"Academic" - a park where dinosaurs are walking. Advertising from Darwin

The Park "Academic" created on the site of the obsolete bases of GBU "Housing". Now it is bunk green Zone With artificial hills and sports grounds. Another territory was landscounted in Zelenograd: on the site of the area of \u200b\u200byouth instead of chaotic parking and non-heavy green alleys, a scene, a pedestrian fountain and places for street venice sites appeared.

The work on the improvement of two more green territories in Moscow was completed. For visitors, an updated area of \u200b\u200byouth in Zelenograd and a new one near the endocrinological scientific center in the south-west of the capital are open.

"Before the improvement of the area of \u200b\u200byouth, the first and main square of Zelenograd, was in the launched state. Earlier there was a spontaneous parking, the round fountain in the center almost collapsed, the road surface was in an unsatisfactory condition, "they told in the city of Moscow. - And on the site of the current Park "Academic" in the south-west of Moscow, garages, household buildings and parking of cleaning equipment were located.

As noted in the department, after improvement, the area of \u200b\u200badolescence and "academic" will become new places of attraction for citizens. Sports and playgrounds are equipped on their territory, places for walking, shops and lights are installed. Planting trees in both recreation areas is planned late in autumn.

Artificial hills, dinosaurs and sports cluster for 16.5 hectares

In the south-west of Moscow, the creation of the Park "Academic" area of \u200b\u200b16.5 hectares was fully completed. It is located between Fersman Streets, Dmitry Ulyanova and the 60th anniversary of October, not far from the Endocrinological Scientific Center. The new green zone appeared on the site of the old bases of the GBU "Housing". On the perimeter of the park installed several inputs. Now the tenants of adjacent homes will be able to go to shops, kindergarten, school or endocrinological scientific center directly through the park. Previously, they had to be bypass.

The territory on which the park was built, originally had a height difference in two or three meters. During construction, this feature was emphasized by installing stairs and ramps. Thanks to this decision, the park is divided into two parts - the upper and lower. Part of the green zone occupy artificial hills up to three meters high. A winding pedestrian walkways of granite tiles are laid between them, for which visitors can walk. In the dark, the hills and paths illuminate lights and landscape lights. The center of attraction in the park was the main square, on which they made a long semicircular pergola (canopy). Another 11 pergol was installed throughout the park, and in the walking tracks there were passing arbors with benches.

For active citizens in the park, a sports-gaming cluster has been created with an area of \u200b\u200balmost three thousand square meters. It is located on its territory a football field with the podium, a basketball court, a Vorkuut zone and a treadmill with a special coating. Also in the park there were three sports grounds, of which one is intended for the treatment of physical education. For small visitors in the park there are six playgrounds. At one of them, there were volume models of chemical elements - oxygen, uranium, lithium. From the main entrance to the visitors' park, there are three large figures of dinosaurs - herbivores and elasmothery, as well as a predator Ivanotozavr. By the way, the State Darwinian Museum is nearby, and if children want to learn more information about dinosaurs, they will be able to visit it after a walk in the park.

Dry fountain and free Wi-Fi on the first square of Zelao

The territory in more than six hectares was landscaped on the Square of Youth in Zelenograd. Complex improvement conducted in accordance. Worn old coating on the square removed. Instead, they laid the granite tiles of different shapes and shades. The shady alley, which appeared in the first years after the base of the area, was put in order. Flowers landed on the flowers. A pedestrian fountain with illumination was the main attraction of the updated area of \u200b\u200byouth. It takes almost 200 square meters. The fountain jets beat directly from the ground, and in the evening it is highlighted with multi-colored lamps. In addition, a recreation area with sports and children's playgrounds appeared on the square.

The electronic cinema has a scene, where festive concerts and performances are held. Next door to it are stands for exhibitions under open sky. In winter, it is planned to equip the rink. On the square after the improvement, free Wi-Fi began to work, and special racks for charging gadgets appeared. For the convenience of motorists on the square made organized parking from the street of youth.

The Square of Youth is the first Square Zelenograd administrative District. It was built in 1972. This area has become a place for meetings, concerts and entertainment events. It is located on the first cinema of Zelenograd "Electron" and the first shopping center, named after the city.

