Veterans of the Enchanted Wanderer: The only downside to the cruise was the weather.

The motor ship "Charmed Wanderer", which became known throughout the country after it ran aground in the Nizhny Novgorod region, has successfully returned to Kazan and is ready for new travels. The correspondent of IA "Tatar-inform" met him today in the river port of Kazan.

The ship "The Enchanted Wanderer" made a voyage along the route Kazan - Moscow - Kazan. On board were 120 veterans of the Great Patriotic War and military operations in hot spots. This flight of the Wanderer became known throughout the country after an incident that occurred on the night of May 29-30 - the ship ran aground near the village of Vasilsursk, Nizhny Novgorod Region.

“There was wind and rain. The senior assistant lost his orientation in the area, did not notice the buoy and turned in the other direction. Because of what the steamer ran aground,” shared the captain of the “Enchanted Wanderer” Evgeny Mishalov.

The vessel of the travel company Volga Travel Plus LLC stayed aground for about a day. According to the captain of the Wanderer, ships passed by, but none of them stopped to help. That's why they waited so long for help. According to the captain of the ship, the main thing in organizing river tours now is, alas, personal gain - all those passing were in a hurry to complete their trips.

Employees of port control, Rostransnadzor took part in the "rescue operation" to remove it from the shallows, their actions were coordinated by representatives of the Volga Transport Prosecutor's Office and the management of the Volga Shipping Company, which provided the pusher ship.

After a thorough check of the technical condition of the ship by representatives of the regulatory authorities, the ship continued its river cruise.

“Despite the fact that the ship returned to the river cruise according to the planned route, the Volga Transport Prosecutor's Office continues to check for compliance with the requirements of the legislation on safety of navigation in connection with the incident and establishes the degree of guilt of all persons involved in the incident. Based on the results of the prosecutor’s check, the issue of the necessary measures of the prosecutor’s response will be resolved,” said Maya Ivanova, senior assistant to the Volga Transport Prosecutor for media relations, on May 31.

Staying aground by a day shifted the date of arrival, but this did not affect his future schedule. The first to leave the ship today was Alexander Polyakov, a retired lieutenant colonel, a participant in the hostilities in Afghanistan, the head of the cruise.

"Comrade Major General! Participants of the Kazan-Moscow-Kazan cruise have returned from the voyage. During the cruise: no incidents, no remarks. Everything is in order, they arrived in full strength,” Alexander Polyakov reported to the chairman of the public organization of veterans of war and military service of the Republic of Tatarstan, Akhat Yulashev.

"You are welcome!" - immediately there was a joyful voice and applause.

The flight with veterans on board became possible thanks to the support of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan - this year the cruise was held for the 13th time. All veterans, having gone ashore, shared only positive emotions.

“There were problems, positive impressions are much more than negative ones. When they asked what the veterans were doing, the answer was the same: they sing and dance,” said Kazbek Rizvanov from Nizhnekamsk.

Alexander Solomoykov went from an ordinary Red Army soldier to a colonel, gave the army almost 70 years, forty of which he served in the Kazan Artillery School. According to him, the only trouble of the trip was the weather.

“The weather, of course, did not particularly indulge us. And in Moscow and at the entrance to Moscow. But we brought good weather to Kazan. And now here, in my opinion, it's great. So thank you. In any case, I am in my 92nd year, I feel pretty good, even very good after this cruise,” said Alexander Solomoikov.

Veterans in every city where the ship made a stop performed an important ritual.

“The most important thing is that all the participants in the war, and we had 20 of them, front-line soldiers, and 48 people equated to them, home front workers, participants in hostilities, laid wreaths at the Eternal Flame, this is the most important thing. In all major cities - such as Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Kalyazin, Moscow. Our veterans paid tribute to the memory and the young cadets were with them. They stood in line. That was great. Our Tatarstanians, on behalf of all the dead and the living, laid wreaths and flowers at the graves in all cities,” shared Alexander Polyakov, the cruise leader.

Interesting things happened on board the ship, during its movement.

