marieta Islands from Puerto Vallarta. You can do this in two ways:

  • buy a tour package and go to a hidden beach with an organized tour group;
  • hire a boat owner yourself, which will take you to your destination.

In any case, the owner or organization that undertakes to help you reach the islands must have permission from the Secretariat of the Environment. Since the archipelago is located a short distance from the city (22 miles), the one-way journey will take no more than one hour.
I had the opportunity to visit the hidden beach as part of an excursion group, since I did not have a large budget. And I can only imagine how much more empowering solo sailing is.

There are still many amazing places in the whole world that simply need to be visited. For example, it will also be no less interesting for travelers. How to choose the right suitcase for travel, read the next article

If any of the readers have experience of such a voyage to the beach of lovers, it will be interesting to read about your feelings in the comments.

Hidden beach in the Marietas Islands in Mexico

The nature of North America is impressive with its bizarre landscapes. It attracts with its riot of colors, splendid landscapes and amazing underwater world. One of the most beautiful and amazing places can be considered hidden beach in which is located in the uninhabited Marietas Islands in Mexico.

Hidden beach of Marietas Island in Mexico
truly can be considered one of the man-made wonders of the world and the place of all lovers. Judge for yourself. It's worth seeing!

The beach is located in an open-air cave and has an unusual shape, more like a giant pool under a dome. Crystal clear waves splash under the arches of the cave, and warm and gentle sand is located just under the open sky.
At first it may seem that due to the overhanging arches of the cave, the water is not warmed up enough. But that's not true. It may not always be possible to swim under the rays of the Mexican sun, but the water here is always at a comfortable temperature, and it is impossible to freeze in it. The proximity of the equator has an effect.

A little history

Marietas Islands (Las Marietas) were formed as a result of volcanic activity. But not only nature tried to create this splendor. Huge contribution to popularization hidden beach in Puerto Vallarta contributed by the great French inventor and explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, whose documentaries have raised more than one generation of lovers of the aquatic world. Cousteau and his team were amazed by the richness of the underwater flora and fauna of the archipelago. The only island inhabitants - turtles, whales, dolphins, coral reefs and bizarre birds - fascinated the "oceanographic technicians".
In the early 20th century, the Mexican government took advantage of the uninhabited nature of the islands and began conducting training tests there. As a result of bombing and explosions, the landscape acquired caves and rocks. Jacques-Yves Cousteau couldn't stay away. And in the late 1960s, he gained public attention and led international protests in defense of the reserve.

For now, thanks to Cousteau's scientific research and legal advocacy efforts, Marieta Islands in Mexico are a national park and are protected by the state to the letter of the law. UNESCO, within the framework of the program " Man and the biosphere", assigned to the islands Las Marietas biosphere reserve status. This program is designed to balance the interaction between nature and humans for a more stringent environmental regime. The only permitted human activities on the islands are diving, kayaking, sunbathing and, of course, love.

Beach of Love

Hidden beach in the Marietta Islands in Mexico hidden from the eyes of outside observers. It is quite uncrowded. There are no cafes or restaurants here, no noisy parties are held here, and comfortable hotels do not attract with their lights.
Only curious tourists and couples in love are frequent guests of this unusual place. This is a piece of heaven on earth for young (and not so young) admirers, which you can’t help but visit! The shore is a great place for those who want to retire. Therefore, fans of this wonderful place gave it a new name - Beach of Love (Playa de Amor).
It is not so easy to get there, because there is only one way to the beach hidden in the rocks. Finding it is even more difficult! To do this, you need to swim a few meters through a long tunnel at low tide. Dear traveler, do not be afraid! We don't need fins or scuba gear for this. Moreover, there is no need to hold your breath! The entire journey takes place exclusively by water and will not be tiring at all.
If you not only like to lie in the sun and splash in warm water, but you also need extreme sports, there will be no problem with that! Eco-tourism is very popular in these places.

Marieta Islands in Mexico
– a great place for diving. You will be able to explore deep-sea caves and tunnels, enjoy the splendor of the underwater world, and see schools of frolicking dolphins and giant stingrays. You will be enchanted by coral reefs and tropical fish. A real curiosity will be the appearance of whales in these areas.
If you love to travel and discover new unexplored places - then hidden beach in Mexico (video) just for you!