In total, in 2017, 129 park areas are planned to be landscaped in Moscow (of which 56 - newly created) with a total area of \u200b\u200b1656.7 hectares. The improvement program includes, 15 natural areas, 50 parks at the place of residence and 42 iconic territories (boulevards, squares, landscaped areas, are popular with Muscovites and guests of the capital). There will appear 244 sports grounds and 231 children's, as well as 23 scenes for mass events and 241 quiet recreation zone. During the work, 22.3 thousand trees and 360 thousand shrubs will be planted, more than 116 thousand flower beds are equipped, the lawn has been updated, paths and lighting are made. As the general zones of Moscow will change, the townspeople themselves will be determined: many conceptual decisions on the improvement of several territories Muscovites have chosen in the project.

The creation of a well-maintained park has become a real gift for residents of the district. They no longer have to "admire" on an abandoned wasteland. From now on in walking distance from home they have modern and beautiful green corner. There is where in the morning run or take a rest after work. In addition, residents of the district were able to unhindered access to the opposite side of the street. The park you can pass through without making a circle past the gross industrial zone, as before.

Getting to the kindergarten, or the endocrinological center has become easier and faster. A year ago, the landscaping of the territory in the framework of the Urban Development Program began. Signed by various fences and garages, the plot looked frightened. Residents of the district managed him. Today, a beautiful hilly park academic was spread here on 16.5 hectares.

A spacious landscape opens the visitor. The whole terrain is dressed in a variety of neat, covered with granite tiles, tracks. Most of the park occupy green hills. Trees will be planted closer to autumn in the park. On the main square there is a semicircular pergola, 11 more posted throughout the park. The main entry of guests meet huge dinosaurs and invite you to visit the Darwin Museum.

At every step you can meet something interesting. Here is a girl sitting on a bench and reads a book in the shadow of an openwork canopy. A little further, the company of youth performs tricks on a skateboard. At the playgrounds in general, anchlag. From everywhere hears a sleeve laugh, the kids are engageless to master the unusual designs of the swings and carousels. Parents are watching the game from the arbors nearby. It's not worried about how -glings of structures are smoothed, rubberized coating reduces the risk of serious injury.

Tatiana daily accompanies the child in the garden through the park. On the weekend, the whole family go here to rest here. While the kid walks on the site, Tatyana and her husband and girlfriend are resting on the lawn.

"IN good weather These green lawns are what you need! The grass is neatly trimmed, around clean. What is the most interesting, we have never seen janitor here. As if the garbage disappears by itself! Relax with soul and body in a pleasant company. Children misstantly, "said Tatiana.

Elderly people and fans of quiet rest will come to the soul of a shop and decorative pergolas - canopies, under which you can relax in the shade.

The general design of the park makes a walk on academic as possible.

The patient, located near the Medical Center of Endocrinology, Alena is in the evenings to breathe fresh air. She likes the pacifying atmosphere of the park.

"It's cool, quietly and calm. I sit on a bench, admiring the landscape. Like to watch the children play the playground. How young people spend leisure, "she says.

But not all representatives of the older generation want to sit in one place. The pensioner of Eleonor Alexandrovna in his 77 years looks perfectly and feels vigor in the body, thanks to daily scandinavian walking classes. Three months ago, a woman moved from the Voronezh region to children, now lives in Moscow. First of all, the newly minted Muscovite studied the area for equipping for a beloved classes. She was pleasantly surprised to learn that in the park academic there are many smooth tracks. Now every evening she makes watch workout.

Another athlete, Husniddin Cossacks, came to the park to evaluate the quality of new sports shells. The man arrived in the capital from Uzbekistan. Work near the park came across the idea of \u200b\u200bthe beginning wellness activities. The first thing he began to create the relief of the hands, the general strengthening of the muscles. He began recently, so the result is not very noticeable.

Under the sports cluster with football and basketball fields, 3,000 square meters of the park is assigned to a treadmill and platform for Vorkuut.

Junior by name Maxim Storyl, that since the landscaping, his friends became regulars of this place. The guys play football and basketball, ride bicycles or skateboard.

"This park decorated our area. It is a pity swing only for kids, sometimes we also want to run. And it would be nice to equip a skatepark, "added a young man.

As for the shortcomings, the visitors of the park noted the impracticality of the canopies that are not saving from the rain. Many are concerned about the lack of power or café. Someone is outraged by the entry of the park to the gas station. Some called the park well well-sustained passing area, without the possibility of privacy.