“A rich and extensive program. We were very much expected in all cities, along the route of the cruise ship, along the route Kazan - Moscow - Kazan. We worked according to the established agreed schedule. There are also military-patriotic, cultural-educational and local history programs. Veterans are such a category - they are extremely optimistic. Under no circumstances did they lose their spirits. We published a newspaper, we carried out radio releases on the ship. Well, they sang, danced, told stories and exchanged work experience,” said Tamara Rubinskaya, head of the department for work with public organizations of the Ministry of Labor and Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Despite the incident on the way, the vessel is technically sound and ready for further travels. By the way, tonight it sails to Samara.


The ship with the romantic name "The Enchanted Wanderer" was again at the center of the scandal. In social networks, users write that the flight, on which the ship was supposed to leave last Friday, did not take place. Why the ship is laid up in the river port - in the report "Tatar-inform".

“I heard that the flight did not take place on Friday - people went home. They were unfolded. Yesterday I was in the port, at the 14th berth, the “Pavel Mironov” was moored, and behind it was the “Strannik”. Empty…” – shared Lilia Burashnikova.

As it became known to IA "Tatar-inform" from its own source, some time ago the "Charmed Wanderer" was banned from sailing - port control officers conducted an inspection and recorded violations of safety rules on this ship.

Judging by the page of the official website of the travel agency "Volga Travels Plus", the motor ship "Charmed Wanderer" today was supposed to be somewhere on the way to Yaroslavl. However, as IA "Tatar-inform" managed to find out, at present it is laid up in the river port of Kazan.

We turned to Volga Travel Plus for answers.

“There will be no official comments for the press on the situation with the ship, because we believe that journalists are distorting the information,” a man who introduced himself as Stanislav, deputy director of the Volga Travel Plus company, told Tatar-inform news agency, he refused to give his last name .

The agency correspondent found Vyacheslav Samolin, director of the Volga Travel Plus company, in the river port aboard the Enchanted Wanderer. The man reacted very negatively to the appearance of journalists and refused to comment on anything.

Once on the ship "The Enchanted Wanderer", which was laid up in the port next to the "Pavel Mironov", we were able to talk with the captain Radik Shaikhutdinov. He categorically denied the information from social networks.

“Our engine broke down, so port control delayed us. And everything is fine with the crew - you see, the guys are working. We plan to start the flight on July 6,” Radik Shaikhutdinov assured.

By the way, in the visibility zone on the ship, we counted about seven guys.

One of the crew members of the neighboring "Pavel Mironov" said that the "Wanderer" has been standing for a long time.

“They were detained by port control due to a lack of crew, we are also standing for this reason. Now there is a recruitment, but we only lack a couple of people, and as far as I understand, they all fled there, ”the riverman shared.

In social networks, we managed to find a lot of job search announcements for the ship. The first mate, bartenders, restaurant workers are also invited to work. At the same time, in the comments, reviews of former crew members now and then flash, who warn that they can “throw” with a salary there.

We contacted the State Port Control Service, and the agency was confirmed the information that there had been an inspection and that it had indeed revealed violations.

“The ship has a shortage of crew, and at the time of the inspection there were not enough officers from the command staff. In addition, all four diesel generators of the ship are problematic: one was dismantled at the time of the check, the other three had malfunctions. Plus, the “Charmed Wanderer” was missing several ship documents from the mandatory list,” Alexander Kryukov, head of the state port control service, told Tatar-inform news agency.

According to Alexander Kryukov, in accordance with the procedure for conducting inspections, which is regulated by the Code of Inland Water Transport, if the malfunctions are eliminated, then, for example, the captain of the ship can apply to the port control service with a request to re-check and lift the ban on cruises.

The Volga-Volga group also got into an unpleasant situation due to the technical condition of the vessel. In early May, the musicians planned to please their fans with a concert on the ship, but the plan had to be canceled.

“We were supposed to sail on the first flight in navigation. And the rationale was simple - the ship at that moment did not have time to prepare for navigation. I don’t know all the nuances of preparing technical documentation, it was just in words that they didn’t have time to prepare the ship after the winter, ”said Anton Salakaev, soloist of the group.