Photo: Cory Yap

This beach is one of the most secluded and pristine on earth. This is because it is completely impossible to get to it by land, and it takes a long time to travel by boat. The beach is divided into two parts by a natural rock arch, the height of which is 27 meters.

Anse Source d'Argent Beach - La Digue, Seychelles

Photo: indianocean.com

This deservedly takes one of the first places in the ranking of the most picturesque beaches. There is the most delicate snow-white sand, colorful stone boulders, green palm trees and such a blue sea that it seems as if you are looking at a photo edited in Photoshop. Add to this the complete absence of waves, always warm water, excellent climate and you will understand that this is simply a branch of heaven on earth.

Giant's Causeway - Ireland

Photo: placesunderthesun.com

“Many thousands of years ago, when dragons flew in the sky and giants lived on the earth...” - these are the words that first come to mind when visiting the north-eastern coast of Ireland. This natural wonder consists of about 40,000 interconnected basalt columns, which were formed as a result of complex geological processes caused by a volcanic eruption. The harsh nature adds a dark energy to this majestic place.

Benagil Sea Cave Beach - Algarve, Portugal

Photo: pinterest

The Algarve is one of the most beautiful parts of Europe. The beaches in this region stretch for 200 kilometers and are replete with sheer cliffs, small coves and caves. One of these caves contains a gorgeous beach inside, which can only be accessed from the sea. It is unlikely that you will be able to sunbathe here, but this inconvenience is more than compensated for by the wonderful views.

Star Beach (Hoshizuna-no-hama) - Iriomote, Japan

Photo: flickr

Visitors to this shore do not really look at the surrounding landscapes, but concentrate on studying the sand under their feet. It was thanks to him that this beach received the name “stellar”. The fact is that each grain of sand is an intricate and unique geometric figure. Many really look like miniature stars. In fact, these are the remains of the skeletons of foraminifera - microscopic marine organisms that have washed ashore for many years.

Beach of the Cathedrals - Ribadeo, Spain

Photo: Andrei S.

Cathedral Beach is one of Spain's most amazing natural attractions. It got its name because of the stunning rock formations, which include a whole bunch of grottoes, caves and cliffs that resemble the outlines of Catholic cathedrals. Some of these wonderful sites are only accessible for a short time at low tide, so tourists should not hesitate to explore them.

Whitehaven Beach (White Paradise) - Trinity Island, Australia

Photo: bing

This beach gained worldwide fame and its name thanks to its snow-white sand. Whitehaven stretches over six kilometers and boasts crystal clear waters and unspoiled nature. This became possible because Whitehaven is part of a national park and is protected by the state. But this circumstance also has a downside - there are absolutely no hotels or tourist infrastructure here, and visitors are brought here only for one day from the neighboring island.

Reynisfjara Beach - Vik, Iceland

Photo: stuckiniceland.com

The black beach of Reynisfjara is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. But this beauty has a somewhat special, one might say, “Gothic” flavor. Imagine completely black sand, majestic basalt columns, lonely cliffs rising into the sea, gusty winds, waves, cold spray. Yes, this is the complete opposite of the popular tropical beaches, but many people find their charm in it.

Hidden Beach - Marieta Island, Mexico

Photo: anutritionisteats.com

This beach has no analogues in the world. It is located right inside the rocks of one of the islands of the Marieta archipelago and resembles a large natural pool. To reach this paradise, visitors must swim through a short tunnel that opens onto a stunning beach. The island itself has been declared a national park to protect its unique nature from destruction. But tourists can enjoy scuba diving and kayaking here.

Bioluminescent Beach - Vaadhoo, Maldives

Photo: pinterest

The tropical beach at Vaadhoo in the Maldives is as stunning as any beach in the area. But at night, its waters turn into an arena for a real light show that you will definitely never forget. Waves glowing with blue light seem to reflect the stars in the sky over the Maldives and blur the line between the depths of the ocean and the abyss of space. This happens thanks to special single-celled microorganisms and lasts from July to February.

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