Moscow is the most populated city of Europe, a millionaire city. There are a lot here as it should be any megalopolis. Some have been equipped in the period of the Soviet Union, and there are completely new ones. The Moscow government promises to reflect all the parks until the end of 2018.

Many of them are already put in order, some should work on some. The mayor of the city says that several recreational areas were practically created from scratch. On the this moment There are more than 100 recreation areas in Moscow. Their number continues to grow, which cannot but rejoice.

Garage Park

Where there used to be the base of the GBU "Zhilishnik", now is new Park "Academic". The main recreational zone is green hills, they occupy most of the territory. At first glance, it may seem that these are golf courses. As it turned out later, the trees and bushes are planning to land in late autumn.

Previously, there were garages, household buildings and a park of harvesting techniques on the site of the new recreation area. This, it is clear, did not create any comfort. Now there are many beautiful winding paths covered with tiles, there are playgrounds, arbors, shops.

Finished the landscaping of the park at the end of summer. The tenants of the near houses were incredibly delighted by such a surprise, because it is much more beautiful than garages and a non-tempered territory.

The new park in the academic district of Moscow pleased local residentsbecause now the recreation area is a few steps from the house. Ratched park and lovers to run in the morning.

New attraction of academic district

The park covers a slice of just over 16 hectares, is not far from the endocrinological center. The park has several entrances, which greatly simplified the lives of residents of the district. Previously, they were forced to bypass this territory, and now the path to kindergarten, a shop or school can be reduced through the park.

The Park "Academic" was created, rather as the landmark and recreation area for residents of the district. It is unlikely that someone wants to go through the whole of Moscow to look at the hills and benches. But if you are passing, then you will definitely look. It is created according to the modern requirements of landscape design.

Fashion on the hills

The area on which the park is now located is very relief. This feature was made by the main highlight of the recreation area. Hills are covered with artificial rolled grass. This creates the effect of English lawns and makes the territory very neat. There are beautiful pedestrian walkways between the hills. In the evening and at night they are highlighted, which creates an indescribable romantic atmosphere.

How to get?

To see your own new recreational zone, you need to get to the station Park is on D. Ulyanova Street, so you can move directly on the sidewalk and turn before refueling right. You can immediately go towards school №199. If you go past the kindergarten, the museum of the Red Cross, then you will find yourself in the park.

Park Pergol and Arbor

The main attraction of the park can be considered main Square And a large semicircular pergola. Eleven pergol smaller, gazebos and shops are scattered across the park.

The Park "Academic" became a chopstick for adherents of active pastime. There was a sports and gaming zone. It includes a football field, horizontal skills, a basketball court and the newest treadmills. There are several sports fields, including for therapeutic physical education. For children, special zones are also assigned. One of them is decorated with designer models of chemical elements. Kids are where to jump and climb: on swing, slides and other attractions.

Advertising from Darwin

If you go through the main entrance, then you can see three monuments to dinosaurs. First comes the thought that it theme park Jurassic period, but no. This is an advertising move. It is likely that many children will be interested in these creatures, and to learn more about them, you can visit the Darwinian Museum, which is not far away.

Minor shortcomings

At the entrance to the park we see pointers, but they are directed not to where it is necessary. If the tourist trusts this information, then you have to wander around. Perhaps people who worked on the improvement of this zone did not know that where inattention was or were shown. Or the pointer touched the hand of the vandal.

Another minus is the neighborhood with the automotive dressing.

In the park scattered passing arbors. They are beautiful, wooden, painted by brown verse. They made a pleasant look at them, but it's not very comfortable to sit in them, because a path passes through the gazebo. Such a design of the gazebo puts in an awkward position and sitting, and walking.

The park is not only a place of entertainment, conversations, but also a way to retire, read the book, paint, enjoy nature. Apparently, the organizers did not think very thought out. Pergolas and benches are also located in the passing areas.

The tracks are winding, with smooth turns, very harmonious fit into the general atmosphere of the park. Since the terrain is hilly, then the designers were decided to emphasize these stairs and ramps that smoothly go into the paths. By the way, they are paved if someone worries that in the cold season, these sidewalks will be slippery, then it is not worth it. In case of water, this coating does not slide even in winter. This is an unconditional plus.