Personal agreements with the company were respected and all the money was returned, the musician added.

This is not the first scandal with the ship "The Enchanted Wanderer". Earlier, Tatar-inform news agency reported that in May 2017, the ship Enchanted Wanderer ran aground in the Nizhny Novgorod region. At that moment, 120 veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor, as well as participants in conflicts in hot spots, 20 cadets, three social security workers, and 30 crew members were on board. It took more than a day to get the ship afloat.

As it turned out, from July 10 to 14, a cruise on the ship "The Enchanted Wanderer" was promised to the finalists of the Republican Festival of Children's, Youth and Youth Press "Altyn Kalam" - "Golden Pen". Children should spend four days on the Volga on this ship.

The organizers of the contest, as it became known to the agency, do not yet know that the ship is in the port due to violations of safety requirements.

Veterans of the Second World War and Afghanistan did not even notice how they were captured by water, but they do not intend to retreat, and now they insist on continuing the cruise

Disturbing reports about 120 veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who ran aground in the Nizhny Novgorod region, alarmed today the control and supervisory authorities. However, the veterans themselves do not at all consider their situation to be disastrous, moreover, they behave as if there were no obstacles on the way of the ship "The Enchanted Wanderer". “The mood on board is normal - everyone is busy with their own business,” the passengers say and assure that soon two tugboats will return them to the beaten water path.


The first news about the Kazan motor ship stuck near Nizhny Novgorod appeared this morning, while the emergency itself occurred at midnight. The three-deck ship "The Enchanted Wanderer", en route from Kazan to Moscow, lost its route and ran aground on the Sura River near Vasilsursk in the Nizhny Novgorod Region. According to the preliminary version, the reason for this was "unfavorable weather conditions" - fog. With 200 people on board, 57 of whom are crew members, the ship set off from the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan on the morning of May 29. None of the vacationers were hurt.

According to the Tatar transport prosecutor's office, the supervisory agency is taking measures to provide assistance related to the towing of the ship. Meanwhile, the Volga Transport Prosecutor's Office initiated an investigation into the landing of the Enchanted Wanderer aground. The Volga Investigation Department for Transport of the IC of the Russian Federation checks on the fact of the provision of transportation services by river transport that do not meet the requirements for the safety of life and health of consumers (part 1 of article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The general director of LLC "Volga travel +", which owns the ship, declined to comment, saying in an interview with a correspondent of "BUSINESS Online" that as soon as accurate information appears, it will be published on the company's website. In the same place, in the "River Cruises" section, you can see that the "Enchanted Wanderer" is a popular motor ship. It goes along the routes Kazan - Moscow - Tver - Kazan; Kazan - Moscow - Kazan; Kazan - Astrakhan - Kazan; Kazan - St. Petersburg - Moscow - Kazan; Kazan - Yaroslavl - Kazan; Kazan - Volgograd - Kazan. Moreover, the ship does not stand idle in the port for a single day. On the day of arrival, it immediately leaves for the next cruise. In addition to the Wanderer, the company also has the motor ship Boris Polevoy at its disposal.

As BUSINESS Online was informed in the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the ship will be rescued by the administration of the Volga Inland Waterways Basin under the control of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations. While people are on the ship. Towing will take place without their evacuation.

Vyacheslav Samolin, who owns the ship, declined to comment, saying that as soon as accurate information appears, it will be published on the company's website. Photo: BUSINESS Online


As the correspondent of "BUSINESS Online" found out, "The Enchanted Wanderer" set off along the route Kazan - Moscow - Kazan as part of a motor ship cruise for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military service, students of cadet schools and classes, youth soldiers, orphans. According to the schedule, on June 2 at 11:00 the ship was supposed to arrive in Moscow, and on June 3 at 19:30 - to go back to Kazan.

Senior Assistant to the Volga Transport Prosecutor for Media Relations Maya Ivanova told the publication that the majority of vacationers on the ship are older passengers. Together with them on board are cadets and employees of social services. “The flight was organized in honor of the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War,” Ivanova said. According to her, the rescue operation should start from one hour to the next.

According to media reports, The Enchanted Wanderer is already stranded in the fall of 2016. Then the three-deck motor ship was sent for repairs to Zaton im. Kuibyshev at CJSC Kuibyshev Fleet Repair Base.

Earlier in Kazan, the Tatar transport prosecutor's office overloaded 100 people on the regular motor ship Moskva-130, which was en route from Tashevka to Kazan on Sunday. The ship was carrying 440 people, 35 of whom were children, while the ship had only 345 life jackets, including 30 for children, 8 life buoys and a raft for 25 people. One of the passengers reported the violation to the police department upon arrival. For verification, a criminal case initiated by the Volga Investigation Department for Transport of the ICR. Charges under paragraph "a" part 2 of Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Provision of services that do not meet the requirements of the safety of life or health of consumers, committed by a group of persons by prior agreement”) were presented to the captain of the ship Yuri Mironov. The Moscow District Court of Kazan put him under house arrest until July 22.


At the same time, despite the very cool weather conditions for May - only 13 degrees Celsius overboard, the life and health of veterans and home front workers are out of danger. The assistant to the president of the Republic of Tatarstan on social issues assured the correspondent of "BUSINESS Online" of this.

“The situation is under control of all structures – the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Social Protection, the Ministry of Health and other controlled departments,” Fazleeva said. “Moreover, because of this incident, the veterans do not even plan to change their route, they are waiting for the entire excursion program that they have planned to be implemented. The veterans themselves do not see any problem in what happened, they are calm, an entertainment program is being implemented on the ship, they are provided with food, everything is in order.” According to the descriptions of the assistant to the president of Tatarstan, upon arrival in Moscow, veterans and home front workers planned to visit the central museum of the Great Patriotic War and the Victory Memorial Complex on Poklonnaya Hill.

Leyla Fazleeva: "The situation is under control of all structures - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Social Protection, the Ministry of Health and other controlled departments" Photo: BUSINESS Online

The river trip itself is traditional for veterans of the republic and is of a charitable nature. “This event is held every year, the Ministry of Social Protection selects people, the Council of Veterans, as a public organization, acts as an organizer, purchases tickets,” Fazleeva explained. “So this is by no means a commercial flight.”

"BUSINESS Online" managed to get in touch with one of the participants of this tour. On board the ship "The Enchanted Wanderer" is Rimma Sergeevna Troitskaya, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Verkhneuslonsky District. According to her, everything is fine on the ship - there is no panic, the weather is good, so no one perceives what happened as a tragedy. “We are standing, waiting for a tugboat. We were promised that help would come. In the meantime, we are resting, dancing, dancing ... The mood on board is normal - everyone is busy with their own business, ”she shared with a BUSINESS Online correspondent.

According to her, the ship ran aground at about two in the morning. The passengers felt a slight jolt, but thought that the ship had entered one of the locks, so they slept peacefully until dawn. And only in the morning they saw that the "Enchanted Wanderer" was sitting aground. The captain came out to the veterans, explained the situation and asked for forgiveness for what had happened, so there was no panic.

Phoned later with Rimma Sergeevna, the correspondent of "BUSINESS Online" learned that the second tug had already arrived at the ship. “They are starting to save us right now,” said the chairman of the council of veterans. According to Troitskaya's description, there are now 150 passengers on board: 120 veterans, 20 cadets and 10 attendants. According to Fazleeva, the Deputy Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan is also on board the ship. Enje Nigmetzyanova.

According to Troitskaya, there are now 150 passengers on board, including Boris Kuznetsov, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Troitskaya found it difficult to answer how the participants of this trip were selected, but noted that next to her was Hero of the Soviet Union Boris Kuznetsov, Hero of Socialist Labor Zalyalov and other honored people of the republic, activists of the veteran movement, Afghan soldiers, participants in other local conflicts.