In some way, instead of the granite path, the paths are paved by bits of flat stones, the gaps are covered with rubble. It gives an even greater flavor of the park, but it's not convenient to go on such an authentic road, especially girls heels. But here are beautiful selfie.

Next door to the park is the snow-splash point, which also does not give him romanticity.

In general, the park "Academic" is beautiful, but from noise and bustle there will not be able to hide, but it's nice to walk and admire the fresh repair of the territory.

About the most important shortcomings

The park is beautiful, tidy. It was not simply created as a passing area with benches, there are sports grounds, specially equipped tracks for running, which implies a long stay of vacationers. However, there is not a single toilet in the entire fleet of 16 hectares. We hope that the Moscow Government will soon decide this problem, because the park is new and some nuances have not yet been completed.

The lack of stalls can be considered the second serious disadvantage of the Urban Park "Academic". Usually you want to drink coffee, eat ice cream or hot dog sitting on a bench. To do this, you will have to go to the "Chaycoffsky" store, which is located on the 60th anniversary of October, "Von Vakano" on Vavilov, the "Taste of Lotus" on Ulyanov or school canteen. There is one more option: Take with you sausages, bread and cucumber is a standard beach set of our grandparents.

Well, and, of course, the lack of covers. From the rain, not to hide in a gazebo, nor in Pergol. Trees are, but there are few of them. The park was opened in the fall, if the situation does not change until the next summer, then it will be possible to sunbathe here, for it will not be able to hide from the sun.


The park "Academic" in Moscow has already become the favorite place of residents of the district. It can not be called a full-fledged vacation spot, rather, a beautifully decorated passage area with benches and a sweatman for lovers of a dynamic recreation. The creators still have something to work on to create a full-fledged comfort zone.

Park "Academic" - A well-developed recreation area with a developed sports cluster and a large number of playgrounds, located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe same name in the south-west of Moscow.

The territory of the park boasts good sizes (16.5 hectares) and relief: thanks to a height of 2-3 meters, the park is divided into the upper and lower parts, between which stairs and ramps are built. To the relief looked even more alive, several artificial hills were poured in the park. Straight walking alleys and winding tracks are lined with black and white tiles, so that the chessboard is reminded; In addition to them, in the park there are a number of small paths laid out by stone or slumming granite crumbs. Wooden arbors and spectacular round pergolas are installed for holidays and passersby along Alley, as well as just small benches.

A distinctive feature of the park was the developed sports infrastructure: here you can find a treadmill with marking, football and basketball courts with tribunes, Vorkuut zone and a complex of street simulators. One of the sports grounds is designed specifically for the medical physical education. Not forgotten about children: in different parts of the park there are several large playgrounds suitable for children of different ages.


To emphasize the connection of the Academic Park with a nearby Darwinian Museum and, perhaps, to interest his little visitors with an acquaintance with the history of the Earth, the chief entrance to the park established the figures of two dinosaurs - Alorotitan and Ivanotosaurus - and Elasmothery.

Alorotan is a herbivorous waterproof dinosaur with a comb on a skull, reaching 12 meters long. Ivanotosavr - a predatory therapist ("Zemer-like reptile"), the length of which reached 6 meters; The name of this dinosaur in the literal sense means " IWana ANTonovich Lazer "- he was named after the Soviet paleontologist and science writer Ivan Efremov. Elasmoteries - the genus of rhinos, inhabited in the territory of Eurasia in the distant past; There is a hypothesis that they would have become a prototype of mythical unicorns.

As far as the ancient inhabitants of the planet are captured in the figures - it is not clear, but they obviously fell to visitors to the park and became one of his raisins: adults and children were eagerly photographed with them.

The academic park is completely new, it was landscaped in 2017 on the site of obsolete bases of the GBU "Housyncher", but now he will definitely become the center Academic Area: located between Fersman Streets, Dmitry Ulyanova and the 60th anniversary of October, he became the largest and most modern park of the district.

Conditions are created for fans of quiet and active rest, children and athletes. And to visit the park it was possible in the dark time of the day, the landscape lights and landscape lights are installed throughout its territory.

Park "Academic"located in the same area in the south-west of Moscow. You can get to it on foot from the metro station "Academic" Kaluga-Riga line.

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