This morning on the ship began with the release of the radio newspaper "They made history." “Cadets, veterans, leaders of public organizations spoke on the radio. People will sing, recite poems, share their creativity, ”said the interlocutor of the publication. Today, Troitskaya and her assistants intend to publish the second issue of the wall newspaper “Keep it up, veterans!” with photos. And although each of the passengers has a life jacket that they know how to use, but now no one has put them on. “Why do we need this? We stand calmly, there is no excitement. Everything is going according to plan, we see no reason to worry. You don't worry about us. Veterans are optimists,” emphasized the chairman of the council of veterans of the Verkhneuslonsky district.

“Again, or what,“ Enchanted ”? Kapets! This is how users of social networks reacted to the news that today at midnight, the three-deck motor ship “Charmed Strainer”, which left Kazan for Moscow, with veterans of the Great Patriotic War on board, ran aground on the Sura River in the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Yes, he sat down so firmly that they still cannot push him from his place.

But how beautifully it all began: yesterday morning, on the pier of the Kazan river port, 120 veterans, 20 students of cadet schools and ten attendants went on a cruise dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Great Victory on the ship "The Enchanted Wanderer" along the route Kazan - Moscow - Kazan.

Marat Gafarov, First Deputy Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan, took part in the farewell ceremony. A rich cultural program awaited the veterans on board the ship, and excursion services in the cities along the route.

Veterans had to travel along Mother Volga until June 8th. But now this plan is in jeopardy: for some unknown reason, the river three-deck lost its way and at midnight ran aground on the Sura River near Vasilsursk in the Nizhny Novgorod region. So the veterans are now sitting in the middle of the river, waiting for a miracle. Meanwhile, Kazan residents recall on social networks that the Enchanted Wanderer runs aground quite regularly. The last time this happened was on September 10, 2016, when the ship, following for repairs to Zaton im. Kuibyshev, got stuck on the 1398th km of the Volga navigation.

As the initial version of today's incident, the Volga Transport Prosecutor's Office suggested that fog was the reason for the sharp change in course, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to write off what happened only due to adverse weather conditions.

I think that the notorious human factor is to blame for everything, - Vladimir Ermakov, chairman of the trade union committee of Tatflot IC, shared his assumption with Vechernyaya Kazan. - After all, even if the ship was sailing in the fog, it has locators ... But now it is too early to draw any conclusions until all the circumstances are clarified.

When asked if the ship's grounding was an out of the ordinary event for rivermen, Yermakov replied that it was not, but specified that this was certainly a serious traffic accident, the consequences of which could be different.
- It's one thing if the ship went to the sandbar, another thing - if it flew out onto the stones, in this case the hull can be broken, - the representative of Tatflot gave an example.

According to the Privolzhsky Investigation Department for Transport of the Sledkom of the Russian Federation, nothing terrible happened to the "Charmed Wanderer", its passengers and crew - no one was injured, there was no leakage or spill of oil products. But Vladimir Ermakov says that it is impossible to be one hundred percent sure that everything is fine with the ship. To be convinced of this, the ship must at least be refloated.

And this, as it turned out, is a big problem - as Maya Ivanova, senior assistant of the Privolzhsky transport prosecutor for media relations, told the Vechernaya Kazan correspondent that the ship is very heavy and it is difficult to find a ship that could push it aground. True, at 14.30 it became known that help to the "Charmed Wanderer" was already underway and within the next two hours the operation to rescue the ship from captivity could be completed.

After that, the ship will have to receive a conclusion from the river register specialists, who will determine whether the “Enchanted Wanderer” can continue the journey or whether it needs to be lifted onto slipways for examination. So it is not yet clear how events will develop further. It is worth noting that the Enchanted Wanderer has a rather busy schedule for the current navigation. On June 9, he should go on a new cruise along the route Kazan - Bolgars - Ulyanovsk - Samara - Shiryaevo - Kazan.

Vyacheslav Samolin, the director of the Volga Travels company (whose flag is now flying the Enchanted Wanderer), preferred not to give detailed comments on what happened on the Sura River, limited himself to a short one: “When we find out everything, we’ll tell you.”

Reference:"The Enchanted Wanderer" was built in 1956 at the shipyard of the GDR, the reconstruction of the ship was carried out in 2002, the general reconstruction - in 2011. Passenger capacity of the ship - 206 people, power - 1200 hp.

Photo from the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan

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